F4F | Larry Huch's Pentecost Shakedown


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, if you've ever been told that your finances, you hit a limit, and the way to overcome that limit is to send in money, an offering of finances, to a televangelist during a
Jewish feast day, like Passover or Pentecost, Shavuot, or, you know, you kind of get the idea.
Yeah, if you've ever been told that, hit the subscribe button down below. Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell.
You've been taught false doctrine. It seems like anytime somebody tells you, oh yeah,
I've got a cure for your financial woes. Yeah, you've hit some kind of a limit because you haven't done things
God's way. You know, I think of Katie Sousa trying to convince us that a
Python spirit had somehow wrapped itself around our finances. Well, kind of case in point.
Let's get to the computer here. We're heading over to the
YouTube channel for Larry and Tiz Huck, and Tiz Huck is known for making the yummy sound a lot, because I always like to picture her as like, you know, saying, come on,
Daddy, we've got to bring home the bacon, we got to get those donations up, because they're full -blown prosperity preachers.
But they have an interesting angle that they're working, and they're engaging in obfuscation, trying to convince people that if you just follow the rules of the ancient
Mosaic covenant feast days and send in money to God during, you know, those open windows that you secure for yourself blessings for the coming year.
I'm not making that up. In fact, let's let Larry spin this out a little bit before we get going.
We're gonna show you something that most Christians have never seen, because it's the
Hebrew understanding of how to break the curse. Yeah, no, the reason why most
Christians have never seen this is because this is not a biblical teaching, and it has nothing to do with the new covenant which we are under.
We're not under the Mosaic covenant. Or even beyond the curse, how to break the limits that Satan has put on your finances.
So apparently Satan has put a limit on my finances. That explains everything. And not only did he put a limit on it,
Katie Sousa says he sent a Python spirit to attack it. This is nonsense.
Now that's the setup for the program, and what I'm gonna do is fast forward through the intro part, and we'll get back to the program proper.
Here we go. You know, we're gonna talk to you today about two phenomenally important subjects, and most people don't understand how they are connected to this.
We're gonna talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the day of Pentecost, and we're gonna talk about financial breakthrough.
Yep. And once again, we go into the scriptures and we study the
Hebrew... Yeah, financial breakthrough. We go into the scriptures and we study the Hebrew understandings of things, and you can have financial breakthrough too if you would just believe this thing that we claim is actually what the
Bible teaches when it doesn't say these things. Hebrew understanding of what the scriptures mean, and it's a fulfillment of what
God said, in the last days the eyes of the Gentiles will be open. Right. Now, where we're at right now...
Yeah, the eyes of the Gentiles being open in the last days has nothing to do with financial breakthrough.
It has to do with them believing in the one true God for the forgiveness of their sins and receiving from him the gift of eternal life and salvation.
We are just finishing the 50 days from Passover to Pentecost, or Shavuot.
That's called the 50 days, or the seven weeks, 49 days plus one, is called the counting of the
Omer. Right. And what that is, and without... Now, a little bit of a note. Larry Huck is a true with a whole lot of things that are not true, and it's almost impossible to pull the two apart unless you like slow the video down by like 200 percent, but we're gonna work our way through what he's saying.
Now, granted, it is talked about in the Mosaic Covenant that there were three feast days that the men of Israel were required to present themselves before God in the place that God chose, and so note, it's
Mosaic Covenant, and it would have been either the tabernacle prior to the building of the temple in Jerusalem, and once the temple was built by Solomon in Jerusalem, while it was up and running, and the temple itself is a type and shadow of Christ, while it was up and running, then the the male
Jews of the ancient theocracy of Israel would have been required three times a year to present themselves before God or appear before God in Jerusalem.
And if you pay attention to the Gospels, then you'll note that Jesus is there in Jerusalem during the times he was supposed to be, during these appointed feast days.
Now, all of that being said, the question is, how are we as Christians to look at that?
