Cultish: Kemetic Spirituality - Intro to the Conscious Community, Pt. 2
In this episode, Jerry and the Super Sleuth are joined by Dnew and the three continue their conversation on the world of Kemetic Spirituality and the Conscious Community.
What are the ramifications of adopting a Kemetic Spirituality worldview?
How is God viewed with regards to Kemetic Spirituality, masculine, feminine?
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- 00:00
- Hey, what's up, everyone? This is Jeremiah Roberts one of the co -hosts here at cultish And it's a super sleuth right here with them
- 00:06
- And we are going to put you into our second part of our series with our good friend Dino talking about comedic
- 00:12
- ISM The conscious community we want to give a quick warning though around the 20 -minute mark of this episode we go into some very strange intricacies of this group and their beliefs what we analyze is very
- 00:27
- Explicit in nature is for mature audiences only so we want to recommend do not listen to this episode with your children
- 00:33
- This is something however We felt necessary to analyze and discuss as this is a very integral part of not only the conscious community
- 00:42
- But there are a lot of other similar fringe groups like this in the world of urban apologetics So just be mindful of that around the 20 -minute mark
- 00:49
- We do get a warning right before we play that so just be wary of that Also Andrew to let everyone know about the need we have right now so to support us
- 00:57
- Yeah, you can go to the cultist show comm forward slash donate. We are listeners supported
- 01:03
- We can't be here without you, so we thank you for all your donations so far But we continue to need donations for this year and into 2024 in order to keep the lights on So thank you if you are feeling led, please go there and donate today awesome
- 01:17
- Thank you so much and all that being said enjoy the podcast everyone of our second part of our conversation with Dino Alright, welcome back ladies and gentlemen to cultish entering the kingdom of the
- 01:31
- Colts. My name is Jeremiah Roberts one of the co -hosts here I am joined once again by my trusted co -host and trusted super sleuth of the show
- 01:39
- Andrew up in Harriman, Utah Good to have you back man Thank you.
- 01:44
- It's good to be back. I'm kind of like almost like an Israelite in Egypt out here in Utah. We've got
- 01:50
- You know the Mormon Church that is out here, and I'm just a one of the few
- 01:55
- Christians Yeah, so praying for an exodus of the city though not to leave
- 02:00
- But for God to renew and reform the hearts and minds out here Yes, and speaking of Exodus in Egypt we had quite the conversation in part one.
- 02:08
- This is part two of our conversation We're joined back here with how are you? I'm well.
- 02:13
- How are you good welcome back? Thank you good having you here in part two so we were trying and I think in part one
- 02:18
- We're kind of giving everyone a real general overview of kind of like a urban niche
- 02:25
- Group, that's not necessarily centralized, but it's based off of an attempt of urban Egyptian spirituality, but specifically
- 02:36
- African based It just really fascinating to kind of like giving a general overview definitely fasting for sure
- 02:43
- I think what we might do in this episode We'll kind of see where it goes is that not only have you studied quite a bit about them
- 02:50
- But you think you've engaged with them as well, too Yeah, so I know you mentioned a couple things in your breakout about doctor on the block
- 02:58
- About how you address them so maybe we could just start off the get -go start with something fun I think this is applicable for as well too because I think talking about how
- 03:07
- Christianity is very much this European eyes colonialized religion. It's not Exclusive to the conscious community or exclusive to comedic
- 03:15
- ISM, but even a lot of the modern -day kind of like woke Ideology you see that come up up a lot.
- 03:22
- I've seen that recently from many different angles, so one of the things you mentioned so is is
- 03:29
- Christianity Exclusive to Africa or is it or is exclusively
- 03:35
- European that that's the assertion that they make Yeah, I know what you mentioned and I remember what you said in the doctor on the block breakout session
- 03:45
- You've got more time. You're not pressed for time. I was really fascinated by what you had to say then unravel that for us
- 03:52
- Yeah, so, you know we discussed in the first show how This ideology is very much fueled by an anti Christian sentiment they they are
- 04:07
- Totally totally against Christianity and so to them to people in this community
- 04:16
- Christianity is seen as a white man's religion. It's seen as a religion that oppresses
- 04:22
- And the association that is made with that is that Christianity is seen as a
- 04:27
- European religion and Africans were oppressed by by Europeans and so that's a prevalent
- 04:36
- Thought that it's the white man's religion and you know, you can go in any
- 04:42
- Facebook group that That is a conscious community related and find memes like this that circle circulate all the time but you know, it's very
- 04:56
- Simple really if you just do your research To realize that this just isn't true.
