Counsel From Psalm 86



Today's a Sunday school is called God's counsel from Psalm 86.
Am I too loud? I can talk too loud All right so God's counsel from Psalm 86.
I'm going to give a little bit of an introduction what we are doing here But before we do that I'd like us to read
Psalm 86. So please turn with me to Psalm 86 and And Yeah, you will need the
Bible for today's activities and Sunday school. So please make sure you have one open and As we read through Psalm 86,
I want you to look for some things. This is a Psalm of David So I want you to think of yeah all high school
Sunday schoolers. Come on in we are here
So Look for what you learn about David in this psalm as the speaker and see if you
Identify with him as you're looking for counsel as David did Look for things that you hear about God what are some truths about God that are reflected in this particular
Psalm and then a Primary exercises David is going through a problem
Do you identify with a problem or are problems that you face that you are facing? Help a bull if that's a word by this particular
Psalm I'm going to focus on a specific issue of fear and worry who has no worries at all we are a fallen creatures in a fallen world and worry and anxiety tend to sometimes overwhelm us and the
Bible does have very clear instructions and Guidance on how we can walk through this path and Psalm 8 86 is one of them.
So let's do that So I think I've given you enough things to look for in Psalm 86 and if you have a particular trial that you're going through maybe actually helpful to look through the
Lens of those trials, you know, would you cry out to God in this particular way and we'll work through the
Psalm Through the Sunday school. So since I have my high schoolers here Can one of you read
Psalm 86 verses 1 through 7, you know, we did have that Bible opening
What does that competition called so drill yes Whoever has it read it go ahead
Levi Psalm 86 1 through 7. I just want you to just let that verse 7 sinking in the day of my trouble
I call upon you and You answer me. Alright, so if I can have another high schooler read from 8 through 13 of Psalm 86
Once again verse 13, let it sink for great is your steadfast love toward me and what has
God done for David Delivered his soul from the depths of Sheol and then the last section if I can have one last high schooler read verses 14 through 17
Thank you once again it ends with show me a sign of your favor and the effect being that Lord you have helped me and Comforted me and that's the outcome that the
David is looking for. So let me pray I'll give you a little bit of context and then then we'll dive into this Psalm Loving father.
We pray that you would help us By your spirit O Lord illumine our hearts and mind to your truth in this
Psalm Help us O Lord to be helped To look for help from you and find your help in our time of need in Jesus name.
We pray. Amen All right, so a little bit of context on why we are doing some 86 today
Last weekend we were at the biblical counseling conference about 20 of our folks from here went to this
What does ACBC stand for Association of Christian biblical counselors. So that group so I see some of you here and I Was thinking that we can pull some of that biblical counseling concepts and into a more practical application focus here
We've done some of this before I think it's a good refresher for us. So those who went to the conference Do you have any key takeaways that you want to share?
And I'll just give you a few pointers in terms of what we covered last time for the rest of the folks to Things that were covered were things like what is biblical counseling?
What are the qualifications for? Christian to be able to counsel and the answer is every believer is equipped.
You can get better at it What is a sanctification look for like so when you need you're in need of counseling?
What is the God's work in making you more like Christ? And then the practical aspects like when you when someone is talking to you, how do you do data gathering?
What how do you pull some information so you can give good counsel? How can you discern what the real issues are that you can actually go to the scriptures for help?
How do you get involved with someone in the body as you're trying to counsel them? How can you provide them hope from the scriptures when they are actually struggling through a difficult?
Circumstance of life and then what kind of instructions can you give that they can go and find this counsel directly from the word of God?
and from God himself As they apply these truths in their lives So these were some of the things that we covered in week one of three sessions those who went last
Weekend, do you have anything key takeaways any big things that you think would be helpful for the body?
We please feel free to share you thought only the high schoolers were going to be on the spot
Excellent. Yeah, especially, you know The it is the power of God through the gospel that we actually can help people and so we want to make sure that they we are
We deal with the state of their soul as we try to help them with their specific problem. Excellent.
