The Gospel of Luke (58) 03/17/2024


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Acts chapter 8, and Saul approved of his execution. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem.
And they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.
Devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him. But Saul was ravaging the church and entering house after house.
He dragged off men and women and committed them to prison. Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.
Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed to them the Christ. And the crowds with one accord paid attention to what was being said by Philip, when they heard him and saw the signs that he did.
For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice, came out of many who had them. And many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.
So there was much joy in that city. But there was a man named Simon who had previously practiced magic in the city and amazed the people of Samaria, saying that he himself was somebody great.
They all paid attention to him from the least to the greatest, saying, this man is the power of God that is called great.
And they paid attention to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic. But when they believed
Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
Even Simon himself believed. And after being baptized, he continued with Philip. And seeing signs and great miracles performed, he was amazed.
Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to them
Peter and John, who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
For he had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Now when
Simon saw that the Spirit was given them through the laying on of hands, he offered them money, saying, give me this power also, so that anyone on whom
I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter said to him, may your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money.
You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God.
Repent therefore of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that if possible the intent of your heart may be forgiven you.
For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. And Simon answered, pray for me to the
Lord that nothing of what you have said may come upon me. Now when they had testified and spoken the word of the
Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans.
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.
This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the
Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning seated in his chariot.
And he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the spirit said to Philip, go over and join this chariot.
So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, do you understand what you are reading?
And he said, how can I unless someone guides me? And he invited Philip to come up and to sit with him.
Now the passage of scripture that he was reading was this. Like a sheep, he was led to the slaughter.
And like a lamb before its shears is silent, so he opens not his mouth. In his humiliation, justice was denied him.
Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth. And the eunuch said to Philip, about whom,
I asked, does the prophet say this? About himself or about someone else? Then Philip opened his mouth and beginning with this scripture, he told him the good news about Jesus.
And as they were going along the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, see, here's water.
What prevents me from being baptized? And he commanded the chariot to stop. And they both went down into the water,
Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the spirit of the
Lord carried Philip away. And the eunuch saw him no more and went on his way rejoicing.
But Philip found himself in Azotus. As he passed through, he preached the gospel to all the towns until he came to Caesarea.
Let's pray. Our Father, we thank you for the work of the spirit in each one of our lives.
We thank you, Lord, that through the word of God being proclaimed, the spirit uses that and saves.
And Lord, we thank you for the great riches that we have in Christ Jesus because of your love for us, your goodness for us.
And Lord, we pray that as we continue our worship service this morning, that you would guide us and lead us in your truth.
We thank you, Lord, that the word of God is proclaimed from this pulpit. And we pray, Lord, that we would hear what it says and that the spirit would teach us how to apply it to our lives.
Be with Pastor Lars in his proclamation. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen. Well, let's return to Luke chapter 12.
We are dealing with a larger passage that began with chapter 12 verse 1 and continues through chapter 13 verse 21.
And within this portion of Luke's gospel, Jesus emphasizes and teaches his disciples how to live as citizens of the kingdom of God within this world.
Well, this teaching of Jesus is put forth with an underlying context of the certain future judgment of God.
Jesus revealed that there would be a future crisis in which all people will be held accountable to God for how they have lived in this fallen world.
And so as the gospel account unfolds, this future crisis is shown to occur both in the short term, that is, that the present generation of Jewish people will be held to account, but also the longer view is considered in that Jesus alludes to the worldwide general judgment of mankind at the end of history.
It will take place at the end of the age. This crisis, however, also entails the crucifixion increasingly, the crucifixion of Jesus that was before him.
He wasn't far off from his passion there in Jerusalem. And we will see this clearly in the passage that we consider today.
And today we want to consider the words of our Lord in Luke 12, 49 through 59.
There are three sections in this passage. The first section is contained in verses 49 through 53, in which we read of Jesus expressing his desire, even his longing for the kindling of a fire and for his coming baptism, which is a baptism of fire upon his cross.
And so we might call this first section, Christ brings division. In the second section, verses 54 through 56, we read of Jesus addressing the crowds.
He was speaking to his disciples in the first section, and he turns and addresses the crowds for their failure to discern the significance of his ministry to them.
This may be depicted as a failure to discern the time. And then the third section, in verses 57 through 59,
Jesus gave a parable that tells of the need to settle with an adversary while there is time.
Before it's too late, when one might receive an adverse judgment before a judge.
And so this third division of our passage may be described simply as make peace with your adversary.
And yet we would argue it has a Christological emphasis, which we'll point out.
And so we'll read this passage now, Luke 12, 49 through 59. I came to send fire on the earth, and how
I wish it were kindled, already kindled. But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed
I am till it is accomplished. Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth?
