My Thoughts on the State of our Culture and the 2016 Election Part 1


Finally had the "talk" I've been mentioning for a while. I have been asked, repeatedly, about my views on the election, voting, and all the controversy swirling around evangelicals and Donald Trump. So, having finished up the sola scriptura series, it seemed appropriate, as I will be out of town for nearly three weeks, to "have the talk." About 80% of the way through the feeding PC froze solid, so we had to stop and reset so look for part 2 at . NSA? Black helicopters? Russian hackers working for Trump? Or just Windoze? Probably the latter, but who knows? Gave me a chance to take a short break anyway! Hope the discussion is useful.

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My Thoughts on the State of our Culture and the 2016 Election Part 2

My Thoughts on the State of our Culture and the 2016 Election Part 2

And greetings, welcome to The Dividing Line. It is Thursday 5 p .m.
Eastern Daylight Time, but most of you don't listen live anyways, some of you do, but others catch it on podcast and download the video to watch a different time, whatever it is,
I always see people talking about catching up on The Dividing Line, but welcome. Before we get started,
I posted a video yesterday in response to Ijaz Ahmed on the subject of textual criticism, and I think it's a very important subject, very important issue regarding, well, a textual variant in John 9, and then a really interesting theory about originals in John 2028, which
I'd never seen before, but anyway, got a lot of positive comments on it, but Ijaz has actually responded to it, but when he wrote to me about it, he told me that he's hospitalized and I'm just like, you know what, we can really hold off on this till you're feeling better.
I think that would be much, that'd be best for everybody. So that's what
I'd like to do, and I would like to ask the audience to pray for Ijaz.
He has, I don't know the nature of his health issues, he hasn't shared that with me, but they seem to be either very serious or very regular, or both.
So, obviously, our real desire is for people like Ijaz and the the two abus that I responded to last week, all of our
Muslim friends to come to know the love of Christ and to come to have peace with God through him, and so we often get, you know, we must respond to things when people speak against the the
New Testament Scriptures, against the gospel. We need to respond, but we do not respond, we cannot respond with hatred in our hearts, and too often it appears that that is what we are doing when we speak strongly to issues, to matters of truth and factuality, logic, whatever it might be.
But we always must do so with a true compassion in our hearts and a desire that those to whom we're speaking come to know the truth and come to experience
God's love and redemption in Jesus Christ. And so please pray for Ijaz that he would be lifted up and that he would likewise experience the greatest blessing that we could ever desire for anyone, and that would be to come to know the love of God in the face of Jesus Christ, and that is our greatest hope and desire.
So if you're following that, we'll wait and see when
Ijaz is feeling better. We certainly hope that that's going to happen, and then we can pick up from there.
I think it is a very important, important issue. So it's time for the talk.
Rich is biting his fingernails off in the other room. He's had to, I've had to actually tape his hands down to the desk with,
I tried regular tape, but I had to use Gorilla Tape. If you know what that stuff is, it's very, very strong, very, very good, because he's scared to death.
But I've been asked over and over and over again about what's going on in 2016 in the
United States. It's amazing. Have you noticed how many people outside the United States are following this?
I see comments from from David down in in Australia, Bill Muellenberg down in Australia, and obviously what happens in the
United States has great impact around the world. Somewhat of a bellwether nation.
I'll be honest with you. I don't think that's going to last very long. I see tremendous decline in the influence of the
United States. Obviously Russia under Putin, China are on the ascendancy, and I as I look at our the next generation being triggered and needing safe spaces, a nation of people who are triggered and need safe spaces is not going to be leading the is not even going to stay in the free world.
People like that are far too easily enslaved because they will trade liberty, which is based upon responsibility and maturity, for a feeling of safety and comfort.
And that's exactly what's going on in our in our culture. So anyway, a lot of people overseas very interested have been asking, you know, when are you going to address these things?
Well, look, I'm an apologist first of all. Secondly, I do not claim to have, for example, the insights of and the the breadth of reading of a
Albert Moeller in these areas. Obviously, I've been very influenced by him, but I've come to my own conclusions.
