The Naming and Equipping of the Servant | Clip from Servant Song IV

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We have previously seen the command to behold the Servant of God. In the last clip, we looked at what we are to behold in His name. In this clip, we see what we should behold in His naming and equipping.


Not only as he called me he says but he named me and we remember the Wonderful passage in Matthew where the angel says to Joseph that the name of this child who is the
Son of God is to be Jesus Yeshua Joshua Because he will save his people from their sins and then he says he's equipped to me
I'm like a sword that God himself sharpened. I'm like an arrow that God himself has honed and straightened
I will be able to penetrate any human armor I will be accurate and never miss the mark and yet He hid me like a sword in the sheath like an arrow in a quiver
So for 30 years this perfect servant this God come and uniting himself
To our humanity in the incarnation the God man is hidden and nobody seems to notice him
He talks about his task and in verse 3 He says you said to me you are my servant
Israel in whom I will show my glory That's a very basic statement about the task of Christ. You are my servant my
Israel Well, is he talking to the nation not this time? Israel meaning Prince with God Jesus is the
Israel. He is the Prince He is everything that Israel the nation failed to be.
He is the perfect servant and Your task is to rescue a people in a way that reveals to them my glory
Now we come to verse 4 and the troubling Contrast between all these wonderful things that the
Father has said to the Son and what the Son is experiencing And so here we find the agony look at verse 4
But I said but the Messiah said and we're allowed to listen to what Jesus says to his father
But I said I have toiled in vain I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity
Yet surely the justice due to me is with the Lord and my reward with my
God So, what do we see there is an apparent contradiction? It's only apparent but there's a temporary and an apparent
Contradiction between what the Father said to the Son and what the Son sees to be real
Christ's unceasing labors I mean just jump in anywhere and Matthew Mark Luke or John and you see
Christ pouring out his life and the crowds gathering around But what does he say? He says you've said these wonderful things to me, but I say to you my work is
Literally in the Hebrew without purpose and without substance We could almost say it looks more like the effort of the idols in chapter 41 than the work of a living
God the idols can't do anything all that they do ends up being nothing and It looks like at times in the ministry of Jesus as the crowds turn away you could think of John chapter 6
They just turn away and walk away and the thousands leave him and he's left with 12 and one of them is a traitor and You can imagine
Christ getting alone that evening with the father and saying You said to me, but I'm telling you it looks like all that I'm doing is without purpose and without substance
So, what do you do in a time like this? Well the sin the Son of God This is a true struggle, but look at the perfectly obedient response and it's the answer for us as well
Yet he says surely the justice due to me is with the Lord and my reward is with my
God in other words he Honestly lays before the father the the struggle he's feeling what you said doesn't look like what's happening
It doesn't seem that these match up has the father lied to me. Is this all really worthless?
Is it all for nothing? No How do you know? Because surely the justice the fair reward due to the
Messiah is in the hand of his father God and God will do what he said he will do and Christ Clings to this.
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