WWUTT 915 Q&A Like Buttons, The Angelic Initiative, and Hebrew Roots Easter?

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Responding to questions from listeners about why Gabe doesn't like the "like" button, the horrid philosophy of the Angelic Initiative, and the Hebrew Roots Passover vs. Easter debate. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


It's becoming more popular among secularists slash pagans to say you shouldn't bring children into this world.
What does the Bible have to say about this? And should we still be keeping the Passover? The answers to these questions when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text, a daily study in the word of Christ, that we may know the things freely given to us by God.
His righteousness endures forever. Tell your friends about our ministry at www .utt .com.
Here once again is Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. So I'm going to come back to the last question that we finished with last week.
Okay. We're closing in on the end of the program and I didn't, I just blew it off because I was reading it to be funny.
I didn't actually think I had to answer it. But listeners want to know. So the question, if you will recall, which was submitted to us by an anonymous cow, random, a random anonymous cow, as though we weren't supposed to know who that was.
No, no, just random. He asked why I didn't tap the little heart. Just tap that.
Just tap it. Tap the heart. Tap the little heart. Tap the heart, Gabe. And I said
I just didn't want to because it was silly. No, there actually is a real reason why
I don't hit the like heart on Twitter, which used to be a star. And why is that? It used to be.
It used to be. Until they changed it. Before my time. Until they effeminized it. Effeminated it.
How do you make effeminate a verb? They effeminated it. They made it feminine.
Oh, okay. That's it. That's how it goes. You gotta change the wording a little bit. Anyway, whenever I'm scrolling through stuff on Twitter and I might accidentally hit that heart and then it shows up in someone's feed that I liked that.
Like things are showing up. Like. Like, like. Like, like. Like, like, like.
It's all a pun now. Like. But it'll show up in somebody's feed when somebody likes something.
It doesn't matter whether you retweet it anymore. You can just like it. Right. And it appears in someone else's feed.
Which is really obnoxious. Yeah. And since I'm not really paying attention to what I'm scrolling through most of the time,
I could end up accidentally liking something that I didn't mean to like and will show up in someone's feed.
Especially when I'm trying to track news and I'm just reading what people are posting related to latest news happenings and stuff like that.
And I'll end up liking somebody who has an inappropriate photo or something to that degree and then it shows up in someone else's feed that Gabe liked this.
So it's easier for me to just scroll through news and then I can go to my likes and make sure
I didn't accidentally click on something that I shouldn't have clicked on. True. And that's why
I don't hit the like button. So it's just easier to manage. Yeah. It's just. Right. It's easier to manage my
Twitter experience. Oh. By not having to ever click like. But I'm in agreement with him.
You know, I kind of wonder for maybe a couple hours before I can talk to you about whether or not you saw it and whether or not you laughed or.
You did that to me today. In fact, was it today or yesterday? It was yesterday. Yeah. Yesterday. You said, hey,
I've sent you like four or five messages now. I haven't even said anything. I know. I'm like. And I said, I've seen them. And those are DMs, people.
DMs. I'm like, aren't you supposed to respond to something? Which means direct messaging for our non -Twitter users.
Yes. I'm so sorry. Yeah. Yes. It was a private message. So I can't even like it anyway if it's a private message.
No. But you can respond. Well, I saw it. Yeah. Thanks. And I laughed.
I even went. So that's the explanation.
Yes. That's why I don't hit the little like button. It's all right. We all have our reasons. It is
Friday and we take questions from listeners on Friday, which you can submit to when we understand the text at gmail .com.
This first one comes from John in North Carolina. Dear Gebeke, have you seen this video?
It is definitely the lunatic craziness of the culture of death that is so prevalent in the world today.
Try to be sitting down. We are. We're sitting here. We are sitting here. And have a barf bag next to you if you so choose.
It's not vulgar. It's just repulsive with their ideology. Okay. Well, some of this you've seen because you were the first person to show me this little pairing of ladies called the
Angelic Initiative. You remember this by name at all? Nope. You will remember this, though.
That's true. Oh, oh, got it. Yes. That's true. That's true.
And her weird arm movements. Her weird little kundalini thing that she's doing. It's something
Hindu. It's either Buddhist or Hindu. I had read what it was that they were doing, but I don't remember what it was now.
But they're doing their little meditative thing out in nature and then talking about nonsense in the midst of all of that.
I watched another YouTube clip of them or of the gal, the one that kept saying it's true.
It's true. That's true. Yes. And she said that she is stretching her aura.
Yeah. Soften the aura. Yeah. Now, the video that John had submitted,
I don't think this was the video that you had seen. This is actually a compilation of various videos, and it includes a couple of other people.
I don't remember the British gal's name, but then who talks right after her is
Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez. Okay. Ocasio -Cortez. I had somebody correcting my pronunciation of her name recently.
Well, you know. Whatever. But anyway. So because part of their stick is saying that women shouldn't have babies anymore.
Oh, yeah. Right. Anyway. That it's wrong. Yeah. To have babies. There's too many people in the population.
Yeah. Too many people on the planet anyway. It's going to cause famine and drought and everything if we keep having children. Yeah. It's terrible.
