Exodus Ch. 1


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


And if you want to open your Bible to the book of Exodus, as we go through this, now
I don't know how you're gonna do this and write it at the same time, but do the best you can, and write on your hand, or whatever gets in the way, just don't stop writing.
And if you can get it on the corner of your Bible, I like to encourage people to write on the border of your
Bible, and underline and circle words in your Bible. Make your Bible a study book, because that's what it is.
You're not mutilating it. You're not mutilating it. You're mutilating it by just wearing it. It gets mutilated.
That's what it's for. It's to use. And so, don't be hesitant in doing that. All right, as we look at the book of Exodus, and we've already talked about what the word means, it is the
Hebrew word shemot, which means basically names, N -A -M -E -S, because it gets its name from the very first verse of the book when it says, now these are the names of the children.
As the first five books of the Bible will get their names from chapter one, verse one. Each one of them do that.
Genesis is breshi. Leviticus is vayikra. And Numbers is b'midbar.
And Deuteronomy is devarim. And they don't, some of them don't, as we said, Numbers doesn't mean numbers in the
Hebrew. It means the wandering in the wilderness, the wilderness wanderings. And so, as we come to Exodus, this is a translation from the
Septuagint, which was the Greek translation of the Old Testament that was given to us. And the word
Exodus means the way out. The way out. And in actuality, that's actually what it is. It's the way out for the children of Israel.
And it's also a picture of your and my way out of the bondage of sin, self, and Satan that controls every person until they meet
Jesus Christ. And I won't admit that, but that's the fact. And so, we come to this, and we can see a
Christian analogy in our first Roman numeral. It says, and I just put some of the words here, but we're gonna add some, enslaved people are saved.
Enslaved people are saved, and that's in the first 12 verses. And under that, we've kind of subtitled it, have we not?
God develops his man, and that's in the first four verses. The first four,
I'm sorry, the first four chapters. The first 12 chapters will cover an enslaved people are saved.
As God began to move to get the people of Israel out of Egyptian bondage. So, God had to develop a man.
How would you like to live in the desert for 40 years? Just you and, quote,
God. Now, I know you got it rough in Stevenson. I have it rough in Fort Worth, Texas. Oh, it's rough living in this old world.
You know, ain't nobody got the problems I got. You just can't understand my problems. There's no way you can. Nobody's ever had the problems
I got. Nobody's ever experienced the difficulties that I've experienced. Nobody's ever confronted the problems that I've confronted.
I'm unique, and I know you are. Nobody knows the troubles you got. Nobody's ever experienced them.
But how would you like God just come up to you and say, hey, I got something I want you to do, and I want you to hit the desert for 40 years.
It's just gonna be me and you. And you wander out there, and you don't see any water, and you don't see any food, and you see just maybe a shrub and a cactus here and there.
Now, my friend, that'll put your faith to the test, don't you think so? Especially if he calls you out of a nice surrounding like he had in Egypt.
But nevertheless, God developed a man named Moses. Moses. Now, we'll look at his name, Moshe. We'll look at that and the meaning of it as we get into his life, as we move into these early chapters when we get there.
And we'll know that there is a difference between the word Moshe and Moshe. Moshe is the name that the young lady gave to Moses.
Moshe simply means that she brung him out of the water or I brought him out of the water.
And we'll look at those differences. But his name is Moses to you and me. And he's the man we know.
He is a picture, as we said last evening, of Jesus Christ. His life is a type of Jesus Christ.
Egypt is a type of the world. Pharaoh is a type of Satan. And Israel is a picture of mankind enslaved in need of redemption.
Now, Jesus referred to Moses. Peter and Paul referred to Moses. Jude referred to Moses.
And John referred to Moses. Now, what's that tell us? That tells us that there were some people who were followers of Christ who gave historicity to Moses, that he was a real man.
He really lived and he really experienced these things. And Jesus Christ said so. So anybody that questions the life of Moses ultimately is questioning the honesty and the integrity of Jesus Christ himself.
And not only him, one of the greatest scholars who's ever lived, a young man named Saul of Tarsus who became the
Apostle Paul, who was a linguistic, a man who knew several languages, a man who had a tremendous education, and a world traveler, and the greatest missionary the world's ever known other than Jesus Christ.
You question men like that if you have a question about the historicity and the authenticity of a man named
Moses. And God began to develop him. Now, we'll look at his life. It was in three 40 -year stages, wasn't it? Three 40 -year stages.
40 years hung around down in Egypt. And then 40 years out in the desert. And then God got him and used him for 40 years.
And so we know that 120 years of age, it says that his eyes were not dimmed nor his strength abated as he stood on that mountain and his heart broke.
And the tears must have flowed down his great face as he looked and saw the people ready to go but knew he couldn't go into that promised land.
God groomed him to go 40 years, but he didn't get to go. He made a mistake, didn't he? He made a mistake.
And we'll look at all of that. So God developed this wonderful man named Moses, beautiful to study his life and see the picture of Christ in his life.
And then in chapters five through 11, and we're gonna look at the plagues as we get into them, we'll break each plague down and I'll give you the name of the
God that God struck at with the rod of God through that particular plague. We'll get these down, and some of you already know them.
But we'll look at these and we'll look at the names and what they mean and so forth. And as we move into them, and we may get into those tomorrow night,
I'm not sure. Chapters five through 11, God displays his might against man. God of love.
This wonderful God of love and grace and mercy that everybody likes. They don't like his wrath, they don't like his judgment, they don't like his holiness, but he zapped
Pharaoh to use modern terminology. He zapped him and the greatest army ever known to mankind at that time in history, the
Egyptian army. The greatest nation on the face of the earth felt the wrath of Almighty God as he displayed his might.
Egypt was judged, its prince, its policies and its pretenses were judged by God.
Write that down. Its prince, its policies and its pretenses.
Boy, you obey quickly. Isn't that wonderful? It pumps my ego and gives me a sense of authority when
I say, write and you write. Isn't that marvelous? I just don't know what you're writing.
Don't fold them up and give them to me. I get some of those too. Yes? What word is prince, P -R -I -N -C -E?
Yes, ma 'am. P -R -I -N -C -E, prince. The Pharaoh was the prince of Egypt. He judged,
God judged its prince, its policies and its pretenses and all of them were humbled and in the dust.
He shattered Satan's power, destroyed his kingdom and made a way of escape possible for all slaves of sin.
That would be the spiritual application of what he did. He did it for the people of Israel and he does it for you and me. He does it for you and me.
All right, the next thing he did was God declared his mind. God let these people of Israel know what he was thinking about, what he wanted them to do.
He had a plan for them. He just doesn't save people for kicks, does he? God doesn't just release people to let them do as they please.
You know, he's not this man up in the sky that you and I, we just do everything we want to do and then we'll say, well, God will understand at night.
He winks and he says, well, everybody had a good time today. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. No, God's not that way.
God saves people and redeems people, forgives and renews people's lives, makes them born again for a purpose and that purpose is to glorify him.
So God made it crystal clear that redemption depended upon the death of the Paschal Lamb, capital
P -A -S -C -H -A -L, the Paschal Lamb, the substitutionary lamb, the vicarious lamb, the suffering lamb.
Now, he did this by giving them the law. Now, the law had two sections as we have it listed here for you.
The first one was the moral section of the law and the other is the ceremonial and under the moral, you might write this.
What God did with the moral law was to show why holiness was important. The moral law taught man why holiness was important.
It reveals that the human heart cannot produce righteousness of itself. Man is inherently evil, not inherently good.
Man may do some good, man may be very benevolent, he may be very kind, but basically, man is greedy, self -centered and egotistical and materialistically oriented in all that he does and if you push him in a corner and it comes down to self -preservation, nobody in his family will exist if it comes down to him getting what he wants to get outside of knowing the
Lord. It takes God to change that heart and so God gave the moral law to show us that we need redemption and that holiness is important.
Now, in the ceremonial part, the ceremonial part of the law, what God did was show us how holiness is imparted to man.
Do you earn holiness? No, it is imputed and there's a big difference between infused grace and imputed grace.
Infused grace means that you can do something where God will stick something in you that makes you righteous, that just makes you righteous in the eyes of God.