- 05:02
- First of all Christianity is as Global right? It's not exclusive to any one people
- 05:10
- But you know Even if you just look at the biblical text and just read through you can see that there's a very heavy presence
- 05:18
- African presence In Scripture, you know Moses married a
- 05:23
- Kushite woman, right? That's that's in the first book a book of the books, you know
- 05:30
- You have the Ethiopian eunuch eunuch that that brought
- 05:35
- Christianity back to to Ethiopia and so This idea that you know, it's the white man's religion is just simply not true when you look at Scripture But then also too if you just consider the the setting of where the scriptures take place
- 05:52
- Scripture isn't set in any in any type of European area, right?
- 05:57
- And so again, it's just you know If you think through these things you can kind of you ought to at least realize that things like this just aren't true
- 06:09
- Mm -hmm. Yeah, and so then also not only that as far as the evidence from Scripture having it, you know
- 06:15
- That just the very essence of Scripture refutes their position but also early church history.
- 06:21
- Yeah Yeah, that's that's something that it was a quick reminder like oh, yeah, so talk about that There's two prominent church fathers and there's a little of the early church history.
- 06:30
- Mm -hmm. That's not based in Europe But somewhere else tell us about that. Yeah, you know Well, we have early church fathers, but we can even just talk about Disciples, you know tradition holds that mark started the first church in Alexandria and so and then if you do consider
- 06:52
- You know early church fathers you have individuals like Clement of Alexandria origin of Alexandria at the nation of Athanasius of Alexandria, they're
- 07:02
- African, right? What part of Africa is that? it is in I Don't gotcha.
- 07:08
- Gotcha. Okay. Yeah, I mean that's definitely I mean you can just see something like that And so I think oh, didn't you mention to Augustine?
- 07:17
- Yeah, Augustine of Hippo. Absolutely. There's also Tertullian he's from Tunisia, which is
- 07:22
- North African. All of these are North African. Yeah areas Cyprian all North -african church fathers who heavily in Influenced the early church and theology and doctrine
- 07:35
- And so again, like it's just you know, these are big men again from a church history perspective
- 07:41
- Mm -hmm, you know, we think you know, we're blessed to have James White is one of our pastors He knows a thing or two about church history
- 07:47
- But just from the times where he is taught that I mean, I know for sure that Alex that That both
- 07:55
- Augustine and Athanasius like those are two huge like names those are like those are those are called that'd be like the
- 08:02
- Michael Jordan and You know like LeBron James and two different eras. Yeah, you know church fathers are feuding heresy and the impact that they made
- 08:10
- Yeah council of Nicaea. Like how can we talk about Christianity without you know, the author of the City of God?
- 08:16
- Yeah, yeah, and so I mean again, this ideology is just so much fueled with anti -christian sentiment that you know an ignorance of history historical facts
- 08:35
- It almost has to be ignored and fall subjects to the hatred of Christianity, yeah, which is which is unfortunate and sad
- 08:44
- Hmm, you know, maybe this isn't from my perspective. Maybe this is a subjective Argument per se but I remember too when
- 08:52
- I was in Kenya like actually meeting like African Christians like people who were like my brothers and sisters in the
- 08:59
- Lord who loved Jesus and Like you could see it like emanating from them. This wasn't
- 09:05
- This wasn't like some sort of like care like caricature facade that they were putting on But this is they were authentically like African but they were truly like and this is the thing too is that With when it comes to Christianity, that's not about you have to adapt to a certain type of culture like whether it's whether it's
- 09:24
- South America whether it's you know in LA or whether it's in New York or Whether it's somewhere in you know in like Saudi Arabia Is that Jesus comes in he changes someone's heart and then they become and they become a new person they become a new creation, but then they become they still are the same person culturally and Then they reach out and adapt to their culture to to get the gospel out
- 09:49
- I think that's one of the fundamental misunderstandings maybe from someone on the in the conscious community from the outside looking in You know to Christianity.
- 09:57
- Mm -hmm. Yeah, the gospel is not Anti Culture right, you know
- 10:07
- Culture can glorify the Lord In several different ways, you know It's it's it's a beautiful thing to incorporate and see different culture house different cultures how different cultures
- 10:22
- Worship God and like what you were just talking about in Kenya like, you know this idea that we can't appreciate culture mingled with Christianity is just At the very least boring
- 10:36
- Yeah But also to just not that the essence of of scripture, you know, yeah, that's your inner
- 10:44
- What are some thoughts you have so far? Yeah I mean scripture shows us like in Revelation 7 9 all tribes tongues and nations and languages are around the throne worshiping the
- 10:54
- King of Kings and Lord of Lords like Culture is something to be celebrated within Christianity because what?
