Isaiah Lesson 50

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Isaiah: Prophet of the Suffering Servant Lesson 50: Isaiah 40 Pastors Jeff Kliewer and John Lasken


Okay. It's running. All right. So good afternoon. I'm going to take us initially to Psalm 88.
Now, when we start back in Isaiah, that's where we are in Chapter 40, we begin what's often considered the
New Testament part of Isaiah. We're going to see more of the prophetic promises, the loving kindness of God, the
Old Testament. The first half, not entirely, it had a lot of promises, it did show the
Messiah, but it also proclaimed the shortcomings of the nation.
So we're seeing a transition. Now, I want to go to Psalm 88, the psalm of mine this week.
Often the psalms, especially David's psalms, will start out with a lament.
He's experiencing hardship, he's experiencing the trials, but those laments of David typically end up in a psalm of worship because he sees
God through the trials. So this Psalm 88 is a psalm of Heman, which
Jeff told me this morning used to be his hero. He's a superhero, Heman.
Heman. Back in the 80s. This is Heman, the
Ezra of height, and Psalm 88 is a lament, but it continues predominantly throughout the entire psalm.
You have put me in the depths of the pit, verse six. I am shut out so I cannot escape, verse eight.
Oh Lord, why do you cast my soul away? Fourteen, your wrath has swept over me.
Sixteen, they surround me like a flood all day long. You have caused my beloved and my friends to shun me.
That's how pretty much the psalm ends. Now, in the middle of it, there are some things in verse 13, but I, oh
Lord, cry to you. That's important because when we were looking at this this morning, we were looking at verse six, but before I read that,
Jeff, if you would read Psalm 20, verse seven. Now, I have two things on my desk in the morning when
I do my quiet time. I have my psalm of the week and then I have a pack of cards that over time when
I see a verse and it's like, I really like this verse, I write it and that pack just gets thicker and thicker and every day
I just read the next one. It's incredible how often that pack of cards has a verse that applies to what
I'm meditating on out of a psalm. So yesterday I had verse six and then my pack had 20, verse seven.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Some trust in chariots, some in horses.
We trust in the name of the Lord our God and here we have a lament where it's just over and over and over again. My situation is harsh, my situation is harsh and in verse six, you have put me in the depths of the pit.
Now, I wanted to emphasize an important observation to this.
How does the psalmist end up in the depths of the pit? According to that verse.
What's the historical context of Saul chasing him at the time? Okay, let's just go to the word. You put me.
You put me there. You put me. There is such a confession and profession of the sovereignty of God there that even though the conditions are,
I'm in the pit, it's still God. It's still God and it's not you have abandoned me into the pit, it's like you have placed me in the pit.
This is God's hand. Going back now to Psalm 20 verse 7, some trust in horses, some in chariots.
We trust in the Lord our God. There are times in life where it feels like the pits.
The reality is that God is sovereign. There was an episode that happened,
I think it was this past weekend in Tennessee, where the school board had edicted that the schools and anybody in the administration, teachers, anybody associated, could not participate, much less lead.
Could not participate in prayers after football games. So this football game transpires and the players went out into the middle of the field after the game and led the stadium in prayer.
The reason I bring that up in text of all of this, there are obstacles that are put in our way.
God is sovereign. There are things that feel hard and you either aren't going to surrender to those things that are hard or you're going to say,
I have a sovereign God and that's what these players did. We're coming out of chapter 39 in Isaiah.
What happened in chapter 39, Jeff? Oh, you put me on the spot.
I put you on the spot. What did Hezekiah... Hezekiah, rather than interceding for the future generations, the way he had interceded for himself, just was sort of like, meh, it's not going to happen to me, so whatever.
And he kind of flippantly just went with it. It's a bleak moment in the nation of Israel, Hezekiah almost being a prototype of what's going on with the nation.
We go directly from that, in the last verse of 39, big deal,
I'm okay to bat on my sons, to chapter 40, which is going to start out with the word comfort, comfort my people.