I don't believe that's taught in the Scripture. Imputed grace means that you don't have any righteousness, all of our righteousness is as filthy rags, the
Scripture says, but God gives us Christ's righteousness and puts it down in our account and the only good that will ever occur in your life and mine is through Jesus Christ being the
Lord of our lives, living his life through us in the power of the Spirit of God as we surrender our lives to the
Lordship of Christ. For whatever else that means, there is no righteousness in the human life other than Jesus Christ living his life through that life.
And we can go into a whole thing and we probably will before our time is over. Now, how holiness was imparted?
With offerings and sacrifices which were a perfect picture of Jesus Christ, each one of them.
If you have any problem with that, if you will write me, I'll send you a free study of the tabernacle, of Christ in the tabernacle.
Some of you already have it. It's a 38 -page study of Hebrew word and picture study on Jesus Christ in the tabernacle.
It's unique, there's nothing like it in the country that's available to you. Of all the books that have been written, to my knowledge, no one has done a work particularly like this and so it is available to you if you want it.
It's completely by faith, we'd be glad to send it to you and the collectors will come around later. Not really.
Not really, you know better than that. All right, let's go to the second one. Don't cost you a dime. All right, a saved people, now notice enslaved people are saved.
Once they are saved, a saved people are separated. That's chapters 13 through 18.
A saved people are separated. Now God saved them for a purpose and so he separates them. He starts to bring them apart.
Now, in chapter 13 and 14, you find a complete separation.
That's our breakdown, Arabic one, a complete separation as we come to chapter 13 and 14.
Chapters 13 and 14 in the book of Exodus. This is after the Passover and God told
Moses, get the firstborn of all the children that opened the womb and also the firstborn of the beast and they ought to be committed and dedicated to God and God begins to separate.
You see, God knew that that old generation was gonna die off. That's the wonderful foreknowledge of God and God was getting a new generation ready to do the job because he knew that old generation, he's gonna have trouble with them.
He knew he was gonna have a problem with them. Got nothing. Listen, my dear friends, God's not shocked at anything going on.
God's not surprised. People around think they surprise God. God already knows what's gonna happen tomorrow. He knew those
Israelites were gonna get in trouble out there in the wilderness and that's why he got that new generation ready to roll.
See, God's way ahead of us. We think that we're a step ahead of God and maybe catch it. No, God's way out there. He already knows what's moving along and so we have a complete separation in chapters 13 and 14 and then also in 14, you find the
Pharaoh begins to move up towards them and God even dealt around with his chariots, didn't he? It's quite interesting.
God just zapped some of the wheels off so they had to slow them down a little bit. Really is very interesting and he just took some of the wheels off but they're so determined, they were gonna come on anyway and it says that they had to ride very heavily because they didn't have any wheels on some of their chariots.
That tells me persistent determination to destroy the people of God under the instigation of the enemy.
Listen, my dear friends, where Satan is concerned, listen, there are no obstacles. Obstacles don't mean anything to him.
He wants to accomplish his purpose. He goes after the people of God and after the children of the Lord, the church of Jesus Christ and so we have this.
All right, in chapter 15, you have what we call a conscious separation. In chapter 15, the song of the redeemed,
Moses and them began to realize themselves that God has separated and it's conscious in their mind and they glorify
God because of it and they praise the Lord because of it. So it is a conscious separation in chapter 15.
All right, in chapter 16, verse one, all the way through chapter 17, verse seven, you have what
I call a contented, a contented separation. Why? Well, he begins to feed them with the wonderful manna.
Now, I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but why did God give them manna? It's quite interesting to me why
God gave them manna because you see, they weren't where God wanted them. They were going to get to where God wanted them later but if you and I, if we are where God does not want us to be, then nothing you can plant in the ground is going to prosper, my friends.
Your life will not prosper until you get where God wants you and it's interesting, once they got in the holy land, the first thing it says is that the corn came up from the ground they planted.
If they had planted corn out in the wilderness, they never would have got anything out of it so God had to feed them but also you'll notice he gave them water from a rock in chapter 17.
So he fed them with bread substance and he also gave them water of life and that brought the source of life to them and God did it and they were sort of contented with that and it always brings contentment into the
Christian life when you know you're feeding on the heavenly manna and you're water of life, the
Lord Jesus Christ himself through the spirit of God has free reign in your life and he's just flowing those blessings through your life, out through your life and you're sharing those blessings with other people.
It always brings contentment to the Christian who doesn't live in a selfish attitude, who's always ready to give whatever he has to his brother, sister, and the
Lord and to reach out with people. All right, the next one we have is in chapter 17 beginning at verse eight through verse 16.
We have what we call a continual separation, a continual separation and what we have here is a little battle about to be waged with this one.
We talked about the battle of the flesh, Amalek. Amalek starts around verse eight and goes all the way through verse 16 and you find says for in verse 16, for he said because the
Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. You know what
I see in that? As long as you live on this earth, you're gonna have problems in living the Christian life. It is not easy.
It isn't easy to live the Christian life and if you think it's easy, then my dear friends, I wanna know your secret. I find a tremendous struggle in the
Christian life. I find as Paul found, the things I want to do, I don't do and the things I don't wanna do,
I do because I'm convinced that old nature is never rectified with God. I'm convinced that old nature that I have is never eradicated, it is there.
It is there and the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and there's a contention and a tension in that life and which of one of those
I feed and nurture and if I keep my eyes on the Lord and nurture, then that spiritual part of me grows and becomes predominant and one of the tragedies
I find in counseling with people and we counsel with them a multiplied thousands every year. One of the problems is they do not understand that struggle in their
Christian life. Somebody's told them that once they got saved, they're not gonna have any more tensions in their life.
Well, I found that's when mine started. I had it made before I got saved. I mean, as far as living, I'm gonna live it up, you know.
Do what you want and what was wrong was what you got caught at and what was right, what you got away with. I know a lot of Christians feel the same way but in this passage, there's a continual separation.
It was a battle from generation to generation, generation to generation. As long as you live on this earth, you're gonna have tensions and difficulties and trials and troubles and you're gonna have to become a partaker of the sufferings of Christ.
You're gonna have to be conformable to the death of Christ in your life, all right? And then the last one is chapter 18 that I mentioned in this section, a convincing separation.
His father, Jethro, his father -in -law, old Jethro the Midianite came to visit him, brought his wife and two kids.
Now, I don't know where Satan used him or not. I don't understand that necessarily. I wouldn't say that Satan brought him over there. The Lord surely could have brought him over there but it's always in his own motion, ready to go, free and ready to do what
God said and all of a sudden, here comes a wife and two kids. That'll slow you down, won't it? Gives you a little responsibility.
Well, it could be the Lord because he may have forgotten his responsibility. He may have just forgotten he had a wife and two kids and left them with the father -in -law.
It wasn't Jethro's job to take care of that wife and two kids, it was Moses. But I know that anytime
God does something, Satan will try to pervert it, won't he? He'll try to do something with it and so here's
Moses, he's about ready to do God's will and trying to work it out and trying to lead the people and here come a wife and two kids and them being
Gentiles. That will cause you problems. Now, we can talk about it but let me move to the next one quickly, all right?
Our next one is, after he did this, a convincing separation, he shared with his father -in -law what
God had done and you see, the Midianite worshipped false gods.
He worshipped other gods but he became convinced on the testimony of Moses and he plainly says in that chapter, he said,
I believe the Lord is the true God and he went out and made an offering to the true God and he was delighted that Moses was doing it so we call that a convincing separation.
By Moses' separated life unto God, he convinced his father -in -law to turn away from idol gods and come to God.
Isn't that beautiful? A man had the privilege of leading his father -in -law to the Lord. Why? Because he had a separated life but my friend, just separating yourself from the world won't get the job done, will it?
We gotta separate from the world and separate to God. A lot of people separating the world, they say, man, I don't smoke, don't drink, don't curse, don't hang around people that do and if you chew,
I don't wanna hang around with you and they give you all these things. I say, well, that's wonderful. You don't do all those things but what do you do? Well, do you teach
Sunday school? No. Do you pray a lot? No. Read your Bible? Not like I ought to. You go to church?
