Matt Chandler vs. Scott Stapp on Affirmative Action (Yes THAT Scott Stapp)

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The philosopher Scott Stapp prophetically wrote a killer song about affirmative action. In this video I explain why he is correct that affirmative action will always lead to more division contrary to the best efforts of men like Pastor Matt Chandler.


There was a great philosopher that I followed in my college and high school days And his name was
Scott Stapp And he was the lead singer of the band Creed and he wrote a song about affirmative action and you know
Scott Stapp You might like him. You might not like him. I don't know how you feel
I don't that's not what this is about, but I can't imagine he's a huge intellectual. Maybe he is
I don't know It's hard for me to say when he writes such catchy songs such as one last breath and higher and my sacrifice
All of these are fantastic songs, but in his song about affirmative action. He talks about how it might be justified
Let me read you a few of the lyrics from that amazing song He says affirmative may be justified take from one give to another the goal is to be unified
Take my hand be my brother Poetry the payment silence the masses sanctified by oppression
Unity took a backseat Sliding further into regression now that is very wise because he's saying this is a well -intentioned
Kind of thing unity is the goal We all want unity But then he says that that that it actually unity takes a back seat when you take from one and give to another and I Very much agree with that it slides further into regression is what he says
Let me read you the second verse. He says society is blind by color How it should be but then he says why hold down one to raise another
I agree He says discrimination is now on both sides seeds of hate blossom further
You see what's going on here affirmative actions very well -intentioned. We want unity We want goal or the goal is unity, but then because you know you're holding down one to raise the other
You're holding down the majority culture to raise the minority culture instead of just giving an even -footing the seeds of hate the seeds of Contempt and and suspicion they actually grow they blossom further.
He says it's poetry I'm telling you and then he says this he says this is very prophetic I would say he says the world is headed for mutiny when all we want is unity
We may rise and fall but in the end we'll meet our fate together that truer words have not been spoken
I think and I'm being serious here Scott stat is on to something affirmative action well -intentioned it sounds good sounds very compassionate and loving but it ends up being a disaster and We talked about how
Matt Chandler is promoting affirmative action in his pastoral hiring practices He decides to take a lesser qualified person that has a darker shade of skin
Than a better qualified person to be his pastor at his church that has a lighter shade of skin
It's really the skin that's that's very important to Matt Chandler one of the firms that's helping us find men so let me ask you a question pastor
Matt if if we find an Anglo eight and an african -american seven
Which one do you want I said I want the african -american seven And he said what if we find an anglo eight and an african -american six?
And then I said then give me the anglo eight because the African -american six will look and feel to our people like the kind of tokenism that I'm preaching against And That's affirmative action and that is the biblical sin of partiality
Okay, when you're partial to someone for ridiculous reasons like that skin color ethnicity
Whether they're rich or poor things like that. That is a sin. God says you can't do that You cannot show favoritism to a rich man, but you also cannot show favoritism to a poor man and I think we can make the application that you cannot show favoritism to someone who's in the majority culture and Likewise, you cannot show favoritism to someone who's in the minority culture.
It works the same way. It's all partiality and it's a sin and It's not really that surprising that affirmative action will lead to more division and it will actually lead to more problems the way
Scott Stapp has so heroically come out and said and It's it's no surprise because God won't let it you see here's the thing
God will not bless you breaking his law his holy Righteous moral law he will never bless that in fact the
Bible talks about there's blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience And so Matt Chandler's little affirmative action plan will cause disaster for his church.
God won't it's not magic It's not just that I've run the numbers and I've decided that affirmative action is not gonna work
It's not just that I just think we're too racist for affirmative action to work. No, it's not that it's that God will not bless it
God will not bless you breaking his holy law If you are showing partiality to someone who's has a darker skin shade of skin, then you will that will never
Give you the positive result you're looking for. God won't let it God won't let the world go topsy -turvy like that He will not bless disobedience to his law.
You must obey his law So if you want to have a darker skin pastor, if that's a goal of yours
I would recommend getting on your knees and praying to God Lord. Send me a qualified person that meets my ethnic requirements
I'm not so sure God will answer that prayer because it's a wrong prayer But at least you won't be showing partiality at least you won't be sinning in order to accomplish what you think is a good thing
You can't sin your way out of sin. I know you're trying to correct the discrimination
I know you're trying to do that, but you will never correct a discrimination with more discrimination. It doesn't work that way
God won't let it you can't there's not a single sin in the Bible that you can say you can say to me Well, I'll do this and God will bless it