F4F | David Diga Hernandez Can't Exegete Correctly


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Today's episode of Fighting for the Faith is brought to you by Issues Etc. Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ. This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So David Diga Hernandez, we've been warning about him for a while.
Here's another warning. This man is not capable of rightly handling biblical text. We're gonna see him mangle two different texts today, and the
Bible -twisting technique that he's going to be engaging in is called Eisegesis. It's not spelled
I -C -E. It's E -I -S. Eisegesis, and it means to read into the biblical text things that are not there.
So we're gonna be looking at him kind of doing kind of like standard charismatic
Pentecostal Eisegesis, but it's a twisting of God's Word nonetheless, and a complete abandoning of what these texts are legitimately communicating.
And if somebody cannot rightly handle God's Word, they're not qualified to be teachers in Christ's Church.
According to the biblical standard, those who teach in Christ's Church must be able to teach what's in accord with sound doctrine and refute those who contradict it.
David Diga Hernandez, he teaches false doctrine just straight up, and the proof is in the pudding, in his inability to rightly handle a biblical text or two.
So let's do this. Let's whirl up the the desktop. And by the way, that's the lifeguard tower at Laguna Beach, California.
I recently went to California to visit my mother. You know, her health isn't all that great, so I went to go and visit her and did a little time, while I was there, did a little bit of street photography.
In fact, a little bit of a note here, if you don't already, follow me on Instagram. So photography is my artistic outlet.
My Instagram account is, you know, Instagram Pirate Christian. Pirate Christian is my account there.
And if you want to keep up on my latest, you know, photography adventures and what
I'm putting together artistically, you'll know I use art like photography to keep me from losing my mind from all the heresy that I watch, but alas, that's not why we're here.
All right, so let's talk about David Diga Hernandez, shall we? David Diga Hernandez, the understudy of Benny Hinn, who engages in the same deceptive techniques that Benny Hinn has been famous for, for decades, regarding fake healings and declaring people healed and acts like he has power to do all kinds of nonsense, and he doesn't.
It's all a show. Here's the deal. The biblical standard is somebody has to be able to rightly handle the word of truth.
He doesn't, and so we're going to be listening to him teaching on, the name of the video is
It's Actually Easy to Flow with the Holy Spirit. Here's how. Flow with the
Holy Spirit. Well, I would note, remember this, quod non es biblicum, non es theologicum?
If it's not in the Bible, it's not theological. And I've created my own tagline, quod non es biblicum, non es biblicum.
If it ain't in the Bible, it's not biblical. I know the Latin isn't exactly great on that, but it makes the point.
If it's not in the Bible, it's not biblical. So that being the case, where in the
Bible are the great biblical passages that teach us how to flow with the
Holy Spirit? I can't think of one. The great flow passages, you know,
Fourth Hesitations, chapter 6, verse 66, you know, it's right there, man, you know.
Where are the great flowing with the Holy Spirit passages? So what he's done here is he started with his own theology, his own doctrine.
The doctrine of flowing with the Holy Spirit. The Bible doesn't teach it. And remember, quod non es biblicum, non es biblicum.
If it ain't in the Bible, it's not biblical. There are no passages that teach flowing in the
Holy Spirit. So everything that he's going to say is going to be gobbledygook. And any time he opens a biblical text, by definition, he has to be twisting it because there are no biblical passages that teach about flowing with the
Holy Spirit. I don't know a single, single Christian dogmatics text or, you know, any kind of systematic theology that has a whole section on how to flow with the
Holy Spirit. I mean, I would note that, you know, even notable cessationists who put together systematic theologies, you think of Wayne Grudem, there are no sections in his systematic theology about here's how you flow with the
Holy Spirit. So this is a doctrine completely made up by Charismatics and Pentecostals, and Diga Hernandez here, by not even rightly being able to identify, wait a second, the
Bible doesn't teach anything about flowing in the Holy Spirit. What's he going to be preaching? His own experiences in eisegiting biblical texts.
Unfortunately, the texts that he's chosen to eisegite, they are significant texts, and he's oblivious, and I mean oblivious, to just how important they are.
So if you're thinking that we might spend some time in the biblical text today, you are right, and it's here where I would remind you of this.
Today's episode of Fighting for the Faith is sponsored by the Issues Etc.
Christian Radio Talk Show. You can find them at issuesetc .org.
