Total Depravity



A defense of Total Depravity. The Five Points of Calvinism are often misunderstood and maligned. In this presentation on his radio show (, Matt Slick defends Total Depravity using God's word, so that the listener might better understand it and accurately represent it, even if he or she does not agree with it. Matt uses plenty of scripture to defend the doctrine. And, if the viewer wants to follow along with notes, they are available at


And here we go total depravity total depravity is also known as total inability
Now this means that man is completely touched or he's completely affected by sin in all that He is that means his heart his soul his mind his body
All of it is affected by sin, but he is not as bad as he could be, you know
For example, not all people murder not all people do bad things. Not all people
Are doing at the maximal maximally bad things there are good people out there in a human perspective but what total depravity means is that Ultimately and every part and every action of everything that we do all of what we are is affected by sin
Everything is touched by sin. Our free will is touched by sin. Our body our emotions our intellect are all
Touched by sin. This is total depravity. All right total. That's what it means now
This is from Wayne Grudem's book systematic theology an introduction to biblical doctrine man's total lack of spiritual good and inability to do good before God That's what total depravity is now with this.
We have the doctrine of original sin That is the state or the condition of sinfulness that people are born into because of Adam's sin
This means that our natures are born Fallen Adam represented all of mankind when he died when he died we fell in him.
We are all born fallen Romans 5 19 says for as through one man's disobedience
The many were made sinners even so to the obedience of the one many will be made righteous
Now when it says were made sinners, it's the Greek katas this face on Which is the aorist indicative this signifies a completed action in the past And let me read this again for as through one man's disobedience the many were made sinners they were made sinners
It's Romans 5 19 1st Corinthians 15 22 for as in Adam all
Die in Adam as a term of federal headship now Some people will object and say they don't like the idea that Adam represented us
Well, let me just quickly say that if you don't like the idea that Adam represented us Then you must also reject the idea that Christ represented us in 1st
Corinthians 15 45 Jesus is called the last Adam and he represented us on the cross and you go to Isaiah 53 4 through 6 for that 1st
Peter 2 24 where he bore our sins and his body on the cross But he represented us now.
Let's get into more detail about what this means about man's condition. So here are the scriptures
I'm gonna I'm gonna read some stuff here and I'm gonna go through some of the scriptures afterwards Man's condition it is man who is deceitful
Jeremiah 17 9 full of evil mark 7 21 to 23 loves darkness rather than light
John 3 19 And he cannot come to God on his own John 6 44. He does not seek for God Romans 3 10 11 and 12
He's helpless and ungodly Romans 5 6 he is a slave of sin
Romans 6 20 and John 8 34 He cannot receive spiritual things 1st
Corinthians 2 14. He's dead in his sins Ephesians 2 1 he is by nature a child of wrath
Ephesians 2 3 and he is at enmity with God Ephesians 2 15 enmity means hatred between two parties
Now let me go over some of these verses Jeremiah 17 9 The heart is more desk as to be more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick
Jesus says in Mark 7 21 to 23 For from within out of the heart of men proceed the evil thoughts fornications theft murders adulteries
Deeds of coveting and wickedness as well as deceit sensuality envy slander pride and foolishness in John 3 19
This is the duck the eskimo the judgment that the light has come into the world and men loved the darkness
Rather than the light for their deeds were evil John 6 44 No one can come to me unless the
Father who sent me draws him That's what Jesus said John 6 44 This is critical as well
Romans 3 10 through 12 as it is written There is none righteous not even one there is none who understands
There is none who seeks for God all have turned aside together. They have become useless. There is none who does good
There's not even one Romans 5 6 for while we were still helpless at the right time
Christ died for the ungodly Romans 6 20 for when you were Slaves of sin you were free in regard to righteousness
John 8 34 Jesus answered and said to them truly truly I say to you everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin first Corinthians 2 14 says
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him He and he cannot understand them because they're spiritually appraised.
He cannot understand them The Greek word there for understand is Gnosko. He cannot know them. He cannot understand.
