Job 28

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Yeah, Job chapter 27 if you remember last week we Started to look at it and I said to you and just to remind us that These few chapters really from chapter 26 through chapter 32 is it is basically
Job's Final defense and final thoughts before Eli who comes and enters into the scene and then ultimately
God doesn't that in these chapters, there are there are many things that we could see about Job and More than anything else you get to see what's really going on in his heart and what he really thinks about Not only his situation but the situation around him and that As we go through these chapters, you'll see he is really
It's getting in one way it's getting worse for him because as He continues on and as the friends of so -called friends that come to him.
He really found no help from them and he can't seem to Figure it out and I said that last week that did you know a lot of times in our lives there are
Certain things that we can work through and then there are other things I think that come up in our lives from time to time where they never seem to change or they continue on and and it's hard for us to understand why they continue on and how they continue on and And again,
I do think that Job serves as a real good helper to us as we Look at our lives and see our lives and that there's really nothing new under the
Sun, right? So the same issues that Were at the beginning are the same issues that continue today
And I would suppose will continue on and on and on until so finally God comes and and when
Christ comes then Then and then only will everything be made straight. Everything will be made clear and we will understand in Totality the meaning of life and I don't know about you, but that's a that's kind of a
Intriguing thought to think about that One day someday all that confusion that we had in our life all those misunderstandings
Everything will be made clear to us and when you think about that, that's
It blows my mind that every everyone Will understand every
Facet of their life and why they went through what they went through and and the purpose of behind all that and that Ultimately if you are
God's it all worked together for your good And if you're not,
I mean, there's that reality also and we'll see that in this chapter That no matter what that if if you're not right with God that everything that's that appears to be right or good
Will turn out to be awful in reality So in the first part of the chapter 27, we we read the first six but actually we read 27 and 28 if you remember but in the first couple of verses
Job talks about his situation and How he maintained his integrity and and that it was really a struggle for him
And so I want to pick it up in verse 7 and then we'll read through the remainder of the chapter and I think we'll get through chapter 28, but I'm not positive.
So Read with me in chapter 27 from verse 7 on good morning
Larry So Job says this may my enemy be like the wicked and he who rises up against me like the unrighteous
What is the hope of the hypocrite and though he may gain much if God takes away his life
Will God hear his cry when trouble comes upon him? Will he delight himself in the
Almighty? Will he always call on God? I will teach you about the hands of God What is what is with the
Almighty? I will not conceal and Surely all of you have seen it. Why then do you behave with complete nonsense and he's still addressing
The three friends that had spoken to him and then verse 13 this is the portion of the wicked man with God and the heritage of oppressors received from the
Almighty if His children are multiplied It's for the sword and his offering shall not be satisfied with bread and Those who survive him shall be buried in death and their widows shall not weep
And though he heaps up silver like dust and piles up clothing like clay He may pile it up But the just will wear it and the innocent will divide the silver and he builds his house like a moth
Like a booth which a watchman makes the rich man will lie down But not be gathered up.
He opens his eyes and he is no more Terrorism overtake him like a flood a tempest steals away
Steals him away in the night and the east wind carries him away and he is gone
It sweeps him out of his place. It hurl it hurls against him and does not spare his
Flesh desperately He flees desperately from his power and men shall clap their hands at him and shall hiss
Hiss him out of his place. And so As you read these words, and I just really want to summarize them.
Well, let me ask you what he when you read that What comes to your mind?
What is it that you think that he is trying to emphasize and and again
We've gone over these things at certain times in certain places, but here it is in In really clear words, what is he what is he saying about the situation of life?
What's Okay, let me suggest this that what he's really saying.
Is that no matter what? Those who do not know
God do Ultimately it falls apart. I think what he's talking about is the reality of The situations of life and and that's where you and I can certainly relate to it
Are you not troubled sometimes at How it seems that people who are
Not only unbelievers But blatant unbelievers and what I mean by blatant unbelievers
I mean, is there they're almost proud of the fact that they don't follow God and and and yet Sometimes I think it's confusing when you look at their lives and you see their lives and their lives seem to be going nowhere, but upward and Then you look at the righteous and you see their lives at Best just kind of keeping their heads above water.
