The Sufficiency of Scripture with Justin Peters


Rapp Report episode 127 Justin Peters from the Snatch them from the Flames Home Edition. This is the first session where Justin speaks on the Sufficiency of Scripture. Check out the new website This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast...


So we have something special for you today. This is going to be a special edition of the wrap report
We are going to give to you what we offered for the people who watched the snatch them from the flames home edition
This is session 1 Justin Peters will be the one speaking. It is the topic of the sufficiency of scriptures
You can still watch the full snatch them from the flames home edition. Just go to striving for eternity
Org go to the online events and you can watch it there You will not want to miss this session with Justin Peters right now.
Welcome to the rap report Welcome to the rap report with your host
Where we provide biblical interpretation and application This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the
Christian podcast community for more content or to request a speaker for your church Go to striving for eternity
All right, well welcome to snatch them from the flames home edition we're glad that you're watching
This is Justin Peters on that side. If he's on that side on your screen Maybe he's on this side on your screen and I'm Andrew rap report.
We're glad to to be with you Actually, I could just and I could put our names up. Look, there we go.
There's our name see All right We're glad to be able to this, you know last year about a year ago
Justin you and I a year ago actually last week you and I were in the Philippines doing this seminar.
Yes Yes, we were. Yeah, it's a great trip Just precious precious people in the
Philippines We we both I think we I can speak for both of us and say we really really enjoyed it Yeah, and the the
Balut was very good. I know you really enjoyed that I was watching I was watching cash cab the other night and Balut was one of their questions
They showed a picture. I was like, I don't know what that is For folks who don't know what Balut is. That's probably good for you
I didn't mind it. It tasted good, but Justin wasn't willing to taste it, but we have over 1 ,600 people registered for this seminar and Just to give you a few
Here's Stan he's in New Jersey. We got Dorothy here. She's from Texas, but we have some folks from the
Philippines We got Trevor here is from South Africa says just found out about the conference now and extremely looking forward to it
Thanks so much, Justin Leanne is from southern Indiana very close to Louisville, Kentucky Which is where the
Ark Encounter is and the Creation Museum We have less from northern,
Indiana, but we also have Iris from South Germany Now Nadine who's from Rhode Island has a message for you,
Justin. I think this is very good He says thank you for your guidance, Justin I'm 15 and you helped me out of New Age ways of thinking
I know God is going to do great things to you. I love you, brother. Oh Well, I love you, too.
Nadia. God bless you. Praise the Lord for that Natalie Natalie says thanks for amazing ministry,
Justin. I also am 15 You really learn more about the truth of the charismatic Pentecostal churches.
Thank you. Natalie. Praise the Lord That's so encouraging to see young people tuning in. That's great. We got
Mary from Massachusetts. I didn't ask everyone to put their their where they're from, but I figured before we get started.
We'll put this out We got Mary from Massachusetts and Connie from Texas. Hopefully I don't get into names.
I can't pronounce Well, I can't pronounce that one, but I don't think it's
I'm gonna go with Carol is from Ohio we also have W from Ohio He just goes by W Now here's another
Ethan is 16. He's thank you for your ministries. I'm seen it. It helped me out a lot
Now I really I really like Ethan because he also put this up Justin Everybody put hashtag
Justin I win in the chat and he did that so I really Ethan two thumbs up Folks who don't know what
Justin I win is All I could say is go to the website. There it is right there
Justin I win comm you knew that had to get in there somehow, right? I figured it was coming
If people just go to Justin I win comm you'll you'll get the the joke There's a video that explains it but it's my way of bragging and getting him donations
So you donate to his ministry put Justin I win I get bragging rights. Um We'll talk about supporting his ministry a bit but Toronto I'm not gonna be able to get to the rest of these but let's uh, you know, we have oh,
I saw there was Michigan, but So Justin when we you know, we talked about this.
Let me do some put up just real quick So some information for folks that we have just as way of Announcing Announcements, but let me
Share if I can find the PowerPoint. There we go. All right so some things we got for folks is striving fraternities having a moving sale if you want to get 50 % off all of our books and Syllabuses just use the movie the code move that is till June 15th
June 15th that coupon will work to get you 50 % off at our store But we have a different thing here
Justin that is of interest. You got a new website. I do I do Yeah brand new website it's just been live for four or five days now
I guess and Much much improved over the last one the the last one was an old website and you know
And you just kind of tell is dated kind of from the earlier days of the Internet And so this is a new and updated a lot of new information
Yeah, some of the you know resources that are available But videos interviews that I've done with say like Jim Osmond on spiritual warfare
Some articles that I've written on various things linked to the podcast a
Detailed doctrinal statement is there I like detailed doctrinal statements and I have one of those so a lot of people email me asking what do you believe about this or that and Probably most of that is covered in my doctrinal statement.
So yeah, lots of new stuff same website or address anyway, but new website Yeah, so we got we got that One last thing we have is that we are willing to do this conference in your church
And so this is something that Justin and I will come to your church We'll be happy to come on and do this.
We do either one of two you have we could do all day Saturday like we're doing here today, or if you want a
Friday and Saturday, we could add two sessions where we add Anthony dr Anthony Silvestro to cover two sessions on social justice
So if you're interested just contact speaker at striving for eternity dot o -r -g and we can schedule one of those
So with that Justin we're gonna end up handing this off to you Now folks who don't know
Justin is super techie. He lived with tech You do you you ride on that scooter all day so you're living with tech
Yeah We'll make more announcements throughout but what we the plan is today
Justin is gonna talk this first session we're gonna do a session on on Sufficiency of scripture then we'll take a 10 -minute break.
I'll deal with interpreting scripture then we'll take an hour break for for a break for lunch or in Justin's case breakfast and And then we'll then we'll end up going for a longer session
Justin I'll do a longer session on Discerning false teachers and then I'm gonna go through the entire book of Jude Going through identifying false teachers and then after that's a
Q &A now Let me let you know some things about the Q &A we you're watching on YouTube Facebook or Twitter put your questions there and it'd be nice if you put a capital
Q and then a Colon so that the person who's getting the questions knows it's a question for us
But they're gonna be monitoring looking for questions and put it in for the end there is a
Advantage to you to putting more questions in Justin and I are both giving away some books and different things
And so those who answer the quiet who ask questions will be getting those now what we're gonna do because we realize there's people in the
Philippines that are just getting ready to go to bed and they're not Gonna be able to watch this live. They're gonna be watching tomorrow
Or the next day and so we're gonna have three people that we're gonna pull out of all those who registered
So even if you're watching on Facebook Twitter YouTube, you didn't register go to striving for eternity org click on the
Online events tab go register there because what we're gonna do probably Wednesday or Thursday give people enough time to go in and register
Three people are gonna be chosen at random and You're going to get a private one -hour zoom meeting with both
Justin and I so Justin and I will be will come in we'll set up a zoom meeting with you and you get an hour of of being able to ask any question you want and Justin you and I are doing we really we started this because you we should
I didn't get into that We started this because you called me up and you said hey, how's your speaking schedule doing? And I said it was all clear
Yep. Yep. Yep. I think all of us have had pretty much cleared schedules for the last few months and So I'm gonna start kind of dipping my toes back in the water.