He cannot doesn't say Yeah, he can if he has he strains or if he has a little help. It says he cannot
Ephesians 2 1 says and you were dead in your trespasses and sins Ephesians 2 3 among them
We too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh Indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature children of wrath even as the rest and of course
Ephesians 2 15 by abolishing in his flesh the Enmity, which is the law of commandments contained in ordinances that in himself
He might make the two into one new man thus establishing peace Now if we understand that the unbeliever has this condition that he is
He is deceitful. He's full of evil. He loves darkness rather than light. He cannot come to God on his own
He does not seek for God is helpless and ungodly is a slave of sin Cannot receive or understand spiritual things is dead in his sins is by nature a child of wrath and is at enmity with God Then we have to ask the question.
How does he simply believe in God? see when Someone asks him about Jesus His response will be in accordance with his fallen nature with his unregenerate nature, which is full of evil
Which can do no good Which is a slave of sin is incapable of understanding spiritual things and is at enmity with God Therefore we must conclude that his free will and we'll get into more about that But his free will is restricted by his depravity and his natural inclination is to reject
God This is in accordance with the conditions ascribed of him by the scriptures
So I have to ask a question How is it possible that an unbeliever who cannot understand spiritual things first Corinthians 2 14 who does not seek for God Romans 3 10 11 and 12 and also says in there who does no good and who is a slave of sin
Romans 6 14 to 20 How does he simply choose God? The scripture says he cannot
See, that's why the Bible says he appoints people to eternal life Acts 13 48 and he grants that they believe
Philippians 1 29 We'll get into more of that later later This is important. We have to understand this the condition of the fallen man
Is that he is a slave of sin a hater of God who does no good. He doesn't want God doesn't seek for God He does no good is believing in God a good thing.
Yes, but it says he does no good This is what the scriptures teach now if it's true and it is true that that's what it says
Then we would expect to find some very interesting verses which we do find in Scripture It is
God who appoints people to believe Acts 13 48 who chooses who is to be holy and blameless
Ephesians 1 4 Who predestines us to adoption Ephesians 1 5 and calls according to his purpose?
He calls us according to his purpose 2nd Timothy 1 9 he chooses us for salvation 2nd
Thessalonians 2 13 He grants us the act of believing Philippians 1 29.
He works faith in the believer John 6 28 29 He grants us repentance 2nd
Timothy 2 24 to 25 He causes us to be born again 1st Peter 1 3
He makes us born again not by our will but by his will John 1 12 and 13
He draws all people to himself John 6 44. It's the only way it's gonna be that's John Uh, just 644 says he draws people to himself.
We'll get to the other verse later about that other stuff He grants that we come to Jesus John 6 65
He predestines us to salvation Romans 8 29 and 30 and he does all of this according to the will to his own purpose
Ephesians 1 11 Now let me go over some of these verses. I just referenced acts 13 48
When the Gentiles heard this they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed
Why do they believe because they were appointed to eternal life now the word appoint in Greek is Tasso and it's used of a military
Leader appointing certain military people in ranks in an order See, this is what the word is that Paul the
Apostle uses here or scooby that is used by Peter Excuse me in Acts 13 48 as many has been appointed to eternal life believed
This is what it says Actually Luke is the one who wrote this but anyway Ephesians 1 4 just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless who chose us
It was God Now in case you think that God looked into the future to see who would pick him under certain conditions
We're gonna deal with that error tomorrow on the issue of unconditional election and I'll show you why that can't be the case
But nevertheless for now Ephesians 1 5 he predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself 2nd
Timothy 1 9 Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works, but according to his own purpose 2nd
Thessalonians 2 13 because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation
Philippians 1 29 for to you it has been granted for Christ's sake not only to believe in him
But also to suffer for his sake and John 6 28 29. Therefore they said to him What shall we do that?
We may work the works of God Jesus answered and said to them This is the work of God that you believe in whom he is sent in 2nd
Timothy 2 24 and 25 It says the Lord's bondservant must not be quarrelsome but be kind to all able to teach patient when wronged with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition if Perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth if it's just up to them to repent
Why does it say God grants them repentance if it's just up to them to believe of their own sinful free will?
