Should Churches Overlook Sexual Sin in Relationships?
The conversation delves into the complexities of breakups, particularly when sin, especially sexual sin, is involved. It explores the emotional and spiritual ramifications of such relationships, the role of church discipline, and the possibility of maintaining unity within the church community post-breakup. The speakers discuss the challenges of forgiveness and the expectations of repentance, emphasizing the profound nature of intimacy and its consequences.
Breakups can be complicated by sin, especially sexual sin.
Counseling individuals in such situations requires sensitivity and understanding.
The societal view on virginity and sexual sin has changed significantly.
Church discipline is essential in addressing sin within relationships.
The emotional ties formed through intimacy can complicate post-breakup interactions.
Forgiveness and unity within the church are possible but challenging after a breakup.
The act of fornication is not trivial; it has profound implications.
Maintaining a relationship with the church post-breakup is possible with repentance.
The expectation of marriage should guide dating relationships.
Casual sex undermines the seriousness of the act and its consequences.
- 00:00
- Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
- 00:10
- Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
- 00:18
- Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ Christ, therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
- 00:27
- The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
- 00:33
- God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
- 00:48
- God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
- 01:01
- Father where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
- 01:15
- So what about speaking about the kind of going back to the unity aspect of this.
- 01:22
- We read a couple verses about we're supposed to be prioritizing that and reference some more.
- 01:28
- What about a situation where it's not just you broke up and it was a completely normal relationship outside of the breakup.
- 01:40
- What if that breakup involved some sort of sin on both people's part?
- 01:46
- Probably the most common thing would probably be some sort of sexual sin.
- 01:54
- For example, you have a guy and a girl dating in a church, they break up, but then they were sexually intimate with one another while they were dating.
- 02:07
- So you're essentially taking what you were talking about earlier, where people just get far too attached to one another, and then you're turning that dial all the way up as far as it goes when you're talking about that level of intimacy.
- 02:24
- So what do you do in that situation? How do you counsel someone or the two people that are in that situation where they're kind of looking at each other and saying,
- 02:34
- Hey, we were that close and now we're not anymore. I feel like I can't be around you anymore.
- 02:39
- How do you counsel that kind of person? It is difficult to give a one -size -fits -all kind of answer to that kind of question, particularly when you're living in the kind of society that we're living in, because there are some factors that are probably relevant for that topic in general.
- 02:57
- Meaning, under the Old Covenant, one of the relevant verses related to that topic is, if a man seduces a virgin and lies with her, there's an expectation that you get married, right?
- 03:08
- Sure. There's an expectation that you get married and that kind of thing, because you have changed the virgin's status, right?
- 03:15
- So you're not really living in a society right now that values virginity anymore, and there's almost an expectation that everyone is going to fornicate before marriage.
- 03:23
- And that expectation is based on the reality that almost everyone does, right? So in that kind of way, is the woman a virgin or not, right?
- 03:32
- So what kind of sexual sin is this? Is this like his 10th person that he has fornicated with and her 20th person, or his 20th person, her 10th person, whatever.
- 03:43
- I mean, that would change the nature of what the right thing to do in that moment might be for sure, right?
- 03:50
- And then you're not really living in a society that really has that as part of its civil code or moral code or anything else.
- 04:02
- So there's no bride price that is being paid for virgins and all that.
- 04:08
- And so, yeah, I think it's a more complicated kind of arrangement than what you might imagine.
- 04:17
- You know, pregnancy might introduce certain complications into it as well. I mean, there should obviously be some kind of church discipline process initiated.
- 04:26
- I'm not trying to say that. I mean, you know, presumably they could be repentant and it may not go to the third step or something.
- 04:33
- So I'm not trying to say that fornication should instantaneously go to the third step without, you know, with no hope of restoration or whatever else.
- 04:40
- But I mean, there should be some kind of oversight elders. Are the elders dealing with it in a godly way?
- 04:45
- Are they not dealing with it in a godly way, right? Is the church that's going to practice church discipline?
- 04:51
- Is the church that isn't going to practice church discipline who's responsible for this encounter?
- 04:56
- You know, so I think you can multiply complications at that point.
- 05:02
- So sin obviously complicates everything. And depending on how the situation is handled and the status of everyone involved and how willing everyone is to follow the
- 05:15
- Bible, it may be that, yeah, there's a departure that is unnecessary that has occurred as a result of sin, if that makes sense.
- 05:28
- But I mean, yeah, I think in a normal world, you're going back there, you know, in normal.
- 05:35
- Well, I don't know if it's probably more the normal situation than the opposite situation, you know, of a breakup or whatever, which is why everything is so difficult, you know, at that point.
- 05:44
- But I mean, you should be like the main point is you should be pursuing marriage in such a way that it's
- 05:50
- OK to stay at the same church for sure. Do you think like so imagine, you know, you're dealing with that kind of situation and it's kind of like the the whatever the
- 06:01
- I. Obviously, it's not an ideal situation to be in, but whatever the ideal scenario is in terms of, you know, everyone's response to.
- 06:11
- That situation, so meaning the, you know, the two people that were dating there, they recognize that they are they are both in sin.