And as you read these words of Job, I mean When he says in verse 11, I'll teach about the hand of God.
What is the Almighty? I will not conceal and he says surely says to build that Eliphaz and Zophar's like you guys know about this, right?
So why do you why do you keep complaining about me and and you don't understand it?
But that that verse 13 really is is to me a key This is the portion of the wicked man with God And the heritage of those oppressors if his children were multiplied is for the sword and again
Would we be right in saying that? The sins of the fathers are visited on the children.
Is that is that true today stone? in other words if Specifically in the
Old Testament it was this reality that this God said he he would Punish the wicked and even up to the third and fourth generation of people.
Is that true today? Is it true today that what we sow our kids reap
People like 75 % of that community Have no fathers and most of those kids usually end up in some type of Like going to prison or that kind of thing, right?
So that's one generation I mean, I was reading something that this lady was having Multiple Interactions with men
Yeah And it all and this was in Memphis, Tennessee and by the time she went from 18 19 years old to the time
She was like 50. She had like 3 ,500 in a whole jet and that whole family, right?
Because so many were going out of wedlock and then some of the boys have 3 ,500 Yeah, some of the boys would have 10 or 15 kids by other different women.
Don't invite them to dinner, right? Yeah, I think Yes, so I do think that let me say this it certainly says that Every man is responsible for himself, right and that In that sense the soul that sins it what it will die
So there really is it's not that It's an absolute Where if you live a certain kind of life in opposition to God that that guarantees that your
Offspring and your relationships will follow does it that's not I ain't clad
But I do think something like what you said is certainly a reality that we have to deal with That there are certain things the way we've lived and the way we've walked
Does have some sort of effect on others right because nothing that we do is to ourselves if you think about it we are
We're not we weren't made that way and certainly if you think about it, you can go all the way back to the garden and It's almost what
Adam said to God after Eve Gave him the fruit to eat and remember he said it
She did it And you gave it to me, so it's basically He blamed her right and yet he was
Responsible Adam was the responsible one wasn't it? Wasn't he? Yeah, because it says
Eve was deceived, but Adam really Deliberately disobeyed God. Yeah, so there's a reality
I Don't know if they sung the cop song in those days, but But certainly
There's a reality that what we do has an impact on Others and certainly it's borne out.
I think somewhere sometimes in the fact that people who are Give you that saying that people were brought up with a silver spoon in their mouth and What it has really is saying is that they've never had to work for anything
They never had to suffer the consequences of what many other people and that it it really worked almost in opposition
To helping them it actually wound up in some cases hurting them because they've never had to work for anything
Never had to do anything So I do think there is an impact to be had on The way we've lived and the way we are living and that others are
Affected by it and so certainly when he says these things what he's really saying is that if we sow a certain type of Seed we're going to wind up with a certain kind of crop and that crop could infect and impact
Others so as you read chapter 27 and again, we read this last week and I think you can see it he and Joe talks about the futility of it all right and When you just read though he heaps up silver in verse 16 like dust and piles up clothing like clay
He may pile it up, but the just will wear it and again that's a continual thing throughout the
Bible where God says that Those who do not trust in him and rather trust in the things of the world that many times the very things that they trust in they don't get to keep and not only do they not get to keep it, but the righteous wind up taking it and receiving the benefit of it and we've talked about that many times just like the the
Egyptians of old and whatnot and how they thought that they were going to prosper
By what they had taking it into the next world and and guess what you don't get to do that, right?
