WWUTT 2160 Q&A Pineapple on Pizza, Marriage Advice, Worshiping Mary, Comments on the Rosary

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Responding to questions and comments from listeners about pizza toppings, respect in your marriage, the Roman Catholic worship of Mary, and comments on the video about the Rosary. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


How can a husband and wife honor one another in their daily tasks? Do Catholics worship
Mary? What's so wrong with praying the Rosary? And does pineapple belong on pizza? The answers to these questions and others, when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text, a daily Bible commentary to encourage your walk with Christ, that we may make the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
Tell your friends about our ministry at www .wutt .com. And once again, it's Pastor Gabe.
Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. We are going on to the next part of Psalm 18. So let me read verses 7 to 15 here out of the
Legacy Standard Bible. Then the earth shook and quaked and the foundations of the mountains were trembling and were shaken because he was angry.
Smoke went up out of his nostrils and fire from his mouth devoured. Coals were kindled by it.
He bowed the heavens and came down with thick darkness under his feet. He rode upon a cherub and flew, and he sped upon the wings of the wind.
He made darkness his hiding place, his canopy around him, darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.
From the brightness before him passed his thick clouds, hailstones and coals of fire.
Yahweh also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High gave forth his voice, hailstones and coals of fire.
He sent out his arrows and scattered them and lightning flashes in abundance and threw them into confusion.
Then the channels of water appeared and the foundations of the world were laid bare. At your rebuke,
O Yahweh, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils. So what are we reading about being described here in this section of Psalm 18?
The thing I think about is a dragon. Well, yeah, that does kind of seem to be the picture, doesn't it?
It's the very wrath of God. Yes. So it's his judgment being poured out upon the earth. Remember the way that we started
Psalm 18, if you can remember back to last week, the cords of death encompassed me, the torrents of vileness terrified me, the cords of Sheol surrounded me, the snares of death in my distress.
I called upon Yahweh and cried to my God for help. He heard my voice out of his temple and my cry for help before him came to his ears.
So this is the response. After the cry for help, God is coming to rescue his own.
And in so doing, he's going to pour out his judgment upon the wicked. We had read back in verse three,
I call upon Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised. And I am saved from my enemies. Okay.
That's verse three. Yeah. So then verses four through six are, are, are kind of, uh, giving the picture of the first part of verse three,
I call upon Yahweh who is worthy to be praised. So we have the call in verses four to six.
And then the next part, and I am saved from my enemies versus seven to 15 is
Yahweh coming to save us from our enemies. And in saving us from our enemies, he doesn't just deliver us up from a place and stick us somewhere else where our enemies can't get to us.
He pours out his wrath and judgment on his enemies. So this is an incredible picture for us who love
God to see God coming in this way. Here is my majestic savior who is coming to rescue me.
But for those who do not know Christ, this vision, this coming, as we see depicted here would be terrifying.
Yeah. From the other side of it. That's right. That, that would be a scary vision. I can't remember which prophet it is.
Zechariah, I believe it is, who said that, uh, that the day of the Lord is a day of wrath.
So for us who know Christ, it's a day of salvation, but for those who don't, the day of the
Lord is a day of their destruction. Yeah. Now consider this from second Thessalonians one, this goes along with this.
The apostle Paul says to the Thessalonians, this is a plain indication of God's righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God for which indeed you are suffering.
Since it is right for God to repay with affliction, those who afflict you and to give rest to you who are afflicted and to us as well at the revelation of the
Lord Jesus from heaven with his mighty angels and flaming fire, executing vengeance on those who do not know
God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of his might when he comes to be glorified in his saints on that day.
And to be marveled at among all who have believed for our witness to you was believed.
So when Christ returns, he will pour out his wrath on the wicked. He will save his own.
He will save the righteous. Yeah. So we will marvel at his coming, whereas everybody else will be terrified in the book of Revelation.
It says they'll flee to the mountains and they'll plea for the rocks to fall down on them to hide them from the lamb that sits upon the throne.
Yeah. Which is interesting that they're terrified of a lamb. But at the same time, we just read what is absolutely terrifying.
Yeah. He is the lion and the lamb. Yes. Now, another thing about this vision to smoke went up from his nostrils, fire from his mouth, devoured coals were kindled by it.
In the book of Hebrews, it says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I remember
I did a video on this, but the Bible project, Tim Mackey did a talk.
You can see the whole talk on YouTube. I sectioned a portion of it out for the what video showing that, uh, the
Bible project actually denies the doctrine of hell. So in this talk that Tim Mackey did, he said at the creation,
God made this, God made this, God made this, but who made hell because in the creation account, we don't have a description of hell being created.
So where did it come from? And then Tim Mackey says we made hell, which is absurd.
I mean, this is just the way that he's going about denying the existence of hell, but hell is
God's wrath. Yeah. So the description that we have here of smoke going up out of his nostrils, fire from his mouth, devoured and coals were kindled by it.
That sounds like the fiery hells that we have described in scripture. And so this is
God's wrath being poured out on his enemies. Hell doesn't come about until he has enemies there to pour his wrath out on for eternity.
So it's not a place. It's not like there's a location that people go.
It's in the next life. Those who are judged, who will perish in eternal punishment will have the wrath of God being poured out on them forever.
It's not that hell's down here in heaven's up there, which is typically, you know, the way that we see those things depicted, we're talking about a spiritual realm.
So it has a different existence than being a location here in a location there. Those who will perish in God's judgment are going to be under his wrath.
And that's exactly what hell is. It's the wrath of God being poured out forever. So we read these things and may it strike fear into your heart to recognize.
I want to be among those that God is coming to rescue. Yes. Not those God is going to destroy.
