WWUTT 1804 As Majestic as an Army With Banners (Song of Songs 6:1-10)

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Reading Song of Songs 6:1-10 where the husband repeats compliments of his bride he has used before, showing her she has not lost her loveliness to him. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


In Song of Songs chapter 6 the husband compliments his wife with words that he used on their wedding day as though to say to her you are still as lovely to me now as you were on that day.
When we understand the text. This is when we understand the text a daily
Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the word Monday Tuesday and Wednesday we feature
New Testament study an Old Testament book on Thursday and our Q &A on Friday now here's your teacher
Pastor Gabe. Thank you Becky we're back to our study of the Song of Songs and we're up to chapter 6 if you want to open up your
Bible and join with me there I'll be reading from the legacy standard version so to catch you up with where we are the woman the bride has had a nightmare her husband desired her but she did not respond to him and when she finally went to him he was gone so she went to the city to look for him where she was instead met with abuse by the watchman on the wall and this was symbolic of her conscience making her feel guilty because she did not desire her husband back the way that he desired her so now she thinks that he's gone off to try to find his satisfaction elsewhere now that's not a reflection of his character that's just her insecurity or her guilty conscience that is plaguing her here so her maidens or the others have asked her to describe who her beloved is tell us who he is show your love and affection for him and so what we examined last week is the way that she describes her husband that was in chapter 5 verses 10 through 16 the affection that she does indeed have for him so now what we see at the start of chapter 6 the others are going to respond to the maidens description of her husband her desire for him and they're going to help her find him and she's going to say where he is and then he comes back into describing his bride that's in chapter 6 starting in verse 4 so at the start of chapter 6 let me read the response of the others and then the answer from the woman in verses 2 & 3 and we'll stop there and kind of examine what we've read
Song of Songs chapter 6 starting in verse 1 where has your beloved gone oh most beautiful among women where has your beloved turned that we may seek him with you she responds my beloved has gone down to his garden to the beds of spices to shepherd his flock in the gardens and gather lilies
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine he who shepherds his flock among the lilies so once again in her nightmare she calls out to her maidens or to the others if you find my beloved what will you tell him tell him that I am sick with love and the others respond as though to say tell him yourself how would you describe your beloved and when she describes him with such affection their response at the start of chapter 6 is where is he gone we're gonna help you find him where has your beloved gone oh most beautiful among women where has your beloved turned that we may seek him with you now it's interesting to consider how her companions speak contrary to her conscience if the watchman on the wall in chapter 5 verse 7 if they represent her guilty conscience and they they beat her up because of how guilty she feels for not loving her husband the way that she knows that she should have they speak contrary to her conscience by calling her most beautiful among women and like many of the things that we've seen in Song of Songs that's not just descriptive of her appearance it is descriptive of her character they recognize this is a woman who truly desires her husband now she is pursuing him she is looking for him this is not a woman who is sitting at home going oh he's gone off to have one of his fits
I'm gonna have my fit here and whenever he feels like it he can come back to me now she in her guilt feeling like she should have loved him better is going out to go and find him and now the others her companions acknowledge this is a woman who is in pursuit of her husband we see that she is looking for him and we have heard the way that she desires him so where has your beloved gone where has your beloved turned that we may seek him with you and let me just say what kind of a beautiful picture that is the way that the church should treat one another how many times has there been where you have felt beat up you beat yourself up your conscience makes you feel guilty and you wonder am
I even still a Christian anymore have I sinned so much and so gravely that God doesn't love me anymore and then we have brothers and sisters in the
Lord who can remind us what the scriptures say that we understand you know maybe there are some things we do need to feel guilty of but if we've repented of those things and come back to Christ the scriptures tell us that if we ask forgiveness for our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness first John 1 9 and though our conscience may beat us up we have brothers and sisters in the