And I'm awful thankful. You don't get to do that because I wouldn't want to take luggage from this world into the next world
But anyway, that's pretty much the summary of chapter 27. And again, we'll come through this over and over again
I want to read chapter 28 now and I want to just spend the rest of our time this morning Just thinking about this and and my point is and I said this to you
I think two weeks ago It is amazing to me how smart Job is and what
I mean by smart is not just from a mere intellect kind of standpoint, but Job really understands a lot of things and It really is
Important for us to understand I Guess to say it in the big picture how
God has done all the things that he's done so with that, let me read or let us read chapter 28 and and and maybe we can glean a little bit from this so He starts it this way he says surely there is a mind for silver and A place where gold is refined
And iron is taken from the earth and copper is smelted from ore and man puts an end to darkness and Searches every recess for ore in the darkness and the shadow of death
And he breaks open a shaft away from people in places forgotten by feet
And they hang far away from men they swing to and fro and as for the earth
From it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire
And its stones are the sauce of sapphires and it contains gold dust that no path nor bird knows
Nor has the Falcons I seen it and the proud lions have not trodden it nor has the fierce lion passed over it
He puts his hand on the flint. He overturns the mountain at the roots He cuts out channels in the rocks his eyes see every precious thing
He dams up the streams from trickling and what is hidden he brings forth to life
But where can wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding man does not know its value?
Nor is it found in the land of the living the deep says it's not with me. The sea says it's not with me
And it can't be purchased for gold Nor could silver be weighed for its price. It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir in Precious onyx or sapphire neither gold nor crystal can equal it
Nor can it be exchanged for jewelry of fine gold no mention shall be made of the coral of quartz
But the price of wisdom is above rubies and the topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it
Nor can it be valued in pure gold Where then does wisdom come?
Where is the place of understanding? It's hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the air
Destruction and death say we've heard a report about it with our ears God understands its way
He knows its place for he looks to the ends of the earth and sees under the whole heavens
To establish a weight for the wind and meet out the waters by measure
When he made a law for the rain and a path for the thunderbolt then he saw wisdom and declared it
He prepared it indeed He searched it out and to man He said behold the fear of the
Lord that is wisdom and to part from evil is understanding you read that and I've always really enjoyed this chapter
Because I think it says things that are so cool I said something to you last week, and I don't know if you remember
I said that You ever hear Paul Washer, Paul Washer is a well -known preacher, right and he said that some of the prettiest flowers
Grow where nobody ever sees them And if you think about it, I think that's in part what
Job is getting at So he says there's a mine for silver and a place for gold and iron is taken from the earth when you begin to think about all the things that God has
Hidden Well, just think about that for a minute remember when God said to Adam you shall have
Dominion over the sea creatures and over the fish and over the birds and and you ought to be the if you will you ought to be the one who
Governs my creation Would that be fair to say I do think there is some reality in that that God put man not the creatures
But he put man in that position of dominion and and he said to Adam and Eve to do what?
subdued the earth Now when you begin to think about that When did
God do all these things when did God if you will? Hide the iron in the earth.
When did he bury the gold? When did he when did he hide all those precious stones?
When did God do all this? Yeah Yeah, so when you think about it all these things were already in Would we be right to say all these things were in place at the point of creation?
When God made the heavens and the earth and he and he began to form the different things on in the earth and So Is it not amazing it is to me and maybe hope you will agree.
Isn't it amazing what God has allowed us? to if you will unveil
Think about that. I know we live in a day when techno who's 40. We went to beat yours yesterday the new
BJ's over there and in Ripson and I'll stand there waiting for candy.
She was doing something and and this robot Come walking by me and it turned towards me and come it.
I thought it was coming after me It was just this long skinny robot and the lights were chirping and then as it got close to me it turned and it went and it was going up and down the aisles and and I Finally read what it was was taking inventory of the stock
And so it stops at every Couple of feet or every different section.
I really thought the thing was chasing me at first and First I thought it was some sort of security.
I I guess what made me think what it made me think of was how
Man where we going Where we really gone I mean and then you look at people like Elon Musk and of the robot and the whole
AI thing and the whole these different things should we be
Upset at it I'm gonna get somebody to say something this morning.
Should we be upset at that of the Should we in a sense seek to?
Delay or stop or ignore the progress Well, that's true there's certainly nothing you could do about it and and I wonder if Do you remember when?