May it be that we cry out with the Psalmist at the start here with David. He's the author of this
Psalm. He said, I love you. Oh, Yahweh, my strength, Yahweh is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my
God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield in the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
So may we praise God in this way. And we know that we will be saved on that day.
Welcome to when we understand the text, we are taking questions from the listeners on the Friday edition of the program.
Yeah. And you can send those questions to when we understand the text at gmail .com. Now it's only been a couple of days since the last
Friday episode that we did, because I'm actually leaving later this week. I'm going on a camping trip with my son.
So we're recording this earlier and not, not the usual time. Therefore, I've not let enough time go by since the last episode to really accumulate a lot of questions.
All right. So we're mostly going to respond to comments that were made on two of the recent videos that I did about Roman Catholicism.
Okay. So we're going to look at some of those comments here. A reminder that we have a new feature where you can now send us voicemail.
So not just sending us a, an email to ask your question when we understand the text at gmail .com.
Once again, that's the email address, but if you go to our website, www .tt .com
on the menu bar right there at the top, you'll see a link that says voicemail, click on that and record from your phone or your computer.
A question that you want to ask us. Yes. And we will play it right here on the program. We'll play your question and try to answer your question.
Yes. To the best of our ability. Be sure to include your name. Cause we'd like to be able to address you by name.
I don't know if this would encourage more questions or if people are now going to go, oh my goodness, I don't want to hear my voice on that program.
What are you talking about? I guess it depends on what you're asking. We can still send the email.
Yeah. You can still do it the old fashioned way. Sometimes it's easier to say it. Like I, there's times that I can't text you the whole spiel, but I can sure call you and spend two minutes talking to you.
Whereas if I was texting, it would take too much. Anyway. Yeah. Take too many words.
So try that out. Yeah. We'd love to hear we'd like, we'd literally like to hear from more people.
So go to www .tt .com. Click on voicemail, leave us a voicemail message.
And we'll try to respond to your question here on the program. So I've got a first question. Oh yes. Go ahead. Okay. So this one's from Jackson and it says, question is pineapple supposed to be on pizza?
Uh, yes. Uh, yes. I agree. There's the, there's the answer. Yes. Yes. Is the answer.
Yes. Now I will say this. I don't eat all pizza. Yeah, sure. Right. There's some toppings it doesn't go with, but it can, and I don't eat pizza with just pineapple on it.
No, I've never done that. No, it has to have like an even, um, sweet and savory kind of.
Sure. Yeah. So going, going with bacon. Yeah, man, that is a good pizza.
Bacon and pineapple together is a good pizza. No, no, not Canadian bacon.
Which is okay. He he's, he's talking about bacon. I'm talking about bacon. Like not the corruption that you
Canadians call bacon. That's ham. It's ham. I'm talking real bacon.
Yes. I just wanted to clarify for our listeners. Cause I know what you're talking about, but maybe other people don't, because I mean, we've been places where they're like bacon, you mean like Canadian bacon and we end up with like big clops of ham on it as well, and they're just so confused.
And apparently the, the Canadian bacon and pineapple is such a common pizza that I've asked for bacon and pineapple and got.
Yeah. Canadian bacon and pineapple. You know, if the United States is ever going to go to war with Canada, it's probably going to be over that Canadian bacon guys, come on, bacon, bacon, bacon and pineapple is a great pizza.
And I don't let anybody discourage me from the wonderful delicacy. That is that pizza. The kids like it.
I like it. It's it's bacon. Yes. But I will have to say my favorite is the, um, chicken barbecue.
Yes. Barbecue chicken. Well, it's because it's not just barbecue chicken. I get it with chicken, onions, bacon, and barbecue.
And it's amazing. That's what you're eating. Oh, so amazing. And no, that does not include the tomato sauce.
It's just barbecue sauce. Right. You put barbecue sauce on it instead of tomato. Yeah. You're welcome.
That is a good pizza. Man. So Marcos, I have to throw out a brand here.
Marcos at one point did the Philly cheesesteak pizza. That was pretty good.
That's the best pizza I've ever had in my life. Yeah, that was a fantastic pizza and they did it once for a limited time and I've never seen it again.
Yeah, that's sad, man. And a friend of mine, it was actually one of our elders. When, uh, the elders would come over to the house and we had our elders meetings in my office downstairs.
I got that pizza for them one time. Yeah. And, uh, and one of the elders ate it and he goes, you know, Gabe, I really thought that you were kind of like overhyping this thing by saying it's the best pizza you've ever had.
I don't know. This is, this is pretty close. It was an excellent pizza.
The, the best piece of that I've ever had was the one out at Flagler beach in Florida.
Yes. And I don't even remember what that pizza place was called or which pizza I got. Rob Stiles, if you're listening to this, you got to let us know what the name of that pizza place was.
Yeah, it was so good. It was like the white cheesy and it had like spinach and I think it even had tomatoes on it and it was just so good.
Oh, I do remember that one. I know which one you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Those are good too. With the, with the bacon and the spinach.
Yes. It was so good. You're making my mouth water here. I didn't, I did not know we were getting into a pizza discussion.
You're welcome. So thanks for the question, Jackson. Yes. Thank you. You know, RZ Sproul was once asked that question and he said no.
And, uh, maybe it's a Pato Baptist thing. I don't know to dislike pineapple on pizza.
I mean, I know it's not for everybody. I think we even have some children that don't like it, but you know, we forgive them.
It's just not their preference. I, all the kids will eat it, but there's one or two of them. They're just like, man, I'd rather have pepperoni and sausage or something like that.
Yeah. Yeah. They're pretty traditional. And, uh, Jackson sent us a donation to get us a pizza.
