We're All Conspiracy Theorists Now

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UFO disclosure happened....and many people missed it. Nobody believes the Epstein story. Why would you want to government to have more power, money and influence when they so often lie?


Well, hello there, I hope you're having a good Friday. This is the day that I think everyone was supposed to Naruto run on Area 51.
I think that's today. I think that's today. I should have looked that up before I started. Anyway, one thing
I noticed about the Naruto run is toddlers often just naturally do the
Naruto run. There might be something to this. My middle toddler, he
Naruto runs all the time. I never taught him to do it. He just does it. I don't think my first son did that.
Anyway, so if you are planning on storming Area 51, I wish you luck, Godspeed, all that kind of thing.
I suggest you probably not do that, but hey, it's your life, right?
But before I get started today, I wanted to just give a quick shout out, quick plug to Michael Foster.
Michael Foster is one of the guys that does the website. It's good to be a man. It is a fantastic website.
Oh, look, it says he's the managing director of it's good to be a man. There you go. Anyway, I always find a couple of nuggets of things that are just so helpful in his tweets and his blog posts, all kinds of stuff.
If you are a man, even if you're not a man, you could probably get some good stuff from this. I highly recommend it.
It's good to be a man. That's the name of the website. And Michael Foster is the managing director there.
Anyway, he had a quick Twitter thread that I wanted to just mention here because this is an interesting concept.
And I think it's very interesting. So he says, Twitter is a constant reminder that people cultivate ignorance.
It's willful. They don't want to understand because they need plausible deniability when they're called out for not living in step with the truth.
Thus, they suppress the truth so they don't have to change. And here's the example that he gives it.
This is something that let's just be honest. I mean, he has a couple of examples, but the first one really got me. We've seen this so many times.
He says one manifestation of suppression is claiming that an issue is complicated and using that as a grounds to avoid coming to a conclusion.
You'll see words like depends over and over again. Maybe it's complicated. Maybe it's not.
But the real tell is that they avoid forming a judgment. You see, this is so common.
It is so common because look, there are some things that are complicated and there are some things that depend like complicated depends.
These are not bad words. Nuance is a word I've made fun of very often because it's a weasel word. It's used as a weasel word anyway.
But I actually, I like the word nuance because there are some situations and some beliefs that are nuanced.
There's nothing wrong with nuance. There's only something wrong with nuance when you use it as a weasel word, when you use it to avoid taking a stand, you use it to avoid taking a position because the reality is oftentimes not taking a position on something is taking a position on something.
Not all the time, but oftentimes it is. Let me give you a perfect example. Let me give you a perfect example of an issue that is complicated, but you have to make a decision and you have to do it with not all the information out of necessity for most of us.
Let's just stop this. We're here. We go. The issue of vaccines, right? The issue of vaccines.
Now, some of us are scientists. Some of us are doctors, but very few of us are, right?
Let's just be honest about that. There are some doctors, there are some scientists, there are some people that have the mental faculties and capacities to understand all the research, all the papers, all the peer review studies and all this stuff.
There are people that have that kind of capacity, but that the number of those people is few.
Most of us who have children have to make a decision on vaccines, whether or not to vaccinate our kids with not all the information.
It's a complicated issue, right? It's complicated. People have studied and dedicated their entire lives to understanding this issue, to developing these vaccines and things like that.
People have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars in education to educate themselves on this issue.
Most of us have not. That's a complicated issue. That's a very complicated issue.
Not only that, but it also likely depends, which vaccine are we talking about? Are we talking about one of those
Tdap ones? Are we talking about the flu vaccine? It kind of depends what you want to do.
That kind of thing kind of depends on your child as well. These are complicated issues and they depend, but you have to decide.
You see what I'm saying? You have to make a decision and avoiding making a decision is still a decision.
Do you see what I'm saying? This is the reality. That's the reality of so many of our beliefs.
Yes, things are complicated sometimes. Yes, things are nuanced sometimes. Yes, things might depend sometimes, but you have to make a judgment.
You see, the reality is so many people, especially in this, I'm going to relate this to social justice.
So many people in this social justice thing are right now sitting on the sidelines. A lot of people are because they don't know what to make of it.
But I encourage you, I encourage you, don't let the complexity that you perceive in this thing, because a lot of this stuff, it might seem complex at first, but it really isn't because there's some basic biblical truths that are at play here.
Basic matters of our faith that are in play here. I try to break it down as basic as I can and often in my videos.
I think that that's one thing that I'm actually pretty good at, breaking it down to the simplicity of things. Hey, that's partiality, man.
You can't do that. Hey, that breaks the fifth commandment. No, you can't do that. That breaks the seventh commandment. You can't do that.
So here's the thing. Don't be like one of these because it's complicated. It's complicated.
And all these people I respect have this one issue and belief, and all the other people I respect have it.
Don't be a fence sitter. All right? Don't be a fence sitter. Anyway, he's got a couple other examples here.