If you want to have access to a multi -hour long, daily, during the weekday, daily, you know, podcast that will deal with, you know, take a look at theology, politics, current events, and things like this, and examine them from a proper, sound, biblical worldview,
I cannot think of a better talk show for you than Issues Etc. I've been listening to Issues Etc.
for decades, and it legitimately is my favorite, favorite
Christian talk radio show. They've got great guests on there, you know, like Chris Rose, bro. I'm also a regular guest on Issues Etc.,
but again, if you do not listen to Issues Etc., this is a podcast you need to add to your list and throw it into your morning commute routine.
You will thank me, and you'll note that the guests that are on Issues Etc., they know how to rightly handle biblical text, unlike David Digger Hernandez.
You're not going to be taught false doctrine while listening to Issues Etc., far, far from it.
So again, Issues Etc .org, and you can figure out then on their website how to access their podcast using different podcast apps and things like this, and you'll thank me later.
Again, Issues Etc., well worth the listen. Now, all that being said, what we're gonna do now is, it's gonna be frustrating, but let's listen as David Digger Hernandez, the understudy of Benny Hinn, explains to us how it's easy to flow, whatever that means, with the
Holy Spirit. I want to share with you how to flow with the Holy Spirit. These are deep spiritual realities that are rarely talked about, but every believer should know.
All right, so he wants to teach us how to flow with the Holy Spirit. These are deep spiritual realities that hardly anybody ever talks about.
You know why? Because the Bible doesn't teach it.
This is a completely made -up doctrine. Let me back this up. I want to share with you how to flow with the
Holy Spirit. These are deep spiritual realities that are rarely talked about, but every believer should know.
Oh, everybody. Well, here's the thing. If I needed to know about flowing with the Holy Spirit, wouldn't
I be able to just open up biblical text and find those passages to talk about? Flowing with the
Holy Spirit. I mean, what does the verb flow mean in this sentence, anyway? How to flow with the
Holy Spirit, not just in life, but also in ministry. When you're ministering on a platform. Do I sound annoyed?
I'm annoyed. When you're ministering in the streets, when you're ministering to a loved one, these are simple, basic, biblical principles.
Oh, biblical principles. Oh, okay. Again, which texts teach flowing with the Holy Spirit? You can apply to your life immediately.
And as you begin to apply these truths to your life, you'll begin to see that it's actually quite easy to flow with the Holy Spirit.
Look, we complicate it. In the flesh, we complicate things. Oh, we complicate it. I mean, it's so easy to flow with the
Holy Spirit. It's so easy. Again, where in the Bible does it teach this doctrine?
But in the Spirit, that's where things are simplified. So, number one, you want to flow with the Holy Spirit. Number one, you have to forget about yourself.
Okay, so where will I find this list? If you want to flow with the Holy Spirit, the first thing you got to do is forget about yourself.
This list doesn't occur anywhere in Scripture, at all. So, we got a problem here, sir.
Where do I see this step about forgetting about myself so I can flow with the Holy Spirit? Where is that taught in the
Bible? Again, I would point out, qua non es biblicum, non es biblicum. If it's not in the Bible, it's not biblical.
Where's this flow doctrine in the Scripture? Now, I'm not saying that God doesn't care about you. I'm not saying that God doesn't want to move in your life or God doesn't want to give you breakthrough.
When you're flowing with the Holy Spirit, bingo, sometimes you can become a distraction to you.
Sometimes you can be so focused on what you're feeling or not feeling. Okay. Do you have a biblical passage that shows this?
What you're experiencing or not experiencing, what you desire, what you think, sometimes you get in your own way.
Let me show you something here. Go with me to Isaiah chapter 6, and I want to show you what happened to the prophet when he was initiated in his calling.
So, Isaiah chapter 6, probably one of the more important passages in all of Scripture, and there is no way to say this with hyperbole.
It is a huge text, and you think this is about, number one, flowing with the
Holy Spirit, and number two, that the prophet Isaiah did something wrong, and he could have flowed with the
Holy Spirit more if he hadn't have been so obsessed with thinking about himself. That's legitimately how he set this passage up.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and wait till you see this text, because when I walk you through it, there's no way you'll take this guy seriously on what he just said about it.
Let's keep going. Isaiah chapter 6, beginning at verse number 1. It was the year King Uzziah died that I saw the
Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Attending him were mighty seraphim, each having six wings.
With two wings, they covered their faces. With two, they covered their feet. And with two, they flew. So, here already, we see the heavenly realm opening.
Verse 3. We see the heavenly realm opening.
Okay. So, this is an example of flowing with the Holy Spirit.
Far from it. We'll explain why in a minute. They were calling out to each other, Holy, holy, holy is the
Lord of heaven's armies. The whole earth is filled with his glory. Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh.