So I hope Jackson that you're comfortable with the fact that we're going to probably order a pizza that's got pineapple and bacon on it.
Now. Okay. So that was your question. You had one from Jackson to me. I've got this question from Michelle.
Okay. Now it doesn't say which Michelle, but she sure words this. Like, like she knows you.
Okay. We all know how much Becky loves the video clips that you will play. Oh my goodness. Can you play this one and get her reaction to it?
Oh, okay. So here we go. Right. Let's see. Uh, let's see how you'll enjoy this. A few weeks ago.
I said, I don't do my husband's laundry. And a lot of people are saying, whoa, whoa, whoa. Those are small acts of kindness. Why wouldn't you want to do that for your partner?
But here's the thing. Small acts of kindness that are mostly domestic labor. Just add up to work at the end of the day.
So here's a list of things that I don't do for my husband. You all know, I don't do his laundry. He can do that himself.
I do my laundry and we do the kids laundry, but he does his own. I don't cook dinner. He cooks dinner every single night.
I do breakfast and lunch for us and our kids. I don't pack him a lunch. If he's hungry, he'll figure out what he's going to eat for lunch.
The same way that I do. I don't make his doctor's appointments because guess what? He's not making mine.
Would it be kind of me to do that for sure? Is it my job? Absolutely not. Okay. I'm going to pause it right here.
We'll, uh, there's still more to this reactions thus far.
Where are you at? All right. So truth be told, I was scrolling through X and I came across this video.
I did not play it for the reason that I knew
I would cringe. And already, yes, I need to sit down with this lady and have a chat.
But, um, so working is good. It was one of the first commands that God gave mankind to do work was to work.
Yep. And not just the man, but even the woman. Yeah. Yes. That's what I said. Mankind. Mankind. Okay. Yes. I did have the kind in there that includes everybody, men and women alike.
Now there's a lot to this that I haven't watched the whole or read the whole thing.
So I might be surprised the more we come across, but so far we do a lot of this.
You and I. Yeah, sure. What she's saying is really not too different than our arrangement, right?
I mean, you don't make my doctor's appointments. No, because you know, your schedule better than I do. Yeah, sure. And I'm going to make it at the wrong time.
And sometimes I don't need to go to the doctor. You would probably schedule my appointment. I would schedule him more often than he would go.
And he would cancel all of them. And he would be kicked out of the doctor's office like permanently because he would cancel all of them.
So anyway, um, and then for the laundry thing, I do his laundry just because I'm doing laundry already.
Sure. I have no biggie though. No biggie. And I do your laundry sometimes. You do. And then, um, and let's see, what else was there?
Well, just to kind of like, Oh, the meals, the meals. Yeah. That's pretty much set up the same way with us. Yeah. Right.
Right. You do breakfast and lunch and I do dinner. Right. Well, well, I make sure they're done. I'm, I'm trying to make sure that the kids will get, yeah.
We'll fix lunch back in my way out of being the hover mom and making them have take responsibility and make sure that they're able to feed themselves when they get out of the house.
Sure. So yeah, that that's, that's again, another thing. Which I got spoiled when I was a kid.
Cause I never cooked for myself until I left the home. My parents made everything. It was right before we started dating that he scrambled his first eggs.
Yep. That's the truth. Not joking. Right. We were like well into our twenties. That was in October and you and I started dating
March 1st. So just five months before that, when he did that was a scrambling my own eggs for the first time.
Yes. So anyway, as a bachelor, I ate out all the time. That was how I solved that problem.
I don't have to make anything. I did the same thing, but I did so many fails as a kid growing up on like a teaspoon is not a tablespoon and especially not two tablespoons.
And yeah. Anyway, that, that was a lot of salt. I did. Sounds like it was the right amount for me.
No, it was, it was very crunchy. Um, so, so I did a lot of mishaps growing up.
So I just refused to, to cook too much more. Yeah. I know how I know how
I just don't like to. And then, um, so, so anyway, what, what
I was getting at is even though this is not much different from us, our attitudes are totally different.
Yeah. So there's a difference between is different. Exactly. There's a difference between. This sounds like she's entitled.
Exactly. She she's doing this. Yeah. I would never do this for her. And she's calling it her intent, but it sure sounds like that's her intent.
And she's calling it domestic labor. Yeah. Okay. I've never heard you say anything around the house is domestic labor.
I mean, is that equivalent to domestic violence? Like are we putting this in the same boat of he overworks me?
I'm not his slave. Yeah. I, I don't, I don't get that. That, um, I mean, I kind of like homemaker domestic labor,
I guess. It's that it's not, it's not the same. Right. Don't use that term, please.
All right. So let's go on to the next part. Here we go. Moving on. There's a lot of things that I don't do for my husband.
I don't schedule his haircuts. I don't pack his clothes for vacation. Right. I don't do those things.
I don't buy him new underwear when it's got holes in it. All of those are things that he's a grown man and he can do himself.
Can I do small acts of kindness for him? Of course I can. And I do, I see a vinyl that I think he's going to like, cause he's creating a vinyl collection.
I buy it. I'm at the store and I see something that I think he might enjoy eating. I buy it. I find a new non -alcoholic beer that he wants to try out.
I buy it. Right. Those are small acts of kindness, doing his laundry, cooking him dinner, making him lunch, booking his doctor's appointments, all those things.
That's domestic labor. Those are chores. Those are not acts of kindness. Do I do them occasionally when he's working a lot?
Of course. Do I cook dinner sometimes when he's at a really long day? Of course. But me not doing that does not mean that I don't show him love or kindness.
They're different things. It is not my job as a wife. It is not in my job description to do all the domestic labor as small acts of kindness to my partner and receive nothing in return.
