The Regular Man Podcast Interview (Part 2)


This is part two of our interview with Steve Cruz from The Regular Man Show to talk about our podcast, politics, Christian Nationalism, Trump, the cost of speaking boldly and faithfully, and much more. ▶ Splash Page: ▶ Rumble: ▶ YouTube Channel: ▶ Main Episode's playlist: ▶ Patreon: ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter:


The same people who are staunch opposers, you know, they're they're they Most vehemently against it are the same people who are voting for Biden They're voting for all of this all of this woke agenda and things that put their calling themselves
Christians Morning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences
These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their Bible Sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns
Homemakers who have finished Netflix but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation any hope of heaven
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come they will be consumed
And they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Well, you know when you deal with women of both sexes, you're gonna have some emotional responses Have you guys ever
Disagreed with what scripture says like you you think it is Tim you're your pastor.
Yeah and Harrison, you're not Have you ever disagreed have you ever disagreed with what scripture says and then you like you can't come to an understanding
Like have we disagreed with what each other both think about a certain passage of scripture
Yeah, um, I mean, I think I don't know Tim can answer for for his perspective, but my perspective has always been you know,
I think there's I Don't know how you could ever agree with someone on every single
Passage of scripture. I I personally haven't met anyone, you know, like there's guys that I look up to like John MacArthur Doug Wilson James White and I just don't you know,
I I read their books. I listen to them and there's just things I don't I don't agree with every single thing.
Every one of them says None of how'd you handle that when you come to a disagreement when when it maybe it's a it's a topic you guys want to talk about on your podcast and You disagree with it.
Like that's no. No, actually kids need medication or no No, actually women should run the house or whatever.
That is, you know, I think I think most of our podcast has been me like brainwashing
Harrison There is so there there have been there have been you know, and you're getting to witness what about the crime of what
I'm Watching it. I get I guess issues like hey what you know, actually
I think women can be to you know There I don't know that we've ever had any disagreements like that I think we have done we have done episodes where I'm like, you know
Well, we'll we'll suggest something to the other person and you know, that's that's all a lot of times how we'll get ideas for the podcast and and then we'll we'll post them online asking those questions and kind of see
What people's responses are but there's been there's certainly been episodes along the way You know, there's there's been certain episodes that I haven't that I haven't been as excited about doing as others
I'm trying to think I'm trying to think of an example of one right now. I can't think of an example off the top of my head
I think there was a couple. Yeah, so what happened was just some more context. I mean Harrison During the first few years of our church plant
Harrison would come into my office and basically ask me all the questions he had and you know
So I think I played a pretty significant role in Discipling him during the early parts of my man.
Yeah Harrison I am
I am the Emperor Palpatine behind Darth Darth Harrison Yeah, I think we gained a lot of I think there was a lot of unity that was developed during the early years of Our you know working together.
We've been at the same church for Five and a half years now something along those lines. So I think we we had a lot of like -mindedness
We've had a long time doing ministry together. So I mean, I think a lot of our impulses are pretty similar at this point
There's been a few. I mean, I think there's only been a couple episodes where Harrison was mortified by the
Topic because he hadn't quite sorted it out in his mind where he's at Yeah, they normally they normally boil down to that like it's normally just a topic that I haven't
I Haven't fully fleshed out for myself where exactly I am on the issue
I might have like an idea but then you know, it's one thing to It's one thing to you know, think you know where you're at in your head, you know
But then it's another thing to be confident enough to actually say that out loud for other for other people
You know for all to hear and so there's I feel like that's probably been where That's probably been not like you're at firm.
You have a firm position that you're gonna yeah die on Yeah, it's normally just been like a well,
I don't you know, I don't know what I think. Am I willing to commit to Doing the episode if I don't know what
I think but normally normally in those situations I mean and the nice thing is is Tim has been
Like like he said we you know, our relationship has been a lot of like hey, I'm just gonna come in I'll just ask him questions about about things and he would just tell me what he thought and the thing that I appreciated was it was just like a
I Mean, he wasn't being rude or mean or anything like that. He was just saying well, here's what it is You know, and I remember one time
I was reading through I guess first or second Corinthians whatever it is where Paul starts talking about, you know, like the the long the long hair thing, right and And men should essentially men shouldn't have shouldn't have long hair women should
And I remember you know as a as a young Christian, right? Yeah. Yeah, exactly
I Actually, I actually think my head was was shaved as long as I've known
Tim but you know, I Read that passage and I remember thinking does that really you know
Does that really mean what I think it means and I asked him and he was basically like it's what you think it means
You know like it means what you think it means. I was like, okay. Well fair enough then and and so I think
Since our relationship, you know has has been that for so long. It's it's been
I Feel like relatively easy to just sit down and have and have conversations and kind of hash some of this stuff out
Before we do the episode and At least Do what and then ruin the episode because we got it all out in the hour -long conversation beforehand.
