Kanye Is GOD & Doesn't Know The Bible? | Pastor Reacts

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Kanye just said he is God and he's got an issue with Jesus. What happened? Didn't he just profess faith a little while ago? Let's take a look at his comments and then see how the Bible responds to Kanye. Link to original video: https://youtu.be/Z_mk_u24tP0?si=f6Um8ohGnOrh67K8 Join my awesome Patreon community: www.patreon.com/WiseDisciple Support me on Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=67C2JB3RDSBFS Wise Disciple has partnered with Logos Bible Software. Check out all of Logos' awesome features here: https://www.logos.com/WiseDisciple Get your Wise Disciple merch here: https://bit.ly/wisedisciple Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: www.wisedisciple.org OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: https://wisedisciple.org/reserve Check out my full series on debate reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqS-yZRrvBFEzHQrJH5GOTb9-NWUBOO_f Got a question in the area of theology, apologetics, or engaging the culture for Christ? Send them to me and I will answer on an upcoming podcast: https://wisedisciple.org/ask


You know, cuz I'm God. And anyone who disagree, I'm the God of me, and you can't tell me who
I am. I'mma let him finish. Come on, guy. I had to. Come on. That's, that's, hey, that's an old school Kanye joke.
Somebody got it. There's a lot here, you know, but the big statement right at the outset, right, which is quite disturbing, is
I am God. What he's saying here is just horrifically inappropriate. We certainly should know better, right?
Like, as somebody who professed to be Christian, I almost didn't make a video about this, guys.
I figured, man, what more can be said about Kanye's falling away from the faith? Other channels, other brothers of mine have done some really good videos on this, and you've probably seen them already.
But then it occurred to me, you know what? Some of the things that Kanye said, which, by the way, is absolutely blasphemous, it actually helps us to understand, understand our scriptures even better.
So let's pay close attention, because maybe Kanye's got some good points to make, or maybe his mischaracterization will help us know our
God better, and also answer these objections when someone else makes them in our own circles.
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What is the difference, though, when you hear, and music is like life, you know what I'm saying? In life, you're kind of like this, you know what
I'm saying? And some people try to put you into a yesterday mode. You know, at one point, yay, we hear, and this is all you, we hear, you know,
Jesus is King, we hear this, but that's all you. Then sometimes you just want to say, man, not, but you just want to say, man, this is what
I'm feeling right now. Are you in that space where you're comfortable enough to say, this is where I am right now.
I'm still a man of God. Jesus still is King, but this is vultures right now. This is where I am. It is.
But I, you know, I have my issues with Jesus. There's a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and I ain't see Jesus show up. So I had to put my, uh, my experience in this world, my experience, my children, my experience, other people, my experience in my account, my experience in my brand and my experience with the level of music that I was dealing with in my own hands.
So Kanye says he prayed, but Jesus did not show up. So now he has a problem with Jesus.
That's interesting. And maybe he'll get more into what he means by all of this, but this reminds me of another guy, uh, the, the man on TikTok, I reacted to, you know, one of those, uh, deconstructing
TikTok videos, and he basically said the same thing. He said he reached out to God, he prayed on multiple occasions, but God never showed up.
And in the case of the man on TikTok, he concluded that God does not exist. Why? Because God didn't do what he wanted.
It sounds like the same thing here with Kanye. So in a moment, I'm gonna let him finish.
Come on, guy. I had to. Come on. That's, that's, hey, that's an old -school Kanye joke. Somebody got it. Um, but in the, in the case of Kanye, let's just try to hear him out.
Let's just try to listen, though, for maybe some assumptions, because it sounds like there's an assumption under there that when
I pray and ask God for something, he needs to do it or else there's a problem. Is that actually what the
Bible teaches, though? That's what you need to ask yourself. Like, a lot of times, I just feel like in our society, in America, you know, people,
Christians, we depend on Jesus so much that we won't put the Word in ourself. And the main thing that—
Wait, wait, wait, sorry. I usually don't stop this quickly. What did he just say? Let me, let me, let's replay that for a second.
