Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo.... (Part 6)

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Eric Mason Has Some Opinions on Real Estate Development (Part 7)

Eric Mason Has Some Opinions on Real Estate Development (Part 7)

Alright, let's see how far we can get in this video, hopefully we can get almost all the way through. We'll find out.
We'll find out. But something just occurred to me. I was thinking about the last episode where I talked about the protests of the, the plagues were protests and stuff like that.
And I was thinking about his definition of extortion where he was basically saying, look, this is a extortion is, you know, you pressure someone, you harass someone, you threaten someone into getting money.
And the way he's describing, you know, the plagues being protests in the context of our protests today and how it should lead to reparations.
I mean, that fits his own definition of extortion so well. It's like, well, you know, you want the, you want the protesters,
I'll be gold, we get stacks, stacks. And it's like, man, like this guy, he, this, this sermon is, it, well, not a sermon, not a sermon.
TED talk. This TED talk is one big, he's trying to extort you. He's trying to extort you to get, to get the, the, the, the stacks, to get the drip, to get the black reparations and all that kind of stuff.
It just occurred to me, just occurred to me anyway. One more thing. If you notice here in the corner, it looks like Pastor Eric Mason needs to send a
Microsoft a check. He looks like he stole the internet explorer icon and took it as his own
E, E. He's going to be obsolete hopefully soon and just like a internet explorer.
Anyway, bye. Verse nine said, Jesus said, today salvation has come to his, his house.
Know what I like about this is that Jesus in verse nine of Luke 19 connects
Zacchaeus's willingness to pay reparations as a sign that he had been changed by the gospel.
Yeah. I, what I like about this is his, is Eric Mason's willingness to just twist the text of scripture.
Nowhere in the text. Does it say anything about reparations? What it talks about though, is that Zacchaeus after extorting people, kind of like how
Pastor Eric Mason is trying to extort you here, Zacchaeus after extorting people, paid back those people and then some to, to make up for what he had taken.
He himself had taken from those people themselves. And so Jesus, of course, repentance is connected to salvation, repentance and faith.
That's the way you do repent and believe the gospel. That's the call of the, of the gospel. When you're presenting the gospel to people, it should be repent.
The kingdom of God is at hand, repent or perish, repent and believe the gospel.
Repentance of course is connected to this. There's no, there's nothing mysterious about this. There's nothing about reparations here.
How many of you watching under the sound of my voice saying that racism doesn't exist?
Zero people. There are zero people, Eric Mason, that are saying that racism doesn't exist.
So I would suggest in this sermon where you're trying to extort people that you don't compound your sins by lying about people as well.
There is exactly zero people in the entire universe. I don't usually say stuff like this.
This is a very, you know, blanket statement. But I have no problem saying it. There are zero people in the universe that say that racism doesn't exist.
So stop lying. Stop setting up straw men. This is a way to be deceptive. And it just compounds the sin of this
TED Talk. This TED Talk is promoting secularism as a salvation system.
This TED Talk is promoting a fantasy. It's lying about what God says, which is the, one of the worst sins I can imagine.
And here you are saying, how many of you under the sound of the voice that says racism doesn't exist? Nobody says that. So stop lying.
Stop, stop this nonsense, Eric. You know, I would say you're better than this, but I'm not really sure that you are.
How many of you under the sound of my voice talking about, it wasn't me and I don't need to pay reparations and all of this type of stuff?
Okay, how many under the sound of your voice? Well, actually, that's actually what each of these texts said. Each of these texts said that those, the one who did it, the individuals who did it, pay back those from whom they stole.
Every text down to the, down to each, down to the letter. It's not down to the letter.
Every single verse that you've used right now to preach about reparations has talked about those who have done the wrong, paying back those who have been wronged.
So it's not, this is not, this is not hard to understand why someone would say something like that, because every text that you've brought up is saying the exact same thing.
But let's hear what kind of fantasy wizard spell he's about to, he's about to use on everyone that's under the sound of his voice.
If you're under the sound of my voice and you're resisting restitution for black people because of what's happened into this country, you may want to check your justification monitor.
I know. So basically what he's saying is with, I don't know what the heck this is supposed to be. This is maybe this is part of the wizard spell, you know, but what he's saying is that you might not be saved if you're resisting restitution for black people, if it wasn't you who did anything.
So you're saying I shouldn't have to pay back what I didn't do. So he's saying you're not saved if you're resisting paying the penalty for a sin of somebody else.
That's what he's saying. You might want to check your justification monitor. Are you even justified? You might not be.
