I Apologize In Advance - Interpreting the World as an SJW

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know many people have been talking about how this woke church stuff this social justice stuff is a different religion
And it definitely is it's an entire world view when you think about it critical theory is a world view the social justice woke
Church type stuff is a separate way to look at the world And that's why so much of your communication is so difficult with people because you will be talking about the exact same
Situation the exact same statistics the exact same You know happening, and you'll come to completely different Conclusions, and it's not because you know you know you're a white supremacist
It's because they're operating under a different set of rules. They don't have the same reality
In their minds that you do you see the scripture is great because it gives us a biblical worldview
God's worldview is perfect He tells us what's what here in the world and so we interpret the world through what we know from scripture
And through what we know from the light of revelation, but that's not how social justice warriors work So I'm gonna show you how to interpret the world like a social justice warrior
Enjoy hi, how's it going?
I've got my Hipster glasses here that I I got from a street vendor in in Soho the other day
I'm of course drinking on a delicious Ethiopian sourced soy latte and of course.
I've got my my Scarf here that was made by a Cambodian immigrants that I found
So I wanted to just show you a few things on Twitter That's been on my heart lately, and I and I just honestly
I white people we need to have a discussion We need to have a discussion because I know you think you're helping but We need to decenter whiteness here.
This isn't about you. This is about Justice this is about the oppressed and the marginalized we need less of your voices
I want you to be in the fight of course, but I want you to be in the fight on the right terms
Let's just take a let's just take a stroll through Twitter, and I'll show you what's going on I saw this article here this article over here the
Dixie chicks Can barely even say the name Dixie The Dixie chicks have changed their name to the chicks, and they think that this is helping this is still buying into the binary
Sexuality lie that we've been told this is this is this is too much We just they just need to change their name to I don't know a pronoun
Maybe a plural pronoun might be good the chicks is not enough. That's still buying into the oppression that The LGBT brothers and sisters face every day
I'm glad that you did the work to get rid of Dixie now get rid of the chicks
I saw another article that said that oh hold on. I think I lost it here Let's see if I can find it.
It's on another article that said that that Disney is changing the theme of that horribly racist ride
Splash Mountain Racism on every corner in that ride, and they're they're changing it to the princess and the frog
White people can you think about what you do before you do it? That princess in the frog movie is just another trope is it what do you think all blacks?
They can only be in service jobs. Is that what you think were you with the main character? Oh, she couldn't want to be a lawyer right she couldn't she couldn't be an engineer
No, she just wants to be a restauranteur a restaurateur restaurateur Black people are more than the service industry.
That's not enough Disney. It's just absolutely Ridiculous, I I saw this one here from pastor
John Stark And he points out that Biden is winning in the polls and on the one hand
I'm happy, but but but this is just more white centering. This is Not about You John Stark and your political preferences all
I see are two white men When when are we going to elect a black president?
This is not something to celebrate, but Joe Biden is quite as white can be
John Stark, I know that this makes you happy that Joe Biden's winning the election But this is white center
John that you need to repent you need to realize what you've done here. I From rate
Portland, hold on I Rate Portland a burning issue in our nation today
Obviously is how to own up to past sins so as to build a better future
I wish I could point to many churches around the country and say see that's how we can do this, but I can't
I can't Maybe it's time for us Christians to start owning up. Well rate Portland. I've got some news for you
Black people have been owning up for for decades and you've just completely discounted them seats to you
I know to you the church is white. I know to you the church is white You would you would love to be able to point to white people to see how proud you are of white
Accomplishments and white owning up of the past and white efforts. I know that's how you think We need to deep center whiteness, this is the worst one of all
This is the worst one of all we saw Dan Cathy shining lacraze shoes shine shining lacraze shining lacraze
Shoes can you believe it as I mean what you're afraid to touch his feet Dan Cathy But you oh, you don't want to touch a blacks feet
So you you pretend to shine his sneaker when nobody's buying it Dan Kathy. We understand what you're doing
You're trying to look good. And look Ray is a human being and his feet are no different than your feet
And then of course, I almost can't even face this one I Saw this
Look at this look at this image. I can't think of a more
White centered Self -serving self -elevating Image than this
Herschel York says I will never forget this. I'm sure you won't Herschel. I'm sure you won't
I'm sure you won't Herschel. I'm sure you won't because in Jesus in the scriptures
When he was was washing the disciples feet, what did he say? What did he say?
He said a servant is not above his masters And so what is
Herschel doing but taking the position of a master and saying to this sweet beautiful black man
That he's the servant How could you? How dare you?
Go find go find some go find a person of color and a repent to them for all of this stuff
You are collectively guilty you must repent and you must do so in a way that does not elevate whiteness to the position of Savior to the position of a toner
I Have to go I Apologize for that now that I think about it and I just want you to understand that there was absolutely no
Soy consumed in the process of making that video. Hope this was helpful goblins