Anything else? I know there's more of you here Don't be shy
All right. I thought this Conference was helpful and refreshing some things
I actually have some of the material from the conference and and those of the people who went have that material too
So if any of you are interested, you can obviously talk to them get information from them my key my big picture that I want to just tell us all as a body is 90 % of the time counseling is really for me you know
I need to know how to go to the scriptures and Find God's truths to apply to myself because many a time I go through a trial and I don't don't even realize
I'm in a Trial I need to figure out. Oh, this is what a trial is. And this is what the Bible says about this trial This is what
I'm I don't want but this is the underlying problem of Sanctification that God is working out or this is the way in which
I need to seek the Lord Or lean on the Lord or renew my mind about the Lord in order to be able to walk through this trial
So 90 % of the time it's really about me taking these truths and applying to myself and most of those times
We're also just having good conversations with brothers and sisters in Christ. We know about the trials that we face and in these conversations we do give counsel and that's one of the things every believer with the
Spirit of God and the knowledge of the word should be able to help and we can get better at being able to provide
Biblical more accurate more precise and helpful counsel as we have these conversations
It's not like, you know, you open that What's the Charlie Brown girls name the
Lucy with that little shingle and say, okay five cents for counsel, you know, it's not about being in an office
It's about you just ministering to one another in your daily conversations and these Principles can help you be better at it
And then there are some cases where you don't need a shingle where what I mean is there are there can be some very difficult
Situations that someone in the body is going through and you if you feel like, you know, it's just a little too much you can
Have them reach out to the elders or there are others who are getting trained They may be equipped to be able to help walk through these and they may take more time
But biblical counseling like I said 90 % of the time when we think of the body It is just our for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters as we speak with them
And so today will be more of like that application in Psalm 86 So that's one of the context for why we are doing what we're doing the second context is for high school
Sunday schoolers So what have we been doing the last several months besides me not being there and somebody else
What was the topic that we've been doing Excellent, what are some of the attributes we've seen so far, you know
Excellent. The three Omni's we've covered and the others were a little older anybody remember what we did
We did like majesty of God. I think we started off with just to remember that God is high and exalted We want to start with the knowledge of who
God is and then I know brother mark You covered the fear of the Lord and I think that's going to apply directly here Now my my goal was with the high school
Sunday schoolers. You've seen some things about God We've tried to make sure that we understand from the Bible that these are not just some academic concepts
You know that I just checked off. I know this about God, but in biblical counseling We realize that the more
I know my God the better I can lean on him and and learn to trust him in times
When my problem seems to be impossible So the the better view I have of God and the attributes of God We should be able to say thus
I can wait upon the Lord I can look to the Lord for help and Psalm 86 is going to do exactly that We'll see a few of those attributes coming in place here
One more comment on wisdom, I don't know, you know There is a website called
Bible project that does a bunch of different videos Some of those theological ones are not that great
But they have some very good Bible summaries that are just short like 5 -10 minute videos. I just give you a very easy
Visually well done Videos that you can actually learn about a book of the
Bible as you're studying some a book But they also did this thing called the wisdom series and I think this is very excellently done they talk about Proverbs Ecclesiastes and Job and they kind of talk about this
Flow of how God's wisdom is kind of revealed to us in these books It begins with Proverbs where it talks about there is an order to this universe that God has created
Now when we look at life We live in a very confused world Which doesn't quite understand that there is
God has built this universe in a certain way when we understand God's moral Structures the who God is and how he has made us there is a single path that we must be walking through In life as God has called us to because the world doesn't actually know that and we as Christians don't always understand that either so God's Word gives us that guidance there is a way in which
God has ordered and Structured this universe and as we fear the Lord we walk in his ways and we are blessed by him
So that's the first element of wisdom in that series The second one is Ecclesiastes and Ecclesiastes comes and says well you try all you might
Bad things happen to good people and Good things happen to bad people you think that you know, there should be a structure, but it looks like this chaos
Everything seems random. There doesn't seem to be this, you know God governing
Visible in the world I'm living in and so the term that as you know is Hebel, you know, there is this vapor this
Vanity meaninglessness this inability to grasp life as it were because it just is so fleeting And so that's the struggle that People face that Ecclesiastes brings us right into a force.