In case you don't know what we're talking about, here we go. Here is the video that John has passed our way.
You're welcome. Friends, we have enough humans on the planet. We don't need any more humans.
It is not okay for women to have babies and stop contributing to the process.
We don't need children. If you find yourself pregnant, there are options and you can have an abortion.
No babies. Cut off the baby factors we have. The natural world is collapsing around us and that's actually happening right now.
Basically, last year I came to the decision that I couldn't bring a child into that. There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead,
I think, young people to have a legitimate question. Is it okay to still have children?
I don't want to do it. You can't make me. It feels like, oh, interesting. Does Hillary think?
I think Hillary seems to think that she doesn't know anybody more capable than she is and that may very well be true, that there isn't anybody more capable than she is.
She says, just give me a chance. Just give me a chance. Give me the seat and maybe there's no way that we can stop this, but maybe there's a way.
Trump is going to go exactly down the road, probably as fast as possible, into what
Obama calls the worst possible outcome, which is widespread famine, widespread drought, civil unrest, total collapse of social structures.
That's true. You keep going up and we'll start pumping up dead children behind you saying, follow that bird, follow the soul who's going up, leading a large children's crusade of refugees, a caravan of children going upward, dead children going upward.
Ah, I know this reaction. I think the tree is saying, this isn't cool.
That's true, isn't it? That's true. That's true. That's true. That's true. That's true. Let's start with that pine, because those were dead pines.
Hey, friend, are you willing to engage in these practices? I feel more willingness.
More willingness. That's true. Now he doesn't feel so cool for not doing it anymore. No, you look like an idiot.
Oh, no. I thought I was doing the cooler thing. No, you look like an idiot.
And the date is 9 -11, and 9 -11 in the United States has come to refer to a certain event that occurred in New York City and outside of Washington, I think, what was the year?
2001. 2001, that could be. The warmongers are writing history for this country, or those who believe a diplomatic solution would be the way to go, are writing history for this country.
Exist, and they'll go away. Or maybe I'll forget about it. Maybe I'll forget about it, and then I'll feel better, and I can sleep.
Especially if I take my pills to sleep. Oh, now I'm absolutely going to take my pills. What kind of pills are they talking about?
Oh, my goodness. Did we lose everybody in the midst of that? Do we still have some listeners after that?
Recovery time. Ready? Jump back in your seats. I mean, we laugh about how crazy they are, but these people would actually do everything that they were talking about doing in that video if they...
I mean, Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez was saying things that was very... Ocasio? Ocasio, whatever.
Just checking. Anyway, she was saying things just like these wackos were saying. Yeah. She has more of a platform to say them from, too.
Yeah, very popular platform on top of that. Millennials absolutely love Ocasio -Cortez, or I'll say liberal millennials absolutely love her.
They think she can do no wrong. Everything she says is heroic. What she's doing in Congress is unlike anything that anybody else is doing, whether Republican or Democrat.
And she herself is pro -abortion, of course, just like these two wacko women were, talking about stacking up dead babies.
Yeah, what on earth? Oh, my goodness. That is crazy. That's repulsive. Well, consider what we read in 1
Timothy 4, starting in verse 1. Now, the spirit expressly says that in later times, some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.
Now, notice as we're talking about the teachings of demons, one of those things that is considered a teaching of demons is forbidding marriage.
Yeah. And so, where they're talking about forbidding children, that's the same thing. Yeah. Because children are the growth of the family.
And this is all in the context of getting married, having children. So, forbidding the having of children is the same as forbidding marriage in this particular case.
It's all demonic. It's all demonic talk. They think we're saving the planet by having abortions and even telling people not to bring children into this world and raise children in this world.
That is awful. And it's all demonic. It's completely demonic. So, it's not just their strange little Hindu thing that they're doing out in nature, but it's also the entire philosophy is nothing but demonic.
If you haven't seen the video, I really don't recommend you looking it up, but they do some weird stuff with their arms and just…
While they're talking. Yeah. Well, it's just like, you know how some people sway or some people bounce?
It's like a second nature to them. It's normal behavior for them, but it looks really weird.
Yeah. Normal conversational behavior. Yeah. So, it's whatever… Stretching their aura, as you said they are, so that they can expand their mind and have their thoughts and take their pills.
I really… Oh, man. Now, again, we joke about this. We think these people are crazy.
But this kind of stuff is actually being introduced into public schools. Now, this is the more extreme end of it, but they're having like little
Buddhist meditation times. Oh, wow. In public schools. Wow. So, adopting those…
And they may try to stay as secular with it as possible, considering that it's a public school. But nevertheless, what they're drawing from are
Hindu and Buddhist practices. Wow. When they implement these things. That's not where we're going today, though.
Okay. Though, I do want to extend. If there's somebody out there that knows of an occasion of this happening, like your local public school, or you've heard of something like that, shoot us an email with an article that may be something nearby of like instituting some sort of Buddhist meditation thing.
Right. Todd Friel's read a couple of them on Wretched. Oh, really? Yeah. I've heard him do a couple of articles. But if you've got one, send it to us when we understand the text at gmail .com.
I'd like to see some more specific examples of something that you know has happened nearby. Yeah. Not just two cuckoos who have been hit up on YouTube.
