The Book of 2nd Samuel Interim John Kane

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November 8, 2020 The morning service of Faith Bible Church, Sacramento, CA The Book of 2nd Samuel - David's rise and fall


So welcome to Faith Bible Church. We're glad you're here and all of you that are remote.
We send our blessings your way and hope that and trust and pray that God is showing
Himself to you daily. And we're, I was going to say we made it past the election.
We sort of did, but sort of not. But God is, as we said last week, He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
So we're, God is not moved an inch. He's exactly where He is to be and where we are to be as well.
So I saw a yard sign that said, in the red, white, and blue kind of thing, it said,
Jesus 2020. So I think that's appropriate. So let's remember that.
And that's really what we need. Forget about the parties. That's what we need as a country.
So it's, this is a good time, an important time to gather. I was going to share,
I remembered, women's Bible study is next Saturday at 10 o 'clock.
So ladies, 10 o 'clock next Saturday. And I guess if you need to know what the study is covering, you can call
Barb. She'd be happy to share that with you. But next Saturday at 10 o 'clock here at the church.
I wanted to share a little bit briefly about our pastoral search. And we're still, you know, we said waiting on the
Lord. Well, you got an emphasis on the wait, okay? And we need to wait patiently.
He is growing us through this time. And God is working.
And, you know, about a month or so ago, we invited the
Filipino church. And that was, through that process, it was clear for them and for us that that was not the
Lord's will. And that's what we want. We want it to be clear. We don't want shades of gray.
This is, we want it to be one way or the other. It was very evident that that was not what God wanted for us.
At the same time, God is bringing forward another opportunity that we're not quite prepared to share, but we're waiting there again to see as another congregation may consider folding into us.
But don't want to get ahead of that either, because it can become an emotional roller coaster as we go through these things.
So we want it to be solid as we come forward. So please be patient with us as well.
We're needing that right now. So keep it in your prayers for that. And I think that's it for announcements.
Any other announcements, anyone that we're missing? Okay. All right. Let's go to the Lord in prayer. Okay. Our dear
Heavenly Father, we are humbled to be here this morning, Father, that we have the ability and the means in this country that you've allowed us to be in,
Father, to worship together, to proclaim our faith, to express our love of you,
Father. Father, I pray that you would be in our midst, Lord, that we would allow the Holy Spirit to move us in a way that will open our ears and our eyes and our hearts to the truth of the gospel.
We pray for Pastor John this morning that you would bear upon his heart, Lord, and allow him to freely share the truth with us and that that would change our lives,
Father, that we would be further advanced in sharing your word with those around us, that,
Father, we would be a light to this dark world, that we would be strengthened in our own faith so that we might not be bashful, that we would be bold and be solid in what we believe and what we know is to be true,
Father. So we thank you for that, Father. We pray that you would just bless our service this morning, that would be an expression of our love for you, and that you would be glorified in all of it,
Father. So we commit our service to you today. In Christ's name we pray. Amen. I was going back over some old notes from talking about worship and what worship is, and one of the questions that came up was, what are we to do when we gather?
I don't know if you've ever asked yourself that question, what do we do when we gather? Well, Paul tells us in 2
Corinthians 3 18, but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the
Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the
Spirit of the Lord. You remember when Moses on the mountain saw God's glory and he came back radiating the glory of God?
That was really a temporal thing, it was a momentary thing for that time, but as believers in Christ we have that in us.
When we come to Christ we can immediately begin to radiate that that magnificence of Christ, but it's done in little steps in our sanctification process.
So let's remember that as we begin to look at what we behold, we begin to portray
God's glory. So think about that as we're worshiping in song and in prayer and in hearing the word.
So let's stand together, we're going to sing first all hail the power of Jesus' name.
Next we're going to sing there is a redeemer and we know who that is.
Please be seated.
Good morning. The scripture this morning is 2
Samuel chapter 1 verses 1 through 12. 2
Samuel 1 verses 1 through 12. Now it came to pass after the death of Saul when
David had returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites and David had stayed two days in Ziklag on the third day behold it happened that a man came from Saul's camp with his clothes torn and dust on his head.
So it was when he came to David that he fell to the ground and prostrated himself and David said to him where have you come from?
So he said to him I have escaped from the camp of Israel. Then David said to him how did the matter go please tell me and he answered the people have fled from the battle many of the people are fallen and dead and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also.