Are we required to observe these feast days?
The answer is no, and I'll explain to you why. In fact, let's kind of front -load this biblically here.
In the book of Colossians, chapter 2, Colossians chapter 2, the
Apostle Paul, after giving us a beautiful, succinct gospel presentation to Christians, by the way,
Christians need to hear that. In fact, let me read it out. I'll start at verse 8 so that we apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
Paul says, see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy, in empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
For in Christ the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily, that's right, Jesus Christ is
God in human flesh, and you have been filled in him who is the head of all rule and authority, and in him also you were circumcised, with a circumcision made without hands by the putting off of the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God who raised him from the dead.
And so you can already begin to see here that the old covenant, the Mosaic covenant, and Abrahamic covenant requirement of circumcision, that that was a type in shadow pointing to baptism, you know, because it says here that baptism then is the putting off of the body of the flesh, it's the circumcision done by Christ, where we are buried and raised with him.
That's the imagery that is coming through in this text. And so Paul is going to be consistent, and he'll explain then what are we to do with feast days, because he's already taken circumcision and shown that in the
Old Testament it's type in shadow, the fulfillment then finds its terminus then in baptism.
So then he goes on, it says, and you were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
God has made you alive together with him, that's with Christ, having forgiven us all of our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands, this he set aside, nailing it to the cross.
He disarmed the rulers and authorities, put them to open shame by triumphing over them in him.
So you can see this beautiful picture of Christ canceling the record of debt that stood opposed to us, this he took, he ripped it out of our books, the record of debt, nailed it to the cross, and so I always like to say that he canceled the debt, and when in canceling the debt took that record of debt that we have accumulated as a result of our own sin, and writes in his own blood, debt paid in full, and then signs it
Jesus. You kind of get the idea. So that is the gospel presentation of it, and it's so comforting and amazing, but verse 16 then goes on, therefore, so because Christ has bled and died for us, and because we in our baptisms have experienced the circumcision of Christ, because we have been buried with him, raised with him, all the things that Paul just said previous, because that's true, then he says this in verse 16, therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival, and here a festival would refer to the
Passover, it would refer to Shavua, Shavuot, the the
Feast of Weeks, or a new moon, or a Sabbath. Why?
Why don't I want to let anyone pass judgment on me regarding these things?
Here's the reason why. Verse 17, these are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
So Christians, throughout Christian history then, are not required to celebrate the
Mosaic Feast Days, or the Sabbath, or any of those things, because those were the types and shadows pointing to Christ, and so that's the idea here.
Now that that Christ has come, the shadow has given way to the substance, and so Christians are not required to celebrate
Passover. Christians are not required to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, or the
Feast of Booths, or any of these other festivals. Those were the shadow of, and I would even argue, kind of by way of, you know, dogpiling here argumentatively, that anybody who is a
Christian claiming to keep the Sabbath, or keep the Feast of Weeks, or the
Passover, that they're not paying attention to the requirements for what it means to actually keep and observe these festivals.
So we as Christians are not required to, we are not to let anyone pass judgment on us, they were a shadow pointing to Christ, and he's the substance that those festivals, and Feast Days, and even the
Sabbath were pointing to. And that's explicitly taught in Colossians 2, 16 and 17.
That being the case, Christians don't observe the
Feast of Weeks. We're not required to. It's been fulfilled, you know, that's a good way of putting it.
So, all right, coming back to Larry and his huck, so we've got a problem. Apparently the devil has put a limit on your finances, and you can break that limit by sowing a first fruit offering into the ministry of Larry and his huck during the
Pentecost season. Yeah, uh -huh, let's let him continue spinning this one out.
Getting into a whole lot of detail, we talked about this last week, what that is, is when
Israel came out of Egypt, which is symbolic of you and I coming out of sin,
Israel, Passover, and resurrection. Now, a little bit of a note, he's correct -ish.