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah You know, yeah that that is kind of a bad habit of ours where sometimes I will need that convincing
And so then I'll start asking Tim all the questions that would be really good to ask while we're recording
But then we're not recording because I'm not all you know, I'm not there yet So Tim's getting me there but then then we kind of waste all the we've got to kind of do it all over again in the actual episode
Most of the time I think there's only been maybe one or two that we haven't done because we weren't like quite like Sold maybe maybe like that.
There's been a few that we've I think Talked it through too long on the end
I mean there's been a few times where he's like, I don't know if I'm there yet I'm like, well, don't worry about it. Let's just see what happens man. Let's just go
Just go with it man, it would be more interesting that way, you know, it'd be more entertaining just to see what comes out
But yeah, it really has been a rare rare thing. I think over over the years so far
I mean, you know, maybe maybe that'll change at some point. I don't know but I You know the things
I mean, there's always gonna be like little things whenever you're talking about a topic You know, you're asking a bunch of different questions
Related to that topic, you know, I wouldn't necessarily say like hey every single time I agree 100 % with what
Tim says, I'm sure Tim would probably say the same about me You know, there's there's probably things that I say as well throughout the episodes that Tim's like, oh,
I wish you hadn't said that but But I don't know. I don't I don't I You know,
I don't know but I I think we do have a pretty good bet I just feel like it's been very rare, you know, the more
I think about I mean, I can't even think of a topic that we that we
You know either avoided or I was You were mortified on one of them and I think
I can't remember what it was though It'd been it'd be an interesting if I could figure out what? Yeah, maybe maybe we need to go back and figure that out now and revisit it at this point, but Long Part two.
Yeah, but the long story short. Yeah, I think we I Think it boils down to a lot of yeah,
Tim just kind of talking me through Whatever the issue is and typically it's some kind of issue that I just haven't fully landed on a position myself
Which has been nice though because along the way there's there's been a lot of topics that I've it kind of forces you to To study it more to pray about it a lot more and and to try and you know discern for yourself
What did what what does the scripture say? about this specific topic That you might not have ever thought about if we hadn't been doing doing the podcast to begin with so it's been a blessing
I think yeah Yeah, and then some of them you you come across like I used to have really really stern convictions on a few things that After I think about it, you know, they're they're not really
They're not really that big of a deal They're not you can go into that if you want but but the the majors and the majors and the minors and the minors and what what irritates me sometimes is that people people will say that the majors are
You know got the Bible whispers about that No You know what?
I'm talking about like sometimes I get really irritated by people who are like they they conflate something that that they they switch the categories
Whether you like for baptism, for example, right? You're Like you're gonna use water because I was water
Directly related to the flood like you're dying you're dying You're dead and then your new life in Christ, you're not gonna use coffee, you're not gonna use maple syrup
You're gonna use water because the Bible says these water But but they'll freak out whether you're dunking or whether you're sprinkling or whether you're pouring or whether you're or whatever
But they're perfectly fine with two dudes coming in there saying that they're Christians and that they're they're married
Like what are you what are you doing? You're your conviction is so staunch that you have to submerge someone in a baptism, but but you're
You're saying that this is Okay to say that you're married when you're a same -sex and you're calling yourself a
Christian Like you're just completely completely swapped That a lot of churches they they'll land themselves in some hot water
Pun -intended the lands themselves in some hot water because they they completely
Misconstrue what scripture says when I think Tim you said yeah, it means what it means.
It says what it says It's really straightforward. You just read the Bible for what it says, and it really really does mean that Yeah They're fighting all the wrong battles, right?
I mean, so it's like they're right. Yeah, they're basically They think that they're being courageous because they're standing firmly on all the you know, dr.
No, the wrong Yesterday, you know and so but then all the things that are happening right now
Like the the issues that you know where the battle rage is hot right now They basically just they love the praise of men more than they love the praise of God.