Not like I ought to. I don't believe I have to go to church. That's like when you're saying you're sick, you don't believe you gotta go to the doctor.
What's a church? Spiritual hospital, a center saved by grace, that's all it is. Man tells me he don't wanna go to church, you can find a moral problem in his life.
Always find a moral problem somewhere in his life if you don't wanna be around Christian people. Why? It makes you guilty.
Well, convincing separation, convincing separation. Our third Roman numeral in this is a separated people are sanctified, sanctified.
Chapters 19 through verse 40. Now, I've written the first words and our outline is the foundation and so the words we wanna put in is the foundation of sanctification and the focus and we're going down these.
Arabic one, under a separated people are sanctified, God saved them, got them out of there, separated them unto himself, got ready with them, moved through them and then he sanctified them and the word sanctified only means, and the original language won't allow it to mean anything else other than being set aside.
That pew has been sanctified. It has been sanctified means it has been set aside for the purpose of being set upon.
If you stand on it, you pervert its use. If you lay on it, you pervert its use. That is not what its purpose is.
And God had a particular purpose for these people. You see, they were separated unto himself but they still were not accomplishing his purpose.
He had to sanctify them for that. He had to set them aside as a holy vessel to be used of himself. And that's what sanctification basically is.
It is the setting aside for a holy use by God himself. All right, now in this, we have the foundation of the sanctification in chapters 19 through 24.
Chapters 19 through 24. And what was the foundation of it? It's the giving of the law. Now what's the law do?
The law shows you and I that we need a savior. My friend, all you gotta do is look at the law and it convicts you of your need.
All you gotta do is look at it and just say, how many of them have I broke? And the Bible says if you're guilty of one, you're guilty of all. So if you can find one of them you broke, you might as well in the eyes of God have broke them all.
And most of us have. Most of us have. The law was never given to man for him to keep.
Well, what kind of a God is it that gives a man a law, tells him to keep it, and then condemns him because he can't keep it?
Because he can't. Because the Bible plainly says that no man's justified by the law. The law brings death.
The law brings death. Well, what did God want him to do? God didn't want him to keep the law. God wanted him to get in a tabernacle.
God said, run from the law and hide in the tabernacle. Why? That's where God is. He wants us to go to the presence of the
Lord, and you look at the commandments. Not everybody has the commandments. You know as well as I do that the Roman Catholic Church and the
Lutheran Church in their catechism leave the second commandment out. You do know that, don't you? Check it out. They leave the second commandment out.
In case you're interested in that, just a little tidbit of information came to my mind. Thought I'd share it with you. The Roman Catholic Church and the
Lutheran Church leaves the second commandment out of their catechism. Anytime you're witnessing the one, just ask them.
Why? They can't tell you because the priest can't tell you either. But you can help them by letting them know that.
And so what we have is the foundation is the law. The law is to show a man he needs a savior, to show a man he needs redemption, to show a man he needs help, that he needs
God's forgiveness. And that is found in what we are moving towards as we come through this.
Now, the foundation of sanctification in the Old Testament, these people, was the tabernacle.
The law, this is where they're going to. The law is driving them to that. The next thing is the focus. And you find that in chapters 25 through 27.
And also, chapters 30 and 31, you find the focus of the sanctification. The focus of it was worship and adoration to God, which is found in the building of the tabernacle.
And in here, you find that Moses, at the same time, God gave him the law on Mount Sinai, but he also gave him the dimensions of the tabernacle.
And most people miss that. When I ask the question, and I know you're smarter than that, but most people,
I ask them, what did God give Moses on Mount Sinai? And they say, the law. Did I say anything else? And there's silence.
He gave them the dimensions for the tabernacle, and my friends, without the tabernacle, they had no access to God.
And so, the tabernacle is far more important than the law is as far as getting back to God, because it was man's way back to God through blood, through blood and only through blood.
And we'll look at that as we move through the study of it. And so, the focus was worship to the
Lord. He tells them about the curtains, and he tells them all about all the paraphernalia that's going to be used.
And we come on through 25, all right? Now, in 28 and 29, I put that in the next one, and that is the function of sanctification, the function of the sanctification.
And what in the world was the function of it? It was the priestly duties of these men to lead the people.
Now, what does a priest do? A priest leads in worship to the Lord and guides the people, but he is also a servant of the people and a servant of the
Lord. He was not to be served, he was to serve. He served the Lord and he served the people.
I talked to a man one time, and he said, I said, how do you have your corporate structure? And he listed all of his vice presidents and everything, and at the bottom, he put his name, and he owned it.
And I said, that's interesting, how come you got your name down there? He said, well, if I put my name on top, he said, I'd have to have a bunch of arms like tentacles on an octopus trying to lift those people up.
He said, no, my job is to get under them and to hold them up. And he said, that's the way we run our corporate structure.
He said, I believe that's honorable to God. He said, I am their servant, although I own this company.
And it's a real interesting concept, but I do find that it's biblical. He that is first will be last.
He that's last, God will make first. Now, you can argue with it all you want, but God's blessed in his business. God is pouring out his blessings financially, and every time
I'm around him, I get convicted, so I don't hang around him too much. I just go by and have some free coffee off of him and talk to him a few minutes and get pumped up a little bit and head for the office, you know?
But this is what we're talking about. The focus of sanctification was the worship of God and leading the people.
It all focused into God and the function of the priest in leading the people to worship
God. All right, the next one is the failure of sanctification. That's in chapter 32. Now, you know what happened in 32.
That's that cab. Very interesting, wasn't it? Here they made a golden cab.
Moses is up talking to God, and they said, well, Moses is gone, and we'll look at it later. We said, Moses is gone. He's left us.
He's cut out. No telling when he's coming back. So the people began to put a little pressure on Aaron, who probably hindrance more than he was a help to Moses, but Moses wanted him to go, and here he made his cab, but it's quite interesting to me as I look at this chapter, and Moses came down, and if you have it open,
I want you to look at verse 21 of 32 of Exodus. And Moses said unto
Aaron, now we're talking about the failure of it. And Moses said unto Aaron, what did this people unto thee that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?
So what did these people do to you to make you do this? Now look at verse 22 of Aaron. You want to see human nature? If you want to see a man rationalizing what he did, here it is.
It's humorous to me. And Aaron said, let not the anger of my Lord burn.
Thou knowest the people that they are set on mischief. He said, don't get mad at me,
Moses. You know how they are. Man, you can't do anything, will them? You tried, their mind is set on doing wrong.
Why are you getting angry at me? Now watch what he said. For they said unto me, make us gods, which shall go before us, for as for this
Moses, the man who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him. He was up there a little longer than they thought he should be.
Now look at the next one. Here's what Aaron said to him. Can you believe this? How can a man be this intelligent and make such a foolish statement?
Here's what he said. And I said unto them, whosoever has any gold, let them break it off.
So they gave it to me. Then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf.
Now my friends, that is an alibi if there ever was one. He said, I just said, give me some gold, and they threw it in and out came that calf.
Now can you believe telling Moses something like that? Well, I'd be scared to death. As mighty a man as Moses, and here he comes back with the holiness of God shining in his heart.
He's been up there talking to the Lord, and he comes down and finds this situation, and well, brother and brother talking,
I guess. I would love to have seen the look on Moses' face. I guess maybe we'll have a chance to ask him one of these days when we get to the heavenly portals.
We get up there to say, what was your reaction when Aaron said, and I believe he'll do just like, you know, he won't even want to talk about it,
I suppose. But anyway, this was the failure within that. And you know what that tells me?
It doesn't take but one to contaminate the whole bunch. That's right, you see, what would have happened had
Aaron refused to do that and said, now wait a minute, he's talking to God, we better stay right here. What if he had taken that stand and responded in that way?
It doesn't take but one out of order. It doesn't take but one little part of the gear, so to speak, to get chipped off, my friend, to set a whole machine into a malfunctioning situation.
It doesn't take but one wrench in the gears to destroy it. It doesn't take but a little leaven to leaven the whole lot.
You can find it in your home, it doesn't take but one wrong attitude. You can find it on your job, you can find it with your friends, you can find it in your family.