Right. Yahweh sabaoth. Uh -huh. All right. So, holy, holy, holy. Hmm. There's something important going on with that.
Their voices shook the temple to its foundations. I love that. And the entire building was filled with smoke. So, here we see
Isaiah the prophet carrying out his duties. He's being responsible. He's at work for the sake of God's glory.
Right. He was a priest. Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of a seemingly mundane day, the heavens are open.
He catches a glimpse of God's glory. God begins to reveal himself to Isaiah in a way he had never seen before.
I would argue, not only did God reveal himself to Isaiah in a way he had never seen before,
God reveals himself to Isaiah in a way that he has rarely revealed himself to any human being.
There's something pinnacle occurring in this text. We continue. He looks and he sees angelic beings, heavenly hosts.
And as they speak, their voices are so powerful that the temple is shaken to its foundations.
Now, of course, he's frightened by this. Yeah, the translation that you're reading from is a little sketch.
I'm just saying. But verse 5, we see how Isaiah responds. Now, imagine this.
Here is a man who is witnessing something that is divine. What is his first response? Well, his first response is often our response.
Whenever we encounter the living God or whenever God is trying to walk us through something, verse 5, then I said, it's over.
It's all over. I am doomed for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips and I live among a people with filthy lips.
Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of heaven's armies. You notice here that he's very focused on self.
I, I, I, I. He's thinking. So apparently he's doing something wrong.
I mean, he could be flowing with the Holy Spirit more if he was just not so focused on himself.
Give me a break. His inadequacies. He's probably afraid that he's going to be judged because of those inadequacies.
He probably. They're called sins. He doesn't feel worthy of having this experience because. Not worthy of having this experience.
Listen to this list. Okay. Oh, Isaiah, the ultimate spiritual narcissist.
I, I, I. He's thinking of his inadequacies. He's probably afraid that he's going to be judged because of those inadequacies.
He probably doesn't feel worthy of having this experience because he is so focused on self. He's not fully able to experience, enjoy, or focus on the heavenly display that's before him.
What? Oh, man. David Diga Hernandez is completely oblivious and ignorant.
I mean, I would say on purpose about what the scripture is all about. Oh, poor Isaiah. He missed a great opportunity to bliss out in the glory of God.
Oh, here he could have been soaking in the glory, but no, he was too focused on himself.
And as a result of it, he wasn't able to flow. Are you kidding me?
Listen just a little bit more and then we're gonna open up the biblical text. And so you and I often will run into the awareness of our inadequacies.
The constant questions that berate our minds, the doubts that berate our minds, even to the point where we're so focused on what we're experiencing that we can break that experience.
For example, there have been times. So we can break. Isaiah, he could have had more of an experience if he hadn't been so focused on himself and he broke the experience.
Wrong. OK, if I sound annoyed, I am annoyed and I'm not going to apologize for this at this point.
OK, here's our text from the ESV, which is a much better translation than whatever it is that he was reading.
And let's consider the importance of what's really going on here. In the year that King Uzziah died,
I saw the Lord and Adonai sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Now, let's just parse this one out a little bit. Uzziah reigned for a long time.
He's also known as Amaziah, if you read in the in the Book of Chronicles. The issue is, is that he was a good king with one major exception.
And that is, is that God ended up having to humble him because he arrogated to himself.
He took on authority for himself that he didn't have. He wanted to do some priestly things, but he's a king and he's not a
Levite. And he's a member of the tribe of Judah, not of the tribe of Levi. And when he went to do those priestly things, he was opposed by the high priest and by the other priests.
And God struck him with leprosy to punish him and to humble him. But he reigned for like 56 years.
And when you read about the different kings of Judah and the kings of Israel, I mean, it's a horrible list, a roster of idolaters with a few kings who are faithful.
Uzziah was one of these faithful ones, and he reigned for like 56 years. And I don't know if you remember when
Queen Elizabeth died just a couple of years back, but it was kind of a big deal when she died.
So much so, same with Isaiah. So the year that King Uzziah died, and watch the interplay here.
So the king is dead and he says, I saw Adonai, I saw the
Lord, the real sovereign, king of kings, lord of lords, sitting upon a throw high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Now, I'm going to make an argument and I'm going to have to put a pin in it and prove it a little bit later in our exegesis.
He sees the glory of Christ and I can prove it with a cross reference. That's the glory, the one sitting on the throne.
It's Christ, the second person of the Trinity, you know, the son of God. All of that being said, note that the train of his robe fills the temple, which then kind of leads to the next part of this.