So they want because the world is Right, I mean it's so I and on every single one of those issues
They're caving and you know, maybe it's because they're buying all their sermons, you know from people online and they never read the
Bible, too So, yeah, I mean It has a church. I don't know
I don't personally know how you can be a pastor for as many years as JD Greer was a pastor
Yeah, and repeat that even French from Jen Wilkin about the Bible whispering about sexual sin
I don't understand how you can even read the Bible one time and say something like that and I wonder I mean Maybe it just is that they're buying their sermons and they never read it because I it's
Over and over and over and over again Yeah This is this is a big deal, right?
Do not be deceived the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God All right This is the will of God your sanctification that you abstain from sexual immorality
If your right hand offends you cut it off, right if you're right, I I so I mean that it's this is in significant places
Over and over and over again send all the list of people who won't hear in the kingdom of God So, yeah, maybe maybe they're just buying these things man.
Like I don't know Maybe that's the one subject the other Yeah it's
Interesting actor is a hypocrite and hypocrite is an actor like that's the words for the Greek word comes from Hypocrites, but where they were literally wearing a mask and pretending to be somebody that they're not unless we got four bastards
You're going to a church you're listening to somebody who's pretending to be somebody that they're not Pretending I mean they're even on screen.
So I mean they're telling you what they are, right? Man here tease me I could go on for days. They're telling you they're telling you to view them how to view them
But here's the true test like we've been talking about How how much courage it takes to To poke an idol in the eye and to tear down, you know, the assurer pools and all those things
But the true test of courage is to talk about Donald Trump In Election year, right?
So let's go about Donald Trump because we have people who are Christians who are wildly all over the map on this dude and and most of them frankly are just ignorant they're ignorant to what the electoral process is and then the church is just absolutely failed absolutely failed people in in Discipling you as an
American What it means to be a Christian? in -america, right and in to our last conversation you're talking about J .D.
Greer and and David French and These I'm sorry, they're they're heretics in my opinion.
I think they're absolute critics and and you're saying Tim Keller you have a bunch of Kellerites who say that it's your perfect time to vote for a
Democrat who is Like the Democrat Platform Literally promotes murdering unborn babies chopping off your child's genitals homosexual
Unions and calling it a marriage and and as a church You're telling Christians that it's okay to vote for someone like this who promotes all of this this stuff
To put them in power positions of authority over you and your church and it's okay
It's biblical to to do that It was so we've been discipled for years about from from these people who are wildly
Adverse to what scripture actually says That have been teaching the church
That that these kinds of things are okay and you're talking about the electoral process and civic engagement and platforms and what the difference of a
Democrat for several can actually is And now we're in election year and you know the same old stories of Donald Trump this and Donald Trump that and and I want to hear what you guys have to say about a
Sinful man because we're Christians. We believe every single human being is a sinful human being.
I Want to hear whether you believe it's okay to vote for a thinner
To be the president of the United States We had a
I think we had an episode. We had a few episodes we did on that early on I think one of them was can Democrats be
Christians and So I Think at some point we
I don't know if we've done this or not, but we should do an episode on you know Should Democrats be church -disciplined?
But then like the answer percent a hundred percent. I'll come on your show for that. I think we I think we did do
I think we did do an episode. We might have done one that was Essentially, you know should a church discipline someone who votes
Democrat we might have done something like that Earlier on that might have been one of our earlier episodes
So we might have done it we probably said it in Democrats be Christian one yeah, if we didn't have a separate episode, but Yeah, so you're
I got distracted your question your question is Can you vote for a sinner essentially?
Well Specifically I want to talk about Donald Trump because the the name Donald Trump invokes so much emotion even in Christian specifically
Christian women They really really hate that man. They really hate him and and though they're willing to I think the last the last
Poll that I saw was 78 % of self -proclaimed Christian women Will vote for anyone other than Donald Trump regardless of what they're promoting
Because there's so much emotion that that invokes in them that the name of the propaganda
Basically that that they've been told about this dude like I don't particularly care for the guy.