And obviously there is a tremendous ratcheting up of the temperature of the conversation and discussion right now.
What you believe about what how consistently you attempt to live in light of a
Christian worldview, what your eschatology is, yeah, believe it or not, what your eschatology is, has a lot to do with the both the filter as well as the, you know, in pictures you have what's called temperature.
How you see things, how you're going to interpret things, so much of that is determined by a lot of your theology and a lot of your eschatology and your view of what
God's accomplishing and that that's very important to these things as well.
So I want to start off with a video that I linked to yesterday.
I don't know. I'll just... Did you have it ready to go? Did you ever think you'd be playing something like this?
No. Here's a guy that I've... This guy was was fleecing the flock when
I was in high school. I remember driving my 1972
Buick LeSabre. It was sort of beat up. I got 12 miles to the gallon when it was tuned up.
It had fresh spark plugs. V8 350. You remember that thing.
Didn't we have to take it out in the desert and shoot it, try to put it down? You wanted to? Starting middle of my sophomore year,
I had a long commute to high school, thanks to all sorts of stuff I won't get into right now, but I drove that thing and once in a while I'd turn on that Christian radio station and normally in the morning
I'd run into this guy, and he's still out there fleecing the flock today. Let's let's listen for a moment to Kenneth Copeland.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was listening to Kenneth Copeland. You sit right where you are. Don't you turn that off saying, well,
I ain't gonna vote anyway. You're gonna be held seriously, seriously to account by God.
If you don't vote and you're gonna find that out before this broadcast is over, you're gonna be guilty of murder.
You're gonna be guilty of an abomination of God. You're gonna be guilty for every baby that's aborted from this election forward.
And so you don't cut out on me right now in the name of Jesus. That's right.
Amen. I forgive you, sweetheart, but you just stay right there where you are and hear us out. Now think about this.
Well, what are we gonna do? This country's going down the tube. No, it isn't. I mean, we could have another eight years of Hillary Clinton and the worst mess that anybody could make out of a nation.
Let me, may I just share some, just a word with you. I just got in prayer just a few days ago.
The Lord said, I know my way around with politicians. I've been dealing with them since Nimrod.
Oh my. And he said, I've never failed yet. He dealt with Pharaoh.
He jerked the slack out of him. He, listen, this is God's nation and nobody is gonna take it away from him.
That's right. Now, I want to get that clear right now in the name of Jesus, no man, no woman, no
Democrat, no Republican, no socialist, no communist can take this nation away from God.
Hallelujah. Now, I don't know what it is about that you can't understand, but I'm telling you right now,
God Almighty is head of this nation, not people.
Jesus of Nazareth is Lord over the United States. Yes, well, you got the right -wing watch.
I'm sure they're watching us too. There's Kenneth Copeland. And you know what? Ironically, though,
I think we mean it in very different ways. The only thing I absolutely agree, Jesus Christ is
Lord over every nation. I fully believe that. Jesus Christ was
Lord over the Caesars and then he destroyed Rome. And every nation that we go visit the ruins of their grandeur,
Jesus was Lord over them too. And he brought them to naught. He raises up and he destroys.
That's the message of scripture. He is Lord over all of that. I agree a thousand percent. And there isn't any question about that.
But what I am seeing a lot of, what I'm seeing a lot of, and it's becoming a drumbeat, and it may be just because of who
I follow on Facebook and stuff. I don't know. But the drumbeat is, look, it is absolutely necessary that you believe in a certain fashion and vote in a certain way in this election, or you heard him say it, you will be guilty of every single abortion that takes place from the election of Hillary Clinton on.
And I just sit here and go, really? I would love to see the logic laid out for that.
I'd like to see how someone could substantiate this. Let's start with a few things that I think are important and foundational.
Let me first start by saying there are men in my own fellowship who utterly disagree with me and what
I'm going to be saying. That's fine. I'm not telling anybody what they must believe.
I simply am answering a question that has been asked of me over and over again, in light of what you believe about the
Christian worldview and consistency and application, where are you coming down in all of this?
