The Book Of Judges

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Lord, we behold you as our almighty God and as our eternal
King Help us Lord as we open your word to get a good glimpse of you a sovereign as ruling on the throne and Yet whose loving kindness extends to all generations
In Jesus name we pray. Amen All right, so today actually in my notes
I have written Joshua so Barry you're not too far off it's Judges, we're going to be looking at the outline of the book of Judges and We're going to look at Christ as we see through the pages of this particular book this book
Covers about 350 years, so it's not a very short period of time You have the
Pentateuch the first five books as Moses brings the people to the verge of the promised land
We saw last week Joshua where God Enabled the people to enter the land and take these key strategic areas and now all they had to do was to finish the conquest and settle in the land and all these tribes had their portions broken out to them and What they needed to do
They failed to do and we get to see how God is faithful to them
Even as they fail to keep their covenant with him So when you think of judges, you don't want to be thinking especially little ones don't be thinking of this judge on him on a
With a gavel in his hand. This is like a regional Chieftain like a tribe a warrior that the
Lord raises up like a deliverer I think that would be a better term to be thinking of we're going to be looking at a bunch of judges in this book and one way to look at this book is when
Moses brings the people in the book of Exodus out of Egypt you see deliverance redemption
God bringing the people out and Then in the book of Leviticus you get to see how these people who brought their idolatrous
Thoughts from the Egyptian land they get purged as they remember how it is it is to worship
God So they get rescued from Egypt and then they get rescued from idolatry Now when you look at the book of Joshua and judges
God brings the people into the from his promised land. So all these Kingdoms the people in the land are dispossessed and You would think that they would now go to the next level up.
But instead what you see is a regression they actually go back down into the idolatrous worship of the people in the land the very people that were taken out of the land because of their idolatry because of their sexual sins because of their
Sacrifice of children to their gods God had taken them out But the very people of God now will follow after these false gods
So when you think of the outline of the book, there's three major sections So you have the prologue in chapters 1 & 2 and then you have the epilogue
We have another two sections there from 17 through 21 But right in the middle chapters 3 to 21 you have this series of judges several judges that are bit
Mentioned here. Some of them are the major ones So we'll look at snapshots of what happens in the lives of each of these judges
And then there are a few minor ones, which we just know that they ruled As God raised them up for this period.
So let's dive right into the beginning the prologue So in chapter 1 & 2 you get this introduction and an overview of the book before you can actually read this
Chapter 1 begins really really well. So remember Joshua they've come and Settled in the land and Now they need to go and clear the rest of the people.
So they've all they've been strategically placed They just needed to finish and drive out the rest of the people and it seems like they start off well with chapter 1 verse 1 after the death of Joshua the people inquired who shall go for go up first for us against the
Canaanites and the Lord says Judah and they go they win and You seem to think okay.
This is it They've they've inherited the land they can finish this work they can worship their
God in peace and all is well Sadly, that is not so if you move to chapter 1 verse 27, you get to see what the people did
Manasseh did not drive out the inhabitants of Bet -Shean and so on verse 29
Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in Giza 30 Zebulun did not drive out 31
Asher did not drive out and 33 Naphtali did not drive out and you get to see these these
Israelites were very Explicit commands there is a very there's God's purpose in bringing these people here
Because the land was spewing out the people who were Idolatrous and that filled up their wickedness and God said these people you shall not endure in your midst
You need to drive them out and not intermingle with them and the people Compromise in chapter 1 and so you had chapter 2 read before you where you actually get to see
God's perspective on this This is not just a question of you know, how do these nations work with one another if you look carefully in chapter 2?
verse 2 you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land. You shall break down their altars and What is it that God sees in the people of?
