Russell Moore v. President Trump

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Guess who wins? God bless. Have a great weekend!


Hey there, well, I just wanted to get one more video in today This is gonna be a double upload day, but technically
I missed an upload on Wednesday So you're getting the same amount of videos as you have been the last few weeks.
I hope you had a great week I sure did I've had a great week and you know like all of you
I'm sure most of you have had ups and downs this week But at the end of the day the Lord is good all the time
And I am just so grateful for everything that he has given me. I have a great family. I've got my health
And even if you don't have those things, but you have Christ man. You've got it all you've got it all So just let's just all just take a second and consider.
How awesome it is To be on the Lord's side. I'm gonna pour myself a Miller light here my new
Fight Laugh Feast Club pint glass Which I appreciate you guys sending me
This is a pretty good glass if you want to become a Fight Laugh Feast Club member Please consider doing it you'll get discounts on all kinds of stuff especially cool stuff like this pint glass
But anyway, it's Friday. It's close to the end of the day I'm almost done with work for the day, but I wanted to just upload this video
One thing you might not know about old AD is that he is anti -war Anti -war now and I don't mean anti -war in the sense of like the theoretical like everybody's anti -war theoretically
But very few practice it and you might say hey AD didn't I just hear you the other day talking about how a
Christian man should be ready to crack skulls if he needs to and Yes, I did say that you see the thing about being anti -war is not
Total pacifism, right? It's just look when something doesn't involve you it doesn't involve you so get out of it
There's no reason for the American Military to be policing the world everywhere. There's just no reason for it
There's no reason for people can work out their own problems and look there's always a reason to go to war
There's always gonna be someone that's in a tough spot There's always gonna be someone that's in a situation where they don't have a lot of good options
But that's not the Americans responsibility all the time. Yes. We need to be for the oppressed
Yes, we need to be for those who cannot be for themselves But that does not mean that we need to have an empire in every country all the time
Fighting in everybody else's wars now. I want you to hear this presentation from little
Russ more here. Yeah, little Russ more is a Member of the war party he wants constant war
He wants war all the time even as he'll tell you that he's a peaceful guy He's all about justice and he's all about these things.
He's really not about these things. He's in the war party He's an operative for the war party. Let me play this video here
I'm filming this there are Kurdish people religious minorities in Northern Syria who have been handed over to potential
Destruction slaughter and genocide by let me stop you right there little
Russ more. Here's the reality There's always a story like this. There's always someone who's vulnerable
There's always a people group who is vulnerable that if you use that as an excuse for warfare
You will have a perpetual warfare state It will always happen all the time until the
Lord comes back until the great post -millennial, you know rain happens That's not really what
I meant to say. But anyway So so yes, this is very sad that people are vulnerable people are religious minorities people are on the verge of destruction
It's very very sad to hear but if this is gonna be your justification for war then you've just Justified every war ever because it's always the case that the people that want to go to war the war party will always say well
There's these people they're vulnerable. That's always the case. Dr. Russell Moore is in the war party
He is in the war party. I an authoritarian Turkish government and what you see is
Just a demonstration of the fact that life is very cheap in the world right now.
I Cannot believe the images sounds like he's not kidding Look at his face.
It sounds like he's not kidding that I'm seeing out of Syria of these brave men and women
He can't believe the images he's seen out of Syria and he shouldn't because it's fake news
Look at his face. He looks really pissed All the images have not been fake but that was funny that ABC stuff with the explosions we're gonna get to that a minute and Who stood with our
American soldiers in fighting Isis and fighting other terrorists? I can believe that Erdogan and the authoritarian
Turkish government would want to see them eradicated I just can't believe that the United States is not standing with them.
That's going to have implications Multiple implications including for persecuted church and persecuted
Christians throughout the Middle East Yeah, this is really about Orange man that evil dictator.
Can you believe how evil Trump is? He pulled American troops out of a war. They have nothing to do with can you believe it?
How could he be so evil I Mean my goodness. I can't believe
Americans aren't standing with him Look to stand with someone does not mean that you have to do you fight all their battles for them
It doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that and the reality is I'm talking in retrospect, right?
I said this at the time too, but in retrospect, it's it's very clear that Trump's pulling out of Syria It was the right thing and and it was right the right thing even without knowing how it would turn out
It might turn out poorly for the Kurds it might but you know what they can solve their own problems
They don't need daddy America to come save them. They don't need that. I'm sorry, but dr.
Russell more I know that this goes against everything you believe but brown people don't need daddy, you know
Americans to come help us with everything We're capable of figures figuring things out for ourselves. We are
I know that that you know the white Savior can come and save you but but but here's the reality like can you imagine a
Christian a Christian for goodness sake Criticizing the president for being too peaceful.