Lord who can remind us of the promises of God and help to build us up and encourage us in the word so we see that kind of a thing happening here with the woman's companions it's almost like they recognize that she is she does feel guilty and hat and is therefore repentant of whatever wrong that she has done so we're gonna help her let's go find your lover together so in verses 2 and 3 she says and this is actually kind of a down response on her part because she hasn't found her love she doesn't know where he is so in verse 2 she says my beloved has gone down to his garden to the beds of spices now now that is praising of her husband she's speaking highly of him she's no longer looking for him in the city what was that symbolic of well he he did not get his satisfaction from me so he's gonna go find his satisfaction somewhere else in the city but she says of him that's not where he is and she's gone to the city to find him she doesn't find him there instead she gets beat up by her conscience so where has he gone instead he's not in the city he's gone down to his garden to the beds of spices what have we seen throughout song of songs that is reflective of of a good aroma of a good fragrance it is symbolic of one's character so she is saying of her love he didn't go into the city he didn't go try to find his kicks with somebody else because I would not satisfy his desires he's a man of good character where has he gone wherever he has needed to go to preserve his character he has gone down to his garden to the beds of spices to shepherd his flock in the gardens and gather lilies now so far in song of songs lilies has been comparable to the other maidens or or the other women right the woman the wife before she was his bride she described herself as a lily of the valley meaning that she's just common she's just you know one women among many but then he says to her you're like a lily among thorns so is my darling among the maidens if you're gonna see yourself as a lily well then all the other maidens are our thorns you are the greatest of all of them that's the way that he describes his bride so therefore how is the word lilies used here he goes to shepherd his flock in the gardens and gather lilies so is he is he out there gathering maidens no not if he's gone down to shepherd his flock in the gardens to the bed of spices he's a man of good character he wouldn't be doing such a thing however the other women are admiring him and the bride is jealous of that she wants to be among them
I want to be as near to my love or nearer to my love than they are they get to be down there and admire his good character
I have not been able to find him but she says and she knows this confidently in verse 3
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine he who shepherds his flock among the lilies again this is complimentary of his character that's where he's shepherding his flock but he's not interested in those women they might be interested in him but I am his and he is mine and you see this confidence being restored so once again this this goes back to the ministry of the others in verse 1 though she is felt beaten up by her own conscience they help to build her up and encourage her and so she comes to understand that he is mine and I am his so we may also likewise come to understand that we belong to the
Lord and the Lord is ours he is our God and we are his people and if we are held tightly in his hand nothing will snatch us out of his hand as Jesus says in John chapter 10 so we are the
Lord's and we have confidence in him we continue on here this is going to be the man's response let me read this whole thing and then we'll go back through this section together so he speaks in verses 4 through 10 in response to the woman who has said
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine here is how the husband responds to his wife verse 4 you are as beautiful as Tersa my darling as lovely as Jerusalem as majestic as an army with banners turn your eyes away from me for they have overwhelmed me your hair is like a flock of goats that have leapt down from Gilead your teeth are like a flock of ewes which have come up from their washing all of which bear twins and not one among them has lost her young your temples are like a slice of pomegranate behind your veil there are 60
Queens and 80 concubines and maidens without number she is the only one my dove my perfect one she is the only one of her mother she is the pure one of her who bore her the daughters saw her and call her blessed the
Queens and the concubines also and they praised her saying who is this that looks down like the dawn as beautiful as the full moon as pure as the
Sun as majestic as an army with banners and then the bride will respond in verses 11 through 12 and the others respond in verse 13 we'll get to that if we have time you'll notice that some of the things the husband says here he said it before we have a repeat of things that he has said before regarding his bride that doesn't mean that he lacks creativity that he's just repeating the same compliments to her again but rather that he has not lost his affection for her that's what he's saying with repeating those same compliments that he made of her on their wedding day verse 4 again you are as beautiful as terza my darling as lovely as Jerusalem now when we go back to the wedding day when he describes her he says chapter 4 verse 1 behold you are beautiful my darling this has been the common compliment that he's had of his bride you are my darling you are dear to me and you are beautiful to me your eyes are like doves behind your veil your hair is like a flock of goats that have leapt down from Mount Gilead your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn ewes which have come up from their washing all of which bear twins and not one among them has lost her young we see that here in chapter 6 as well right okay so this compliment that we start with in verse 4 slightly different you are beautiful as terza my darling so you still have the you're you're beautiful my darling but now we've added in a couple of locations terza and as lovely as Jerusalem as majestic as an army with banners now the reference to terza