I tell you not at all, but rather division. For from now on, five in one house will be divided, three against two, and two against three.
Father will be divided against son, son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother, mother -in -law against her daughter -in -law, and daughter -in -law against her mother -in -law.
And he also said to the multitudes, whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say a shower is coming, and so it is.
And when you see the south wind blow, you say there will be hot weather, and there is. Hypocrites!
You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time? Yes, and why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right?
When you go with your adversary to the magistrate, make every effort along the way to settle with him, lest he drag you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison.
I tell you that you shall not depart from there till you have paid the very last mite.
And so the coming crisis, let's consider the first section, Christ brings division.
We should understand these words who have been spoken by our Lord Jesus directed to his disciples. Of course, he was speaking in front of the crowds, the multitudes, but directed specifically to his disciples.
They were convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah who would usher in the messianic kingdom that God had promised
King David. And just to rehearse a bit where God promised this to David, we can go back to 2
Samuel 7, one of my favorite passages of the Bible, in which God spoke to David through the prophet
Nathan. When your days, David, are fulfilled, and you rest with your fathers,
I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom.
He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.
I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men.
But my mercy shall not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, King Saul, whom
I removed from before you. And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you.
Your throne shall be established forever. This promised kingdom to David spoke in the near term of David's son,
Solomon. Of course, through whom God greatly expanded the Davidic kingdom.
But God's promise to David looked ultimately to the Messianic kingdom, the coming kingdom of God over which
David's greatest son, Jesus Christ, would reign through eternity. This promise is an extremely significant event in the unfolding history of redemption recorded in the
Old Testament. A footnote in the Reformation Study Bible expressed the importance of the passage in this way.
The theoretical and historical significance of the divine promise to David recorded in these verses can hardly be overestimated.
Indeed, the promise of an enduring Davidic kingdom has been called the summit of the entire
Old Testament. Looking back, it takes up the promises of blessings.
Made to Abraham and his elect seed and brings them to rest on David. Looking forward, it prepares for the
Messianic hope that inspires Israel's faith before and after the exile in Babylon.
The hope for a Messiah culminates in the coming of Jesus Christ. But though the disciples knew that Jesus was the promised
Messiah who would inaugurate the promised kingdom, they did not understand the true nature of that kingdom and how it would be brought into realization.
They assumed that the Messianic kingdom would bring about a state of general peace, security, prosperity and well -being of all of Israel.
Everybody thought that. But here our Lord corrects their wrong conceptions of the kingdom.
So Jesus declared, I came to send fire on the earth. And how
I wish it were already kindled. But I have a baptism to be baptized with.
And how distressed I am till it's accomplished. Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth?
I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on, five in one house will be divided, three against two, two against three.
Father will be divided against son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother, mother -in -law against daughter -in -law, and daughter -in -law against her father -in -law or mother -in -law.
Well, as we consider these verses in this first section, we first see that Jesus came to bring judgment, verse 49.
And we would say that this verse is very difficult to interpret rightly. Jesus said,
I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled. What was
Jesus saying to his disciples? And there had been a number of different interpretations.
And I came across them, frankly. In fact, a couple nights ago, I printed out a
Charles Spurgeon sermon on this very statement. And he said
Jesus was speaking about the gospel itself. The gospel is this fire that Jesus couldn't wait to have kindled.
And so he wrote an entire sermon. He wrote, our Lord was here certainly, I'm glad he was confident.
Our Lord was certainly alluding to the opposition and persecution which the gospel would excite.
This is clear from the context in which he declares that he has not come to send peace on earth but a sword.
And from the parallel passages in the other gospels, where our Lord is forewarning his disciples that they must look for persecution.
Albeit that this was the first direction of the Savior's thought, he here delivers himself of a truth of God of a far wider application and reveals a great peculiarity of the gospel which causes men to oppose it.
He bears witness that the gospel is an ardent, fervent, flaming thing, a subject of enthusiasm, a theme for intense devotion, a matter which excites men's souls and stirs them to the lowest depths.
And for this reason mainly, it arouses hostility. And I'm not going to set aside what he had to say, but I think he really missed the major thrust of Jesus's words.
And then I came across J .C. Ryle's comments, and I always refer to his studies, expository thoughts in the gospels.
They're very good, very devotional. And so he set forth the more popular interpretations of this verse and the proponents.
He wrote, commentators differ widely on the meaning of the word fire in this verse. It's a metaphor, of course.
First, some think it means the Holy Spirit and refers to the gift of the Holy Ghost which was bestowed on the day of Pentecost.