And above him stood the seraphim. And I'm not going to get into the details regarding the seraphim at this point, but note that this is either a rank of angel or a type of angel.
These are heavenly beings and they each had six wings. And so they're not even able to stand on the floor of the temple because the train of the robe of Adonai, the sovereign
Lord, the sovereign, not King Uzziah, but the sovereign Lord Yahweh. His train of his robe is filling the temple.
They can't even stand on the ground there. So what are they doing? They're flying and they all have six wings.
And note, with two, they covered their face. They can't even look at the glory of the
Lord. With two, they covered his face. With two, he covered his feet. And with two, he flew.
And here's the thing. They called to one another and they said, so here we got like a picture, if you would, of a heavenly choir of seraphim.
And they are crying to each other and they're echoing each other or responding to each other.
This is heavenly worship going on here. Kaddosh, Kaddosh, Kaddosh, Yahweh, Sabaoth.
And then you've got, you know, HaEretz is full, Melo HaEretz is full of his
Kaddosh, of his glory. Right? And the whole earth is full of his glory.
And this is what they're singing and they're crying to each other with their faces covered by their own wings.
This is, this is mind boggling. All right.
And here it says, the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called.
Not the voice of the seraphim, of the one who called. This would be Yahweh's voice, Adonai's voice.
And the house was filled with smoke. So even, even the building itself is shuddering and shaking at the voice of God.
Right? And in the midst of all this, with the shuddering and the shaking and the crying and the calling and the angelic choir and the glory of the
Lord right there in the train of his robe filling the temple, all of a sudden Isaiah comes to grips with exactly what he is.
A sinner. And it's, and he says, woe is me. Now, a little bit of a note here.
Here's where some cross references are going to help. Woe is me. Oh, he's not saying poor me.
Okay. There's more to it than that. The word for woe is used throughout the scripture as a curse.
Okay. Let me give you an example. Okay. So I'm going to, I'm just going to open this up and I'm going to go, I'm going to go woe. Okay. Woe.
And we're going to look in, let's go the, the, the entire
New Testament here. So we'll catch it in to, you know, we'll give you an example. So woe to you,
Chorazin. Woe to you, Bethsaida, Christ said. When he says woe to them, he's saying that they're cursed.
Woe is a word, it's a word basically declaring that they are cursed. Woe to the world for temptations to sins.
But woe to the one by whom temptation comes. And then in like Matthew 23,
Jesus takes out the woes and just goes crazy with them. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
You shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You neither enter yourselves nor allow those who had entered to go in.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees. Woe to you, blind guides. Okay. This is, woe is a word of cursing.
And what does Isaiah do? He doesn't say woe to the world.
He says, woe to me. I am cursed. Why? For I am lost.
I am a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.
For my eyes have seen the king, the king, the sovereign, right?
Melech, the king, Yahweh of armies. Yahweh sabaoth. Uzziah is dead and now he sees the real king.
The king of kings and Lord of lords. And he is painfully made aware, being the presence of God, the
Almighty, the consuming fire, the Holy One of Israel, that he isn't holy.
Not only is he not holy, he is a man of unclean lips. He dwells in a people of unclean lips.
And he is absolutely terrified as a result of it. Very aware of his sin.
And he confesses it here. So then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar.
So one of these six winged seraphim flies down, grabs a burning hole off of the altar with tongs, which is interesting.
He couldn't even hold it with his own hands. And he comes right up to Isaiah's mouth.
Now, I want you to just imagine how terrifying this has got to be. So one of those seraphim crying,
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, triple holy, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. By the way, in the ancient world, when it comes to like emphasizing things, they didn't have exclamation points.
They didn't have bold and italic ways of, you know, of highlighting things.
They would have to repeat themselves. So you think of Galatians chapter one, where Paul says, even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than the one already preached, let him be anathema, let him be damned.
So I say, so I said to you before, I say again, if anyone teaches a gospel contrary to the one we preach, let him be anathema.
Paul says it twice because that's how you have to emphasize. But here it's not holy, holy.
It's not amen, amen. It's Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, holy, holy, holy.
You getting it now, right? This is all the more reason why Isaiah just comes undone. So here we've got one of the seraphim now who are crying out, holy, holy, holy.
And he grabs a burning coal off the altar and he comes straight at Isaiah's face with this burning coal coming right at him.
If there was ever a time that somebody would have wet themselves, that this may have been it, right?
But here's the thing. Is the seraphim coming for the purpose of judging
Isaiah and his sin and declaring his demise and casting him into hell?
No. So you're going to note the coal on the altar references the sacrifice.