- 11:00
- Christianity teaches us is that we all have one distinct relative right and that's Adam and then from Adam We have
- 11:06
- Noah and his sons and they went and they populated around their earth But the point is is though that we were fallen we were separated in our family then brought back
- 11:14
- United together through the blood of Jesus Christ the second Adam, right? It doesn't matter if you're
- 11:20
- Barbarian Scythian Gentile Jew red yellow black white it doesn't matter because we all have one origin in Adam Which is fallen but then we're united again in Jesus Christ through which every time every tribe every culture can be redeemed
- 11:35
- Right and actually know who they are and who they are worshiping, which is the God of the universe who doesn't change?
- 11:42
- And that's a that's an absolute beautiful thing to me in terms of Kemetic thinking How do they think about other tribes other cultures other peoples, right?
- 11:52
- Like not just the Europeans, but there's others like there's Native Americans there's a
- 11:58
- You know other people groups. There's Asian people groups like Chinese and things like that.
- 12:03
- How do they view those different cultures? Well, you know Kemeticism is a very afro centric afro centric ideology and so you know
- 12:16
- No matter who you talk to. Well, I guess I can't say that some not all my caveat.
- 12:21
- Yeah but but but by and large you're going to always have this notion of afrocentricity and and the idea that ancient in this example ancient
- 12:38
- Egypt shin religion is prime is prominent is premier and then and then other
- 12:46
- Ethnicities would fall back in line to to the preeminence of afro centricity.
- 12:53
- Mm -hmm yeah, and so then like when it comes to not just like Different areas of the world like, you know, like Islam like how they view that is that somehow?
- 13:04
- Stolen care. I mean they're focusing on Christianity, but you know, there's a lot of I mean you talk about the nation of Islam So there is like an appeal of Islam to like that sort of niche of that community
- 13:16
- Do they kind of view that Islam is sort of like a copy of Egypt as well? Just not as not as not as serious as Christianity because like their their beef seems to be with Christianity not
- 13:25
- Islam well, they are You know Christianity is the one that seems to get highlighted but they're opposed to all
- 13:33
- Abrahamic faiths and so it's not like It's not like Islam is far from from Christianity but just a point of distinction as well because you brought up nation of Islam nation of Islam is not the traditional
- 13:50
- Islam that we know of right and so Again being a member of the conscious community
- 13:58
- There are it's just fueled by afros afro out like Afrocentrism and black nationalism and you know, you know, the the presuppositions are different.
- 14:10
- They're from Kemeticism, but you know, there's similarities because they're another conscious community member.
- 14:16
- Yeah. Yeah So there's some mighty mighty and weighty claims essentially saying that you know Christianity copied things from from Egypt or That they're they're like a dim mirror reflection of that more ancient
- 14:30
- Kemetic Truth. So what are our answers then? What's the urban apologetic to that?
- 14:35
- Is it true? If not, how do we answer those claims because they're weighty claims It is not true for the record it is not true you know
- 14:48
- There's different ways, you know that you can engage with the the
- 14:53
- Kemetic community and there's different venues as well. You can have and there have been formal debates between You know prominent
- 15:04
- Kemetic practitioners and Chris urban apologist Christians Online I tend to traverse in online in the online venue at least as of now and so Obviously, I mean this goes without saying online life is different from regular life you don't say and so You know, here's the thing it's very difficult to it's very difficult for Truth to ring in forums like this again it's just You have to break through the barrier of this hatred of Christianity and that's not really going to be done in a back -and -forth conversation the way that I like to think of it in the way that I do it is
- 15:58
- I know that There is a high possibility the longer that I engage with someone that I might get blocked you know, that's just what it is and so my
- 16:09
- My mo if you will is just to get get it in good in The event that I will no longer be able to interact with this person.
- 16:19
- Yeah, but then also to you I always remember that a Lot of times the conversation isn't for the person that you're having the conversation with even in in person a lot of times the conversation is for people who come back later and going and are going through threads and seeing
- 16:39
- Seeing interaction and seeing how you conduct yourself as a Christian all that, you know, and that's you know
- 16:46
- That is the beauty of apologetics, you know, we we quote first Peter 3 15
- 16:51
- All the time, but you know in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy always giving being prepared
- 16:57
- But we kind of skip over that first part of that We always tend to go to that always being prepared to make a defense
- 17:03
- But the imperative in that sentence is Honor Christ the
- 17:08
- Lord as holy and then you do the thing, right? And so So the conversation is for people in my you know the way that I view it a lot of times is for people who are coming back later and seeing your
- 17:23
- Conduct and seeing your interaction and hopefully Not hopefully in the
- 17:28
- Lord can use anything, right? The Lord could use anything to to tug at someone's heart or you know to make an individual
- 17:36
- Maybe second -guess something that they thought was true. So yeah, what would be some examples?