So when you think of counseling you want to think oh, I have a problem I can't quite Figure it out. I try to grasp it.
It just like a mist who Evaporates and so there too the fear of the Lord comes central and says, you know obey
God Follow him and there is this view that is under the Sun How do you look at life as it just happens in this chaotic way?
And there is a God who is above this universe that is still in control. And how do you walk through life? So there is this this inability of People to control the world that we live in and recognize that God and God alone is in control and I can't quite understand everything
And that brings us to the third book of Job where we all know job who doesn't know job How many of you felt like you are job?
I mean when you go through a trial I Not I mean job is I guess kind of up there in terms of the trials that happen but ultimately if you look at the beginning and the end of job you get to see something about God and his
Sovereign plans and the state of job Pre trial godly men like Proverbs and then
When you come to the end of job and with a whole wrestling of dealing with trials
How do I grapple and understand and walk through this? Horrible tragedies that I am a part of and then the end comes where God reveals himself and There's a solution to this
The Circumstances of job that have nothing to do with any of the questions that job actually asked job has zero
Insight into all that happened in the throne room of heaven but the one thing job walks away with he has met his
God he has gotten to see God in a in a Powerful way and that just transforms him
He has no desire for an answer anymore because he trusts his God through life and God commends job for it and we will see how these are the
Principles that govern our lives too many a time. I go through a trial. I'm like, oh I want an answer I want a solution
Maybe God just is going to show himself to you in a way that you just had no idea
Before the trial and I think each of us can look at some of the trials that we faced in the past and say
I Remember, you know, I went through that trial no resolution in a
Earthly justice kind of way, but I know my God better I have been transformed more into the image of Christ through this trial and I thank
God for it I'll pause here. Now. I'm going to jump into a Psalm 86, but before I do that any thoughts comments
Questions before we read Psalm 86, right?
I can tend to talk a little too fast. If you don't understand me, tell me and I'll slow down All right.
So so the way I'm going to do this is As I as we read Psalm 86, I gave you a little bit of a look for this
What I'm going to try to help you through reading Psalm 86 now is Specifically in the area of worry and fear if you have a specific trial
How do you understand that you are in a trial the underlying fears and worries that are probably holding you back from living life with confidence hope and joy
What are the means that God has provided in this particular Psalm and in all the Psalms in the entire
Bible? in order to find that confidence and hope when you don't have it and Just just for us to work this out together
You know Here's one way in which you can actually draw counsel for yourself as you read the scriptures when you go through trials so, you know you could be thinking of This particular
Psalm is a lament Psalm if I have time. I'll after we finish walking through the Psalm I'll come back and give you a little bit more context on how to Look at the different Psalms and in this particular lament
Psalm category What are some of the concepts that you want to be thinking of because we would have already done that in in our walk through?
Psalm 86 but in this particular Psalm there is an adversity that David has and The one thing that I you want to be thinking of is
Is there an adversity you currently have in the trial that you face would that actually translate, you know into this particular?
application of this text so we study what God what happens with David and what he's a Asking God for and then say well is my situation in some way shape or form similar to this
You know, do I actually have a actual adversary like David? I hope nobody's trying to kill you
But they you know, you could might feel like that sometimes Maybe it might be a parent or a child or a sibling or a manager or a landlord or a colleague, you know
Somewhere something some trial you might be having an adversary and it may not have been be a person
It might be you know, my my finances are just way too messed up I could don't know where I'm gonna pay my rent from you know, this is the trial that I'm actually walking through or the best
Adversary that I always face well best or worst Is me I messed up so bad and now
I have to deal with the cleanup and I don't know how to do it Or I'm I keep messing up over and over again.
How do I deal with this particular mess Lord? I need help, you know so you can fill in the blank So what we're going to do is we're going to now walk through Psalm 86
I'm going to ask you some questions since we've already read it You at least have like the major layout, but keep your
Bibles open and I'm going to walk through some questions I'd like you to give me some answers and then we'll fill them out and then go step by step as we say
How do I get counsel from this particular Psalm when I go through a trial? Is that clear?
All right. Good. So let's switch to Psalm 86 and I am on the right page
All right. So easy question it gets harder. So if you want to answer and check that off that was your time
Okay looking at Psalm 86 the whole chapter What is?