So this is our transition. And as we get into verse 40, I learned this morning, Bob, that this is,
I guess, one of your favorite chapters in the Bible. It's a great one. That's where we're going to rest today.
If we finish it, if not, we'll finish it next week. Pastor Jeff, could you open us with a prayer?
Yes. Father, thank you so much for this word that we have to read today. We thank you that you have spoken through the mouths of prophets like Isaiah for our instruction.
And they were looking forward to things that we now see in full. We have the reality, we have
Christ and Him crucified and risen from the dead. They were looking forward to that through a shadow.
And we thank you, Lord, for all that we have studied so far. We pray now as we move into the second half of the book, 40 to 66,
Lord, that you would have a special blessing on us now as we persevere through the text and learn and grow and enjoy and delight in your word.
So speak to us now. It is sweeter to us than honey, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Pastor, give me verses one through eight.
And I'm going to assign a couple of verses that I would like to have read. I'll speak to the others.
Ralph, if you get Hosea 2, you can see it on the third one down up top. And then
John 1, 14. Little Ricky, if you would have
John 1, 14. Have that ready. So give me verses one to eight. Comfort, comfort my people, says your
God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the
Lord's hand double for all her sins. A voice cries in the wilderness. Prepare the way of the
Lord. Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up and every mountain and hill be made low.
The uneven ground shall become level and the rough places a plain and the glory of the
Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the
Lord has spoken. A voice says, cry. And I said, what shall I cry?
All flesh is grass and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers.
The flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it. Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.
All right, coming out of chapter 39, Hezekiah, he basically reveals the hardness of his heart.
But as we're in chapter 39, because of the things that he has done, there's bad times coming.
And the prophecies throughout Isaiah, there's bad times coming.
The significance as we get into this is that although the self -centeredness, the pride of Hezekiah, these are the people, yet from before the foundation of the earth,
God promises that his love will prevail. This becomes the strength of this chapter and why this transition can be made.
The first two verses, comfort, comfort my people, says your God, speak tenderly to Jerusalem.
Now we've coming out of, again, chapter 39, it's not tenderly to Jerusalem, but there is a promise of mercy and there's a promise of God's hand.
Some observations about Judah, about the city of Jerusalem at this time, you can read it into it.
One of them is that Jerusalem is guilty of transgression against God. That's what they are at this time.
And it's going to get worse. Eventually they will besecrate the temple, the Shekinah glory will leave, but there is transgression at the heart of who they are.
Because of their transgression, what do they deserve? Judgment.
And judgment will come in the form of punishment, as evidenced by the exile.
Their warfare has ended, it says in the middle of verse two. The concept of what's going to happen is, so this book is written some 115 years, 116 years before they actually go into exile.
There's going to be a downward spiral, the Assyrians are going to continue their assault.
Eventually the Assyrians are defeated, Babylon takes over, and the intensity, and eventually they get taken captive, they get brought out into exile.
They're going there because of the sin, and they're going there because God needs to purge and cleanse his people.
This is the warfare that they're experiencing, and it says here that the warfare has ended.
And so God then is promising comfort, there's going to be an end of the conflict, and it says that he has received double for all sins.
And again, what's happening here is the punishment that is going to be meted out will be completed and God's restoration will be experienced.
You can think of the story of Job. What happened to Job? He got wiped out.
But, thank you, but. Whenever you get that word, something's going to happen, but.
Yes, he did. And he never cursed the Lord. And he never, never cursed the
Lord. By the way, the shortest man in the Bible is in the book of Job. Build that, the shoe height.
Shoe height. Shorter than Nehemiah. Yeah, the wee little man.
Now, the nation of Israel is going into exile, the nation is going to be judged.
Deuteronomy 28, verses 49 to 52 proclaims that when you don't, he said,
I am going to send a nation and they will be besieged and they will be taken away.
These were all truths, these were all proclamations of God that the nation ignored, and so they went down that path.
