Woke Church - You Made Me This Way

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So a Lot of people have noticed that over the time that I've been on YouTube that I've gotten more hardcore
You know, it's almost like almost like I've been jaded over time, you know I've noticed this too.
You know, I don't make any bones about it. I definitely used to be a lot I don't know. Maybe nicer is the right word or just I just used to be a little less
You know what? I mean, and but I've just seen too much now I've seen too much and I've been trying to think of how to do a video about this like how to illustrate the change in You know my
YouTube Persona you might say because I used to me if you look at my old content I used to be so nice, you know it just I would shower the people that I was criticizing with praise and I would just I was just very very
Measured into what I said, and now I'm just a little bit more hardcore and a
Commenter who was on my newsletter So by the way, if you're if you haven't signed up for my newsletter sign up because you'll get to see stuff like this
Look at this. Look at this innocent young man. This was a video I did on the 2nd of January So like the right after New Year's 2019 so over a year ago
This is a video I did called the American reformed its left Worships minorities and diversity
And I was I was being cute, you know, you'll see I was being cute like I was trying to make a point about how minorities and diversity are driving the bus rather than the
Bible and I was trying to make a cutesy little point about how you know the form the reformed left like guys like Tim Keller, you know guys like Lehman stuff like that Like they they worship minorities in a technical sense and and and this is why
I am the way I am You guys made me this way. Seriously. You made me this way This is why
I'm hardcore these days because I want you to see this fresh -faced innocent young man Say something that he has no idea that in 2020 is gonna come to pass
This is a YouTube commenter who notices let me just play it and you'll see what I mean The profit motive is a good thing
But if it's profit motive at the expense of obeying God's commands, that's when you know, you have a problem
Look at this guy. He's such a nice guy. He's just he just wants to be loved You know this this guy on the video screen right now.
He just wants to be liked. He wants to be loved He wants to he wants to do the right thing, you know But just listen to this cuz he he could never have predicted what was gonna happen in 2020.
Let's see. Nobody says here But let's get to what I the title of this video is because I think it's directly related the modern
Reformed ish Christian left like gospel coalition like woke church like all of these people that I've been talking
To and and criticizing their beliefs over the last year they worship minorities and diversity
And you see here's the thing right? They don't bow down to minorities, right? I'm not saying that I'm not saying that they're literally bowing to an idol, right?
Not saying that just like most people don't literally bow down to dollar bills. This guy has no idea
Look at this guy. The reality is that there he just doesn't know what what's coming You can't blame me.
I mean, he's just a very innocent man. Look at this guy He's he's you know, he's just starting to grow out his beard just a little bit.
He's just he's just making his way in the world There's trying to make an honest way in the YouTube universe and he said like three times
He said look, I'm not saying they bow down to blacks. I'm not saying they're literally bowing before blacks
I'm not saying that I think I said it three times But I had no idea
The YouTube commenter said hey that didn't age very well 80 and no it did not because We've all seen too much now
I Worked for black lives matter
I'm sorry. I work for black lives matter. I'm sorry that I scared you but Since I work for that company
My CEO has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege So if they see that a white person is getting on their knees that shows solidarity for the situation
The situation and could you just please apologize for it, you know for your white privilege
Just apologize It's so it's large in this country
You know with this country we have that president Donald Duck that clown in office You know, he's brought a lot of bigotry and you're not a part of it, right?
I Could have never predicted
I could have never predicted that We would be seeing people literally bowing to blacks
I've seen too much if you want to know why I am the way I am If you want to know why my channel is the way it is woke church