Trump: The Most True and Honest President Ever

AD Robles iconAD Robles


True and Honest. These words describe Trump more than any president in history. Ever.


Donald J. Trump is the first and probably best true and honest president ever in history.
I mean, I don't think there's any denying that. I think that we have to look, we have to really be honest about this.
True and honest. We need to be true and honest the way Donald J. Trump has been true and honest with the
American people. I have to say that this is a fantastic display of truth and honesty.
I have never seen anything like it. Now, before we get into why, let me just give you a little bit of a background.
Before I was a Christian, I was a libertarian. And if you know anything about libertarians, they're one of the things that marks a true and honest libertarian is a disdain for both political parties, right?
And I embrace this. This is one of the most attractive things about libertarianism to me before I became a Christian is that I get to complain about everybody because our candidates never get elected.
So no matter who gets elected, we get to complain. It's a win -win for everybody. Now, but in all seriousness, though,
I remember very distinctly, I was at work having a conversation with some buddies about voting.
And I was like, I'm not going to vote. And during the course of that conversation, they said, well, if you're going to vote, then you have no right to complain.
And I said, on the contrary, if I don't vote, I have the only right to complain because here's the reality.
I didn't participate in this system. I didn't say this was fair and square. And so no matter who gets elected,
I can complain. But you can't because you played by their rules. So if you voted for someone that doesn't get elected, you have no right to complain.
The system was fair, right? For a libertarian, I could just criticize everybody. Now, the reason
I bring this up is because here's the tweet that I think is an example of why Donald J.
Trump is a true and honest president. He says this. As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits,
I will totally destroy and obliterate the economy of Turkey. I've done before.
They must, with Europe and others, watch over the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U .S.
has done far more than anyone could have expected, including the capture of 100 percent of the
ISIS caliphate. It is now time for the others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory.
The USA is great. Now, there's a lot going on with this tweet. Because at the end of the day, let's just be honest.
Trump pulling forces out of the Middle East is a good thing. I know a lot of you guys disagree.
I get it. But it's a good thing. And Trump has been one of the most peaceful presidents ever.
He's making good on his promise to not want us to get into wars so aggressively.
Sort of. But listen, listen. There's a lot going on with this tweet, right? So the first thing that everyone jumped on is the fact that he said that he, in his great and unmatched wisdom.
Now, when I read a tweet like this, there's a couple of things that come to mind. Number one, he said this on purpose, knowing how crazy this sounds, to distract from something.
So what else is Donald Trump doing right now? I don't know. He's in the middle of about to get impeached for no reason, all this kind of stuff.
So he's saying this. So now this is the story. He's saying that he has unmatched wisdom. Now, the reality is, though, is that I think that Donald Trump thinks he has unmatched wisdom.
I don't think he's just saying this to say it and he's making it up. I think he actually thinks that he has great and unmatched wisdom.
He's kind of like Xerxes. Remember Xerxes when he's up there like this and he's like, I am wise.
Or no, I am kind. He's kind of like, he's acting like Xerxes a little bit. I'm not going to lie. He's acting like Xerxes.
But here's why I say he's a true and honest president. Because let's just face it.
Every president thinks that they have great and unmatched wisdom, especially your favorite president.
Especially your favorite president. And I can say that confidently because no matter who it is in the last 20, 30 years or whatever, however long you've been alive.
Because a lot of my fan base is younger, you know, under 40. But Obama, he thinks he has a great and unmatched wisdom.
He thinks he knows better than you. His whole policy, the whole Democratic Party, everyone in the Democratic Party thinks that they know better than you.
That's what socialism is all about, by the way. If you believe like in minimum wage laws and stuff like that, if you believe in that kind of stuff.
What you're saying is we know better than you know. You can't sell your work for what you think is fair.
No, we know better. We'll take care of you. That's what the nanny state is all about. It's all about them thinking they are all wise.
They are unmatched. They are great. And you are just a peon. Listen to them.
We'll protect you. Daddy will take care of you. Mommy will take care of you. Don't worry about it.
We have great and unmatched wisdom. You just sit there and look pretty. So Obama, he thought he had great and unmatched wisdom.
He just didn't say it. He just wasn't true and honest. George Bush, he thought he had great and unmatched wisdom. He just didn't say it.
The other George Bush, Bill Clinton, all these guys. Which one of these guys doesn't really think deep down that they've got great and unmatched wisdom?
They all do. They all do. But Trump is just the one that will be honest with you and say it.
Obama, he was too cool for school. He thinks he has great and unmatched wisdom, but he would never tell you.
Now, that's one part of this tweet. There's a lot going on here, like I said. So the fact that he says he has great and unmatched wisdom, if that is shocking to you and you're clutching your pearls over it and all that kind of stuff, oh, my goodness, he's a dictator.
Well, okay, but all of your favorite presidents, no matter who you support, felt the same way.