This, in the main, is the opinion, and then he lists a number of well -known church fathers.
Chrysostom, you know, the silver -tongued preacher, Origen, an allegorical guy,
I don't think well of him at all, Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin.
And then there were other notable people, Athenagius, one of the champions of, you know, the doctrine of the person of Christ in the early centuries.
So that was their opinion. The fire is the Holy Spirit. You'll baptize in the spirit and in fire.
Second, some think it means the preaching of the gospel. And that would have been, of course, Spurgeon's category.
And he mentioned several of those, included some reformers as well. Third, some think it means the word of God, a little broader.
This was the opinion of three commentators. Four, some think that it means love.
And this is the opinion of some. And then fifth, some think that it means the persecutions, afflictions, dissensions, and strifes which were to accompany the introduction of the gospel into the world.
And so he says this is the opinion, and he goes back to the early church fathers, again Tertullian, one of the first Latin fathers,
Beza in the early days of the Reformation, Trapp. I have all his commentaries on the
Bible, Lightfoot, a noted commentator, Barnes. And then Ryle asserted his own opinion.
I decidedly adhere to this last opinion. The other four interpretations appear to me far -fetched and inconsistent with the context.
Fire is an expression not infrequently used in scripture as an emblem of trouble and affliction.
See Psalm 66, Isaiah 43. Moreover, it is worthy of remark that to send fire is a common figure of speech in the
Old Testament to express sending trouble and affliction. Let the following passages be examined.
And he cites some Old Testament passages. But I would say we should probably understand or perhaps understand our
Lord's words pointing in a different direction, to a different end. And I .H.
Marshall was sympathetic with this. He wrote, it's more probable that the saying in its present context should be understood as a reference to judgment.
The interpretation fits in with Luke 3 .16, where the coming one is to baptize with the spirit and with fire, the fire being expressive of the judgment that falls upon the wicked.
And I think that is how we should understand the metaphor. Again, he desires to send fire in the earth.
That's what he would do. And he couldn't wait until it was kindled. And so the
Lord Jesus spoke about winnowing of the people, a judgment of the people, separating his people from all others.
This was, this separation was of individuals, even within one's own family.
And it's within this context that verse 49 is best understood. The Lord Jesus had been speaking to the multitudes, calling out people to repent of their sins and become his disciples.
But in doing so, of course, he encountered much resistance and opposition. The Pharisees and scribes were always upon him, withstanding him, seeking to discredit him before the crowds.
Thankfully, of course, there were many who were coming to faith in him and were following him, but many were merely enamored with him, were unbelieving and uncommitted to follow him as their
Lord and Savior. But the opportunity was short. The time was short. They were on their way to Jerusalem, where it would all end shortly.
The time was approaching when there would be a great separation of peoples. The judgment of God, the fires of God's judgment would purge his people of their sin, but there would also be a judgment of fire in the separation of his people from all others in Israel.
The kingdom of Jesus Christ, the promised kingdom of the Messiah, would include only a remnant of the people of Israel, but they would be a people committed and submitted to him wholly.
They alone would constitute true citizens of the Messianic kingdom. And so here he was preaching to the multitude.
Yes, he had his disciples, but he said, I'm going to send fire to separate them.
So only his own disciples would be with him in the kingdom. All others would be excluded through the fire of God's judgment.
So when Jesus said, I came to send fire on the earth, how I wish it were already kindled. He was speaking of the great purging of physical national
Israel so that only those who remained in faith and submission to him, spiritual
Israelites, would enjoy participation in his kingdom, his promised kingdom.
And so this would be the realization of Simeon's words in Luke's infancy narrative. After the aged prophet had pronounced prophetic words upon the holy family, we read, and Joseph and his mother,
Jesus' mother, marveled at those things which were spoken by Simeon of him.
And then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, behold, this child is destined for the fall and the rising of many in Israel.
See a great separation, some rising, many falling for a sign which will be spoken against you.
And yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also, Mary, when she saw her son crucified.
But for the point or to the end, the purpose that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. And so Jesus would cause a separation to take place in Israel.
Many would rise at his experience salvation through him. But many would also fall in that due to him, they would suffer their ruin and damnation.
And here in Luke 12, 49, Jesus anticipated the winnowing of the people of God through judgment.
And he desired that had already taken place. He declared, I came to send fire on the earth and how
I wish it were already kindled. And this great purging or separation of Israel was prophesied in a number of places in the
Old Testament, in the prophets. We might consider just one passage that I came across,
Ezekiel 20, 33 through 38. It's important to recognize Ezekiel was a prophet during the
Babylonian exile. So the people were already judged, the people of Judah and taken off to Babylon.