I think in June. I'm supposed to go to Texas so so maybe things are starting to kind of loosen up now and get back to some semblance of Normalcy of sorts.
Yeah, and I'm I may I'm still trying to see whether I'm gonna make it up your way for July I haven't there's a different factor that I should explain this some people that may be wondering
Some people say I don't look as intelligent with empty bookcases behind me. My books are practically social distancing
They're packed away in 90 boxes in the garage as I'm making my way out to Pennsylvania To to a church plant we have there called the
Masters Church of Bucks County and we'll talk about that later on but if you're in that area want to Want to find a good church you could come, you know
Well, I don't know if you want to come hear me preach I do hear there's rumor that Justin is gonna be packing up and and moving out to Pennsylvania to to to join me in this
You don't mind leaving the grandchildren, right? I mean, come on Folks I tried
But yeah, so we're that's why there's no books on my bookcase but That's how this started we started because basically our schedules cleared up and we had, you know,
Justin said hey Let's let's try to do some online for everyone. Who's who's at home And so that's really why we we came up with this idea of doing this the seminar that we tried to do in churches
Online and I can't remember why I was bringing that up. I'll probably remember I probably should have made a list of the announcements there
Justin I Mentioned the giveaway. So what
I'll do is I'm gonna hand this off to you. So here Justin, let's let's work on So start your your
PowerPoint into presenter. Yeah. All right Interview we only did like did two trial runs of this folks.
Okay, so command tab, right? Yep. Okay share screen Share screen.
I'm starting to remember application window. Yep PowerPoints show. Yep. See he's got this down and I thought okay, there we go
And then I'm gonna bow out and I'll see you guys in about an hour. Okay. All right, dear friends
Well, I'm so grateful to have this opportunity and grateful for the technology of course, these are less than ideal circumstances given the
Pandemic that all of us are going through but grateful to have the technology That we do so we can at least do these kinds of things and so thank you all of you for Tuning in all around the world.
So encouraging to hear see people from the Philippines and South Africa and Germany So all over the world very honored and grateful to have this time with you
Okay, so I'm assuming everybody can see my PowerPoint here. I cannot see any of you.
I wish I could but Let us begin so hearing from heaven. How do we know when
God is speaking to us? I'm sure you've heard people say well God spoke to me and told me to tell you such -and -such or God told me this
God told me that Have you ever heard someone say that and it makes you wonder what's wrong with me?
You know, I I don't hear God talk to me like that. Are these people more spiritual than I am?
Do they have a closer walk with God than I do? Is there something wrong with my walk with the
Lord? You know, I don't hear God talk to me like that all these people they seem to hear
God speak to them So regularly and so easily and I just I don't hear God talk to me like that.
Am I not even saved? I can't tell you how many people I have talked to over the years and how many people email me on a regular basis
With these kinds of questions. And so I want to talk about this how to know the voice of God How do we know when
God is? Speaking to us, okay So we have a fair amount of ground to cover here and let me say to that in my
PowerPoint presentation I'm going to have a lot of different clips of very
Varied people I'm gonna have clips everywhere from Sid Roth and Benny Hinn to more people people more and kind of a considered more to be more
Normal, if you will like Robert Morris and even Charles Stanley and Beth Moore now
I'm showing these clips the the wide variety of individuals here not to lump them all into the same group
Not to equate Charles Stanley with Sid Roth and Sid Roth is just looney tunes, but I'm doing this to show you how
Widespread this belief is that God is speaking to people outside of Scripture Okay, so let us begin.
I want to define a couple of terms We need to lay a little bit of groundwork here because these are terms that are very widely misunderstood revelation revelation refers to God revealing new
Information that up until that point has been previously hidden Okay, so God revealing something new that up until this point has not been revealed illumination refers to the enabling work of the
Holy Spirit in the lives of believers to understand and to appropriate the truths of Scripture so in other words illumination is the work of the
Holy Spirit in the lives of us as believers when he helps us to Understand God's Word as we read and study
God's Word the Holy Spirit helps in the process of illumination Helping us to understand the
Word of God and then to appropriate it obey it in our lives So revelation is not happening anymore
Illumination is and maybe you've heard somebody say oh, well, I really got revelation on this Well, no, you really didn't you didn't get revelation now.
What may have happened is illumination the Holy Spirit Illumining the meaning of God's Word to our hearts and to our minds so we need to keep those two terms
Distinct and understand what they mean because they're very very widely misunderstood So this whole notion of God speaking today outside of Scripture not going to go too in -depth in this because it's too much in the weeds, but This this idea of God speaking outside of Scripture can be traced back to a movement known as pietism this
Pietism began in the late 1600s went through the mid 1700s or so it was a reaction to what many people perceive to be an over -intellectualized
Mindset coming out of the Protestant Reformation Reformation some people believe that doctrine had become a little bit too heady and a little bit too dry
Maybe a cold and whoops. There we go And so pietism was a reaction to that it began with a man named
Philip Spinner 1635 1705 you see his dates there and Philip Spinner was no heretic not at all
He just began to deviate just a little bit from the sufficiency of Scripture And he began to put a little bit more emphasis on Kind of impressions and things like that from God and then it progressed to a guy named
August Franck And he took spinners deviations a little bit further and then you get to count
Nicholas von Zinzendorf and He he was even further than that and as as is the case
Error always begets more error error does not stay Localized and in fact
Paul says right that it spreads like gangrene and and by the time you get to the Nicholas von
Zinzendorf He was he had developed something called the theology of the heart and that he actually emphasized heartfelt convictions above that of Scripture and So he was really in some very serious error
He was the leader of the Moravians and the Moravians had this practice of and maybe you've done this before I did it many many years ago because I saw other people do it
But say you you need a word from the Lord and you got something going on in your life Lord I really need a word from you.