It's not quite right, but it's right enough. I mean, the way to put it is, is that when you look at the
Exodus, it is about the fact that we are born slaves to sin, death, the devil, and so the imagery of the
Exodus of God judging the false god -king Pharaoh and bringing his people out and setting them free, that is a picture, then, of our salvation.
We, each and every one of us, born dead in trespasses and sins, under the dominion of darkness, enslaved to sin, death, and the devil,
God, through Christ now, and through his mighty hand, has set us free from the slavery to the false
Pharaoh known as Satan. You kind of get the idea. But he's skating around this a little bit because he's gonna start interjecting into this type and shadow imagery, stuff that isn't true.
So let me back this up just a little bit, and we'll keep going. Israel came out of Egypt, which is symbolic of you and I coming out of sin.
Israel, Passover, and resurrection of Jesus are the same days. Shavuot, 50 days later, and Pentecost are the same days.
Yeah, that's correct. Pentecost is the same day as the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot, right.
Day of Pentecost has fully come. Yep. There is what's called the counting of the
Omer. Yes. And what that means, and you can go to a website and get in -depth teaching, what that means is the journey from poverty into prosperity.
Right. What? Where'd you get that?
Because, I want to introduce you to a concept here. There's a Latin phrase, and the
Latin phrase goes like this, quad non est biblicum, non est theologicum. Roughly translated, if it's not biblical, it's not theology.
You know, if you cannot find a biblical text that teaches what you're saying, it's not biblical, it's not doctrinal, it's not a theology that we should embrace or believe in.
And so the counting of the Omer and the 50 days from Passover to Chag Shavuot, the
Feast of Weeks, this is not some kind of journey from poverty to prosperity.
He just made that up and says, well, this is the Hebrew way of looking at it.
It doesn't matter if there is a Hebrew person who looked at it this way, the question is, does the
Bible teach this? The answer is no. Okay, so you're going from poverty, coming out of slavery to Egypt, coming out of slavery to the world, to Shavuot or Pentecost, which we just celebrated, and we bring that Pentecost, that Shavuot offering, that first fruit offering.
Yeah, see, that's the important part. You got to bring that offering of the first fruits if you want to go from poverty to prosperity.
Again, no biblical text says this. And that offering, it says, now is the time to sow your
Pentecost offering. No, it's not. No Christian is required to keep the
Mosaic covenant feast days. Colossians 2, 16 and 17 make that explicitly clear.
Connected to the Holy Spirit that gives us wisdom and knowledge, that offering, the offering that we give right now, that offering determines the wisdom of God.
And we'll get into this. No biblical text says, even to the believers in the
Mosaic covenant, that when they brought their offering during the Feast of Weeks, that it would determine the wisdom of God for their life for the next year.
He's making that up. In more detail, the wisdom of God that God will give us, the
Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us and teach us and show us things to come, that has to do with spiritual wisdom, but that has to do with financial wisdom.
No, it doesn't say that anywhere. Which biblical text are you reading that from?
The answer is, He's not. There is no biblical text that says this. The prosperity that God wants to give you.
Yeah. If God wanted to give me prosperity, He would. Nothing's stopping
Him, including me. And us, this whole next year comes from wisdom.
And this Pentecost, the Shavuot offering, determines the wisdom of the
Holy Spirit that God will give us the whole rest of the year. So let me kind of map this out for you.
So you bring a first fruit offering by sowing it into Larry Huck's ministry.
This is how the mythology apparently works. And so God takes a look at your first fruit offering and determines its proper value and then decides that, okay, well, based upon this offering,
I'm gonna give you this much wisdom, and that wisdom is good for the for the next 12 months.
And then that wisdom then will instruct you properly on how you can experience and create wealth and prosperity for yourself.
This is just pure mythology. No biblical text says this.
And He's hiding behind a veneer of claiming, oh, this is the
Hebrew understanding of it. Yeah. No, it's not. This is just utter nonsense.