So David said to the young man who told him how do you know that Saul and Jonathan his son are dead and the young man who told him said as I happened by chance to be on Mount Geboa there was
Saul leaning on a spear and indeed the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him. Now when he had looked behind him he saw me and called to me and I answered here
I am and he said to me who are you? So I answered him I am an Amalekite.
He said to me again please stand over me and kill me for anguish has come upon me but my life still remains in me.
So I stood over him and killed him because I was sure that he could not live after he had fallen and I took the crown that was on his head and the bracelet that was on his arm and I brought them here to my lord.
Then David took hold of his own clothes and tore them and so did all the men who were with him and they mourned and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son for the people of the lord and for the house of Israel because they had fallen by the sword.
Well praise the lord we had a nice trip down south and we were able to be a part of laying
Janet's dad to rest. All right well we want to go to the lord now and pray.
Father how thankful we are lord we don't want to take it for granted that in our country we can gather together on this day as believers to worship you.
God when you founded and allowed this country to be discovered and founded god you wrote into our constitution this right that we have as americans to gather together when we want to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords.
Father you know what is going on in our country is beyond really our ability to wrap our minds around and understand.
Father whether we're talking about the election or covid or job losses we just don't even know where to start but god we know that we serve a risen lord that is king of kings that is lord of lord that is the same yesterday today and forever.
We thank you that as christians our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness god.
Thank you that we can bring our needs to you our fears our concerns.
Father god we thank you that you are sovereign all powerful all knowing.
So we pray father for the leaders of our country we pray father for your will to be done.
Lord we pray for the grace to accept that we know god we can trust you with all of our heart we know lord that we see through the glass dimly now we see we don't understand so much of what's going on god but we can trust in you and that's what you've told us to do.
So lord we think of families that are represented here that are dealing with the loss of loved ones and just all of those things even in our own church a dear lady went home to be with the lord just a week or so ago and all that her family is going through because of that.
Lord we lift up these things to you praying for wisdom for our leaders god as they deal with various issues.
Pray god for their salvation most first and foremost god that you might be pleased to draw these men to christ to put people in their lives god that that might share the gospel with them and lord we think of unsaved loved ones people that we dearly love neighbors and family members that don't know jesus christ they are not born again they have they are not saved god pray that you might be pleased father to draw them to christ to put christians in their lives that would share the gospel with them put gospel tracks in their hands as we head now into the thanksgiving and christmas season long lord we know as harold just shared our true hope our true hope is jesus christ the only hope for our country and our world is the gospel so help us to be faithful father in proclaiming that and sharing that and living it out we pray in jesus name amen amen with all that's gone on this week i think to meditate on these words is so important and to have that in the back of your mind and with all that's gone on around us and continues to go on around us meditate on the words okay let's stand together the lord is my salvation please be seated if you have your bibles uh turn with me we're going to be in second samuel but if you don't mind let's start in psalm 51 psalm 51 yeah you're very upset about that you're going to be in second samuel we have to start in psalm 51 right and that's because i left my uh it's right in the middle of the bible psalm 51 right in the middle you'll be lucky because originally i was going to start with mica jim and then you would have been yeah happiness is sitting next to somebody that can find the book of mica i'll tell you this is one of those sermons that as a pastor that has to teach it or preach it it just you can't even you can't even imagine you might have your sermon notes out as well so saul has died and you know with all that's going on in the world right now in our country and just in the sovereignty and the timing of god we're going to be looking at some lessons from a king who god described twice in his word was a man after his own heart just think about that kind of testimony to be a person a man or a woman to be described by god himself as a man after his own heart and i don't know about anybody else but see when i am confronted with that standard of righteousness to to be described that way it's like i'm being gut punched doubled over in pain knowing how fall how short i i fall in that regard and see psalm 51 here is is it is really it's written it's a psalm of david and it's written sometime after he's confronted by nathan the prophet for a sin you just think as a married man right he had an adulterous affair with a married woman by the name of basheba and god sends nathan the prophet to confront him about that sin he even goes so far as to have basheba's husband killed notice how the psalm begins have mercy upon me oh god oh god according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin against you you only have i sinned and done this evil in your sight that is the cry of a man or a woman after god's own heart and but see the verse i want to call our attention to is verse 17 and i want you to very carefully consider verse 17 and think about it the sacrifices of god are a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart these oh god you will not despise just take a moment and meditate on that verse
Think about how it might apply to you the word broken
Here in the hebrew literally means and I hope you get get you can get this picture shattered
Like a glass dropped to a concrete floor and Last two weeks ago.