- 17:42
- I mean, I'm thinking of I'm sure you're familiar since you're into apologetics tactics by Gregory Coco If I'm not mistaken,
- 17:49
- I'm hopefully I'm not mistaking him for somewhere else someone else, but I believe I mean He'll believe this by hearsay, but I believe my good friend
- 17:57
- Melissa Doherty shot to Melissa if she's listening she mentioned that in a text by Greg Coco mentioned that a
- 18:04
- Part we talked about was like taking like a try and like get a pebble in someone's shoe. Mm -hmm, right? So just kind of like like I that's just bothering.
- 18:11
- Yeah. Yeah, so there's a lot of people like if you look at videos There's people who are you know, quote -unquote Christian pastors who converted to Kemeticism But there's people also who have left it who have left
- 18:20
- Kemeticism and and now are Christians like what would be? Will be some examples of like some pebbles or just the things that either
- 18:28
- Have made them leave or get or making them like really think because I think whether you're talking to someone like them or Jehovah's Witness Or Mormon and Andrew you have it too where it's kind of like what's that?
- 18:40
- I mean of like that one video game where it's like doubt Like LA Noire, you know I'm talking about. Yeah Where it's like you're at, you know, it's like you have somebody, you know that they're just going to they have their knee -jerk reaction
- 18:52
- They're just they're almost of their automated response But you can see like when they're actually like stop and they're actually thinking.
- 18:59
- Mm -hmm You know, I mean, like what are some examples specifically within Kemeticism of questions you could bring up?
- 19:05
- so so I will say this that I Know of people who have left
- 19:14
- Kemeticism simply after they went after they did what they were told they did their own research
- 19:21
- Right, you know because as you were saying before a lot of the information is that you see again online and here in YouTube videos
- 19:33
- It's information that is put out there, but there's no source documents to verify whether it's true or not and so It's so important, you know, and we do this as apologists as well
- 19:48
- But it's so important to do your research and to go back to the source like is what I is what this person said to me did that actually happen like did at did
- 19:59
- Horace or I or Cyrus did he actually was he born of a virgin like is that is that really true?
- 20:06
- Like what does the source document say? Was he really baptized by some by someone who is
- 20:14
- You know similar to John the Baptist is that true is that in the source documentation
- 20:20
- And so to answer your question I think that one powerful thing that people that helps people
- 20:28
- Lead people out of this is simply doing your own research You know in essence being like the
- 20:35
- Bereans. Yeah going back to see if what you heard is actually true. Yeah No, those are definitely really good points for sure so this is something that is
- 20:44
- When I first heard this I was kind of as opposed when was pretty like your jaw drops the floor and you have to like find
- 20:50
- You're you know, you're like wait They are saying what now but it just goes to show you that you know, the unbelieving worldview you end up just believing absurdities
- 20:58
- I thought was actually kind of interesting Is that while what we're gonna hear what they say in this video while may seem absurd and ridiculous
- 21:06
- One of the aspects to the Romans one One of the immediate byproducts of people worshiping the creation rather than the creator
- 21:13
- Which is this is what comedic ISM is and it's at its essence is it's one
- 21:19
- ISM The immediate byproduct of that is a distortion between the gods given roles of male and female
- 21:25
- That's the immediate byproduct of the results. So it would make perfect sense within Paul's thesis on First century paganism like why are there going to be saying what they're saying in the here in this video?
- 21:37
- So what we're gonna play here This is a video by who we mentioned earlier young Pharaoh and I do want to let you know what we are going to Talk about and play here.
- 21:47
- It is Mature content. It's explicit. It is it is explicit sexual content in nature
- 21:53
- But we're playing this just so you can hear this is their worldview and this is an example of this sort of ideology
- 22:00
- We we have to be able to know how to answer it So again, if you have little ones around you might want to pause it and tell you're in the room with their alone
- 22:08
- Otherwise, you know, you might it might be asking you a couple interesting questions. So this is a video of young Pharaoh talking about Parthenogenesis parthenogenesis.
- 22:21
- Yeah, I want to think of the right word to say. Here we go. Look up Parthenogenesis Parthenogenesis hit your voice app see my phone hit your
- 22:28
- Google and say Parthenogenesis definition and it will tell you long story short when on an organism can
- 22:37
- Fertilize or impregnate itself without the help of a male counterpart now I know a lot of people like to get fancy and say well, it says that mammals can't do it
- 22:47
- You don't study genetics or biology because you will know that we're not mammals. We have reptilian
- 22:52
- DNA This is why the first part of our brain right here It's called the the reptilian and guess what? Um, the first layer of your brain deals with your physical self
- 22:59
- This is why you have webbed hands. This is why when you in a womb you look like a little tadpole This is why when the woman is pregnant she has what eggs?