It doesn't take but one wrong attitude to start things going wrong, it really doesn't. And we find that all through the
Bible, Achan and others. So this was the failure. But then the next thing is in chapters 33 through 40, we have the fulfillment of the sanctification.
The fulfillment of the sanctification because God begins to move them towards the place that he wants them to be.
God changes it, rectifies it, they repent, and those that didn't, he zapped them out there in the desert and so forth, and they went to work on it.
All right, now, this man Moses, we said that he was a picture of Jesus Christ.
Now, before we look at the next outline, let me just, because we do have visitors, let me just give you eight things that we said last evening in a little different word each just to make sure you get the picture that Moses is a picture of Christ, he's a type of Christ.
First of all, he was, now, we gave this in two different ways last evening. I give it to you in other words.
He was born with the jaws of death gaping open for him. He was born at the very point of death.
Death could have been his lot just as easily as life, and we'll see that. They were killing children everywhere, and yet he was spared, he was born.
Jesus Christ was the same way. He was born under the threat of death. The decree had gone out, kill all of them, and so when he was born, he was born under this threat.
He was also, Moses was born in obscurity. He was in a little ark, and we'll talk about it later, but it bears mentioning.
That little basket that he was put in was an ark that was used to put treasures in or heirlooms in, family treasures, and that mother took it, and you know the story well how it was put down into the bulrushes, the
Bible says flags, those reeds that they have over in Egypt, and you and I will see something just like that for those of us that are going over there in February, and you'll get to see some of those little reeds there that they have around the
Sea of Galilee, and you'll be able to see just exactly what was there. That little thing, it's similar to a cat of nine tails that they have out there, but it isn't like that with that little brown thing sitting up on the end, and you'll see, but as he went down in there, he was born in obscurity.
No fanfare. Jesus was too, wasn't he? Had no nurses, no doctor. Kings and queens were not celebrating.
They were trying to kill him. Society didn't send letters of congratulation. No, society was trying to take his life, and so he's born in obscurity in a manger scene, and you know the story well.
Also, Moses, between his birth and his call to redeem the people, you get but one glimpse of Moses.
There's only one glimpse of him. Between the time he was called and the time he went to get the people, you get one glimpse of him, and so you get but one glimpse of Jesus in a similar period of time.
From the time he set out to redeem the people and the time that God called him, he got there.
We call them the silent years of his life. We don't know what went on. All we know that whatever went on was dear to his mother's heart, the
Bible tells us, that Mary and Joseph did teach him and lead him and guide him, all right?
The fourth little picture that I get from him, in both cases of Moses and Christ, the one glimpse is sufficient to show us the way the twig is bent and the way the tree will grow.
Jesus, 12 years of age, stood there in the temple. He said, don't you know that I must be about my father's business? They say, come on, don't you know we've been looking for you?
What you doing down in here? He's sitting in there astounding to learn Jews. All those great rabbis, here's a 12 -year -old kid stumping them, theological questions, doctrinal problems, he's discussing with them, and expounding that which he was himself, giving them the word that he set out long before the world was ever created as he was preexistent with the
Father, and yet here he was, coming to this world like a young child, all right? Moses came to his own, and they scorned him and rejected him.
Jesus came to his own, and they scorned him and rejected him in like manner. We said last evening that Moses took a
Gentile bride during his days of rejection, so Jesus Christ has brought the church out, which is basically
Gentile, during the days of rejection by the people of Israel, but as I understand the word of God, if I just let it say what it says, and keep my prejudice out of it, and keep my bias out of it,
I can't do anything but just let the scripture say what it says, I believe that there will be a time when the Jewish people will respond to Jesus Christ as the
Messiah. You find that in the book of Zechariah, you find it in Micah, find it's the theme of Amos, it's the theme of every one of the prophets, from Isaiah all the way through Malachi, it's the theme of the
Acts, the third chapter, it's the theme of Romans nine, 10, and 11, and it's the theme all the way from Revelation chapter five through chapter 19, deals with the people of Israel.
As I mentioned to you, it's interesting that the church is not mentioned from Revelation chapter five all the way through 19, you don't find the church mentioned.
It's always Israel, always Israel. If you're interested in that, you can go ahead and get my tapes on Revelation.
All right, so the next thing that we picture, won't cost you anything, he reappeared in Israel's darkest hour, in Israel's darkest hour.
When Israel just couldn't go on anymore, it seemed like, they took away their straw, they had to go out through all the countryside finding twigs and everything else to make the bricks with, to mix it up.
The Pharaoh wouldn't even let them have that anymore, and he just kept putting demands on them, and still he would not decrease the amount that they had to make.
He increased it, and yet took away the very way that they could increase it, and so he kept putting it on them, and it just seemed like they couldn't go on anymore, and then appeared
Moses. And as I understand the Bible, my Bible teaches me that things are not going to get better in this world, they're going to get worse and worse and worse, and it is utter foolishness for people to pray for world peace when they reject the
Prince of Peace. There cannot be anything but a sword, my friend, and that's what he said.
I came not to bring peace, I came to bring a sword. I came to set a man at variance with his own household, simply because people will not respond to him the way they ought to do.
One day there will be peace, but it will come by the Prince of Peace, and so I believe that he will come in Israel's darkest hour, as I read
Zechariah chapter 14, and it says the city will be divided, the women ravished, half the city will go forth into captivity, and then the
Lord shall go forth and fight as he did in the days of battle, and in that day his feet shall stand on the
Mount of Olives. It's never occurred in history, and if it doesn't occur in the future, then it is meaningless and has no meaning in Scripture whatsoever.
None whatsoever. So I just take it to mean just what it says. And then the last analogy that I would see in it is he brought about the national salvation of Israel by acts of irresistible supernatural power, and I believe that God will do exactly the same thing through the person of Jesus Christ when he comes to rule and reign as the
Messiah of Israel as well as the Savior of the world. And in Deuteronomy 18, 15, Moses himself deliberately likened himself to Christ.
He said the following. The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me.
He said God's gonna raise up a prophet who's gonna be just like me, and he sure isn't referring to Joshua.
You find us studying that passage of Scripture, you will find quickly that it far surpasses old
Joshua. All right? Now, let's move to the next one, and here's what I want you to do just before our break.
As we move through this one, I gave you this brief outline. I gave you the three major topics last evening, the repression in Egypt, the release to Sinai, and the revelation at Sinai.
Now, we're gonna spell three words, sorrow, free, F -R -E -E, and covenant.
Now, in doing this, what we want to do is if you will just write the first letter of the word sorrow, there'll be six letters, write those down, and then skip two spaces.
Write one letter on one line, skip a line if you want to, and come down to the next line and write O, skip a line, come down and put number three and write
R, and so forth down the line, and then skip two spaces as you write the S, move over two spaces, and then
I wrote it up here. The first one's gonna be sons, and I'll give you a whole sentence, but what we want to do is so that when you look at your outline, the word sorrow will leap right out at you, so we want a couple of spaces between the letter and the rest of the word.
The first letter is sons, S -O -N -S, but we put S, skip a couple of spaces, and then write
O -N -S, and then as you see the word unfold when you look at it, the word sorrow will leap right at you because that's exactly what the first part of it all is, it is chapter one, and it goes all the way through chapter 14, all right?
Let's see how far we can get on this particular portion, and then we'll take our coffee break in about five minutes, all right?
The major topic, our title is Repression in Egypt, Repression in Egypt, and Arabic one is the letter
S. We skip two spaces to the right of it on your paper, and you may write out the sentence,
Sons of Jacob in Egypt, Sons of Jacob in Egypt. Well, that's not hard for us to discern, is it?
Chapter one, verses one through four, chapter one, verses one through four, and it names those children there down in Egypt, so we know that, and that's very basic for us.
The Sons of Jacob in Egypt, all right? We move down to Arabic two, we put the letter
O, we skip a couple of spaces, and we spell out the word oppression. Oppression of the
Israelites by a new pharaoh, and that picks up in chapter one, verse five, and goes through verse 22.
