F4F | February Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now there's this thing that we do from time to time here, because dealing with heresy can be a dark and depressing kind of thing, so we like to lighten things up from time to time.
So that means only one thing. It's time for Prophecy Backlogs!
So today, let's put this up here. Today we have Remy Shepard joining us, and then down, down, down below we have
Joshua, who's a normal guest, and Nikki, his wife, my daughter -in -law, are also making an appearance in this installment of Fighting for the
Faith. So Remy, I don't know if a lot of people know who you are. I mean, you have a relatively new podcast to tell us about your channel and maybe a little bit of your background and why you're eminently qualified for Prophecy Bingo.
Sure, sure. So my name is Remy. I run a podcast and YouTube channel and website called
Lutheran Answers, and my ultimate goal here is to, you know, like got questions or Catholic answers, but correct about things.
So that's what I got going on, working, building it up. I, myself, was raised in the
Pentecostal Holiness Church, and I graduated from there and spent several years in the new
Apostolic Reformation. I lived out in Arizona, even spent some time attending
Patricia King's church. That still boggles my mind. I mean, how anybody can spend any time at Patricia King's Shiloh Church is just...so
you've been there, done that. You've met Patricia King. Yeah, you know Robert Hodgkins and those folks. I don't.
I've never met Patricia King. But you've been in the same room with her, right? I've been feet from the woman.
I have been feet from the woman. But you've never met her? No, no, but like during like worship services and stuff, you know, you'd go down to like the altar for like the stage for like their altar call, and yeah, she's like right there.
Okay, so but you've been close in the vicinity, but never actually like, hi, Patricia, my name is
Remy. Never did that, huh? No, no. Been to conferences and all kinds of things.
And so, you know, it's interesting that you bring this up, because at the church, at the little services or it was always if you have a word from the
Lord, we want to hear it. There was always that that thing. And everybody who's like right up front and I would always get there early with my friends and try and be right up front and was successful many, many times.
And everybody up front is always raising their hands. I've got a word from the Lord. I've got a word from the Lord. Never called on any of us.
Never once. Now, looking back, I'm beginning to think maybe it was staged.
Okay. Okay. All right. I'm not going to disagree with you.
So, all right. So, Prophecy Bingo, those of you who would like to play along at home, we absolutely encourage this, that if you look in the description down below this video, you will find a link to our
Prophecy Bingo card generator, and you'll note that I have generated a new card for myself after the card that I used last time completely let me down.
It was, it was, it was really... It was glorious. No, it was not glorious. It was the opposite of glorious.
You know, I should not be on the Prophecy Bingo struggle bus. So, you know, at least that's how
I feel. So, so here's, here's how today's Prophecy Bingo is going to work.
We are going to look at, you know, at a list of different potential prophecies.
Now I'm going to pick the first one just because I'm cruel and unusual. And that means we're going to listen to Kay Nash.
Microwave burrito dress. So what, I know, what is she wearing? I don't know.
Did she, did she steal that from Klaus Schwab? You know, Remy, don't make me break out the impregnatory socks.
All right. Jesus. I'm so excited. Yeah, right. So what I'm going to do is, cause
I know kind of how her stick works. She usually has like a preview and then she gets into it.
So here we go. We'll start here where it says Kay Nash, messenger of the
Lord. I mean, that has to be the weirdest business card ever, you know? So, you know, with that, we are, we're going to get into our
Prophecy Bingo episode here today. And so call it out. If you, if you get a word, you know, on your card, let us know and yeah, on the card and then we're here.
We, here we go. Let the cheating begin. Wars and deep teachings in God's word and do some other things, some leadership training, some blogs, that kind of stuff.
So if that's something you're interested in, make sure you hit subscribe. All right, you guys, I'm going to be delivering a
February prophetic word today. I'm going to kind of just not have a weekly word this week. I'm going to combine the weekly word and the
February word. I feel so robbed. I, how does she have the authority to do that?
Like if she's speaking for God, how can she just be like, well, I'm just going to combine these.
I'm Sherry God. I can't pencil you in this week. I'll have to do it. I'm going to do a combined thing, like in a matter of weeks.
God, you'll have to change his schedule. Don't put him in a box. No, no, no. It's not him changing it. It's her. It's her. It's it.
Yeah. I mean, it's not coming from her, right? But she didn't say
God told me to squish everything together. She said, I'm going to do this. Yes. Yeah. Okay.
All right. Here we go. Because I am leaving in two days to go to Atlanta. So tomorrow I'm going to be packing and then
I am leaving on a plane the next day. And so I'm leaving on a jet plane.
Don't know when I'll be back again. I need to combine them into one. And so this is what was that?
Was that right about it? Do you think she'll like leave on the jet plane and then not come back?
Maybe she'll just stay in Atlanta. That would be an audacious prayer.
Indeed. So God, God said, and Kate Nash to Atlanta because he ran out of locusts. Just that seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
Let's keep going. I keep looking at what she's wearing and wondering, like, does this thing conduct electricity?
I mean, seriously, it's like, you know, in an electrical storm, do not go outside with that thing.
You will be struck by lightning. So that reminds me, I meant to grab my tinfoil hat before we did this.
Okay. Sorry. You know, I don't know. Minus two points. Yeah. Okay. That's the February word.
So yeah. All right, you guys, I am excited to jump into this month's prophetic word.
And if you could tell by this flashy little jacket, I am on theme for this word because this is the word stepping into your gold season.
It's time for you to step into your. Wow. I and I'm bummed that I don't have step into on my card.
That's just so annoying. Step into your gold season. Okay. That's so good.
You know, it's gold season, like credit card. No, it might be like, like, you know, your 50th anniversary.
So your gold season is like right before you die, you know, kind of things. I don't know. You know, that weird, that weird little bit of ordinary time between like, like a epiphany and Lint or whatever we should, we should make gold season.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're not wrong. All right. Let's keep going. That would be Easter. Easter is gold season.
Uh huh. All right. Let's do this. Let's keep going here. Here are the word of the
Lord. Jesus. Jesus. We have it on our card. Yeah.
And I'm, I'm going to take say at the Lord here. So, cause you know, uh, uh, yeah,
I'm doing it. Cause so stay at the Lord. My free space. Yeah. That you do that. You do that. Remy, Remy takes his free space out of, out of spite.
All right. So this is the word of the Lord. It's written out for us so we can follow along. How convenient. Let's keep going.
You're alive though. You can't see it quite yet. Many of my children are having hardships this season and cannot see the way out fully, but I am bringing gold where there was silver.
I am restoring Eden like mindsets to people who will follow me. I am bringing new things to them as easily as the sparrow spreads its wings to fly.
So I spread you. I will take care of you. I take care of my sparrow and you are important to me as well.
I do not forget anything, but there is a time for everything. Everything is beautiful and it's time.
I am the God of timing. I scale you back to advance. What was that?
Timing is a word. Yeah, it is. Remember this is the year of the bow. This is the year of advancement.
Joshua. My people will be like Joshua taking lands they have not taken before.
If they continue, if they can. How many lands have you taken this this year?
Well, I didn't. It's been pretty silver for me in the land taking department.
I've just been gold. OK, no, I've just been leasing land. Yeah, see,
I'm in the Bronze Age over here. Nikki didn't disagree.
OK. All I know, all I can think of is that song from Rudolph the red -nosed reindeer,
Silver and Gold. All right, let's keep going here.
Continue to listen to me and not let the spirit of Python guide them.
Beware of Python this year as it can cause decrease. Beware of watching too much
TV. Beware of sluggish behaviors. Beware of conversations you don't need to be in.
Beware. If you yield to my warnings, you will see much fruit in your life.
This will be a fruitful month for those who till their land. So organize your life.
What was that? T -I -L, not till. Oh, OK.