Why does it say that God grants that they believe if it's up to them and their wisdom and their ability to do good
Which is a violation of Romans 3 10 through 12 in order to choose God Then why does it say that their believing is the work of God according to Jesus own declaration in John 6 20 29?
you see because of man's sinfulness It must be that God predestines and elects and chooses and grants that we believe and grants us repentance
Otherwise, no one would be saved Why because the unbelievers a hater of God who does no good cannot understand to receive these spiritual things
And he does not seek for God. He's a slave of sin. That's what total depravity teaches
That's why Jesus said in John 6 44. No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him
You can't come to him unless the father draws you you can't and Jesus says in John 6 65 for this reason
I've said to you that no one can come to me unless it's been granted to him from the father You can't go to him unless it's been granted to you by God the
Father Which is consistent with verses like Acts 13 48 as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed
Now I want you to understand something man's condition apart from God Jeremiah 1323 can the
Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then you also can do good who are accustomed to doing evil.
In other words. No, they can't Romans 5 10 for if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son
We were enemies and he reconciled us Romans 8 7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God for it does not
Subject itself to the law of God for it is not even able to do so Some might say well, yeah, but that's for those who are hostile
But you know when you really sincerely repent and turn to God then it works out, but the Bible says no one
Seeks for God Romans 3 10 11 and 12. I've asked people before do unbelievers seek for God Of course, they do and I'll read him the scriptures
Romans 3 10 11 and 12 I'll ask him does the Bible say that you can seek for God. Of course you do
It says right there you can't it's what it says and yet they'll go against the scriptures Why I believe it's because they want
God to be a certain way They want him to be a certain way. They want fairness according to what they say is fair Now we can go to all kinds of verses in the
Bible for example John 6 I was giving Genesis 6 5 then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every
Intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Now, let me ask you do you think unbelievers are?
always evil Well, that's a discussion we could have The Bible says unbelievers cannot receive or understand the things of God first Corinthians 2 14.
They don't seek for God They don't do any good That's Romans 3 10 11 and 12.
They don't do any good on a human level Do they do good sure on a human level, but that's not what counts
What counts is the standard that God has described what God requires of us he be holy for I am holy first Peter 1 16
It's not up to us and our standard and our sentimentality and our beliefs and our desires
We must subject ourselves to the Word of God and its truth and its revelation Micah 7 for the best of them is like a briar the most upright like a thorn hedge the day
When you post a watchman your punishment will come then your confusion will occur John 3 27
John answered and said a man can conceive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven Our dependency is on God absolutely
Now there are verses That talk about our we'll get into this a little bit more about our free will and what people are gonna say about our free
Will and we need to understand that the Bible tells us That we're born again, not of our own will and That God grants that we believe he grants these things to us
He's the one who causes these things to be in our hearts and our minds It's not up to us and our wisdom in our sinfulness.
That's arrogance and People talk about grace prevenient grace and whosoever will get to that but I want you to understand the
Bible teaches what it teaches and We need to submit ourselves to it
The Bible teaches total depravity that man is touched by sin in all of what he is and it teaches that We are helpless and sinful and enslaved to sin
That's the unbelievers and how does someone who's a slave of God a hater of God who does no good doesn't seek for God How does he simply just choose
God when he's a slave of sin and at enmity with God and who can do no good? How does he just believe in God?
He cannot Which is why the Bible says God predestines us grants that we believe grants us repentance and works faith in us
Let's get into the doctrine of free will here a little bit because this is really an important doctrine when it's related here to the doctrine of total depravity a
Lot of people think no we have to be free. Otherwise God's a tyrant I've heard people say don't bring that God in here this
God you're describing Really? Oh, man Why I ask people what do you want do you want the
God of Scripture? Do you want the truth of God's Word in Scripture? Or what do you want?
You know, do you want him to be the blonde -haired blue -eyed Caucasian surfer dude? Standing at the door of your heart asking for your permission to enter in because he's such a gentleman.