I need to know what you're saying and so you have your Bible in front of you close your eyes and You just kind of open your
Bible at random and you point and whatever your finger points at that is
God's Word for you Well that can be traced back to count Nicholas von Zinzendorf It's a very bad thing to do by the way, that's it's not biblical at all divine revelation knowledge
This term was first coined by Essek W Kenyon He was the grandfather of the word of faith movement
Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland that kind of thing Kenyon believed in two types of knowledge The first of these is sensory knowledge that which we get through our five senses sight sound taste smell touch
And the other is revelation knowledge and this is supernatural knowledge that comes only from God now
According to Kenyon the catch to this is that these two spheres of knowledge are mutually exclusive And what that means is is that?
Reasoning or logical thought is of no value So if you really want to go deep with God when you want to get to the deep things of the
Lord Then you need to disengage your mind put your put your brain in neutral You may have heard of a practice called
Lectio Divina This is a modern -day version of what Kenyon started this requires you to empty your mind so that God can speak to you and Lectio Divina was popularized by Pope Benedict the 16th in 2005 and now this
Lectio Divina has has actually become accepted in Protestant circles Unfortunately several years ago even
John Piper and Beth Moore were together up on a stage at a conference
Practicing Lectio Divina. This is a profoundly unbiblical thing to do.
Okay All right, speaking of Beth Moore, and I know probably a lot of people watching me right now
You're cackles are raised and you're upset that I'm talking about Beth Moore. Well The fact of the matter is is that she regularly claims that God speaks to her outside of Scripture I want to this is a quote from her book praying
God's Word and on page two She says this quote what little
I know I want others to know before God tells me a secret.
He knows up front I'm going to tell it by and large. That's our deal. Oh my goodness How many problems with this so Beth Moore claims that God is telling her secrets, of course, then she says he knows up front
I'm going to tell it. Well, if he knows you're going to tell the secret I don't really know that it's a secret that doesn't make any sense.
But you see this She claims a real intimate relationship with God that God gives
Beth Moore secrets tells her Things that he's not telling other people.
You know what that's Gnosticism This is a modern version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism and it's profoundly unbiblical
It's profoundly arrogant to think that God is telling you secrets that he's not telling other people like you've got this
Inside deal with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. No, that is not that is not true
That's flies in the face of the so many things a priesthood of the believer for one But anyway, she said that's our deal.
You see Beth Moore has such a close intimate relationship with God She has a secret deal with him that that you and I just don't have
Another book that she wrote when godly people do ungodly things now, this is just bizarre
Beth Moore writes this she said I heard the voice of God speak to my heart and God said come and play
I love that. He said calm not go calm. That meant that he was already there. I Also love how
I could tell by the sweet tone of his silent voice I don't even know what that means the sweet tone of a silent voice if a voice is silent doesn't that how does it?
Have a tone, but anyway, I love how I could tell by the sweet tone of his silent voice that he was smiling
So she could see God or Jesus Smiling. She said I could have outlined his expression with my finger.
No, I'm sorry. That's just creepy That's just creepy Beth Moore thinks that she can see Jesus So clearly that she could outline the expression on his face with her finger that that's creepy.
This is a romanticized view of of God And it's just bizarre and downright creepy and then she goes on she says
I built a snowman I laughed with God He laughed with me. I am so in love with him.
I am so in love with him You see that I mean Beth Moore has got such a close walk with God Intimate relationship with him that she goes out and builds snowmen with Jesus.
This is bizarre. This is bizarre Okay, now I want to show you a few clips of some very common teachers who claim that we should be hearing the voice
Of God regularly outside of Scripture, but it should be a regular normal part of the
Christian life Now, I hope that this audio comes through Andrew if there's any technical difficulties text me
Okay. All right. Watch this from Rick Warren last week How to hear the voice of God very few things are more important than this because you can't have a relationship to God If you can't hear
God if all you do is ever talk to him in prayer and you never hear
God speak to you That's a one -way Relationship that isn't much of a relationship
So if all you ever do is talk to God in prayer, but you never hear God talk to you Then that's no relationship.
You don't really have a relationship with God Watch this from Priscilla Shire And I'm hoping that you'll join me for a six -week journey as we talk about how we can hear and discern the voice of God In our lives, do you really expect and anticipate that the divine voice of God can be heard by you?
Do you really think that he loves you enough to die for you, but doesn't love you enough? Not sure why it quit
So you're are you asking if God speaks specifically and the answer is yes, he does let me give you two or three examples
Speaking about buying groceries on a particular day I had a very short period of time and so I wanted to buy a turkey
Thanksgiving. My time was really running out I thought well, I shouldn't do this now. I said
God just show me what to do It's like God said go to this store by the turkey now against some of my will
I went I walked right in Straight to the right place the right pound of turkey walk right out
They did got back in the car in less than about 25 minutes. Did God tell me to go?
Yes, he did Okay So here you see three very popular preachers teachers Rick Warren Priscilla Shire in that clip that Priscilla of Priscilla Shire Stopped for some reason to play the whole thing
But she says do you really think that God loves you enough to die for you, but not enough to talk to you
That is a real affront to the scriptures to the Word of God What does she think the
Bible is that is God speaking to us? And then you hear Charles Stanley who's not normally considered to be kind of in the charismatic wing of things
But he he very much is even though he's Southern Baptist But Charles Stanley talking about how one day
God told him where to go get his Thanksgiving Day Turkey has God ever told you where to go get your
Thanksgiving Day turkey If not, then Charles Stanley boy, he's got a much closer relationship with God Then do you so God is telling him where to go get his turkey?