And Ezekiel who prophesied to them, he spoke of the salvation that God would bring to a remnant of the people.
Not everybody, but a remnant of the people, the Jewish people. And so through the exile, the return of the people to their land and the coming of the
Messiah, the Lord would purge Israel so that only a chosen remnant would receive salvation.
And so here are the words of the prophet really rehearsing the history of Israel and also its future.
Therefore, son of man, as God speaking to Ezekiel, speak to the house of Israel and say to them, thus says the
Lord God, in this too your fathers have blasphemed me by being unfaithful to me when
I brought them into the land concerning which I had raised my hand in a note to give them. And they saw all the high hills and all the thick trees that they were offered their sacrifices and provoked me with their offerings.
That's the history of Israel after Joshua. And there they also sent up their suite of Roman poured out their drink offerings.
Then I said to them, what is this high place to which you go? And so his name is called
Baymont to this day. And therefore say to the house of Israel again, they're in exile.
Thus says the Lord God, are you defiling yourselves in the manner of your fathers and committing harlotry according to their abominations?
For when you offer your gifts and make your sons pass through the fire, you defile yourselves with all your idols, even to this day.
So shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel, as I live, says the Lord God, I will not be inquired of you.
I'm not going to hear you pray. I'm not going to receive your worship. What you have in your mind shall never be when you say we will be like the
Gentiles, like the families in other countries serving wood and stone. And now he talks about the return of people from Babylon, which took place under Nehemiah and Ezra, Zerubbabel.
As I live, says the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out,
I will rule over you and I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries from which you are scattered with a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out, and I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there
I will plead my case with you face to face, just as I pleaded my case with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will plead my case with you, says the
Lord God. But then in verse 37 and following, we read of this future purging, so that only a remnant would be saved.
I will make you pass under the rod and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. I will purge the rebels from among you and those who transgress against me, and I will bring them out of the country where they dwell, but they shall not enter the land of Israel, and then you will know that I am the
Lord. And this is what the Lord Jesus was in effect declaring he would do, and he was wanting to do.
I've come to send fire on the earth and I wish it were already kindled. Out of this mass of Jewish people, only some were his disciples.
He wanted to separate them so that only his disciples would be regarded and recognized within the kingdom of God.
All others would be under the wrath of God, the fire of God's judgment. And so God declared he would purge
Israel of all rebels who transgress his laws. They will not enter the land, which is a type of the kingdom of God, which now exists but will be fully realized with the return of Christ in the new heavens and the new earth.
The promised land was a type. The anti -type is the new heavens and the new earth and the new
Jerusalem. Jesus declared I came to send fire on the earth and how
I wish it were already kindled. He was looking forward to the judgment that would soon take place upon the physical nation of Israel, out of which would come forth his people, spiritual
Israel, a people refined, purified, made holy to live before him and with him in his kingdom.
And so the wrath of God lay upon Israel, the Jewish people, for having broken its covenant relationship with God.
God had promised he would bless them, that they would be his people and that he would be their
God if they ordered their life according to his law, his 10 commandments. But they refused and failed to do so and therefore the wrath of God was upon them.
But God had promised through the coming of the Messiah that they would receive and experience
God's forgiveness of their sin if they repented of their sin and believed on him. And all these
Jewish people standing before the Lord Jesus, who refused to believe on him as the promised Messiah, the son of David, were under the wrath of God and the fire of God's judgment would soon fall upon them.
John 3, 6, 36 reads, he who believes on the son has everlasting life, he who does not believe the son shall not see light but the wrath of God abides on him.
The wrath of God was abiding on all this multitude of people except for those who believed on him as the promised
Messiah, the Lord and Savior of his people. And so the Lord Jesus was anticipating and looking forward to bringing
God's judgment on transgressing Israel in order to separate his true people, disciples, into his spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of God.
And he was anxious for that to take place. It was a grief to him to be among the multitudes of Jews that refused to heed and refused to hear him, but he rejoiced in those that became his disciples.
And so we see first in verse 49, Jesus came to bring judgment. And yet, secondly, in verse 50, we see that Jesus came to bear judgment as well.
After Jesus stated he was looking forward to bringing forth judgment, that is fire, upon those who refused to repent of their sins and believe on him,
Jesus then declared that he himself had a baptism of fire to undergo. Verse 50, but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed
I am till it's accomplished. Speaking of his cross, of course, Jesus was to face a difficult death before him.
Here's a marvelous thing. Not only did he come to bring fire upon his enemies, but he came to have the fire fall upon himself.
And this is the idea, to be immersed in the fire, the very wrath of God itself.