He won't violate your free will Is this the image that you've been taught? That's not the image portrayed in Scripture, let me talk about free will a little bit
And we'll talk about God in relationship to our free will now. What is free will? Now some people just assume so much in this we have free will and they haven't even thought about what it means
They haven't defined it So let me ask you a question Does free will mean that you have to be able?
To choose between right and wrong you have to be able to accomplish them and make that free will choice between good and bad
Sin and not sin in order to be truly free Some people say yes But you see that's a problem because if that's what free will is then
God himself is not free Because God cannot choose to sin
He cannot choose to do that which is ungodly He cannot choose
Between good and evil because he can never choose to do evil He can only do that which is right that which is holy that which is pure that which is
Consistent with his holy nature. We should start with God and not with man
We should define free will as it relates to God not to man If you start with man as the standard you can end up in error you start with God Well, you're a lot less prone to end up in error
So God is completely free, but he's not free to sin Therefore we would say that free will is the ability to make choices
Voluntary decisions that are uncoerced that are consistent with your nature
So God makes his free will choices. No one coerces him and he makes them in a manner consistent with his holiness
So all of his choices are holy and right and good That's what free will is
Now within theological circles, there are two main views of free will one's called
Compatibilism and one is called libertarianism Compatibilism is the position that man's free will the unbelievers free will is
Restricted by his sinful nature and as a result he can only choose what his sinful nature will allow him to choose
Which means he will never choose God of his own free will since he is a slave of sin
Romans 6 14 through 20 Since he cannot understand spiritual things 1st
Corinthians 2 14 since he is full of evil mark 7 21 through 22 since he does not seek for God and he can do no good
Romans 3 10 through 12 That's what compatibilism teaches it also states that a person is only as free as Has his nature permitted to be free and that his sinfulness prevents him from freely choosing
God This is something you have to understand People will tell me well, no
Matt, we're just able to be free. We could just be free unbelievers are free All they need is a little help and we'll get into that.
All they need is a little bit of help It's just up to their free will that's how it has to be Matt It's not what the
Bible says You know this wishful thinking and imposing upon the scriptures this wishful thinking idea of God's fairness according to what you want
It's ridiculous, but it's prevalent in the Christian Church today If you the
Bible tells us the unbelievers a hater of God who does no good doesn't seek for God he's full of evil He's depraved
He doesn't want to Serve God to want God to seek
God because that's his nature. That's his nature now
If that's the case, then we have to believe that God is the one God is the one who's going to change us and work in us
Proverbs 21 1 the King's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it wherever he wishes
Ezra 622 and they observed the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy for the Lord had caused them to rejoice
Jeremiah 32 40 and I will make an everlasting covenant with them That I will not turn away from them to do good to them and I will put the fear of me in their hearts
So that they will not turn away from me John 1 12 and 13 But as many as received him to them he gave the right to be the children of God Even to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood
Nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God you get that Says you're born not of the will of of Man, not of the will of the flesh not of the blood.
This is John 1 13 Of course the context talking about receiving Christ about being born again
And it says in verse 13 that they were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh Nor of the will of man, but of God you get that That proves the necessity of God's work in us
Because the unbelievers a slave of sin a hater of God who does no good. He's enslaved to it
He's at enmity with God That's why the one who's born again is born again not of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God John 1 12 and 13
If it's simply up to the unbeliever to believe given the right circumstances that are right help
Really if that's the case, then why do we have acts? 1614 and a certain woman named Lydia from the city of Thyatira a seller of purple fabrics a worshiper of God was listening and the
Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul the
Lord opened her heart You know, I really find it interesting that a lot of times the anti -calvinists what they'll say
Is that the God of Calvinism is evil and the God of Calvinism this that he's bad
And if he just decides who he wants to be saved lest the other go and he's arbitrary all these so to speak
Misrepresentations and then I ask him. How do you pray? Do you pray for God to open up people's hearts?
Do you pray for God to change them? But wait a minute if you believe in the sovereignty of man's human free will
Then you shouldn't be asking God to violate that free will and open their heart and change them
It should be up to the individual and at most you should be asking God to put
Circumstances in their life to help them see the truth because it's up to the wisdom of a sinner This is a very high view of man's sinfulness and a low view of God Check this out at Revelation 17 17 for God has put it in their hearts to execute his purpose by having a common purpose
Do what was that God put it in their hearts to execute his purpose?