Like, a lot of times, I just feel like in our society, in America, you know, people, Christians, we depend on Jesus so much that we won't put the
Word in ourself. And the main thing— He said, sometimes we depend on Jesus so much that we don't put the
Word in ourselves. What does that mean? If he's speaking as a Christian, like, when, when he talks about the
Word, like, he's talking about the Word of God, right? The, the, the scriptures, the very scriptures that we have in our hands when we read our
Bibles. So, he's saying when, that we don't read our Bibles because we depend on Jesus too much?
Is that what he's saying? I don't— Did you guys understand that? I'm, I don't think I got that. That, really, I don't rock with.
It's like, it's just always like, I'm gonna pray for you. And it's just like, you can actually physically do something yourself, too, more than just pray.
And we're so in this mentality that that's all that needs to happen, but we, we ain't praying our way out of prison.
We ain't praying our way out of the abortion clinics. We ain't praying our way to get our land back that was always ours after gentrification, after the
Harlem, uh, Renaissance and Black Wall Street was burned to the ground. Them prayers ain't working. We're going, we got to apply actual physical building partnerships.
And it, and it don't start unless we could really be real with each other and say, this is what I did. This is what
I did. Like, I mean, look at this. I know I'm not gonna third rail your interview, but look at the power of what happened when me and Kyrie was on the same page.
See, that's what's scary. But what they do is they put us each in asylum and say, your grandmother going to lose her crib. And it's going to, you know how many threats we've been dealt, dealt with?
And I didn't pray my way through them threats either. I had to get up and do it myself.
Boy, this, this is, this is sad to watch. I, I'm just remembering when Jesus's King came out. You remember that?
And Kanye was going around and proclaiming his faith in Christ. I remember all the Sunday services, you know, and then now here we are.
What is this, like, four years later, five years later, something like that. This is where he's at. I know those of you in my audience, you know this already, but I'm gonna say it anyway.
Man, let's just keep praying for Kanye, you know? Like, it's, it's never too late for the Lord to do a work in his heart and in his life, but he's definitely strayed from biblical teaching.
And I'm going to go to the scripture and show you what the Bible actually says about all of this in a moment. But for now, notice the bifurcation here, right?
You either pray or do nothing. So the problem is people pray, but when they pray, they're not doing anything about real problems in their lives.
Again, is that what the Bible teaches? That, that, that we just pray and do nothing? We're going to come back and answer these in just a moment.
So I'll be surprised that I'm still alive every day. How did you not so -called disappear? Like, because that's a hell of a fight.
Because, you know, because I'm God and anyone who disagree, I'm the
God of me and you can't tell me who I am. I can't tell y 'all. I could tell y 'all. It's y 'all job to listen.
I'm the God of me. I don't know if I'm in heaven already. I got number one. Well, you know, I might be on like a fourth dimension version of the lifestyle.
You know, I don't know. Like I said, I must have died in this accident. This must be heaven. I feel like, you know, there's people, tech guys and like Shervin or Elon.
Elon always says, whatever would be the funniest outcome is what should happen. He's just thinking like, what is the most insane version of something?
And that's the version that should happen. My boy Shervin said God or alien or universal, whatever happens, it feels like a victory favors the brave.
Like the people that lean into it, that get, because all like ears, it just threats at the end of the day.
It's like, why should you fear? You know, it's another thing I don't like in Christianity, the fear of God. If God is love, why should you fear him?
Boy, again, there's just, there's a lot here, you know, but the big statement right at the outset, right, which is quite disturbing is
I am God. That's what he just said. He claims to be God. Now he doesn't explain what that means.
And you know, there's many ways that other pagans and things, they make the same claim, but they mean different things by it.
I don't know, but let's just, let's go ahead and start to bring the scripture into this now. And we'll weigh the things that Kanye is saying.
Kanye says that he is God, but the Bible says that there is only one God and no one else is him.
Isaiah 45 verse 5, I am the Lord and there is no other. Besides me, there is no
God. He says it again in verse 6, that people may know from the rising of the sun and from the
West, that there is none besides me. I am the Lord and there is no other. Take a look at verse 21.