I want American troops out of this conflict. We have nothing to do with it Let's get out of it.
And he's like, well, I can't believe it I just can't believe you handed them over on a silver platter You just said you're heard of one go ahead and slaughter them if you want to you know, dr.
Russell Moore You can't really blame him for what he's saying because he's just telling he's just saying what he's been told to say
I mean, dr. Must Russell Moore is indistinguishable From the mainstream media.
He is a puppet. It must be hard to live a life like that. Honestly, I feel I feel some sympathy For dr.
Russell Moore because he can't really think for himself. He can't say what he really thinks He's got to do what his puppet masters tell them.
I mean you could replace Russell Moore with this guy This is a great video. Have you seen this video?
This is I gotta tell you President Trump is making it very difficult on me. I Don't vote.
I don't vote but man This is a perfect video
This makes me want to vote I'm close. I'm close guys. I gotta tell you right now. My whole life is changed.
You ever hear that John Mayer song? Want you so bad. I go back on things.
I believe To make it Trump is making me feel that way. He really is. I don't want
Trump That sounded pretty weird But man, he's gonna he's making me rethink of what
I actually believe about voting. So so this this is great This is Russell Moore this pencil neck guy over here.
This is Russell Moore All you have seen Isis prisoners freed all the humanitarian disaster You don't have any regret for giving
Erdogan the green light to to invade. I didn't give him a You don't have any regret for handing over the
Kurds on a silver platter. That's Russell Moore This is the exact position that Russell Moore has he might as well be in the fake news media
Listen to listen to Donald Trump this this answer. I'm just gonna play this. I'm gonna resist the urge to interrupt this because this is perfect,
I Know Trump likes to exaggerate talk about how he does things perfectly and I don't think Trump does things perfectly
I've criticized Trump many times and I will continue to criticize Trump because I'm not his slave, right? I happen to like him, but I'm not his slave this video.
This is a perfect video. Let's watch with me Let's just enjoy this to invade. I didn't give him a green light.
Well, did you tell him? That's the same thing as you just you know When you make a statement like that, it's so deceptive just the opposite of a green light.
First of all We have virtually no soldiers there. They're mostly gone just a tiny little group and They would have been in harm's way.
You have a massive army on the other side of the border But more importantly I didn't give him a green light and if anybody saw the letter
Which can be released very easily if you'd like I could certainly release it But I wrote a letter right after that conversation a very powerful letter
There was never I have to stop this. I said I would resist the urge I have to I thought that letter was very powerful.
Everyone was mocking it. I didn't understand why people were mocking it Don't be a fool or do I? Do the right thing.
That's basically what he's saying He said don't be an idiot do the right thing. If you don't do the right thing. I will destroy you
I mean, I thought it was a pretty good letter. Maybe he's referring to a different letter. I don't know I give it a green light
They've been wanting to do that for years and frankly, they've been fighting for many many years And when you ask a question like that, it's very deceptive
John. It's almost it is very deceptive You showing all of the bombings taking place in Syria and it turned out that the bombing that you showed on television
Took place in Kentucky. So, you know Apologize for that, but certainly it was a terrible thing.
I'm looking at this I'd say wow, that's pretty bad and it was in Kentucky. It wasn't in Syria So, I don't know what you're gonna do about that.
But I think ABC owes an apology I do to Graham just said of your remarks that you made in the over look at this guy this guy
This guy probably makes a lot of money Would you ever want to be this guy he's got his orders they're written down on the card.
He's got to do it It's just like it's just like little Russ more of the ERLC. He's got his orders, you know
Soros has given him his orders But he's he's got his script and he's sticking to it.
He's got no principles You see this is the thing like when you're anti -war you've got principles We'll fight and we trust me.
We will win if we have to But we don't have to fight this fight this is not our fight we have principles you can be a man
You can be proud of what you do But when you have no principles and it's just orange man just said this and I got to be against him
That's a tough life to live man. I get I have sympathy for people like this Oval office that if you keep talking like that quote
This will be a disaster worse than Obama's decision to leave Iraq No, Lindsey Graham would like to stay in the
Middle East for the next thousand years with that This is one of his at Trump's allies
Lindsey Graham and he doesn't want to take the bait of Turning on Lindsey Graham, but the reality is he's right
Lindsey Graham would would would be just fine being in the Middle East for a thousand years and Russell Moore would be too
Because you know what? There's always gonna be a minority there. There's always gonna be you know, some some vulnerable people there
So let's just have an empire for a thousand years and it'll be glorious Thousands of soldiers and fighting other people's wars.
I want to get out of the Middle East I think Lindsay's you'd focus right now on judiciary like the good boy
The do -nothing Democrats as I call them because they're doing nothing. They're getting nothing done They're not getting
USMCA done between Canada the United States and Mexico They're getting nothing done.