Israel you have not obeyed My voice you remember in Joshua it was
God's power So uniquely in each of these battles that was driving out all the people before them this generation had seen what
God had done And yet when they when they needed to continue this work the next generation as we read in chapter 2
They had forgotten the power of God just as in Exodus the people saw the work of God in redeeming them and very soon in the
Wilderness their bodies were strewn So also here right after seeing Joshua and the power of God through Joshua Now this next generation comes and they follow after these false gods and so in verses 16 and beyond You get to see
The rule of God amongst a Decadent people the people of God who ought to have worshipped
God and exalted him they've come into this land and they were supposed to keep God's name as a light and to be
Exemplifying the holiness of God, but these are the very people who corrupted themselves with the land and God says
I will Resist you and you will see that my hand is against you and yet I will not
Abandon you so God's hand is with his people even in their sin rescuing them and turning them turning them back toward himself
In fact chapter 2 is a summary of the rest of the book So what you see in this book is repeated over and over and again over these 350 years
So the people of God instead of worshipping God they follow after the gods of their land
So they're they're morally corrupt and their worship practices are after these bails
Because they do not know the holiness of their God and when they go after these gods
God raises up these nations it is not just Natural circumstance this is
God's sovereign rule and bringing up these nations against his people So these people see the consequence of this and this is exactly what he promised in the
Mosaic conditional covenant you obey me I will bless you you reject me and I will bring he there is a see there is a sequence of Curses and it culminates with the nation's rising up against and ultimately for them to go off into exile so God brings up these nations and Then the people feel the weight of Suffering and pain and so we read here in chapter 2 there is groaning that goes up to God and they repent of their sin and as they repent
God raises up these judges these individuals in whom you will see that the
Spirit of God comes upon and for that time period Uses this judge to lead the people and to rescue them from their oppressors.
So there is a temporal Easement if you will of the pain as God directly gets involved to see to show them that he is still
God in their midst and so there is a there is a rejoicing as the people get to see deliverance but very soon they go back into that cycle sin and Nations oppressing and then another judge and then back to Rejoicing so this cycle is what repeats over and over it again over these several generations
Leading up to the point when you will have Kings ruling over Israel, so that's the prologue.
So it gives you an overview. So now let's look at chapters 3 to 16 We're going to look at very quickly several of these judges
And get a sense of what was going on So in chapter 3 you get to see the first judge and actually before we look at it
Just as between Joshua and judges you get to see this one within one generation the people abandoning the land
Judge after judge after judge you're going to see in the beginning. The judges are okay, but very soon
These judges themselves start getting corrupted toward the very end. You think are these men even believers you you get to see slide even in the leaders that God Calls to himself to redeem his people and God is faithful despite the wickedness of these judges and and really the
Epilogue that you get to see is there is this spiral downward that happens in the life of the judges and then all of the people are
Reflecting this moral chaos that happens. So as We come to the last two events in the book of Judges you get look and see
These are like people from Sodom and Gomorrah, this is just a completely A people who do not seem to know the
God who had rescued them So let's begin with the first judge in chapter 3 and chapter 3 you get to see
Othniel and Othniel in fact before we start that we have Joshua and Caleb. These are the only two men who come into the
Promised Land Joshua dies at a hundred and ten Caleb We get to see a little bit of him as he goes at age 80 and takes over The hill country the
Giants the Anak Anakim and here in chapter 1 again, you get to see his daughter inheriting part of the land and Othniel is actually
Caleb's nephew and He is raised up as the king of Mesopotamia comes up against the people of Israel So here you want to be thinking
I have maps here. You can look at it afterward But in the southern or southwestern side you have
Othniel who comes up as a judge and he rescues the people and the people have relief all through the time of Othniel for 40 years we see in Judges chapter 3 verse 11 then after Othniel we have
Ehud and he does that kind of exciting story where you have the people oppressed they don't really have any means to fight and then this man is raised up and he
And the king that comes up against them is Eglon the king of Moab You want to be thinking
Moab in the southern side by the Dead Sea South? Eastern if you will and he comes against and then
Ehud is this left -handed guy and he goes up to King Eglon's Palace he gives him his tribute and then they're on the upper cool chamber
And then he says well, I have a message for your king and the king sends everybody out. It's like, oh, what is it? Maybe I have a little gift and I well this is the message from the
Lord and out comes the sword in goes it through this fat man's belly and The hilt disappears.
This is a pretty gruesome Assassination if you will and God uses Ehud to rally the people to himself and then they have deliverance through this judge
Then you have a another judge Shamgar. It just doesn't say much he just uses an ox go to point a tip for ox and he kills 600 people and The point about these judges is you can see that none of the things they do they could have done on their own
They have a supernatural power given to them from God How they use that power is not necessarily commented on remember again as we saw with Joshua.
This is a descriptive book It doesn't necessarily endorse everything that is said So don't go assassinating people but this just tells you that this is a
Work of God. There's no one else who could have done these things because God Empowers these people to rule for a season and remember it's a sin cycle.