I think he's a jerk I think he's a blowhard. I think it's a salesman. I think he's a real estate agent, you know
And and he's a sinner just like everybody else But we've had the church sitting on their hands for so long saying that you know, we don't worry about this world and satanic freaks have come in and just taken over this entire world that got created for us to take dominion of and We've just allowed these pagans to just take over everything and then the church has just said, you know you just you just worry about you know, cuz
We're about heaven and your earthly your earthly rewards don't matter worry about your heavenly rewards and in the meantime
They're taking your kids in the chopper off the genitals and they're murdering babies in the womb So I basically what
I want to ask is what's your take on a Christian Voting for somebody like Donald Trump who no one would would say that the dudes the president of SBC or wait, maybe
Maybe that's a low bar now. He's not really nasty guy, right? But he's not you know, he's not he's not we wouldn't want him to be a pastor, right so there's standards for for who they're voting for seem to be super different than then
You're listening to for an actual sermon and I was wondering what your take on that was
Yes, I mean I went to SBTS and you know in S at Southern Southern or whatever they
Third way ism was basically the air that we breathe, you know, Jesus wasn't a Democrat or a
Republican Like the Basically the air we breathe was this false equivalence essentially, you know
Almost as if like the the errors of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party were equal on either sides and so,
I mean that's that's the thing that we were taught like over and over and over again, so like it was just Third way ism like Jesus wasn't a
Republican or a Democrat. There's no perfect political party And then you know
Conveniently it it all like you combine that with an impulse to punch right and call the left
So you you religiously punch right you called left then you combine that with a Keller ism for the city kind of stuff, right?
To where you you got a you got to be winsome, right and all that So basically you like in order to reach the world you have to be really winsome to the left part of the world really
Constantly attack the right, right? So I mean like what you do is you constantly you're trying to distinguish yourself from the right and say hey
I'm not like them, you know, I'm not the bad guy I mean essentially what you're doing is you you love the praise of men rather than the praise of God and and So you're just you're a sycophant, right?
You're a social climber like what you want is you want to get approval? You want to be the guy who is basically thrown to the lines last and you know call it a day
So you think that they're gonna be nice to you, but this is a totalitarian religion on the other side So but I mean that's kind of what we were taught and we were taught the whole time that these these like Republican Democrat, they're basically
Equal errors, right? Yeah, and and so I think I Cut my teeth in the theological world in that kind of environment
But I mean, I I think it very quickly I started to ask certain questions along those lines about you know
What does the Bible say and and I think I was I was definitely influenced a lot by Doug Wilson on these topics for sure, but you know when you just stop and think about The nature of the claim that's being made.
I mean the Democratic Party is Essentially the party of Sodom and Gomorrah I mean
It doesn't like if you if you go through the Old Testament go through the Old Testament and look at all the abominable Practices which all the nations did would cause which caused
God to drive them out of the land, right? Like he gives you a list of the things that he looked at that were
Indications that he was going to act in judgment and he was going to cause the inhabitant like the the land itself to vomit out
The inhabitants like he was going to act in judgment against that and you read to the you read through the law You read through the prophets and you see over and over again
It's the same list of stuff and this is the list that basically is the Democratic platform, right?
I mean, it's yeah, it's from start to finish I mean like the thing is about the the Democratic platform and this is what we were taught at Southern was, you know
That's good right and then Republicans don't like the poor and so there's a lot about justice in the
Bible But then the more that I looked into the kind of justice is actually in the Bible is it's not leftist justice Okay so when you look at their platform, it really is the platform of Sodom and Gomorrah is the platform of The inhabitants of the land who are going to be dispossessed.
I mean like it's filled with sexual iniquity child sacrifice theft like greed covetousness
Like hatred of God hatred of like the roles like husband -wife
Roles like a misunderstanding of the relationship between man and beast, you know
Like every single element of the Democratic platform is off.
I guess wrong You know and so then you compare that with the Republican platform and it's like yeah, I have problems with that too
But then it's not like a train wreck from start to finish. Okay, like it's not it's not a train wreck
It's not it's not a train wreck from start to finish Yes, I mean like you look at someone like Trump and yeah, I mean,
I obviously have mixed reaction Trump. I mean, I I I I'm not nearly as concerned with the tone issues that everyone else are concerned with.
I mean, I I I think he was Like in terms of the negative I I have I can be honest.
He like he was probably one of the most pro LGBTQ Presidents we've had like he advanced that agenda
Pretty good. I mean I I blame him for locking us down I blame him for the kovat vaccine stuff, which he still hasn't recanted.
You know, I I See those things as bad. Like I I think he has Problems on those eyes now, but I think he did some very significant things.