Yeah, right. Like this. Yeah. That's definitely the extreme side of things.
I hope that's as extreme as it gets. Yeah. But of course, I mean, again, going into what
AOC said, this is becoming more and more normal talk and consideration, even within.
That's true. That's true. That's true. Oh, my goodness. I don't even want to replicate that. That is just.
I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I'll take it back. You're going to be so self -conscious now. I am. It's going to be bad.
All right. Where we're headed next is because I said we were going to talk about that the whole program. We're going to talk about the
Hebrew roots movement and particularly as it pertains to Easter because that's what's coming up.
That's just right around the corner here. It is. We're just a little bit less than a month away. Yeah.
Three weeks. Yeah. Three weeks or something like that. I don't know. I'm not looking at a calendar. There's a calendar right there.
Hey, look at there. Four weeks. Because it's the 21st. Yeah. April 21st.
Yeah. Yeah. Three weeks. That's right. You got it right the first time. Okay.
Anyway, this is a question about the video that I did last year on Easter.
Okay. And so we're going to start with that video first and then pick up the question. Is Easter a pagan holiday?
No, it's a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the grave.
So it's very much not a pagan holiday. Right. But doesn't it replace a pagan holiday? No.
Easter celebrations in the early church were associated with Passover since that was the season in which Jesus was crucified and risen.
In 325, the Council of Nicaea decided that a Christian Passover would be held on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, independent of the
Jewish Passover. Fine. But isn't the name Easter from a pagan goddess? No. The claim that Easter comes from the pagan goddess
Oostra was made up by 8th century English monk Beatty. But no traditions for such a goddess exist.
The name is probably taken from the Anglo -Saxon word for the spring equinox. All right. But aren't Easter eggs a pagan tradition?
No. They come from German Lenten traditions, though some would have you believe that the Easter egg originates with Nimrod's egg -laying wife.
Okay. But the Easter bunny, that's pagan, right? Actually, no. The Easter hare was made up by German Lutherans as a
Santa Claus -like character awarding children for good behavior, which has its own set of theological problems.
So, again, Easter isn't pagan. Now, while there's nothing in the Bible about celebrating Easter, it does say not to quarrel over opinions about days.
If someone wants to celebrate Easter Sunday, they're not doing anything pagan. And if someone doesn't, they're not doing anything unchristian.
Let us as believers rejoice together in our risen Lord every day when we understand the text.
So, having seen that video, Dave from Arizona writes in and says,
Hi, I just saw your Easter video and I also just watched the below video that is a 180 from your view.
I have learned to trust both of your ministries and this is one of the very rare times the two of you disagree.
So, I'm trying to get clarity as Easter is approaching and God is growing my faith. Would you do me a huge favor and please watch this
Easter video if it's true history and I'd love to hear your response, whatever it may be for or against.
Thank you for your ministry as I have sent dozens of people to when we understand the text over the years.
Well, I appreciate that Dave and thank you so much for watching the videos and sharing them with others.
Yeah, thanks. Now, this video that he has sent in is entitled Messiah in the
Passover slash truth about Easter. It's from a YouTube channel called
Philea Ministries. Okay. And I believe it's a husband and wife duo. I did not watch any other videos.
But the gal in this particular video, her name is Leah. Okay. At least according to the description of the ministry that I caught,
I believe that this gal's name is Leah. Okay. So, here's what we're going to do. I'm not going to play the whole video.
It's over half an hour. But I'm going to go clip by clip through this and then we'll kind of pause intermittently and talk about what she's trying to get at here.
Okay. Hey friends, what is going on Philea family? So, today we're going to talk about Messiah in the
Passover and the truth about Easter. Now, I am actually a tad bit nervous about this video.
I've been praying all morning and kind of worrying for the last few days. So, here I am. So, bear with me.
I have lots of notes to share with you guys. And I just wanted to start this by saying I am not an expert on this whatsoever at all.
I'm not the final authority on this or anything. Just sharing with you guys the research that I've done, the notes that I've taken, and my own personal journey with this.
So, please take everything that I say to the Lord. Test everything I say against the scripture.
Because this isn't about me being right. None of our walk with the Lord should be about being right.
It should be about being passionate for God and wanting to do things His way.
And so, I pray with all my heart that He is glorified in this video. I pray with all of my heart that His word would not return void.
That it would be less of me and more of Him. So, here we go.
Now, I'm not able to get into everything. And like I said, I am not the authority on this. And I'm kind of new to understanding this myself.
And so, I'm also going to have resources in the description box below of some videos that I think are helpful in us understanding these different concepts more.
Okay, so first impressions. What are your thoughts so far in what she's talking about? Well, I'm just as nervous most of the time before we start podcasting.
Okay. So, I get that. So, you were late on that level. Yep, yep.
I do. Also, you know, giving glory to God. And that's most important.
But the part about not – the point is not to be right about that.
Yeah. That's a red flag right there. It's right. Exactly. Where she says – You should figure out the truth.
Yes. And go with that. We're sanctified in the truth. Yeah. As Jesus prayed in John 17,
Father, sanctify them in your truth. Your word is truth. That's what I was going to say. Your word is truth.