And I think Lindsey should focus on Judiciary, he ought to find out about what it is his job
I mean, it's only right if your job is to focus on that You probably should just focus on that and let the let the adults handle this kind of stuff
What happened with Comey what happened with me just like Russell Moore should focus on What is his job?
Anyway, I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's not that pathetic YouTube channel that he's got
What that one time he uploaded a video and look I have a small budget a small YouTube channel
And I one time he put up a video and and I got a little notification I got to it about an hour later and I looked at the video and it had like to the 23 views or something like that in an hour
And like I could put anything out there and it'll get more views than that in an hour Now I'm not saying it'll get much more than that Then again,
I don't put any money into this It's pathetic cave Lisa what happened with Peter Strzok?
What happened with President Obama? What happened with Brennan? That's what Lindsey ought to focus on.
That's what the people of South Carolina want him to focus on It's true people of South Carolina don't want us to get into a war
With Turkey a NATO member or with Syria. Let them fight their own wars They've been fighting for a thousand years.
Let them fight their own wars the people of South Carolina want to see those troops come home That's what
I'm talking about seriously Seriously, like I'd really want to know and Russell Moore's Fantastically intelligent opinion when can the troops come home?
When can they come home? That's what I'd like to know Because I don't think he has an answer for that He has to check with his handlers first before he has an answer for that And I won an election based on that and that's the way it is whether it's good or bad
That's the way it is. That is the way it is country. I'd be willing to bet anything Political instinct that that's what the country wants.
I'm not going to get involved in a war between Turkey and Syria Especially when if you look at the
Kurds and again, I say this with great respect There are no angels if you look at PKK take a look at PKK.
Oh, you see this This is this is the this is the genius of Trump man He answers questions and and you know what we're told in the media is that that Trump is unhinged, right?
He's like a maniac like he just flies pops off at the head he's like me Pops off at the mouth all the time.
He's crazy out of control out of his mind has terrible opinions Does this look like a guy that's not in control of himself?
At all, I mean the guy the the interviewer the pencil neck guy is trying to talk over him and he's Just disregards him.
Of course. That's like he always does but like this is not someone who's unhinged This is a completely reasonable opinion and he's calm about this as he's being attacked by this guy with with bogus questions, right?
Totally calm totally in control and answering the way we ought to answer your question is stupid
You're stupid and it's time for the troops to come home. That's what I'm talking about man.
That is what I'm talking about Isis respects PKK You know why because there is tough or tougher than Isis You take a look at a lot of the things having to do you have to say it.
Nobody wants to say it We're making the Kurds look like they're angels.
We paid a lot of money to the Kurds tremendous amounts of money We've given them massive fortunes and you know what?
It's wonderful They fought with us, but we paid a lot for them to fight with us But just so you understand we were the ones that captured
Isis people let some go They opened a couple of doors to make us look as bad as possible We have a situation where Turkey is taking land from Syria Syria is not happy about it.
Let them work it out We shouldn't be over there and you should get your accounts correct
And you shouldn't be showing up buildings blowing up in Kentucky and say it's Syria because that really is fake news
That is really is fake news, but that's not the point the media does this all the time That's not the point
Trump's answer was perfect It was a perfect answer. They've been fighting for a thousand years
They're probably gonna be fighting for another thousand years, and I don't want to be a part of it
Why would little Russ Moore want to be a part of that? I? Don't know. I don't know
One thing I do know it's not it's not his kids that are over there it isn't
It's your kids See being being anti -war is more than just a slogan, right like you have to actually have to do things and and President Trump here has perfectly made the case for being anti -war
Let them fight their own fight. Let them figure out their own stuff We don't have to figure it out for them.
We don't have to figure it out for them. They can do this and they have And they will in the future and The war party is sneaky man.
They're conniving and they'll lie to you They'll tell you all weapons of mass destruction. You know we got to get that preemptive strike first.
We got to do it My brother's calling here. I'll get back to him in a second. They're conniving man.
They'll make stuff up. They'll lie to you They'll tell you oh yeah. Yeah, you know that you know he's gas in his own people.
Yep chemical warfare to his own people Do you have any idea if that's actually true? No, you don't
You don't But the war continues and it always continues. It's just good.
It's just it's non -stop And so one man stops it I'm not saying that he's the only man doing this and I'm not saying he's doing it perfectly because he should be stopping much more
Wars than just the one in Syria But one man says you know what let's pull our you know handful of troops out of here and the war party freaks out and Russell Moore is in the war party and He's wrong about this like he's wrong about a lot of things
So I hope you have a great weekend enjoy the Trump clips that are clips that are coming out this week And I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of great tweets.