- 23:06
- I don't know no man when I got eggs now It might be one now that they made in a lab or maybe I didn't do the knowledge But to right now 22 years of physically manifesting myself within this physical shell.
- 23:15
- I never see no mammal with no eggs so do the knowledge the black woman, um Which what happened was in the bone marrow of the black woman
- 23:25
- She has lost this ability because her X chromosome is not as his strongest potential anymore. So she has lost his ability
- 23:30
- So don't try to get smart and say well when I see a woman I'm gonna do it because that is no longer a reality anymore
- 23:37
- The actuality the reality now is that she doesn't have that ability unless um
- 23:43
- We start genetically strengthening ourselves, but that's another that's another topic not getting back on Facts now getting back on point
- 23:52
- Facts now what happens is the black woman was able to produce Semen in her bone marrow and release this semen out of what you call her
- 23:59
- Bartholin glands through what you call the Bartholin duck Now the Bartholin gland art is two small pea -shaped pea sized organs on each side of the woman's vagina
- 24:08
- And you barely can see them because they are underneath the arm layer of the skin of the vagina
- 24:13
- But if you feel around you can feel them Now those Bartholin glands secrete liquid
- 24:21
- Fluid out of what you call the Bartholin duck directly into the shoot of the vagina And this is how a woman vagina now gets wet.
- 24:28
- She don't need your help to get wet. Um Like I said Wow For anyone who's shocked we warned you we warned you this is
- 24:38
- What they believe this is the worldview. So help me understand this. So what young Pharaoh is saying is that He believes that women can impregnate themselves.
- 24:48
- Mm -hmm. And how is this connected specifically to comedic ISM? Help me understand all this. Okay, so Let me start off by saying first.
- 24:56
- This isn't an idea that's exclusive to comedic ISM some Individuals in the in the new age community, for example hold to this as well but this flows from one of the premises of Comedic ISM this idea that the black woman is
- 25:16
- God. I'm not sure if you've heard that before but the I think I remember in Your talk you mentioned that. Mm -hmm. And so the idea is that The sorry the claim is that?
- 25:29
- Also another caveat some not all hold to this some some people some people in the comedic community understand this to be unreasonable
- 25:39
- Mm -hmm But but it's this idea that at one point in history
- 25:45
- That only black women existed on the earth there. There were no men
- 25:50
- Around and so women had the ability to to reproduce without men but by way of parthenogenesis, so very quickly
- 26:02
- Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction So, you know on the earth that the
- 26:09
- Lord made there's two different ways that Organisms reproduce you do it sexually or asexually we understand sexual reproduction because humans do it
- 26:19
- But asexual there's different types of asexual reproduction parthenogenesis is one form of asexual reproduction where a gamete a sex cell and it's typically a female sex cell is able to a sex cell
- 26:36
- Reproduces itself it develops into a new organism all by itself.
- 26:42
- There is no other gamete That's what makes it asexual sexual reproduction to gametes
- 26:49
- Parthenogenesis, there's just a form of asexual reproduction one gamete And so the idea is that the claim is that women reproduced via parthenogenesis?
- 27:00
- Here's the thing though that Right off the top we we don't even really need to talk about anything after this when
- 27:08
- I say That there's a fundamental fundamental Misunderstanding by by people who hold to this idea of what?
- 27:17
- Parthenogenesis is the moment you say that a woman reproduced that a woman produced semen
- 27:25
- Which there's sperm cells in semen the moment you say that she produced semen in her bone marrow
- 27:31
- And then that's that sperm cell traveled to The lady parts and in pray you're no longer talking about parthenogenesis
- 27:39
- You have just involved two gametes you've involved sperm from a woman's bone marrow tissue
- 27:46
- Apparently and you've involved an egg cell that Definitionally, it's not parthenogenesis any other talk can be quieted
- 27:55
- Yeah after that, but then of course, there's other things that you can say biologically as well Well, yeah,
- 28:00
- I mean it's also it shows you this is an example of like pseudo esoteric biology
- 28:06
- Where like the standard of a truth like truth doesn't begin with any standard outside of yourself truth begins with you
- 28:11
- So when he is making these audacious and obviously explicit claims this is based off of Really in the basic like basic biology or it's bench proceed.
- 28:23
- This is that basic biology, you know Like this is it's so antithetical but it would make sense when you know
- 28:30
- You are the source like that. You are the ultimate source of truth and truth begins with you Yeah, and it's what you mentioned before in terms of Romans chapter 1, you know
- 28:40
- Any time that you forsake the living God and make yourself the
- 28:45
- God make them the black woman God you are therefore saying that you discard the order and The the way that God has created things to be right it's a rejection of God right and his his
- 29:02
- You know intelligent design and you know again, I can't stress it enough that this ideology is fueled by An anti -christian anti God of the
- 29:17
- Bible sentiment. Yeah, right and again And or what are your thoughts
- 29:22
- I see I see your mind Yeah, it feels like a mind's being blown right now. Yeah, I just it just it blows my mind in a sense that I don't
- 29:28
- Know if I can call him. Dr. Young Pharaoh with his Scientific explanations there. I can understand how people can fall prey to things like that, right?