And to this point, we've not read much in Luke's gospel about Christ's death as a sacrifice, but it's here.
He would bear the wrath of God, obviously not for himself, but on behalf of his own.
I thought of the hymn by William Walker. What wondrous love is this that caused the
Lord of bliss to bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul, to bear the dreadful curse for my soul.
And this is what he declared. I've got a baptism that I've got to face. And I'm distressed until it's done, until it's accomplished.
We spoke of the severity of God's wrath upon the people, but here we read that God's judgment too, in all its severity, would fall upon the
Son of God. Christ bore the wrath of God in all its fullness when he died upon the cross.
He suffered and died, encountering and enduring physically and spiritually the fire of God's judgment on behalf of his people.
No greater love is this, that a man laid down his life for his friends, and this is what he did.
Here is substitutionary death. Herein is the uniqueness of the Christian faith, and why no other religion but biblical
Christianity is a legitimate way to God. Here is where the love of God is most demonstrably and beautifully displayed.
But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished.
He was consumed with the thought of his impending death. He mentioned it several times, but the disciples were clueless.
The idea is not that he was regretting that this lay before him when he said he was distressed, but rather he was consumed by his prospect.
He was willing and desirous to endure all things in order to provide eternal redemption for his people.
He was consumed with the thought to secure the safety of his own, to see the travail of his soul.
He had a destiny to fulfill, and that is what his father had called him to do.
He had a purpose to accomplish, a people to save, and it would be by his death and on their behalf, incurring the wrath of God, do them that he would secure their salvation.
Matthew Henry wrote of Christ's desire to see his death occur, Christ's forwardness to his sufferings.
How am I straight until it be accomplished? Good King James language. He longed for the time when he should suffer and die, having an eye to the glorious issue or the outcome of his sufferings.
It is an allusion to a woman in travail that is pained to be delivered and welcomes her pains because they hasten the birth of the child and wishes them sharp and strong that the work may be cut short.
Christ's sufferings were the travail of his soul, which he cheerfully underwent in hope that he should by them see his seed, his spiritual offspring.
And so much was his heart set upon the redemption and salvation of man.
Jesus was distressed regarding his impending death because he knew of the severe physical torment and the spiritual separation from his father that he would experience.
But he was also distressed because of the ignominious nature of crucifixion.
He despised the shame of the cross. That's one reason, frankly, why
I have root hesitance to see displays of Christ crucified in film.
It was something that brought great shame to Jesus and one which he despised.
And I've just always had a thought, how can people sit there drinking Coke and eating popcorn while watching him displayed in that manner?
That just thought goes through my head. Great shame was heaped upon the one crucified publicly.
We read that Jesus endured the cross, but he despised the shame. What gave him strength of resolve and full submission to his death and endurance to it all was the joy that he would experience through the multitude of people he would redeem from their sin and secure their everlasting peace in his presence.
Therefore, we are to be looking on to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross.
The joy is beyond the cross. And so we endured the cross, despising the shame, and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God in his ascension and enthronement.
And so Jesus not only came to bring judgment, but he came to bear judgment and to bring and then we see thirdly in this section,
Jesus came to bring division. He interjected this statement must have been quite a puzzling word to his disciples.
Do you suppose I came to give peace on earth? That's the world's view of Jesus.
They think that that was his intention. You're not doing very good job of it. If you impose that upon him, do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth?
I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on, five in one house will be divided, three against two, two against three.
Father will be divided against son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother, mother -in -law and daughter -in -law, daughter -in -law against her mother -in -law.
He went into great detail, of course, in order to give emphasis to his words. How different does the
Lord Jesus present himself in his mission from that which is commonly assumed? Did he intend to spread sweetness and light to everyone and everywhere indiscriminately?
Did he come with the intent and did he make every effort to save everyone whom he encountered? No, he didn't.
Is he trying to bring everybody together to reunite families and rekindle marriages? We hear a lot about family integration ministry.
I wrote in the column of my Bible here, Jesus sets forth his family disintegration ministry.
I recall an elderly lady years ago, I didn't know if I should even put this in here because I'm afraid
I wouldn't be able to recount it without emotion. I was 19.
She was in her late 80s and as a young woman, she had been married and with a small child and she became a
Christian, was gloriously and wonderfully transformed.
Before long, however, her husband declared to her that he'd have none of that and he abandoned her and her toddler son.
She told me of standing in her sink looking out her window in Southern California in despair, lonely and destitute, knowing not what to do, what would become of her while praying to her for comfort and joy, for help.