It says a new king, the scripture tells us, doesn't it? A new pharaoh, and we're gonna get into that, which tribe it was, it was not the
Egyptians. It was not the Egyptians, we'll give you who it was and spell that for you, it was the
Hykses, and history substantiated, it was a group of people called the Hykses, and they came down, and it was a new king that came in and took over that part of the country, because you see,
Joseph was loved by the Egyptians, and there would not have been an Egyptian around who didn't know who Joseph was, and who his brethren were, because Joseph was such a renowned man, he run the whole country for his master, and Joseph had a very prestigious position, so we find oppression of the
Israelites by a new pharaoh, chapter one, verses five through 22, all right? Arabic three, we write the letter
R, and we spell out the word request to God for deliverance. They began to cry out, didn't they?
Chapter two, verses 23 to 25, the request to God for deliverance, is what they were, they were crying out to God, and it's very interesting, and it's very well known to you, it came to pass in process of time that the king of Egypt died, the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto
God by reason of the bondage, and God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and with Jacob, and so this is what we did here.
Now, let me just give you a little side information, very interesting, Abraham, the four patriarchs are
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, right? Now, if you wanna study the history of those men, it's quite interesting,
Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph, the Bible gives us 12 chapters of history on each one of them.
Who lived the longest? Isaac, and the Bible only gives us one chapter on him. Isn't that interesting?
12 chapters on each of the others, but only one on him. So, it's real interesting, the one who lived the longest,
God just seemed to kind of pass over, it'd be just the opposite of what you and I would do, but these people, these descendants, and God remembered the covenant that he'd made with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and so as the people made their request to God for deliverance, all right?
Then the next letter is R, skip a couple spaces to its right, and write out the word response. R, and then skip two spaces and pick up on the letter
E -S, and go on, finish response. The response of God through Moses, chapters two and three.
God heard their cry, and he got him a man named Moses, didn't he? We all know that, the response of God through Moses.
That's the Arabic four, and that's the second letter, R. Then we put Arabic five, and we put the next letter, which is
O, and we skip two spaces, and pick up the letter V, and we spell out the word overthrow, overthrow of Pharaoh and the 10 plagues.
And we pick that up around chapter four, all the way through chapter 11, verse 10. Chapter four, through chapter 11, verse 10, the overthrow of Pharaoh and the 10 plagues.
It'll be interesting, we get down into those 10 plagues shortly, and look and see just what happens. It's really interesting how
God dealt with that. So that's the letter O, and then the sixth letter of the word sorrow that we're spelling is the letter
W. We skip two spaces, and we spell out the word way, W -A -Y. The way of deliverance through blood of the
Paschal Lamb. The way of deliverance through the blood of the Paschal Lamb, and of course, chapter 12 is the chapter.
Chapter 12, verse one, all the way through chapter 14, verse 31, chapter 12, verse one, all the way through chapter 14, 31, we have the way of deliverance through the blood of the
Paschal Lamb. All right, and that gives us the picture of the repression in Egypt, the repression in Egypt, and spells out the word sorrow, because that's all that is there, sorrow and tears and groanings and moanings.
And then we'll move to the release to Sinai next one. All right, let's just kind of relax a little bit.
We have some coffee, I think, made for you folks. Pastor, do you want to say a word before we take a break? Okay, let's take about a 15 -minute break, all right?
And the coffee is available to you. Just stick your head right through that little window there, all right? So we want to pick up, we've gone through the repression in Egypt, and we've gone through the word sorrow, and now we move to the section, the next section of the book of Exodus, and beginning at chapter 15, verse one, and we call this release to Sinai.
God got the people of Israel out of Egypt and brought them to Sinai. So we have the release to Sinai, and we want to spell the word free,
F -R -E -E. So Arabic one, we want to write the word F, and then we want to skip a couple spaces to its right, and you want to write the first song of the
Bible. The first song, S -O -N -G, the first song of the Bible, sung by Moses, that's chapter 15, one through 21.
Chapter 15, verses one through 21, spelling the word first, you start with the letter
F, Arabic one, and then skip a couple spaces, but I -R -S -T. First song of the Bible, in the release to Sinai, he praises the
Lord, and says, then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the
Lord. And they began to talk about the Lord as the Lord of war and how he brought victory, and they praised him and adored him for who he was.
And so we have the first letter in the release to Sinai, because we are spelling the word free, naturally.
They did have a freedom. They never had freedom for 400 years. There they were in darkness and gloom and doom and all the things that the pharaoh and the taskmasters had heaped upon them, and they had a newfound freedom.
And as human nature will do sometimes, when God really gives a person freedom in their life, sometimes they have trouble finding a balance.
And these people surely had trouble finding a balance with that newfound freedom. They thought, as sometimes you and I think, they thought it was license.
They could do as they wanted to do and still have the blessings of God, but it just doesn't work that way even though a person is free.
All right, so they had the word F. In Arabic, too, we have the letter capital R. Capital R, we skip a couple spaces and put the word
E -D. We're spelling Red Sea. Red Sea separates Israel from Egypt.
Had they not crossed the Red Sea, and that is chapter 15, verse 22.
Verse 22, and that's all we're gonna put, just that one.
Now, I know there are other verses, but we're just, I'm trying to be careful here. We're just gonna use one verse.
So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness ashore, and they went three days in the wilderness and found no water.
So the Red Sea separated Israel from Egypt. God had a way of cutting off the enemies and cutting off their past and getting them out of the land where they were and getting them into the land that God wanted them to be in.
So the Red Sea separates Israel from Egypt. They had to leave their past in order to be free.
They had to forget those things that were behind and press on to the high calling, Paul says, which we find in Christ Jesus, and they found in the
Lord. Moving on towards the goals that God had set out, letting God show them his purpose and his plan for their life.
All right, Arabic three, we put the letter E. The letter E, and we skip a couple spaces, do we not, and we start spelling the word experiences.
Experiences in the wilderness. We pick up at verse 23, chapter 15, verse 23, and go all the way through 17, seven.
Go all the way through chapter 17, verse seven. The experiences in the wilderness, and so we have there again the manna, and we had it gathered, and then we had the water from the rock incident that we mentioned a while ago, just another way of looking at it, and we move all the way down to chapter 17, verse seven, just before the battle with Amalek, and so we have the first E of free, experiences in the wilderness, chapter 15, verse 23, through chapter 17, verse seven, and then
Arabic four is the last letter E in the word free under release to Sinai, and we spell the word encounter.
Encounter with the Amalekites and the journey to Mount Sinai. Chapter 17, verse eight.
We pick that up at verse eight. The other one, experiences in the wilderness stopped at chapter 17, verse seven. We pick it up at chapter 17, verse eight, and we move all the way through chapter 19, verse 25.
Encounter with the Amalekites and the journey to Mount Sinai, and we have the release to Mount Sinai, so we bring the people of Israel out of Egypt where they were repression in Egypt, nothing but sorrow, and then we bring them with God releasing them to Sinai, and then we now are at Sinai as far as our outline is concerned, and we are ready for the next main topic, the revelation at Sinai.
God was going to reveal himself to them through the law and through the tabernacle, so God was going to make a covenant.
He was going to make a covenant, and we're going to spell the word covenant, covenant, and so we'll have eight
Arabic numbers, and we will spell the word covenant, C -O -V -E -N -A -N -T.
We'll put the first letter C in Arabic one and capital letter C, skip our couple spaces to the right, and then we will spell the word under revelation at Sinai.
The first one is commandments from God out at Mount Sinai.
As I look at my outline, I immediately see the word sorrow, free, and covenant standing all by themselves right down the left side of the page, and then you ought to have the others sort of in a line also, and it makes it easier to read, easier to teach, easier to share.
The commandments from God at Mount Sinai is our first one under revelation at Sinai. That is chapter 20, verse one through 19.
Chapter 20, verses one through 19, and he came down and shared that.
All right, and then the next one is O, the letter O, and we have ordinances of God for Israel.
The ordinances of God for Israel, we pick those up at chapter 21, verse one, and we go all the way through chapter 23, verse 19.
Chapter 21, verse one, all the way through chapter 23, verse 19.
Verse 19, we have the different way the judgments were to be. We have property rights given in scripture, as you see if you have the new scope field, it kind of breaks it down for you there, and he deals with occultism.
He says, thou shalt not suffer a witch to live in chapter 22, 18, so he condemns witchcraft, he condemns magic, he condemns charming, palmists, hard of scoping, he condemns all of that in this passage of scripture, and he goes all the way through chapter 23, verse 19, is where we stop, all right, and he starts talking about the first fruits of the land.