It's nothing to do about these other nations Versus Israel. It's about the holiness of God and the purity of his people and God is demonstrating that he is still on the throne
Even when the people his subjects rejected and then in chapters 4 & 5 we get to see the story of Deborah and Barak so Deborah is this prophetess and she's she's judging at the land and the king this time that they have to contend with is
Jabin and he is an Hazar Hazar if you remember is when Joshua came into the battle
There were two campaigns a southern and the northern the northern campaign was against Hazar and they defeated the king of Hazar But now this few generations later, they have this
King Jabin was a very powerful King He has chariots and he has Sisera who is his commander -in -chief who's driving the war against the people
And so the word of the Lord comes to Deborah The call goes out to Barak and Barak says sure if the
Lord calls me I will go what kind of a judge is this? well, I will go not in the strength of the
Lord, but if you come with me Deborah and you can just see the kind Of confidence that Barak has in the
Lord going forward And so Deborah says just for that very reason Sisera will not fall in your hand
But in the hand of a woman and you know the story so this Sisera comes with all his chariots
Humanly speaking impossible for the Israelites to have defeated them. We're not given a detailed account of how that happens
But what we find out is that God's hand was upon this people Sisera is routed completely that he has to just flee on foot and as he's running away and hiding jail this lady
She is approach. She approaches him. He wants some refuge She says sure come along hides him in the tent gives him milk instead of just water and then as he is sleeping a tent pig in the temple and he's gone and You get a little bit of a hint of what happened in the war in Deborah's song of praise where she talks about this little stream that Poetically is described as being mighty and we don't exactly know what happened
Was there a mighty flood in a very small stream that normally doesn't happen? Well, however, it was God came and rescued through this
Deborah and Barak and jail was the instrument of Defeat of Cicero.
So again, you get to see another season in the northern side Deborah herself is from the center of Israel, but the war is against the king of Hazor And so you have the next a next judge
Deborah and Barak Then you have Gideon and this is a story. We are all very familiar with chapter 6 through 8
Gideon is an enigma. You want to be thinking about what is going on with Gideon Gideon is fighting which nation
The Midianites. Yes. Now we know these nations that are there So this is two more to the west and north and these are the
Midianites who are oppressing the people they are oppressing them so badly that Israel you know land flowing with milk and honey.
They are having all this harvest. There's plenty of food and Except they can't eat it
The Midianites would come and they would take them all and go away. In fact when we get to see Midian Gideon for the first time let's turn to chapter 6
In fact, I forgot to mention in chapter 2 as Barry was reading the angel of the Lord Who is it?
It is a theophany once again because you have the angel saying I Referring to himself to as God in the first person and this is again
Christ In the midst of his people judging his people and declaring how he is going to deal with them in this land
And so in Gideon 6 you get to see in verse 11 the angel of the
Lord came and sat under the turban at Ofra that belonged to Joash the
Abiez right while his son Gideon was beating out the wheat in The winepress to hide it from the
Midianites. You've got to remember this Threshing floor normally on the top of the hill, you know that where there's a lot of wind it while you do this the chaff can go away, but Gideon is
Undercover winepress hidden down small place Sweaty dusty. He's probably
I heard my wife say irritated probably with all this stuff going on in his eyes and that is where we find
Gideon for the first time and Verse 12 says the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him the
Lord Yahweh is with you Who are you
Oh mighty man of valor Mighty man of valor.
It's kind of strange to call someone a man of valor when he is kind of hiding in the winepress and Threshing out his grain and then there is this conversation that Gideon has with the
Lord Oh Why is then is these things happening, you know, where are all his wondrous deeds that his father's counted
Recounted to us saying did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt, but now the Lord has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian and then the
Lord says go in this might of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian do not
I Send you so here you have this calling of media of Gideon Who is not really a very brave person and then you get to see a few?
events in the life of Gideon the first one if you remember if you as you go further down the Passage first of all, it is made clear that this is the angel of the
Lord. He consumes the offering that is given to him and Then you get to see the altar of Baal.
In fact Gideon has another name It's called Jerub Bale because he is going to destroy the altar of Baal and in fact, even that he would he is commanded to because fighting the army of the
Midianites is not really a one of physical power prowess or Army strategy it is one of trusting
God that God would deliver the people of Israel from his hand And so the first thing that needs to be done with is repentance.