Right. And so, we should know and we should be, you know, hanging on to the truth.
Right. Yeah. Her first statement there was that it's not about being right. It's about being passionate.
Yeah. So, she's already setting the stage here for following feelings and emotions. And I will say that even before that, even before she got to that part, she said that this is all new to her and she's not an expert.
Anytime I watch a video on anything on YouTube, when somebody opens the video by saying, now, this is all very new to me,
I'm going, well, why are you doing a video on it? Yeah. If this is all brand new stuff, you're going to put sources in the description, which she did.
She has some video sources down there. So, you're going to tell people to test all things. Right.
And yet, all this is new to her. Has she taken time to view opposing viewpoints to this?
Mm -hmm. Or is it just she watched a plethora of videos all about the same thing and immediately her mind has changed and now she's going, oh, oh, oh,
I've got to do a video on this. Mm -hmm. Though she hasn't really taken the time to weigh different perspectives.
Mm -hmm. And so, now, it's just being thrown in front of everybody. Yeah. A couple of years ago,
I think this was before you became part of the Friday episode of the podcast. Okay.
But a couple of years ago, I got asked a question about a guy up in Canada who preached a sermon on a particular topic.
Mm -hmm. And he said in the sermon that he had just changed his mind on this topic six weeks ago.
Okay. I remember that. Yeah. And I responded to that and said, see, I've got a problem with that. As a pastor, him bringing this before his congregation and saying we need to do this now when he just came to a decision on this just a few weeks ago.
Right. And interestingly, after I did that podcast, which I also emailed to that church.
Mm -hmm. The video disappeared. Mm -hmm. They took it offline. I don't know if maybe he was convicted by that statement or not.
Mm -hmm. He never contacted me. But anyway, it was just. Or maybe it was just enough people contacting him about being so controversial.
Yeah. Or maybe that a few weeks later, he changed his mind again. Or that could be it, too.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Indeed. Indeed. So in this particular case, you've got this woman who has this ministry, her and her husband.
They have over four million views. I checked out some of the specs on the channel. Mm -hmm. And now she's just recently been convicted about this.
Yeah. So she's going to lay it on everybody else. Now, she says there are other videos in the descriptions.
Well, let me tell you about some of those ministries in the description of the video below. Okay. 119
Ministries, Unlearn the Lies. Any of these names ring a bell?
No. No, they're all Hebrew Roots Movement Ministries. Oh, okay. This whole thing is going to be about how we need to be keeping
Passover and all the Jewish festivals. Mm -hmm. And how Easter is pagan. And all of her information has been influenced by Hebrew Roots Heretics.
Okay. Now, she's probably completely genuine in her approach to this, just like you recognize the way that she started with saying that,
I want to honor God. Mm -hmm. I want to do everything the right way. And she says she wants to do it the right way, but yet truth doesn't matter.
Right. Like, it's not about being right. Yeah. It's about being passionate. It's contradiction.
Yeah. Her approach is a complete contradiction here. I believe that she's sincere. Mm -hmm. But she's been influenced by Hebrew Roots Heretics.
Mm -hmm. These are guys who swallow camels and strain out gnats. Yeah. Of arguing and having quarrels over the law, which the
Apostle Paul said in Titus 3 .9, we should avoid. Right. Arguments about days over festivals.
This is the MO of the Hebrew Roots movement. Okay. And so that's where all of this information is going to come from.
But she is going to try to present the scriptures, and I think that's noble. Mm -hmm. But I'm likewise going to respond with the scriptures.
So let's continue on. Okay. So Passover, or Pesach, I believe it's pronounced, is one of the
Lord's appointed times. We see in scripture that the Lord has his appointed holy days, the feasts and the festivals of YAH.
One of my absolute favorite things about beginning to look into the feasts and the festivals of God has been understanding the prophetic narrative of all of it and how
Yeshua, how Jesus is in all of it. He is woven into every feast and festival and appointed time of God.
And it's just so beautiful when you see it all laid out as a story. It brings so much of the scripture to life.
A lot of times I'll hear people refer to these things as Jewish things, but these are God's things. We see in Leviticus 23, 1 -5,
God declares them his days, his feasts, his festivals. They're not
Jewish things. They are God's things, and they are for God's chosen people. We see in the person of Ruth, she was not originally a
Hebrew Israelite. She became grafted into that through faith in the one true God of Israel and through her marriage to Boaz.
Just like Gentile believers were grafted into the olive tree through the marriage to Messiah, through the blood atonement of Messiah.
And all who believe on him, there is no longer Jew or Gentile, but we are all one in Messiah Yeshua, one in Jesus Christ.
So we are his chosen people, and all those who become his chosen people, this is our birthright.
His feasts and festivals and his appointed times that are so amazing and precious, and like I said, show the incredible prophetic narrative of Jesus.
They are for us. I just don't understand how she makes that leap where she talks about how the festivals and the holy days are our birthright.
Yeah, I was confused by that too. The only thing that we receive as a birthright is we become fellow heirs with Christ.
Right. To Christ has been given all things. He is the firstborn among many brothers,
Romans 8, 29. Or as it says in Colossians 1, 15, he's the firstborn from the dead.