It's just gobbledygook. Now, let me fast forward a little bit in the video. You can kind of see where this is all heading, because the whole purpose of this program is to get you to believe that you are obeying
God and sending in your first fruit Feast of Weeks offering, and that God's going to open up the windows of heaven and pour out for you a large amount of wisdom based upon your ginormous offering, and that you over the next 12 months will be able to use that wisdom to become wealthy.
Not making that up. Let's take a listen again. Yeah. On the day of Pentecost, on the day of Shavuot, we bring an offering.
No, the people under the Mosaic Covenant brought an offering. Let's see here.
Exodus 34 is one of the texts that talks about it. Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest.
So this is talking about Shabbat, the Sabbath. In plowing time and harvest you shall rest. You shall observe the
Feast of Weeks. This is Chag Shavuot mentioned here. And the first fruits of the wheat harvest and the feast of ingathering at the year's end.
Three times in the year you shall all your males appear before Yahweh Elohim, the
God of Israel, for I will cast out nations before you and enlarge your borders. No one shall covet your land when you go up to appear before Yahweh, your
God, three times in a year. So you'll note that the men are required to go to where?
Jerusalem, you know, at least after Solomon built the temple three times a year, and Chag Shavuot was one of the requirements there.
But Leviticus 23 helps us out a little bit as well here. Leviticus 23 talks about this same feast and festival.
The Lord Yahweh spoke to Moses saying, speak to the people of Israel. Say to them, when you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the first fruits of the harvest to the...
what? To the Kohen. To the Kohen, the priest. Oh, those are the
Levites, the priests, yeah. Uh -huh. Where were those guys at? Wherever the tabernacle was or eventually where the temple was.
Yeah, there are no Levitical Kohen today. No, not...
they don't exist, and even if they did, we're not under the Mosaic Covenant. We're under the
New Covenant. And you shall wave the sheaf before Yahweh so that you may be accepted. So note that it's not a monetary offering, it's...
you're to bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest and he shall wave the sheaf before Yahweh so that you may be accepted.
Yeah, I think you get the idea here. So if you were gonna truly observe the the
Feast of Weeks, you got to go to Jerusalem, there needs to be a temple, and you need to present a sheaf of wheat to a priest after the counting of the
Omer. And just saying, it doesn't require me to send money to Larry Ortiz Huck.
We continue. This offering, the same day that God gave the world the
Bible, the Tree of Life, God gives the Holy Spirit, which will lead you and guide you and teach you.
This offering that you give right now will save lives in Israel, but it's gonna save your life.
Oh, so if I send you money it's gonna save my life. Really? Because this offering takes the
Holy Spirit and if we're in obedience to this offering, this offering determines the wisdom of God through the
Holy Spirit that will lead you and guide you and teach you, not just spirit.
Absolute rubbish and poppycock. This is nonsense. He's making this up.
Why? Because he's a greedy televangelist who's preaching for shameful gain, things that he ought not to preach.
This is not what the Bible teaches, and this is not what the Mosaic Covenant taught regarding obedience to the three feast days, especially
Shavuot. Spiritual things, but in things of finances. This offering is where you break the curse of limits.
Where does it say that the first fruit offering at the
Feast of Weeks breaks the curse of limits? There's no biblical text that says that.
It's not in the Bible, it's not theology. This is nonsense. Break the curse of limits of Egypt.
Limit? The curses of the limits of Egypt are broken when you... No, this is nonsense. And this, and we're gonna show you in the weeks to come, or in the days to come, this offering has unlimited potential.
Of course it does, yes. The window of heaven is open and there's unlimited potential. Where does it say that if you send in a first fruits offering to a televangelist that it has unlimited potential regarding the wisdom of God for you to get well?
No biblical text says this. Learn this, it changed our thinking. And we tell people all the time, if you change your thinking you'll change your life.
And literally in our lives we had a poverty mentality, even though we were pastors, we had sacrificed...