Remember that cycle sin deliverer repentance and then you get to see the rescue from the people so Gideon goes and in the night as a man of valor that he is destroys the
Pillar that is dedicated to Baal and then you get to see this engagement Gideon and his dad talking with the rest of the townspeople the townspeople want to go and Prosecute the one who has done this and then
Gideon's dad says well if Baal is that strong Why doesn't he defend himself? And so that there begins that Return to seeking the
Lord for strength and then you have the end of chapter 6 and I think you know till I came here
I didn't know how Sad this sign is that Gideon asks so now
Gideon is to go against the Midianites He's mighty soldiers that he's scared of and he hides in the winepress and he says well
I'll go but I Need I need more proof that you are with me Lord.
And so he has this fleece The fleece gets wet not the rest of the land and then the land gets west not the fleece and so these two signs he asks for just to boost his confidence if you will and you might think well is the word of the
Lord not enough for you Gideon and God could have rebuked him just as he rebukes
Moses. In fact, there is a conversation not very different in What Moses has of what
Gideon has with the Lord as Moses did maybe not me I'm kind of the least of all of these people but God even
Shows his favor upon Gideon and his weakness and then Does some remarkable things and I think you know for all his weakness you got you want to think of in chapter 7 what
God accomplishes through this Mighty man of valor in quotes the guy who is a coward so you get to see in chapter 7
God calls Jeroboam And then that's Gideon and then he takes them out into the camp
And so he is right there by their side is they're now going to be in battle. They have 22 32 ,000 people from Israel that are gathered together and so You'd think okay 32 ,000 people
Maybe we can come up with a strategy and fight these people like Joshua did when he went into war but God has a different plan
Well, you wanted fleece Gideon let me show you something more powerful send all those people who are scared away
You have 10 ,000 left. That's a lot of people that you saw disappear
You can just imagine what the rest remaining people are thinking of and then Gideon's probably thinking well The fleece kind of tells me my
God is with me but 10 ,000 Well Gideon you're not done yet.
We need that also down So, you know that it is the Lord who does this work and not the people and so he has this very unique Sifting of the people in the way in which they drink the water and then you have only 300 that are left 300 left 300 people to go against the army of the
Midianites and so here you get to see you can just imagine if you are in Gideon's shoes
The kind of guy who's in the winepress the kind of guy who is Looking for the fleece the kind of guy who just is in the night destroying the altar to Baal 300 people what can you do and God is a
God who? understands the weakness of Gideon and he says, you know
Gideon. I kind of know where you are. Just go into the camp And you will kind of know what's happening in your enemy's side spy it out
Oh, by the way, if you're scared take your servant with you Gideon takes a servant with him This is the kind of guy
Gideon is but he goes there and he hears the soldiers talking to one another and about how
God Was going to do this thing and destroy the Midianites and Gideon is like what 300 people?
What do you know? But he comes back encouraged because he knows that God is doing something in the enemy camp
Just as he did when God brought the Joshua and the Israelites several generations ago
So that's exactly what is happening and Gideon has a sense of there is something supernatural
There is God moving in our midst. And so these 300 men come they have this pot the jar with the
Candle the torch in them. They don't have a They have a trumpet, but they don't have a space for a sword
At least he who'd had one sword for his left hand here are people surrounding the camp 300 men and they burst the jars and they say a sword for the
Lord and for Gideon and The Lord does the rest. Can you imagine you're one of those 300 people surrounding an army of several hundred thousand and these people
You have no sword to fight with but your confidence is in the Lord and the
Lord delivers them Remarkably, he turns the people one against in the another and these people decimate themselves and the remaining people
Gideon and his 300 men Will follow and destroy Now, you know You almost want that story to end right there
Weak man empowered by God rescues the people Not so there are a few other things that happen in Gideon's life
And you remember this is a spiral that goes down Gideon is probably the first one where you get to see that directly You already start to see internal strife among the tribes the land of Sukkot instead of helping
Gideon in his chase they refuse to give food because the people that Gideon is chasing those kings are pretty powerful and if they find out that if Gideon is destroyed those things are going to come back and destroy
Succot so the people of Succot have to say do I help Gideon and trust the Lord of Israel or should
I? Stack my bets against the kings of That Gideon is going after and they decide to go with a losing side
Gideon does destroy the Kings He comes back and he plays these men with thorns and then he destroys the men of the land
In the Tower of Penuel and you kind of get to see what kind of judges we will have where people have personal vendettas
Spill out into the land that they themselves are meant to judge, but they are not remember these judges are not national leaders
They are regional leaders and but the thing is right after this battle the people say well
Gideon Why don't you be our king and Gideon does the right thing no? I will not be the king the Lord is your king.