She said that she literally felt an arm reach around her shoulder and you know me,
I don't look after the miraculous and that kind of thing, but this was her testimony and with that sensation, it somewhat startled her, but immediately she was full of peace and assurance that her
Lord would see her through. No one was physically there and so Mrs.
Oliver raised her son alone in the Lord. He became a godly man through life, a postal worker in our hometown,
Northern California. She became a secretary for decades for Trans World Christian Radio in Quito, Ecuador, decades and she led a lady's
Bible study that prayed for my lost soul until I came into Christ's kingdom.
The Lord wasn't trying to put her and her husband back together, but separate them because she was precious to him and the husband wasn't.
Matthew Henry wrote that this division will reach into private families and the preaching of the gospel will give occasion for discord among the nearest relations.
The father shall be divided against the son and the son against the father when the one turns
Christian and the other does not, for the one that does turn Christian will be zealous by arguments and endearments to turn the other too.
As soon as ever Paul was converted, he disputed. The one that continues in unbelief will be provoked and will hate and persecute the one that by his faith and obedience witnesses against and condemns his unbelief and disobedience.
A spirit of bigotry and persecution will break through the strongest bonds of relation and natural affection.
Even mothers and daughters fall out about religion and those that believe not are so violent and outrageous that they are ready to deliver up into the hands of the bloody persecutors, those that believe though otherwise very near and dear to them, children calling the authorities on parents.
We find in the Acts that wherever the gospel came persecution was stirred up, we read that in Acts 8, and it was everywhere spoken against and there was no small stir about that way and therefore let not the disciples of Christ promise themselves peace on earth for they are sent forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.
And that's what the kingdom of Christ is like in a fallen world. We've been blessed in this land for a couple of centuries because it was generally characterized by righteousness but that time is no longer is it and we see it increasingly coming.
Even a little bible reading coupled with some Christian experience will reveal Jesus to be quite different than he's commonly presented.
How different does the scripture portray Jesus than the picture of Jesus in the minds of many people?
The Lord came to save his people from their sins. He did not come to put all families back together working functionally.
Jesus came to call out from condemned humanity of people whom the father had given him but it was also his intention to do so prior to bringing destruction upon God's enemies.
He could be compared to the angel of the Lord that went into the city of Sodom first to pull
Lot out before he reigned upon that city the wrath of God and Jesus's ministry among his own
Jewish people was a pause in God's intention to overthrow them in judgment. And later our
Lord, in fact we'll probably deal with this next week in Luke chapter 13, it describes this pause as it were for stalling
God's judgment. Jesus spoke a parable. A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard.
He came seeking fruit on it, found none. Then said to the keeper of his vineyard, look for three years, that's how long our
Lord's ministry was, I've come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down.
Why does it use up the ground? And I immediately remember Charles Spurgeon's sermon based on the
King James language. Why does it cumber at the ground? Cut it down.
And he answered and said to him, sir let it alone this year also until I dig around it and fertilize it.
If it bears fruit well but if not after that you can cut it down. And that's what happened to Israel.
King Jesus declared behold your house has left you desolate and he brought the
Roman armies in and destroyed that people but he saved his own. When you see
Jerusalem surrounded by the armies flee to the mountains and Josephus the Jewish historian said no
Christians perished in Jerusalem for when they saw the Roman armies they fled to the mountains. The Jews perished.
God preserved his people. We'll see in our further study of Luke's gospel that Jesus did just that.
He saved the people out of that generation and then he warned them of his impending judgment of Jerusalem and again when the time came in AD 70 when he brought the
Roman armies to destroy the city Jesus brought them. His disciples escaped that judgment for he had forewarned them.
They fled to the hills. The unbelieving Jews remained and were subsequently overthrown and taken captive by the
Roman armies. You go to Rome today just across the street from the Colosseum there's the the arch of Titus and there's a relief across the top of the arch where it shows
Titus marching into the city of Rome with all of the Jewish captives taken from Jerusalem and if I remember right there is actually a relief of the menorah taken from the temple that's in that relief as well.
It was a significant event. From the beginning of our
Lord's ministry this matter of his coming as judge was stated clearly. Luke 3 we read the words of John the
Baptist. John answered saying unto them all I indeed baptize you with water but there cometh he that is that is mightier than I the lachet of whose shoes
I'm not worthy to unloose. He shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire whose fan is in his hand thoroughly to cleanse his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his garner and the chaff he'll burn up with unquenchable fire.
And here again in Luke 12 49 I've come to send fire on the earth and I can't wait until it's kindled.
I wish it were kindled now. And so the Lord Jesus came to his people
Israel to visit them with salvation and judgment. He'd soon come to Jerusalem he was on his way.