The ordinances, how they were to govern themselves, the rules and regulations as it were. Then we have the letter
V, V as in victory, V, we're spelling covenant, and we spell the word vigilant, vigilant,
V -I -G -I -L -A -N -T, vigilant, and we're saying the vigilant or vigilant escort of an angel with God's name in him.
We don't have time to go into this, but it's quite interesting in the Hebrew, when you study the
Hebrew words, it is a little different than the King James translation, and as you break those words down, this angelic escort that God gave to the people of Israel and that he said would go before them and would come and deal with them, it has the name of God.
It has the name of the eternal Lord mixed in with the Hebrew language there, and you find that chapter 23, verse 20, all the way through verse 33.
You find it in chapter 23, all the way through the end of the chapter, verse 33.
The vigilant escort of an angel with God's name in him. Now, it's quite interesting, when you start studying
Joshua, and Joshua, they crossed over, and he's about to go to get Jericho, you recall the incident?
Seemingly, he thought some kind of an angelic visitor confronted him, said he saw a man, a man figure, and he had a sword and a shield, and he stood there and he said, are you for us, are you against us?
Joshua was speaking to what he thought to be an angelic visitor, and what did that angelic visitor say to him?
You recall? Take off your shoes, because the ground you stand on is holy ground, and it said
Joshua fell down and worshiped him. Joshua would never worship an angel. But you know, it's the same words that are used when
Moses was at the burning bush, when a voice told him, take off your shoes. The same identical words are used.
Who was it? It was what we call a theophany, an appearance of Christ in the Old Testament.
The Lord. All right? We'll talk about it as we get into it. This vigilant escort.
Chapter 23, verse 20, all the way through verse 33. All right, we're spelling covenant, we go to E, Arabic four, we go to E, and we say enactment, enactment, not that you can't spell, but I'm not sure my pronunciation is clear to you,
E -N -A -C -T, M -E -N -T, the enactment of the blood covenant, of the blood -covenant between God and Israel.
Always put God first, because God initiates all the covenants. Man doesn't make deals with God.
He'd like to, but he can't. The enactment of the blood covenant between God and Israel, chapter 24, verses one through 11.
Verses one through 11, chapter 24. Moses goes up to Mount Sinai, and the people agreed to the covenant, and they sprinkled the blood on the altar, half the blood, and put it in the basin, and they worshiped the
Lord, and Moses read the book of the covenant that God had told him about, and instigated it.
Chapter 24, verses one through 11. The enactment of the blood covenant between God and Israel, and the people agreed to it, and said, yeah, all the things the
Lord has told us, these we will do. Have you ever said that? Yeah, Lord, anything you want to do,
I'll do it. Didn't find a thousand reasons not to do it. Well, that's the way they were. Say, yeah, all the Lord says we're gonna do.
Didn't turn around and do just the opposite sometimes. All right, the Arabic five, we're spelling covenant, we go the letter
N, N, nomination of Moses to receive the tablets of stone.
And that's chapter 24, we pick that up at verse 12. Chapter 24, verse 12 through 18.
Moses goes up, because then the Lord just told him what he wanted him to do. The Lord said to Moses, come up to me in the mount, and be there, and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments, which
I have written, that thou mayest teach them. Why are you and I studying the book of Exodus?
Just to learn? No, so that we can teach, so we can share. We don't want to get it and hoard it, not for facts and information, as we've said.
What we learn, we want to be able to share with someone else. Let's don't be greedy, let's be like a well.
Let's share what we have. We ought to be overflowing with the knowledge and the wisdom that God shares with us from his precious word, all right?
So we have the nomination of Moses to receive the tables of stone, chapter 24, verses 12 through 18.
Our next one, A, appurtenances and appointments for the tabernacle. A, and then we spell the word,
A -P -P -U -R -T, A -P -P -U -R -T -E -N -A -N -C -E -S, appurtenances and appointments for the tabernacle.
You find those chapter 25, verse one, all the way through chapter 31, verse 18.
Now what that simply means is the utensils, the vessels, the times, the way it's to be done, and the things that were to be avoided for the tabernacle.
All the paraphernalia, all the drapery, all the tapestry, all the surroundings, and all the things that were going to be used, and the way it was going to be done, were given.
That's chapter 25, verse one, all the way through 31, 18. All right, the Arabic seven, we're spelling the word covenant,
N, and we want to spell the word non, N -O -N, non -obedience, non -obedience of the people through the golden calf incident that we looked at a few moments ago,
Aaron, and the golden calf, chapter 32, verses one through 35. Chapter 32, verses one through 35, the non -obedience of the people.
Didn't take them long to forget, did it? God was so gracious to them, wasn't he? Got the Egyptians off their back, so to speak.
Gave them water from a rock, manna from heaven, led them with a pillar of fire and a cloud, performed 10 miracles, get them out of Egypt.
Did everything in the world for them, but it sure didn't take them long. Sometimes, you know, the old adage that everything hinges on leadership, everything rises and falls with leadership, even in Christianity is really true, you know it?
That's why God gave evangelists, God gave a pastor. I'm surprised that God doesn't call more women to preach.
They know so much about it, you know? Every pastor can attribute that. I hear women, they can criticize more sermons and never preach one in their life.
Wouldn't even know how to work one up, but boy, they got the answers to them. Isn't that amazing? Men, same way, that's right.
Hear men all that and say, well, they didn't preach a good one today. I say, why don't you write him one and give it to him? See how it comes out. Well, God didn't call me to do that.
Well, did he call you to criticize? No, it's easy to do, isn't it? Well, it's human nature.
Well, they did Moses, they murmured against him. What happened to the sister of Moses? We're gonna look at that, aren't we?
God gave her leprosy and kicked her out of the camp and fellowship of God for seven days.
Well, the simple reason is she just griped against Moses. You better be careful. God wouldn't do that to me.
I imagine that's what Omerium said. I'm his sister, I got a right. Blood's thicker than water,
I got a right to say it. Well, God said, yes, zoop, and there she was, white. Leprosy, kicked her out of the camp.
She couldn't worship God for seven days. She was unclean, unclean. Well, that's what
I'm just saying, non -obedience. I didn't put it in there, it's just in there. If I had my way, it wouldn't be there probably.
Non -obedience of the people through the golden calf incident. Chapter 32, the first 35 verses, verse one through 35, and then the last letter in covenant.
Now on the blackboard, I had to stick it way over to the right there. Number eight is T, and we say tabernacle set up.
That wonderful, beautiful structure. Before I leave, I do want to draw on the blackboard for you the tabernacle in the middle and station all the tribes around it so you can see how they were arranged.
It's just beautiful how God had them arranged, perfectly arranged, all the tribes and all the ministry and everything of the tabernacle.
And so, we'll do that. The tabernacle set up, chapter 33, verse one, through the end of the book, chapter 40, verse 38.
Chapter 40, verse 38, all right? The tabernacle set up, chapter 33, verse one, through chapter 40, verse 38.
All right, we have one more brief outline, and then we're gonna get to the book. You are so gracious.
We have it over here to the right, and I'll just put it there, but I'll give it to you. We're going to spell the blood, and this is just a general outline, very basic, very basic.
And you can get these and put them together and start with your basic ones and get into the more detailed ones. And as you go over it,
I promise you, you'll see something a little different, at least I do. I see something a little different every time I go through these outlines.
I mean, each outline brings a little new light to my mind. We want to spell the word blood, just like we did sorrow, free, and covenant.
And the title of it is the salience, or salience of divine redemption in Exodus.
The word salient, S -A -L -I -E -N -T -S. It means those who stood out, those who are the recipients of divine redemption in Exodus.
It is a good word to use. Salience of divine redemption in Exodus.
All right, we're spelling the word blood, Arabic 1B. Skip a couple of spaces and write the following sentence, and we're going to underline about five words along with it.
All right, bitter bondage. Bitter bondage of the people of Israel, and we got to have the whole sentence or I won't mean it.
Bitter, capital B, skip two spaces, spell the word bitter, I -T -T -E -R. Bitter bondage of the people of Israel showed the need of redemption.