I mean, it's such a such an intimate relationship That Charles Stanley has with God that God even instructs him where to go get his turkey
I might point out that Charles Stanley is divorced And I don't say this to be mean but you know
It raises serious questions, how is it that God could tell him where to get his turkey?
something so trivial as that but not apparently how to save his marriage as a pastor and so you but you see this you see the
Implications of this that if you're not hearing God speak to you, then you just don't really have a close relationship with God Now this is a book entitled practicing the power by Sam Storms now
Sam Storms dealing with Soteriology the doctrine of salvation would be where Andrew and I are doctrines of grace high view of the sovereignty of God and in salvation and To his credit
Sam Storms has written and taught against some of the extremes of the charismatic movement But nonetheless, he is by definition a charismatic and I want to show you what he says here
He says to be the recipient of prophetic revelation from God whether in dreams
Impressions trances visions or words of knowledge and words of wisdom can be nothing short of euphoric
The experience brings feelings of nearness to God and the heightened sense of spiritual intimacy That isn't often the case with other of the charismatic
This is a really unfortunate statement because Sam Storms you see him emphasizing the importance of Dreams impressions trances even visions and words of knowledge above that of the more normative spiritual gifts like teaching mercy
Administration exhortation the gift of giving the gift of hospitality These gifts you see they're just not they don't bring you as into an intimate relationship with God as do dreams and visions and trances and words of knowledge and all that and that's a very
Unfortunate Division of the spiritual gifts as if dreams and impressions and visions are more important than teaching mercy
Administration those gifts aren't just as important. They're not as Intimate as these other gifts as a very unfortunate thing to say and again, this is a another day of another version of the modern a modern -day version of Gnosticism so if you get dreams and visions and you go into trances
You're a half you're really close with God but if you're one of these poor souls and all you have is the
Bible and dwelt by the Holy Spirit and you don't get Dreams and visions from God you just have the Word of God.
So you have the gift of teaching Then you're a half not that's just not as spiritual as the other gifts.
Very unfortunate Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. I would submit is the resource that is singularly most responsible for introducing
Charismatic theology into at least theoretically non -charismatic circles
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby came out. I believe in 1991 and Really introduced this whole notion of God speaking to people outside of Scripture before experiencing
God most Non -charismatic churches would have understood that God speaks to us in the
Bible We speak to God in prayer most people in the at least non -charismatic churches would have understood that before Experiencing God came out now hardly anybody understands that now the
Southern Baptist Convention for example, which is not known to be charismatic Thanks to experiencing
God now I would say probably the vast vast majority maybe upwards of 95 % an educated guess on my part of Southern Baptists think that God speaks to them outside of Scripture and in large part it comes as some of the fruit of experiencing
God by Henry Blackaby But Henry Blackaby says this in his book on page 87 if you have trouble hearing
God speak You are in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience So if you're not hearing
God speak to you, you're in trouble at the heart of your Christian Experience.
This should be something that should be a regular part. They say of the Christian life now I want to show you a video of A man named
Sid Roth Sid Roth has a program on TV and entitled. It's supernatural Sid Roth has the looniest stuff that you could ever imagine.
I mean just last night. I was watching Sid Roth and Just looney tune stuff. But what I'm about to show you is one of the most disturbing things
I've ever seen on Christian television, and I'm just gonna play this and and we'll talk about it
Sid Roth is going to well, I'll just let it play watch this from Sid Roth Welcome to my world where it's naturally
Supernatural I have read of the great men and women of faith One in particular intrigues me so much his name
Smith Wigglesworth He had some of the most outrageous
Miracles I ever heard of in my life Let me give you one example.
Some parents had a two -month -old baby Dying in the hospital the parents kidnapped the child took the child to a
Smith Wigglesworth meeting and Smith looks at the child looks at the parents and say can
I do what God tells me to do or what would you do? If you're the parent's child's dying anyway, right?
He takes the baby two -month -old Throws the baby against the wall
Then the baby's on the floor he take have you ever seen someone play soccer you have you ever seen them
Kick a soccer ball. He does that with the baby The baby falls into the congregation
No crying. Is it dead? 100 % healed
I there are just no words for how Appalling and horrific that is
Smith Wigglesworth was a faith healer long dead But his granddaughter was the guest on this program of Sid Roth Smith Wigglesworth's granddaughter and She tells this story
My guess is that this probably never happened I doubt very much that it happened if it did if it did that baby died
That's what happened to that baby if it happened People are often say oh Justin you just talk about the fringe of the charismatic movement the fringe elements
No, this is the mainstream of the charismatic movement. This was put on worldwide television just a couple of years ago and one of the charismatic mantras is
What God does for one he'll do for you in addition to the spiritual dangers of this theology there are physical dangers to this movement
Sid Roth putting this on worldwide television and Charismatics remember what
God does for one he'll do for you and so someone is sitting at home and they're watching this from Sid Roth who claims to hear
God speak to him all the time and He someone sitting at home and they think wow well God told
Smith Wigglesworth to throw a sick baby against a wall and he would be healed and then to kick the baby into the
Audience and God healed that sick baby. My kid is sick. My neighbor's kid is sick
What God does for one he'll do for you Unless you think that there are not people out in the world dumb enough to believe this
The very fact that he put this on worldwide television is self -evident proof that people are dumb enough to believe this absolutely appalling
Absolutely appalling. How is it that in the movement that is most known for getting dreams and visions from God and hearing?
God speak to them all the time How is it that this same movement the charismatic movement is home to the most brazen?
Heretics the most obvious charlatans the most obvious false teachers and the the most unhinged deranged disturbing even
Violent stuff. How is it that the charismatic movement is home to that when they claim to have such an intimate close relationship with God?
Absolutely appalling back to experiencing God by Henry Blackbee show you some of what he writes
He says I sensed God's call. I prayed and sensed God wanted me to do such -and -such
I began to sense a great urgency from God We began to sense God leading us our church sensed
God wanted us to do such -and -such one of our members felt Led to do such -and -such.
So you see this is very based on emotions and feelings and the experiential What exactly does the call of God feel like since how do you sense that?
What what does that look like how does that feel that this this sensing do you get is it like the you know the spider -man the
Spidey tingle or whatever it you know, the six. I mean, what is it? What does it feel like? How do you know when
God is doing that? We're gonna come back to that in just a minute Okay, Bill Hybels the power of a whisper
Bill Hybels up until a couple years ago was pastor of Willow Creek Church there in Chicago, Illinois Kind of the one of the he along with Rick Warren one of the founders movers and shakers of the seeker sensitive movement
But Bill Hybels wrote a book entitled the power of a whisper hearing God having the guts to respond
Bill Hybels says this without a hint Of exaggeration I can boldly declare that God's low -volume whispers have saved me from a life of sure boredom and self -destruction
These so God whispering in this these still small voices these low -volume whispers saved
Bill Hybels from a life of boredom and self -destruction Again, what an insult to the
Word of God God says in Jeremiah 23 is not my word like a fire declares
Yahweh which Lord really's names Yahweh there But and like a hammer which shatters a rock does that sound boring to you?
Does that sound like it doesn't have much Power to you. It's not my word like a fire and like a hammer which shatters a rock
That doesn't sound very boring to me And I might point out that despite what
Bill Hybels wrote in his book that these low -volume whispers from God saved him from a life Of boredom and self -destruction.