I was all excited. Maybe three weeks ago. I was going to school And I had a bottle of that martinelli's apple cider the sparkling apple cider, which is very tasty, right
And i'm carrying all this stuff to school. It's like every time I go to school. It's like i'm moving right
I have to load the car three trips go to the school And i'm walking across the parking lot.
And what did I do with that bottle of martinelli's? Dropped it right in the middle of the parking lot shattered into a million pieces
Where all the cars and all the kids go? So what do I have to do? I got all my books. I got my lunch my salad my briefcase and i'm you know
Like this and here it is So I have to go over to the office set everything down then I have to go sweep up all that glass, right?
That's shattered David is saying That our sacrifice to god is not the singing that we do on sunday morning not our tithes and offerings
Not all the things we do for him Our sacrifice
Is a shattered spirit And a bruised heart
Someone once said that it isn't until the pride of our heart is shattered
That we will begin to understand the deep things of god I put a quote from john newton the writer of amazing grace in your notes
I am persuaded a broken and a contrite spirit a conviction of our vileness and nothingness
Connected with a cordial acceptance of jesus as revealed in the gospel Is the highest attainment
That we can reach in this life micah 6 8
Says that the lord has shown his people What is good? And what he requires of his people but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with our god
And we can go through the scripture and there are similar lessons about kingdom living Under the kingship of god under the kingship of the lord
Jesus christ and we can find these same lessons echoed all the way from genesis to revelation.
Now, let's go to second samuel Second samuel and in a moment we'll be in second samuel 4
I'll tell you something. This is literally this book Had I done what
I started out to do As I began to prepare this message it was expanding into three sundays
There are so many lessons that we can find about the christian life in second samuel 24 chapters and we're running into these great books of history.
We're going to be in first kings Second kings first chronicles second chronicles and they are just it's like going to the versailles museum of the bible
Okay, I mean you just can't get through that museum. You can't get through the smithsonian in a day
It just is impossible you ever been to the smithsonian? It's like five museums, right? One of them now you got to drive out of town out to the airport
I Hope one day to take my kids there
But as you go through this book, I would say that the single most amazing and convicting and profound lesson
To be gotten from this book is to embrace the present and eternal value of having a broken
Spirit and a contrite heart The key lesson If you remember first samuel is that What god should be king and men should men what come on say it with me lead right men
God should be king and men should lead and the key
Lesson to take away from second samuel is to embrace Embrace having a broken spirit and a contrite heart in fact jesus himself
In effect sums up the entirety of the christian life in the beatitudes in matthew chapter 5
When he starts with blessed are the poor in spirit For they shall inherit the kingdom of god for theirs is the kingdom of god the poor in spirit beloved
The shattered in spirit the broken in spirit Then he says in verse 5
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth the low Dear friends.
I want to encourage us to learn together today As we look at the rise of david to be the third king of israel and his fall
His rise and his fall to learn together the value of embracing and welcoming a broken spirit and a contrite heart
Let's pray father. Thank you for this day This Wonderful wonderful opportunity to gather together to study your word.
We know lord that it is the holy spirit. That is our teacher this morning We ask father god plead with you that the holy spirit might indeed
Open our eyes of understanding our hearts to receive the truths of your word That you might be glorified father.
We pray in jesus name. Amen Amen So the set the central human figure in second samuel is david and like I said, it took a lot of work
A lot of sweat and blood sweat and tears to condense this down into one single sunday
And there's really three main aspects of david's life that highlight and in point to this vital truth of embracing
A contrite heart and a broken Or i'm, sorry a broken spirit and a contrite heart and the first one if you want to follow along in your notes
Is the first one is to review david's triumphs? So one door that is going to open our way
Into looking at this truth of having a broken spirit and a contrite heart is to review
David's triumphs his rise to power to the pinnacle of his ministry as a king over israel and You're going to find the bulk of this in verses in chapters 1 through 10
To begin with before david is king over all of israel He has a number of military type triumphs.