Bitter bondage of the people of Israel showed the need of redemption, chapters one and two underline the word need.
Now on my outline, I have need capitalized each of the letters, capital N, capital E, capital E, capital
D, so it stands out at me as I look at the sentence, because we're going to look at five words.
Bitter bondage of the people of Israel showed the need of redemption, chapters one and two.
And so we have B of blood, and then the main word in there is the need, need.
All right, we come to Arabic two, we put the capital letter L, and we skip a couple of spaces and we say the lamb, or lamb, like the little lamb, baby sheep, lamb of sacrifice, and I always capitalized the letter
S in sacrifice in speaking of the lamb of sacrifice. Lamb of sacrifice supplied by God's direction.
Lamb of sacrifice supplied by God's direction showed the way, and I capitalized
W -A -Y and underlined it, showed the way of redemption, chapter 12, chapter 12.
Lamb of sacrifice supplied by God's direction showed the way of redemption, chapter 12.
So under B, the bitter bondage of the people of Israel showed the need, so we have the word need.
Secondly, we have the word way. We got a need, well, we gotta have a way to do it. We gotta have a way to satisfy that need, and so the lamb of sacrifice supplied by God's direction showed the way of redemption.
So Arabic three, we come to the letter O, and we spell out the word omnipotence. Omni, O -M -N -I, omni means all.
Potence, all powerful. Potence, O -M -N -I -P -O -T -E -N -C -E.
O -M -N -I -P -O -T -E -N -C -E. We say God is omnipotent, he's omniscient, he's omnipresent, he's all present, he's everywhere, he's all wise, all knowing, and he's all powerful.
The omnipotence of God over Pharaoh, spelling Pharaoh, capital P -H -A -R -O -A -H.
Pharaoh, omnipotence of God over Pharaoh and through the
Red Sea. Omnipotence of God over Pharaoh and through the
Red Sea showed the power, capital P, capital O, capital
W, capital E, and capital R, underline, showed the power of redemption, chapter 14.
So we have omnipotence of God over Pharaoh and through the Red Sea, showed the power of redemption, chapter 14.
So we have the need, the way, and the power. Has to be God, has to be
God. We know there's a need for redemption, we know there's a way, but can we do it ourselves?
No, it has to be through God and God alone, God alone. So that's chapter 14, the omnipotence of God over Pharaoh and through the
Red Sea showed the power of redemption, chapter 14. All right, Arabic four, we put the second
O, spelling the word blood, B -L -O -O, so we have O and we say orderly, orderly maintenance.
Orderly, like an orderly in a hospital. Orderly maintenance, M -A -I -N -T -E -N -A -N -C -E, orderly maintenance of righteousness, and I capitalized
R in righteousness myself, and judgment, righteousness and judgment and capitalized righteousness and capitalized the first letter of judgment because it's
God's righteousness and it's God's judgment. Orderly maintenance of righteousness and judgment showed the law, capital
L, capital A, capital W, underline, showed the law of redemption, the law of redemption.
That's chapters 19 through 40, chapters 19 through 40. So we have the need, we see a need for redemption, we're shown the way of redemption, we're shown by whose power it is accomplished and we're shown the law of that redemption, the way that the redemption itself functions, functions.
All right, so we have the orderly maintenance of righteousness and judgment, showed the law of redemption, chapters 19 to 40, and then the word, the letter
D, the letter D is our fifth letter in the word blood, demonstration, demonstration of the symbolism, demonstration of the symbolism, because again in my pronunciation, let me spell that,
S -Y -M -B -O -L -I -S -M, S -Y -M -B -O -L -I -S -M, symbolism, demonstration of the symbolism and institution of the tabernacle.
Demonstration of the symbolism and institution of the tabernacle showed the medium, the medium, capital
E, capital M -E, capital D, capital I, capital U, capital
M, and underline, showed the medium or the instrument, the mode or the method of that redemption, the medium of redemption.
Demonstration of the symbolism and institution of the tabernacle showed the medium of redemption, chapters 25 through 40, chapters 25 through 40.
So we have the bitter bondage of the people of Israel showed the need of redemption, chapters one and two. Lamb of sacrifice supplied by God's direction showed the way of redemption, chapter 12.
Omnipotence of God over Pharaoh and through the Red Sea showed the power of redemption, chapter 14. Orderly maintenance of righteousness and judgment showed the law of redemption, chapters 19 to 40.
Demonstration of the symbolism and institution of the tabernacle showed the medium of redemption, chapters 25 to 40.
And we are now ready to enter the book. We are now ready to go into the book. And I hope that you will study these outlines and please understand that these are not all inclusive.
I'm confident that many of you in your studies have your own outlines. And these are just some outlines that have helped me.
And I promise you that these outlines are, I'm sure that you could have some outlines almost exactly like them in your hand.
And if you just think about them while you may rephrase them and come up with your own outline, it would be far better. These are just some ones that have helped me in studying these books and I just share them with you.
Now as we go through each chapter of the book of Exodus, we're gonna outline it also.
But we won't outline it like this. We will break it down in its verse breakdown. In its verses, the logical thought process of it.
All right? So we're about to move into, I'll try to give you in the chapters that we study a major theme.
The main topic. Now there'll be many themes in these chapters, but I will try to give you what
I personally think is the main thought. And it's gonna be a little repetitious for you here, redundant in the very start, because it is
Israel in bondage. We're gonna study chapters one and two together. Chapters one and two,
Israel in bondage. And we already know that. And so I'll not say a lot about it.
We know they're down there. That's what the whole thing's about. They're down there. If they hadn't been down there, we wouldn't have a book of Exodus probably.
And so there they are. They're down there in that particular place. All right?
So we have the Roman numeral one, if you're making this kind of an outline. The persecution of God's people, chapter one.
The persecution of God's people. And then we're gonna look at the Roman numeral two later.
You don't have to write it down right now. Will be the preparation of God's prophet. The preparation of God's prophet.
So we'll have two Roman numerals and we'll have two or three Arabics underneath them. So the persecution of God's people is chapter one.
All right? Arabic one, a new generation. A new generation is our thought.
Chapter one, the first seven verses. Chapter one, we'll break that chapter down in the first seven verses.
The bondage of Israel, as we look at this passage, had been predicted in Genesis 15.
Now, underline that passage of scripture. Genesis 15, verses 13 through 16,
God predicted 400 years of captivity for the
Jews. They just forgot about it, conveniently. But God had predicted it.
God had said that it would happen. Now, it had been predicted in Genesis 15, 13 through 16.
Chapter 15, verses 13 to 16. Now, the fourth generation, listen carefully, the fourth generation would be equal to about 400 years since Abraham was 100 years old when
Isaac was born. Now, a generation would be a few years today. There are two ways you can look at a generation.
You can generally look at a generation around 40 years. Technically, a generation is 33 and a third years if you want to get real technical with it, and that's exactly the length of time that Christ was on the earth.
33 and a third years, roughly. But generally, and the Bible uses the number 40 for a generation, sort of a general thing.
We were talking, one of the dear ladies, one of the visitors, we were just sharing together some thoughts that the people of Israel believe that they will build a temple in Jerusalem within a generation of 1948, which means they're looking for around 1988.
Sometime between 78 and 88, they're looking forward to having a temple built over there. Well, I'm convinced we'll be gone.
So any signs that you see about the second coming of Christ are not, they are, you can just look at it this way, they are signs for you're going to be with the
Lord. They are signs for you're going, and many of those signs are available today. And if they're available today and you're still here, can you imagine how short it must be?
If there's signs of you're going to be with Him and there's some of them already coming on today, and you and I are still here,
I would suggest you don't have to pack your bag, but just be ready to move. You ought to move out a little bit on the seat there so there won't be any delay.
Just don't lean back, get comfortable. Get your coat off and get your bags away from you, because at any moment, the trumpet might sound.
You'd be gone. Well, Brother Rock, I've got to pay income tax, so you don't understand. I always say, run up a bunch of bills and leave them for the end of Christ.
You know what I mean? Wouldn't it be exciting if we knew the
Lord was going to come today and knew it for sure and had it all down in our mind? We could all use Bank of America, charge the American Express, run out, just charge everything and leave it for somebody else and go, you know?