God made a typo. Yeah. God's infamous for those typos. Well, you know, the Holy Spirit needs a lot of help nowadays.
Hi, this is the Holy Spirit. It's amazing because she's just sitting here beating you down with the law.
Yeah, you got to yield, yield to my, you know, my things or whatever. You won't be fruitful.
You're not even good. It's like made up law.
I mean, it's just like crazy law. OK, but the thing is, is that this is not the word of these are not the words of a cogent or coherent
God. This is, you know, a spiteful, vengeful God after dropping acid. Mm hmm.
Yeah. I mean, really? Yeah. All right. Let's continue on with our scolding, shall we?
Let's take this like a man. Move into what I have for you. Do not lack in your hand because you are in confusion.
Confusion is causing much problems in the life of my children. Many problems. They are confused about this thing and that thing.
You are listening to too many voices. Hone in on who you were supposed to be listening to this season as there is imposters.
Still pure my children for I. Yeah, that's right. God doesn't even know good grammar.
She wrote it. She wrote it right. But she can't read it right. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Watching you and come to reward your work.
Jesus. There is a lot to this word. There is a lot of themes.
There is a lot that God's alluding to. There's a lot of verses that. God is not alluding to anything.
God did not give you these words, lady. He was kind of highlighting to me throughout this. So if you're a note taker, get your notebook out.
If you are a screen shot or get ready to screen shot. If you got a laptop, you want to tie it up and get ready to go to this.
Jesus. OK. I would actually really love to seek a advanced placement
AP English teacher on her and her words from the Lord and just watch them watch, watch them tear her a new one.
Yeah, it would be absolutely hilarious because, oh, there's so many themes and this, that and the other. And the English should be like, what are you talking about?
No, that was gibberish. Did you notice that she said something about there were a lot of verses that the
Lord was highlighting to me. And it's because she, she straight up was plagiarizing like bits and pieces, like half a sentence here, a sentence there from like pretty famous passages of scripture.
I mean, she keep plagiarizing that much. She might become the president of Harvard or something. I'm ready to take notes.
I have my note taking device. He's studious. I just want you to know
I can take notes. So I'm just trying to get into the gold season. I, you know, I realized just now my problem is that I have had lack in my hand because of confusion and I, I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm, I'm here.
Have you been listening to imposters? Unfortunately, like your background.
All right. I, I, I gotta admit, I can only take so much of her, uh, we should, we should check in with Dr.
Alexis and I've learned that she likes to kind of like wait for people to get on. So her, her word of the
Lord doesn't really start until, uh, like 20 minutes in. So let's check to see if she's up and running at this point.
Prophetic word for February, 24, 24. Here we go. Bare feet on my chest and started prophesying to me the word that she was in her own head.
It wasn't even the word of the Lord. It was opposite of what the Lord had told me to do. And so God was letting me know, because that's dirty.
Somebody putting their feet on you in the dream and in the dream, I'm kind of like, well, I'm okay. The intercessors are around.
I'm like, well, you know, I'm okay. I got it. But the Lord was letting me know, no, this is not my intercessor.
Okay. Yeah, that works. I mean, I'm just wondering, is this the Burger King foot lettuce anointing that she's talking about?
I have no idea. I, you know, we jumped in. There's like, we didn't get the original context, not a prophecy.
Bingo. I'm very lost. I'm very lost on her context here.
We jumped in feet first on this one. Yeah. Right into the middle of something. And it sounds like she's having some kind of a fever dream and, and, and somebody in the fever dream was given her false words and stuff.
So, you know, this is not my word over your life. This is not the gospel of truth.
This is a false gospel, the false word that is being spoken over you. So you must come out of agreement with it.
Why? Because words create worlds. So we cancel every false word right now in the name of Jesus.
That is ironic. Cancels herself. Congratulations. She like blips out of existence.
And matter anti -matter, just an explosion of light and sound. Oh, I know an editor that can make that happen, but I'm going to have another animation where project.
All right, let's keep going here. Hallelujah. Come on.
I call forth your mind to be settled, stable, no longer being tossed to and fro.
Come on. I know that there's times like that, but I pray. The sappy music is in the background. Yeah.
That's sappy music. We have sappy music as well. And, and you know what? I'm, she's not totally screeching, but I'm going to take yelling.
So yeah. Oh, it's close enough. Well, me too then.
Yeah. These can't, if you have yelling, we're taking it. If you have it, take it. Take it. What's the point of cheating if you can't cheat well?
So, okay. Father, that you cause your people to come in the right mind, in the name of Jesus, that you cannot give up in the middle.
The middle creates champions. That was an extended Jesus. It sure was. Hallelujah. Huh. I don't know why
I just heard you just got to annul it. You know, they, they annul like, you know, marriages when they ain't right.
They annul it. I just heard the word annul. You just got to annul anything that the
Lord ain't spoken. Thus sayeth the Lord. Hallelujah. If your marriage ain't right, just annul it.
Just annul it, man. Just annul it. This, this hurts my brain. The sappy music in the background isn't nearly appropriate enough.
We need, you know, we need to add her to her soundtrack.
Yeah. All right. Continuing here. That's coming out of covenant with that thing. The other day we were praying and ministering in, in a prophetic fire in Dallas, Texas, and fire is a word at the end of every month.
I'm hosting a prophetic fire at the end of every month on Friday. I'm hosting a prophetic fire and the next day we will have a training.
So this month, how does one schedule prophetic fire? You know, I think that, I think that's actually a dead ritualism.
Um, she's not working within the spirit. If she's going to schedule it. No, no, you don't understand.
You don't understand when you're, when you're anointed in the, uh, in the right way, uh,
Jesus shares his Google calendar with you. Oh, I did not know that.
Only socialist Jesus uses Google calendar though. Does that come from the
Holy spirit? Yeah. Continuing, continuing.
We must forge ahead here. The 23rd in Louisville, Texas, and we're going to have a prophetic training on dreams and be given a word.
Dreams. I think dreams is a word. We were declaring my friend feel he was praying. Claire is like,
I got it. Hang on a second. Yeah, that's looking good. Okay. And he began to pray and next thing
I know, my friend, she said, I just feel like I was stabbed in the stomach. It was like, there we go.
I got to feel like, yeah, I feel like really was all the words that had been spoken, all the false words that was being uprooted, he wasn't even praying for her, he was praying for the whole room, but there was a response and having to go to this church, man.
If there's anything that has been inside of you, I was like, what kind of churches is people getting stabbed in the stomach by the spirit?
What on earth, man? It's St. Athlete's foot. Okay, on a false word that it comes out of you.
Hallelujah. There may be a feeling in your body, you may be yawning, you may be whatever, but I'm telling you, it got to go.
I need you to say breakthrough in the spirit, just say heavenly.
I don't think I haven't heard that yet. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. We just had to deal with that right now.
Real quick, real quick so that you could receive the word of the Lord. Is that what that was?
Okay. I'm just going to point out, chat is not prophetic. You can see her eyes darting to chat, to chat, to chat, to try to engage while also trying to maintain some sort of holiness.
The name of Jesus. Come on. Hallelujah. Continue to like, share, tag the broadcast, y 'all. I'm about to flow with the word of the
Lord. Flow is a word. Flow is a word. I got it. We have flow. Okay. All right.
She's about to, y 'all. She's about to. That was the Lord has given me. Thank you,
Lord. Hallelujah. Thank you,
Lord. Let me just... Run out of steam here. Let me just text real quick. Would you like to vote a friend?
I got to fast forward. Jeremiah 33 and 6. I will reveal to them the abundance of peace.
Oh, I have abundant. I'm taking it. Reveal. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Take abundant. Hallelujah. I will reveal.
I will show forth. I will let you know. Also, here we see show, to know, wisdom, heavens, deep, knowledge.
Heavenly. I mean, she said heavenly, heavens. She said deep. Hang on a second here.