Never missed our tithes. They had a poverty mentality and and they learned how to overcome the poverty mentality by...
who did you guys send your first fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Weeks offering to, hmm?
For years and years, but we didn't know how to live in blessings and it changed our thinking.
And then there's that journey of learning. Well God says, I'll teach you how to prosper.
Amen. And that's exactly what what you're talking about. There's the miraculous, but then God changes our thinking to move into that blessing.
Amen. And you know, you think about this, you can't have the harvest until you kill the weeds.
The weeds are the harvest. All right, does anyone sell some spiritual roundup?
We got to kill some weeds here so that I can have the harvest that I can send in my first fruits offering.
This is... such flim -flam.
This is the promise of God. The harvest is your... No, it's not the promise of God and you're blaspheming by saying it is.
...blessing in your prosperity. The weeds are the curses. Right. We're gonna talk about this in the next days to come.
This offering breaks every curse off of your finances.
Yeah, where in the Bible does it say that? I'd like a chapter and a verse and preferably several cross references that just lays it out and says, when you send in your first fruits offering, that it'll break off all the curses and kill the weeds that are creating lack in your finances.
I want to see those texts. And gives you the wisdom of God to not only everything you put your hands to,
God will cause it to prosper, but he'll show you what to put your hands to.
Yeah, biblical text please that says that, I'd like to see that. We are in an amazing time.
Oh yeah, amazing as far as apostasy is concerned and rank heresy like this.
If you're watching this, you need to respond right now because that...
My response is no. If I were to send in money to you,
I would be disobeying God. Window is closing. We have less than 30 days.
Oh no, the window's closing. It's a 30 -day window. Quick, quick act now.
You only have 30 days to act on this, otherwise you won't get God's wisdom for the next year in order to get wealth.
Quick, send money to Larry and Tiz Huck. And God wants to open the window over you and never allow it to close.
Your financial breakthrough is on its way. Stay with us, Tiz and I are gonna come back and pray over you to break every curse.
These guys are gonna have to give an account to God for every penny they stole from people, using
God's name to do it, blaspheming the way they have. And release every blessing.
The miracle season of Pentecost and firstfruits is passing by right now.
It's passing by right now. It's a window and less than 30 days left.
You better act if you want the blessing for the next year. It's one of only three times per year when
God promises to open the windows of heaven. Yeah, chapter and verse, please. This offering will release three major blessings into your life.
Wisdom, anointing, and prosperity. We are now in God's 30 -day grace period, so don't miss it.
Where in Scripture does it say God gives a 30 -day grace period for sending in your Pentecost first fruit offering?
It's this opportunity to sow toward a miracle harvest. You gotta sow towards a miracle harvest.
You're giving money in order to get money. Yeah, that's not greedy at all. Cost offering this month will go toward saving
Jewish lives through Project Aliyah. It doesn't matter who they're giving it to, whether they're giving to homeless children in the streets of New York City or anywhere else.
Nowhere in Scripture does it teach this doctrine. This is straight out a prime example of teaching for shameful gain what ought not to be taught.
These people are, they have no conscience. They're utter charlatans, and the only thing they care about is using
God's name in order to convince you that God wants you to send them money.
What a mess. So if you found this helpful, yeah, all the information on how you can share this video is down below, as well as how you can support the ongoing work in ministry of Fighting for the
Faith. Now, I can't promise you God's gonna bless you in any particular way. The only thing I can promise is that by supporting us financially, it helps us to be able to keep doing what we're doing as we expose these false teachers and warn the body of Christ, but call them back to what the
Scriptures do teach so that they're not in bondage to charlatans like Larry and Tiz Huck.
So all the information on how you can support Fighting for the Faith is also down in the description by either joining our crew, sending in a one -time contribution, or even becoming a patron on Patreon.
I had to remember that the third one was, and so anyway, but let me thank you for your support. We truly cannot do what we are doing here without it.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.