I didn't rescue these people It is the Lord who rescued these people you need to look up to him but you know give me some gold and I'll make this ephod and he makes an ephod of That will be a snare to him and to the people
Of the land so if you look in chapter 8 verse 24
Let me make a request of you every one of you. Give me give me the earrings of his foil
They said we will willingly give them the weight of the golden earrings was seventeen thousand seven hundred shekels of gold and he made an ephod and put it in a city and all
Israel hoed after it there and it became a snare to Gideon and his family
Midian was up the nation of Midian was Israel was rescued from Midian, but Gideon and his family now start to Follow worship this idol that they've created and that was not the last of Gideon's problems he had several wives just like Solomon did and even
David did and he Has 70 sons and the very next
So called judge that comes up is Abimelech one of his the sons of his concubines who would kill the rest of his sons
You kind of get to see the politics Enter into the land. It's my power.
I want to be the king In fact, Abimelech means my father the king even though Gideon said
I don't want to be a king Abimelech presumes upon himself any rules and he's the one in for those of you know the story
Who gets crushed in his head with a millstone that a woman throws? he says, you know,
I don't want to be called as a guy who died with a woman's hand and he asked To be thrust through with a sword and he is but we still know him as a guy who was killed by a woman
Abimelech Not a good name we see this name again later Then we have two two other judges
Tala and Jair and then we come in chapter 11 to Jephthah and Jephthah is this
Wild man. In fact, you get to see that he's surrounded by a bunch of ragtag people probably criminals, but he is a
He's a strong guy. So the Ammonites this time these Ammonites are from the
East of the land and they are oppressing the People and so the people come to Jephthah and say hey, can you help us?
What you are the guys who kicked me out of the place? Why do you want me to come but well, well, well, you know, we are in trouble. We need your help Please come and rescue us
So Jephthah comes and he says, you know You don't want to turn your back on me when the when I rescue you and they say sure that's fine
You can lead us and they do keep their word to him But Jephthah it looks like he begins with this diplomacy.
He actually starts to discuss with the king of Ammon What is it that you're talking about? What land is it that you think we have taken from you and he does a pretty good job of describing what it is that?
Israel did how they were in Egypt. They came back they went through and The king of Ammon is not buying it and then they go to war and Jephthah rescues
But before he wins Jephthah makes this rash Wow to the
Lord he says Lord you give me let's actually look at it in Chapter 11 verse 29, then the spirit of the
Lord was upon Jephthah and he passed through Gilead and Manasseh and mispah of Gilead and and On to the land on to the
Ammonites and he made a vow to the Lord and said if you will give me give the Ammonites Into my hand then whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me
When I return in peace from the Ammonites shall be the Lord's and I will offer it up for a burnt offering
So here is this vow that Jephthah makes Seems like a very pious thing, but a very foolish thing in fact, the first thing that comes out of his house is his only daughter and He is saddened his daughter is saddened, but it says that he
Went through with the vow in verse 39 at the end of two months Who did with her according to the to his vow that he had made?
Commentators seem to differ on what exactly he did. Did he actually sacrifice her which would be abhorrent to the Lord? That's the kind of the practice of the
Canaanites or was she a virgin and remained single the rest of her life Whatever way it was he
Foolishly vows not recognizing the kind of God that he used to worship. What ought he to have done? Remember Exodus and Leviticus there was a prescribed means of worship to God and here
It seems like the knowledge of God and his worship is dying in the land and then
I'm with Jephthah as well you get to see conflict that happens with the Ephraimites not very different from that of Gideon and The there is this
Quabbling between the tribes that starts to rise up during the time of the judges where they no longer see themselves as a people
Of God as brothers, but rather as each one vying for his own strength and then you have a few other judges
Ibsen Elon and Abdon, but then you come to Samson the last of the infamous judges in this book chapters 13 to 16 you get to see
Samson and this is probably the judge that is given the most detail in terms of how the
Lord is Sovereignly involved in the life of Samson right from this very early age.