There are going to be people who are going to disagree with me. That's fine. I have no desire to debate. This is not an issue that I would debate about.
I'm just letting you know where I am. It's almost like debating eschatology because, man,
I'm going to tell you something, the emotions and everything else are so thick right now that I don't know that I can communicate with almost anybody.
I have read this quote many times before, but I'm going to read it again for those of you who haven't heard it.
Many years ago, one of the founding fathers of this nation, John Adams, wrote a letter, and I'm going to read a little bit more of the context than I normally do.
While our country remains untamed with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world, while she continues sincere and incapable of insidious and impious policy, we shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence.
But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practicing iniquity and extravagance, and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world.
Because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and religion.
Avarice, ambition, revenge, and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our
Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
This was Letter to the Officers, the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, October 11th, 1798, available in Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of General William Hull, New York, 1848, pages 265 to 266, if you'd like to look it up.
I believe that no matter what else John Adams' failings might be, that his insight at this point was spot on.
The form of the Constitution is based upon a worldview that recognizes the need to disperse power.
Why? Because it recognizes the inherent evil of man. It was a
Christian worldview. It may not have been a completely orthodox, straight down, straddle the
Westminster Confession of Faith type thing, but the founders recognized the need for balance and the dispersion of power because when it's centralized, then it corrupts.
Their view of man was fundamentally different than the view of man that has now become the dogma of the secular revolution that has taken place over the past number of decades and is now rushing to its conclusion in our day.
As such, I truly believe that this experiment with liberty has come to its end.
The Constitution assumed, for example, that the judiciary would have a worldview whereby the intention of the framers themselves would be the guiding principle in understanding the
Constitution and interpreting the cases brought before it. You and I both know that's no longer the case.
Last year, even with Antonin Scalia on the bench, we had decisions such as the
Obamacare decision where the law says X, but we're going to assume they actually meant Y.
Words have no meaning anymore. Obviously, one word,
Obergefell. The reasoning that went into the
Obergefell decision, when you read it, is childish. It's infantile.
It's for the children. It's emotional. It is arrogant, childish, immature, all those things.
But that's what you get from the ideologues who are on the
Supreme Court. That was pointed out by the minority, but they were the minority even then.
Once the Constitution, its very words no longer have meaning, it's just a matter of time until Barack Obama does what he said he was going to do, bring fundamental change.
That fundamental change is revolutionary. It truly is. I start from that recognition.
Many of my brothers and sisters start from a completely different position.
They start from the idea that, no, no, you're just being too negative. We've got to do this, we can take this back, we can take that back.
I sit back and I go, no, wait a minute, wait a minute. Look at the next generation. Look at the millennials.
How many of them are now thoroughly secularized? They emote rather than think.
They have no concept of history. They do not realize that socialism is what we were fighting only a few generations ago.
Now they're voting for them. They don't know anything about what socialism did in Europe and still does.
They don't care about history. The law schools in our land, almost every single one of them, thoroughly and completely secularized.
There are people lining up to present before the new court constitutional theories, which is a nice way of saying this is how we'll overthrow the form of government that has existed for two centuries in the
United States. We are going to, because we don't have to worry about the meaning of words anymore. And so the constitution, just like in liberal theology, where the
Bible becomes just this grab bag of words that you can string together in new ways. Yeah, you can have the constitution as well.
That's the next generation of jurists as well. And that's what's coming. Don't you realize if you don't realize what has happened, then you're thinking you're fighting rear guard action, but there's a tsunami of secularism and utter worldview disconnect coming right at you.
And I've likened it to donning the diving suit and going down and patching the hull on the sunken ship.
It's already down there. Patching the hull isn't going to accomplish anything. There has been a fundamental revolution of worldview that I think a lot of my brothers and sisters just have not yet really fully recognized has taken place.
They're still living in the past that, well, if we can just get together enough people and we can do this and we can get some good conservatives on that court.
Well, okay. We'll get to that one a little bit later on. So that's where I'm starting from, is that there has been, in my opinion, because of the great blessings of God upon the
United States, and there were great blessings, there has been a withdrawing of the hand of restraint.