I think the Supreme Court Justices pick that he picked. I mean they weren't
Wonderful, but you know, I think Amy Comey Barrett compromised in a lot of ways
Here's the other guy Kevin oh, yeah,
I don't think Kevin all is wonderful for sure But but I mean, I think they're squishy milquetoast whatever but I mean they they got the job done on Row, so I think
I think he did a point a lot beyond the Supreme Court a lot of good justices like conservative justices
I think one of the most important things he did was he Shined a spotlight on the critical race theory stuff but I think if there's anything like that was really an important thing that he did because before that you had guys like Saviti who were basically denying that Critical race theory actually existed there pretending like it's a bogeyman of the right something like that that we all just made it up And then right when he took what right when he took at the task all these snakes on you know, these
Snake pastors or whatever Came out of the woodworks to say like to actually have to be forced to fight for it instead of just to Pretend like it didn't happen.
I think that there's a lot of good things that he did and then you look at the train wreck That's been a Biden presidency right now
There's nothing good about this Like there's nothing good about this and and this is the thing that's maddening about these kind of discussions
Is that we have to pretend like the bad in the Trump administration is?
The same level bad as build back better Biden plan, you know, and it's just like this is night and day different like there's like Like you think about where the economy was that before?
Kovat and all that and you think about where it's at now Like this is just night and day difference like we're plummeting down the rabbit hole of depravity with Biden so,
I mean, you know, I think if if if People can't I understand
I understand first -round voting for Trump you look at someone like Trump and you say I don't know if I can make
I Don't believe him, right? I don't believe anything. He's selling. I understand that a little bit like to say
I Force between two bad picks. I don't know what to do here. We're just gonna have to pray I get that now
I mean after you look at how he actually acted in office I think a lot of people who made that choice to not vote for him say hey, yeah
Well, maybe I was wrong, right? I give this is a lot better than what I thought it was, you know
It's not perfect. It's a lot better when I thought it was I Mean, but you compare that to the Biden presidency. We just had
I don't know what you're doing at this point, you know, so certainly, like there's
He's pooping his pants on stage is what he's doing He's not doing anything other than supporting depends
Well, those are all those are all cheap fakes remember all those videos those are cheap fakes
So the last thing I want to talk to you guys about I Know we're over on time. I want to be respectful of your time.
You guys been awesome. Oh, no, we're good. We're good We can keep going. We're good last thing we're talking about is
Nationalism I know people have Just Christians in general have very different opinions even just about what the name means
Some some won't even wear it and some are like, yeah, so what I love it And then everything in the middle and I find that the same people right talked about French and Judy career
And and some of those other guys The same people who are staunch opposers, you know
They fight the most vehemently against it are the same people who are voting for Biden They're voting for all of this all of this woke agenda and things but they're calling themselves
Christians. So I Wanted to hear what you what you guys think about?
Not just the term Christian nationalism, but the implication of it, right? We're so we are
Christians and we live in a nation and we believe that God says to Bless the nation that you live in that you inhabit in that you inhabit and that to do everything for the glory of God and You know right response ministries and he's really really
Dissects a lot of these, you know Joe Webb and dissects a lot of these things into this means that and this means that and the dudes a hundred times smarter than I am but I don't really make the distinction between Forget what he calls it
But this means that and this means that in this me either you're Christian you live like it or you don't So, what do you got?
What do you guys fall on this Christian nationalism? Discussion go
Harrison. I Thought I thought you might say something like that and put this but I blabbed on the last one.
So I mean, yeah Yeah, it's only fair You know, I guess for me personally, where do
I land on the issue? You know, so I Get really I've noticed the same thing that you're that you're talking about Steve where You have so you have people that typically
I feel like I would agree with who fall much more in line with you know that sort of that sort of Christian nationalist stance and then
I see a lot of people who I Disagree with and and it feels like most aspects of Christianity and what the
Bible actually teaches. It seems like they're constantly the ones that are pushing against This idea of Christian nationalism and you know, am
I personally a Christian nationalist or not? I I guess I don't I don't necessarily know exactly where I fall.
But what I do know is I Would I you know if you were to ask me? Hey, what would my?
Government what would my ideal government look like? Well, my ideal government would look like They you know, they they punish evil and they reward good and in my mind it makes much more sense to put laws in place that reflect the laws of the
Bible as Opposed to what we have right now So, you know, so does that make me a
Christian nationalist? Maybe you know, maybe it does I don't know but that just seems to make a lot more sense to me, you know for so for example
Like that, you know The Old Testament has a lot of has a lot of governmental laws that I think would be
Very good if we had the same thing like like death penalty kind of stuff for for certain criminal activities in my mind makes sense
You know, obviously like in the light of due process I mean, you don't want to you don't want to punish someone who is innocent in the name of you know, not letting
Making sure that you get every single guilty person, you know Hang 99 other innocent people so that you get the one guilty guy.