That'd be kind of hard, but nevertheless. Nevertheless, a new generation, new generation, the fourth generation, all right?
Now, God also fulfilled His promise, did He not? In this passage,
He fulfilled the promise of the fourth generation. Of multiplying the people. In Genesis chapter 46,
Genesis chapter 46, it was quite interesting to read. In verse three,
He said, I am God, the God of thy father. Fear not to go down into Egypt, for I will there make of thee a great nation.
God said that He was going to do it. Now, Jacob originally had about 70, did he not?
There were about 70 of them that went strolling down in there, and if you study the scripture, you'll find it, it tells you that.
Now, the original 70 became, according to the best figures we have, over a million.
Over a million. And that's what the historians tell us, and that's the best we can check it out, and that's the closest we can get.
So God multiplied 70 into a million. I believe God kept His promise, and He said, I'll make of you a great nation. I will make of you a great people.
So they started out without, and they increased in spite of the persecution that came. As a correlative
New Testament passage, write down Acts 7, verses 15 to 19. Acts chapter 7, verses 15 to 19, and you might read that at your leisure in correlation to the new generation, all right?
Now, Arabic 2, there was a new king. There was a new generation, and there was a new king that came on the scene.
And that begins in chapter one, verse eight. Chapter one, verse eight, and we will carry on through verse 14.
It says, now there arose a new king over Egypt who knew not Joseph. Now, it was a group of people who are of the same strain or the same ethnic background, but Acts 7, 18 indicates to us that this was another king of a different kind is the literal reading of the
Greek language there. Another king of another kind is the literal language read in Acts 7, verse 18 in relation to this passage.
That is, the new king was from a different nation, a different nation, and history tells us that about this time, the
Hykses, capital H -Y -K, capital H -Y -K -S -E -S, historians tell us that about this time, the
Hykses, invaders, had a takeover of that part of the world. They had a takeover of that part of the world.
They were Semitic people, they were Semites. Shemites is the actual word.
We just narrowed it down to Semites, Semitic, but it's really from Shem. Shemitic is really what we ought to say, but most likely, according to many conservative scholars, they were probably from around the world that we know,
Assyria, around in that area. Assyria, you might correlate that with Isaiah 52, 4.
Isaiah 52, 4. Now, the new king, the story is there, warned his own people that the presence of so many
Jews, a million of them, was a threat to their security, to their own rule, and their own government, and so they decided to deal vigorously with the
Jews. Now, since Joseph had been the savior of Egypt, he had told them what to do, he told them how to do it.
Do you remember he told them about the famines and the plenty? And he told them how to store it up, and really say to them, it is not likely that an
Egyptian king would not know of him, because his reputation would have been renowned all over everyone, he'd been famed, would have been his, and he'd been quite famous in what he did.
Now, this bondage in Egypt is a picture of the sinner's spiritual bondage in the world.
Now, the Jews went down to Egypt and lived in the best of the land. These brothers came down there and they lived in the very best.
You might read Genesis 47, verse six. Genesis 47, verse six, in relation to this, it says, the land of Egypt is before thee in the best of the land.
Make thy father and brethren to dwell in the land of Goshen. Let them dwell. And if thou knowest any able men among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.
So, they got the best part of the land to dwell in. Now, they are down there, but that luxury later turned to trial and suffering, and how much like a lost person today.
A lost sinner today, a person who's never come to Christ and been saved. Sin promises him pleasure and freedom, but it soon brings sorrow and bondage every time.
It may be a long time coming, but it'll get there, and it'll bind that life and control that mind like nothing that we know anything about.
So, we have a new generation, and we have a new king. All right, Arabic three, we have a new strategy.
A new strategy. Chapter one, verses 15 to 22. The king got him a plan, didn't he?
Sounds familiar to us. He's gonna kill all the male babies, and it would have met with great success except for the intervention of God.
Now, that sounds familiar to us, doesn't it? I mean, two or three times we read about something like that. Let's kill all of them.
Let's kill all of them. Now, he used the midwives. He used the midwives, he thought, but God used the midwives also to confound the king just as later on.
Now, the midwives were really nothing. I mean, they were important to the Jewish people, but they really were of no stature, no great prestige, and yet God used the cry of a little baby, didn't he not, to reach the heart of Pharaoh's daughter, and it seems like God uses the little things.
God uses the weak things, the little baby's cry, to touch the heart of this young daughter of Pharaoh, and out of that, because of that, you have a savior.
Because of that, the people were able to come out because we know that young boy was Moses. God uses the weak things of this world to defeat the mighty.
Now, this strategy, of course, was not anything new. It was born in the heart of the adversary Satan, the great murderer and the father of lies.
It was another attempt to destroy the people of Israel. Why does Satan hate
Israel? Why has there always been and always will be, until Christ comes, an attempt to destroy the people of Israel?
For the simple reason they are vitally involved in God's redemptive program for the planet
Earth, for the planet Earth and mankind, and so in order to destroy them, to stop the savior, if you can destroy the
Jews, you can stop a savior, because he was coming through the tribe of Judah, and so this is what he did.
Now, later on, he used King Herod to try to slay the baby Christ that we know about. Now, was
God wrong, or were the women right in order that they defied the orders of the king?
Were they wrong in defying those orders? Personally, I do not think so, because I think
Acts 5, 29 says we ought to obey God rather than men. I believe we obey the law of the land, but I believe that any time the law of the land directly and firmly, vigorously, zealously, opposes the law of God, it's wrong.
It is wrong. It's wrong, and we better obey God than men.
The tragedy is, you see, there are enough Christians in many cities, I'll give you an example, in our county, they voted liquor by the drink through, and you've been gracious and working hard to keep things under tow.
If just the Baptist had voted in our county, we could have defeated it. If just the
Methodist had voted, they could have defeated it. If just any one of the groups of the rich could have done it, but they didn't, but they didn't.
And so, sometimes, you know, we can do a lot more than we do, but when the law of the lands are definitely contrary to the commandments of God, then the believer has the right and duty to put
God first. Now, while God did not, and it does not indicate in scripture that he approved of the excuses the midwives gave
Pharaoh, although their words may have been true, what they said they did, we have no indication that they weren't.
They could have been true, what they said, and I hope you've read the first two chapters. It doesn't say anywhere that God approved the excuses, but he did bless them for their faith.
He did bless them because of their great faith. Now, we need to keep in mind that this same king, this same ruler, who wanted to drown
God's people, saw his own army drowned in the Red Sea. What you sow, you reap.
What you sow, you reap, brother. You sow and you reap. So he said, well, we're gonna drown them. God turned around and said, that's in your mind?
I'll let you see what it's like. God drowned his people. God drowned his people. You find that over in Exodus 15, verses four through five.
Ecclesiastes 8, 11, read it. The harvest may be late in coming, but my dear friends, when you plant corn, you get corn.
You plant wheat, you get wheat. You plant apples, you get apples. Put an apple tree down. Ecclesiastes 8, 11 is a correlated verse of scripture.
All right, now, we also see in this chapter Satan's attempt to bring the people of God into bondage.
Now, verse one calls the Jews the children of Israel, and Israel means what?
Prince with God. A prince with God is what the word Israel means.
Prince with God, all right? You might wanna read Genesis 32, 28. Genesis 32, 28.
Now, the prince of the world, Satan, is defying the prince with God, but God's people are not of this world and will be delivered from Satan's bondage.
There's coming a time when he'll no longer be able to harass us. There's coming a time when the Lord will deal with him permanently.
All right, we're 20 minutes after, so let's conclude with the first chapter, and tomorrow evening we will pick up with a preparation of God's prophets.
So we have the persecution of God's people. We have a new generation, chapter one, verses one through seven.
We have a new king, chapter one, verses eight through 14. We have a new strategy, chapter one, verses 15 to 22.
All right, and then we will move into the preparation of God's prophet in chapter two, and we will look at how
God prepared Moses, the things that he gave him to get him ready that sometimes we miss. Sometimes we miss them, and we'll look at that, and then we'll move into his call and break down some things on his name, and then it looks like the 10 plagues are gonna come up, and I enjoy looking at those 10 plagues.