I'm gonna say is actually kind of confusing and we don't really know for sure why terza is mentioned terza was a city that Israel conquered when
Joshua led them into the promised land there was a king there that they had overthrown and then terza becomes a capital city when the kingdoms are split into the northern and southern kingdoms but what terza significance is in between we don't know because terza was mentioned in the taking of the promised land and then it's not mentioned again until the splitting of the kingdoms so whatever terza was to the
Jews in between the doesn't really tell us it could be that terza was just a really lovely place it was near Mount Ebal and Mount Gilgal that was the place where the curses and the blessings were issued in the book of Deuteronomy read the blessings from this mountain
Mount Ebal read the sorry no the curses were from Mount Ebal the blessings were from Mount Gilgal and so terza was near to those maybe there's a reference there but I wouldn't know for sure so terza the meaning of terza is kind of lost to us it was obviously some sort of a beautiful city that he's comparing his bride to as lovely as Jerusalem well
Jerusalem is that's the city where all the Jews wanted to be that's where the temple was that's where God dwelled so we want to be near to God there may be a reference there to the husband saying
I want to be near to you as God's people want to be near to him you are as lovely as Jerusalem you are as desirable as Jerusalem is to God's people as majestic as an army with banners he says next and we have seen the husband say before make these comparisons of his wife to something military just like a guy right so going back to chapter 4 verse 4 where he says your neck is like the
Tower of David built with rows of stones on which are hung 1 ,000 shields all the small shields of the mighty men you might think of the husband being described with these military terms not using or not referring to his bride with these military terms but as we talked about when we were back in chapter 4 this was him talking about how majestic she was how graceful she was when the neck on a woman is is symbolic of her grace and so the the reference here to being as majestic as an army with banners there's something that's all inspiring about that it's even kind of intimidating especially when you consider his next line is turn your eyes away from me when we see a large army that is marching forth with their banners or something intimidating about that this is an army with a lot of power that commands respect because of of what they can do and so it's almost like he's saying you've conquered my heart
I know what you can do to me and even though he did not have a conscious presence in her dream you know what
I mean she was dreaming in chapter 5 when she rejected him it's not like he's thinking about well remember when you rejected me because he wasn't there it was her dream but nonetheless if she does not respond to his desire for her and he feels rejected he feels defeated and it's good that's all kind of coming out in the way that he describes his bride as lovely as Jerusalem as majestic as an army with banners turn your eyes away from me for they have overwhelmed me now he's at work remember he's with the sheep tending the goats among the lilies and he's got to focus on work he's doing work right now and if his wife is there and if she is showing her desire with her eyes it's difficult him for him to concentrate on what it is that he has to do so turn your eyes away from me they've overwhelmed me now this really goes more so with what we had just seen in the previous verse even though the next part of verse 5 is your hair is like a flock of goats that have let down from Gilead it's still in the same verse but turn your eyes away from me for they have overwhelmed me really goes with that you are as lovely as Jerusalem and as majestic as an army with banners those lines fit together the line turn your a turn your eyes away from me really doesn't go with the flock of goats line just because it's in the same verse doesn't mean it belongs there it goes with the husband saying that you are as majestic as an army so turn your eyes away from me you have conquered me
I am I am defeated by you it doesn't necessarily mean that in a negative way but just to say
I lose my mind when I'm around you I can't concentrate all I want is you and then goes on to say your hair is like a flock of goats that have let down from Gilead your teeth are like a flock of ewes which have come up from their washing all of which bear twins and not one of them is lost or young repeating those things that he had said on their wedding day so this is to say to her you are still as lovely to me as you were on that day husbands we need to take we need to take some advice from that to compliment our bride as much as we loved her on our wedding day we love her just as much today if not more my love for my wife has grown since our wedding day we've just grown closer and closer to one another age will get the better of us we get older we lose her attractiveness