Well, Bill Hybels is no longer a pastor because he's morally disqualified Morally disqualified himself from being a pastor so much for those low -volume whispers
Saving him from a life of self -destruction Watch this from Robert Morris Robert Morris pastor of Gateway Church in the
DFW Dallas Fort Worth area. Just remember would Have international folks watching us probably don't know what
DFW is, but watch this from Robert Morris You know if we said we're gonna have a class on prayer
You said I need that and even the disciples said teach us to pray, but let me remind you
That hearing God is the second half of prayer because if you can't hear
God Why would you pray now one reason is to make our requests and petitions be known God But God never intended prayer to be a giving of our to -do list to him every morning
He intended prayer to be Communication between a father and his children and if you'll just take some time and start to listen
You'll be amazed that you'll speak So I'm sure you've heard this before that prayer is a two -way street, right?
So we pray to God we talk to him and then after we pray we listen real hard For him to speak to us and maybe you've done this before Maybe you've heard this kind of teaching and you've got something going on in your life
And so you go to the Lord and you talk to him in prayer and you say Lord This is what is going on in my life
This is the decision I've got to make I'm not sure what to do Lord speak to me and you get real quiet and you listen real hard for God to speak back to you in this
Still small voice and then maybe you hear some voice in your head or you think you hear
Some words and you think oh, was that you Lord or was that me? You know, what was that God?
How do you know how do you know when God is speaking to you? If prayers to be this two -way street and apparently it is because it's such a widespread teaching
Well, do you find anything like that in Scripture? Can you think of any place in Scripture where prayer is described as a two -way street?
No, prayer is not described as being a two -way street in the Bible In fact
Luke chapter 11 remember Luke chapter 11 the disciples asked Jesus Lord teach us to pray now
There's the question posed by the disciples to Christ Lord teach us to pray
What a perfect opportunity right for Jesus to tell them.
Okay guys Here's how you pray you talk to God and then you get real quiet and you listen for that Still small voice for God to talk back to you, right?
I mean perfect opportunity the ball is sitting on the tee Right wait waiting for Jesus to knock it out of the park and say guys
I'm so glad you asked you need to remember that prayer is a two -way street. Is that what Jesus said? No, it's not what he said.
He said When you pray say this father hallowed be thy name Jesus said absolutely nothing about prayer being a two -way street at all
But what about this still small voice? It doesn't God speak to us and it's still small voice
This is a tweet from Beth Moore Beth Moore says there's a time to give up and a time to keep trying sometimes a time to keep trying feels a whole lot like The time to give up the only difference is the still small voice of the
Holy Spirit within you saying try again It's not the same old Monday if they're a brand -new mercy
So the still small voice thing we hear this all the time that God speaks to us in a still small voice
Does he well, where does this still small voice come from?
Is it in the Bible? Yes, it's in the Bible, but it's only in the King James Rendering of the
Bible you have to go to the King James, but let's look at this first Kings chapter 19
This is the story of Elisha and he said go forth and stand upon the mount before the
Lord Yahweh And behold Yahweh passed by in a great and strong wind rent the mountains broke the pieces
Broken pieces the rocks before Yahweh, but Yahweh was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake
But Yahweh was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake a fire But Yahweh was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice
There it is right there in first Kings chapter 19 verse 12 now for context
Elisha had just called down fire and destroyed the false prophets and then he fled from Jezebel and Scared so he ran like a little school school girl out into the wilderness went into a cave
Because he was so afraid of Jezebel went in the cave and he had this experience Where there was wind but God was not in the wind there was earthquake, but God was not an earthquake
There was fire, but God was not in the fire, but after the fire a still small voice now the way that this is literally rendered in the
Hebrew is this basically the sound of a Quiet whispers kind of the most literal rendering in Hebrew But look at what the next verse says and it was so when
Elijah heard it now remember Elijah was in a cave Did I say Elisha? I mean Elijah Sorry Elijah was in a cave when
Elijah heard it he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the
Entering in of the cave and behold there came a voice unto him and said what doest thou hear
Elijah? What are you doing here Elijah? So Elijah was in this cave and he heard this still small voice
But notice what it says it says that he when he heard it He wrapped his face in his mantle and he walked out to the entrance of the cave and there he heard
God speaking More clearly. What are you doing here Elijah dear friends? The still small voice was not some inner impression in his head
It was not some internal hunch or feeling or impression or voice in his head.
It was not internal It was external he walked out to the entrance of the cave to hear this voice
It was not in here. It was out there. So can we please do away with the whole still small voice thing?
This is one of those things that has worked its way into the evangelical lingo That God supposedly speaks to us and inner impression inside our head
And this is what's taken from first Kings 19 and that's not at all what it's talking about Completely and totally out of context completely totally out of context
So let's do away with still small voice thing. Shall we? Okay But what about John 10 27 my sheep hear my voice.
What about that? Watch this clip All right, so John chapter 10 look at verse 1 We're talking about we're sheep and we can hear
God most assuredly I say you he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door But comes up some other way the same is a thief and a robber
But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep to him
The doorkeeper opens now watch this carefully and the sheep watch Hear his voice.
Can you just say those three words? Hear his voice So John 10 27 to me is the most concise and comprehensive verse in Scripture about hearing
God It's when Jesus says my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me
My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me That seems like ironclad proof that we as Christians we are
God's sheep after all We are supposed to hear the voice of the shepherd in an audible way
Hear the voice of Christ right John 10 27 my sheep hear my voice
But look at the rest of the verse and I know them and they follow me So even when you look at the whole verse it but you kind of begin to get the sense that maybe there's more to this
My sheep hear my voice thing than what we're being told. In fact, there's a lot more to it
Let's look at the full context John chapter 10. Let's begin with verse 26
Jesus says but you do not believe because you are not of my sheep.
Well, there's the doctrine of election So automatically we see something more at work is in play here
You do not believe because you are not of my sheep. So Immediately we see the context here is
Believing in Christ my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and look at verse 28 and I give
Eternal life to them and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand
I give eternal life to them. This is not talking about God Speaking to you in some inner impressions
I'm still small voice telling you where to go have lunch one day or where to get your Thanksgiving Day turkey That's not what this is talking about.
This is the new birth. This is Regeneration. This is salvation.
