Ray Ortlund's Insight Into Ukraine

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All right, so it's early and I can't really talk that loud so I can't get too animated today But I don't wake up my kids.
They're right upstairs in any case going ice fishing today So I wanted to get this video out before I did that You know,
I've been racking my brain to try to figure out what's the deal with just the the the the media narrative that is just completely on Unlike there's no complication in their view.
There's no Mitigating circumstances. It's just ukraine ukraine ukraine ukraine now, obviously
You know, there are some of us who know people and that live in ukraine and we're worried about our friends You know missionary a lot of missionaries in ukraine churches things like that Uh, even if you don't know anybody in ukraine, you know, you can still feel bad for you know
The ukrainian people because there's a war being fought on their land and that's terrifying for everybody and again i'm anti -war
So I feel bad for that always even when the americans are out, you know making war on other people's lands i'm against that as well, so There's that aspect to it
And so, you know, we can pray for ukraine and you know I have no issue with people talking about how they're praying for the people of ukraine and things like that what i'm talking about is
Is The weirdness of all the flags, you know, the ukrainian flag is flying over, you know parliament in uk
You know ukrainian flags on people's, you know profiles And just the gushing About ukraine as if this is god's kingdom on earth.
This is this is paradise When the reality is now that i've kind of looked into ukraine the past, you know 10 years or so the reality of ukraine is very different the the reality of ukraine is
Highly questionable. Let's just say that and i'll probably say more at some point um
But the point of this video though is i'm trying to figure out what is it that's driving people to you know
Put the ukrainian flag on the empire state building or whatever it is, you know You've seen it a million places even the simpsons.
I saw a funny gab from uh from ashley ray Let's see if I can find it real quick.
This is this is a good one Here it is she says good morning, we're in hell and it's the simpsons with ukrainian flags like this is this is just above and beyond and I think
Obviously everyone's doing this for different reasons. There are some people that are just fully programmed robots and whatever
The thing is that the media is pushing today. That's what they're pushing And there's I feel like there's a lot of people like that and oftentimes
I hope that there's not as many people like that as there are but there are a lot of people that are just like that they're essentially freaking robots, but For some people
I think that there's a there's kind of a guilty conscience thing going on And I put most of the big eva people that are doing this in the same category
And here's what got me thinking about this. I want you to listen to these over the top Just sort of ridiculous tweets from ray orland.
Um Which i've got some content potentially dropping about ray orland's son
It's just like The apple does not fall too far from the tree in any case um
Listen to these tweets. I just want you to hear them and then i'm going to tell you what my theory is Ray orland says this
After some discouraging years in the usa we americans are now looking to ukraine
For renewed inspiration and finding it in abundance Thank you ukraine
The people of ukraine are giving a precious gift to the whole world Living proof that cynicism is empty cowardice is contemptible and courage for what's right
Is deeply thrilling? Thank you, dear ukraine It just makes me feel gross even reading these just the way he like the way he writes is gross.
It's like precious. It's thrilling Every time I think about ukraine, I just shiver and it's just like oh man, you're be a man dude.
You could act like a man anyway Next one the wretched the wretched putin sobers us with the ghastly evils.
We are capable of The heroic ukrainians inspire us with the noble sacrifices.
God gives graces us with The foundations of our existence are being made publicly obvious May they leave a deep impression for an entire generation
I think there's just one more i'm going to read it's just It's just so over the top. Anyway, here's the last one
We didn't realize how deeply we were longing to see some nobility in prominent leaders
We'd been so disappointed by both our major parties that our hearts were left more broken than we knew
Then a whole nation rises up in courageous magnificence Giving us fresh heart now
Even if you knew nothing of the conflict, right if you knew nothing of the conflict You could probably get some hints from the way that ray has decided to write these tweets
That there's some whitewashing going on. Nobody. There's never Somebody that's all bad or all good like like people are usually especially especially political leaders
I'm talking about here It's it's very rare like like what I used to always say about donald trump is that You can tell they're lying about him because they're making him to be satan essentially
So he's everything he's ever done is bad and they'll find fault with literally everything and people aren't like that people are a mixture of you know, bad motivations good motivations, especially politicians and politicians always have
A sketchy track record and things like that. That's just the way it is But but but you can tell even if you knew nothing of the conflict you could tell that there's some
There's some artistic license here going on and he's trying to paint it Look, there are the bad guys the black hats you got the white hats and that it's just as simple as that I mean, it's very easy to determine and you know, you just just go with the good guys
Of course, what are you some kind of a psychopath? um But knowing about the conflict a little bit
Again i'm against invading another country, you know for whatever reason right? That's i'm against it um, so i'm not for russia but what i'm saying is that that Especially for americans like we don't really have a whole moral high ground here because americans are doling out
Peacekeeping with an m16 all over the place, right? I don't know do russians use ak -47s.