In fact Jephthah is in Hebrews 11. So is Samson and in fact if not for Hebrews 11
You'd have a very difficult time recognizing these men as men who trusted in the God who rescued
Israel But Samson here he begins in chapter 13 once again The cycle begins verse 1 people did what was evil in the sight of the
Lord It gives them to the hand of the Philistines for 40 years Philistines. You remember again is in the south
West of Israel and this would be the people that King Saul will fight when the
Kings come into the land But there you have in verse 3 the angel of the
Lord appeared to the woman Who was barren the wife of Manoah and said to her you are barren have not born children
But you shall conceive and bear a son. He shall be a Nazarite and So there is a very specific instruction how this
Baby this child is to be reared up in holiness and The child is anything but once again, we get to see this angel of the
Lord is again the pre -incarnate Theophany of Jesus Christ and in fact Manoah says in verse 22, we shall surely die for we have seen
God but that was not the intent God comes here to bless them with this son
Samson and Without going through in detail what happens in the life of Samson, I Think if you are thinking of how can evil?
Fulfill the purposes of God you get to see it in no in in stark terms in the life of Samson Samson One of my professors said he man with a she problem.
He has like a real weakness for women He goes to Timna sees a
Philistine woman. He wants to marry her we get to see him later with a prostitute all night and Then he we get to see him with Delilah when he will lose his strength in the first case he has this affection for this lady and He his parents tell him you are not to marry a
Philistine woman You need to marry within the people of God I Want her you get her that was what
Samson tells his parents no honor for his parents no regard for the law of God and even as he
Fulfills his selfish desires and going after this woman. You see the circumstances that come out as God uses the willful disobedience of Samson to bring about the destruction of the
Philistines among whom he will be Present so you see him killing some of these
Philistines and anger selfish anger You will see him destroy the harvest with those 300 foxes with the torches tied behind them.
You will see him with this And the Philistines are now looking after Samson. He goes in there and in the night.
He just goes takes out the Gates of Gaza and walks around you know in fact one of my professors thought
Samson probably wasn't this mighty strong guy He was probably just thin weird -looking guy who was just supernaturally strengthened by the
Lord That's why when you see him doing all these things you're like how can this be how does this guy kill a lion with his bare?
hands how does this guy carry the gates of a city up the hill and So you get to see his personal vendetta is what the
Lord uses to destroy the Philistines and it it progresses from one to the other until he comes to Delilah and then
It's a tragic story where you get to see this His sinful desire culminate in revealing to this pagan woman the source of his strength he no longer sees this gift from God as as holy, but rather says you know here is what it is.
I'm a Nazarite devoted to the Lord and He loses his strength as the
Lord departs from him his eyes are gouged out he is brought into this place where he is a object of derision and and Right at the very end the
Lord he prays to the Lord for deliverance. Let's actually just read that in chapter 16 Chapter 16 verse 28
Samson called to the Lord and said Oh Lord God In fact in verse 27 there are 3 ,000 men and women who are looking on while Samson entertained
This is really not a good place to be This they worship the God Dagon. This is again a
Filthy environment in which Samson is he says O Lord God, please remember me and please strengthen me only this once Oh God that I that I may be avenged on the
Philistines for my two eyes and Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested and he rested and he leaned his weight against them his right hand on One and his left hand on the other and he said let me die for the
Philistines He bowed with all his strength and the house fell upon the Lord's and upon all the people who were in it
So the dead whom he killed at his death were more than those whom he had killed During his life and that's the tragic end of the last recorded judge in this book you get to see
In this 350 years these people have completely lost their love for God Their desire for holiness and purity they have only their selfish desires
Foremost in the promised land and yet the Lord who brought them into the land is faithful Through them time and again, and he is the one who brings these oppressors
In order to wake them up from their spiritual lethargy In fact this morning's message is a very good message for us to be thinking of you know
If there's anyone who is an unbeliever you want to be thinking of those trials and circumstances and say you know There is a
God who is sovereign and I need to be right with it if you're a believer who is not
Taking care in dealing with sin This is when you wake up because when you look at 17 to 21 you get to see the state of the people
Which is just horrific These people have become like the Canaanites chapter 17 and 18 you get to see this
Levite who has married who has a concubine and who probably is
Let me just read that for you I'm sorry I skipped ahead 17 and 18 is the is
Micah who is this rich kid who steals from his mom and then he ends up building an altar to His own private
God he has his own Temple if you will a shrine that he worships a false
God and then up comes the Levite a Levite who is supposed to serve in the tabernacle and this
Levite says well I'll be your private priest. You know you pay me money, and we are all one happy worshiping family worshiping like the pagans did and Then you get to see in chapter 18.