You want to have due process there, but then Stuff like that just makes complete sense.
I mean, that's what God said was good So if God God is giving this to the
Israelites saying that it's good Why are you know, why are we not trying to pursue the same thing you recently in I think in Louisiana you had school the
Louisiana Supreme Court Ruled that all public schools would need to have the
Ten Commandments in school Right and and so in my mind, that's a good thing, you know
And but then you have all these people coming out saying hey, this is this is wrong We shouldn't we shouldn't be doing this
We shouldn't be focusing on this even had people coming out that were saying. Hey, you know what? You know what,
Louisiana? Why are you focusing on this your state is one of the worst in terms of criminal activity Your state is one of the worst in terms of education
Why don't you focus on those coming out on those issues as opposed to you know
Trying to get the Ten Commandments in school. Well, here's the deal if if more kids knew what the
Ten Commandments were You probably wouldn't have as much crime You know if kids were being taught from a young age that it's wrong to murder and that you shouldn't do that and that if You do that if you do commit murder, then you're gonna be you're gonna have to go
In judgment before an Almighty God, there might be fewer murders There might be fewer thefts if you teach them that God has commanded
Commanded us not to steal right if you teach if you teach kids To honor their father and mother
You might you might have a better society overall. Maybe just maybe and so, you know,
I guess that's sort of my stance I guess sort of my stance. Yeah, I know I'm going I'm going crazy over here.
I'm known for that But yeah in my mind, I mean you just it seems to make sense to want a nation that Tries to adhere to what the
Bible has said now Does that mean you have like state instituted governments?
I mean a state instituted churches, you know I I don't necessarily know where I'm at on all of those issues
But at least when it comes to like the law of the land I feel like it's I feel like how
I mean, how can you do better than what God has already given us and you know They're they're people's typical argument against something like that as well.
Hey, you can't legislate morality and You know, like sure.
Can you can you change? Can you change people's hearts? with the law No, no, you can't but you can you can teach them right from wrong
They can be an example to others And and I mean it just it just doesn't make sense to me
I like it. What do you mean? We can't we can't legislate morality. What our law is even for they're supposed
They're meant to meant to stop people from doing the bad things and and start doing the good things
Does that mean they might have the greatest motivation for doing the good thing? No, not necessarily, but at least they're not going out and murdering someone else
At least we're not sending, you know, at least we're not teaching women that they ought to shout their abortion
For example, I mean like women are celebrating their abortions Online they're going out in the streets in these parades and proudly
Announcing that they have murdered their own baby their own child They've murdered them and they're proudly announcing it and being celebrated for it if you put laws out
Christians do By Christians and if you put laws out to protect these people if you put laws out to protect babies
Will that mean that every woman now has a perfectly biblical, you know
Motivation for not murdering their children. No, but their child gets to live still
Okay, and so so I guess in terms of the legislative part, I probably am there, you know
I don't know. I don't necessarily know like the nitty -gritty of you know, necessarily like a state instituted church
I mean, I know we as a country did have that at one point and you know, I think it's foolish to To try and argue that we're not or at least we weren't at some point a
Christian nation you know founded by people who who were Christians or who at least recognized that the
Christian God was the real God and and I think it's totally foolish to try and argue that point
I mean, you can just go back and read what they all said you can go back and read their motivations
You know for for why they even for why they even founded the country. I mean, it's just it just seems blatantly obvious But yeah, so so I guess
I guess all that to say that that's where I'm at with it All is just at bare minimum. We need to at least be able to say hey
God's given God's given governmental laws Before we should try and at least mimic those the best we can will that give everyone the best motivation ever possible?
Will that mean that everyone now becomes a Christian does that mean we're gonna have you know forced? Conversions in the name of Christian nationalism.
No that like that is the most insane thing I've ever heard No one is no one. I know is arguing for that What we what what we would rather have is like like government punished quit punishing the good
Start punishing the evil people Tim yeah,
I think that I don't know Totally where I'm at on this topic in the sense of like there are some
Aspects of it that I haven't quite worked out in my mind yet like meaning You know to the extent to which a nation should punish first table offenses in the law over and against second
Second table offenses. I think a lot of people you can get a lot of large measure of agreement on At least some of the second table offenses of the law, but then first table.