If you're, if you're resisting paying the penalty of somebody else's crime, you might not be saved.
If I'm resisting paying the penalty of somebody else's crime, when my great, great grandparents were slaves, just like Eric Mason's, because here's the thing
I'm going to be paying for this. I'm going to be paying for this because I write the IRS a check every quarter.
I write the IRS a big check every quarter. You know, I'm a small business owner. I don't make a ton of money, but I got, you know,
I got more stacks than I need. You know what I'm saying? So, so I'm going to be paying for this. So if I resist that idea that I shouldn't have to pay for a crime
I didn't commit, especially considering I fall in the category that this payment, I guess, theoretically is making restitution for in your fantasy world,
Eric Mason. If I resist that, I might not be saved. That's what Eric Mason is saying here. This man is, he's a wolf.
I mean, it's just that simple. He's a wolf and I don't even think he's got sheep clothing anymore. He's a wolf in wolf clothing.
Because some of y 'all call me a heretic because I deal with racial injustice. Nobody calls you a heretic for dealing with racial injustice.
People call you a heretic for saying heretical things, right? Nobody calls me a heretic. I deal with racial injustice as well, right?
I do. My channel is all about race injustice and nobody's calling me a heretic for that. Nobody, nobody's calling me a heretic for that.
People call you a heretic, Eric Mason, because you just said that if I resist the idea that I should pay the penalty for the sins of, you know, maybe, maybe my father's, nobody really knows.
It's just a matter of skin color to you. So if I resist paying the penalty for a crime, I did not commit that I might not be saved.
That's why people call you a heretic, Dr. Eric Mason. So, um, you can play victim card all you want.
Cause I know you feel like that's your only, that's really all you have to offer really to the Christian church, your victim card, your victim mindset.
And you want to spread that victim mindset far and wide. I am going to resist that at every turn, because I think what you're telling people is harmful.
What you're telling people will keep them in this oppression mindset and keep them in this woe is me pity party.
That's not going to do anybody any good. It's going to keep them in that situation permanently. Um, and I refuse to be a slave like that.
I refuse the mental slavery that you're advocating for people. I absolutely refuse. And so that's why people call you a heretic.
It's not about the racial justice thing. I know plenty of people who talk about race and justice all day long that are never called heretics for it.
Um, and you're one of those people, actually, you're called a heretic for saying heretical things. Like you might not be saved if you believe
Ezekiel chapter. Oh, I'm terrible at memorizing this stuff. I got to dedicate more time into memorizing stuff, but you know, the passage where it says the sons don't pay for the sins of the father, that kind of thing.
They were preaching the gospel. Matter of fact, we hit the block out here. We preach as the gospel to see people come to spiritual death, the spiritual life.
So there, however, we believe that the gospel has outworkings that impact the way we relate to one another
God and one another. So what do we do? How do we think through this gospel, gospel -y, if you will?
Number one, we think about what's called the content of the gospel. First Corinthians chapter 15, verses one through four.
That's the content. We got that. We understand it as we're saved by grace through faith in Christ alone.
Right? And some stacks as well. But then there's the scope of the gospel. Romans 1 .16.
It says now, he said, I'm not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation to the
Jew first and to the Greek. And so we see within that scope, we see the essence of the gospel.
We see the catalyst of the gospel, but then we see the scope of the gospel. Again, you see the essence of the gospel, the catalyst of the gospel and the scope of the gospel.
In other words, the gospel isn't just a message that changes the soul. It is the power of God to change everything.
And so reparations fits into the scope of the gospel. So the question - No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't.
And you haven't proven that case. You haven't even attempted to make the case because here's the thing. Like I think of this in a much easier way, right?
What's the church's message, right? Because everyone wants to talk about gospel -centered stuff, gospel -y. He wants to talk gospel -y.
I just keep it very simple. What did Jesus say that we're supposed to be doing, right? It's the great commission, you know, baptize the nations,
I'm sorry, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I look at that as the conversion experience, right?
And then it continues teaching them to observe all that I have commanded. I'm with you to the end of the age.
That's what Christ says. That's the mission of the church, right? So it's the baptizing, it's the conversion, and then it's teaching. It's discipling, teaching the nations what to do, right?
Teaching the nations how to view Christ as Lord. When Christ is your Lord, Christ is your master. He tells you what to do, right?
And so it's no longer what I want. It's what you want, Christ. So that's how I know reparations doesn't fit because Christ didn't actually teach that.
In fact, every verse that you've brought to the table, Eric Mason, talks about restitution. Yes, we should instantly implement restitution and replace what we currently do with the prison system and all that stuff.