- 06:20
- You know, they recognize that there needs to be repentance there. You know, the the church leaders are willing to follow the discipline, the church discipline process.
- 06:28
- They're willing to submit themselves to the the church discipline process. You know, whatever that ideal situation looks like in terms of the response to it.
- 06:38
- Do you think in that scenario it's possible to still for those two people who were dating, who were intimately involved, to still have, you know, come out, come out of the situation, having some sort of unity where they say, hey, look, we don't have to.
- 06:55
- We don't have to want, you know, one of us go. The other one stays or we both go something like that.
- 07:01
- I mean, we can both stay here, you know, and we've repented of whatever was going on. We've you know, we've we've moved on from one another maybe, but we can still be a part of the same church.
- 07:11
- Do you think that's possible or do you think that you've kind of gotten to a point where it's basically, you know, there's no there's just no fixing.
- 07:21
- There's there's no fixing it at this point. Yeah, I mean, I think part of the way that you answer a question like this is to consider the nature of the like the severity of what fornication actually is.
- 07:33
- You know, so X is 2216. If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride price for her and make her his wife.
- 07:41
- Like the idea is that, you know, what is marriage? It's a man leaving father and mother, holding fast to his wife to become one flesh.
- 07:47
- Right. So marriage is two becoming one flesh. So what you have in a scenario where two people are fornicating is you have a basically your people who are performing the act of consummation of a marriage.
- 08:02
- Right. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, obviously that's going to tie them together in a physical, tangible way.
- 08:08
- Like it's like when you you know, when a man lies with a prostitute, the
- 08:14
- New Testament says, right, he's making he's becoming one flesh with her. That's using the language of marriage.
- 08:20
- Right. So this is not a I would say that this really isn't a trivial act. So I don't necessarily have the expectation with that act that it's just like, you know, a handshake or something like that.
- 08:33
- Let's go separate ways and pretend like it never happened. Like it really is. It's this is you are unifying yourself in another person in a way that's like profoundly physical, spiritual.
- 08:45
- Right. So there's like a unity that has happened there that, yeah, like when you rip those two things apart, it's indistinguishable from ripping two married people apart.
- 08:55
- Yeah. Now, the only difference is one of time. Right. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does.
- 09:01
- Yeah. So people treat it as like a very casual act, you know, where you can just say, OK, we were wrong.
- 09:06
- Can we just move on? You know, kind of thing. I would say, well, no, it's not. This isn't a casual act.
- 09:12
- This is a, you know, a profound act that does unify two people.
- 09:18
- Because, I mean, this is an act that's intended to happen in the context of marriage. So, yeah,
- 09:23
- I mean, it's like the idea of casual sex is an oxymoron. Right. It's not casual.
- 09:29
- It's not casual. And there are entailments to it and everything else. So I wouldn't say that the, you know, if you're, let's say that woman's not a virgin, whatever, man has seduced her.
- 09:45
- Like you still have marry whom you will, marry in the Lord kind of stuff. I wouldn't say that instantaneously, therefore, then like the, like, you know, if they, if there's not a marriage that happens as a result of it, they decide that this was a sinful relationship.
- 10:01
- They don't want to go down this road, whatever. Like all that, like, I don't think that there's some demand that they must leave.
- 10:09
- One of them must leave or else it would be too awkward or something like that. At the same time, I, I do understand that this is like a divorce in a lot of ways due to the nature of what they've done.
- 10:20
- So, yeah, I, I could imagine how one of them would have through that act, so tied their emotions to this other person that it may be difficult to be around them all day long.
- 10:34
- But I mean, that's, you know, every single week, weekend and week out. So, you know, the idea that they would come away from that encounter, just having completely separated emotions is, you know, would probably indicate a different kind of failure.
- 10:49
- You know, where they're so desensitized to what they've done that, you know, I mean, I get, this is the 20th person in the line, you know, for both of them or something.
- 10:58
- Then I imagine at that point, then it really wasn't all that meaningful and they can maybe stick around, you know, that kind of thing.
- 11:04
- But I would imagine that if it, if it wasn't that, it may be very difficult. Yeah. So now that's to their utter failure that they need to leave.
- 11:13
- Right. Does that make sense? But it's more understandable in that situation for sure. But I mean, you should not be approaching marriage in such a way that you are getting yourself into those kinds of messes.
- 11:24
- And, you know, so like you're leaving your church because you're, you were so sinful to the point where you can no longer, like you put such a stumbling block in your way of faithfulness that now you have to leave or something like that.
- 11:35
- So that's, that's not ideal. And that would be, you know, a sad outcome for sure. Yeah. Okay.
- 11:40
- Well, fair enough. I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on. So thank you,
- 11:46
- Tim, for answering all my questions related to that. And yeah, certainly, you know, certainly a difficult topic to talk about from a lot of different angles, especially once you start involving, you know, sin in the relationship.
- 12:01
- And especially when it's, you know, sexual sin for all the reasons that you've spelled out.
- 12:06
- And probably even more that we haven't even had time to really touch on, you know, in a significant way.
- 12:13
- So thank you for answering all my questions related to that. We want to thank you guys for supporting us week in and week out.
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