I'm not going to go into them, but it's a very interesting thread. I definitely recommend you follow Michael Foster on Twitter and also check out his website.
It's good to be a man. Now, here's what the main part of this video is going to be about today. Look, we're all conspiracy theorists now.
We're all conspiracy theorists now. Things have happened in the last, call it three weeks, four weeks, maybe a little bit more that I think that have revealed that there are a lot more people out there that in years past would have been called the conspiracy theorists than there used to be.
The first thing that I want to talk about is this Jeffrey Epstein stuff. You notice how that story has kind of fallen off the radar a little bit?
This is a huge story, but they have not wanted you to talk about this. They have not wanted to really look into this too much.
They don't really care about his pedophile island and the connections with major leaders.
They don't really care about that stuff. Instead, they want to make up phony baloney stuff about Judge Kavanaugh.
You know what I mean? That's what they really care about, Judge Kavanaugh, these fake accusations and all that kind of stuff. No, no, no, no, no.
That's the, this Epstein stuff. No, no, no, no. Don't worry about that. Don't worry about kids being sex trafficked to his ridiculous island and Bill Clinton going there.
Don't worry about that. This is what I mean, though. Forget about all that stuff for a second. Jeffrey Epstein died in Manhattan in that jail, and nobody believes that he killed himself.
They told you he killed himself, and hardly anybody believes it. That's an exaggeration. I've said the statistic,
I've heard the statistic is about a third of people believe that story. That means two thirds of people have heard that story, that you were told by the mainstream media, have heard that story, but that you were told by government officials and said, nope, that didn't happen.
That didn't happen. And rightfully so, there's a tremendous amount of inconsistencies in that story.
The whole thing with the jail, they didn't really watch him. He had committed suicide. Actually, he didn't, he said he didn't.
His lawyers don't believe it. He said that somebody attacked him. Nobody really looked into it. The cameras all of a sudden just don't work.
All kinds of stuff, his neck is broken. That's usually more consistent with someone choking him out, things like that.
Nobody buys this story, right? Nobody buys the story that he committed suicide. We're all conspiracy theorists now.
We don't believe what the government said. We don't believe what the coroner said. We don't believe what the guards in the prison are saying.
We don't believe it, and rightfully so. Now, here's where, and that's not a conspiracy theory, by the way.
I'm just joking around with that term. Just not believing something that's unbelievable is not a conspiracy theorist.
That's not what a conspiracy theorist does. A conspiracy theorist says, I don't believe this story, and here's what actually happened.
They used a body double to get him out of there so he can go back to his pedophile island. That's a conspiracy theory.
There's no evidence of that. There's no evidence of that. See, here's the thing. There's a guy I follow on YouTube, and this is what he always says.
I don't have to tell you what happened. This is your story. I just don't believe it.
I don't believe the official story. It's ridiculous and unbelievable, so that's why
I don't believe it. You tell me what happened. It's not my story. It's your story, right?
I don't know what happened to Jeffrey Epstein, but I'll tell you what. I do not believe he committed suicide, and most of you out there also don't believe that he committed suicide.
So we're all conspiracy theorists now, but I wanna divert your attention to this. This is something that I've talked about before on my
YouTube channel and also on my Fight, Laugh, Feast Club channel. Look, I realize every time
I talk about this, people will say, you know, people are gonna, you know, a certain percentage of people are gonna be like, oh,
Adam's gone crazy. He's just a crazy conspiracy theorist. Look, here's the reality, guys. This is not my story.
I don't have to tell you what these things are. I don't have to tell you what these things are, but I just want you to know that we're all conspiracy theorists now.
This is an article from the Fox News website. It says, UFOs videos are footage of real unidentified objects, the
U .S. Eight Navy acknowledges. Let me just read a little bit of this. It says, for the first time, the
U .S. Navy has acknowledged that the three UFO videos that were released by former Blink -182 singer
Tom DeLonge and published by the New York Times are of real unidentified objects.
Quote, the Navy considers the phenomena contained in those three videos as unidentified. Navy spokesperson
Joseph Gratischer told Black Vault, a website dedicated to declassified government documents.
Gratischer added that the unidentified aerial phenomena terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings, observations of unidentified and unauthorized aircraft that have been observed entering and operating in the airspace of various military -controlled training ranges.
That statement has been corroborated with other media outlets. Fox News has reached out to the Navy for additional comments to the story.
So this is remarkable. Like, if you don't understand how remarkable this is, this is a tremendous admission.
Because here's the thing, this is not my story. I've said this many times. I don't know what a
UFO is. I don't know what they are. But I do know that it's a real phenomenon. Is it in someone's mind?
Is it just something that they're seeing and nobody else is seeing? Doesn't seem that way because of the evidence. We've got these videos.
I think unidentified flying objects, unidentified aerial phenomenon, I mean, there's no question that it's a real phenomenon.
It's real. What is it? I have no idea. You see, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and most people aren't.