I got... Oh my gosh. I just need some misappropriated Hebrew and I'm on the board here.
You're clearly cheating. What? I took heavenly, by the way. I'm taking it. You can take it.
She said it. What about open heaven? That feels... No, it's a little more specific.
That feels like a stretch to me. So... I'm sorry. We got Chuck Pierce coming up. I'm pretty sure open heaven's going to be in here.
You're safe. To decree. Decree. And another one here.
Yeah. She said decree. Hang on a second here. So we're in the good part of this one, man. All right.
She is producing. Okay. It says, I will reveal it at night. I will reveal it at night.
Another one here says, I will reveal the purpose. Purpose. Purpose is a word. You have it on your card?
Hallelujah. No. Bummer. I will reveal the purpose.
At night. Thank you, Lord. At night. So the Lord said that this would be a month of re -veal and to...
Revealing again. It's going to be the month of re -veal.
You can hear the fuses blowing. You got to re -veal your annulment. Surprise, honey.
I have annulled our marriage. This is so bad.
Okay. Continuing on here. Kick it off. Something happened to me that was so amazing.
Something is a prophecy. Bingo word. Yeah. Something is a word. Yeah. My father the other day, just on some random talking to him.
And he said, Alexis, yeah, you know, you was born in New Orleans. I said, no,
I wasn't born in New Orleans. My birth certificate says Fort Polk, Louisiana. He said, but no, you were medevaced from Fort Polk, Louisiana in 1982 because they couldn't do it there because you guys were twins.
So they had to send you to a more successful hospital. Right. Deuteronomy 29 and 29.
The secret things belong to the Lord. But those things that are that are revealed are up. Why did we just get like a quick overview of her childhood medical history?
There was a train of thought. We're right into Deuteronomy now. It's like, shoom. There was a train of thought.
And then she decided to deviate onto a dirt road. Wow. Legitimately, I looked down at the chat.
I thought maybe somebody put the Deuteronomy thing is like a super chat on the YouTube money.
Ding. Okay. I, you know, glory of Zion.
All right. All viewers man battle stations. You are about to be exposed to glory of Zion hazard.
Level four containment protocols are now in effect. Please refrain from eating, drinking or operating heavy machinery.
Your health and safety cannot be guaranteed. This is not a drill. I repeat. This is not a drill.
All right. This is too funny to pass up saddle up and shout your way through.
Okay, what a name for a prophecy. Okay. So here we go. Seriously.
What on Earth? She's saying generational curse.
Well, there was some yelling going on here. And I legitimately was getting a download of what that meant.
So she's talking definitely about glory in Hebrew.
No, it did not. She was unlocking glory. Is that that's what she was doing. So, okay.
I heard generational curse. That's what I heard. Well, you obviously don't have the same gift. I have. So, uh -huh.
Sure. I haven't received it through, you know, my bloodline or anything. No, no, no, no. It would definitely be a generational curse.
So you've got one of those. I'm going to take it just to spite.
Just to spite you. No. Back to prophecy bingo.
We'll discuss the fourth commandment in its greater meanings later. Provoke not your children to anger.
We continue. There is a shaft cutting through that was trying to surround you.
And you hear what I'm saying. Get ready to settle up.
You're about to ride out of it all. Buckle up, buckaroos.
That lady in the beginning genuinely kind of sounded like Donnie from the Wild Thornberry. Yeah, I know.
You're not wrong. So this is your faith has unlocked the supernatural. Yeah, you should.
You can do it. All right, here we go. Unlocking your faith to reach a new level.
New level. New level is a prophecy. And new level. Yeah, both of those are good.
Oh, wait. I have a mark. Hang on. Hang on. Oh, I already took it. Yeah, you used it. I also had unlock.
I didn't see that. Oh, good. Okay. So you believe me in days past, but I say in this season, you're going to see me do what?
Seasons, a prophecy bingo word. You did not see done in the last season. For I say your faith is going to reach into the unseen and cause a manifestation in the seen realm.
Manifestation is a word. Wait, she said realm. Hang on. She said the seen realm. There we go.
We got a realm here. Okay, we're getting, we're working multiple fronts here. This is a much better card than the last time.
So I feel like they're just all around it for me. Like they're close to all these words.
I got just not quite. I know your pain, Remy, and I wish
I can say I was sorry that you're experiencing, but I'm not. He's such a gracious host, isn't he?
Just not. Well, I've been watching prophecy bingo for years and it's like, it's like, it's so sad when he doesn't win because it's like watching like Canadians play hockey against Americans.
It's like you're losing it. The thing you invented. I will accept the metaphor.
Thank you. Thank you. So when the guest stars win, it's miracle on ice. It's a prophetic miracle on ice.
Continuing on. I promised you so long ago. The Lord said, you've been faithful to me.
You've been faithful in the good times. You've been faithful in the hard times. Now you watch the faithfulness of my.
Look at this couple over here. I mean, what is that Mike from Breaking Bad?
So he's being held hostage against his will. A little confused. I say you will see the miracles that I promised you so long ago.
Yeah, I say this is a season of the miraculous.
So I say I'm unlocking your faith to believe me and I say what you have seen by the spirit.
You will now see in the natural in this new season. We keep saying believe.
I have believing for no, no, no, thank you. Thank faithfulness.
And I don't think no, I don't think she knows what that word means. Understand what? No, no.
Yeah. All right. So we're not coming back to her. So let's let's let's keep on going to any words.
All right. So let's see prophetic word. Learn to break open heaven on your behalf.
And this is yeah, let's do that one. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let's check this one out. Let's open her eyes.
Tab. Hey guys. It is. Oh, there's nothing like a good kitchen prophecy. So like four by three aspect ratio.
Yeah, I'm going to fast forward because this lady has a tendency to like tell people to, you know, to give money to subscribe and, and, you know, and all this kind of stuff.
Let's see, see where we're at. I'm going to go ahead and mark open heaven because it's in the title. Yeah. Yeah.
Yep. That works. That's how that works. Yeah. So you guys, are you ready?
Ready? Okay, you need to get ready. You need to, but I'm ready already. Position yourself.
Position. Oh, I got a position yourself. Yeah. Hang on a second. I have that as a word. I got it.
There you go. Okay. Okay. So I'm doing good here now guys doing good. This is this is a much better card than last month.
So, okay. I know you're probably still wondering, okay, but she has not told us why she's not.
Listen to the reverb in her kitchen. Holy smokes. It's like the like the train station attendant like that 10 and 10, you know, like it's super echoey.
Yeah. I mean, you can legitimately hear the sound waves going. Listen, listen, listen.
The kitchen. I will tell you I'm going to wait. For a few minutes before I tell you.
Okay, skip forward. Few minutes. Filming in the kitchen.
And that was the first thing she said. This might be a real one. You guys. Here you go.
Waiting to pick up on those things and then go try to hinder your prayers for being answered.
Just like how the principalities, you know, we're trying to stop Daniel's prayers.
It's the same thing. It's still happening today. The principalities were not trying to stop
Daniel's prayers. What are you talking about? Yeah, I was going to ask. Where's that one at? Can you? Yeah, that's like that's like a complete hack job of the story of Daniel.
So that's in second Daniel. Yeah. Yeah. The funny thing about this video.
So she says I'm going to make you wait. This wasn't a live video. This wasn't a premiered video.
This was just published, which means anybody with the right arrow key to skip.
Yeah, you're right. I just I did that myself. So I can. We don't get out of that.
Like we still have to put up with that. Okay, so you have to be aware of all this stuff and I'm not going to go into all how you kind of really prep for that.
I have certain things that I do. And I don't mind adding that but right now,
I just really felt like the Lord's like Liberty. You need to get on and tell my people they have not because they ask not and to teach.
I have a Bible verse in James that says that why do I need you to tell me that so, you know, yeah as a prophetic word.