His entrance would be as a divine visitation inspecting the state of things declared the word of God and as a result he judged and condemned that wicked generation.
Fire is a graphic terrible emblem but an accurate one which describes the severity of God's judgment against sin.
The total ruin of all those who choose to live in sin. The total abhorrence of God with respect to sin and sinners.
And again take note it's not like the Lord Jesus was apologetic apologetic because of the judgment.
He was anxious to avenge his father's honor name by deposing and destroying them who stood in defiance of him.
Jesus declared I came to send fire on the earth and oh how I wish it were already kindled. Jesus came to bring division verse 51.
Did he come to mend all broken relationships heal all marriages restore all families? Actually many times just the opposite occurs and there there's those among us that can testify of that.
If you follow Christ seeking to order your life according to his teaching harmony with those close to you may not be possible.
For their desire is to order their lives according to different principles than what you have. Can two walk together unless they be agreed?
Rhetorical question no. But Christ would have it this way.
He came to separate spiritually in this age what will he will separate physically when he returns at his second coming.
As a farmer separates wheat from chaff the Lord is setting aside his own so that they are quite distinct in their thinking and their attitudes their behavior from all the rest and conflict will perform this separation quite well and so when a person comes to Christ conflict will result in some way some form.
In this world you will have tribulation Jesus told his disciples but rejoice I've overcome the world.
This is the age of tribulation not some seven year you know before you know the second coming of Christ this entire church age is one of tribulation.
Sometimes it's greater than other times but we all through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God is what
Paul told the people of Iconium and Derby after they saw him stoned out there left for dead.
He came back and told the newcomers you know don't don't reject Christ because this happened to me we all got to go through this to get to the kingdom of God.
Well then our Lord pronounced upon them their failure to discern the time.
He also said to the multitudes whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west immediately you say a shower is coming.
So it is and when you see the south wind blow you say there will be hot weather and there is hypocrites.
You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth but how is it you do not discern this time. And so the
Lord had been addressing his disciples who were standing among the throngs of people but here he turns from his disciples and addresses a crowd.
Notice he also said to the multitudes. They were sadly ignorant of the great importance of the events that were transpiring of those and those that would take place shortly.
They should have been aware and have acted on that awareness thereby preparing themselves to escape the great conflagration that was to come.
Matthew has similar words but it's it's really entirely different. Our Lord responded to the
Pharisees when it's evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red in the morning it will be stormy today for the sky is red and threatening.
Of course that spawned the well -known phrase red sky at night sailors delight red sky in the morning sailors take warning.
But that's only true when you have you know the prevailing winds from west to east and you have the ocean on the west and you have the desert on the east and that's not a truism wherever you are in the world but that was true to that geographical place.
But here in Luke 12 it's slightly different. He said to the multitudes whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west immediately say a shower is coming so it is and when you see the south wind blow coming off the desert you say there will be hot weather and there is.
Hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth but how is it you do not discern this time? And so Jesus rebuked them for their ignorance.
Essentially he declared to them you've got enough sense to predict the weather for tomorrow whether it will rain or heat be hot but you cannot see whether you cannot see salvation or judgment on the horizon.
You must therefore be ready. John Calvin wrote of these weather watchers.
I like Calvin's language. He calls them hypocrites because they pretend to ask that which if it were exhibited to them they are resolved not to observe.
The same reproof applies nearly to the whole world for men direct their ingenuity and apply their senses to immediate advantage and therefore there is scarcely any man who's not sufficiently well qualified in this respect or at least who is not tolerably acquainted with the means of gaining his object.
How comes it then we feel no concern about the signs of which God invites us to himself? Is it not because every man gives himself up to willing and different and extinguishes the light which is offered to him?
The calling of Christ in the immediate exhibition of eternal salvation were exhibited to the scribes both by the law the prophets and by his own doctrine to which miracles were added.
There are many persons of the same description in the present day Calvin's day 16th century who plead that on intricate subject they have good right to suspend their judgment because they must wait till the matter is fully ascertained.
Well I don't know but I think I'll wait and see how it falls out before I make a decision. They go farther and believe that it is a mark of prudence purposely to avoid all inquiry into the truth as if it were not an instance of shameful sloth that while they are so eagerly solicitous about the objects of the flesh and of the earth they neglect the eternal salvation of their souls and at the same time contrive vain excuses for gross and stupid ignorance.
Sounds like the fallen world. A very absurd inference is drawn by some ignorant persons from this passage that we are not at liberty to predict from the aspect of the sky whether we shall have fair or stormy weather.