Was it not I, the Lord, and there is no other God besides me, a righteous God and a savior.
There is none besides me. Just in case the people didn't get it, he says it again, verse 22, for I am
God and there is no other. This is reminiscent of the Lord's response to Job at the end of the story of Job.
Job has just made a bunch of challenges and things to the Lord, and so then the
Lord responds to Job in chapter 38 verse 4, where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know. Or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Take a look at verse 34. Can you lift up your voice to the clouds that a flood of waters may cover you?
Can you send forth lightnings that they may go and say to you, here we are? God is saying,
I'm the only one who does these things. There is only one God and no one else is
God but God. That's the clear teaching of the scripture. That's why
God says in Isaiah 55, verse 8, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the
Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So not only are we not God, we are so unlike our Creator in very distinct ways.
The Bible says that our thoughts aren't even His. Our ways are not even His. We are made in God's image, and that's chapter 1 of Genesis, but that does not mean that we are
God, and to say that we are God is blasphemous in the extreme. I don't think that this is the first time that Kanye has made this claim to be
God, but he certainly should know better, right? Like, as somebody who professed to be Christian and was supposedly taught the scriptures, you know, what
I understood when he, again, when he came out and professed faith in Christianity was that a pastor had been discipling him privately for a duration of time, you know?
But man, what he's saying here is just horrifically inappropriate.
Hey, real quick, I hope this video is blessing you. Would you do me a favor and like and subscribe to the channel? It really does help me to get this video out to more and more people.
I really do appreciate it. Because you place one fear, you get another fear, you get another fear, what do you have at that point? You're easily controllable.
You're easily sellable. You're easily contracted. Right, and then the other thing I forgot, he has a problem with when the
Bible says to fear God. But again, apparently he has no idea why the Bible teaches us to fear
God. Do you know why? Do you know why the Bible says this? Take a look at Isaiah 11 3.
This is interesting, okay? It's a really weird statement if you just take it at face value, but look at this. "'His delight,' notice that, "'shall be in the fear of the
Lord.'" That's a really weird thing to say about someone. A person's delight will be in fear.
That doesn't make any sense if you try to take your understanding of the English word fear and then squash it down on top of the original
Hebrew language. The original language, when it talks about the fear of God, is talking about something else.
It's referring to reverence for God. It's referring to a great respect for the
Lord and for His Word. It's not referring to abject terror and shaking in your boots.
As a matter of fact, abject terror is looked down upon in the Bible. In Matthew chapter 25,
Jesus told a parable about a servant who was condemned for not obeying his master. Why?
Because he was afraid of him. He was in abject fear of his master to the point where he basically did nothing because of it.
That's not what the Lord desires in His people, and that's not what the fear of God is referring to.
Again, you have to appreciate the original language, the way that the original language flows and what is actually being communicated, you know?
This phrase simply refers to a holy and proper reverence and respect for God. That's why
Isaiah 11 says that this person—who, by the way, in this passage is the Messiah—they will delight in the fear of the
Lord. In other words, delight in respect and their reverence for God. That's also why
Proverbs 10 says this. Verse 27, the fear of the Lord prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short.
Okay, that's also why it says this. Chapter 14, verse 26, in the fear of the
Lord one has strong confidence and his children will have a refuge. Wait a second.
Abject terror leads to strong confidence? No. Revering the Lord and showing great respect for His Word leads to strong confidence.
The fear of the Lord, as it is biblically understood, leads to obeying God, living according to your purpose, and having eternal life as you obey
Jesus. That's what the fear of the Lord is, and I wish that Kanye would understand that because maybe he wouldn't be doing and saying the things that he's doing and saying right now, you know?
Actually, let's circle back around and answer some of these other questions, right? Kanye suggested that all people want to do is say, well,
I'm just gonna pray for you and then do nothing else. It's just always like, I'm gonna pray for you, and it's just like, you can actually physically do something yourself, too, more than just pray.
And we're so in this mentality that that's all that needs to happen, but we ain't praying our way out of prison.