You what it looks like to break open heaven. Now, I'm going to have my
I'm going to send this to my editor because she helps me edit a lot of stuff. Not just my book. Clearly.
She can't do audio work on this editor. Fool me purpose editor multi.
Yeah, she has an editor. What is your editor?
Do you ever watching television shows that are edited poorly? I will just sit there go.
Oh, this is terrible. Shoot the editor. Just shoot the editor. What does it watch
Prophecy Bingo? You say that? Okay, she keeps me humble.
Yeah, that's right. And so and she's, you know, we're working with me on my second book.
Christmas already set. So they're publishing it. It's a yes. So we're clearly not to the word of the
Lord yet here. So I'm not a video editor. So pitching the book now it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he sees that one of the disciples said to him
Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples. So he said to them when you pray say say
I'm going to get through this you guys. You're going to just hang tight because I can already throw a glory. Okay, where's your glory in heaven?
How would be thy name? Your key? All right. Do it. Do we already get Gloria where I called that a bummer? Okay, I will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day. Our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who is indebted against us and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
And so translation did she read that from I was just going to ask the same question. Yeah, I can't say
I know it almost felt passionate to me, but that's a different story bit about for we forgive all of those who have that was a an interesting little that was an injection.
Yeah, they went in and sin in the first bit to indebtedness in the second. There was a single thigh in there and no other these are housed.
Yeah, this is weird. This is and this is from Luke. So as you took me through that and I've taught on this and some of my prophetic words.
I released about prophetic warfare. Warfare warfare warfare.
There you go. Nice. She stopped in the middle of the prayer. Yeah, what heaven has.
Well, the Lord it was taking her through it. She said she was going to do the whole thing.
Yeah, but again, not the whole thing, but but the Lord was taking her through it. Don't you understand?
I mean, maybe maybe her editor made a bad edit. I think you just have this python spirit really wrapped around you right?
Yes. Probably. Yeah, for some reason when I'm possessed by the python spirit, I talk about dead parrots.
That's just because you're hungry. That's the Monty python spirit. So different.
Thank you for explaining the joke. Moving along said shall be on Earth.
On Earth as it is in heaven. And so a lot of people miss the power of that step when we're declaring we're not whining.
We're not complaining. We're not sitting around freaking out being confused.
We are in the clarity of mind knowing our authority. Okay, Lord. Authority.
We have authority. You have authority. I feel I feel like we're getting a prophetic scolding here.
So I also feel like she completely misses the entire point of the Lord's Prayer. Oh, it's completely lost on her.
Yeah. Oh, it's like it's like declaring Jesus. Jesus wasn't in a declarative mode doing prophetic battle when he know and the and the and the way the imperatives work in the
Lord's Prayer. They're actually petitions. They're it's not it's the way the grammar works. They're they're petitions.
They're not declarations. So well, I guess our editor didn't pick up on that either. No. Yeah, English editor.
She clearly needs a doctrinal error editor as well, you know, so, you know, just just saying.
And so he's very clear your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
And so he highlighted that and as I continue to read it keeps going and when you get to 9 through 13, and of course, the verse 11 is highlight because it's
Luke 11 11. Oh, no. Wow. Blind.
I am my mind is blown. What does it all mean? What does it all mean? What does it all mean?
The Apostle Paul has some choice words. Yeah, that's literally paganism. That's like reading the omens name numerology.
Yeah. Paganism Patrick. Yeah, I hate to say it but she's annoying me. So let's see.
Did I see an end of the world thing? Yeah. So financial storm is coming urgent prophecy for February 26 2024.
This is like hot off the press. I mean, this is like just five hours quick. All of my wife. Sure. Her hand is raised.
Yes, ma 'am. We move on before we move on. Can we talk just a little bit about we talked about what the
Lord's Prayer does not mean. Yeah. Can you give us just a crumb of context, please?
So when we pray that your kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, right?
So here's the question is how is God's will done, right? So you'll note that God's will is done when the gospel is preached and sinners are brought to repentance and and sins are forgiven and and things like this.
This is God's will. How do I know that because the Bible says so so when they when they say, you know as it is in heaven, you know, you know, they say stupid things afterwards generally like well, there's no cancer in heaven.
So we need to we need to get rid of cancer by our declarations and things like this. That's not what this means.
So yeah. All right. Let's do this.
So you're saying that the as it is in heaven is the fact that in heaven sins are forgiven.
And we're under the grace of God. Is that what you're getting at? So thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
This is also a prayer regarding Christ's return in glory because things are clearly not done here on Earth as they are in heaven according to the will of God.
And and so, you know again coming back. What is God's will? He you know for us here on Earth his will for us is to hear the gospel his will for us is for us to repent for us to believe and trust in him for the forgiveness of our sins and and to bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
There's a text in Thessalonians that says the will of God is your sanctification and then you know, and so God wills for you to be sanctified.
So the idea here is just use the scripture to find other texts that kind of tell us what God's will is and you kind of can flesh these things out, but they kind of over mystify them and then blur them and then try to turn themselves into some kind of go
Satan busting conquering declaration kind of nonsense and it has nothing to do with that.
So just to be clear the will of God for my life. I want not for me to declare myself saddled up and ride into the gold season.
Remy, I appreciate the question because it does add a layer of clarification. The answer to your question is no
God does not want you to do that. So what do you remember the Stephen Curtis Chapman song saddle up your horses.
No, no, no, no, that was so big when
I was growing up. Stephen Curtis Chapman was the dude, you know, and he had the song that was all about saddling up and riding your horses and blazing a trail.
You did grow up in the Midwest. I did not it was not a Midwest thing. It was a Christian.
Contemporary music thing also probably a reason why I avoided Yeah, I will say this that you know, just by way of memory
Lane. I am the creator of this blazing saddles Bible study. I'm not sure that's something you should remember you workshop that with me.
Yeah, I know. I know. I know. So, you know, excuse you.
Yes, it is. It's wildly famous. I almost feel like we should have an episode dedicated to remembering and remembering the blazing saddles
Bible study and actually what brought that about. No, actually we Nick and I were discussing this.
We actually were trying to compile a list of our greatest hits in preparation for 100 ,000 subscribers.
Uh -huh. And that would actually be a good addition. Yeah, they're talking about the the blazing saddles
Bible. So yeah, absolutely. Yeah, and people are what is that? Yes, Remy.
I was gonna say before we hit play on this. Can we just take a moment and appreciate how busy?
This is we got like the logo in the top right the Bible in the top left and we got the late.
So this is one of those hijacked prophetic videos and they've tried to modify it enough so that it doesn't get copyright, you know, whatever.
And so yeah, so that's a sign language lady in the lower right -hand corner, right? Yeah. So the and her everything she says is going to be completely out of sync with what the lady in the middle is going to be saying.
It's just going to be a train wreck. So let's go. This is this is the Julie Greene prophetic word.
A financial storm is coming urgent urgent prophecy for February 26 2024 to go over this prophetic word with you today, and I was praying over this this one.
There's a lot of different scriptures a lot of revelation. This one is a word financial storm is coming that will wipe out your enemies worldwide a financial storm is coming that will wipe out.
Wow, that's that's helpful. Goodbye, George Soros fire. Yeah, they smoked her up to the lady down in the in the right corner.
What what on earth is going on down there? So I don't know. I what I do know is that God is really good at naming these things.
He's on fire. Yeah. Your enemy were these people with an emoji prophecy was from February 12 of 2024 for I the
Lord this day want to remind my children that your enemies are through they are through with control.
That is a word. Hey haters. I hate to break this to you.
How dare you? That's my line. You look like a toddler.
Anyway, sorry. He's just yeah, you're through, you know, anyway, so your day is done.
That's right. All right, let's keep going here.
They are through controlling my church. My nation and this are nation.