I get really weird. You remember Dick Tracy? You remember? Joe Jitsu was
Joe Jitsu and dick trick. I know my wife's shaking that already like stop this But if you remember one of the things about Dick Tracy and Joe Jitsu was they could communicate
Remember they Did Tracy's talking to his watch and come in Joe Jitsu?
And Joe Jitsu would answer well Let's let's think about this when they did that on in that cartoon.
We thought it was From out of space, right? What do we do today?
Right. What do we do with an Apple watch? Isn't it amazing just think about it and again my thought isn't it amazing that a lot of the things that we in times past thought what out of this world are
Actually part of this world and to me it's almost as if God gives us
Insight Into things that will come to pass Now I'm not trying to say that that's always true but When you think about it, and I would agree that all these things were in place
When God created man in the earth, although Adam Did not fully understand when we face this question.
Did Adam fully understand his place of Dominion? What do you think?
I think he certainly knew something because he was charged to do what? Name the animals, right?
And he was the one who was given the charge to subdue the earth, but Adam couldn't in that way have understood all the implications of what was already in place and That man if you think about it from the beginning and that's why
I said to you the other day or a couple weeks ago that this whole thought of Evolution is such a fallacy if you think like I said, this is evolutionaries thought, right?
And The reality is according to science that things basically left alone do this, right?
And Decay rather than increase and yet when
Adam was created In the image of God all the things that God had prepared for man were already buried in the ground.
I mean we marvel at the fact That God had promised through Noah that we would always have what?
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest Sorry Al Gore You're not going to change the reality of what
God did you're not going to You're neither going to save the planet or destroy the planet as much as you think you are, but there's also this reality that God has hidden these things and man has slowly
Uncovered them, right? And I wonder if I Wonder how far
God's gonna let us go. I Wonder how far God will let us unveil if you will
The Things that he's already put in place for us and for his creation.
Let me just think about it from the idea of satellites, I mean How many years have we had satellites?
I? Mean we might have had him. I don't know. I really don't know. Do you remember the first computers?
They took up a whole room. You remember the first cell phones that they were about this big
And if you think about the first computers will would fill up a room and now look and now you could almost do it on your watch
So when you think about that and you think about how God had hidden all these things. I do think we should consider where will we be able to travel and Uncover things because if you look at how he says this he said
There's a mine for silver in a place where gold's refining iron is taken from the earth and copper smelting
From or and by the way, guess what that insinuates? That man knew how to do these things back then right and again this whole philosophy of the caveman and the
Neanderthal and and All people could say was uh, you know
It's funny we were reading yes, I don't know why we were just sitting around having coffee and we're both left -handed
And some and all the kids all our kids are right -handed and some of the left grandkids are left -handed
Anyway, I forgot whether I asked her or she asked me. She's we were talking Oh, we were talking about colors of people's eyes.
How many people have blue eyes? Do you know what eight percent of the people who have blue eyes and then we said, okay?
Let's ask something even crazier. What percentage of people have blue eyes and are left -handed and It's it was about as minimal as is that but one of the things that they said was that left hand is developed from the
Neanderthals like five million years ago And I'm thinking are you kidding?
Are you really that serious? You're gonna state Almost as a fact that there were no left -handers before five million years ago
How do they only think 50 years ago, I mean, yeah,
I mean that's the whole that's the whole point of it Right Mary is that man thinks we think today that we are the truly the tip of the spear in that life
We understand things that no one else and if you think about it How does
Job understand all this he knows that God has Put these things in place and and that man puts an end in verse 3 and this to me is where man
Dominion comes out man puts an end to darkness and searches every recess for or in the darkness and the shadow of death
He breaks open a shaft apart away from people in places forgotten by feet
And if you think about that I often thought about that how God has If you will just hidden here and there in every other place the things that he has
Given to us for use we sometimes abuse certainly right what
God has given us That whole thing about where the oil comes from and you know how people have this idea that oil comes from dinosaurs and Over a course of gazillions and zillions of years, of course the compression and the dinosaurs ultimately turned into oil
Well, are you really? Yeah, that's your plan
But but I guess my point is we think about it. We have been so We are so Infiltrated by the thoughts of this world that that these things are
All explainable. Well, guess what? they're not all explainable and That God has if you will hidden these things and then he gave man a charge to go and dig it out
And and much of it is good, right? I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm awful thankful for Technology, I'm not that good at it, but I'm awful thankful for it.