He's the firstborn of all creation. God has given all things to the son. Right. And then we who are in Christ become fellow heirs of his kingdom by the grace of God.
As we have in Titus 3, 4, when the goodness and loving kindness of God our
Savior appeared, he saved us. Not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the
Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
So we have been born again into a new kingdom, into the promises of God, which have been extended to us through Christ Jesus.
So there's nothing in the New Testament anywhere that says for us to keep holy days, feasts, and festivals that were appointed in the
Old Testament. There's no command that we keep those things or that they somehow have become our birthright.
Yeah, I don't know. I don't get that. I mean, that's all I've got. I don't understand.
All right. So let's continue on. We personally find it an honor to be able to celebrate these things and to be a part of these things that God says are his special times.
So for us, we just want to try to follow God's word to the best of our ability, trying not to add to it or take from it as much as possible, and always having a humble, teachable heart, and realizing that we are all in the state of progressive sanctification as he is drawing us all deeper into his truth and deeper into his love, calling us into deeper obedience.
And I think it's a beautiful thing when we can come together as the body of Christ and grow in these things together.
So again, she said that this is not about being right. And yet she's talking about being in deeper obedience.
Yeah. If my children are not obeying, they're not being right. Right. They're being wrong.
That's right. This is all about being passionate, but we need to obey this.
And this is common. Like what you're going to hear as we continue on here, this is common for Hebrew Roots guys.
And again, I don't really think she understands what she's been manipulated by. But Hebrew Roots folks will throw all these passages out like she's about to do.
She's going to give a series of verses. Okay. And it's going to have nothing to do with what she's talking about, but she's going to lay out these passages like the obligation to our obedience to the word and that we shouldn't add to the word or take away anything from it.
So therefore, if we disagree with her on anything that she says regarding our obligation to keep the festival days, then we are disagreeing with the word of God.
Oh, right. So she's loading. Right. She's loading all of this. Okay. She's just pulling from the
Hebrew Roots playbook because they all do this. Whether or not she knows what she's doing or she's, you know, since all this is new to her, she's just throwing it out on everybody else.
Right. And heaping an undue burden, which she is not aware that she's doing. Right. So anyway, continuing on.
So to that point of wanting to follow God's word the best that we can without taking from it or adding to it, we have some scripture references for that.
So we can go to Deuteronomy 4 .2. It says, you shall not add unto the word, which I command you, neither shall you diminish from it that ye may keep the commandments of the
Lord, your God, which I command you. If we go to Deuteronomy 12 .32, it says, what things so ever
I command you observe to do it shall not add there to nor diminish from it.
So he's saying the same thing here. All right. So then we shoot over to Psalms. Psalm 119, 160.
The entirety of your word is truth. And every one of your righteous judgments endures forever.
I love that. Let's also go over to Malachi 3 .6.
For I am the Lord. I change not. Therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
So what I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to try to explain the Passover and explain how the
Passover is relevant for us as believers in Yeshua and Jesus as best I can by just sticking to the word of God.
There are a lot of traditions associated with Passover. And while I don't think that all traditions are bad,
I am just for the purposes of this video, I'm just going to stick with what the word says. So there you have the series of passages she's laid out.
And so now to disagree with these festivals that we're supposed to be keeping is to disagree with the word of God.
Right. I don't understand what she was establishing with the, just the fact that you were supposed to obey the word and not add anything or take away.
Is that the point? Okay. No, no. Yeah. Like I said, the passages that she was citing there don't even have to do with what she's talking about.
It doesn't have to do with the Passover at all. No, no. Right. And, and, and, and by the way, you know, all of the festivals and feasts that the
Jews were supposed to keep, those were laws. And if you did not keep them, there were severe punishments, including being cut off from Israel.
Right. If you had leaven in your bread, you were going to get cut off from Israel. Okay. But that's not the part the
Hebrew roots guys like. They just, they want to impose on you all these feasts and festivals, but they won't follow it according to what the scripture actually says you need to do in order to follow this festival.
This is all part of the law. Interesting. And it's all part of ceremonial law that has been fulfilled in Christ.
All of these things are pointing to Jesus who, by the way, I mean, some of you who are listening to this, probably have even been saying to yourself as you're driving in your car, but Christ is our
Passover lamb, right? Right. He's the, he's the fulfillment of Passover. So there is not a keeping of Passover anymore because Christ, who is our
Passover lamb has been sacrificed. Now I get the concept that the
Hebrew roots guys have of, well, I'll say the Hebrew roots lay people, not so much the teachers, because they're definitely the heretics, but the, but the lay persons who get caught up in this stuff.
So they see this as a memorial of what has already come. Right. And she makes a statement of it's keeping these feasts that sanctify us.
Well, they don't, I mean, there's nothing about the feasts that sanctifies us. The word of God sanctifies us.
Right. We're sanctified in his word. So anyway, she's going off of experiences and it's experiences that sanctify, including, you know, the statement that she made about, it's all about being passionate about these things.
I was going to say, she's still very much on the feelings part of it. Right. Yeah. So where she's going to go next is she's going to play a clip from one of these
Hebrew roots guys. Okay. Who's who's going to be talking about why we need to keep these feasts and festivals.
