Hi Beth Moore! - I'm a Christian Nationalist

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hi, my name is A .D. Robles, and I'm one of those Christian nationalists that your favorite evangelical conference speaker, leader, and propagandist is warning you about.
Allow me to share some of my radical beliefs with you. Yeah, yeah, almost like on cue, like they got a little memo from from their overlords, everybody and their mother is talking about how the most dangerous thing since sliced bread is
Christian nationalism. Sounds kind of scary, but I was kind of surprised to see it.
As I said in the beginning, I consider myself a Christian nationalist, and I just don't really understand the big problem with it at all.
I think it's scriptural. I think it's something that every Christian should be. You see, I love my nation. I'm glad that I was born in the
United States. I don't have any any false beliefs that the United States is a perfect nation or that it's as good as it could be.
Definitely not. In fact, I'm on record as saying that I believe the Constitution of the United States should be improved.
I think it can be improved upon and it should be improved upon. In fact, I believe that one of the primary things that we should do with the
Constitution is make it explicitly clear that we serve the
Lord of glory, Jesus Christ, God in flesh, who's a person right now seated at the right hand of the
Father on high, and that we our Constitution and our system of government explicitly affirms that God is the
King of kings, God is the ruler, and God has a rule that affects us in our everyday life in every area of life.
And so that we don't give, we don't grant to anybody, whether it's the president, whether it's the legislature, whether it's the judge, whether it's the church, we don't grant to any of these bodies, the ability to just decide what to do on their own and decide.
We don't give carte blanche to anybody. Even fathers don't have carte blanche to rule in their households in any way that they want.
They must rule according to the principles of Jesus Christ. And so because of that,
I'm a nationalist. I love my country. I want my country to do better than other countries at obeying
Christ and following his precepts, and because of that, as a result of that, getting blessings from God, I want the
United States to have more blessings than Saudi Arabia. I mean, shock of all shocks, I think that the
United States should obey Christ more than Saudi Arabia should. You know what I mean? Let them handle what they want.
They have their own country, they can do what they want to do in Muslim land, but here in the United States, I want it to be a
Christian nation, explicitly so. And that's part and parcel of being a
Christian nationalist. I assume that a lot of you would share those beliefs with me, but here's the rub, though.
Here's where it gets to be really dangerous to your favorite big evil leader and stuff like that. You see, God has specific commands and specific roles that he has in play for people to accomplish.
And you see, that's where people start to get worried, because as long as you're keeping it in the theoretical, anyone will say
Jesus is Lord. As long as you're keeping it in the theoretical, every Christian will say Jesus Christ is the
King. But as soon as you start to say in a sharp way, in a specific way, not only is
Christ King, but he has specific commands for you as our governor, that's when people start to get really, really nervous.
People like Beth Moore, for example. That's when it gets super, super dangerous. You see, as a
Christian nationalist, I believe shocking things like this. Ready? The government does not get authority over everything.
You see, in the Great Commission, Jesus Christ, before he ascended into heaven, he said that all authority has been given unto me.
And here's the thing. Jesus Christ, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the creator of everything, he could have chosen any way to rule that he wanted to.
He could have ruled directly if he wanted to. He could have completely made us into a situation where we must obey everything like a robot, like a computer program, and we had no will of our own.
We couldn't do what we wanted to do. But that's not how Jesus taught, I'm sorry, Jesus chose to rule.
In fact, Jesus is on high, he's a man in flesh, or I'm sorry, God in flesh. He's a man right now on high, seated at the right hand of the
Father, and he's chosen to rule through men like me. And he's given me specific commands.
Now, I am a father, right? And so as a father, I'm supposed to rule my household, the way
God has told me to. I don't get to do whatever I want. And so I have to teach my kids to love the
Lord, I have to teach my kids about the Lord, how he created the world in six days, and things like that.
That's my responsibility. I can't give that responsibility to somebody else. I have it,
Jesus Christ has given it to me, and he's given me commands on how to order my household, and they're important.
And I need to follow those, as I do have real authority, of course. But I'm not the ultimate authority.
I have an authority that's been granted to me by God. And likewise, our churches, right? Our churches can't just do whatever they want at church, right?
They can't require that you get a vaccine in order to attend worship. They can't shut down worship if the government tells them to, because God has told them how to order worship.
And so they don't just get to do whatever they want. They have to obey the King of Kings, who has specific commands for these men.
And likewise, the civil governing authority can't just rule however they want. They have real authority, because all authority is
God's, and he's given them certain authority. But that authority is very limited. That's limited to punishing evildoers.
And not just evildoers in theory, evildoers according to God's principles. And so the civil governing authority, the
President of the United States, the legislature, the judges, and all of that that we appoint over us, they can only do things according to God's law.
They can only punish evildoers according to how God defines evildoers.
And so what the government ought to be doing is searching the scriptures and seeking to apply those scriptures to our modern context as best they can, in as consistent a way as possible.
That's what a Christian nationalist ought to support. And so I don't see what's controversial about that at all, because it's much better than some other kind of nationalism.
So another secular nationalism, for example, that basically does say, well, you know, we just decide for our own what's good and evil and what's right and wrong and things like that.