I agree with this commenter. If it's going both ways, fantastic. But oftentimes domestic labor, especially when you have children adds up.
And so, no, I am not my husband's personal secretary or his personal assistant. I am none of those things. I am his partner.
I am his equal. And I do not have to do things to cater to him and serve him at all times to be kind and loving for him.
Okay. So to clarify at the end of this, that's the end of it, right?
That's it. That's it. Yeah, we got to be in. Okay. So, so to clarify, I think she's more angry at whomever made the comment that she's responding to rather than angry with her husband.
So at first I thought this was like anger towards like marriage and husband type of anger.
Like somebody saying something like, you don't love your husband because you don't do his laundry. So I, I, I can understand the anger, you know, coming from.
Trying to stand up for yourself. Like I do show him love, but at the same time, I just, you're missing the hand gestures too.
Why, why do you have to take that pedestal? Yeah. Be so assertive like this and be so grumpy about it.
Like, doesn't seem like she takes joy in any of this at all. The only thing, but that's why
I'm confused as to if she does. And this is like a one time thing where she's just angry response.
To the, the commenter who, who probably said that she doesn't love her husband or whatever.
Or, you know, Campbell, I can't believe you don't do anything for, you know, your, your, you make your husband do all that or, you know, whatever the comment was.
I have no idea what she's responding to, but it just, I don't know if she's angry only because of that, or if she is just this grumpy.
Well, the fact that she calls it domestic labor. That, that, that is a tale. I mean, there's no, I'm trying to give her a bone.
I am trying. There's no, there's just no joy in this at all. Just doesn't seem like she's really enjoying herself.
Even at the things that she does. Okay. So truthfully, this is what's going through my mind. She has a checklist of his name on one page and her name on another.
And she's going through, okay, he does this so I can do this. He does this so I can do this. So it's even.
It sounds like she's doing the whole, our marriage is 50, 50 approach. And that is not.
A healthy way to base your marriage. It should be a hundred and a hundred percent.
Both should give all and do what you can for the other person and lovingly do what you can.
And you know, there are times when I just fall off the face of the planet, not literally, figuratively, when he gets home from work and I know he's tired.
But I am spent and I have nothing left to give. And so he just picks up where I left off and he just, he's a trooper, man.
He's game is awesome guys. Thank you. And, um, and I like,
I like making you food and watching you enjoy that food. Yes. And I enjoy it.
I do. And it's a delight for me to do those things here. You know, the things that she's saying, and I thought this too, when
I was watching the video of just like, well, I mean, that she's describing. Same sort of dynamic that we have.
She's just so joyless and grumpy about it. And like I said, you know, the,
I'm trying to give her a little something that maybe she isn't always this like that, that, that, that, that, that about it, that, that maybe she's just in a mood, you know, because that happens.
Well, none, neither you nor I have this approach of, well, that's not my job. Right. And that is the way that she's talking about this.
That's like, if you ask me, you say, Hey, I'm behind on laundry. Can you do a load? I'm going to do a load. Yeah. And it's not that it's my job to do it.
It's just that I always do it. Right. Well, not always, but obviously not always. Right.
But yeah, I'll wash more dishes than you do. Yes. You'll do more laundry than I will do.
Yeah. You'll probably end up doing more toilets than I will do. Yes, that is likely.
So, yeah, I mean, there's chores. It's just what you, you see something needs done, you just go do it. The chores just get done.
And, and I just have more time to spend on the laundry because I'm here all day. Right. Than you do.
Cause I'm not going to ask you to stay up all night to do loads and loads and loads of laundry. That's just not, that's not feasible, let alone loving.
Well, the thought that came to my head was Proverbs 21, 19. It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
Yeah. So I'm just, I'm hoping that she's just angry at the responder.
I'm just going to keep that. Well, I mean, this video has gone viral. I've seen it in a few places too.
And I just kind of wonder if, you know, either she's going to be convicted by, okay. Yeah. I did not mean to come across that way.
And hopefully it will change her approach to some things. Maybe. Or she's just going to get more hard hearted about it.
Yeah. Maybe is the other, I mean, there's so much fake out there. Like I'm going to fake be angry.
I'm going to fake be sad. I'm going to fake be happy even for, for the, the videos to get that.
It's clickbait. Yeah, of course. And so, um, so I don't know.
I, but, but the domestic labor, that's, that's one that I'm, I, I can't excuse.
That, that label itself. Well, thank you for the video, Michelle. I suppose.
I hope you were, you were there for pleased with Becky's reaction to it.
This is like our version of Becky's reaction video, you know? Except you're not on video. Yeah.
You don't, you don't see the, the cringing face and the hand motions. That's all that I know.
She won't let me go that far. I can't put her on video. Not yet. Yeah. All right.
Now these next comments, these have to do with the most recent videos that I did on Roman Catholicism and I still have several videos to go.
It's taking me a while to crank these out because I'm busy. And right now I'm away on a camping trip. Yeah. Uh, but the, the one that, uh,
I was hoping to have done on Monday was on Our Lady Fatima because it's, it was the anniversary of the first appearance of Our Lady Fatima.
Right. May 13th was the date that I wanted to have that on and I didn't make it. So it took me a couple of more days to get that video up.
I don't have any reactions to that one just yet, but we'll respond to some comments on that one too. Okay.
This is the video that I did on do Catholics worship Mary. So here is that video.
And then we'll respond to comments. If you ask why
Roman Catholics worship Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Catholic apologists will tell you they don't worship
Mary. When people ask me, why do Catholics worship Mary? The first answer I have to say is we don't worship
Mary. Why do Catholics worship Mary? Obviously the answer is we don't. Catechism of the
Catholic church in section 971 says it is an essential part of Christian worship to honor the blessed
Virgin Mary and say what of Christian worship. Really? Now it doesn't mean we worship
Mary. Absolutely not. Well, here is the Pope kissing statues and portraits of Mary in reverence.