And then in verse 39, verses 5 to 7, according to the word of the
Lord, God would send the people into exile. All will be taken. This has to happen, and this will happen.
And then the transition now is that there is a time of comfort, comfort, that the warfare, the tribulation, the trials will end.
Hosea 2, 14 to 17, please. Therefore, I am now going to abhor her.
I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards and will make the valley of Acre a door of hope.
There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the days she came up out of Egypt.
In that day, declares the Lord, you will call me my husband. You will no longer call me my master.
I will remove the names of the vows from her lips. No longer will their names be encoded.
We get into a challenge as we're reading that out of Hosea, as we're reading this out of Isaiah.
When does this happen? I can say that there are three mountain peaks of when this could happen.
The first would be potentially under Ezra, under Nehemiah, they get to return to the land.
They're given out of Cyrus the decree that they could return. And that's one potential mountain peak because the trials of being in exile will come to an end.
God had promised to the prophet. God had promised to Daniel, all right?
I'm sorry, in Jeremiah, and Daniel is reading it 70 years and praying.
Okay, so that's one mountain peak of a completing. As we get into now in verse three, a voice cries in the wilderness, prepare the way of the
Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. There's a real strong reference to the first coming of the
Messiah. John the Baptist, absolutely, because it's actually quoted. So there's a link back into here.
There is a cry, there is an exhortation to prepare the way. What way needs to be prepared?
The Messiah's arrival, and so what preparations are needed, should occur?
Repentance, repentance. It's a way of the heart. It's a pushing away of the things that got them there in the first place, prepare the way in the heart.
But it does also go into here, it says, every valley shall be lifted, every mountain a hill made low, uneven ground shall become level, where the obstacles, the physical obstacles are actually removed.
There is a reference to the millennial time, where the ability for the people to come back into the land where we know
Christ will reign on the throne for a thousand years. So there are potentially three mountain peaks, coming out of exile, the coming of the
Messiah, the first coming, the second coming, and the introduction of the millennial reign. In any event, what we have here is
God telling his people, comfort, comfort my people.
It's coming. It's coming. Alright, so, quick application. You're in a time of distress, you're in a time of trial, you're in a time of the pit, where he has put me in the depths of the pit.
These things happen, we know the sovereignty of God, and God can, and he lovingly does, bring us out of that.
We do know that there is the Messiah, and that resolves. We become a new creation, all things have passed away, all things have become new.
We have the ability, he gives us the Holy Spirit, he gives us grace, we have that ability. But even this is only partial, because we're justified completely, and we're only being sanctified.
And for us to fully experience God is a process, blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see
God, as in the Beatitudes. Those moments where you willingly, volitionally are going into sin, there's a problem, okay?
There is a time when this all gets corrected. Now for us, it's when we return to glory.
Our brother Rich is experiencing that right now. These are things that are going to happen.
Now, John 1 .14, you got that Rich? John 1 .14, yes.
And the Word became flesh and grew up among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten
Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. Grace and truth. Verse 5 in Isaiah 40 says,
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. Now this becomes, again, the question.
It says that the glory of the Lord is coming. It comes in the person of Jesus. When the nation comes out of captivity, they could only be looking ahead.
Because it hadn't happened yet. But their faith in anticipation of this Messiah that would come is solid for them.
It says here that all flesh shall see it together. John 1 .11 says, He came to his own, but his own received him not.
So even at the coming of the first Messiah, all flesh did not see. They perceived with their eyes, but they did not accept what they were seeing.
It says earlier in Isaiah, There will be a time when every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess.
And so the reality of who he is, Jesus, is Lord, is yet to come. But then it says in verses 6, read that again for me please.
A voice says, Cry. And I said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades. When the breath of the Lord blows on it, surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever and ever.
That is one of my favorite verses in Scripture. Grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our
God stands forever. Now, what we have here is the prophet is proclaiming.
It says, Cry. And he says, Well, what should I cry? Remember that what we've got here is 116 years before they were going to go into captivity.