And when you watch the video of it, he's got all sorts of Jewish paraphernalia around like the menorah.
And you can see people sitting on the front row that have Jewish garb that they're wearing. So this is very much a
Hebrew roots gathering. All right. So let's talk about the shadow of things to come, because I think this is really cool.
And I want to show you guys a little video clip. If we hop over to Colossians, it warns us not to be deceived by the teachings of men.
I'm going to read the highlighted things here, just to get to the crux of what the scripture is trying to say.
Starting in Colossians 2, 6, it says as you have received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk in him.
I just want the context of all the words following what they represent. So then
Paul goes on to say, see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of this world, rather than according to Christ.
Don't be deceived by the teachings of men. You've received Christ, walk in him.
He's the word made flesh. Walk according to his word. Don't be deceived. Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink in respect to a festival or new moon or a
Sabbath day, things which are a mere shadow of that which is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
Some people would say no one is acting your judge in walking in these things and they flip that. But in fact, it's saying no, when you keep the new moons, when you keep the
Sabbaths, when you keep the festivals, don't let anyone judge you. You do that and don't worry about what people think of you because he's speaking to Gentiles.
They're going to be keeping new feasts. The world around them is going to go, what are you doing? You're not worshiping this God or that God and you're keeping these days and that thing.
And he's saying, you don't let people judge you. You walk according to the word of God. This word mere in verse 17, things which are a mere shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
The word mere is not in there. It's added. I can't even begin to tell you why it makes sense.
No sense to me at all. But the feasts, the festivals, the new moons, the
Sabbaths are shadows of that which is coming. The substance is Christ. It's very clear that what casts the shadow is
Yeshua. The feast days are a picture. Granted they're black and white, two dimensional, but they are pictures of Yeshua.
Our whole goal is to know our Savior, to know our Messiah, to understand him, to see him, to get a clear picture of who he is.
He's given us the feasts as a picture of him. We're changing the shape of the shadow, therefore we're changing our picture of who
Yeshua is. So that when he comes we're going to go, ah, it doesn't quite look like him. Now that's very significant. Listen to what he's saying there.
He's saying that if we don't keep the Jewish festivals, then when Jesus returns, we're not going to recognize him.
Really? Yes. See, that's why these guys, these Hebrew roots teachers are heretics.
When you get down to the essential doctrines of what they're teaching, there is a massive warping of things like the return of Christ, of the
Trinity, everything that we would understand to be orthodox according to the tradition of church history.
And I don't mean tradition as in the traditions of man. I mean tradition as in keeping the traditions that we've been given according to the word.
Right. And how the church has interpreted these things over the centuries. The Hebrew roots teachers totally twist those things.
And they might say, no, it's about doing this the right way. But when you get down to the nitty gritty of what they teach, they will say things like, if you're not doing this the right way, then you're not going to recognize
Christ when he returns. That's downright what he's saying there. I thought it was the other way around.
I thought Christ wouldn't recognize us. But, I mean. That we wouldn't be his own.
Yeah. Right. Like, depart from me. I never knew you. Exactly. Right.
So, it's interesting the way that he twists Colossians 2 .16. Therefore, let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a
Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you.
Now, he's taking that to mean, no, you're supposed to keep the festivals and the new moon and the Sabbaths, and let no one disqualify you for keeping those things.
That's not what Paul was talking about. That's not at all the context of what's being said there in Colossians.
The problem was that there were Judaizers who were coming in and saying that you had to keep all of these
Jewish observances, arguing that they were essential for spiritual advancement.
That's exactly what this gal and this guy is saying. Yeah. They are.
That you have to do this in order to be more spiritual. This is throwing out the entire letter to the
Galatians. I mean, I'm still stuck on this. We're going to know it's Jesus.
Nobody's going to not know it's Jesus coming back. Right. What on earth? I mean,
I don't know. I'm kind of hung up on that. Like I said, it's just totally goofy.
But as you continue on in Colossians 2, keeping in the context of what Paul is talking out here, he says, if with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations?
Do not handle. Do not taste. Do not touch. Referring to things that all perish as they are used, according to human precepts and teachings.
These indeed have an appearance of wisdom in promoting self -made religion and asceticism and severity to the body.
But they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.
If we were to keep all of the things in the festivals that we're supposed to be keeping, it would actually do nothing to improve our spiritual state.
And once again, going back to 1 Timothy 4, which I read earlier related to the first video that we listened to.
That's true. Oh, yeah. The spirit expressly says in later times, some will depart from the faith devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons.
And one of those things that's listed in there is the teachings of demons is requiring abstinence from foods that God created to be received with Thanksgiving.
That's all a part of this Hebrew roots movement. Stick. You cannot eat these foods.
Interesting. Because if you, if you don't keep the dietary laws, then you won't know Jesus.
You won't recognize him. And I give thanks to God every day.
I particularly love bacon and it is a godly thing. Let me tell you.
All right, let's continue on. God's feasts and festivals are a memorial and also a looking forward.
So the spring feasts were fulfilled through his death, burial and resurrection, the Passover, the feast of unleavened bread and him being the first fruits.