Well. This is not bad enough the Danites come along and say well You know you're a
Levite tell us you know if what we're gonna Do is going to be successful, and they say sure enough you will be successful a priest for profit and when they come
Into the land they say well Why don't instead of being a priest of this one man you can be a priest of a tribe come on over with us?
And we'll take care of you and by the way Let's take all that expensive shrine that this guy has built because we could use that in our worship again
Not thinking about the God of heaven and earth, but of this false idols, and then when the when
Micah disputes it the Danites basically say hey You know shut your mouth or else you lose your life might is right you know
I have a lot of people you have just one family you really want to lose your life or Just give us your shrine and go away
And really what you see here is there is a change in the way that the people worship
There is a change in the way they relate to one another there is a change in the way that What how life must be lived in the promised land if I am strong?
I can do whatever I want if I feel like worshiping this false. God. I will go ahead and do it anyway I don't care for the
God who brought me into this land And then you have the last account in chapters 19 all the way into 21 where you get to see this another
Levite who marries this concubine and In fact, that's what we were trying to read in verse 2 his concubine was unfaithful to him and she goes away to Bethlehem and Whatever the circumstances are you know you know that a
Levite is To be very careful about whom he marries that she is to be pure But this is not that kind of a
Levite we see he's got severe flaws like all the people of Israel in the time of The judges this guy goes he brings her back after staying with her dad for a while and as he comes back you almost
Think you are in Sodom and Gomorrah While this man tries to find refuge in in the land in the in the town of Gibeah, and so this is the
Benjamin Benjamin Knights and This give me a night they are give me the people of Gibeah are acting like the
Sodomites and looking for The Levite and the Levite and the man who gives him refuge act almost like a lot to the word in sending the concubine instead the concubine is both violated and killed and then comes the response the
Levite Sends her in pieces to the rest of the tribes the rest of the tribes are shocked you almost think you know at least the rest of the people could see the heinousness of the sin and as they gather up against Gibeah and This one town with these worthless people.
That's the term that we have here. These are people who had rejected God instead of handing them over to justice
The Benjaminites would defend them and fight against the rest of his people and you get to see Benjamin the tribe
Decimated in civil war and not just Benjamin in fact Judah which goes against Benjamin first will also lose a lot of people
There's a lot of people dying as a consequence of this one sin and yet the people have no idea
Where the root of their problem lies in fact if you look at the last verse of chapter 21 in those days
There was no king in Israel. Who was the king who was supposed to rule over this nation?
It was God himself They had forgotten their God And they didn't have a king like Saul who will come or as king like David or the ultimate king
Jesus who will one day come There was no king in Israel and everyone did what was right in his own eyes
People had no standard without God as their absolute standard for good and evil without God as their standard of holiness without God as their object of faith each one does what is
Good in his own eyes When you look at the world today, how different is it?
Everyone has their View on what is right?
And without the God of heaven and earth as the object of our faith Destruction is all that remains
Sometimes I think you know in the thousand -year rule when Jesus is ruling. How can you have a war afterward?
Jesus you would ought to love him and this just Exposes the depravity that is so deep in the heart of man the gospel
That is the power of God unto salvation You and I as we look at this 350 years of redemptive history as you see
Israel take this deep dark plunge. It's like the Dark Ages You know as you look back in history that there is going to be
King David who is on the throne You're going to see that in the New Testament. You have Jesus coming down the line and you know one day
He's going to come back again You and I need to be remembering that in this time and place when everyone does what is right in their own eyes
We need to be looking up to God we need to be like the people the first generation that came in Worshiping God making his name known and letting the gospel shine powerfully in our land
Let us pray Lord.
We We praise you for you are holy and you are merciful
Lord even as you judged your people through these frail judges Even as you rescued them from their trials
Lord, I pray Even today that in your church
You would rule as King that you would sanctify those who are saved that you would Rescue those who are lost and that your name would be would go forth in holiness in a world that Does what is right in its own eyes in Christ's name we pray.