And so his crying out these things, it's like, well, when? It doesn't seem to be happening.
Pastor Jeff has spoken incredibly strongly about everything that has to do with Scripture.
No apologies given whatsoever. And one of them being the woke culture and critical race theory, social justice.
And there are those who are opposing against him, and it doesn't feel like right now his voice can carry.
But it does, and the reason I say that it does is the end of verse 8. The word of our
God will stand forever. And so when truth is proclaimed, it's forever.
Because it was forever, and it will be forever, and it's founded on truth.
The things that are being taught right now are here for a season, they're gone for a while. They're like the grass of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades. Like the mist of the air. And the mist of the air. Yeah, absolutely. You go into the song of the psalm.
Vanity, vanity, all is vanity, except for truth. And so the prophet is told here to proclaim the word.
Now remember where he is at this time. Hezekiah has just gotten some bad news.
The nation is not in obedience. And now he's told, proclaim, comfort, comfort, comfort my people.
And he says, proclaim this word in the midst of the settlement.
And then times are only going to get worse to where they get besieged by the Babylonians. Then times are going to get worse.
They're going to go into captivity. Yet the word is comfort, comfort my people. Speak tenderly and cry to her.
Your warfare is ended. Your iniquity is pardoned. And at the end of verse 8, the word of our
God will stand forever. This is the promise that the people would need to hold on to.
Give us verses 9 through 11, please. Go on up to a high mountain,
O Zion, herald of good news. Lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good news.
Lift it up, fear not. Say to the cities of Judah, behold your
God. Behold, the Lord God comes with might and his arm rules for him.
Behold, his reward is with him and his recompense before him. He will tend his flock like a shepherd.
He will gather the lambs in his arms. He will carry them in his bosom and gently lead those that are with him.
We are told, Jerusalem is told, go out and proclaim the good news.
Bob, I'm going to ask if you would have Hebrews 13 ready and Barb, if you would have 2
Peter 2 ready. They're told to go out and to proclaim good news. Now the nation has been judged and the nation is going to be, they're going to go into exile and all this other stuff.
They've been judged but they haven't been rejected. They've been judged but they haven't been rejected.
There are times where my behavior, where my decisions clearly are not pleasing to God and God will need to purge me.
God will, you know, blessed are those who the Lord chastens for whom he loves, he chastens, right?
What son doesn't, he chastens. Just because God is chastening me doesn't mean he's rejected me.
Just because God is going to chasten Israel, he has not rejected them. In fact, I think we go into the book of Revelation and who ends up coming back in the book of Revelation?
Israel. All 12 tribes. Yeah. All 12 tribes. Not just Judah and the half tribe of Benjamin.
All 12 tribes are going to come back because God has said so. You are my people. And it says the word of the
Lord stands forever. Even the lost tribes. That's what I just said.
Yeah, the 10 lost tribes. They're coming back. That's pretty awesome. So Jerusalem is told to go out and spread this good news and don't be afraid.
Just go out and herald the good news. I think of a couple of chapters ago, was it when
Sennacherib comes in? He comes in. Not Sennacherib.
Rapshaka. Rapshaka comes in. And he's hollering. He's hollering at the people. Well, okay, these are true because he's got this strength about himself.
But there is a better God. There is the only God. The message is, behold, the
Lord is coming. The end of verse 9. Say to the cities of Judah, behold your
God. There is a focus. There is a reality. There is a perception of things that are going on here and now.
They can be very discouraging. They can be overwhelming. They can even distract us. The message is, behold your
God. When difficulties come, when persecution comes, behold your
God. And then you can look at, you have put me in the depths of the pit. And you can say, my
God is sovereign. He put me there. He still has his hand on me.
And you can be there with that. Psalm 23 says,
God is my shepherd. There's nothing I need. God is my shepherd.
And it says that God is coming. And according to this, he's coming with might. He's coming to rule.
He's coming with a reward. He is the shepherd. And he gently leads us.