Well, that doesn't work for a Christian. We're not allowed to do that kind of thing. It's way better than an Islamic nationalism that would say, well, we need to do
Sharia law, because Muhammad told us what's right and wrong and how to organize a government and things like that.
And of course, for a Christian, that's a nonstarter as well. We can't be an Islamic nation, nor can we be a secular nation.
It makes no sense. So of course, I'm a Christian nationalist in the sense that I think that every institution of our society ought to be explicitly following and obeying
Jesus Christ as well as they possibly can. There's nothing controversial about that.
I think that if you start to unpack what that means, that's when people start to get really nervous. But you have to ask yourself, when you start to get nervous, why is that?
Why am I worried about a legislature that their whole goal is, when they're deciding on a new law to implement or whatever, is what would
God say about this law? Can we look at the law that God gave to Israel, and can we draw any principles from that?
Yes, we realize we're not the state of Israel, but there's moral principles there about what justice is and what justice isn't.
How can we decide what to do? And see, I love my neighbor, and I think the legislature should love their neighbor as well.
Because of that, I don't think that it's right for me to advocate that the government steal money from my neighbor and fund public schools which will teach the children of my neighbors fantasies about how the world was created.
They have this fantasy. It goes something like this. You see, billions and billions a year. We're paying for this, by the way.
I don't think that we should have the government steal from our neighbors. I love my neighbor. I don't think we should have the government steal from our neighbors in order to lie to our neighbors.
But think about this fantasy that all of us fund right now. Billions and billions of years ago, there was nothing.
And then it exploded into everything. And then there's gravity that, you know, all the matter just kind of came together and it formed these big balls of matter.
And they got bigger and bigger and bigger until they're the size of a planet. And it was rocks, you know, molten rock and solid rock.
And then billions and billions of years passed and then eventually the rocks became alive. And there was a single -celled organism that, you know, over time, sexual selection created arms and hands and all that kind of stuff.
And then here we are. We popped out at the other side. And there's aliens too, by the way. There's aliens as well and all of that kind of thing.
And that's a fantasy. That's insane. That's an insane mythology. Makes no sense at all.
Any thinking person knows when they hear that story. That's crazy talk. And yet, there are many people that want to advocate that the government steal from your neighbors in order to fund teaching your neighbors that myth.
I think that's wrong. I don't think that that's a good thing. I think, in fact, if you look at the scripture, you will clearly see that the government is not for that.
Not for teaching at all. And not for, especially not for teaching lies about how the world was created.
You see, God has given the responsibility to educate the children to the fathers. The fathers are supposed to teach their children how the world was created.
But they're supposed to teach them according to the truth, not according to lies. And so that's a very, very important thing that we need to consider as we are thinking about how this nation should be run.
You see, I'm a Christian nationalist. And so I think when a father is deciding how to rule their home and what to do with their children and their wives,
I think when a pastor is deciding how to rule their church and what to do with their church, and I think just in the same way what a politician thinks about and how they should do it according to God's principles.
You see, I'm a Christian. And so I would argue that running a nation in any other way, in any other way besides how
God has commanded that nation to be run, is idolatry. And so a Christian ought to be rejecting idolatry in all of its forms, especially in the civil realm, which is, there's a ton of information in the
Bible about the civil realm and how Christ is the king of the civil realm and how he rules through men.
And he insists and commands that the rulers of the nations kiss the
Son, lest he be angry with you. That means do homage to the
Son. That means submit yourself to the Son of God, the unique Son of God.
So we don't get to just rule however we want. This nation, I love this nation. I want this nation to succeed.
I want this nation to get the blessing of God. This nation ought to submit itself to the
Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the King of all the kings, the Lord of all the lords.
So that's why I'm a Christian nationalist. Listen, I think we need to take the gospel to the
Saudi Arabians, absolutely. We should evangelize the Saudi Arabians. But what do we do when we evangelize the
Saudi Arabians? We teach them to observe all of Christ's commandments.
That means commandments for the family, commandments for the church, and also commandments for the civil governing authorities.
They should be Christian nationalists, too. But until then, they could do whatever they want to do with the
Mohammedan religion. Follow Mohammed, that's fine. Let them follow Mohammed. Let the secularites follow the science, whatever it is they feel like they need to do.
Let them handle that. But here in this country, as for me and my country, let us follow the
Lord. And so of course I'm a Christian nationalist. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.
By the way, Beth, I noticed this, and I think a lot of us notice this. I kind of try to sneak it in there, but you're not as clever as you think you are.
Listen to this tweet. I do not, oh I'm sorry. Fellow leaders, we will be held responsible for remaining passive in this day of seduction to save our own skin, while the saints we've been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated, used, and stirred up into a lather of zeal devoid of the
Holy Spirit for political gain. Beth, you're not a pastor.
I saw how you kind of sneak that in there. I'm gonna be held accountable for all of the sheep under my care, just like all of you guys.
So follow my courageous lead. Well, why don't you start with this, Beth? Stop trying to usurp authority that was not given to you.
The Lord of Glory insists how the church is to be run, and women are not to be the leaders of the church.
You are not a pastor, Beth. You are not a pastor. You are not leading anything. So why don't you stop with the idolatry, stop with the self -promotion, and take your place among the women of the church, and it's not in leadership like you seem to think it is.