Our land is filled with bloodshed, violence, greed, with every type of sexual sin.
And now we've gone to the point where we are so brazen in our rebellion against God that we are calling what he calls evil, good, and what he calls good, evil.
The Obergefell decision, the promotion by the
United States government, even overseas, spending millions and millions of our hard -earned dollars to promote homosexuality, the profaning of marriage, transgenderism, which is rebellion against God.
Nothing more than rebellion against God. It is idolatry in its purest form, saying that God does not determine what a person's reality is.
They do. They get to determine that. They are autonomous. They're not under God's authority.
This nation is under God's judgment.
And as I look at the presidential election, I see that.
I see two candidates, neither one of which I believe to be qualified to be a librarian in the local public library, let alone president of the
United States. Hillary Clinton, as far as I can tell.
My goodness, I read a book this past summer about the Clinton years in the White House written by a
Secret Service agent. And Bill Clinton turned the White House into a brothel. This Secret Service agent found him in sexual positions all over the place, including on the desk in the
Oval Office with a senator's daughter. It was Sodom and Gomorrah, debauchery.
And what was very clear was that Hillary Clinton is able,
I'm sure, you know what, I bet you she could out -swear Donald Trump. Now, that would be an interesting debate.
It would have about as much relevance to national policy as everything else we've had so far. Let's see who can swear a better blue streak.
I think she'd probably win. I really do. She's a much better speaker than he is. So he'd get stuck at huge somewhere along the line, and that would be it.
He'd just repeat himself over and over again. I recognize that Hillary Clinton is a judgment upon the
United States. She is the high priestess of Mulloch. In other words, there is nothing that planned infanticide says.
They sometimes call themselves Planned Parenthood, but we know what they really are. There is nothing that planned infanticide says that she will not promote.
She is radically pro -death, both at the beginning and end of life.
Now, I think she is so out of money and convenience. I do not see her as an ideological zealot because she was late to the gay marriage party in the whole nine yards.
But hey, she knows which way the wind's blowing, and she sees the moral revolution and which way tsunami's rolling.
So she's riding the wave because she is the consummate corrupt politician. Corrupt on every level that I can see.
I realize on Supreme Court nominees and everything else, absolute disaster.
She is a socialist, secularist disaster. Utterly unqualified to be president of the
United States. Totally. I get that. I see it. My friends say, she has to be stopped.
Well, I happen to think that the current president's totally unqualified to be president too. And as a result, look at what's happened with his policies, standing against Christian values, standing against what's important to the flourishing, again, from a
Christian worldview, the flourishing of any nation. Sin is a blight on any nation.
And yet, Barack Obama has promoted a rebellion against God.
That is a fact. And so let's start with the reality that I recognize socialism when
I see it. I recognize secularism when I see it. I know that a
Clinton presidency is only going to accelerate what we're seeing right now.
I just see even today, how many of the Prager University videos were put on restricted access by YouTube.
That's just the start. They're moving in that direction. Why? Because the worldview they promote.
And she represents this movement of totalitarianism. These people want to use the force of government to silence any other worldview because they don't want to be triggered.
They can't debate worldview. They can't engage in meaningful, because that requires the use of the mind rather than emotions.
And so since emotions are the most important thing, totalitarianism, it's already amongst us.
There are already many totalitarians that reject religious liberties. And yep, by the time people figure out, hey, wait a minute,
I didn't really care too much if they took all those Christians' religious liberties, now they're taking my liberties. Now it's too late because we don't look back at history.
There's many, I think, fruitful parallels here, dangerous parallels between the end of the
Weimar Republic. Now, of course, I say that and I'll be perfectly honest with you, six, seven, eight maybe of the
American public would guess correctly as to what the
Weimar Republic was, let alone get it in the right century. But there was a time not too long ago when there was something called the
Weimar Republic and it was riddled with every type of corruption and failure and the people that it ruled over decided enough is enough, we're going to try a new way, we're going to go a different direction.
You've had your chance, we're going to risk it. And the Weimar Republic fell to the
National Socialists, also known as the Nazis and hence the rise of Adolf Hitler.