I have creation's a word. They are through controlling the narrative worldwide. They are through with their big steel and with their financial system with their goal.
Wait a minute agenda. I know what that is. Okay, if you pay close attention to like they actually have a video overlay, but with a very low opacity filter, it's actually like a cross but it looks like it might be on fire.
I'm not entirely certain. That's that's not right. Okay. Oh, yeah,
I see it now. Oh, wow. What was that? Yeah, that's what it is. I was asking if she's getting into like Illuminati prophecy here.
Yeah, she is. Yeah, he is globalist agenda depopulation. The big steel.
Yeah. Yeah, I've heard of big pharma. I've never heard of big steel. The big. Oh, well, that's yeah, that's more about elections, but I try to think of what the word is.
There's a word for it. Anyway, continue. All right population. They wanted they are through.
My children, they can't stop me and you need to get that down in your hearts.
So in this time where your enemies are raising the pressure against you for what they are about to throw at the world that will look impossible to get out of for man, but it's not impossible for me.
You will see how big I am and how small and insignificant your enemies are in their plans against you.
This is all my children. This is drivel. I feel like we need to just kick things up a bit here.
Here. Oh gosh, faith are being extended. Your transparency will manifest my transparency.
Yeah, let's go with that one. Yeah. Hang on a second. Here we go salad. Just had the clearest vision and what it was as we stood there and the walls are is
Chuck Pearson a trance. What's going on over there? Vision is a word. Or is he had too much to drink?
Well, look at that. That's that's what dreaming. He's he's nursing a migraine.
Okay. Doubting that this vision was clear. Our walls begin to fall and there was such a transparency and such a vulnerability that we were entering into and all that was shining out was
Glory. It was like being a burning bush. Like when all that.
Have you stepped into your burning bush dad? It was like being a burning bush. Yeah, it's like I did not know that that was a thing, you know, that can be repeated and that I needed to be one.
So they have over -the -counter meds for that. Can we can we talk for just a second about is the burning bush us?
No, that was the that was the presence of God. God spoke. Yeah.
Yeah. So yeah, I I can't be a burning bush because I ain't a deity. So that's like well you can't be a burning bush because you don't have enough faith.
You're stifling the work of the spirit. Yeah. So, you know, but the only thing that's bushy is like this beard.
I'm afraid if I they caught fire that that might mess my face up. So, you know, I don't know. It works for that pirate that one thing.
Yeah. No, I know it wouldn't be glorious. It would be opposite of that. Let's keep going. Exterior was gone.
There was nothing left shining the glory and when he says for the widow for the orphan.
God is giving his glory through his people this hour, but we've got to step into such a massive place of transparency that it can be seen.
Is that the sound is that the soundtrack for Shen Yun in the background? What is going on there?
I feel like the musicians like, okay, she's getting off topic. I don't know what to hear. Like add music. Just just do something something.
I would like to point out that she said we have to step into a place of such massive transparency that it can be seen which isn't those playing at home.
That isn't how transparency works. I can only turn invisible when no one's looking at me, you know,
Remy, I'm glad you actually were trying to make sense of what she was saying because I've given up like years ago, even trying to make sense of these people or their words just like washed over me.
I'm going to back this up because I want to hear that. Hang on a second here. And when he says for the widow for the orphan,
God is giving his glory through his people this hour, but we've got to step into such a massive place of transparency that it can be seen.
Yep. Yeah, it was a good catch. My transparency needs to be seen.
Yeah, that visible transparency. What about your opacity? Yeah, now you just see that.
You are confusing me at this point. So, so we're basically the thing that needs to happen is the opposite of the definition of the word that you're using that you say needs to happen.
We have to become so transparent in our faith that we are opaque. Full circle, full circle, right back around.
We become show transparent. We become mud. This is so weird.
And heard and touched and felt. And so Lord, we just say right now, there's a whole new dimension of the transparency of.
Dimension. Dimension. Yep. Nice. That's probably being over. Very nice. The flesh just beginning to move out of the way and it can expose the
Bible says we have this treasure in earth and vessels so that the excellency of the power would be of God and not of us.
This isn't us. This is him shining through into the earth realm delivering healing setting free providing bringing
Glory bringing Glory in the earth bringing Glory sending his
Glory in the earth. Lord. We thank you. We say let the walls come down.
Let all the walls come down. Let all the walls come down. Well, I mean that's a men 38 seconds of my life.
I'm not getting back. Nope. So there's a great separation coming. Hang on a second. Let's check this one out here.
Good morning, everyone. And it's actually afternoon Konichiwa. So in Japan, you actually say
Konichiwa during the afternoon Ohio in the morning, by the way, but that's all of the story. Thank you for joining me once again on my
YouTube and Rumble channels today is February the 26th of 2024 and I'd like to share another word with you from the
Lord today. This word today is quite lengthy and before I release this word,
I felt the Lord wanted me to felt to bring up a conversation of a couple of things that are mentioned in this word today.
One of those what was that? Yeah, I'm having a technical issue here with my headphones.
Oh, no. Oh dear. I don't know what's happening.
Don't worry. The editor will take this out. She didn't say any words.
I'm going to move forward because she's giving a whole bunch of scripture and then she's going to kind of comment on.
Let's see what she says. Spirit will be left out of what I am doing.
You will see the dead stagnant pools dry up. They have made no effort to join in with the works
I am doing in this day. They have sat in judgment and judgment has come upon them.
How can they make an effort? Dead things can clearly make an effort. Come on.
That's like Christianity 101, right? I mean, come on. I mean, seriously. I mean, even Mozart after death is still able to decompose.
So, you know. Oh. Tomato emojis.
Yes. Sorry. Sorry. But I'm not. You're not sorry. Don't apologize. You're not going to mean it.
Those who are called and destined to be part of the work I am doing and have not heeded the word of the prophet will suffer great loss.
Which prophet in particular are you talking about? Everything that had been given to them will be taken away and given to another.
These did not consider the word spoken to them but chose to justify their own works and they stand condemned.
In this day a great separation is taking place says the
Lord those who refuse to respond to the word spoken through the prophets will be misguided and unfruitful.
I have assigned a commission to my chosen vessels the prophets in this day.
They are being sent out to warn the people to bring the word of the Lord to those who are wandering in a wasteland those who receive the word will be directed onto the pathway to life.
But those who reject the word of the prophet will be left up to their own devices to navigate through turbulent waters.
There is great contempt for the word of the Lord as it goes forth throughout the land.
Those who embrace it will find life but those who resist it will find themselves lost out to sea.
You see how difficult is judgment day going to be yeah for them for like it's going to be horrifying and actually
Jesus describes it in the Sermon on the Mount in many will come to me saying
Lord Lord do we not prophesy in your name do we not cast out demons in your name and you can legitimately hear their pleas and Jesus said depart from me you workers of lawlessness.
I never knew you and that's what this is. This is utter lawlessness to think that somehow you can ascribe words to God that God hasn't given you and break the commandment that says you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain and to break it repeatedly. I mean this is so one of the things
I like to point this out is that when you read Ezekiel read Jeremiah they both describe false prophets and idolaters in terms of adulterers or like whores, you know, that's actually kind of the strong language and so adultery is in the physical world.
What what idolatry is in the spiritual God, you know connects the two and so this is this is spiritual adultery.
That's that we know that we're looking at here. So it's a mess spiritual adultery is as presented by the
Karen neighborhood watch. Yeah, so Robin was threatening to yeah, this is actually, you end time sign and God premiering right now.
It's premiering as we speak. Hallelujah. You know, this guy doesn't look like it's not pretty anymore.
It looks like it ended healing is your right. Bama even appealing is your right. Yeah that have agreed to follow the wicked party now.
How many of them have had that right there? I would be it's the jab.
He's talking about the jab. Oh my gosh. Why because they're one way one.