Remember he defeated who? Goliath right very good. Wow so he
Defeats goliath. He has some others. Remember he kills a lion coming after the sheep He has these triumphs and he rises to a kind of being a kind of vassal king
Over only one area of israel, which is over the tribe of judah his tribe at hebron
Okay, and you can read about that in chapters 1 through 5 So david does not become
The third king of israel. Remember there's three kings over united israel
Saul David and then david's son Solomon, okay, and then the kingdom divides under solomon
And then it gets very confusing and that's going to be the big challenge when we get into first and second kings
And we get into first and second chronicles as all these kings these 40 kings Because the average christian the first time they are confronted with all these kings kind of goes
Can I just go back to you know, the gospel of matthew and read that And you just don't understand
How many lessons are embedded in all the things that are going on with these kings?
You don't have to understand and remember every single name of every single king and how long they ruled one ruled for like three months
You don't have to know all that But you have to have a general sense of the flow of all this because it's so important To living out the christian life how god dealt with israel and the kinds of things that his chosen people
In the old testament did and how that applies to our lives today so rich and so valuable
So david does not become the third king of over israel over all 12 tribes right away and that's because This may sound a little familiar
Uh the The people They basically want saul's son to be king ishbosheth
So he rules But in the meantime david is ruling here and getting a following down in hebron.
Okay So after seven and a half years david is going to move the capital to jerusalem
But before that happens saul's son ishbosheth Who was king over the other 11 tribes is murdered?
So people that were loyal to saul Is this beginning to sound any familiar?
The people that are loyal to saul crown ishbosheth his son king over israel
But here in chapter four, so second samuel chapter four We find in verse five
Ishbosheth doing taking a nap It's the heat of the day
And these men come to the house of ishbosheth saul's son. He's lying on his bed at noon taking his daily nap verse six
And they came there all the way into the house as though to get wheat And they stabbed him in the stomach
Then rekab and baana his brother escaped For when they came into the house, he was lying on his bed in his bedroom
And they struck him and killed him They beheaded him. They took his head
And were all night escaping through the plane. They were running for their very lives
And they brought the head of ishbosheth to david at hebron and said to the king Here is the head of ishbosheth the son of saul your enemy who sought your life
And the lord has avenged my lord the king this day of saul and his descendants
And I was so thankful one of the ladies came up and said she read second samuel So if you had three weeks basically to read this book
So you have another week? To read this for yourself I had to cut a ton of stuff that I was going to read out in order to fit it into this sunday
Okay, so basically what we're talking about here is militarily and politically the last hurdle for david to become king
Is out of the way with the death of ishbosheth. Okay now At the same time jerusalem, which was to be the political and spiritual
Capital of israel was not under the control of the israelites It was under the control of the jebusites.
Okay Now follow this the jebusites were descendants of the canaanites
That means they're what pagan now Remember the canaanites were one of the pagan nations that god told israel
You need to destroy these people kill every man woman boy and girl get rid of their gold and silver burn it up Don't keep anything
Lest they what? corrupt you And turn your hearts away from me, which is exactly what happened, right?
So jerusalem was part of israel's inheritance. It's part of the promised land.
It's right up the road from jericho And yet They did not conquer it
So david does what the israelites should have done all from the beginning he goes up there and he conquers the jebusites jerusalem falls
David the elders of israel the military so on and they move in jerusalem becomes the new capital
And it making it the political and soon to be religious center of the nation now go to chapter six
So david's david's triumphs, right Once the political power is established in jerusalem
It was to become the center of israel's worship If jerusalem was to become the center of israel's worship what had to happen?
You had to have what you had to have the ark right Because that was in the center of the tabernacle all those years going through the wilderness, right?
The holy of holies all of this is central to israel's worship Second samuel six
The problem is this ark It's about 10 miles hebron
It's in hebron, it's about 10 miles just a simple little drive right for us 10 miles to the west of jerusalem
Now look at chapter six Again david gathered all the choice men of israel 30 000
And david arose and went with all the people who are with him from baal judah
To bring up from there the ark of god Whose name is called by the name the lord of hosts who dwells between the cherubim?