I don't know anyway, um And so we don't really have a leg to stand on here But but we're gonna he's gonna go and do that and he's gonna start trying to make this seem like it's very very black and White when it's anything but if you've read anything about the history of this situation last 10 years, you know
It's anything but black and white zelensky Doesn't seem to be a very good guy. Uh, and again
Don't get all crazy on me and say whoa If you're saying zelensky is not a good guy Then you must be saying putin's a good guy because a lot of people in the comments the last two days
On youtube have been saying that what are you for putin? I don't know how how else to say that i'm not for invading another country.
I'm pretty sure putin's a bad guy as well um the point though is That what is what is driving ray to do this, right?
Well, I think he gives you a huge window into this He keeps talking about the last two years the last how disappointing it's been how broken we were we didn't know it
We were just looking for leadership. We were looking for someone to rise up and um
He's probably crying while he writes this. I mean, this is just so embarrassing for him, man It's just he's quivering with rage and feelings and so anyway, um
I think there's a little bit of the Like of of a guilty conscience going on. It's kind of like king david, right?
King david he had just murdered uriah so that he could have uh, beth sheba as a wife and so um
You know the way that he's confronted about about that by the prophet of god samuel Samuel tells a story about a man who gets his little lamb stolen
And david gets all of this rage. He's like indignant He can't believe that someone would steal someone's lamb and then kill it
And he's like this person shall not live and then samuel famously says you're the man Because he's actually talking about you because you actually kill the person
And why did david get so uppity about that? Why is he so upset about someone killing a lamb?
Which is that's what lambs are for. Um Because he's got a guilty conscience and so he overcompensates
At the at the time when he's confronted about a small thing. He overreacts because he knows deep down inside.
He's a freaking murderer Here's I think I think big eva needs this story.
They need this narrative to be true The narrative essentially is putin is the tyrant
And ukraine is the freedom loving, you know good. They're they're the side of good.
They're they're essentially, you know, the holy army fighting back the tyrant That's their story.
That's the narrative that they've embraced. So that's why they're going over the top with gushing That's why they're all flying the flag.
They're all you know Zelensky's this lion of courage and things like that. Yeah. Sure. He's a lion of courage.
That's you know, not allowing Men between 18 and 60 to leave the country and force conscripting them.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but forget all that He's a courageous lion of freedom loving man they need this story to be true because They're part of their own story in the united states and in canada and in the western world in general
Big eva ray ortlund all these guys they're part of this story except in reverse
They've participated in the tyranny Here at home. They're the ones that cheered on as pastors would get arrested
For having church at the beginning of covid. They're the ones who said nothing as pastors were being arrested later on in covid they're the ones that are for all of the vaccine mandates and all of the the mask mandates and all of the
The there's just the various kinds of of tyranny that has come all they're the ones that are participating in The black lives matter riots and all of the stuff
Like they need this story and they're overreacting for this story because here at home
They've got a guilty conscience. I mean, I hope they have a guilty conscience because if they're just seared at this point
Then they're lost they're done. They're participating in the in the in the revolution in other words
So they're they're going in and they're whitewashing zelensky and ukraine and all that kind of stuff
Um in the same way that david overreacted with the fake story about the lamb, right?
Because they were guilty Ray ortlund is part of tyranny here at home.
He's part of the of the state church Anything cnn or msnbc is saying ray ortlund will be saying as well
He sprinkles a little jesus on it and he takes a few liberties with the abortion stuff But still ultimately, you know women are the victims, of course, you know
He's a feminist all these kinds of things, right? Like like this is this is what big eva is ray or owns a good avatar for big eve
In fact, he might be the og i'm not sure about this, but I think he might be the og so He writes these gushing embarrassing tweets about ukraine out of guilt
Because he's participated in the tyranny here at home No, he's not killing people.
No, he's not for um, you know physical violence at least not totally because obviously he
Most likely did not condemn the violence of the riots very strongly But in any case that's what's going on here.
And obviously every tyrant is on a spectrum, right? So the tyranny here is not as bad as a tyranny in canada
It's not as bad as a tyranny, you know in australia or whatever like it's all a spectrum That's what
I think is that's my theory. That's my theory That's why you see big eva kind of going headlong into this story
That's being spun by the mainstream media. They need this story to be true Because if it's not true and they can't go along with it
There's no pressure release valve to to to release the pressure of them participating in tyranny here at home
It's a king david type situation all over again. And so this story has to be true.
Unfortunately It's turning out to not be very true at all. The more you look into the ukraine russia situation again
You don't support the invasion, but the worst ukraine looks. Um At least the ukrainian government is what i'm saying.
Um, the worse they look the more you look into it pretty violent um pretty merciless pretty tyrannical
But big eva needs it to be true because of what's happened the last two years. That's what ray keeps saying
There's the last two years have been so discouraging So troubling and so he but it's troubling and he for the wrong reasons though and he's participated in In in in the zeitgeist.
And so that's why he's going so so deeply so over the top into this ukraine thing