And we learn from the book of Hebrews that Christ is the once for all sacrifice for all sins. This is a reference to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
And so rather than burning up Isaiah, this coal from the altar burns up his sin, not him, which speaks of the love of God, the mercy of God, the grace of God.
What Isaiah said is true. I am a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.
And so the seraphim takes a burning coal. He had taken the tongs from the altar and he touched my mouth and he said, behold, this has touched your lips.
Your guilt is taken away. Your sin is atoned for. That's an allusion to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross because it's only
Jesus's death on the cross. He's the sacrifice, right? It's only his sacrifice on the cross that forgives us of our sins, even
Isaiah's. So now his sin is taken away. Now, of course, according to David Digger Hernandez, I mean, it should stop here because he was too focused on himself to flow with the spirit, right?
Wrong. Watch what happens next. So then I heard the voice of the
Lord Adonai saying, the real sovereign, the real king, whom shall
I send and who will go for us? Now note, Isaiah just a second ago was talking about how he's a man of unclean lips and he called out a curse on himself.
Woe is me. And God says, whom shall I send? Who will go for us? And I said, here
I am. I am here. Send me. He goes from being afraid because of his sin to confidently saying,
I'm here, Lord. Send me. This speaks of the change that occurs when somebody is forgiven of their sins.
So he said, you go and I want you to say to this people, now here's the assignment. You keep on hearings, but do not understand.
You keep on seeing, but you do not perceive. Make the heart of this people dull and their eyes heavy and blind their eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and turn and be healed.
And then I said, how long, oh Lord? And he said, until cities lie waste without inhabitant and houses without people.
And the land is a desolate waste and Yahweh removes people far away. And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
And though a 10th remain in it, it will be burned again like a terebinth or an oak whose stump remains when it is felled.
The Holy seed is its stump. That's a reference to Christ, by the way. So Isaiah receives his commission.
The, he, he was still flowing with the spirit. Hmm. Was he flowing though?
Not really. And God gives him the assignment to preach, to be a prophet, but for the purpose of making people's hearts dull, where he sees
God in his presence and God forgives him of his sin and absolves him, sends the seraphim to touch his mouth and burn up his sin rather than burn up Isaiah.
Isaiah is sent with the very words of God for the purpose of making people's hearts dull so God can act in judgment against them.
Now I said earlier that what Isaiah saw here is nothing less than the glory of Christ.
How do I know that? Well, it's a little known passage in the gospel of John chapter 12.
Listen to what John writes. When Jesus had said these things, he departed and he hid himself from them.
And though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him. So that the word spoken by the prophet
Isaiah might be fulfilled. Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us and to whom has the arm of the
Lord been revealed? Therefore, they could not believe for again, Isaiah said he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes and understand with their heart and turn and I would heal them.
You'll note that this is a paraphrase. This is a paraphrase of the very words that Isaiah heard at his prophetic commissioning, that he was going to preach the word and these people's hearts would be dull and their eyes would be closed and all of this being said, watch what comes next.
Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory, Jesus's glory.
And he spoke of him. Nevertheless, many, even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the
Pharisees, they did not confess it. So I, John chapter 12, verse 41, makes it clear that Isaiah saw the glory of Christ, Jesus's glory.
Where did he see it? There in the throne room in Isaiah chapter six.
So this is not a passage talking about, well, if you want to flow in the Holy Spirit, you got to learn how to not be so focused on yourself.
That's not what this passage is about at all. And what David Digger Hernandez has done to this text is criminal.
It's a spiritual malpractice and proof he is not a sound teacher that anybody should be listening to.
Now, if that were not enough, well, there's more to it, and that is that this is another one of those false doctrines taught by the
Charismatics and Pentecostals, that when God, the Holy Spirit moves and works, he's going to do it in ways that you may not agree with.
So watch where Digger goes with this next. This one gets complicated. What I'm about to share with you, it's difficult, especially for those who are in public ministry.
You're a preacher, you're a teacher, you have an online ministry. Maybe a Bible club at school. Maybe you write or you post things on social media, you know, in an attempt to spread the kingdom of God through evangelism.
Well, number two is you have to forget about others. So if I want to flow in the
Holy Spirit, I got to forget about myself and I got to forget about others. Again, which biblical text teaches these steps to flow with the
Holy Spirit? Again, qua non es biblicum, non es biblicum. If it ain't in the Bible, it ain't biblical. I don't know of any passages that say,
I need to forget myself if I want to flow in the Spirit. By the way, there's no text to talk about flowing in the
Spirit. So that means he's going to have to twist a biblical text to make it look like it teaches this.