Here he is burning incense to a likeness of Mary. Here he is bowing and praying before these likenesses.
Catholic sources say he prays to Mary. How are these things not worship? Here are people bowing to images of Mary and appearing to pray to them.
Praying the rosary involves more prayer to Mary than to God. Here is a massive parade on a religious feast day dedicated to Mary with a portrait of her in front of the procession.
Here is another Marian parade and another and another. They sing songs to her. They write psalms to her.
They burn candles to her. They will say this isn't worship it's veneration. But really what's the difference?
They ascribe to Mary divine characteristics like omnipresence, believing she can hear them from anywhere and grant requests.
They claim she was without sin when Jesus said no one is good but God alone. She makes appearances, foretells the future and does miracles.
They give her divine names like Queen of Heaven. The only place that title appears in the Bible is in Jeremiah for an idol.
In Exodus 23 through 5 God says you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them or serve them when we understand the text.
So this first comment comes from Daryl who says, I have a very few dear friends who are devout
Catholics and this comes up often. They say the same thing. We don't worship her.
We just pray to her to pray for us. That makes zero sense to me when we can just directly pray to God himself.
They will say it's like asking your friend to pray for you. But is it really? Can the saints hear us?
If so, they are spending their time in paradise awaiting the establishment of heaven on earth. Just listening to prayers and praying for us, which means their time is spent seeing the suffering of the world.
That seems like a raw deal. Anyway, I just go off of what the
Bible says as a reformed Anglican, we are fully evangelical. We do have a few images of Mary, like a stained glass window, but we also have images of John the
Baptist and the apostles. We don't bow down to them or anything. They are just there as reminders of the history of the church.
The only icon that we venerate is the image of the cross, but we only use that as a reminder of who we are worshiping and that is
Christ and the triune God. The whole thing with stained glass windows actually goes back to a time in which sermons would be preached under those windows and the window would serve as kind of a backdrop to the message that would be preached.
So the preacher might have the pulpit positioned under that stained glass, or he may have it up there on the chancel and would just motion to the stained glass.
It could be done that way as well. But the sermon would be done there so that the people are seeing the image and it enhances their attention to the sermon that is being preached.
So if you have stained glass windows of the various apostles who wrote the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and if the preacher's preaching from Luke that week, then he's going to indicate to the stained glass
Luke. There are some churches that will put the stained glass windows only on the sides because then you have that visual, but when you are looking forward, then you're not seeing the visual.
It's just there as a reminder to you, but it doesn't have your attention as you're worshiping.
So it kind of stays out of the way in terms of worship. Sometimes those visuals have been handled very reverently, kind of the way that Daryl is explaining here.
But in Roman Catholicism and in Easter Orthodoxy, all that iconography is right there, front and center.
Whenever there is a new Mary statue somewhere significant, the Pope will go to that place and will consecrate the statue and pray before it and burn incense to it and bless it and kiss it.
I mean, it has all the symbolism of a worship ritual. Everything that God had said to Israel to do to consecrate the altar, here is the
Pope doing that with one of these statues. How do you not call that idol worship? Everything that they do is exactly what
Israel did when they would worship their idols. The Catholics will try to say it's just veneration, it's not worship because the definition for Catholics of worship is sacrifice.
So the only thing that you can really worship is the Eucharist because Christ sacrifices is in the
Eucharist. So that's where their worship is, whereas everything else is just veneration. But when we read that passage in Exodus 20,
I was sure to include that in that video. God doesn't merely say, don't worship these graven images.
He says, do not bow down to them or serve them. And that's what Roman Catholics do.
You just take the whole Our Lady Fatima myth where the vision of the lady tells the children to build a chapel for me here.
And that's exactly what they do. And it is a very wealthy chapel that's built there in Fatima, Portugal, which attracts people by the millions every year.
Hundreds of thousands of people were gathered there this past Monday at the anniversary of the appearance of Our Lady of Fatima.
These are things that are being done to worship and serve the iconography of Mary.
And I don't know, I don't understand how you can take that any other way. I say that and a Catholic criticizes me for that.
And I'm going, look, I'm just going off of what the Bible says. I don't care how you define it. Yeah. God says, don't do it.
Yeah. And it almost seems like you're making up the definitions that you do so that you have an excuse to do it.
Yeah. It's not really worship. Yeah. And it just kind of has the air of Satan saying, did God really say, don't bow down to them?
Or can you just define your words a certain way and then it's okay? Yeah. That's kind of the air of everything.
So this next comment comes from Jay Gath. I too was born a Catholic, but when I was shown the
Bible verse against idol worship, I accepted. I did not try to defend my Catholic faith.
I simply accepted the truth and became born again. Oh, praiseable Lord. Now you used to be
Catholic. You were very nominally Catholic. Yes. I remember at one point saying to you,
Hey, the Catholics are telling me that they don't pray to Mary. And your response was. Yeah, they do. They do.
I mean, that's, that's all that I was, I mean, I, I mean, I was taught quite a bit, but, but that was like the main thing
I was taught is praying to Mary. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can still recite the prayer.
That's, that's how, and I haven't been to Catholic church in how long. Yeah, sure. So yeah, it's, it's engraved in my brain.
Yeah. Because you say it a lot. We do. If it's in the, if it's in the Rosary, you say it 53 times, which
I'll get to that here in a moment. So. Now this, uh, these videos had even earned the attention of Dr.