So they set the ark of god on a new cart And brought it out of the house of anabadad
Which was on the hill and usa and ohio the sons of anabadab drove the new cart
Cart And they brought it out of the house of anabadab Which was on the hill accompanying the ark of god and ohio went out before the ark
Then david and all the house of israel played music before the lord on all kinds of instruments of firwood and on harps and on string instruments tambourine cisterns and on cymbals
Now look carefully If you had read first samuel if you had read second samuel, you would know there's a big problem coming on right now
And when they came to nakon's threshing floor Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of god and took hold of it for the oxen stumbled
Now anybody that's ever put anything on a cart That's heavy
Which the ark of the covenant was very heavy You know something about this right because it's unsteady and the oxen stumbles
And I mean i've done this too many times, you know, you have that warning you put everything on the cart We just had to replace our dishwasher
We got a deal man. God was good to us Open box
Scratch and den, where's the scratches and den? I can't find them Anyway to take the old dishwasher out
One of my daughters and I we put it on a cart and you've got and it's balancing on this little cart as you wheel it
Out right, right. This is what's going on. So it's about to fall. So uzzah reaches out and touches it
Do you know what's going on here What's the ark of god doing on the back of a cart being pulled by an oxen?
Wrong Fail, that's not how god told him God had given israel very specific
Instructions how they were to move the ark every single time and they had done that all the way through the wilderness
Every time the tabernacle moved they did it the same way david knew about it. Saul knew about it right
Only the levites were to move it number one Number two before they even attempted to move it they had to consecrate themselves
Number three there were rings on the side of the ark and very special poles had to go through the rings
And the levites were to carry the ark. That's how god wanted it done and god specifically said listen
God specifically said no one is to ever touch the ark
Uzzah I'm just trying to steady it Boom goes uzzah
See all of these rules and regulations Are help israel and us to understand
God's holiness God is holy
There is nothing we can never be good enough Only jesus
This is all meant To help us to understand the value of the gospel of what god did
So one route to embracing a broken spirit and a contrite heart is to keep in mind
Church That god is holy And we're not Having a shattered spirit means remembering that god's ways
There's god's ways and there's man's ways and see people That are after god's own heart
Want to do things god's way Look what happens next verse 7 then the anger
Of the lord was aroused against uzzah and god struck him there for his error and he died there
By the ark of god And here's how human david was david became angry
Because of the lord's outbreak against uzzah God strikes uzzah dead
Because he is holy and righteous and just Church, please listen
It is appointed unto men Once to die And after this the judgment hebrews 9 27 7
No one is going to escape the judgment seat of christ Not uzzah
Not ananias and sapphira who were struck dead in front of the church for withholding money from the lord god's holiness and his righteousness
And the vital vital importance of fully not partially but fully and completely obeying god's command
God had lovingly and carefully for his own purposes in his own glory
Given israel these very specific instructions on how they were to move the ark And they didn't follow those instructions
They did for many many years But not this time Don't miss
The kingdom living lesson the principle found here God's work must be done in god's way
Embracing a broken spirit and a contrite heart means knowing That in much of life, there's god's way and there's man's way and god's work must be done in god's way
God gave the israelites specific instructions on how to move the ark And that was how it was to be moved
They don't They didn't and there were serious consequences God told the israelites to conquer the land and all the nations of the land.
They didn't do it and there were consequences serious consequences for generations So in the various experiences and events of a given day
I even chatted with somebody about this very thing this week Are we moving the ark our way?
Or are we moving it god's way? amen Amen, oh i'm i'm doing it god's way really they thought they were doing it god's way
One last item I just don't have the time chapter 7
Most bibles have a heading there god's covenant with david. We we need to touch briefly As we talk about david's triumphs
And this rise to power to being king over all of israel We come to the davidic covenant
And I can't emphasize enough how important covenants are To god how important god made a covenant with abraham.
He made a covenant with moses There's the old covenant and the new covenant. These things are very very important And we could spend all morning on the davidic covenant
But one of the most important parts of it If you're in chapter 7 verse 12 God is talking to david
He says to david When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers
I will set up your seed after you Who will come from your body?
And I will establish his kingdom now. Is that easy to understand? We're talking about a child, right? Right.
Everybody got that just shake your head say. Yeah. I'm with you. John. Okay He this obviously a son not a girl, right?
He Shall build a house for my name And I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever
I will be his father And he shall be my son If he commits iniquity,
I will chase in him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men But my mercy shall not depart from him
As I took it from saul whom I removed before you And your house
And your kingdom shall be established for you forever before you your throne shall be established forever now
David's son solomon built the temple But he's not the seed in verse 12
How do we know that? because solomon's kingdoms I'm, sorry solomon's kingdom ended
Old testament what promises made new testament promises kept
Only king. Jesus's kingdom will last forever And dealing with the importance of the davidic covenant and its fulfillment in jesus christ will have to wait
I probably if god gives me the time One day we'll do a whole message on covenants.