Now this section really appears to be more like millennial than even coming out of exile.
And even the first coming of the Messiah. We hold true to the fact that all of this stuff has happened and that millennial reign is real and it is coming.
You can see that millennial projection right at the beginning. In verse one where it says, for warfare has ended.
I said it won't end. Correct. Correct. Yeah. And that is a true statement.
This word warfare here actually speaks more to their judgment and their punishment.
But yes, warfare is also true. And even the punishment hasn't ended yet.
I was blown away a couple of weeks ago and I try to remember where I heard it.
I think it was with, was it with Phil Rizzo? I don't remember. What country has the highest rate of abortion?
China? Was it Australia? Is it Israel? Israel. Israel, really? Oh, I don't know.
It's populated. It's a population. It's real. There's still a sin there. God still needs to be dealing with things.
China has 330. Well, okay, the greatest number, but the proportional number.
Hebrews 11, 13, Bob? Yep, 1320. May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our
Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep. This is, again, continuing on the promise.
Have you gotten to this one yet or am I stealing your thunder? No, go ahead. You got it. It can be repeated.
It can be repeated. The power and the assurity behind this verse is the blood of Christ.
It is, it always is. From before the foundation of the world, it's going to be the blood of Christ.
1 Peter 2? 225. 225.
For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls.
Is that a comfort? God sees us. And it's not that you better be walking the...
No, God knows that we are like sheep who go astray. And he tenderly, as a good shepherd, calls us back into his realm, into his kingdom.
Let's talk about the supremacy of God. Give me verses 12 to 17, please.
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?
Who has measured the spirit of the Lord or what man shows him his counsel?
Whom did he consult and who made him understand? Who taught him the path of justice and taught him knowledge and showed him the way of understanding?
Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket and are accounted as the dust on the scales.
Behold, he takes up the coastlands like fine dust. Lebanon would not suffice for fuel, nor are its beasts enough for a burnt offering.
All the nations are as nothing before him. They are counted by him as less than nothing, an emptiness.
The supremacy of God. When God created... How did he do it?
Out of nothing. Everything. My notes here, it says, what? Ex nihilo.
What does that mean? Out of nothing. Out of nothing. Come on. Do you really believe that?
Yes. I do. No. Hmm?
No, I don't. Psalm 33 .6 says, By the word of the
Lord, the heavens were created, and by his breath, the host of them. So, his breath and word aren't nothing.
I think Augustine got it wrong there. Interesting. Alright, well let's just play with that for just a minute.
I think it means that there was nothing material. Nothing material. He didn't organize pre -existing matter.
Right. He spoke the matter itself. And you're right. His method was from himself.
From his word. But there was absolutely nothing... That's interesting.
That is. Yeah. That's what I was writing my doctoral thesis on. Oh. God's creation.
I was countering Augustine. You know, I'm hecking through it. I don't know if I'm going to turn it in, but I might publish it as a book.
Good for you. Good for you. This section has a rhetorical question asked over and over again in various forms.
Who has? Who has? Who did? Who taught? It's like, the answer is clear. No. It was just God.
He needed nothing. Who measured and marked it off? I mean, you're almost re -reading
Job at the end of that. I think it was more about his vastness. How great he is.
Yeah. He's so vast. Yeah, he measured the waters. The waters on the earth are just in the hollow of his hand.
Right. All these waters and oceans that we have. Right, right. Okay, I've got to rabbit trail for just a minute because I can't help myself.
The engineering me just came out. Yes. I firmly stand on the
New Earth theology. I firmly stand on six 24 -hour periods of time.
That's my theology. Oh, yeah. Okay? I also, I believe in science, and light travels at 186 ,000 miles per second.
Two hundred maybe too much. Per second. Per second.
I was just going to say that. Yeah. Me too. And I firmly believe that the
Hubble telescope finds stars that are supposedly billions of light years away, and so now my mind has to try to reconcile these two.
