They MOCK God on Live TV, then THIS Happens | John MacArthur

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I was shocked to hear about John MacArthur, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X, Lil Dicky, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Nicki Minaj, Stephen Colbert, Andrew Tate, Zakir Naik, Voddie Baucham, Brett Cooper, United Nations, Joyce Meyer, Andy Stanley, Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, Tim Pool debates Lance, Paul Washer, Rick Warren, and Seamus Coughlin (Freedomtoons). Subscribe to 1) help spread Truth, and 2) win a beautiful handcrafted leather Bible (details here: Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!! Another way to support the channel -


If you love the Lord, there are things you must hate, right? I mean, love defines an attitude toward one that is unique, and anything that is in opposition to that is to be hated by the very nature of love.
Psalm 119, 104, from your precepts, the psalmist says,
I get understanding, therefore I hate every evil way. Psalm 119, 113,
I hate those who are double -minded, but I love your law. Psalm 119, 128,
I esteem all your precepts, but I hate every false way.
And then again in that same psalm, verse 163, I hate and despise lies, falsehood.
I love your law. Because even God herself, she'll want the devil on her team.
The absolute love of God demands an absolute hate of the things that God cannot love.
Bring the sheep to the man. The Christian God is far more complex than most people believe.
Of course, God is a God of love, but God is also a God of righteousness, justice, and wrath.
God hates sin, and God will punish all who do not repent of sin. God does hate.
In fact, in Proverbs, a couple of weeks ago, we mentioned this, and I'll just pick it up again for a moment.
Chapter 6 of Proverbs and verse 16, listen to these words. There are six things which the
Lord hates. This is a party that says we believe in parents' rights.
You're telling me that as a parent, I'm not smart enough to decide if my child and I need to have gender affirming, or doctors are not involved.
So I can't decide what my kid reads. I can't decide for my child what my child says is going on.
You're telling me your beliefs, and they keep saying it, and I keep saying, what Bible are you reading?
Because God was really clear. The truth is that apart from God saving grace, we are all rebellious sinners who are enemies of God, and we commit sin that God absolutely hates.
We are evil and wicked, and we completely deserve God's punishment for our sin.
There are plenty of things that God hates. Malachi 2 .16 says God hates divorce.
Isaiah 61 .8 says God hates wickedness. To cut to the chase, the UN has apparently decided to add minor sex to its human rights platform.
You're kidding. There's no other intro needed, and that is all 100 % real. But what the UN is actually doing is dangerously blurring the lines of consent.
Like, oh, well, what if they're mature? Young people should be involved for aggressive autonomy, you know, they're more advanced for their age. Like, they did not explicitly say that this was about two minors.
Instead, they vaguely say just involving persons under the age of 18, involving people who are minors.
That's vague. And I do not accept vague when it comes to protecting children. Many of the most popular
Christian leaders and pastors today focus exclusively on God's love, which deceives sinners in rebellion against God concerning the dangerous state they are in before a holy and righteous
God, who will not let the guilty go unpunished. Knowing that God loves you perfectly and unconditionally, that he will never stop loving you.
Now that I've called sin, sin, paid for it, and said I don't condemn you, I want you all to leave your life of sin.
And if you don't, I love you. And if you can't,
I love you. God will never, never, never, never, never, never stop loving you.
Even if you chose to reject him and go to hell, God will still love you. Live in the freedom that God loves you unconditionally.
If you're basing God's love on your actions, that's conditional.
The problem with Joel Osteen, Victoria Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren, and Andy Stanley's view of God's love is that God's love being unconditional means that God does not save people based upon their actions or good works.
God chose to save people in spite of their sin in rebellion. At the same time, those who are in rebellion against God are not the objects of God's love, but rather they are objects of his wrath towards sin.
It's just categorically. Same thing in Hosea 9, 15. In Jeremiah 44, verses 3 and 4,
God hates idolatry, the worship of anything or anyone other than himself.
Listen to Lance defend something that is absolutely evil against Tim Poole, who is not even pro -life.