He put it in his heart to execute his purpose You know Proverbs 21 1 the
King's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord He turns it wherever he wishes
And people say it's up to your free will sure Sheesh You know, they elevate free will let me let me explain something about free will
And we'll get into this. I'll use this illustration and we'll segue into the issue of libertarian free will
I Want you to understand something about God? There's a quality of God called his aseity his aseity is his non -dependence upon anything else
He's independent of all things. He's eternally self -sufficient From everlasting to everlasting he is
God Psalm 90 verse 2. He doesn't depend on anything. He's non -contingent
He existed forever before the universe was ever made. He didn't need the universe in No way did he need anything?
He's self -sufficient It's called his aseity a s e i t y this also means that his decisions
His decisions are also independent of all things. They're completely self -contained. He doesn't look into the future.
We'll talk about this more tomorrow He doesn't look into the future to see who's gonna pick him and then make a choice That means his will is influenced outside of himself violating his aseity
Now here's a statement you gotta understand What is idolatry? Idolatry is when
You attribute that which belongs to God To the created thing if it belongs to God alone and you attribute it to the created thing.
That's that's a form of idolatry Some people will Will elevate man's free will to the level of idolatry
They will say that human free will is independent of its own sinfulness. That's somehow some way
That by just presenting the gospel if they have this ability in themselves the self -sufficiency in themselves to simply choose
God They're ascribing to the created thing that which belongs to God alone the complete self -sufficiency self -generation
That's what they're doing they don't even realize what they're doing See libertarian free will is a position that man's free
Will is not restricted by his sinful nature in that he is not enslaved by sin
Such that he can only choose sinful things and that he can freely choose to accept or reject
God despite his enslavement to sin He's independent of it. He's not restricted by it His free will is independent of that.
It's self -sufficient Well, what does Satan say doesn't leave you'll be like God You'll be like him.
This is one of the very dangerous doctrines as taught in the Christian Church that human free will is independent even of God because it's self -generated and God must politely sit on the outside and Knock politely waiting for you to make a decision in the sovereignty of your own will may that heresy be buried
Now libertarian free will also states that a person is able to choose contrary to his nature contrary to his sinful nature
That's what they teach. I've already gone over this that the Bible restricts The unbelievers will to that of sinfulness
He restricts it to sinfulness. He's a slave of sin a hater of God and he can do no good choosing.
God is doing good But the Bible says he cannot Romans 3 10 through 12
That's what it says. He cannot receive these things first Corinthians 2 14. Oh, but just a little bit of help and he'll be able to Do it
No Not the case people say well then Matt Then you don't have true free will if you're only doing what
God wants you to do Well, we'll get to that in a little bit. But nevertheless before we do that There are people who will respond and they'll say and we'll get to this later in more detail
They'll say but but Matt God says whosoever John 3 16 God so of the world
It gave his only begotten Son whoever believes it doesn't say whoever believes in the
Greek it says Pass it says a possible stone all the believing one.
That's what it says, but we'll get into that more later There are verses like that. We'll get into now. I want to raise something here.