If I am believing firmly in a literal 6 ,000 years 24 hour, how could that star have been there billions of light years away for the light to come here?
And so my answer to that is my God who created everything also created light waves that would arrive and make us think that it's out there.
Anyway, that's my God. I think that God is over all. Yeah. Easy for him.
They take the universe as 14 billion light years. How do they know 14? But still, it's like a speck of dust on God's face.
Thank you. It is. God didn't require any consultation or assistance when it came to having make decisions about, oh, why do we have, we were talking about no -see -ums.
Yes. Why do we have them? I have to remember that everything we talk about will come up.
I love that. We were talking about no -see -ums the other day. Solomon said that. What's that?
Solomon said that. What happened yesterday happens today or happened yesterday, right?
It all comes back. Oh, yeah, yeah. It all circles, yeah. I don't understand the need for a no -see -um, but he didn't have to ask me.
He was God. He consulted with nobody. He consulted with nobody.
Now, that being said, I do like the term you've used recently, devolution. Yes. Because after the fall, sin entered, and all of creation is actually devolved.
It's actually the second law of thermodynamics. Without external influence, a contained system finds its own level of disorder.
That's actually the second law. That's my evolution contention. Totally nonsensical.
Now, here's the thing. If you read this, this little section here just puts a big old mark against mankind who tries to remove the impact of God.
Satan cannot abide by having God as the authority,
God as the influence, God even as continuing to be involved, and so creation has to be changed.
And the lies will just continue off of that. I will make myself like the most high, with Satan's cry.
And this passage even says, nations are nothing before him. We read the news, and I guess rightly so, we get distressed over what is potentially happening in Afghanistan.
We grieve over the atrocities, women, what's going to be happening to them.
We grieve over all of this. We do have to pray for that.
But nations are nothing in comparison to God. He sets up kings. He tears them down.
It says that all nations are as nothing before him. They are accounted by him as less than nothing and emptiness.
Our God, our God is supreme over all. Psalm 24 says that the earth is the
Lord's and all who dwell in it. Psalm 24 verse 1. In Psalm 22 verse 28, the kingdom is the
Lord. He rules over all. This is our supreme
God. Revelations 4 .11. Chris, would you get
Revelations 4 .11 for me? When God created, he created ex nihilo.
He needed nothing. He used nothing. He did not require help.
But man is going to do what he can to change that equation. When you have 4 .11,
go ahead. You know where I have the first problem with that? It's right in Genesis. It's right in the beginning. God created.
It doesn't say God and nothing exists. It just God exists. Absolutely. Absolutely. In the beginning it was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God. John 1 .1. Go ahead. Revelation 4 .11 says, You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.
When man changes that second half of that into the Big Bang Theory, when man changes that into evolution, when man changes that into saying life does not begin in the womb, when man changes things, then the ability for man to say thou art worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise because the finger of glory, honor, and praise now turns internal.
And that's not where it belongs. And so man finds ways to fill that void.
It has been said that all people are created with a God -sized hole. Now, I got a little problem with that theology because that's putting
God in a box, if you would. But I will say that I firmly believe that there are no atheists in foxholes, that we are created in the image and likeness of God.
We are created with a built -in desire to be in commune with God, different than all other creation, no other animals.
Ecclesiastes 3 .11, God put eternity in our hearts. God puts eternity in our heart. And so man finds, even denying the deity of Yahweh, man finds the need for gods.
And so we have Zeus, and we have all of these basic impulses to worship.
Anywhere, any culture you go to, they had gods of some kind. They had to worship something.
18 to 20, please. To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with Him?
An idol? A craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and casts for it silver chains.
He who is too impoverished for an offering chooses wood that will not rot. He seeks out a skillful craftsman to set up an idol that will not move.
Carol, right? Carol, I want you to get Habakkuk. If you're trying to find it,
Habakkuk 2, verses 18 and 19, have that created. Idols are, they are the ultimate fabrication of worshiping
Satan. That is really what they are. Let's put it down into its bottom, it's worshiping
Satan because it's not God. And Satan is going to convince you go in some other direction.