He got a patch made and suddenly they turn another direction as if they're triggered or something.
It's the new dare program as given to us by an AR. I want you to think about what
I'm saying right now. So like my pastor and he has a go. Who had to get the vaccine so that he could be allowed into the hospital to bring
Communion to sick and dying members. He's going to hell now.
He because he got the jab. Yeah, and then no, he's the guy's wearing the same the same pin that Kat Kerr wears.
It says I don't do demons. So yeah, I find that hard to believe. I wonder yeah, personally suddenly they'll turn.
Suddenly he said suddenly. Hang on a second. Oh, yeah. Suddenly we got it. We got suddenly suddenly.
Yeah, so let me close. I'm not her again. I'm not coming back to her. You know, I'm not going to go back to smoky later here.
Yeah, so this wicked regime who slaughtered babies.
I'd be curious to know how many of them have have had that for they appear triggered.
This is why the wicked Jackal. This is why a wicked
Jackal and a fraudulent administration Elvira wants her way back. So yeah decided that everybody had to have that he pushed so hard to get everyone with this everyone.
Had the potential then to be triggered even though everyone will not be.
You're not important to me by triggered. I don't know. Yeah, so and this is the
I don't want to get like political but the when the people rail against the vaccine and the anti the anti covid vaccine rhetoric here that these are the people that are big
Trump supporters. Usually they're very big Trump supporters. Oh, it was his it was his vaccine and his push and his spending and all of this and Joe Biden just took over during the rollout like yeah,
I don't know and the other bit here is is that when you're when you're saying this is a big prophecy.
This is a prophetic powerful word that that anybody then as a Christian who took the jab is hearing
Robin Bullock and and thinking that they've done something like egregiously sinful or something like that.
Yeah, that that that that's a way of binding people's consciences. That is just unthinkable.
Yeah, it's sinful to get the vaccine. No, no, no, no, although I would say that threatening someone's livelihood.
If they don't get it that would that would be a different thing altogether. Yeah, so all right, let's check in with Lighthouse Global here.
Oh, oh vertical video. I hate you so much. Good evening. Everyone. This is
Pastor Solom Bay from Lighthouse Global. I'm going to wait until some of you find me. Yeah, I go into like that.
There we go. I already shared this as an image. The wind is blowing in your favor.
I have wind and you know, the word is about how the wind is blowing in your favor.
Wind is blowing in your favor. And this is just a phrase that God has given me even from the prophetic conferences.
Oh, favor. Yeah. Yep. Don't help him out. Helping you out. Don't help him. I'm just going to find it.
Cheering Chris on from home. Oh, found it. There we go. Playing teacher's pet will not help you. Oh, look at that. I just need a provision or a misappropriated
Hebrew and oh, man. Yeah, just just saying, you know, so just saying, all right, let's come back.
Here we go. Doing since January. I'd be praying for somebody and it would come to them as a personal prophetic word and really stood out to me.
So I want to give you a few points about what I believe God's going to do in the month of February. So number one,
I really believe this is a little bit apart from the wind part. But number one,
God is saying your faithfulness will be rewarded for so for those who have been faithful in little those who have been faithful in whatever
God's given you. I believe rewards are coming and I really believe in the portion in the year double and portion are like don't either of those will work.
Oh, I have double. Yep. Yeah. And I bless you to receive this prophetic word for you that God is a
God of the whole portion. God will remove the shame and give you the portion in Jesus name, but I hear the Lord saying your faithfulness will be rewarded.
I was reminded of Matthew 20. Doesn't the Bible teach that God rewards faithfulness?
I mean, come on, you know. So yeah, my question is double portion of what exactly, you know, in physics or any kind of math, you know, you have to have the unit, you know, it's like 25 horsepower 25 watts of whatever but double portion of what double portion of the small things.
This is the little things double portions of punishment biscuits and gravy biscuits and gravy in my thing is she was like, look if you've been faithful with the little things and I was like, well, dang rule rule me out my problem as a sinner is that I'm I'm really not faithful at all.
Uh -huh. Yeah. Well, that is clearly why you're not an apostle or prophet.
That's such a Lutheran answer. How dare you? Yeah. Continuing on 25 and you know,
Matthew 25. There's a parable of the talents and God taught, you know, Jesus gives us an example of different servants who were given different things and those who multiplied it had a you know, those who multiplied it those who did something with it things that were entrusted to them.
They were called to be good and faithful servants. So Matthew 25 21. It says his master replied. Well done good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful with the few things. I will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness.
And I really believe that that's what God is saying. I believe what God is saying this year is for those who have been faithful even in the past 10.
That is an eschatological parable talking about how things will go on the day of judgment.
Okay, and and I just have to interject at this point because oh good. I was going to ask too.
I was gearing up. I'm really and yeah, that's right. Just beware the bungles.
But anyway, but so so here's the issue when you look at the parable of the talents and in the in the
Olivet Discourse in Matthew 25, the the key to unlocking that is how is is how do the people view the master?
Okay. So the guy with the you know, with the 10 talents really thinks the masters like the bees knees and he has no fear.
He goes out and does business with the master stuff and and it legitimately produces more same with the guy, you know, who has the was it three talents and then but and same thing, you know, it doubles it.
But then the guy who had the one he says, oh, I knew you were a hard guy and they all sewing where you know reaping where you haven't sewed and all this kind of stuff and and his view of the master is horrible.
Okay, and and and so the guy has like no faith and has a like a terrible view of Jesus. And so as a result of it, he is judged by his own words.
And and so it's a it's a parable of judgment and it has to do with faith.
And so, you know, you know, what what do you think Jesus is king of Kings Lord of Lords and these that he's kind gracious merciful bled and died for your sins rose bodily from the grave for your justification things like this or do you think that Jesus is just the cosmic killjoy?
He's trying to keep you from doing from having a good time on this planet that you get the idea. It's it's it's about your faith and your how you view the master.
That's really the key to unlocking that parable. But what do I know? I'm just a pastor. So, you know, of a small church in the middle of nowhere.
I just went to school for it. Yeah, things like that. Cosmic killjoy is an amazing turn of phrase.
All right, full cosmic killjoy powers. You will not have wine and communion.
You will have grape juice. Anyway, moving on.
Let's keep going here. 10 years, 10 months, 20 years, 30 years. For some of you, you have been faithful for the past 50 years, you know, things that people don't know about but what
God is saying in 2024 is that he is saying to you, he's commending you and saying that you're a good and faithful servant of vindication is coming and he says because you have been faithful with few things.
Again, this is an eschatological day of judgment parable. It can't be brought into 2024 the way you're doing this.
It's like, yes, Nikki. How does one get to be a good and faithful servant? Is it by working harder and doing gooder?
No, by believing Jesus and having all your sins forgiven. Are you saying that if I'm not just working so hard at multiplying the gifts that God has given me, that's not what's going to earn me the title good and faithful servant?
No, because Christians do what they do because they're Christians not in order to become
Christians or to be saved. So yeah, it's a complete category error that she's engaging in.
So are you telling me that if you don't attend the circumcision party that you'll be fine if you're in Christ?
I don't want to go to that party. So would you be willing to eat your words on all of this if Jesus returns the day after tomorrow?
Because then it would be. If Jesus returns before December 31st of this year,
I'll go, well, I guess she at least got that bit right. So yeah, but the thing is that she's like leaving that part out.
It's like, well, if this is if what her prophecy is true, then Jesus is coming back like quickly. He'll be here at any minute, you know, so I hope so.
That'd be great. I would not complain about that at all. No, no. That God has given you.
He will put you in charge of many things. Promotion is coming to a lot of you. So I bless you in Jesus name.
I see even prophetically in this word as I prophesy some of the moms that are, you know, doing kitchen work or cleaning up after your kids.
You feel like those little things are just few things that don't really matter. But God is saying, no, that's not true.