We should replace it with restitution, right? That's very true. But the thing is, reparations doesn't fit into the restitution that's described by Jesus Christ, by God's law, by the law of Christ.
None of it fits. And so no, reparations doesn't fit, and I can prove it using the scripture.
In fact, I can prove it using the scriptures that you yourself have brought up. You see, you're trying to make something fit that doesn't fit.
You're trying to exchange your words, the words of Dr. Eric Mason, for the words of Jesus Christ, the
Lord of glory, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the master, all of that kind of stuff. And we're not going to fall for that.
You might be able to trick some people with that. Not around here. Yes, it's not going to work.
And so you can smile, you can do all kinds of hand motions and you can, you know, have that dead arm, you know, that, that thing, that whole, that whole thing, you can, you can get all uppity.
Okay. It's not going to work. It's not going to work because we don't respond or, or, or answer to you.
You know what I mean? We don't, we don't really care what you have to say unless it's in the book. And unfortunately, actually, fortunately, every verse that you cited here just further confirms that I am correct about this.
And you are lying about this. You're a wolf. Question is, let me ask you this.
Has as America ever paid reparations to anybody? Yes, it has.
Not only has America paid reparations, but she affirmed the payments of other countries, such as France and Germany in cases of reparations in the
Holocaust. America said the, the closest analog to reparations for slavery and Jim Crow is probably, listen, the reparations of West Germany, West Germany agreed to pay in the
Holocaust. Apartheid is another one. Stop right there, Eric Mason, because I know you've seen barbershop, right?
I know you've seen barbershop, maybe listen, listen, I can't be so sure that you really know how to interpret the
Bible, but I'm sure you've seen barbershop. And the thing is, this was refuted in barbershop. This whole idea about the
Holocaust. Do you remember that it was that light -skinned brother, the one who was an ex -con, they were talking about reparations and then the liberal black, uh, the liberal, uh, uh, dark -skinned black guy who thought he was smarter than everybody.
He was, he was talking about reparations as if like all black people, all stupid black people were, were for it.
Right. And then the, the light -skinned guy, the ex -con said Jews didn't get money in reparations.
Holocaust survivors got money in reparations in, in, in, in Germany, or I don't,
I remember exactly how he put it. I don't have it memorized. Right. And so that was refuted. So again, even the examples you're using that are non -biblical, it's the people that were wronged.
The Holocaust survivors got money. So, so it would be analogous if you said, okay, Jews in America today should get money because of the
Holocaust. That's what that would be more analogous. So people that didn't go through the
Holocaust, people that never went through it, they should get money today because you know, the psychological effects of it continue to today.
That would be analogous, Pastor Eric Mason, even, even the examples that you use that are not in the Bible, which you would think you'd be able to find some better ones than the ones that were in the
Bible that, that would fit your fake narrative better than the ones in the Bible because the Bible one sure didn't.
Even the ones you're using here don't fit. Right. One of the duties of South Africa's post -apartheid truth and reconciliation commission that was helped by man,
Leon, Reverend Leon, that's in this, that was in this neighborhood for years, besides investigating human rights abuses committed by apartheid government, was recommending reparations and other policies to redress.
The funny part is, even if you were able to find something in, you know, in, in non -biblical sources, that would have nothing to do with the morality of it.
So like, again, even if he was able to find something, right. He might bring up the Japanese, uh, internment camps and stuff like that.
But again, like those are the people that went through it, right? Those are the people that were wronged. It's different. Um, but even if you were able to find, none of this actually has anything to do with whether or not it's moral.
I can find examples of governments doing all kinds of evil. And so what is that supposed to mean?
You know, I don't, I don't understand even what the point of this kind of thing is. Again, in a sermon, like why, why even do this?
Why even do this? Shouldn't the Bible verses have been enough, but they're not enough because Eric Mason has to try to do this because he knows himself that these
Bible verses did not say what they, that he claimed that they were saying. They just simply didn't. So he has to try to use extra biblical sources, but he can't help but find examples of things that do not compare.
They're not the same. It's not the same thing. Again, if Eric Mason found the guy who enslaved him,
I would be right there with him, helping him get reparations from the guy who enslaved him, but it's not, it's just not the case.
Abuses and aid victims of the regime. So those are general places where reparations have been paid, but where has
America paid reparations? America paid the Japanese internment reparations because it says the forced internment of 120 ,000
Japanese Americans in camps during World War II resulted in about 3 .1 billion in property loss and $6 .4
billion in income loss. I mean, I predicted that he was going to do this because this is what everybody does.