And the text he does, just like the Isaiah text, it's an important one. And he can't, he's not capable of rightly handling it.
We'll see that in a second. Both compliments and criticisms. There's a popular phrase, and I agree with it, though I don't know exactly how to quote it.
It goes something to the effect of, if you live by their compliments, you will die by their criticisms.
And this is true. We become, not in the Bible, so consumed with compliments and criticism that we begin to be taken off of course.
Oh, so compliments and criticism can take us off course. Which text is teaching us this, by the way?
Forget who we are in Christ. We limit the unique expression of the anointing in our own lives because we're
So those were the important words. We limit the unique expression of the anointing in our lives.
What on earth are you talking about? How can we, what, what, where in the Bible does it say that we can limit the unique expression of the anointing in our lives?
What, what text teaches this? No text teaches this. This, he's isageating some things into this.
So if you've ever been in the charismatic and Pentecostal movement, you know, they'll sit there and say, God's going to, you know, you got to not be offended by God because when he moves, he might do something that might offend you.
He might make you roll around and flop on the floor like a fish, or he might make you quack like a duck or bark like a dog.
You can't limit the Holy Spirit. If he decides that he's going to do that, you need to be ready to flow with his unique expressions when he shows up.
That's what he's talking about here. No biblical passage says this. Listen again. And some criticism that we begin to be taken off of course, we forget who we are in Christ.
We limit the unique expression of the anointing in our own lives because we're trying to match up with what people perceive us to be, what people want us to be, what people will pressure us into being.
Do you have a text that teaches any of this? If you're not careful when you're preaching, you're going to be thinking of the critics or of those who will give you a compliment.
If you're preaching because you want to hear compliments, if you're praying because you want to hear compliments, if you're moving in the gifts because you want to hear compliments.
Then you are a self -centered narcissist and you should be drubbed out of the ministry as satanic because Satan was obsessed with himself.
Then you're going to be broken the day that criticisms come. We can't do this for the praise of man. If you do this for the praise of man, you will always fear man because you receive your, your found.
Again, the context here is if you want to flow with the Holy Spirit, you can't think about yourself and you can't think about others.
So I'm, do you desire to flow with the spirit or not? Again, what text teaches flowing again?
Of approval. You receive your confidence. You receive your affirmation from people instead of God.
So then when people stop affirming what you're saying, you would just to try to get their affirmation again. We as preachers of the gospel have one responsibility and that is to say what
God says, how God say it, says it, and when God says to say it. Um, what?
Hmm. I would note that's different than what Paul says regarding what we're supposed to do.
Um, so if I were to go to say second Timothy to Timothy and I'll go to chapter three, um, let's see here.
All scripture is breathed out by God. Scripture and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training and righteousness so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
So I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who's to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing in his kingdom.
Are you ready? Preach the word. Which word? The scriptures.
Okay. Preach the word. Be ready in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching for the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and they will turn away from listening to the truth and they will wander off into myths.
I would note the exhortation for those who teach in Christ's church is that they are to preach the word.
What David Digger Hernandez said is different than that. Listen again to what he said.
Affirmation from people instead of God. So then when people stop affirming what you're saying, you adjust to try to get their affirmation again.
We as preachers of the gospel have one responsibility. To preach the word. That's the scripture.
And that is to say what God says, how God says it, and when God says to say it. No, preach the word.
What God has said. We can't be so consumed by the opinions of others, whether that be compliments or criticisms.
So note, he's talking about preaching what you believe is a direct revelation from God, rather than preaching the word, which is what
Paul tells us to do. Big difference between the two. Notable, qualitative difference.
The difference between light and darkness. Scripture is the light. That's what Peter says. What he's teaching people to do is to preach darkness.
The theologizing of their own hearts and minds. Blaming it on the Holy Spirit. That we begin to change our message or even hesitate in the way we say something.
Now look, I'm not saying that you can be rude. In fact, I think preachers today for the most part are a little meaner than they have to be.
And to some extent we celebrate that. The more mean someone says something, the more we equate that with them being truthful.
But to be truthful, you don't always have to be mean. Rather, what you should do is just speak the truth in love, speak the truth with boldness, and don't attempt to offend people.
But don't. And by truth, we mean the word of God, right? The scriptures. That's not what he means. Attempt to not offend people.
Either one shouldn't matter to you. Don't be antagonistic and don't be apologetic. Instead, be focused on what
God has said, what the scripture says, and say what that says. Okay, so what the scripture says. I agree with that part.