Taylor Marshall, who is a very prolific Catholic apologist. Oh, okay. So he said, uh, he said the following most
Protestants don't understand biblical real worship. They think worship is singing praise songs. True worship for Catholics is the holy sacrifice of the mass.
Exactly what I was saying a moment ago. It's the clean oblation foretold by Malachi.
So when Protestants see Catholics sing songs in honor of Mary or saints, they think it's adoration of false gods.
The problem isn't that we Catholics worship saints. It's that Protestants don't know how to rightfully worship
God. Their view of worship is too low. Okay. Well, in most churches,
I can see that he may have a valid point. There is a big problem in evangelicalism in like terming worship as singing songs.
There certainly is that problem. And especially the songs they sing. Not going to lie.
Which is very shallow worship. Very, very. So I'm, I'm not saying that all
Protestants are like, you know, top notch. No, there's a lot of growth there too, but Catholics on the other hand, they, they do, they pray to Mary, they pray to the saints, they, they have certain masses that they dedicate towards that saint or that, you know, whomever.
Right. I don't, I never thought Mary was a saint, but I guess kind of sorted. Well, she's above all of them.
Right. Yeah. I mean, she's the, yeah. Right. Right. Exactly. The mediatrix, you know, she's, she's like the co -mediator with Christ.
So, yeah. Um, so anyway, the, uh, and for the fact that her, um, she's always has a, um, um, losing my words, the, the statue up there.
Towards the front. Right. It's always at the front. It's always at the front. Yeah. So there's no getting around.
Like she is there. Becky and I went to a wedding one time. It was a Catholic wedding. And, uh, there was at one point the husband and the wife have to go over and stand before Mary.
I leaned over and said, and now we get to the idol worship portion of the ceremony. And Becky dug her elbow into me. I was like, shh.
Uh, this comment comes from Ben. There is no salvation outside the holy Catholic church, which was built by God, the son himself.
The holy and immaculate blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of God is highest in the order of creation.
So going along with what you said there higher, even than the angels. And just as our savior,
Jesus Christ came into the world through her to save us. So also every saving grace for mankind comes to us through her.
Yeah. So that means that she is higher than God. That's really the way that sounds is
God. Yes. But, but the fact that every hat saving grace has to come through her, it is, it's not that Jesus existed before her.
He did. Yeah. Right. Apparently she's just.
And the way that the, the language that he used to describe Mary here was way more descriptive of her than the language that he used to describe
God, the holy and immaculate blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of God. Yeah. He's got that huge title in there.
And nothing like that when he talks about Jesus or God. And that is my experience with Catholics.
Yeah. It's very common to do that. Yeah. Yeah. There's this huge veneration for Mary. And, and I just,
I really, as a layman standing on the outside, just consider me a layman standing on the outside, looking at this,
I'm watching this going, you're doing way more to honor Mary than I see you doing to honor
Christ or God, the father, right? There's like, I mean,
Christ is mentioned and, but the, the God, the father and the holy spirit aren't hardly mentioned at all.
Well, there you have the statue of Mary holding a little bitty Jesus. Yeah. He's still an infant in the, in the
Catholic affair. He's, he's either hanging on a cross or he's an infant. That's the depictions that we have in the Roman Catholic church.
You don't have depictions of Christ, uh, coming out of the tomb unless it's a painting of him ascending into heaven or something like that.
Yeah. All the pictures of Christ seem to be, he's either a little baby or he's still hanging on the cross. Yeah. There's nothing in between.
Right. Whereas for Protestants, teaching and you know, stuff, whereas for, for the
Protestant reformation, the reason why you have just the plain cross is that was a statement of he's not hanging on it anymore.
Right. And that was a statement against the mass, which is a constant re -sacrifice of Christ.
Yeah. And they will deny that too. No, we're not re -sacrificing him. It's a continual sacrifice.
He's just continually being sacrificed. What is the difference? I had a real hard time after it was described to me like that your communion bread is
Christ. I had a hard time eating it after that. It was like gross. He told us to be cannibals.
That's, uh, that's, that's not, that's pleasant. And yes, I was still
Catholic at that, at that time. Yeah. This fellow Willis, he says a two minute AI generated clip invalidates
St. Thomas, St. Jerome, the gospels of John and Luke, Isaiah Catholic and Orthodox tradition with such depth and eloquence.
This must've been put out by some, uh, small hat loving strip mall church. What's a small hat loving.
I don't even know what that is. Uh, anyway, uh, I, it's funny to me. Anytime I get these comments about how my voice is
AI. Oh yeah. That's not even a real person. It's AI generated.
You know, I'm sorry. That is my voice. And I really made, uh, that video. And he talks like that all the time.
That's my normal voice. We go to conferences and they meet me and say, wow, you really talk like that.
And it's just my voice. Got it. Recognize that voice anywhere. Yeah, I got it from my dad.
That happens a lot too. Tori says someone once said this queen of heaven,
Mary could be the woman Jesus was talking about in revelation. Well, now let me take that back.
She says, could be the woman Jesus was talking about in revelations, whom he accused of causing his children to commit adultery with her.
This is a theory, but it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. So that's referring to a really what
Jesus compared that with was Jezebel. So you, you commit adultery with her, you share in her adultery.
So that wasn't a reference to Mary. But I get that. Like some people are reading into the women that are talked about in revelation, like the whore of Babylon, is that talking about the
Catholic version of Mary? Oh, okay. I'll hear those kinds of interpretations. I haven't heard that yet.
No, is the answer, but I'm not going to open up revelation and get into a, an exposition of revelation today.
You'll have to ask for that request another time. All right, let's get to the one on the Rosary and we'll respond to a few comments about this one.