David's lament what is he complaining about? What is this problem? What do you see?
Excellent right in verse 1 poor and needy full points. What else? There is implicitly something behind that that he is like calling out there
Excellent, and there is something more explicit later in the chapter. Can you see it what he is right, right?
There is there's a lot going on in this trial has impacted him and it's a lament that is actually coming out in His tears and in his in his emotions.
I thought I saw a hand this side. Yes Right, right and I think you know the
Psalms like when you think of your own prayers when you're deeply in anguish You don't just go with a here's my step point 1 .2.
They're all going to get Jumbled in together and that poor and needy in verse 1 is kind of expressed in a lot of different ways as you look through The psalm this is my need.
This is my trial and I think the specific one is verse 14 That's his problem that he's facing and the lament comes in all of these various forms in verse 17 again
He says there are those who hate me This band of men and 14 that he is looking for help from so his lament is
Around this particular trial that he needs help on so that's question number one the second question You already started answering it.
So I'll call out the ones you've answered and let's see if we can pick out a few more The the emotion or the feeling that saw the psalmist goes through in his current
Situation is expressed in a couple of Terms that are used here. I heard, you know,
I cry all the day You know, that's his current emotion and response to that particular trial.
I Think did I hear gladden the heart as well, you know, it's because he is not glad he needs something because his he is
Struggling what other verses do you think of that might be? Expressing his emotion or how he feels as he's walking through this trial
That's excellent. Now. The thing is this is the part of the mixing part his response to the trial
I don't think is necessarily that Yet, but that's where he Will be and is driving to it.
He wants to get to that point of being glad. Yes Yes, please read it out
And when you think of plea you want to be thinking of like, you know You're just begging and that's the idea of like, you know
I just don't have any help in me and that's kind of expressing itself out and please there's a few others that I was
Thinking of But you know what for the interest of time, let's move through. I just want you to think there's a lament
There is an emotional component to how we respond to this particular trial The third thing is and this is important now we are coming into Self Reflection as you walk through this trial
This may be a little harder. We don't normally do this The key council is going to come later.
But here the question is What reasons does
David give to God In order for God to deliver him he's petitioning
God for deliverance What are the reasons that David is giving just look through the
Psalms and say, you know, here is a Here's why yes mine. Excellent. That's verse 2 right for you.
Oh Lord are good Forgiving abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you
So this is the nature and character of God and because of that he is actually asking for help.
Yes Even why do you think and let me just let's pause here for a moment so far We were just like trying to figure out what
David was doing. Why would David be stating this none like you? Oh God among the nations.
Yes, and why would we? Possibly give invoke this reason when we ask God for help and and that from 5 through 8
You have that trend coming through there is a forgiveness part of it if you look at verse 6 There is the grace part of it and then verse 7 the answering in trouble and then here he ends with none like you because there
You are you are a merciful and a forgiving God. Yes Absolutely, and I think you know
Theologically, I don't think there's anybody else here who says oh, I know someone else other than God who can help We all know
God is the only one who helps But when I'm in my trial when my emotions have overpowered me when
I'm getting counsel from all around saying, you know do this do that and do every other thing and my You know heart is divided on multiple levels
Do you think it's God who needs to hear this? Oh God, I hope you remember you're the only God like no one else
But I Absolutely need to because the first thing I do when I run into a trial is Get divided fractured and running off in a thousand different directions chicken without a head, you know that's me and and the truth is
I need my head back on I want to be able to focus on the Lord and Recognize that he and he alone is the source of my health and that's
Exactly where counseling begins I need to know that my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth
All right. So let's keep going. I get excited when we talk about God. So What else do you see?
What are some of the reasons he's giving in his petition for deliverance? Yes Excellent.
So, you know There is a part of which is looking backward that God has delivered my soul from Sheol Um, and what can we all say as believers in Christ?
The riches of the mercies that we have in Jesus Christ our Lord who rescued me from sin and death and from damnation
I mean, I I look back at that and say if he rescued me from that Yeah, this puny little murderer against me.