Give the results to God. Let me show you something in Mark chapter five. Go there now. Now watch what he does with this.
This is so snaky. Mark chapter five. We're going to read a very popular narrative here. Mark chapter five.
This is when Jesus drives a legion of demons out of a demoniac. So they arrived on the other side of the lake.
When Jesus climbed out of the boat, a man possessed by an evil spirit came out from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the burial caves and could no longer be restrained, even with the chain.
Whenever he was put into chains and shackles, as he often was, he snapped the chains from his wrists and smashed the shackles.
No one was strong enough to subdue him. Day and night, he wandered among the burial caves and in the hills, howling and cutting himself with sharp stones.
Verse six. When Jesus was still some distance away, the man saw him, ran to meet him, and bowed low before him.
With a shriek, he screamed, Why are you interfering with me, Jesus, son of the most high God? In the name of God, I beg you, don't torture me.
For Jesus had already said to the spirit, Come out of the man, you evil spirit. Then Jesus demanded, What is your name?
And he replied, My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man. Then the evil spirits begged him again and again not to send them to some distant place.
This is where it gets interesting. As if that wasn't interesting enough, there happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding on the hillside nearby.
Send us into those pigs, the spirits begged. Let us enter them. So Jesus gave them permission. The evil spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the entire herd of about 2 ,000 pigs plunged down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned in the water.
Now, real quick, because he's going to miss this. Let's help you see this, okay?
Mark 5. I'm not going to quibble with the details of what he's read. I would note that, for the most part, the
New Living Translation is giving us a faithful translation, for the most part, okay?
So again, we're to the point where Jesus asked the demons, what's your name? He says, my name is
Legion, we are many. And they begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country. Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged him saying, send us into the pigs, let us enter them.
So he gave them permission, and the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs, and the herd numbering about 2 ,000 rushed down into the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea.
Now, where is Jesus? Israel?
Are Jews allowed to eat bacon? No, they are not.
So you're going to note here, there's something more going on, and that is, is that here we have a catastrophe.
I mean, we're talking a huge amount of pigs, which is a notable expensive asset.
The entire herd of 2 ,000 pigs, which shouldn't be there in the first place because Jews aren't allowed to eat bacon, which tells you something about the people of that region, right?
Were they faithful to the Mosaic covenant or were they unfaithful? Unfaithful, indeed.
They're eating bacon. So by Christ sending the demons into the herd of pigs and the herd of pigs running over a cliff, this was a financial catastrophe for that whole region.
There was probably not a single person that wasn't impacted by this negatively. And on top of it, they shouldn't have had those pigs in the first place.
This was a form of God's judgment against them. Keep that in mind, because David, he thinks that this is a text about making sure that you don't think about others if you want to flow, whatever that means, in the
Holy Spirit or with the Holy Spirit. Okay? So now you've kind of got the bigger issue.
So what happens is, so 2 ,000 pigs, they're all gone. What's the financial loss here?
Tens, hundreds of thousands of dollars equivalent. This is a huge loss, huge.
So the herdsmen who were caring for the pigs there in Israel, which the Jews aren't even allowed to eat, they fled and told it in the city and in the country.
And the people came to see what it was that had happened. Okay. So the herdsmen, they go in the report.
What? What are they reporting? We lost the entire herd.
All the pigs, they're dead. They went off a cliff. They've all drowned in the sea. The pork belly market is going to tank, tank, tank, sell, sell, sell.
Right? What do you think they reported? Oh, well, yeah, there was that demoniac guy.
And you know, that crazy dude who always cut himself in the cemeteries. Well, you know, he's totally in his right mind now.
No, the herdsmen went to report the loss of all the pigs, which in a real sense is a judgment from Christ against them and their disobedience to the
Mosaic covenant. So they came to Jesus and they saw the demon possessed man. Okay.
What's going on here? Uh, the one who had, had had the legion sitting there clothed and in his right mind, and then they were afraid.
So they lost all their pigs. There's the demoniac guy, the crazy fellow, and he's in his right mind and they're terrified.
And those who had seen it, they described to them what had happened to the demon possessed man and to the pigs.
And then they began to beg Jesus to depart from the region. You get out of here.
Get, get, go. Right. And as he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed by the demons begged him that he might be with him.
And he did not permit him, but he said to them, you go home to your friends and you tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.
So you'll note Christ had mercy on the demoniac and God judged,
Christ judged the pig herders of the Gerasenes because they were, they were legitimately raising animals that the
Mosaic covenant forbade the children of Israel to eat. For the one group, mercy, for the one, for the one man, mercy for the other group judgment.