Even the little things that you do, God is saying. She's got that right, but for the wrong reason because the scriptures actually say these are good works.
It's like, oh, good night. What's the line that Luther uses about changing diapers?
I'm not familiar with the one you're referring to off the top of my head. Yeah, I don't 100 % quote me, but he says something to the effect that like, you know, that even changing diapers if done in Christ is a good work.
Yeah, that's exactly right. Absolutely true. Okay, I'm just thinking of the scenario where, you know, one of these false prophets is saying, oh,
I'm seeing increase. I'm seeing promotions and some guy is watching it and he can see on his desk like the, you know, the pink slip, you know, and he can also see like next to it is like the divorce papers and whatnot.
And you know, he's just been promoted to no longer working even promoted to customer.
All right, we're moving on to hello and welcome to the Watchman on the Wall Channel. Okay, this prophetic word excerpt comes from Ivan Atiyah, Miami, Florida.
A word for February. Expect a sudden ambush. Do not be surprised.
The enemy plotted many attacks. And if you're not surprised, then is it really an ambush?
Like it would just be an attempted ambush. So it's one of those visible invisible ambushes, right?
You have to become so transparent. It's transparently opaque.
It's such a good ambush. You're ready for it. I can smell you coming from a 10 miles away.
Do you smell something? All right.
Oh, no, here we go. Against you even made some of you believe that I was against you says the
Lord. The battle that is against you even against your health has been severe for the enemy has been probably like a roaring line.
Yeah, that'll work. Has joined hands with others to destroy you, but I have seen your tears.
I have heard your cry. I have seen your oppression and your relentless faith and I will come to save and avenge you.
This battle is not yours to fight. This battle is mine. Do not be in distress nor fear the attacks of the enemy for like dust.
They will vanish for as you sing and shout for joy. You will see my salvation. You will not even need to fight.
Take your positions stand still and watch my victory for all victory.
God and with victory is a good one. Do you have a bingo yet? No, I am all over it though.
I've got happened to me last time. I've different ways to win. Okay, nice.
Nice. Your praise and your shout for victory will destroy the enemy get ready for the walls of Jericho will collapse by my divine power and strength.
You have no me as your father and as your friend, but you are about to know me as your king and your divine warrior who fights or battles who spreads the banner of victory over your head.
You are about to know me as Jehovah Nisi. For the time will come and I will ask you son daughter.
Where are your accusers? That actually would be misappropriate.
Oh, no, you just you just getting bingo. What does Nisi mean? I would actually.
Oh, I know this one. Do you know this one? What is it? I have to look. I know this one. Jehovah Nisi is the
Lord my banner. There you go. Okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. So misappropriated
Hebrew. Guess what? I can't resist misappropriated
Hebrew. That is your favorite one. It's my favorite one. It's usually just so bad.
Okay. All right. Now are you saving? I'm saving. I'm saving till the end. Okay. So all right.
So let's come back to this. This is actually this is a bountiful prophecy.
So this is a good reading. It sounds like he's constantly out of breath. Yeah, he's he's really into it.
So, you know, very into it. You will look around. I wasn't expecting from you. Yeah, the oldest to the youngest.
They will vanish from the scene. Remember what my son has done. The one who canceled the record of the charges against you.
The one who disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities and shame them publicly. I know what this is a month to give.
Thanks a month. Yeah. No. Okay. No this. Okay, if you ever got a really poorly narrated audible book, you know, like the guy that this is like his first book that he's ever done.
This is hard and then the Warriors showed up.
It's like, no, dude. No, this is all he does. Yeah, he takes other people's.
I know. I know. Oh, yeah. Basically was like a dramatic reading. Look how many he puts out per day.
Okay. Gosh, it this. No, no, no. That's like Stephen Furtick after getting stung by bees, right?
They got a cigarette. Let's check this one out here. Hello and welcome to Charlie Champ. This prophetic word comes from Charlie Champ Marie.
Now, it's something about Charlie Champ. This guy can grow a beard in five minutes. I am not kidding.
He's one of these fellows. I mean, you see this this this this hair stubble on him. Okay, that was him filmed at 8 in the morning and he shaved at 745.
Okay, this guy could grow a beard like just like this.
Okay, just to say I am this right here three years. Okay. Solid effort.
All right, continue on here. Your destiny. Destiny.
We have this name. That's bingo. Yes. You got bingo with destiny. Go. Okay. All right, continue on.
See if we get double here. Say I have heard your cries the piercing streaks of the war
Eagles. I have witnessed your fatigue your weariness from the relentless battle.
Wait, war Eagles. I've never heard Eagles being weaponized like this. You know, most people most people reference the
Bible when they do these Charlie's over here referencing the Lord of the Rings and that's close enough, right?
Tolkien and the Bible. That's that's almost there. They're almost synonymous. Yeah. Yeah, he certainly he certainly wrote as much as Moses.
Yeah. Okay, but now
I beckon you to a fresh chapter a season of divine encounters in the realm of season and encounters.
I am unveiling new portals for you. Portal is a word. I got that one. Hang on a second here portal.
There we go. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Hang on. Oh, no, no. Where am I? I'm lost here.
There we go. Yeah, there we go. Campus. Gateways of destiny that respond to the sound of your voice.
These doors will not open by your strength or power but to my spirit. You will echo my words my promises.
You will witness them materialize. Do not let your heart be troubled by the trials you've endured.
They have been the furnace that forged you for this season. They have fortified your faith deep in your reliance on me.
I am summoning you to ascend to glide on wings like Eagles. I'm inviting you to step into my presence to experience my glory in my presence.
You will discover rest for your souls. You will find the victory cry for your voyage.
You will gain the wisdom for the choices you must make. So come step into the realm of glory echo my words proclaim your destiny.
Watch as I unveil new portals doors that no man can seal. Remember, I'm your constant.
What does any of this mean? Do you have a victory for your war cry?
What did he say for your portal victory? I threw
I accidentally threw a war Eagle through a portal and something terrible happened. The consequences came back on the double.
How much ayahuasca do I have to do before this makes sense?
Clearly too much. Okay. Okay. Let's see here. You shall taste and also be converted to peyote books.
Okay. Hang on a second here. Let's check this one out. Let's go here for a second here. A couple of weeks ago.
I had a vision and in the vision. I woke up that morning into a vision and in the so a vision within a vision vision inception.
Yeah, okay. Vision there was rows and rows of people that were sitting down and they had barf bags.
I don't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't that I don't have bark bag on my bingo card and I am crushed.
Oh man did not see that coming. Holy smokes. No, there was wind.
Oh, wow. Everybody was vomiting in these barf bags and it was coming out pretty forcefully.
I know that's graphic, but I'm sorry. No. Oh my goodness.
Look, I'm taking powerful. You should consolation prize.
Yeah, you got it. It's yours, man. I'm not. Oh my goodness.
Powerful vomit. Do you have your barf bag anointing? Oh gross.
Oh man. And so they were sitting there and it was just coming out very forcefully.
I knew it was the spirit of God. Well, you heard it here for so long.
Powerful vomit is the spirit of God. You know, now that I think about it,
Paul did list projectile vomit in the fruits. Love, joy, peace, patience, projectile vomiting, you know.
Oh no. They will know you by your works, right?
And those works are just projectile vomit. They will know you by your vomit.
Bonus, bonus if your head spins around in a circle 360 degrees. That is some kind of spirit, right?
Yeah, usually those ones get exercised, but that's a different story. They get center stage.
They get center stage. This is the spirit of the Lord. Okay, I have to hit play again.
Hang on. Begin to show me that there was going to be a mass deliverance that to take place in the body of Christ.
It was rows upon rows upon rows upon rows upon rows of people.
And after they got delivered, they all stood up and God began to hand out staffs.