There's some sticking point there I mean, I think obviously like when you look at the law of God in the Bible And you read it over and over and over again
God's not really apologizing for it So I mean over and over over again when you're reading like Deuteronomy You'll see like what great nation is there that has like Statutes and rules that are so righteous as this you know
God who's so near To them to give them these righteous statutes and rules so I mean I think if you're if you're to ask the basic question
What is justice? You do need to look to the law of God to define what justice is and we we have we're living in a society right now that doesn't know what justice is and it's because we've
Basically chucked the law of God out of our considerations along those lines. I mean, I find it interesting to think about some of the
Some of the reactions people have to this discussion in general. I mean, I I went to Masters College for my undergrad
That's MacArthur school. And then I went to SPTS after that I know it's a lot of the Masters grad like the grads that they really react against like the
Christian nationalism Discussion in a way that's somewhat perplexing to me like meaning like I think they look at They look at the society that we live in right now and They They're comparing that to Like I mean,
I'm a Baptist Harrison's Baptist. We're Baptist So, I mean you can go back and see that.
Yeah, I mean in the Reformation time when you had Christian nationalism Yeah, a lot of Anabaptists got killed or whatever so I get that and I think you have a lot of what you have is you have a lot of guys like Masters guys who are
It seems like they're more afraid of the church doing
Christian nationalism wrong than they are about what's coming to them in a few years if things don't change and it's like hey yeah, but you know you think about like compare would you rather live in Geneva or would you rather live in the
Aztec society, you know, and I think we're Like we're human sacrifice is rampant, you know, like the issue is like I think they're looking at this
Like we we went from being a Christian society Where you're basically living in positive world or whatever right we're being being a
Christian Yeah, and then like we've moved into neutral world and I mean this has happened over the course of our lifetime and now we're moving
Into negative world, right and that's very real like that We're moving into negative world and negative world can get really really bad, you know
And so then like I don't understand You can get really negative, but I don't understand the impulse to compare like the abuses of Christian nationalism to like a
Country that's in transition from positive world to negative world. Like when we're in neutral state.
You can't take for granted that neutral state Will exist. I mean it only existed for a brief period of time
Because we were borrowing a worldview that we don't have anymore right and so like this is going to get really bad
And so like you can't make the comparisons between like the borrowed capital of a
Christian worldview that you're chucking, you know that situation and like Maybe Christian nationalism that it's a little bit out of control or something
So yeah, I hope that if Christian nationalism takes root it does a little better than it did before Okay, but I don't think it did particularly bad before like I mean,
I think there was Yeah, I think there's abuses But I mean you compare that to like the
Native American situation like whether you're talking about North America South America Like you compare that to pure paganism you compare that to this kind of stuff that's happening in Africa right now
It's like there's no comparison like there's there's no comparison whatsoever You know, like there's so many benefits that like a
Christian nation brought now Yeah, I mean I haven't ironed out all the the particulars of Of it
I would say I'm largely sympathetic to the to the Project and I and I'm sane enough to realize that it would be much better To live in Geneva than to live in the
Aztec, you know impact a pyre or something like that I'm not like an idiot, you know, I Could make basic comparisons there, you know, so I mean,
I don't know that I've sorted out all the Discussions I'm kind of a sympathetic outside observer who who needs to gain some more time to do some more work in in the political area in order to Take a firmer stance than what
I have right now. So yeah, I'm largely sympathetic to the project I do know that yeah
I mean, obviously we need second table of law that's being enforced like it's not whether you're gonna have a morality
It's what's your morality based on there's no neutrality there. Like so I'm certainly convinced about all that and and then
I I'm certainly convinced that yeah, God's law is a standard of what justice is and and We've checked that off.
I'm sympathetic to the idea that Nations can take on identities and this is something that people argue with a lot
I don't really quite understand why they get so bent out of shape about this I mean I understand the concept of a Christian family like for a husband saying as for me my house will serve the
Lord and like that doesn't mean that like a little like that one of the children is
Like I understand the reality that you can be living under that framework as an unbeliever and and Like meaning that you can't change the heart with the framework, but I understand that a family can take on an identity and Hey, we're gonna be a
Christian family. We're this is the way we're gonna operate but you can't change the heart with that I understand that like We used to live in a society that one nation under God where the nation had a official, you know
Identity in that way, and I don't see that. I don't see secularism is a good thing You know, I don't see like there's like There's no neutrality like we're obviously we're gonna worship something and like we have blasphemy laws right now
Like it's just a matter of what they are, right? like so I mean like if you were to if you want to know what our current blasphemy laws are just think about The pejoratives that you could use to describe sexual deviance and all of those are currently
Our current blasphemy laws or anything related to the intersectional hierarchy anything anything related to a discrimination
You know all that so I we have we have blasphemy laws still, you know, it's just they've changed
So we're fundamentally religious and like that's the way it is. But yeah, I haven't sorted all the details out.