Less than 1 .3 % of abortions take place near the 8th or 9th month. How many abortions is that? Is that a good marker? Well, how many is that?
I don't know the actual numbers. 13 ,000. Okay, but we're talking about less than 1 .3%. Hold on, 13 ,000, that's the number of people who die from gun violence in the
US each year that aren't suicide. Why kill the baby if they're removing it? I don't think they should do that. I would,
I would, if they asked me, if they asked me, Lance, should I do this? I would say no, but she should have a right. Yes, of course.
It's her body still. In the instance of a failed abortion, what should be done? At that point, you cannot kill that child.
That would be murder. Oh, okay. Agreed on that point. Right. Yeah. So then where does the mother's choice come in to kill?
Before that procedure takes place. Yeah, it's her body. If she wants to do meth, what's the big deal? The big deal is that she's intentionally trying to kill a child.
Hold on there a minute. Yeah, I see where we're going. God also hates Christian hypocrisy, which is when people who claim to be
Christians live in a manner that is completely contradictory to what God has clearly revealed in his word.
Amos 5 .21, God says, I hate hypocrisy. All of the following people who say they are
Christians proudly support abortion and the LGBTQ movement, which are clear sins according to what
God has revealed in scripture. I am a Christian. That is my faith. I'm not asking you to be a
Christian. If you want to be one, I can show you how. Because my faith is involved with,
I'm a Christian and a Catholic. And I can't see another commercial and see her disguising these policies behind the words
Tennessee Christian values. Those aren't Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee.
I am Christian. That's not what we stand for. I think just like faith in God. And I always speak to people like that can encourage me.
Like even now, I'll speak to like my pastor and be like, can you just pray with me? God is real and God lives inside of me.
This is such a short list of countless people who say they are Christians, yet support and celebrate sins that are clearly forbidden by God.
True Christians are not saved by their behavior, but true saving faith is always accompanied by regeneration and a transformed life.
What you need to know is that salvation is by faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ.
And faith alone in Jesus Christ is preceded and followed by repentance, a turning away from sin, a hatred for the things that God hates and a love for the things that God loves, a growing in holiness and a desire not to be like Britney Spears, not to be like the world and not to be like the great majority of American Christians, but to be like Jesus Christ.
I don't know why you're clapping. I'm talking about you. Revelation two, God hates false religion.
Tell us the story. Like what happened exactly? Well, I think a lot of people who've been following me for a while understand that I've been very respectful of Islam for a long time.
I was born in a Christian country. I was raised as a Christian and I've always been very respectful of Islam and it's become more and more obvious to me and more and more pertinent that Islam is the last religion on the planet.
I've read the Bible. There is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete
Bible where Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God or where he says worship me.
Listen, if Jesus is just a good man and a good teacher, even a good prophet, he is completely acceptable.
Mormons and Muslims alike love Jesus. Hindus and Buddhists are very happy with Jesus.
As long as he's just a teacher who offers sage wisdom, then
Jesus is fine. But the minute you step across that line and argue that Jesus is more than prophet, more than teacher, that he is actually
God incarnate, God with us, now all of a sudden those who were more than willing to gather with you scatter.
God also hates false religions that propose a way of salvation and being right with God other than through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ whom
God sent into the world to save sinners. The Christian God certainly is a God of love, but God is also a
God of righteousness and justice who hates sin and will punish all unrighteousness.
It's important for us as Christians to communicate all of who God is because as God himself has revealed in Proverbs 9, 10, the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God is a God of love which necessitates that he hates anything that is in contradistinction to those things he loves.
And as Christians, we are to love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates.
We are to speak out strongly against evil in this world, both for God's glory and to reveal to lost sinners the depth of their sin and their desperate need for a savior.
The more you love God, the more you hate those things that dishonor him. The more you love
God, the more you hate those things that oppose him. The more you love God, the more you hate those things that blaspheme his name.
We are called to love, but we are also called not to love. Yes, we are to love
God. Yes, we are to love each other. But there is also a negative. We are not to love the world.
world. That is not where our affections should lie. Thank you so much for watching.
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