This is before our conversion Okay before you are converted, you know what you were you were a sheep you were a lost sheep
I was a lost sheep before we were converted. We were sheep But we were lost sheep lost sheep wandering around out in the pasture of life with our heads down Grazing minding our own business
But then all of a sudden we hear a voice and we perk our heads up We hear the shepherd we see him and we go to him.
We follow the shepherd. This is the new birth This is the
Good Shepherd giving life to his sheep calling his sheep to himself in Salvation.
This is a beautiful passage of Scripture and what a terrible Trivialization of such a beautiful text of Scripture to reduce it down to something like God Whispering inside your head telling you where to go have lunch one day or to take a right turn instead of a left turn
That's nonsense. That is not what this is talking about. I give eternal life to them
They will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand if you've ever wondered about Eternal security if you can lose your salvation go to John chapter 10
Spend time there and look at what he says in verse 29 my father who has given them to me
Do you know that's what you are if you're a Christian if you know Jesus Christ the Savior Lord You know what you are. You are a gift from God the
Father to God the Son You have been given from the Father to the Son as a gift.
That's what you are You're a gift to Christ given to him by the Father. No one will snatch you out of the hand of Christ God the
Father who has given them to me Look at what Jesus says is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of the
Father's hand So dear one if you are in Christ, you are a gift you have been given by the
Father to the Son Jesus is holding you in his strong hand and as if his hand were not strong enough and it is
But then Jesus in verse 29 He wraps the Father's hand as it were around that of his own and dear friends.
You're not getting out of that You're not going to lose your salvation You are being held in the hand of Christ and Christ's hand is being held in the hand of the
Father You're not getting out of that. Nobody's gonna snatch you out of that beautiful passage of Scripture a terrible trivialization
To reduce it to what the modern -day evangelical teachers have done. I want to talk a little bit about Jesus calling
This is this is the hottest selling devotional book and has been for a number of years now
I think it came out in 2012 and it has sold tens of millions of copies It is just absolutely light years ahead of everything else.
It was written by Sarah Young very very dangerous books I'm going to show you some excerpts out of Jesus calling
Sarah Young says this She says this is a direct quote out of the introduction of her book
She says during the same year in 1992 I began reading God calling a devotional book by two anonymous listeners
These women practiced waiting quietly in God's presence pencils and papers in hand
Recording the messages they received from him So Jesus calling written by Sarah Young her inspiration was a book called
God calling and God calling was a book I have a copy of it actually written back in the 1930s by two
Anonymous female mystics, we don't know the names of these two ladies they were just two ladies who wanted to learn how to hear the voice of God and so they
They practiced waiting in the presence of God Listening to him and it's like the more they practiced they finally tuned in to just the right frequency
And when they hit just the right frequency, whatever God's frequency is then they started hearing him and God started calling them
God calling and They wrote down what he was saying with pencils in hand
This was the inspiration for Jesus calling for Sarah Young Sarah Young says this she says
I knew that God Communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more you see the
Bible just was not enough for Sarah Young Yeah, she knows it's there She knows it's ostensibly the
Word of God, but she needed something more the Bible was not enough I really take offense when
I hear people say yeah, I understand God wrote a book for us But I need something more.
I need something more intimate. I need something more than the Bible really do you hmm? Okay, here's my question for you.
Have you mastered? I don't have my yeah, I do have you mastered this book?
from cover to cover from Genesis 1 1 to Revelation 22 21 you have mastered this book cover to cover you have squeezed
Every drop of truth there is to squeeze out of this book There is nothing more than you can learn from that book
If the answer to that question is no and it is because none of us have done that none of us have mastered
We all of us could spend a thousand lifetimes studying the Word of God and Compile combine all of that accumulated knowledge and we would barely scratch the surface of what's in the
Bible So if you have not mastered the Bible from cover to cover then please don't tell me that the
Bible is not enough Please don't tell me you need something else. You don't even understand what you have in black and white right in front of you
Please don't tell me the Bible is not enough. What an offensive thing to say you see over and over This is a denigration of the
Word of God and then Sarah Young said this She said I decided to listen to God with pen in hand writing down whatever
I believed he was saying Houston We have a problem So just like the ladies who wrote
God calling Sarah Young says that she tuned in to just the right frequency and God started speaking
Jesus started speaking to her and she says with pen in hand I began to write down what he was saying if that is what is happening
Do you know what Sarah Young is doing if Jesus is speaking to her and she's writing down what he's saying You know what she's doing.
She's writing Scripture. That's what she's doing She is writing Scripture because whatever
God says Should be just as authoritative as anything in Scripture and see dear friends
This is the danger when people say well God spoke to me and he said quote da da da da then whatever
God is saying to you that should be just as authoritative as John 3 16 or Ephesians 2 8 and 9 or Romans 10 9 and 10 any verse in the
Bible It should carry the same authority Because God cannot speak less authoritatively on one occasion than he does on another if God is speaking
God is Speaking and whatever he says is authoritative
It's not that he won't speak less authoritatively on one occasion than he does on another he can't if God is speaking
God is speaking and so whatever God is saying to all these people when the people say God spoke to me and said quote da da da then that has
Theoretically just as much authority as any verse in the Bible So therefore we have an open canon of Scripture have an open canon of Scripture.
There's no way to avoid that All right for time's sake I'm gonna have to move along a little bit more quickly here
Again from Beth Moore when godly people do ungodly things Beth Moore says this
I am being as honest as I know how to be when I say that I did not write these pages by simple preference
I wrote them because had I not the rocks in my yard would have cried out
Wow So Beth look at the claim She is making for this book that she wrote when godly people do ungodly things if she had not this was she's this is not a book she wrote by personal preference if she had not written this
Book the rocks in her yard would have cried out Nothing like taking that passage of Scripture and comparing it using it to for yourself
Absolutely unbelievable what God does with what he has promised is his business I entrust the message entirely to the one who delivered it while I sat bug -eyed
So Beth Moore was just this passive recipient and God Downloaded information to her in this book when godly people do ungodly things.
That's the product of it Well, you know what godly people don't do one of the things that godly people don't do is they don't claim that God speaks to them
When he's not really speaking to them watch this from Matt Chandler So let's talk about what prophecy is and what prophecy isn't um the thus saith the
Lord look right at me is over Look at me when this text is talking about prophecy It's not talking about the way
Jeremiah prophesied or Isaiah prophesied. I don't know that that's closed. That's Canonized so you will never prophesy in a way that's on par equal to anywhere near the inerrant infallible word of God That's closed shut.