Yeah, the book of James literally addresses this head -on. Chapter 2, verse 14, what good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?
Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things they needed for the body, what good is that?
So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Look at verse 20. Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar?
You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works.
What is he saying here? He's saying that Christianity is not merely saying a bunch of words and then doing nothing else.
The Lord desires his people to spread his kingdom here on earth, to re -establish the
Edenic relationship that he had with Adam and Eve all over the world, but that requires action. That requires taking care of people, of bringing
God's shalom back to this broken world one soul at a time. Take a close look at Jesus' teaching in the
Sermon on the Mount. That requires action too. Christianity is not a religion of praying and doing nothing else, and by the way,
I think actually Christians get a bad rap on this because I know a lot of who are out there doing something physically to right the wrongs in our society right now.
They just don't go around broadcasting it everywhere the same way people take photos of their breakfast on Instagram. I'm sure there are those who do pray and do nothing, okay?
So there's always a contingent of people out there who ruin things, but you can't pin that on all
Christians because that's not true of the brothers and sisters that I know, and I bet you that's not true of the brothers and sisters around you as well, or even you probably.
Finally, Kanye said he's got a problem with Jesus. He said he prayed and Jesus did not show up.
I have my issues with Jesus. There's a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and I didn't see Jesus show up. Yeah, so does the
Bible teach that whenever you pray, you get what you ask for? That God shows up and grants your every request?
No. As a matter of fact, there's a real danger in treating prayer as a veritable grocery list of requests to God.
You want to know why? You remember Isaiah 55, verse 8, my thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways, right?
They're higher than yours. If our thoughts and ways are not the Lord's, which means that the way that we think things should go may not align with the way that God thinks things should go, what do you think is going to happen when you pray,
God, here's my request based on how I think things should go? What do you think the Lord is going to do, especially when
His plans are different from yours? Some of the greatest moments in your life, some of the greatest opportunities for your personal growth are when
God does not give you what you ask for. Somebody needs to hear that. When you have a vision of the way that you think things should go and you make moves in that direction, the
Lord has no obligation to ensure that happens. As a matter of fact, the Proverbs says it like this,
Proverbs 16, 9, the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
The Lord will either establish your plans or not, but if He doesn't, does that mean, therefore, that you should have a problem with Him, that you should be upset?
You know, Habakkuk had a similar complaint. You remember this? In Habakkuk 1, 2, he said this, he said, oh
Lord, how long shall I cry for help and you will not hear me, right? At this point, Habakkuk is watching his enemy conquer all these nations around him, and he knows that they're coming for him and his people soon, and he's saying,
Lord, why don't you stop this evil? Where are you? You know what God says? Verse 5, look among the nations, this is
God's response, look among the nations and see, wonder and be astounded, for I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.
The Lord says, I'm not standing by, I'm not unaware of what's happening, I'm doing something through these events, the very thing that you don't want to happen according to your plans and your vision,
I'm working through them in order to accomplish something that you wouldn't even believe if I told you right now. The Lord, by the way, says essentially the same thing in Romans chapter 8, the
Lord is working all things together for good, for those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.
And what is our response? What is our response when we pray and the
Lord does not show up? Trust Him. Trust Him. The Lord says this in chapter 2, look at this,
Habakkuk chapter 2, verse 4, the righteous shall live by his faith.
The reality is, friends, we live every day the same way that we got saved, fully submitted in trusting the
Lord. And when we pray and God does something that we didn't want, we don't get mad, we don't have a problem with Jesus, we trust that His promise holds true.
He is working all things together for our good. It might not make sense for us in the moment because our thoughts are not
His thoughts, but we can trust Him and we can trust in His promises to us. Amen? Well, that was a very interesting exercise, but again, let's continue to pray for Kanye.
He needs to go back to like five years ago and remember what he was taught, what he was being taught, and fully submit to the
Lord and trust in Him. But it's not too late today. If the Lord can save someone like me, He can definitely save Kanye as well.
Okay, now it's your turn. What do you think about Kanye's problems with Christianity? Let me know in the comments below. I'm curious to get your thoughts.
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