And so man, he creates idols so that he can worship them.
Man creates idols so that he can do sacrifices to earn their favor.
Do sacrifices to earn their favor. It is a works mentality.
Idols are sacrificing your children. It's crazy what people do because of taking a piece of wood.
When I was a child, my parents gave me a Boy Scout penknife which
I have to admit I didn't always do the right things with which ended up losing the knife.
But trying to carve things out, it's intriguing.
I'm trying to remember where I was just driving down the road. I was on the way home, we were down in Salisbury, Maryland over the weekend, and driving up the road on Route 50 there was a totem pole out in front of a house and somebody with the clever skills was able to carve things in front of it.
It's just a carved thing. That's all that it is. When you accept an idol, you are limiting
God. Because you're putting something at that idol that doesn't belong there.
It also requires your performance and your obedience.
I think that's like God in Exodus 20 verse 4, it says, no carved images, no images of anything in heaven or on earth are under you.
Right? Doesn't it also speak to our innate desire to have something greater than ourselves?
I think there's a valuable lesson there when you talk about bringing the gospel to people.
Now here's the irony of that. I want something greater than myself, so I'll make it.
Explain that one. Yeah, but I mean, that's the ultimate, that points to that's the ultimate to me, that points to that innate desire and need.
This little passage here, by the way, is going to have a big expanse because it's going to talk about the craftsmen, those who are skilled in it, but it's also going to talk about those who are too poor, and they're going to bring the, this is mankind, it's not just, it's not just the idol.
It's all mankind. What's, okay. Psalm 115 verses 4 to 7 is going to talk about idols as being nothing more than a work of a man who basically is totally incapable of making a god in the first place.
So, Karen, if you would get Habakkuk 2, please, verses 18 and 19. What profit the carved image that its maker hath engraved it, a melted image and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trust in it to make dumb idols?
Woe unto him that said to the wood, Awake, to the dumb stone arise, it shall teach.
Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath in all within it.
Woe, and there is nothing there. Dumb idols. That's all that it is.
But man chooses to go down that path. And I find it really clever that the prophet has placed in between big brackets of the supremacy of God the folly of an idol.
Because we just got done talking about the supremacy of God. When God created He did it ex nihilo. And now we go back to the supremacy of God, part 2, verses 21 to 26.
So we have one minute. Shall we wrap up here? Okay, and finish it next week? I think. Alright.
We will... That's a tease. You can go back. That's a tease. Chapter 40 moving to 41 next week.
But it is interesting because the prophet is going to take God's creativity all by himself, and then he's going to add in the fact that Satan is trying to get your eyes off of him.
But what we're going to see is that what's true of God is actually evident. And what's true of God is above all creation.
And what's true of God rules above all creation. This little thing of an idol in the midst of it it's like, forget it.
Just go here. Eventually we get in to choose God at the end of the chapter. What's interesting too, in verse 22, it says he's above the circle of the earth.
Even then, the Bible knew the earth was circular, it was round. His science was advanced.
How did they know that? Right. That's a good catch. Can I ask you to close this please?
Yes. So, Father, we do confess that you are God and there is none like you. All the idols of the nation are accounted as nothing before you.
Lord, we also confess that you are Lord over all, including our circumstances. So we trust you.
Lord, even when we're in the pit, we know that you placed us there for your good purpose. And so we look to you from the pit and we know that you will eventually speak over us.
Comfort, comfort your people. God, we believe that. We believe the promise that John the
Baptist came to prepare the way for the Messiah to say behold your God.
Jesus, you are our God. And we confess that you alone are God. We worship you this morning and we thank you for pointing our eyes again to who you are, your supremacy over all things, how you hold the whole world in the palm of your hand.
And it's like nothing compared to you. If we could have this view of you, the true God, as big as you are,
Lord, then what would we have to fear? Nothing. Lord, thank you so much for who you are to us and who you are for all eternity.