"Evangelicals for Harris" Use Billy Graham In New TV Commercial


The new ad campaign "Evangelicals for Harris" has run an Anti-Trump TV commercial featuring the late Evagelist implying that Billy would instruct true Christians to vote for Kamala Harris. Franklin Graham has responded.......what did he say? Watch and find out!


Hello, just one more video about the Evangelicals for Harris ad campaign. We talked about the website last time, but now they have run a commercial featuring the late
Billy Graham. So they used a sermon clip from Billy Graham to imply that Donald Trump has denied
Christ. And I think the implication is if you vote for Trump, that means you're denying
Christ as well. I don't know. That seems to be the implication. Maybe I'm wrong. But clearly they're trying to tell
Christians, you can't vote for Trump. You have to vote for Harris. Okay. That's the message.
And I'll talk about why it's so absurd in just a moment, but let's play the clip from the
Evangelicals for Harris ad campaign featuring Billy Graham. Have you been to the cross and said,
Lord, I have sinned. I'm sorry for my sin.
I'm willing to change my way of life. Have you ever asked God for forgiveness? That's a tough question.
I'm not sure I have. I just, I don't bring God into that picture. I don't. All right.
So why is this commercial ridiculous? Three reasons. Number one, Franklin Graham says that his father would not approve of his image being used in a political ad.
Now, Franklin Graham does say that his father voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
Some of the grandkids are denying that. I'm not so sure they would know, uh, Billy Graham's granddaughter,
I think is in fact, working for evangelicals for Harris, but none of that really matters.
What I do know for sure. And you know that I'm not, if you follow this channel, you know, I'm not exactly the biggest
Billy Graham fan in the world, but fair is fair. Billy Graham during his ministry, he never appeared in a political ad.
I don't think he ever came out and endorsed a candidate. So if he didn't do that when he was alive,
I don't think he would appreciate, you know, his image being used in a political ad now that he's gone.
So when Franklin Graham says his father would not support this, I have to believe that because that's consistent with what
I saw in his ministry. So that's the first thing. The second reason why this commercial is so ridiculous is because they're taking
Billy Graham out of context. When he preached that sermon, he did not have Donald Trump in mind.
I mean, we talk about taking the Bible out of context a lot. This would be taking a preacher out of context.
I just think about this and this will never happen with me. I'm sure. But if somebody took a sermon clip from me and used it to say, well, okay, therefore, you know,
Pastor Grant said this, therefore you should vote for these progressive candidates. I would say, no, that was not my point.
You're, you're misunderstanding me. I'm making a spiritual point here and you know, you're trying to make it say this, and that's not what
I'm saying. You're taking me out of context. So that'd be the second reason they're taking Billy Graham out of context.
The third reason why it's so absurd is because of the logic.
Okay. Let's just say for, you know, just for the sake of argument that you could convince somebody that voting for Donald Trump is a sin.
And I'm not saying that that's the case, but even if it were for the sake of argument, if voting for Donald Trump is a sin, then voting for Kamala Harris is, is also a sin times 50.
Right? So just because, and again, I'm not saying this is the case, but even if you grant their premise that no
Christian should vote for Trump, well, that doesn't mean that they should vote for Harris. So logically it doesn't even make sense.
So this commercial, this whole ad campaign, evangelicals for Harris, I highly doubt any of these people are actually evangelicals.
And you know, if they are, what does that term even mean anymore? But don't buy into it.
Listen, the reason why Christians vote the way they do, it's not so much the person, it's the policy.
Christians vote the way they do because they try to, they, they look at what the Bible says, and then they try to find the candidate that actually has a chance of winning, you know, and they try to find the candidate who is closest to the
Bible. Not that the candidate is perfect, not that they're some great Christian, because let's face it, we really wouldn't have many options if any, but we try to find the person who's closest to, you know, biblical truth, or the person who would at least be friendly towards evangelicals, or they share some of the same concerns and, you know, fight for some of the things we care about.
That's how Christians approach voting. And I don't think anyone is going to be persuaded by this bogus campaign, evangelicals for Harris.
Okay. Thanks for watching. I hope you found this helpful. Until next time, may the Lord be with you.