He was the first fruits of the resurrection. Praise be to God. And then we look forward to the fall feast, which is significant prophetically of the second coming because we have trumpets, we have atonement and we have tabernacles when we will tabernacle with God forever.
It is also, I'm telling you guys, I encourage you to look into it because it is beautiful, but we do still practice
Passover. We do. How do we still practice Passover? The Lord, the
Lord's supper. Exactly. So when she talks about Passover being a memorial, of his death and resurrection, that's the
Lord's supper, right? This is my body. Yeah. Yeah. Right. This was the
Passover meal that Jesus and his disciples were partaking in the night that Jesus was arrested and he breaks the bread and says, this is my body, which is broken for you.
He passes the cup. This is the blood of the new covenant, which is spilled for the forgiveness of sins.
Eat this in remembrance of me, drink this in remembrance of me, all of these festivals and the descriptions that she gives of them.
I totally agree with, but it's all wrapped up in the Lord's table, right? Even the eschatological aspect of it, because he says to his disciples,
I tell you that I will not drink of this cup with you again until I drink it with you in my father's kingdom.
So we have both the memorial of what Christ did for us. And we have what we are looking forward to dining with him in his eternal kingdom at the, at the wedding feast of the lamb.
So she says, we have to keep these feasts and festivals. It's all wrapped up in the memorial feast that Jesus gave us to partake in as his body, as his church.
And that is the Lord's table, man. I think if I were to try to be a Hebrew roots person,
I would feel very oppressed. Well, they are right there. They are taking, as it says in Galatians five, one, do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
And that's what they're doing. Exactly. They're placing a yoke on people on things that we cannot keep.
And they will say, well, it's just about doing it with all your heart until you get to, if you don't do it right, then you can't know the savior.
Right, right. And then it's no longer about feelings after that. Right. And like I said, the whole book of Galatians speaks against the
Hebrew roots movement, which they will say the Bible is like when you get down to it, when you say, well, the
Bible says this, you can push a Hebrew roots guy to saying to you, well, the Bible has been corrupted, right?
There are things that have been changed. A lot of these Hebrew roots guys will say that the new Testament was originally written in Hebrew, not
Greek. And so when, when we say there was a Greek new Testament and we've translated that into English, well, then we've lost what was originally written in the
Hebrew new Testament. Right. And the Hebrew roots movement is the restoration of that. That's, that's the basis of Mormonism and the
Jehovah's witnesses. Yeah. It's this whole thing of the Bible has been corrupted and we cannot actually know what it originally said, but we have the right word.
It's the satanic. Galatians. Isn't that all covered in Galatians? Yeah. This is a different gospel.
Yes, exactly. It's like, of course you're going to throw that one out.
Right. It's that satanic whisper from the garden. Again, did God really say, goodness. All right.
So when God revealed to the Israelites, how he wanted them to celebrate Passover going forward, he said the
Passover was to be a permanent thing through all of your generations, everlasting for ever.
If we go to Exodus 12, 14, it says, and this day shall be unto you for a memorial and ye shall keep it a feast to the
Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as an ordinance for ever.
This is something that he's saying is throughout all the generations of his people, Israel. Now we believe based on what we see in scripture.
And again, please test this on your own, that this is everyone, both grafted in to Israel and those who are naturally born into Israel.
So all of spiritual Israel, that this is a, this feast is an ordinance forever.
And we do see in Corinthians. And I will share that with you guys in a moment where we are encouraged to keep the feast as believers.
Now she contradicts herself there, where the passage in Corinthians that she's referring to is in first Corinthians five.
It's much later in the video when she gets to that. And I'm not going to, I'm not going to do the whole video, as I said, right.
But in person, you skipped ahead to this part. Yeah, I skipped ahead to which part in, in Corinthians is she talking about?
So in first Corinthians five, six, it says your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little
Levin, Levin's the whole lump cleanse out the old Levin that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened for Christ.
Our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old
Levin, the Levin of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Very clearly, Paul is making a metaphorical reference, right? A spiritual
Levin that he's talking about. They're not a literal Levin, right? And so she's talking about how we are spiritual
Israel. All who are in Christ are spiritual Israel. I agree with that. But then she goes, so we literally have to keep the literal
Passover. No, wait a second. How did we jump from spiritual? Yeah, there are quite a few jumps that she's making with her words, right?
And her points. And it's evident when you read the passage in context, if first Corinthians five, eight, let us therefore celebrate the festival is in keeping with the metaphor that Paul is presenting and a spiritual understanding of it.
He's not literally saying, let us keep the literal Passover for Christ is our
Passover lamb. He has been sacrificed for us and the, the old things are fulfilled.
Hebrews eight, five, they serve a copy and a shadow of the heavenly things.
For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God saying, see that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.
But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry. That is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant.
He mediates is better since it is enacted on better promises.
Hebrews 10, one for, since the law has, but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near.
Let me repeat that again. So you hear that she's talking about, we're being sanctified through these feasts and festivals.
Hebrews 10 is saying, we can't be right. We cannot be made perfect by these same sacrifices.
And the Passover involved a sacrifice because we have Christ, because we have Christ. Hebrews 10, one for, since the law has, but a shadow of the good things to come.