- 29:37
- Like it sounds so Alluring it sounds so convincing. It's because I have no idea what he's talking about, right?
- 29:44
- So you rely on people who are supposed to be quote -unquote teachers You rely in faith that what they're telling you is actually true.
- 29:51
- So you don't do any research but what we've been shown here is that what he is talking about is actually not as what is not not even as what he
- 29:59
- Was occurring within Parthenogenesis like it's just not even remotely the same thing But then we can take it to the next logical thought
- 30:06
- Well, if if if there was a the black woman that could just reproduce with herself, which was not
- 30:12
- Parthenogenesis According to what Parthenogenesis is it's like well, what's the need even then for men, right? Just like what we were told there's a fundamental hate of Christianity which tells us that there's male and female and God made them for distinct reasons and Purposes males do one thing females do another thing
- 30:29
- They complement one another in order to take dominion over the earth to subdue it until it right
- 30:36
- So like like you said it is a fundamental attack on Biblical Christianity Yeah, yeah
- 30:44
- I might as well just throw in here that men are a genetic defect. There you go. There you go,
- 30:49
- Andrew That's what they say. There you go. Yeah. Yeah, so another interesting thing to we're talking about new age
- 30:57
- Ideology, but specifically when it comes to comedic ISM again is a distortion between the roles of like male and female
- 31:04
- So usually there's an emphasis on the divine feminine how that how usually West Christianity is suppressing that and that's where like new age spirituality comes in.
- 31:14
- So it would make sense that they're viewing that Those biological claims are viewing it through the lens
- 31:20
- Specifically of that ideology. Yeah, or there are other ways that they apply different new age
- 31:26
- Ideas like so I mean, there's a lot of connections to Egyptian astrology For example, like how would they apply like astrology to their worldview and just in general?
- 31:38
- Yeah, or any other aspects of new age spirituality, yeah, I mean I I can comment on what you just said there some some hold to I'll say it over and over hold to Astrotheology, yeah, right
- 31:54
- We had talked about that before and so just this idea that the
- 32:00
- Bible is Indicative of a secret language of of the stars and of celestial bodies and This I did this idea that the
- 32:12
- Bible doesn't mean What it says that there's hidden There's hidden an esoteric meaning in the
- 32:20
- Bible and that you can't take the Bible for what it says You need to you need you need to tap into What's what's underlying and so a secret astrological text, even though it condemns astrology throughout the
- 32:31
- Bible Yes, yes Go figure. Yeah. Yeah I'm sorry.
- 32:38
- I was just gonna say for example The 12 cranial nerves are said to be representative of the 12 disciples
- 32:48
- Yeah, that's just an example But like my question is always like which one of the cranial nerves was stealing money, right?
- 32:59
- Yeah, yeah, well they'll just take a number and they'll just take these like general associations they'll take yeah also they'll take you know the 12 constellations
- 33:07
- Yeah of disciples and they'll just find one thing in place to another regardless of timeline what came before the other? Yeah, you see that constantly
- 33:15
- Yeah, what would you say to when it comes to like comedic ISM? Are there any other? Good.
- 33:21
- Are you like I know what like when I talk to a Mormon like I know You know what to bring up if they're gonna bear their testimony or if they're gonna bring up their belief that they know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God like I have a general idea
- 33:33
- Of where to go with that and like a conversation to go like where to guide that conversation again
- 33:38
- You're dealing specifically like online. Mm -hmm. Like what? What do you think has been like the most? Building a bridge, you know, there's usually like anybody not
- 33:47
- Whether it's a cultist or anybody who's just a true believer in any sort of movement They'll usually be like a siege mentality
- 33:53
- They believe that any sort of criticism of their group is like unwarranted persecution Mm -hmm, but I think a lot of times again a tactic is
- 34:02
- Not make an accusation but ask for clarity like well that this interests me. What do you think this means?
- 34:07
- You know? What would be some other examples that you found successful in your communication like with them that not that gets them defensive?
- 34:15
- They make them want to fight you but gets them to think You know you did
- 34:22
- Well in mentioning Greg Coco's book tactics, that's I feel like that is just a great
- 34:28
- Way to and not only comedic ISM, but that's a great way to engage with people
- 34:33
- Who hold to any any ideologies? That aren't
- 34:39
- Christianity if you will and so I think that One of the effective the most effective thing that you can do is to ask questions.