Okay, just so we can get a better perspective on that So the first 10 chapters of second samuel records some of david's triumphs his his rise to power
From being the sort of vassal king over hebron alone and judah to being the supreme ruler over all 12 tribes and over all of israel
And then in the second part of the book We are going to learn about david's incredible sin with basheba
And we come to this turning part in the book where we come to david's gradual fall from power
Okay, so now number two the second motivation to understanding the value of embracing a broken spirit and a contrite heart
That we learn in second samuel is through looking at some of the key Lessons from david's life that we can apply to our lives a second way to embrace a broken spirit
And a contrite heart is to remember a couple of key lessons about living Under the kingship of god that are found in second samuel
Now in this book chapters 11 and 12 are the fulcrum and if you read through the book, you'll see it there is this turning point sort of the the top of the orbit or the top of the
Launch trajectory of this book our chapter 11 and 12 it kind of pivots on 11 and 12 because The book moves from telling the story of david's rise to power to recording the beginning of his gradual fall
From power and there's three compelling lessons. There's many many more I just picked three because they're a little bit more more clear lesson number one
The majority of time believers don't just accidentally fall into sin
The majority of the time Believers aren't just walking along And accidentally trip and fall into sin.
I trip a lot. I what I went early this morning I almost fell over walking up here to help johanna with a music stand.
She said I got it dad. Boom See we live in a fallen world, right
And we need to understand that sin is ever crouching at our door but true believers
Do not sin in a vacuum For example james chapter one says before we are before we sin we are tempted
We are first drawn away by our own desires and we're enticed And one of the things we want to understand about david's sin with bashiba is it wasn't done in a vacuum
David did not just wake up one day And wind up with bashiba and fall into this terrible sin
So lesson number one, we don't just fall into sin lesson number two
Be on guard against compromise You see we can learn as we read in second samuel about david the danger
And the consequences of compromise in a child of god's life david's compromise
Was his partial obedience to god instead of complete obedience his little sins led to bigger sins for example
And again, I had to take a lot of this out to fit this in I want to move on We got thanksgiving coming we have christmas
I have the blessing of victor and harold to do some messages on christmas. I can't wait on the birth of christ
Even though we know he wasn't born on christmas day. Does everybody know that? Jesus was not born on december 25th.
Trust me, okay In deuteronomy 17 god specifically says that kings are not to have more than one wife
David failed again, right? David compromised he didn't fully follow these commands second samuel illustrates in graphic and sobering detail
That a sure path away from having a contrite heart and a broken spirit is to not fully obey god to compromise
And then lesson number three Be on guard against complacency
David's compromise his little sins led to bigger sins and also david was complacent for example, just one
When david should have been out leading battle, which was his role as a king. He remained in jerusalem
Earlier in second samuel, you'll see it for yourself. If you read through it. It's not a hard read it goes quick Earlier in second samuel, we read that god had given david arrest from all his enemies
So his guard was down and he was complacent regarding his role as king in the military and also how his wealth was
Affecting him And I cannot remember the verse right now off the top of my head because i'm looking at the time
But it happened in the spring of the year at the time when kings go out to battle that david sent joab and his servants
With him and all israel and they destroyed the people of aman and besieged rabbah, but david remained i'm in chapter eight
Did I? No, am I in chap? Where am I? Just a moment Well, i'll just keep reading
Then it happened one evening that david arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king's house. So david's at home He walks on the roof of the king's house and from the roof.