I'm thankful I can communicate with People at a almost like a blink of an eye, right and that all these things have
Been if you will they're in place and man has slowly Dug them out and that's why
I think what comes next Does Christianity oppose that does
Christianity oppose progress? Yes, no, maybe so.
No, not really, right? There's there's no edict in the Bible There's no command for us to stop searching now
And a matter of fact if you if you follow it through my thought God gave man dominion over the earth and God Told man to subdue the earth and if subduing the earth means finding new things
Well, then in that sense, he's following that dominion that God gave him so Progress in that sense is not essentially anti -christian
What's what's the problem with? progress Or what's a negative way in which people view progress?
Well, you can see that they had a Facebook up there in front of Congress yesterday or a couple days ago
Because of the issues that were going on with young teenagers Females mostly
I guess they were killing themselves because of the bullying and all kinds of stuff, right? It depends on how people use the internet or whatever.
Yeah progress. So the problem with progress is How's that that's the problem of progress there's nothing wrong with progress
I mean, I like I said, we're thankful for progress. I'm certainly thankful for air conditioning I mean,
I don't know how they lived in the 1800s. I mean this If you wanted bracket if you wanted to make pancakes or breakfast, it was no
Yeah, I mean I mean it was it was a work right it was there was labor involved it wasn't just this you know,
I Put pancake mix the other day and I didn't buy the one that The complete one where you just add water
I actually had to add milk in an egg I Know But but think about it so it's no problem with progress
This is the problem with progress and not enough but man thinks he's the one Who invented all these things?
He thinks he's the one that did Scott. He thinks he's the creator Right, that's the issue.
And so when you think about it, that's why I say job is if you will as Some people say well
Joe live Joe couldn't possibly have understand things because he lived so many years ago
I'll tell you what this man had a lot of understanding and he was really wise and again as that thought comes out about where it says
As for the earth from it comes bread, but Underneath it is turned up as by fire
All the different thoughts that people have about the earth You ever hear the flat earth theory?
Anybody know what the flat earth theory is? Yeah, basically the flat earth theory is that when
God created he created something like This And people have come up with all these stories about why they don't go to Antarctica Which one in the
South Antarctica? Arctica There's all kinds of weird theories about why no one goes down to Antarctica and one of the theories is because it's flat and Yet the
Bible simply says that God drew a circular horizon on the earth So what
I guess what I'm trying to get us to think about is the distinction of what Job is stating here and what man has done in twisting things around and it really is important for us to To have a right worldview and I know we say this a lot, but it's important And so when he says things like that That it's turned up by fire and and then he says the birds don't even know where it is and you think about All these people all these explorers and all these people who go on these expeditions and and They're still uncharted
Places right what they say that the sea The ocean is probably the least known even compared to outer space
Because of all the things in it in a coup when every once in a while the man says that man discovered a new species and A lot of it's in the ocean, right?
I just read something yesterday They now declare that they have discovered a new species of shark
Well, guess what? God Revealed that to them, right they didn't it's almost as if they are the
Source of it all and it's not true what's really true is that God has in that sense,
I think hidden many things in the earth and Giving man the charge to go Dig it out
Scope it out But man loses sight that it comes from God and man thinks he's the originator and therefore
He gets the glory and so when it says that the birds don't go there the Falcons don't go there the
Lions don't walk on it and Then it goes on he talks about how
God just Did all these things from the very foundation of the world you have it here some of the theories about how we got the canyons
And the rivers and all those things and it ranges all the way from Space aliens to asteroids that That carved the rivers and the end of those big gorges in the earth
Paul Bunyan and all the stuff but but all the foolishness that we talk about and that is almost given
It's like Those people got to be right right that the only way that the gorge could have formed was
Over billions of years and the only way that and that's one of the reasons what the stars in the sky, right?