- 34:49
- I Agree with mr. Coco And so I have found that sometimes
- 34:57
- Sometimes I all my interaction is is asking questions but again, and then it just depends on who you're talking to and what the subjects that you're talking about is, but you know you can either have success with that where someone will you know back off a little bit and and and See where you're going or else
- 35:20
- In my experience, I get blocked. Yeah. Yeah, so it just depends on Who you're dealing with which again, which is not specific took some medicine.
- 35:31
- I know getting blocked. That's like first world persecution We have it easy. So yes Definitely Andrew.
- 35:38
- What are some of the thoughts or questions that you have? Yeah, like what is um in in terms of thinking of comedic
- 35:45
- ISM and then we can contrast that with the beauty of the gospel Like when
- 35:50
- I was when I was hearing of astro theology in a sense and that this there's a secret Coptic Hiddenness to everything around us not just the
- 35:59
- Bible, but even things that I'm looking at there's got to be the secret code of origin like Where when we're thinking about the gospel
- 36:09
- What what is the the most beautiful aspect of the gospel that really makes known the fact that?
- 36:15
- Life in terms of what's been revealed to us is not actually a mystery But the mystery being revealed right like Paul always tells us he says in Colossians very specifically that all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are bound up in Christ And says that the mystery of the
- 36:30
- Saints has been revealed in Colossians and Ephesians. It's the Gentile inclusion But through the blood of Jesus Christ that the one
- 36:37
- Promise seed to come has come and that is Jesus who makes everything right?
- 36:42
- Like it says the Lord does nothing in secret, you know But he has made himself known and then placed him on a
- 36:48
- Jesus was placed on the cross, you know Like this was something that happened in human history. That's not a secret, but it's been revealed to us
- 36:56
- It seems so much more beautiful in full Than having to look at every shadow of every object to try to find something that's not actually there, right?
- 37:05
- Like Jesus is the light in the life of all men. I don't have to look at these This one thing and see the shadow of it and then portray my own image inside of it
- 37:13
- There's no shadow where Jesus resounds, right? He brings light into every dark corner I mean, that's like the beauty that we have of the gospel and in the
- 37:21
- Bible is that man? I don't have to look At everything and use my brain in such crazy ways to try to drink bring conclusions from here to here
- 37:32
- That aren't necessarily even true and get lost in my own delusion, right? Like I'm relying on Jesus Christ and is that something that we find really within comedic
- 37:40
- ISM is like you're getting lost in Delusion like you said that there's not even real history that they're going off of but if they do their own research
- 37:48
- They'll find that they've been been believing lies. Like are these things perp like are they?
- 37:55
- perfect not perpetrated, but are they being Propagated through delusion essentially like how do you people who are teachers of this?
- 38:04
- Continue teaching things that I would assume that they know are not true. Like is there this weird?
- 38:11
- Attachment to it that they just don't want to give up Like the leaders of this of this thought because I got to know that the that what they're saying is historically inaccurate
- 38:21
- No, they they don't believe that they they Some that all believe that Again, along with pseudo history is that things have been kept
- 38:34
- Knowledge has been hidden Knowledge has been kept back and you as Christians We believe this but the reason you believe that is because someone kept knowledge back from from you but but if you
- 38:50
- Understand that that I know what really happened Then then that's what flows from this and I want to say this to We were talking about the beauty of you know, the gospel.
- 39:06
- I always think that you know God came down to a people and Spoke to them in a language that he understood like he didn't speak to the
- 39:20
- Hebrews in Swahili, you know, or he didn't speak to the
- 39:26
- Hebrews in a language Called angelic, right? He spoke to them in a language that they understand
- 39:33
- He told them to write stuff record this write this down What language did they record it down in that in a language that they understood?
- 39:44
- and so, you know, that's one thing that I always think of this the
- 39:50
- Scripture doesn't detail this esoteric hidden type of messaging
- 39:57
- It doesn't at all God came and spoke to people in a language that they understood so that they could do what?
- 40:05
- He commanded them to do. Yeah This is what's awesome. I feel like my mind's being blown for change
- 40:10
- Is that when you just look at like what language is? I mean Christianity is the end is the story of the Incarnation like God becoming a man
- 40:18
- And then also being able to be the mediator between us and God through Christ but then well when you actually look at it when it comes like the just language in general that Language was sort of late the initial sort of mediator like that was you know
- 40:32
- God used that as a catalyst to be able to mediate between this is how God communicate language
- 40:38
- What was it means by which God communicated with his people? Even even in the Old Testament, so like that's when you see it isn't like I said, it isn't this like weird pseudo esoteric thing like this is
- 40:49
- You know Like it says in Acts 17 how God is not far from each one of us the whole passage in Mars Hill Like I love that.