Their policies, their acts, their edicts, their demands, their rulings, all this stuff.
It's telling you, I know better than you, especially if you're a Democrat. You have no right to be upset about this because the entire platform of the
Democratic Party is we know better than you know for yourself.
They have great and unmatched wisdom. So especially if you're a Democrat, you have no right to be upset about this.
Anyway, again, let's just be honest. Just because somebody says they have great and unmatched wisdom doesn't make them worse than someone who actually thinks they have great and unmatched wisdom but just won't tell you.
It's the same thing. It's the same thing. Now, there's this whole thing about destroying and obliterating the economy of Turkey.
Destroying and obliterating the economy of Turkey. And this is another part of this tweet that people are upset about.
How could he say such a thing? How dare he? How dare he say that? But the reality is every administration, every president in recent times has participated in this kind of thing.
Have you ever read the book or even heard of the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman? Confessions of an
Economic Hitman. This is a blast from the past, a blast from my libertarian past. You should take a look at this.
There's podcasts about this guy, John Perkins. He wrote a book about the things that he would engage in where what they would do is they would find an economically kind of hurting country that had resources that they wanted and then they would offer to send them aid and write loans for them.
But really the loans wouldn't go to the people. They would go to the businesses that the United States wanted to prop up. And then they would owe all this money that was, at the end of the day, didn't help them at all but propped up American interests.
And they would owe all this money to the United States and now the United States would own them. Now they would own them because they could destroy them in two seconds if they wanted to.
All they had to do was call in that debt and that'd be it for them. And so it's like, okay, now you have to vote the way we want you to vote in the
UN. Otherwise, we're going to destroy you. And so here's Trump talking in a true and honest way.
You might think that this is a joke, but it's not a joke. I think Donald Trump is the first in a very long time true and honest president.
He's not the only one, but he's the first in a very long time because when he says that he, in his great and unmatched wisdom, will obliterate the economy of Turkey or whatever country he decides to say this to next, all he is doing is telling you what every recent president has engaged in up until today.
He just has the guts and the audacity and the arrogance to say it to your face. And I would say that this is true and honest.
It's true and honest to say, I'm going to do what I'm going to do, whereas Obama would, with a smile on his face and smooth talk, tell you something else, but really what he's doing is this.
Really what Obama felt like was him, in his great and unmatched wisdom, was going to destroy economies if he wanted to, drop bombs if he wanted to, stuff like that, but he'd tell you he's doing it in a smooth way.
He wouldn't be like Donald Trump. He wouldn't be true and honest. He would do the same things as Donald Trump, but he wouldn't be true and honest about it.
So really, this kind of a tweet, this doesn't surprise me, especially as someone who's spent some time as a libertarian and kind of understands how the
United States operates overseas and things like that. Look, I love the United States. Don't get me wrong. This is the other thing about this tweet.
He finishes it with the USA is great in all capital letters, and he really believes that.
He really believes that, whereas Obama will tell you how horrible the USA is. Meanwhile, he's doing all the same things that Trump is doing.
So here's the thing. I'm not saying that this economic blackmail and bribery and stuff like that is good, no matter who does it.
If Trump does it or whatever, it doesn't matter. If Trump is acting in a dictatorial way, it doesn't make it good because it's
Trump, right? I can't just say, well, Obama did it too, and all of a sudden now it's good. No, it's not good, but the reality is to act like Trump is—
All these people, Cenk Uygur, all these guys acting like Donald Trump is the first person to actually believe this.
He might be the first person to be true and honest about it, but he's not the first person to act this way.
Every president, Obama acted this way and all that kind of stuff. Now, here's the reality. We got to consider something here.
We do have to consider something here because Donald Trump, what did he promise to do when he got into office? What did he say when he was asking for your vote?
He said this. He said, guys, I know how these guys operate. I know the corruption that happens.
I know because I'm a businessman, a successful businessman. So I know what you have to do to be successful in the
United States. And I'm going to drain the swamp. That's what he said. And now here he is revealing what presidents are up to.
Now, is he doing this to drain the swamp like he said he would? I don't know. Or is he just doing it because he's a true and honest guy?
I don't know why he's saying this stuff. And maybe he's just saying it because he's arrogant and he's a megalomaniac, sick person, crazy in the head.
I don't know. But the reality is he is revealing what presidents have been all about for decades, for decades.
And so Donald Trump is doing us a good and true and honest favor right here by revealing what presidents.
Obama did this kind of stuff. Bush did this kind of stuff. Clinton did this kind of stuff. They all did this kind of stuff.
Trump is just the first one to tell you about it to your face. Anyway, I hope this is helpful. God bless.
If you know the reference that I've been making this entire video, go ahead and shoot me a message.