He saw a woman I'm in chapter 11
I'm in chapter 11. That's where I am I knew it would come to me Verse two then it happened one evening that david arose from his bed
And walked on the roof of the king's house and from the roof. He saw a woman bathing And the woman was very beautiful to behold
So david sent and inquired about the woman and someone said is this not basheba the daughter of iliam the wife of uriah the hittite
Then david sent messengers and took her and she came to him and he lay with her for she was cleansed from her impurity
And she returned to her house. Now. Do you think that he just woke up that night? And that was the first time he ever saw basheba
You don't think that he knew from the king's palace that there was a bath there? The lord had given him rest from all of his enemies
David sent joab and his servants to fight but he remained in jerusalem instead of doing what a king should do
He had time on his hands If he had been putting the things of god first in this case his responsibilities as a king
If he was out leading the fighting which was his role instead of being complacent and lying around in his palace rooftop
It's possible that his sin and the tragic consequences that followed might never have taken place lesson beware of complacency in the christian life
A Second area was in his material wealth, which I can't cover He had become very prosperous
And see we need to understand that that material prosperity Inevitably perils the life of the christian
David's fall from power is a sobering lesson of how material prosperity is inevitably dangerous
Have you ever read about what happens to all these people that win the lottery Huh how many of them wind up Addicts and broke and miserable filing from bankruptcy
David should have been leading the troops. He shouldn't have been with basheba. He shouldn't have been on his rooftop and these compromises
Led to the sin of where he even had basheba's husband
Killed sent him to the front of the battle lines in order that he would be killed And if you look at chapter 11
At first blush it looked like he had constructed or come up with the perfect crime verse 27
And when basheba's Morning was over David sent and brought her to his house and she became his wife and bore him a son
But the thing that david had done Displeased the lord that's a footnote to the whole episode
Oh the heartache That could have been avoided Had david been embracing a contrite heart and a broken spirit
And we learn about this as we review david's triumphs as he rises to power
We learn about this as we look at these key lessons to glean from his from his failures
And third the third way that we can learn the value of embracing
A contrite spirit and a and a broken heart Is to recognize the effects of david's sins
And we read about those in verses. I'm sorry in chapter 12 through 20
See the path to embracing a contrite spirit and a broken heart Can be seen by recognizing the effect of david's sins
And when we come to this third section Of the book which goes from chapter 12 to chapter 20 chapter 21 22 23
They're very very interesting because it's kind of a review of david's life written Most likely by himself most of it if not all of it
But we come to this third section where we recognize the effects of david's sin
And David commits this sin of adultery with basheba. He has basheba's husband
Basically murdered And nathan the prophet comes To david in chapter 12 verse 1 follow along Then the lord sent nathan to david
And he came to him and said to him There were two men in one city one rich and the other poor
The rich man had exceedingly many flocks and herds But the poor man had nothing
Except one little ewe lamb which he had brought bought and nourished
And it grew up together with him and his children It ate of his own food and drank from his own cup and lay in his bosom and it was like a daughter to him
And a traveler came to the rich man Who refused to take from his own flock and from his own herd to prepare one for the wayfaring man who had come to him?
But he took the poor man's lamb And prepared it for the man who had come to him
Notice david's reaction So david's anger was greatly aroused against the man and he said to nathan as the lord lives
The man who has done this shall surely die And he shall restore full forward for the lamb because he did this thing and because he had no pity
And nathan Said to david You are the man thus the lord god of israel said
I anointed you king over israel And I delivered you from the hand of saul
I gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your keeping and I gave you the house of israel and judah
And if that had been too little I also would have given you much more Why then
Have you despised the commandment of the lord to do evil in his sight? You have killed uriah the hittite with the sword
You have taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with the sword of the people of ammon
So David is identified as the man the guilty party and nathan now pronounces god's judgment
Now therefore the sword Shall never depart from your house because you have despised me
And have taken the wife of uriah the hittite to be your wife Thus says the lord behold.
I will raise up adversity against you from your own house And I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor and he shall lie with your wives
In the sight of the sun for you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all israel before the sun
Wow Does that not take your breath away?
Come on You know, you need to check your breath if it doesn't take your breath away. Can you imagine?
I mean, that's the boom being lowered And you see this is where Church, this is where we will see the incredible value of having a contrite spirit and a broken heart
Because notice david's response when nathan confronts him and notice his repentance in verse 13
So david said to nathan I have sinned
Against the lord beloved true christians want to be people after god's own heart
Embracing a contrite spirit And a broken heart involves recognizing and admitting our sin
When david is confronted with his sin, he doesn't evade the charge he simply says
I have sinned against the lord This is the
Picture of true repentance and it is the key that unlocks the message of second samuel.
This is the heart attitude This is the spirit of true believers This is the heart attitude and the spirit of a person after god's own heart when david realizes his sin
When he is confronted he doesn't rationalize. He doesn't make excuses. He just accepts full responsibility
For what he has done He acknowledges the sin for what it is And that it is it is this spirit and this heart that makes
David a man after god's own heart. Isn't that wonderful? God is not looking for perfection ever
He's looking for this This is the sacrifice Sacrifice but notice that this confession does not remove judgment.