- 40:56
- Mm -hmm, and that's when you see like the true reality of the gospel that like the true like true
- 41:02
- Knowledge comes from Christ not from any secret esoteric Whatever because there's no end in sight like we just had we were talking about With our last the episode that we're debuting now that we recorded just a couple weeks ago
- 41:15
- Is that we like Walter Martin called New Age ideology a spiritual narcotic to where it's like it doesn't matter
- 41:21
- It doesn't matter like what knowledge you attain like what rituals you do like whatever
- 41:27
- Like it's never enough. You always have to figure out life than like the next thing Yeah and That's it
- 41:33
- I think there's that's the beauty of the gospel is that you get to see that in Christ all the treasures of wisdom knowledge are
- 41:39
- In him and it's only in him and in him alone where you can truly find rest that you're looking for our hope is that People who are in the conscious community that they're trying to pursue peace with God through comedic
- 41:52
- ISM because all of us know God We suppress the truth that they would come to know the true and living
- 41:57
- God and through the gospel So hopefully, you know, we're grateful for all that you do And I think this is just one of many many groups that needs to be reached to reach to absolutely, and You know,
- 42:09
- I'll repeat what I said in the first show is that you know These ideas might not be mainstream apologetic ideas
- 42:19
- But that doesn't mean that they ought not to be addressed. There is
- 42:25
- There is a number of people who have been and are
- 42:31
- Leaving the truth of Christianity for ideas like this and and so just because it's not mainstream
- 42:38
- Conversation doesn't mean that we there. It's just it's not as important. It's absolutely important, you know
- 42:45
- We believe that everyone is made in the image of God and everyone right matters, you know
- 42:51
- And what affects one? culture if you will or one people
- 42:57
- Should affect all and matter to to everyone else You know, it would be great for that, you know
- 43:05
- And that's the that's a great thing to be able to come on the show and you know Speak to you guys and to your audience has that has no radar
- 43:14
- For this but you know, that's the beauty of of doing shows like this where you can bring it to people's attention
- 43:21
- Where they can pray for people where they can understand where these ideas come from because they do come from legitimate
- 43:31
- Legitimate Issues absolutely they do But it would be great for the body of Christ as a whole
- 43:38
- To be to be equipped or at least to be aware of what's happening. Hmm No, that's huge.
- 43:44
- I think this is a kind of a good way to wrap up because I feel like we've covered just a general Overview, I mean this is there's probably a lot of other micro niche topics you could cover within comedic
- 43:52
- ISM But I think this is definitely You definitely have a this is definitely a good starting ground.
- 43:58
- So So yeah, I definitely appreciate you coming on and I just tell them again. What are some of the
- 44:03
- YouTube? you don't have your own YouTube channel, but you're known in the online world as D new D new and Where because you do some additional talks on the conscious meaning comedic
- 44:13
- ISM like we're we're online Can people find you on other people's content? Yeah, so you can find me on Bk, his name is
- 44:21
- Alfredo Valentin. He goes by the name of BK apologist on YouTube. You can look him up subscribe to that channel
- 44:27
- He has amazing content and he he centers on he concentrates primarily on the conscious community as well
- 44:34
- So so anyone who this has peaked their interest you should go to BK's channel and you'll learn a lot as well as Adam Coleman who has a
- 44:45
- YouTube channel called true ID True ID apologetics. That's TRU the real you hyphen
- 44:51
- ID Imago Dei apologetics. He also has great content, of course vocab
- 44:59
- Malone as well You guys know that he deals with another member of the conscious community
- 45:04
- Hebrew Israel ism I started another group within the conscious community so you can find vocab
- 45:10
- On YouTube as well. I'm on his channel sometimes as well. Yeah. Well your initial talks
- 45:15
- He did on the conscious community is on his channel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah subscribe to his channel. Yeah Awesome.
- 45:22
- Yeah. All right. Well, thank you all for listening. Oh, yes. I have one more as well. I am I am
- 45:28
- Me and me that's terrible grammar. I and a few other ladies. We are
- 45:34
- Named the bodega ladies and we we we have content on YouTube as well
- 45:40
- I don't know how I forgot that but you look up bodega ladies On YouTube as well.
- 45:45
- You can find me there as well. Okay, amazing ladies. Awesome. Awesome Well, thank you so much
- 45:51
- And also if you guys enjoyed this episode Let us know what you thought I'll leave us a review on iTunes whether it's one star five stars
- 45:58
- We always love to hear your feedback and as always a program like this cannot continue without your support So if you feel led to support cultish go to the cold to show calm
- 46:06
- You can go to the donate tab now You can donate one time or become a monthly partner with us all that being said, thank you all for listening