Remember that this was a shadow of the things to come, but the substance was in Christ instead of the true form of these realities.
It can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near.
Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered since the worshipers have once been cleansed would no longer have any consciousness of sins, but in these sacrifices, there is a reminder of sins every year for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
This is why we understand Christ is our Passover lamb. Right. Okay. So we're coming up on the, the close of our time.
Right. And it's later in the video, she gets to talking about how Easter is pagan.
Okay. I'm going to fast forward to just one part here. I've kind of addressed how Easter is not pagan in a minute and a half.
I did it in a single what video. Right. But anyway, I'll fast forward to this one part and then respond to that.
So where does the word Easter even come from? And I got to be honest with you guys. When I hear that word now, after really just letting it settle in where it comes from and what it means,
I cringe, like cringe to the core of my soul. So Easter in our modern
English, we bring this back a little bit. We have Ostre, E -O -S -T -R -E.
We have, bring it back a little more, E -A -S -T -R -A, E -A -S -T -R -A.
Bring it back a little further to Babylonian culture. You have Ishtar or in other cultures known as Isis or Zemiramis, known in different cultures by different names, but referring to the same moon goddess, fertility goddess.
So when we say Easter, we are saying Ishtar. And it makes me feel physically sick, to be perfectly honest with you.
So what was yesterday? Thursday. Okay. Whose day? Thurs.
Thursday? Thor's day? Thor's day. Thor's day?
That's literally, yes, that's where the name Thursday comes from. It's Thor's day, the
Norse god of thunder. She doesn't get sick saying Thursday, does she? I don't know.
She may. Now, it's possible that the name Easter does come from the name of a pagan goddess, but it's just like we would call
Thursday Thursday. It's not because Easter's pagan. It's just because that word was probably derived from, you know, referring to the spring equinox.
The name Easter was a reference to the spring equinox. It's possible that name came from a pagan goddess.
We actually don't know. Okay. We don't know for sure. There are some similarities between Easter and the name of a pagan goddess.
I mentioned that in my video and she mentioned that there, but the carryover of that name is not because Easter's directly named after a pagan goddess.
It's just the same, you know, the same connotation by which we would call Thursday Thursday, right?
There's nothing about Thursday. That's Thor's day, right? That's just where that name comes from.
The day is still the Lords. Today is the Lords. Amen. Tomorrow is the Lords. So true. Sunday is the
Lord's day. When, which we all gather at now I'm distracted because you just went so true. I didn't mean it.
That's a good, that's a good place to wrap up. We're going to stop right there. Anyway, so stay away from the
Hebrew rude stuff. It's always a mess. And it's always a quarrel over the law.
Again, which Paul says in Titus three, nine, we are to stay away from, but avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions and quarrels about the law for they are unprofitable and worthless.
When it comes to celebrating Easter, you can celebrate if you want to applying the
Romans 14 principle. Okay. Or you can choose to not celebrate Easter, right?
But the Hebrew roots guys, that's not the principle they're applying. They're saying, no, you have to, oh, you have to obey all the festival laws, right?
But only the festival laws, the Hebrew roots guys say that you have to obey. Yeah, that's, that's interesting. Not the festival laws that you actually find them in the
Bible. So much for let's not add to or take away from the word. Yeah. Yeah.
It's messy. It's very messy. All right. Let's pray. Yes. Our heavenly father, we thank you for the grace that you have given us today.
Your mercies are new every morning. And I pray that you, or that we give honor and glory to you every day with our whole lives.
We wake up today and we look for ways that we may honor and glorify you with what we have to do.
And even if this day becomes a struggle, if there is stress, there's pain, there's hurt, there's uncertainty, there's insecurities, even in all these things, we come to rely more on Christ.
And we understand the word of James in James chapter one, where he says, count it all joy.
My brothers, when you face trials of many kinds for, you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that we may be lacking in nothing.
It's in this, that we come to our sanctification, knowing the word of Christ, applying it to our daily lives, that we may be made more and more into the image of Christ, looking forward to his return on the day of Christ, when we will be received by him into his glorious kingdom forever.
And we pray and ask these things in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Well, some of this you've seen because you were the first person to show me this, this, this little pairing of ladies called the angelic initiative.
You remember this by name at all? Nope. You will remember this though. That's true.
Oh, oh, got it. Yes, that's true. Uh -huh. Yeah. And her weird arm movement, her weird little
Kundalini thing that she's doing or there it's something Hindu. It's either, it's either Buddhist or Hindu.
I had read what it was that they were doing, but I don't, I don't remember what it was now, but they're doing their little meditative thing out in nature.
Yeah. And then talking about nonsense. Yeah. In the midst of all of that. She had met, I watched another
YouTube clip of them and, or of the, the gal, the one that kept saying, it's true.
It's true. And that's true. Yes. And she said that she is stretching her aura to yeah.
Soften the aura. Yeah. And I stretch my aura after Mexican food.
That's going to be my excuse for now on daddy. No, sorry kids. I'm stretching my aura.
Don't get him started on that. I'll probably need to cut this part out of the podcast.
They'll say it in church next time. Children, you know, not to pass gas during church.
Well, daddy calls it stretching his aura. I'll cut this part out.