And so they, what did they, the, the ones who were judged by Christ and they, they lost all their pig, get, get out.
They, they didn't, they didn't, they didn't want to have, be forgiven of their sins. So the demoniac is demoniac, the former demoniac is the only one that God had mercy on.
There's so much more to this text, but let's see what Digga does with this. The herdsmen fled to the nearby town in the surrounding countryside, spreading the news as they ran.
People rushed out to see what had happened. A crowd soon gathered around Jesus and they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons.
He was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane and they were all afraid. Then those who had seen what happened told the others about the demon possessed man and the pigs.
Now watch this. Here we see a powerful miracle. Jesus demonstrates his absolute authority over demonic forces.
Correct. Which then leads to a huge loss of their assets, that herd of 2000 pigs.
Jesus speaks a simple command and drives a legion of demons out of a human vessel. No small feat for sure.
Now the man, of course in his right mind now, was thanking Jesus later, was pleading to be able to follow him and go with him.
His life was forever transformed. Right. Instead of seeing the miracle, the people in the town saw the mess.
Right. God judged them for their sin. And they said in verse 17, and the crowd began pleading with Jesus to go away and leave them alone.
Can you imagine that? Here he performs a miracle, but he performs it in a way that they did not prefer.
What? He's not capable. Diga Hernandez is not capable of rightly understanding
God's word. He has blinders over his eyes. For all of his talk of being a friend of the
Holy Spirit, he does not understand what the Holy Spirit has revealed in scripture at all.
He's no friend of the Holy Spirit. He's not capable of rightly handling God's word. So the people there, they were upset because Jesus did a miracle in a way that they didn't prefer.
This was about their preferences. Yeah, we would prefer not to lose all of our pigs that we have all of our money sunk into.
I mean, that's that's what we would prefer. Of course, forget the fact we shouldn't be raising them in Israel anyway.
Now, I imagine that this possibly affected their economy. You think?
Two thousand pigs. Yeah, it possibly affected their economy.
Yeah, it did. At least to some extent. A major extent. Because this was, of course, the having pigs, this was a part of a business that maybe somebody was running.
And right in Israel, which doesn't allow Jews to eat bacon.
And so the people were very upset at the mess that resulted from the miracle at the at the the side effects, if you will, of what was happening and sometimes moves of the
Holy Spirit. Now, watch where he goes with it. This is just insanity showing the complete darkness of this man's mind.
He is not capable of understanding God's word nor correctly communicating what it says or means.
Watch again at the at the the side effects, if you will, of what was happening. And sometimes moves of the Holy Spirit can be perceived as chaotic.
People often criticize moves of the Holy Spirit by saying something like, well, God is a God of order. And that's true.
Or the Spirit gives you some moves of the Holy Spirit. Is this an example of a move of the
Holy Spirit? This is an example of God's judgment of the people of that region and of God's mercy towards the demoniac.
Self -control, and that's true. But what they're doing when they say things like that is they're twisting those biblical truths to imply that everything that God will ever do will always make us comfortable, will always be perceived as us by orderly.
Yes, God is a God of order. But that is. Adventures in missing the point.
Oh, well, yeah, see, we want God to do stuff and we want moves of the Holy Spirit that will keep us comfortable.
This is nonsense. This guy has no clue what's going on with the text. Doesn't mean he does everything that we perceive to be orderly.
He has his own order. He has his own way. He has his own agenda. And sometimes that's going to contradict the agenda of man.
So instead of saying God is being disorderly, rather, we should get on board with what God is doing and fall in line with his order.
And this is the justification for the Toronto blessing, so -called
Toronto blessing, getting drunk in the spirit, being slain in the spirit of people getting on all fours and barking like dogs and nonsense like this.
You need, we need to get in line and fall in with God's order because God's going to do miracles that may not make us comfortable.
That is not the point at all of Mark 5 in the story of God having mercy on the demoniac at the
Gerasenes and judging the people of that same region who were disobeying his word and raising pigs.
You see the difference? David Diga Hernandez is a twister of God's word.
This is all just straight up eisegesis. And he is not a sound teacher at all.
He is incapable of rightly understanding and rightly handling a biblical text. He should be avoided like the plague that he is.
And he is, he has, he suffers from the exact same plague as Benny Hinn because he caught that plague from Benny Hinn by being
Benny Hinn's understudy. He's as wicked and deceived as Hinn ever was.
Avoid him like the plague. Mark and avoid. Hopefully you found this helpful.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
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And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay. Who's the wiseacre who put this in here?