It does not remove the consequences But it does grant him god's unconditional forgiveness verse 13
I have sinned against the lord And nathan said the lord also has put away your sin.
You shall not die. However Because by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the lord to blaspheme
The child also who is born to you shall surely die
There are consequences There are consequences because god is just because of the spiritual law of sowing and reaping
There are consequences with david's two sons There are consequences as his role as the king increasing problems as you read through the book with government with his government
And his leadership. So check chapters 12 through 20 record david's struggles the beginning of his fall from power the confrontation by the prophet
Nathan his repentance then some of the consequences of his sin and his family and the nation of israel
And if we had the time we could read through chapters 21 22 23 24 that wrap up the record of david's rise and fall to power
And and and really those last four chapters are really best thought of as david's reflections
They seem to be designed by the holy spirit To give a kind of cross section to the period of israel's history that is covered in the book
And I gave you the main points of each of those chapters in your notes You can look at them read them for yourself
So what is second samuel about Primarily about david the third king of israel
About a man that is described by god himself two times as a man after god's own heart
The book records his triumphs like like defeating goliath his rise to power as this second king over uh united israel it openly
And candidly exposes his sin I mean, what is a argument for the veracity and the truthfulness of the word of god what holy book?
puts a man Who is a man after god's own heart out there and just gives you the whole story, right?
You never hear anything like that about any of these other so -called spiritual leaders Of any organized religion in the history of the human race
So The book and openly and candidly exposes his sin it records his rise to to power his fall from power
It shows us the result and consequences of sin. There are so many lessons in this book about this king
That we can learn from david the incredible consequences of compromise partial obedience to god's will instead of complete
Obedience over and over this lesson of a little leaven leavening the whole loaf We can spend time developing this whole theme of god's discipline whom the lord loves hebrews 12 whom the lord loves he what he disciplines like a father a son or a daughter
You see this work in in david every time you turn around There's a lesson that god forgives the past but he doesn't undo the past Isn't that true?
David's sin is forgiven in verse 12, but the results of that sin plague david as long as he lives and I would just tell you the
The main message is embracing the value both today and forever
Of a broken spirit and a contrite heart embrace hug hold close
The value of a broken spirit and a contrite heart You find that truth echoed through the halls of deuteronomy through the through the psalms
Many many times through the prophets through micah all the way to the beatitudes blessed
Is the poor and spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are the meek
For they shall inherit the earth The sacrifices of god are a broken spirit and a contrite heart
These oh god you will not despise You see
It is impossible to be a man woman young lady young man boy or girl
Listen to me, please. It is impossible to be any of those Without a true saving relationship with jesus christ a true saving relationship with jesus christ and apart from having a lifelong sense of the value of a broken spirit and a contrite heart
Amen I want to give you a few moments of quiet reflection to pray
Before harold comes and lead us in our closing song Please join me in the quietness of your own heart
Praying and reflecting on the truths of god's word Dear god
We cannot be a christian in name only paul warns
That in the last days there will be people Who will have a form of godliness but deny its power
I pray for everybody watching I'm so miss some of the folks that we see every sunday
Or used to see every sunday Pray god for everybody here if they're not truly born again that you might
Open their eyes to that truth god The need for true salvation And lord, you know for those of us that are really born again and and truly adopted in the family of god
You know our sin god. There is nothing hidden from your sight And as much as we cannot save ourselves god, we cannot turn from our sin apart from your grace god
We can't be honest with ourself and look at ourself god apart from your grace You tell us you promise us that a contrite heart and a
A broken spirit you will not despise these things. This is the evidence of a true man
Or woman or young person after god's own heart, please god help us to live out the truths of your word
By our faith in the lord. Jesus christ. We pray in jesus name. Amen carol humbling message
And I looked in my own life and to to see the the hand of god that's
Held back from the judgment that I deserve through christ and and wow and It speaks to his mercy
In his grace and we're going to sing about that now about his mercy is more That every breath that we take is an actor a representation of his mercy and because otherwise we would just be a pile of dust on the floor except for god's
Grace and his mercy. So let's stand together. We're going to sing His mercy is more
Praise Is Our sins they are many his mercy is more
Oh Praise the lord