And I think there are some dangerous parallels in the minds of some today. So do not believe for a second that I naively think that all is just going to continue on with the election of Hillary Clinton.
I have been saying for a long, long time, we're going to be pushed into the Christian ghetto and then remember what the
Germans did to the ghettos in Poland. That's what's coming unless God mercifully intervenes in whatever way that he would do so.
Most nations that are crumbling from forces outside don't have time to be focused upon the persecution of people inside.
Think about that one for a second. I would not be shocked or surprised to see this nation in pieces.
What I mean in pieces, carved up amongst our enemies in the not too distant future.
I really would not. I hate to say that, but that's just simply, that would be justice.
Biblically, we have so much blood on our hands from the murder of unborn children and from the profaning of everything that's good that God has given to us.
How can anyone say that that would not be justice? I don't understand. Give me a biblical argument for that.
Well, we're not as bad as somebody else. So what? God can bring his judgment to bear upon any nation when he chooses to.
And if he chooses to rightly punish this nation for their sins while not punishing this nation for equal sins until a later point, that's up to him.
We don't get to say, oh no, it has to be right at the same time. We don't get that. The Bible does not show us that that is a pattern that God has committed himself to.
Justice will be done, but he will do it for his purposes at his time. So I obviously cannot in any way, shape, or form even begin to visualize any scenario where I could ever with conscience vote for someone like Hillary Clinton.
I couldn't do it. She stands for everything that is destructive to this nation and to any nation that would seek to have
God's blessing. No nation that elects Hillary Clinton as president can then say, God bless us.
Can't do it. Because you're electing someone who hates godliness and promotes ungodliness.
That's a fact. So because of this,
I am told, Kenneth Copeland tells me, and I link to some, I didn't even recognize the guy.
I guess he's some charismatic dude. Because he was talking about words from the Lord about Donald Trump is the
Lord's anointed and all the rest of this kind of fun stuff. So I'm told that, look, it is your
Christian duty to keep Hillary Clinton from being elected. At what cost?
Because a year ago, as the primary season started really kicking in and the election really started, it seems like a lifetime ago to be honest with you.
But I tried at that time to understand my fellow believers who were early passengers on the
Trump train. Because, look, I have felt the character is vitally important from the very start.
And when I listen to Donald Trump speak, let's approach this on two levels.
First of all, I know a little something about debate. Just a little something about it.
When I listen to my opponents, when
I listen to people asking him questions in debate, in interviews,
I am shocked that more people don't just sit there and go, does he have any idea what he's talking about?
I see no formed worldview, which makes sense given his history.
I'm told now, well, he's changed all that. Okay. Why? Upon what foundations?
Upon what basis? I see no evidence. I see no evidence the man's ever read the
Constitution of the United States, let alone anything about it. But what's more than that,
I don't see any evidence the man's read any books other than on business for the majority of his adult life.
I see no meaningful grasp of history, worldview issues, ethics, morality, no ability to reason, to formulate meaningful responses.
When I listen to the man talk, I am absolutely repulsed as a debater. They are non -answers.
They are meant to appeal again to emotion, just like the left. That's what really bugs me is that the secular socialists, they know how to massage the emotions.
He's not even good at that, but he still does it just in a clumsy fashion. But there's no reasoning, there's no thought, there's no depth.
Long time ago, I started using the term demagogue, someone who is appealing to the people and the people's emotions rather than reasoning and thinking and showing any type of formulated ability to bring serious answers to the questions.
Most of the time, your answer is, I'm just going to get the best people to do that. Okay, well, there are some people that got on that train early on.
And look, I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Democrat. I am an independent. And so here in Arizona, you know, people went to the polls and you look at,
I just have to wonder. Now, I realize that the media is 1000 % in the tank.
They're grossly prejudiced. If there was a way to sue for media malpractice, the whole lot of them would be in court constantly.
There's not even a pretense any longer at doing any serious investigation or being balanced.
Nobody, nobody. It's a joke to talk about journalism today.
There's just nobody left. I get that. And so whoever was running against Clinton was going to be treated unfairly.