I actually think I'm better looking than I was anyway that's an aside but but we lose our attractiveness as we get older you know things wrinkle and sag and weight gets gained in different places your wife's body has been really beat up with how many kids she's had especially that's that's a pretty difficult thing on a woman's body that's part of the curse and so as we get older and we feel less lovely and less attractive how much more does your wife need to hear those things from you fellas to say to her that she is beautiful to you still is beautiful to you if not more beautiful to you than the day that you were first married going on to verse 7 your temples are like a slice of pomegranate behind your veil same as the comment before and this is reflecting her entire countenance everything about the person is seen in the face so all everything about you is lovely to me now this next line this is new verse 8 there are 60
Queens and 80 concubines and maidens without number she is the only one my dove my perfect one now there are some that will take those lines in verses 8 & 9 and say see this is talking about Solomon because of all the wives and concubines that he had but there's this one woman that's dearer to him than all the rest
I would actually argue that this line demonstrates this is not about Solomon this is not
Solomon Solomon is an idealized figure in song of songs he's not the main character he's not the man he's not the husband that is talking to his bride he's talking about how
Solomon has all of these wives and all of these women there are 60 Queens and 80 concubines we know eventually it was many more than that he had 700 wives and 300 concubines so this must be earlier in Solomon's reign before all of those women maidens without number all of these women who want to be in Solomon's harem so the husband is saying but he says of his wife in verse 9 she is the only one my dove my perfect one there are not all these other wives and all these other maidens there's just her it's just me and her one man and one woman as God intended marriage to be she is the only one of her mother he says now now that may mean she is the only one of her mother's daughters that I want or it could mean quite literally what it says that she is the only daughter we read from the
Shulamite earlier in song of songs in chapter one I believe it was she referenced her brothers but we haven't heard anything about biological sisters so it could mean here she's the only daughter but still speaks of her uniqueness is why he even says such a thing she is the only one of her mother she's the only one the only the only one that I want she's my perfect one she's the only one of her mother she is the pure one of her who bore her the daughters saw her and call her blessed so that's not necessarily talking about her sisters though it could that could be the reference her sisters refer to her is blessed she is the pure one of among the daughters but could also be the daughters of Israel the daughters saw her and call her blessed the
Queen's and the concubines also and they praised her saying who is this that looks down like the dawn as beautiful as the full moon as pure as the
Sun as majestic as an army with banners he is saying to his bride the
Queen's in Solomon's court don't have anything on you even they envy you there with Solomon there in the palace but they envy what you have because of how pure you are because of how good you are and they say of you that you are as pure of as the
Sun and they likewise say as majestic as an army with banners what a thing for a queen to say that she is intimidated by a woman who is common but this man is saying she is not common to me she is pure to me my precious bride and so our
Lord Christ says that of us we are not common to him we are precious to him we who are
Christians who are his followers brothers and sisters in the Lord we are his church and his church is his bride chosen by the
Father given to the Son and he sees us as precious and lovely and so my brothers and sisters in Christ know that you are loved by the
Lord today he who died for us he gave his life for his bride the church he is sanctifying us through his word that we would be grown in holiness we are being washed by the water of the word and he will glorify us as we join him in his eternal kingdom as fellow heirs of that place that we have been promised with him know that you are loved by the
Lord today in Christ Jesus Heavenly Father we thank you for your goodness to us goodness that is reflected even in the song of songs may we understand how we as spouses love our spouse we understand how we as brothers and sisters in the
Lord love one another and we understand the love that you have for us and that we show for God by being obedient to your word and then we desire to share this word with others that they too may know the goodness of God and turn from sin to Christ and be saved it's in Jesus name that we pray amen this has been when we understand the text of Pastor Gabriel Hughes for all of our podcasts episodes videos books and more visit our website at www .utt
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