And so the best you've got the best you've got is the humility to say I think the
Lord would have me lay this before you Well, that sounds like a real spiritual thing to say and it sounds like he's trying to have to maintain some level of orthodoxy here
He's saying that that when God and God eats and he talks about prophecy So he says modern -day prophecy when
God is speaking to you. That is God speaking to you, but it's not as authoritative as Scripture again.
My question is how does that work? He says it's not Canonized it's it's not like Isaiah or Jeremiah.
It's not like that. Well, my question is why isn't it like that? Did God just sort of mean it?
I mean he he really meant it in Scripture But he just sort of means it when he talks to us today
Outside of Scripture. How does that work? You see he's he's trying to have his cake and eat it, too
But you can't do that. You cannot have your canonical cake and eat it, too He says the best thing we can do today is say that you know,
I feel like God is saying this to me Sam Storms again and this Sam Storms.
I I believe I Sam Storms is no Sid Roth Okay, he's no Beth Moore. I fully expect to see
Sam Storms in heaven one day But he is a charismatic and I strongly differ with him on this issue
I believe he's a brother, but I'll show you is this is just talking dealing with the dangers of this position
Sam Storms in his book practicing the power and he says this on pages 129 through 130 says
Dramatic this is picking up with what Chandler just said dramatic pronouncements aren't helpful
Avoid saying things like thus saith the Lord or this is the word of the
Lord for your life. They aren't helpful So he's saying the same thing said Matt Chandler just did don't say things like that We have found that it is better to introduce prophetic utterances with statements such as I have a strong inner
Impression that I believe is from the Lord. I had a sense from the Holy Spirit I had a dream which involves several of you now look at the language here
I have a strong inner impression that I believe is from the
Lord Do you see anything like that modeled in Scripture? Do you see anything like that in models? Let's look at Scripture Let's look and see how
God spoke to people this whole notion of people saying things like I feel like the Lord said to me was do we see this in Scripture the word of the
Lord came to Abram The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel The word of the
Lord came to Elijah even in the New Testament when the Holy Spirit spoke He spoke very clearly set apart for me
Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them Nowhere in Scripture dear friends. Will you find anything?
Resembling like someone saying well, I feel like the Lord might be trying to tell us such and such
I feel like the Lord is leading me to I feel like the Lord I feel like the
Lord is trying to tell us said nobody in the Bible ever Nobody old or New Testament said anything like that when
God spoke it was crystal clear as to what he said Nobody in the
Bible anywhere said I think I feel like the Lord may be trying to tell us. No, it's not there
It's not there. So we have created this entirely new way of God speaking to us and we've somehow degraded the prophetic gift from being authoritative from being
Infallible from being inerrant in the Old Testament and somehow now in the
New Testament era or in the church era It's still there, but it's just not as authoritative as it was that says who?
Point me to a text of Scripture that says the prophetic gift is still in operation
It's just not as authoritative as it used to be. So what did it did it degrade you see?
It's a lot of problems here. We're creating something completely out of whole cloth. That is not modeled anywhere in Scripture Watch this from another from Matt Chandler What I'm asking you to do is be brave ask here step out approach and just say hey
While I was praying the Lord brought you to my mind and even if it sounds crazy, you just trust it
Okay, Danny, let's do it Lord. What would you want me to encourage Danny with and then
I quiet again trying to listen Automatically my head picture of a ship pirate ship and then there's there's like cannons on the pirate ship
There's a shark chasing the pirate ship. Not that point like no No Not gonna happen
Right. Here's what I want you to do. We just step out you can even admit like we're growing together
We're gonna fail there's gonna get weird. It's gonna be off like I'm just gonna go to Danny and I'm gonna be like Hey brother, you heard my sermon.
I Was praying it was a pirate ship. It's a shark chasing it or cannons.
I'm not gonna interpret that for him I'm not gonna be like what I think that means is that you're stealing some stuff from people
Jesus is the shark and I you need to repent. I'm not gonna interpret that for him I'm just gonna go and in a great deal of humility.
I'm just gonna be does that make any sense to you? No, it doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't make any sense to anybody else
So when you get a dream according to Matt Chandler when you get a dream You're this is supposedly
God speaking to you through a dream and yours somehow. What is the hermeneutical grid?
Exactly for interpreting dreams. Where can I go in the Bible? Yes I can go in the
Bible and I can find examples of God speaking to people in dreams But God also gave the revelation to that person to whom he gave the dream the interpretation
I'm see this is something that is being created out of whole cloth. I had a dream last night back right now
I remember what I dreamed last night. I dreamed I was in a in a water park on my scooter in my scooter
I put my I remember this from last night's dream. I my little electric scooter that I ride around I put it in the water
Like the the water ride the when you get in the logs you know the floating logs and it takes you up and you go down and you splash and you
Maneuver around and I was in my scooter and somehow my scooter was floating and I was riding my scooter around the water ride at Amusement park was that God speaking to me?
No, it wasn't God speaking to me. It was just a stupid dream. That's all it was It means nothing means nothing.
It's meaningless So what what is the hermeneutical grid exactly to try to interpret there?
There is not it makes no sense You know what dreams aren't they're just dreams. That's it Watch this from Lou Engle Yeah You know last day's language of the
Holy Spirit's dreams We Was just a dream
I mean just a dream who knows what angels had to fight through to break into your world
To give you their thoughts and you just say it's just a dream I think Okay, so that's Lou Engle and you see
Lou Engle sitting there with Bill Johnson pastor Bethel Church, which is a den of wolves
It's a cult and Bill. I mean, uh, excuse me Benny Hinn So Lou Engle Bill Johnson Benny Hinn and that's
Michael Koulianos on the on the end there This is these guys a word of faith New Apostolic Reformation.