He's not taking his cues from the Bible here. He's taking his cues from, from rhetoric, right? Yeah, of course he's going to bring up the
Japanese thing, but again, that's different. Those, that money was paid to people who were interned, who were wronged.
Again, every example from the Bible and from outside of the, of the Bible is not what we're referring to when we talk about reparations for black people.
It's just completely different. And so it would be comparable, Eric, if somebody made the case today that we should pay
Japanese people today for the internment of yesterday, like Japanese people who were not interned today or in a few generations for the internment that they did not go through, it would be different or the same.
In 2014 dollars, this is in our dollars of today, right? If you account for the, for the possibility that the money might have been invested and gotten above inflation returns, the economic losses would have even been larger.
So Japanese, the Japanese American claims act of 1948 and the civil liberties act of 1988 between 1948 and 1965 authorized payments totaling in $38 million, which is nothing compared to what they lost, but still the same thing when there was forced sterilizations, when there was forced sterilizations of Americans and States of one or another with eugenics studies during the 20th century with forced sterilizations of unfit people being the prime instrument targets largely, but by no means entirely mentally or developmentally disabled, poor black women on welfare were especially likely to be victimized in this manner.
The Tuskegee experiment, they paid a little bit of reparations with that, but again, it wasn't a ton.
Look all of this up. I'm not making this stuff up. Look up the Tuskegee experiment and how. No, you're not making this stuff up, but you're also not making any sense.
All of these are non sequiturs. They're there. They have nothing to do with what you're talking about.
You're not making this up, but, but, but you're talking like a child. This is not the same thing. I mean, anyone that has half a brain on their shoulders can see how these are different.
And so I don't know about you, but like, it's very uncomfortable to me, to me, to watch someone struggle through a sermon like this, because he's desperate.
This man's desperate. It's, it's hard, like, like it's, it's hard to watch this kind of thing where someone knows that they're spitting nonsense, but they still spit it.
It's hard to watch, man. This is not the way sermons ought to be. That's why I'm calling it a TED talk because it's not a sermon.
He's not preaching the word and giving the sense of it. He's not applying the word in any even close kind of way.
It's sad. This is a really sad thing to watch. I mean, I'm sure that he feels convicted over this.
He must, this must, this must be, this must be a difficult time for Eric Mason to be, to, to, to know what he's done here in the service of getting stacked.
Something as crude as money. It's just really sad. They only got a large payout of $10 million, but only paid, you know, during the study, it says 178 ,000 for the men in the study who had syphilis and 72 for thousand for the heirs and 77 for those in the control group and 24 for the heirs of those in the control group, nothing and what they generationally lost,
Rosewood, there, there, there was some type of reparation, but when I call it, it's up, it's all in here.
Reparations, the, the, the district of Columbia Emancipation Act, I could go on and on and on.
And you can go on and on and on. And I'm pretty sure that every single example that you will find, maybe, maybe
I'm wrong on this. You can go on and on and on, but all of them are going to be. Money's paid to the people that were wrong.
Now you might not agree with the amount of monies and stuff like that. Okay. When that's, that's fine. I'm not going to argue with you about that, but the thing is like every example you've used has been monies paid for the one who did the wrong to the one who was wronged.
I'm sure if you had an example where it wasn't like that, you would have used it because that would actually support your case a little bit, but none of these did.
Eric, you have to see this. Like, like, I guess you could play the race card and say that people that oppose you are just racist.
They're just Angloid on the inside. You know what I mean? I'm sure you could do that, but does that really feel good to do that?
Why not rather just say we should pay reparations because I want money.
I'd rather that I'd rather you just tell me what you want. In fact, if you want money, if you need money, man, people will give you money.
Eric, if you want some money, ask for it, but don't, don't do this Pharisee thing where all of a sudden now we have to do it because it's the gospel -y thing to do.
Like that's where you become a wolf when you start to say that you might not even be justified if you are against what
I'm saying here. Like Eric, that's a really weird place to put yourself where you're saying you should check your justification meter.
If you don't want to pay the penalty for somebody else's crime, the way I'm suggesting that you do here, that's a very uncomfortable place for a person to put themselves.
You won't be able to bear it. So I suggest that you stop. I suggest that you stop because you will, you will be crushed under the weight that you're trying to take upon yourself.
A few years ago, you wanted to have the council of Philadelphia to define affirmations and denial so that you could call all race traitors,
I guess, heretics or something like that. Like you're trying to set yourself up as someone and you're not anyone.
This is going to crush you, man. I don't want to see you get crushed. I hope you found this video helpful.