He can handle that Excellent. Did I see your head? Yes Yeah Absolutely.
Yeah, you know many a time I look at a problem and I think I've got it You know, but it's got this thing under control
I need to come to the point of recognizing that it is the Lord who is my help.
He is my fortress He is my strength and he verbalizes it as he Calling upon God.
Excellent. Any other hands? Yes. Thank you and I'm going to go to Philippians and I'm in a little bit when we apply and that's a key part of recognizing my
Salvation that has come from the Lord in the past that helps me Have confidence that he will help me in the present.
Yes, that's an excellent question And I was hoping this would come up earlier than it did but we needed
West to bring it out This is one of those things that you will see repeatedly in the Psalms. There are times when
David would say God, I just messed up big time. I need your forgiveness.
This is my Sin that I've drawn upon my own head. I my bones are out of joint my heart is waxing because I am now in the
Calamity that I have invoked upon myself and your chastisement is heavy upon me
I need forgiveness and I need your grace. There are times when he would call upon his own error in this particular
Psalm You know, although we as we talked about there is this component on forgiveness that is mentioned We can infer not all the
Psalms you can always connect to a specific incident in David's life and say, you know He's saying this because that event happened and I say, ah, this is the trial, you know
He was unjustly persecuted or something. But from this particular Psalm, it looks like David is not thinking.
Oh these adversaries are my Chastisement for something I've done, you know, he is in this particular instance
Whatever it is that these people are dealing with him He I don't he I think has done his self -reflection and he's like, you know, this is not my this is not a chastisement for what
I see at as best as he can see and And in this particular situation
David is a little tricky because Depending on when he is writing. He is actually the king of Israel He's representing the people of God and then and God himself among the nations as all of these other people are coming against him
So we will see later in the psalm that an attack against David as king would be an attack against God himself so it is a vindication of God that happens as David is preserved and he is shown to be righteous or you know successful in against these enemies so so that there is a two components that you want to watch out for when you look at the
Psalms and also recognize that What David is asking for personally may not just be that I know
I need to live It's the purposes of God carrying forth in the nation of Israel through the king the anointed
King David that showcases God's purposes being Not thwarted in this trial.
Does that help and That's exactly how we would apply, you know, I mean, I'm not in David circumstance
But when I go before God, I'm not appealing to my own righteousness I'm appealing to you know,
I'm a child of God, you know God's given me his righteous. My position is secure and it is out of that that I recognize my own need to Unite my heart in focusing on fearing the
Lord. Excellent. I'm glad you brought that up. Yes And that's how the
Beatitudes begins does it not bless another poor in spirit and Amen, all right
Just a couple more things and we'll keep moving on What other attributes of God do you see here or Exercise of God's attribute toward David that you see here in the psalm that he's giving us reasons so those are some descriptive passages in the in the
Old Testament that talk about that, but I think the key to remember is Someone may listen to that and say oh,
I know God is merciful and gracious But it's a completely different thing when you are like right in the middle of that battle and you need
God's mercy or his grace Now and you are like remembering that thus has the
Lord Exhibited his mercies, you know either in the Old Testament in the way that he dealt with his people or with me in my circumstance in the past excellent
Amen do you want to just expand on that just a little bit why might that be steadfast love in particular as a
Key attribute in my relationship with with God Exhibits towards us.