people say that it The universe is billions of years old because it takes light
So much time to travel and so they multiply or try to multiply the distance
Times the light and remember I what I read to you the other week that they said it took 3 .8
billion years for for light to form 3 .8
billion years for light That's absolutely Right and and and if you think about it's so absurd it is it really is it me and yet we can simply say and And even the and I think about what
Jesus said where he says that even a babe can understand it That you can look up I can look up at the universe and say well
I might not understand all the details and I certainly don't But I know that there's a designer
And I know he made it according to his design and I know he's bigger than me right and yet we come up with all this gobbledygook and Garbage if you will about all these different and Job That's what
I said about Job. He's in his mind is not really clear on a lot of things But he's awful clear here, isn't he?
He's says it in simple words and God damns up the streams and and what is hidden he brings forth to light
And that man is not really All that he thinks he is and then he goes on and just to finish it up he talks about In light of all that where can wisdom be found
Where is its place of understanding and and really who knows the value in other words man in all his
Understanding still lacks wisdom and the wisdom simply is that this is the hand of God Isn't it amazing house in one way how simple belief in God is now it's extremely difficult to work out right because we all have issues in this there's darkness in our hearts and there's situations and but the reality of God is really simple
If you think about it and where wisdom comes from and so when he says it can't be purchased for gold he can't buy it and and You know, that's true too because you think about I don't care how far we progress in society in Technology in medicine in science in in any one of the disciplines.
Okay, how far we get guess what? We're still going to be sinners Right. There's still going to be murder.
There's still going to be Unfaithfulness, there's still going to be stealing. There's still going to be
Those things that have been from the very beginning and the issue really is with man
Not with God and that and then how many people blame God?
Right for for all these things and yet for all of that It's just not true. So when he says that in verse 20, where does wisdom come from?
What's the place of understanding? It's hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the air and then he talks about how
Destruction says we've heard about it. But the bottom of the end of it all is certainly this is what he says that God understands its way
God knows just like Jesus said that God knows when the sparrow falls out of this out of the sky
God has not only God does not only know it It are not we the ones that say
God has ordained it Because nothing surprises God He who knows the
End from the beginning he who buried these things in the earth
Wasn't just the other day some lady was digging somewhere was she some park I was in Australia She dug up a seven carat diamond
You lost it Well, she found it, baby but but you think about it all these things that God is hidden and It ought to be something that we
In a sense Enjoy, but make sure we give God the glory for it and not man
The problem with us is again, we we'd like to exalt man I guess we can final thought of I really believe one of the great issues of our hearts is we make too much of ourselves and not enough for God And if we if you think about it too often, we are busy exalting man and Not exalting
God See because again, it should be he must increase how we must decrease
And that cuts across every area of life whether it be a new breakthrough in science or new technology or this that and the other thing and And all these people that want to give us help to live lives in the
Century that we live in right? Well, how about this? God has the wisdom and it's in his word
I mean if you don't have God's word if just like Jesus said he did does not believe in me does not have life
I don't mean you don't exist. He just don't have life. He's And even in the scriptures, it says man's mind apart from God is warped
And I've heard some people try to translate that as man's life apart from God is insane
And if you think about it, I think there's a lot of truth in that that apart from knowing who made us
Why we're here where we're going you open yourself up to a world of I'd say stupidity and yet Job like I said, he simply understands it and and That's why he ends it that way, huh
No, is that your belly grumbling? Oh Yeah, I hear them that means they're done
Just the last verse 28 and to man. He said behold the fear of the Lord That's wisdom and apart from evil is understanding.
That's the one thing that Job understands at least he's sure of so Next week we'll look at it and Job in the chapter next week
He actually talks about his past life in relationship to his present situation