Most people will say, that's interesting. That's there, it's really there. But we don't know what it is.
Is it demons? Is it aliens? Is it human craft that we have not been privy to the existence of?
All of those seem to have certain things about them that make sense and things like, but it's not my story.
But you see, here's the part where I say we're all conspiracy theorists now. What does this mean that the
Navy says, yeah, this is real, and we research it, and we've taken videos of it, and we've thought about it, and we spent money on researching this
UFO phenomenon? What this means is that your government, we all know that this happens, but this is an admission.
The government has lied to you for decades, for decades.
Because, you know, go back 10 years, right? Go back 10 years.
If you come out and say, oh, I believe in UFOs, what do you get called? You get called crazy. You get called a lunatic.
The media mocks you. The government mocks you. Oh, no, that's just a weather balloon. No, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's just, those are just flares.
Those are just flares. And all that time, they knew that was a lie.
They researched this. They take it seriously. They are completely unidentified. That's what that means.
So when they say it's a weather balloon, but really it's unidentified, that's them lying to you.
I don't know why they're lying to you. I'll let you decide why they're lying to you, but definitively, this story has told us that they are lying to you.
They've been lying for a long time. So what else are they keeping from you? You see, again,
I don't know why that they're keeping this stuff from us. I don't know why. Here's the thing, and this is the thing, too.
Again, I wanna stress, I don't know what these things are. Maybe they do know what these things are, and now they're lying by saying they're unidentified.
Maybe they've invented these things, and now they're lying by saying they're identified. I don't know, but they're lying.
Maybe they don't know what they are. Maybe they don't know what they are, and they think it could be an enemy craft or whatever.
It doesn't matter. They're lying to you about this. We're all conspiracy theorists now because they're admitting it.
They're admitting that it's not crazy to believe that the government studies
UFOs because they absolutely do. This is a, this is a, this is what
I'm talking about. So going down a little bit further in the article, John Greenwald, who publishes the Black Vault, told
Motherboard that he was surprised at the language the Navy used in its official statement. Quote, I very much expected that when the
US military addressed the videos that they would coincide with the language we see in official documents that have now been released, and they would label them as drones or balloons.
However, they did not. They went on record stating that the phenomenon depicted in these videos is unidentified.
That really made me surprised, intrigued, excited, and motivated to move harder for the truth.
This is the reality, guys. Like, it doesn't matter what way you slice it, and it doesn't matter where you fall on the existence of UFOs.
Either they exist or they don't. I mean, that's obvious. They either exist or they don't exist.
But either way, no matter what opinion you have, the military has lied or is currently lying.
And so that's the thing, guys. So we're all conspiracy theorists now, and I want you to remember this, because it can't just be that the government's lying to you when you disagree with what they're saying.
You have to keep in mind that there's probably a lot of things that you believe that the government is doing that they're actually lying about.
There's a lot of things that you actually agree with in the government that the government is actually lying about. Because here's the thing, if they're gonna lie to us about something as stupid and silly as a
UFO, what serious things are they lying to us about? So we're all conspiracy theorists now.
We're all conspiracy theorists now. And so I want you to take that skepticism and make sure that before you go assigning the government extra duties and extra power and extra money and extra taxes and stuff like that, that you remember that they have been lying to you about UFOs for decades.
Chances are they're lying to you about Jeffrey Epstein and his porn pedophile island. What else are they gonna lie about?
I mean, these are serious things. What else are they gonna lie to you about? Anyway, I hope this is helpful.
God bless. You know, the other thing to consider about this whole situation is, is why now?
You know what I mean? Like, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the government has been lying about the
UFO issue. Either they used to be lying or they're lying now. But the question is, what advantage does it give them to either start lying now or to reveal the lie now?
What's the timing got to do with this? And see, again, I don't know why, but it certainly seems to me that this kind of admission would be used to their advantage.
There's just no reason not to. There's no reason not to do this. I mean, they've thought about this. You have to understand that they had meetings about whether or not to address this.
And then if they did, how to address it and all of that kind of stuff. This has been talked about and planned and strategized probably for a very long time.
And so why is it? I mean, most people would say probably for distraction, right, that something's gonna happen and they want you to be distracted and to think about UFOs.
I don't know. I don't know why. Is it to troll the Naruto run that we mentioned earlier?
I don't know, but there's a reason. And so that's another thing to think about. Why now?
Why is the Navy admitting this now? However, wherever you fall on this, whether you think they're really unidentified or you think that they're lying about them being unidentified, what advantage does it give them to do this now?
I don't know, but it's worth thinking about. And again, it is worth being suspicious of the government that has openly lied to you so often.
And this isn't the first documented lie that we have from the government. There's tons of them. And a lot of them used to be called conspiracy theories, but they're actually true.
And so you look, this is the reality. We're all conspiracy theorists now, just a matter of which ones do you chase after with all your heart and which ones are you just a little bit suspicious about that kind of thing.