But man, think about for just a second. Do you really think that that last town hall thing where the most important thing that came out of that was the bad lip reading video, which was really, really good?
I mean, that was honestly the best thing that came out of it. Do you think it would have been like that with Carly Fiorina as the
Republican nominee? I would have paid money to watch that. But think about the level difference that would have existed with pretty much any one of the other nominees, any one of them.
Now, the media wouldn't have enjoyed it because it would have been all policy stuff and going back and forth on things like that.
And this was more like a Ollie Frazier fight. Actually, it's a little bit, this election is much more like, what's the guy from Cincinnati with that?
Yeah, this is the Jerry Springer election and they love it. Jerry Springer's got great, great, great ratings.
And we've got Jerry Springer running the elections. And it wouldn't have been like that with the Ted Cruz, the
Carly Fiorina, any of these folks, Marco Rubio. That's not what this would have been like.
We tried to say, I've got a video. Not a video,
I'm sorry. Here we go. Okay, we've got to play around with this thing again.
Is that what it is? No, here we go. You got it? Yep. Remember this picture?
This is Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife. He looks like someone is stabbing him in his knee.
But I remember putting this, actually, it was a different picture. It was just him alone.
I just couldn't find it real quick. But here's old Donald on the cover of Playboy magazine.
And there was a picture before of Donald doing the thumbs up by himself next to that very picture from the
Playboy magazine. Go ahead and take that down. Yes, I agree. I put that up during the primaries and I asked my fellow
Christians, I said, what are you thinking? Oh, he's changed.
What's your evidence? Could you show me some evidence? Serious, reasoned evidence that a man who has lied to multiple women when he said, till death do us part.
He's broken his covenants in the most intimate relationships of life.
He's written a book bragging about seducing married women and destroying other people's covenantal relationships.
And he has not repented of these things. I think there's going to be more that comes out over the next three weeks.
I think they, I know this is a setup. They've had this stuff for ages. I know, I get it.
It's a corrupt media, but they're not having to make anything up. There's more out there because the man's a moral pygmy.
And we knew it. And from a Christian perspective, how could, how can you sit there and say, we missed this?
We didn't miss this. We knew exactly what we were getting. And many of us tried to warn everybody.
It's not surprising. He is what he is. That audio that came out, why would anyone be shocked at that?
It's disgusting. It shows he is a debauched unregenerate man who is controlled by his sex hormones, but he's on the cover of Playboy for crying out loud.
What was a shock about that? Who was really surprised? I wasn't. I wasn't.
And so what we're being told is yeah, yeah, yeah. But he'll just blow things up in Washington.
Well, that's nice. That's nice. I guess if your ultimate desire is to blow things up in Washington, okay.
But let's get to the real issue. Let's get to the real issue. The big argument that's out there, that's been thrown at me over and over again.
And I had a little, I started to have a little back and forth. That's why I decided I needed to do this. I had a little back and forth in the comment box.
You know how I feel about comment boxes. With Dr. Robert Gagnon, now I have all the respect in the world for Bob Gagnon.
I really do. I so appreciate the work that he's done. I am more conservative than Bob Gagnon is.
I think he'd say that. I mean, PCUSA is to my left. Even the conservatives in the PCUSA are to my left.
But I really respect the man. But right now, there's at least two articles a day on his
Facebook feed saying I'm wrong. Not by me by name, but he did interact with me a little bit in my
Facebook feed when I wrote those eight little things Saturday night,
I think. It really sort of went viral. And the big argument is real simple.
The big argument is the Supreme Court. Now, let's start off with one thing.
That's not the way it should be, is it? The very fact that the constituency of the
Supreme Court now determines the course of the nation, that's not what the framers wanted. That means this system is fundamentally broken at its core.
All right, let's keep that in mind. So, okay, we've got a broken system, but it's the best we've got.
So we've got to deal with it. So we've got to get conservatives on that. All right. Will Hillary Clinton put anyone but abject leftist communists on the court?
No, she won't. I realize that. And the court will be lost forever at that point. I personally think it already is.