Yeah Amen, and I think you know think of this as the covenant love that he has to his people in Jesus Christ I am positionally his child and I know that I don't have to fear why because God has
Covenanted his love toward me and that love never ever changes He always sees me through the work of his
Son and our Savior excellent, so Yes, amen
Amen, yeah You are not a God who is far off, but you are near to us and I think you know
There are trials we go through where we feel like everybody has abandoned us You know,
I haven't seen any path through this that it feels like God is far off and I need to remember no he is
He is ever -present. He is with me when I can't quite see him or feel him the way
I would like to The Bible promises says that I mean Jesus promises that he
I will never leave you Nor forsake you. I am with you always even to the end of the age
And these are truths that I have to remind myself because I can get forgetful when
I get depressed I feel like you know There's nobody else around me that that diameter is just spreading darker and darker and no one else you know
God doesn't seem to care and I have to remember no that's just my folly because I Have let the trial and the emotion kind of just overwhelm me and I need to look up and see no
My God is right there. He is Actually within me the Spirit of God indwells me
And and anyway, well, we'll keep going. So there's a few more things to do and then we'll wrap this up I don't think we'll be able to get into the context
Bill I understand that you normally go to the prayer in the morning. Is that true? Okay, because I'm supposed to be leading it so if I run a little late and you want to get started please do all right
Okay, so there is there is something that the psalmist say I'm just going to give that to you There is a
Forward -looking aspect in the psalmist here and I'm just going to call it out in verse 12
He says I give thanks to you. Oh Lord my God with my whole heart, you know, when you go through a trial you don't see the
Way out of it then you turn your eyes toward the Lord you recognize who he is what he has done that he's able you plead to him and ask him for help in the midst of your trouble and then as you are speaking with him that fear and what he starts to turn into confidence and hope and then you start to give thanks to God because your heart has changed from being consumed by the problem to be
Encouraged by the vision of God that you now have that has taken hold of your spirit and then in the end of that verse
He says I will glorify your name forever. There is something Outcome of this thing that you are looking for as well in in all circumstances
I want to think of I want to be transformed into the image of Christ and this trial ought to bring forth the glory of God and I will not be silent in giving thanks and praise and Ascribe the
Results back to God for what he has done for me, you know so many times I pray I get things and then
I have my next prayer because I completely forgotten what God has done for me That's horrible. You know, just imagine if you just kept helping somebody and they just come.
Okay. Now I am my next trial is this, you know, I Just build you out man. Can you say thanks, you know, the thing is that's the struggle that we will face
If we don't remember to turn back to our God and put those anchors down Thus far has the
Lord helped me and then you look back and you see this Mountain of stones that you have placed and say my
God has been faithful. And then the next trial that comes ha ha The Lord is with me.
All right, so let's keep going And now the challenge for us is how you know
You can see how the David is helped going in his trial through this arm
There's a lot more we can talk about it now that when you are looking for counsel and I always say, you know, when I get troubled
I just Play the Psalms and let them just wash over me because I can identify with some of the trials and I can see how
I need to remember who God is And I think in this particular Psalm may be helpful for you to be thinking of How does my particular trial connect with this trial that David is going through How?
Can I apply these truths that David drew to himself in seeking the
Lord? How can I do that in this particular trial that I'm walking through? All right, we are out of time
I do need to go so let me just do a very quick comment and then maybe we'll
Yeah Yeah, and with that I'll close so I'm just going to read
Philippians 4 6 through 9 You can just read from 4 through 9 or you know
All of Philippians if you want joy in the midst of your trial, but in Philippians 4 6 It says do not be anxious about anything.
That's a command that is given to believers It's given because I will be anxious in my trials and there is a command that is given to me
This is what I need to do to remember and then there is instructions I think all of you should have this memorized in everything by prayer.
That's exactly what David was doing. He was providing a prayer to God but and Supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, you know many a time
I think you know, God knows my thoughts I don't have to articulate it Yeah God knows your thoughts But you need to articulate it because you need to be clear what you want from God because I just want some magic to happen if I'm not thinking about the relationship
I have with God and how that needs to grow and I need to be Strengthened with that particular petition that I'm making and then verse 7 and the peace of God which surpasses all
Understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus and there is something that God promises
This is this is a promise from God. He will give this to you and I'll let you read verses 8 and 9 back at home.
So My encouragement to you is biblical counsel is something that all of us need
In all our conversations with one another those are going to come up and I think the better we are equipped with God's Word the truths of who
God is and and the practice this discipline of coming to the Lord and Thanking him for what he has delivered out of the better.
We can be in being able to help others as well So with that we should stop any
Questions or comments or thoughts. All right, let's pray a loving father
We thank you for your word that is sufficient for all our needs We thank you for your spirit who never abandons us who is greater than anything any adversity we can ever face
We thank you Lord that you are Your love is steadfast
Help us a lot to lean on you and to exalt you and to exalt in you
Even as we go through trials, may you be glorified in each of our lives in Jesus name. We pray.