I haven't I Listened to you know case a case for Christian nationalism and all that on an audio form.
I Think a lot of people were misrepresenting what he said and couldn't really follow what he was saying great So III would say
I'm largely sympathy. I'm a sympathetic neutral outside observer who? Thinks yeah, that's obviously better than what we have but maybe
I haven't sorted out all the Finer details of it for sure. So I couldn't I'd rather get sprinkled in baptism even if even if Submersion is preferred.
I'd rather be sprinkled in shot Hard to get cut out and I don't want to get eaten.
I don't know if that's saying a lot, you know, I prefer Yeah, I don't like cannibalism, you know
Yeah, I'd like to I'd like to be able to say that my nation didn't murder over 60 million babies
That would be nice to be honest, you know I don't particularly want to get gang -raped like like they're they're trying to do like I mean
I I don't I don't want them beating the door down, you know blind trying to Rape me.
So I think I could say that that's bad, you know, I mean But I mean
Let's stop killing kids Yeah 100 % straighten up.
Well Harrison Tim, dude, you guys have been awesome. You guys are amazing Thank you so much for coming on the regular man podcast
Where can people watch you subscribe contribute to you have a you have a way that people can contribute to your podcast?
Your Yeah, we have a patreon that We link in all of in the description of all of our episodes and I think there's a link to it on our
Facebook or on our social media pages and The in the bio or you know right at the top of the page wherever they let you put all all the links to stuff
We've got a link to our patreon and that's where if you know if people want to support us financially
That's where they can go to do that Yeah, so we're on we're on Twitter or Facebook rumble
YouTube, yeah, yeah everywhere we're podcaster I mean you could any anywhere you could search podcast you can find us.
We're on rumble What is that new one that just came out just church
TV or there's something along those lines I Butchered it, but we're on that one, dude.
Yeah, I keep getting suspended from YouTubes. I don't know. I'm like my third or fourth account I just keep making new we we have a we have a on our
YouTube page. We have a Yeah, they give you like a warning as the very first thing
It doesn't they don't actually do anything. They say they don't do anything to your account It's just a a warning and it stays on for a little while and I think it's after like Sick, you know a couple months.
I think you can basically Appeal you go you go to appeal to have it removed and then you're fine again and We got that we got that like probably two years ago and we still haven't lost it
We can try and appeal it but every time I go to do it They basically what you have to do is you have to you have to go in there and you they basically force you to admit
That whatever you said was wrong and that yeah, and that you didn't mean it Essentially is what you have to do and so I did
I've just never gone in and done that because what what we got dinged for was like a
Well, it was obviously true it's like so painfully obvious at this point that no,
I'm not gonna lie and say that We didn't mean it so that you can take our warning off So we still have a warning from like two years ago that is on our account that it's probably gonna stay there
Just because we're not gonna lie and say that say that we said something wrong when we don't think we did
Yeah, that's good. I don't either Like I never even had an account that was like five million people
I had like I don't know maybe four or five thousand people maybe at the max And you know every time they trim it down like, you know,
I think I had my last one It's like 18 people now and it's like I don't you know,
I don't care man You listen to me. You don't if you listen to me on YouTube I'd really I'd rather people just go to rumble patreon and work for me.
Everything's for free I'm because I just hate people charging stuff for what you're gonna put out anyway
It's just like we're gonna charge somebody for a chat or for an email. What are you doing? Like just yeah, what are you doing right now?
So everything I do on patrons for free but I Really like making YouTube work because they're a bunch of commies and I'd rather them not get any
Any not not even a dime from me so Just just don't listen to me at least on YouTube but find these guys
Bible bash podcast Listen to your podcast your watch Check them out.
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Guys stick around while I close it up and make sure everything uploads Call good
Thanks for having us on You guys been awesome So everybody else the next time be on alert stand firm in the faith act like This has been another episode of Bible bashed we hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion
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