They're brazen heretics obvious false teachers They're lost and you see them teaching the exact same thing that Matt Chandler just taught you see and I'm not equating
Matt Chandler with Benny Hinn and Bill Johnson But the here's the point this notion of God speaking outside of scripture and dreams and visions it it
Crosses the spectrum here and once you allow for this once the camel's nose is under the tent
It is a very slippery slope from going from where Matt Chandler is To going to where Lou Engle and Bill Johnson and Benny Hinn are once you take that position that God is speaking outside of scripture then the camel's nose is under the tent and there is no
Logical or theological reason to prevent you from sliding right into Benny Hinn land So let's look at a couple of texts here real quick Hebrews 1 1 & 2
God after he spoke long ago to the fathers and the prophets in many portions and in many ways in these last days
Has spoken to us in his son whom he appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the world
The writer of Hebrews is saying that God spoke in the old days and in the old covenant and a lot of different ways
Indeed God spoke to Moses up on the mountain through a storm and Storm and thunder
God spoke to Elijah through a still small voice. He spoke In Numbers chapter 22
God made a donkey talk. He spoke through a burning bush he spoke in a lot of different portions and a lot of different ways and there are many different genres of Old Testament scripture in which he spoke narrative
Poetic literature prophetic literature. So he spoke in a lot of different ways But in these last days says the writer of Hebrews he has spoken to us in his son friends
Jesus is the final speaking of God the final speaking of God everything that God has to say to us
He has said in his son Jesus Christ and we have a perfect Inerrant infallible all -sufficient record of that in his word
Jesus is the final speaking of God and I hear people say well
Well, I I had this vivid dream I had this experience and I just like I was driving my car one day and I was going to work and I always take
A left turn on Main Street and for some reason on this particular day I just had this impression that I shouldn't take this left turn on Main Street I just kept going straight and I took a left turn on Maple Street or something and turns out there was a wreck on Main Street And if I had turned there
I would have been in that wreck or something like that, you know And how do you explain that? How do you explain the the
Lord woke me up in the middle of the night one night? I started thinking about my friend and in another part of the country and and I just had this burden to pray for my friend
Turns out my friend was going through a very difficult time or was in a you know, health crisis or something How do you explain it?
Well, here's how I would explain it. I would say two things one. I cannot exegete your experience
I don't doubt or my experiences. I don't doubt that people have Experiences, you know, we all have experiences things that we're just not real sure what to make up But I can't exegete those the only things that I only thing that I can exegete is his scripture
But I want to show you another experience that Peter James and John had they write about it in 2nd
Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 16 through 19 Peter says for we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ But we were eyewitnesses of this majesty. Now, what is he talking about?
He is talking about the transfiguration of Christ the Mount of Transfiguration See it in verse 17 for when he received honor and glory from God the
Father Such an utterance as this was made to him by the majestic glory This is my beloved
Son with whom I am well Pleased and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we are with him on the holy mountain this is when
Jesus was transfigured with Moses and Elijah and the the veil that had been covering the glory of Christ in his in his
Incarnation was was peeled back a little bit and Peter James and John saw the the revealed
Glory of Christ as he was transfigured in front of them and they heard the voice out of heaven
This is my beloved Son with whom I am well, please and look at what Peter says in verse 19 for but we have the prophetic word made
More sure. What is he talking about? What prophetic word made more?
Sure this prophetic word More sure more sure
More certain than what they experienced at the Mount of Transfiguration Peter was there
James and John were there. They saw this with their own two eyes They heard the voice from heaven from the majestic glory
They experienced this and what do they say of the scriptures the scriptures are more certain than that I don't doubt that you may have had some experience
It's just a little unusual or maybe kind of caught your attention or but whatever experience you think you may have had dear ones
Or whatever experience I think I may have had here's what I can tell you It doesn't approach that kind of experience whatever experience we think we may have had it doesn't begin to approach what
Peter James and John experienced in that they could say of the scriptures that they're that the scriptures are more certain than what they experienced
I Can guarantee you Far more certain for anything that you think we think that we experienced
I want to say this to real quickly and I need to I need to land the plane here Talking about I tell you what,
I'm gonna hold I'm gonna hold on maybe that'll come up in Q &A maybe somebody can ask in the Q &A about Muslims claiming to get dreams and visions of Jesus because that's that's something but I don't really have time to go into it because I Do need to land.
All right, dear friends. So if you want to hear God speak to you There's one way I guarantee you you will hear
God speak read your Bible If you want to hear God speak to you audibly read it out loud 100 % guarantee you will hear him speak the
Word of God is inerrant It is infallible and it is sufficient.
It is Everything that we need we have God's Word. We are indwelt by the
Holy Spirit We have the fellowship of the Saints the love of the brethren We have everything that we need the
Word of God is sufficient. Hope this has been helpful for you dear ones Thank you very much. And Andrew I will yeah
Well to you we thank you for that and you know, Justin I had a dream last night as well
You and I were stuck in New York City with the with the you know The whole kovat 19 thing you and I couldn't get back to Jersey to do this this conference
You know how I know that it wasn't reality. Also you were walking Yeah, yeah probably that's it
So just let you know, we have had about 500 people watching live just now and We're you know, so folks if you want to share this we're offering this free.
We didn't charge money for this But we've had people from Scotland, Australia New Orleans, Atlanta, Finland Sarasota Florida, whoever is out in Sarasota, Florida.
You need to get in contact with me. I have family down there We can get together when I'm down there
Ireland and Providence. Oh wait. No the Providence wasn't this place They were answering the question you were asking about how
God just happens to work things out when they turn down a wrong turn. Sorry Yeah, that's
Providence. That's right So Again those who register if you haven't registered go into the link to register down at striving fraternity org slash
Online dash events or just the online events tab at striving fraternity register because later this week
We're gonna choose three people to get a private one -hour zoom meeting with Justin and I And we're if you'd like to have this event in your church, that's doable
It's something we we would like to do just email speaker at striving for eternity org and we'll book that Now, you know
Remember what I was gonna say Justin was that you and I are headed at least the plan is if this hasn't been canceled yet the end of the end of January end of this year,
I guess in December I should say and this year you and I are headed to Guatemala Last year in the
Philippines. They asked me to speak and I I said hey you should invite Justin You got me back because you were supposed to speak in Guatemala and you had them invite me
And then I've gotten you back again Because I was asked to speak in India and it seems like they they spoke to you
So it looks like maybe end of January. We might be going to India as well There's a reason folks.
I like to speak with Justin. It's really simple after Justin speaks. There's no pressure on me
You know, I I could say anything stupid thing in the world and no one's listening to me It's great besides the fact that as you see
I don't have to fear about naming names because Justin just named them all So there's no pressure
That's the nice thing so what we're gonna do folks is we're gonna go to to a break and We're going to Let's see.
Where's my slides? There it is. So we're gonna go to a 10 -minute break. We're gonna be back in 10 minutes I'm gonna start with a session on how to interpret the
Word of God. So we'll be back in 10 minutes At Novavax, we want to make sure you have all the facts and the fact is there are different types of COVID -19 vaccines available
So if you're thinking about getting an updated vaccine ask your doctor or pharmacist about the options available to you
So you can make an informed choice Find out more at we do vaccines calm
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