He began to hand out new rods to everybody. I had no idea when
I got to East Texas. I would like an ugly stick fishing rod, please. Never mind that.
That that rod was going to be put in my hand. Wow. I'm telling you, God speaking.
There was such an authority on the praise and worship today. And it was like God was saying, you shall taste and see you shall taste and see.
Don't you mean retaste? Flag team walking by.
They're going like, yeah. Yes. Amen. I just wow.
Everybody's projectile vomiting. I don't want a staff. I want like some robitussin.
I want a biohazard suit. Good night. Rows upon rows upon rows upon rows upon rows of vomit.
You will taste. That the Lord is good.
Yeah, you will blow chunks. Say it. The Lord. This is so horrifying.
I am traumatized. No self -awareness.
They have zero self -awareness. Comedy writes itself. Oh gosh.
Oh man. What did you say Remy? They have like no shame either. Like I could never imagine my pastor saying anything like this from the pulpit.
If I said something like that from the pulpit, not only would I be out of a job, they would be taking me to a mental institution to see if I was okay, you know.
Leonardo. I had a dream. Leonardo DiCaprio was there. Everyone was vomiting. Right.
A new hive for a new harvest. A new hive for a new harvest. We just got to try this.
Hang on. Gosh. We came back from East Texas with something to present to the house.
It's the same lady. Same lady. And look at the flag waving going on here.
They sent a gift bag. This lady doesn't even have a flag on her stick. She's just swinging a broom handle.
What on earth? They sent a gift bag. We vomited into it.
That's what the barf bags were. When you're warring with a tribe in a troop, someone has something for you that you know not of.
And so they sent something back for us to the house. Now, this is a... No, no, no.
You got it right. This is a staff. Come see Chuck. Sticks. How do they work? Yeah, they're handing out staffs there.
It has the beads on the staff. The B -E -E -S.
The beads. Okay. And then in the staff, they actually have honey all through the staff.
Stop this for a moment. Stop it. This is an infomercial. Yeah, that's what this is.
You just woke up. It's 2 a .m. Saturday morning and the woman is like, okay, so this staff has bees on it.
As you can see by the fine craftsmanship. Now, listen. If you order your staff today for $29 .99,
we will throw in a Chuck Pierce prayer cloth with your staff absolutely free.
We will throw in a complimentary barf bag. Pre -filled just for you.
Yeah, I just... I am... This guy's church is wild.
It isn't really a church. This is literally the whole service now. There is no actual sermon time.
This is the sermon. Hang on. What a grift. I hear the
Lord saying, He says, this is the season where the death shroud is being removed off your family bloodline and DNA.
He says, hey, sons and daughters, don't you feel the glory that is resting on you?
And He says, it is a time to step out of the old into the new.
So we're going to do a prophetic act together on the count of three because you will step out of that death shroud that has come down your family line and He is going to bring you into the new in the
Miracle Center Church. Sit down, Remy. Sit down. No, you stepped out too far.
We had deaf ears open up and healed. So when you come forward, not only is that death shroud breaking off of you, you are stepping into your divine moment of healing this morning.
So when we count to three. One, two, three.
Wow, she took a step. You know what? I can tell you what this feels like.
This feels like the exercise activity at the old folks home. This is a
Zumba class in the prophetic. Okay, old folks, come on, come on, come on, step out.
Remember, we are trying to move those muscles and get that blood flowing. Chris, I see you over there. Stop that right now.
Pierce is going to watch this and be like, prophetic Zumba. I shouldn't be giving him ideas.
I shouldn't be giving. So, Remy, tell me about your card. I mean, how much help are you needing here?
Well, so I got with Powerful. I took Powerful for the projectile vomit and that gave me a bingo.
Oh, good. Felt a little cheap, but if I get
So or Identity or Shaking or Wealth, any of those and I'll grab a bingo.
So, Identity, Shaking, or Wealth. Josh, what are you in need of over there? I can use a
Breath. You can use a Breath. Okay, use a Breath. All right, so let's do this.
If you are a subscriber to the Fighting for the Faith channel, you can take the word
Breath. If you have hit the bell notification thing, then you can, let's see, you need
Identity. You can take the word Identity. And what was our third category?
If you like the video. If you like the video, then for sure, you should like it because it's just likable.
Then you get a provision. So, there you go. You know what would actually be even better? I have one more category, a fourth category.
No. And this is, I'll propose the idea to you. It doesn't apply to any of us currently playing, but to anybody playing at home.
If you share the video, maybe if you share the video, you can actually just take a bingo on us and have fun with your family and friends.
There you go. Okay, so if you share the video, then take whatever words you need to get bingo and you got it.
Precisely. I like that. Double portion free space. Okay. Double what?
It's a double portion of free space. Right. Amen. All right.
All right. So, who's up first? I got to go first on this one. So, we did get first bingo.
So, yeah, I did. Hang on a second. I got to stretch. What flavor of music are you requesting?
Zumba. I need Zumba music. Zumba music. Hold on. Hold on.
I'm going to actually get some drums going on this. Let's see. Maybe some
R &B, maybe. Okay. Neo soul. Let's see what that sounds like. Okay.
All right. Now, my apologies ahead of time, but I'm going to have to use, I'm going to have to speak at a high volume because I had yelling as one of my things.
Hold on, let me just. Oh, I like that one. And if we're going to do something funky, we should probably use.
Yeah, you got to drop me a vibe here, man. All right.
I'm yelling right now. So, I'm going to declare something deep. You need to step into the gold dust right now.
And with your wind, you need to salome it. Salome, like in peace, you know, loco cocteau, and decree your provisions for the gold deep declaration thingy for favor.
Brother Chris, brother Chris, that spoke to me. What did it say though?
I don't, you know, world may never know. I hate to say it, but I felt like I just vomited that. You know, projectile.
A prophetic spewing. Remy, what flavor do you want?
I think it was sappy music. One of the ones that you got in your bingo or not. I didn't get a sappy music.
I got that square, but not in my bingo. But if I could make a request. By all means. If I could have a, like a gospely.
Ooh, we're going, you know, we're going to do this how I grew up with it. Gospel choir.
Getting dangerous now. All right. Let me just get the Hammond.
Yes, that's what I need. That's what I need. There we go. Sometimes the battle is upon you.
When the battle comes down upon you, you have to unlock and open the fire out of heaven.
It's like the rising up from the deep to pull you down from the devil in that evil dimension.
Powerful new identity. Unlock your abundance in Christ. Make heaven rain in the supernatural.
Praise Jesus. I even got the free space in there.
Nicely done. Nicely done. All right. Let's see. Oh gosh. What do I see?
I normally go for the soul organ myself. I'm just wondering if I should change it up.
Yeah, let's just let's try something like that. Futuristic. Oh, yes. 2056. There is a heavenly unlock with wind and authority.
My destiny is going to give me a generational curse due to my the intercessor.
Can I get a Jesus? That's a no. Lord, help me.
He's not helping. Oh Lord, the free space is not helping me at all.
And with that, my wind has come to an end. I think you just prophesied that your destiny is going to give you a generational curse.
I didn't choose the words. The words chose me. Remy, how do people find your
YouTube channel? Yeah, yeah. It's just Lutheran Answers on YouTube.
LutheranAnswers .com. We'll put a link to your channel down below in the description. Remy, thank you for taking the time to play some
Prophecy Bingo with us today. Thank you, Kevin. Yeah, and hopefully you won't regret it.
I hope you don't have too many nightmares as a result of this. Thank you for signing the waiver.
It was a walk down memory lane. Indeed, yes. Thank you for signing the legal waiver before you came on.
Any medical damages will not be paid by Pirate Productions. Indeed, indeed.
All right, I'm going to sign off and we'll chat for just a second when I come back. So if you found this episode of Fighting for the
Faith to be informative, helpful, entertaining, any of the things like that, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy of one by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.