I think the system's broken. And I don't think the result of this is going to change that. But let's go with the, nope, there's still a chance.
We can stem the tide if we get Donald Trump in and he puts the right people on the court.
And he's promised to do it. Yeah. And he promised not to mess around with a bunch of other women too, didn't he?
Could someone please, please give me some reason.
And I mean the word reason as in having used reason to arrive at this conclusion.
Some reason to believe that Donald Trump will do anything that Donald Trump says
Donald Trump will do. He is a covenant breaker at his core.
He doesn't care about the covenants that others have made because he will seduce married women.
What in this man's life gives you the first reason to believe that if he were by some miracle, and that's what it would take right now, to become president of the
United States, first of all, he doesn't care about down race elections. So if you don't any longer have a
Republican Senate, he can't do anything with the court because the socialists recognize that their only way to finish the destruction that they have begun is through control of the judiciary.
That's how they've gotten Obergefell and everything else. Do you remember
Bork? Most people don't, do they? But that was the first clear indication that the left had already come to conclusion, this is our route.
This is where we must go. And so if he doesn't have control of the
Senate, he will cut a deal because he's a deal maker.
And he will recognize that he needs political capital. And so he's going to be glad handing and shaking hands and compromising left and right because that's his worldview.
Could someone tell me why you think he won't do that? Something, give me some reason.
The fact of the matter is out of desperation, you're just hoping against hope because you know what
Clinton's going to do. So it's like, well, yeah, but it's all we've got.
Yeah, it's all we've got, but you don't have any reason to believe for a second that this man, think about Bork for a second.
Think of the absolute massive investment of political capital it would require on Trump's part to get even one semi -decent justice, let alone three or four on the court.
It's huge, absolutely huge. And even then you're talking about an abject stop gap measure.
That's all it is. It's a rear guard action. You're not advancing anything. You're just stemming the tide just a little bit for a little while until some other conservative croaks.
And I realize it's primarily the liberals that are ready to croak, retire.
But the fact of the matter is we already have four abject ideologues who could care less what the constitution says sitting there already, and two others that ain't very strong, ain't very strong at all.
So what is the basis? As I listen to this man speak, he has no meaningful worldview.
He has no meaningful knowledge. He has no meaningful study. He is a rich pampered playboy who's playing at politics.
And when he loses, and I think he's going to, he gets to go back and man alive, he has gotten advertisement like who knows what for his brand.
It makes me wonder if that's what he didn't want to do from the beginning. What in his history is causing you to think, here's our savior.
He's going to get the right people in there. And I just go, really? You trust this man like his first wives did, right?
You trust him. I don't trust him. I can't see how anybody can.
Now, there's been a lot of discussion about the utter decimation of the moral and ethical voice of evangelicalism in our nation as a result of this election.
I think back to the Clinton impeachment and what happened there, the corruption of the system that already existed, the reality that if you're a
Clinton, there are no laws for you. If your last name is
Clinton, you can pretty much do what you want in this country. That has been proven. That was proven in regards to the emails and all sorts of stuff like that.
And it happened with Bill Clinton too. But back then, there was a general, united,
I know the liberals were off doing their things. Go read Machen's book. The liberals of ours have been off doing their things because it's a different religion.
But there was a general consensus amongst those who actually take the Bible seriously. You know what? If you're going to be the leader of a nation, your word needs to mean something.
And if you're going after everything wearing a skirt that's 40 years younger than you, 30 years younger than you in the
White House, if you're making leaders of state wait while you're engaged in sexual activity with interns, probably means you're not qualified to be president of the
United States. Well, now we have so many who
I think out of an absolute sense of desperation, an accurate understanding of what
Hillary Clinton represents in the massive damage and reorientation that's already taken place over the past eight years.
Give 12 years to the socialists and John Adams' fears happen a lot longer down the road than he probably thought they would.
Had a good run, the Constitution did, but it'll pretty much be done. And we will be facing a completely different reality.
We may be facing a reality much closer to, well, what many of our brothers and sisters in other nations around the world face.
It's true. And we'll have to make those decisions about staying or going, being a witness here or running and fleeing.