Highlight: Jesus & The Law of God
This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this highlight Dr. Joe Boot speaks to Israel being a foreshadow of Christ and the continuity of the Old and the New Covenant.
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- And Christ is presented to us in Scripture as the true Israelite, as the living
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- Torah, as the truly obedient Son. Out of Egypt, the Scripture says,
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- I have called my Son. In fact, the life of Jesus, the ministry of Jesus recapitulates some of the journey of Israel, of the
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- Hebrews out of Egypt, and then through the waters of the Red Sea, and then to the giving of the covenant law on the mountain.
- 00:28
- And of course, there also the revelation of the temple about the sacrifice and the priesthood and the atonement that God is providing.
- 00:38
- And in the Lord Jesus, out of Egypt, I have called my Son, when the danger of Herod had passed and he died, and the
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- Scripture says he returns. And then through the waters of baptism, he goes through the water and then out into the wilderness, not for 40 years, but for 40 days.
- 00:58
- And there he's tested and he's confronted by Satan and by the evil one in the way that our first parents were tested, in the way that Israel was tested in the wilderness, and Jesus overcomes.
- 01:10
- And how does he overcome? Everything he quotes is from Deuteronomy, from God's law. He overcomes with the word of God, with the law word of God.
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- And then he himself, when he comes back from the wilderness, goes up onto the mountain and he expounds, he gives the law, he expounds the law of Moses.
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- And he accurately and faithfully refutes the false interpretations of the
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- Pharisees, and brings us to the fullness of the meaning of the law. And of course, he famously says there that he has not come to abolish or to destroy the law, but to fulfill it, to put it into force, to bring the full force of the law to bear, to bring it to its completion.
- 01:51
- Not a punctuation mark, he said, is going to pass till heaven and earth pass away. So we have a full affirmation of the law in the
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- Lord Jesus. And that's why at the last supper, when he says, this is my blood of the new covenant, he doesn't give a new law.
- 02:05
- The law has already been given. There's new blood, there's a new priesthood, but the law is already given.
- 02:12
- And we, of course, now are a priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, because Abraham himself paid a tithe to the priest king of Salem in recognition of the fact that Aaron in the loins of Abraham was not going to be, was not the ultimate priesthood.
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- It was the priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ. So this is the reason we have the great commission then is that we take and teach this law word to all of the nations.
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- Now that is not imposing God's law, that is proposing. So we teach, doesn't say go and impose on all governments, the law of God.
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- It says that we teach, we propose, and we prophetically bear witness to the truth of God's law.