The Catholic prayer known as the Rosary is a devotional prayer, primarily to Mary. It's recited using a string of beads made up of five sets with each set containing one large bead and 10 smaller beads.
The introduction consists of the apostles, Creed, the our father, three hail Mary's in one glory be for each larger bead.
The our father is repeated for each smaller bead, a hail Mary. And at the end, the hail Holy queen asking for her mercy and calling
Mary, our life, hope, and advocate. Praying the Rosary entails more prayer to Mary than to God.
Some of the hail Mary is taken from scripture. Like when the angel Gabriel said to Mary greetings, Oh, favored one. The Lord is with you.
And Elizabeth said, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. But it's worded in a prayer that goes like this hail
Mary. Full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. And that's repeated over 50 times. There is no biblical basis for this.
Nowhere in the Bible does anyone pray to Mary or any other saint on the contrary. God said that one who inquires of the dead is an abomination to the
Lord. Now Catholics get around this by saying no one in heaven is really dead, but where in the Bible does God approve of praying to anyone in heaven other than God?
As 1st Timothy 2 .5 says, there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. And 1st
John 2 .1 says, Christ is our advocate before the father. About praying the same thing over and over to someone other than God, Jesus address practices like that saying, when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the
Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them.
Instead, pray like Jesus, the prophets and the apostles prayed in the Bible when we understand the text.
Kate made this comment. Thank you for this. I work in home care and I have an ex -Catholic nun who tells me the rosary is all biblical.
I knew it wasn't, but this detailed explanation is good to know. Pray for Maureen.
Thank you for that comment, Kate. This one from David. I still remember my childhood saying the rosary because my mother, who was a
Roman Catholic, taught me every night before bedtime, she would come into my older sister's room and together would pray the rosary.
I never understood why I'd repeat Hail Mary 53 times and only
Our Father 10 times since she was taught by the Roman Catholic Church that it would protect me from harm, evil and danger.
I wore the rosary. So I did that from my childhood to preteen years. But over 24 years ago, when
I started reading the four narrative gospels, I was so shocked that none of what
Roman Catholicism taught me was in the word of God and for years had been exposing the false teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church. Yeah. Well done, David. Yeah, definitely. And I'm sure that's got to be hard because,
I mean, you're conditioned in that from childhood. That really has to take a work of the Holy Spirit to wake your mind up and recognize all the lies
I had been told. And it's contrary to what God has said in his word. Yeah, I mean,
Mary would have been, okay, say Mary was this holy, immaculate, you know, mother that they make her out to be.
Which means that she was sinless when they call her immaculate. Right. Yeah. Then that means that Jesus would have been in the
Bible at that time praying to her because she would have had connections to God.
She would have been holy. We don't have to wait for them to die to have that connection because,
I mean, right, Jesus had connections to God. Which is why she's called the co -mediator. Right.
Because she can mediate between God and man just like Jesus can. Yeah. So, but I was taught that she talks to Jesus and she prays on your behalf, like going to your favorite parent, you go to the one you favor more because that one will get you what you want.
And so, no, I'm not kidding. That's what they told me. And so then you go to that parent, that favored parent, and then that parent goes to the other parent and they said it this way.
So in reference to Mary going to Jesus then with your request and then asking that of Jesus.
And I was like, what? That's called bad parenting.
Yeah, well, that's true. If I find out, you know, the kids ask me a question and I find out that Becky has already said no, well, they're in trouble now because they came to me and would not accept the no.
So, yeah, right. That illustration is ridiculous. I know, but that's how it was. I'm sure. I'm sure that's how it went.
I still don't get it. Like I get going to your favorite parent. Sure. Because they're, they're more of a pushover.
But at the same time, like, how does that work on what, on what plane is
Mary compared to God and Jesus, like father, God and Jesus, you know?
Sure. Because at the time I didn't understand that either. Right. The Trinity being.
Oh, yeah, right. Understanding the Trinity. Well, this, but that's because I wasn't saved, you know, of course. So it was, it was,
I'm sure they tried to explain it to me that they're all three, one and one and three, but it didn't make sense.
Well, this person saved by grace is the handle. It was likewise a nominal Catholic as you were.
Yeah. Good grief. I come from a nominal Roman Catholic background and I never knew what this was.
It's even more unbiblical than I thought. Knew what was the rosary. Yeah.
Oh, wow. So apparently you learn more of it than even than this, than this person did. Wow. So this one who claims to be a priest says, considering that it was given by the queen mother talking about the rosary.
So the rosary was given by the queen mother has multiple miracles associated there with such as the sun at Fatima.
And no demon is going to tell you to pray the, our father. I'm waiting for the empty phrases or babblings.
I never heard any during the rosary. Yeah. Well, that will be a future video, the origins of the rosary and how there was this appearance of Mary that gave you the rosary and said, here, pray these prayers.
Why didn't Jesus give us the rosary from the get go? I mean, yeah, it's not in the scriptures.
In fact, so here's this other comment that comes from this person, 1214. That was when they invented the rosary.
Okay. A man, Dominic of Osma came up with it. And he said that he saw Mary who told him to do it.
I think he was talking to a demon if he didn't completely make it up. Also, it has changed some since then.
And incidentally, that's all Roman Catholic doctrines. Yeah. They all change. They're all different.
Yeah. And so I'll have the Roman Catholics that will say stuff to me like, well, where's your authority? How do you even know what the
Bible says? Where did all this come from? It came to you from the Roman Catholic Church. We're the original. We go back to the first century.
You're completely different than what was going on in the first several hundred years of the church.
Yeah. Even the papacy today is different than the papacy 100 years ago. Yeah. It's constantly changing.
This is developing myth and legend. And the Roman Catholics are notorious for it.