It's rather an argument which Christ founds on the regular course of nature that those men deserve to perish in their ingratitude who while they're sufficiently acute in matters of the present life yet knowingly and willfully quench the heavenly light by their stupidity.
Well that seems to reflect you know the attitude that Jesus had. You hypocrites you got enough sense to know if it's going to rain or it's going to be hot but you don't have enough sense to know the wrath of God is upon you.
You better repent and believe on the only way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Well we have to close but here finally in the third section
Jesus said make peace with your adversary. It seems almost out of place if you just look at look at it um directly and in a shallow manner.
Yes and why even of yourself do you not do you not judge what is right? When you go with your adversary to the magistrate make every effort along the way to settle with him lest he drag you to the judge.
The judge deliver you to the officer. The officer throw you in prison. I tell you you shall not depart from there till you have paid the very last the tiniest nature of money.
You're going to pay it all and so it might seem at first rather strange to insert this.
The subject doesn't seem to fit with the context. Those who take this literally tend to have this view. Here Jesus urged people to make peace with one another.
If an issue between two people arises to the level that court action is in view you're advised to settle out of court but Jesus was not speaking directly of solving civil matters between individuals.
It's an illustration. It's a metaphor. He was stating the issue is with regard to your relationship with God.
God will most certainly drag you before his bar of judgment one day. You'd best settle with him now not then for then it will be too late and it will not go with you go well with you.
You will remain under his wrath until you've paid the very last mite and respecting your ability to pay your debt to a holy infinite
God you'll abide in hell eternally for you have no means to pay the debt that you owe
God due to your sin. Only the death of Jesus Christ on his cross can pay the debt we owe to God for all our transgressions against God and his law.
The judgment is coming and so rather than being drugged before that judgment and be condemned settle with God now.
Come to Jesus Christ in faith. Jesus admonished them to take action and this warning abides.
Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is the day of judgment. Today come to Christ.
Turn from your sin. Seek forgiveness from God. Believing that the punishment due you was borne by the son of God on his cross.
So come humbly. Come believing. Come honestly and sincerely without any reservation or conditions.
Unconditional surrender is the only way of obtaining peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
You cannot bargain with God and come with qualifications. This last week
I drove through the countryside with our friends who were visiting with us. It seemed wherever we found ourselves there was a graveyard.
We were even driving out through the woods and there was a cemetery out there in the middle of the woods. New England's full of graveyards, tombstones, abiding witnesses that all have lived before us have passed into eternity and it's a certainty we will join them unless the
Lord returns for us first. We do not know how or when but we know that day will come.
Judgment is before us. No matter how great one may be in this world or how small one has been the way of all flesh is the grave and after this the judgment is appointed on the man wants to die and after this the judgment is what the scriptures say.
We'll all stand small and great and there'll be a separation that takes place then as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats after a day of managing them and the wrath of God will be poured out upon all those that do not have
Jesus Christ as their Lord, as their Savior. We should ever be mindful of the brevity of life and the suddenness of that time when we will be summoned by God, when he will send his angels for us and we'll be drawn before a judgment seat.
May the Lord help us to ready ourselves and be found in him. Amen. Flee to Christ.
Why would you hesitate? You know that Jesus, I'm gonna send fire and I can't wait till it's kindled.
The Lord is patiently saving his people. Every soul that the Father gave him from eternity but don't you believe as he watches every sin unfold in this world today, the secrets of everything that's going on in people's minds, the horrendous transgressions that people do in private, the selling of human beings that's so widespread and the
Lord is watching this, every wickedness. Don't you think he is ready to send a fire upon this earth and the only reason that he is forestalling because he has souls that he has purpose to save and when the last one comes to faith in Christ and all of the elect are brought home, all those that were promised to him by the
Father, the end comes and the wrath of God is going to be horrendous.
Thank God that wrath fell upon Christ on behalf of his people on the cross and so the payment of our sin, we're just deserving of anybody else's eternal hell but Christ bore our punishment when he died upon the cross and so we believe on him.
He is our Lord, our Savior. He's our only hope not for anything in us but only because of him do we have hope and peace and assurance that will stand the you know the disintegration of the world.
May the Lord help us. Thank you Father for your kindness and mercy to us in Christ. Help us our
God to see ourselves in the light of eternity and help us our God to see others about us.
Lord as Jesus looked at the multitudes and saw the great danger in which they stood before him that your judgment was coming upon them and did and help us to see the world about us our
God and the people that are without Christ and help us our God to declare the way of salvation and Jesus alone and we pray the blessed
Holy Spirit would use that gospel witness our God to save many that are perishing that will be damned forever unless they come to the glorious wonderful salvation in Jesus Christ your son in whose name we pray amen.