It's all throughout the history of Roman Catholicism. But they really believe it. That's the sad thing.
Oh, I'm sure. Yeah. It's heart -wrenching that they believe what they're doing is biblical.
And it's just, and I think that's why they have such a hard time with being told that it's not in the
Bible. Because they're not pointing you back to the Bible. They're pointing you to their revelations and stuff like that.
Like their appearances and things. Which is very charismatic. And so incidentally, within evangelicalism, because we understand like evangelicalism comes out of Protestant Reformation.
We're talking about Protestants generally when we use the term evangelical. So within evangelicalism, there's echoes of the
Roman Catholic corruption. Oh, okay. Yeah. That still exists within evangelicalism.
Like for example, when Andy Stanley will say, well, there wasn't even a Bible in the first three centuries of the church.
So how is it that we keep coming back to the authority of the Bible when there wasn't even a Bible then?
It didn't come about until the fourth century. Andy Stanley's making a Roman Catholic argument.
Interesting. But because they checked his sources, they will say that the church is the authority and has authority over scripture.
Or when a charismatic will talk about the appearances that they will see of heavenly beings, angels that appear to them or persons, or being able to see what's in the afterlife, visions of heaven, visions of hell, that was going on in Roman Catholicism long before it was happening in evangelicalism.
That's echoes of that Roman Catholic charismatic, you know, like the precursor to charismaticism.
When you have even Joseph Smith, now he's not even, we don't consider Mormonism to be evangelical, but Joseph Smith having
God and Jesus appear to him and an angel appear to him and give him these extra visions, exactly the same thing you saw in Roman Catholicism.
And I wouldn't be surprised to find how much influence some of those Roman Catholic visions had on Joseph Smith, because he was also influenced by his father's
Freemasonry and some of the charismaticism that was going on in the part of the
Northeast that was happening at the time during the second great awakening, all of that had an influence on him as well. So again, just these echoes of Roman Catholic thought, the semi -Pelagianism, the idea that we can work to gain the favor of God, like we're not really all bad, we can still do enough and I can reach up and gain salvation, that's
Roman Catholic, that comes from Roman Catholicism. And they also believe that people on earth can still work for you to be forgiven.
So all of these different problems that you see, even within Protestantism.
Like after you're dead, sorry, I don't know if I clarified that, like after you die, they can still on earth, people who loved you can pray for you.
Oh yeah, sure, sure. Or even talk to you. Yeah. And help forgive you of your sins while you're in purgatory.
Yes. I've seen Pope Francis tell people to pray to their dead relatives. Pray to them?
Yeah, to them. Yeah, or I don't think he's used the word pray, he will say talk to them. Okay. So you can talk to their dead, you can talk to your dead relatives, talk to your dad who's in heaven, talk to your mom.
So yeah, I can still have that communication and apparently they're talking on my behalf before Christ.
Why do you have to wait for a saint to be venerated? You can just talk to anybody you want to, who's up there.
So anyway, there's some comments that we got on this video and I've got some more coming and so plenty of more hate coming my way,
I'm sure. Probably, yeah. With some of these videos. It's hard to get your brain straight after all of that.
Right. I mean, it took me how many years to like just stop? Because I mean,
I was coming out of that and then I kind of dabbled in a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
And then I was saved after that in a Westland church.
And even as I'm learning through the Westland church, I'm still confused and trying to bring my
Catholic background into what I'm learning here. Like, oh yeah,
I can just mesh these together and I'm still doing right. And to really divide that was, it is still difficult.
I find myself still like leaning that way of thinking sometimes and I have to correct myself like, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That's so wrong. Pedo -baptism. That's another one. Pedo -baptism is an echo of Roman Catholicism.
Oh yeah, you think so? Don't hate me, Presbyterians. I'm just the messenger here.
Yeah. All right. Well, let's finish there. Once again, if you have any questions that you would like to give to the broadcast, the email address is whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com.
Or you can go to our website and leave us a voicemail. Yeah, don't forget about that one. Wwutt .com.
Thank you so much for listening. Let's finish with prayer. Yes, let's. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time together and this time in your word and considering the truth of what you have said.
And I pray that we keep coming back to the word. It is so easy for the world to get into our heads and to teach us things that are beyond what you have said to us according to scripture.
It's very easy in our weaknesses to listen to messages from other people and hear words from other places that gets jumbled in there.
And we forget what it is exactly that you have said. So keep us faithful to the word and coming back to it.
And may we continue in long suffering to evangelize the loss that they may to come to a knowledge of the truth.
The name Maureen came up among these comments that we read here today. And we pray for Maureen that she would come to a knowledge of the truth, recognize the lies that have been spoken to her by the
Roman Catholic Church. And the only way that she's going to come to that awareness is because she reads God's word and your
Holy Spirit illuminates to her the truth that has been given to us there. Keep us steadfast after you, pursuing holiness, turning away from sin and the passions of our flesh and the ways of this world and desiring to live upright and godly lives before you in this present day.
It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. This is
When We Understand The Text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your walk with Christ that we may make the best use of our time because the days are evil.
Tell your friends about our ministry at WWUTT .com. Here once again is
Pastor Gabe. I would keep it, but you dropped evil so much that it was practically a whisper.
I know, because I messed up. Yeah. I mean, I would have kept it, but. I know, I messed up and that's what happened. Yeah. Because I get like unsure.
Should I go on? Should I just stop? I know the evil is not going to, it wasn't going to stay.
So, yeah, that one's going to happen. Well, I can do it again. And you can like voiceover it. Evil. Evil. Evil.
Like the fruits of the devil. Evil. What you were saying was terrible, but the way you said it was awesome.