I want you to understand something Did Jesus have free will of course he did He's God in flesh
John 5 19 Jesus therefore had answered and said of them truly truly I say to you the Son can do nothing of himself unless it is something he sees a father doing
John 5 30 I can do nothing of my own initiative as I hear I judge that my judgment is just Because I do not seek my own will but the will of him who sent me
John 8 28 Jesus therefore said when you lift up the Son of Man Then you will know that I am he and I do nothing of my own initiative
But I speak these things as the Father taught me you see Jesus had free will but he only did the will of the
Father People get the idea that free will means to be able to rebel Jesus only and always did the will of the
Father I Get so tired of seeing and hearing Christians who describe free will based on their personal experience
And then they impose this upon God himself and the scriptures and they only look for those scriptures that they think teach their idea of Free will for example,
John 3 16 God's love the world that whoever would believe see that means he have free will to bill to do
That no, it doesn't say that Where does it say that? God to love the world that whoever exercises his free will choice in his sinfulness is able to pick
God It doesn't say that but that's what they imply when they say the word whoever but it's not even what it says in the
Greek Today I did a study I went through and looked up every instance of where it says whoever believes and Every time
I found it occurring in Scripture the Greek says Pospis doon or all the believing ones
It's a participle an active participle the believing all the believing one
That's what it says all the believing one all believing one. That's what it says
Doesn't say whosoever and the word whosoever doesn't exist in the Greek its hosts Hosts and it's not there in John 3 16 or John 6 36 he who believes in the
Son is eternal life It's not there or Romans 10 11 for the scripture says whoever believes in him will not be disappointed
It doesn't say whosoever of their own free will it just simply says in Greek The believing one it doesn't say how they come to believe now
Jesus did the will of the Father and We are to do the will of the
Father too We're to freely as regenerate people to exercise our will to serve
God, but that's because we've been set free That's what it means see
If free will is a thing that enables choice I've got a question for people who say no it's up to man.
It's up to man in his freedom to be able to choose
God a lot of times what they'll do is they'll offer this idea of prevenient grace
They'll say that prevenient grace some say this some recognize a problem that the scriptures present to them in their position
They understand the Bible says that the unbelievers a slave of sin a hater of God who doesn't seek for God who doesn't do any
Good who cannot receive these things That doesn't allow any room for so -called.
Oh, I'll just freely believe God all I need is a gospel message It's just not there
Now I got a question for people who say teach it that is the case I Got a question for you
Let's say we have a pair of twins Bob and Frank and they're born same mom same time
Same situation same parents they could have the same job same schools same everything
At the age of 30 one believes and the other does not one receives Christ the other one does not
Why well they're gonna say to me because one freely chose Why did one freely chose well
Matt that's because they're free will he exercises free will why is it one's free will? Enabled him to believe another one did not.
Oh Matt. Don't you get it? It's his free will and what they don't realize what they're doing They're just assuming the aseity of human free will in its self -sufficiency and independence of all things
It just is because it just is When you turn to Psalm 33 verses 14 and 15, it says this from his dwelling place
He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth He who fashions the hearts of them all he who understands all their works doesn't the
Bible say we're to believe with the heart But he fashions our hearts Who is the one?
Who puts our wills in us God? Who is the one who makes us and weaves us together in the womb?
It's God who puts us in that place at that time God who knows the outcome of all of it
God even from the so -called pro free will libertarian position they still have a problem because God is the one who appoints the
Circumstances into which they are born and the condition of their heart and their mind that he has made and he places them there
There is no independence Nature of libertarian free will by which people are just simply enabled by their own choice their own goodness of their own will to simply believe in God if God places them in a place or a time even from their perspective and he knows whatever
Circumstance that he arranges they're gonna end up so to speak believing out of their own free will then he's still in charge and still
Predestining them because he's the one who knows how to move the heart of the king where he wishes it to go
Proverbs 211 who opened up the heart of Lydia Even to believe the gospel truth as it says in Acts 16 14
God's the one in control not man Now some will say but Matt look
God gives grace to people He works grace in them so that they will be able to believe
He enables them to believe by prevenient grace grace that comes before Grace that enables a person to make a free will decision to receive
Christ. Really show me that in Scripture Just show it to me in Scripture Where's any place in the
Bible where it says God gives grace to us to enable us to believe in our sinful free will?
And also they're teaching in this that it's up to the free will choice of that individual
This kind of stuff in my opinion is truly amazing that Christians who supposed to read the
Bible Would believe such things They should not because it's not what the
Bible teaches but We know what the Bible does say if we go to Romans chapter 9 starting around verse 9
For this is the word of promise at this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son and not only this but there was
Rebecca also When she had conceived twins by one man our father Isaac for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good
Or bad so that God's purpose according to his choice would stand not because of works
But because of him who calls it was said to her the older will serve the younger just as it is written Jacob I loved but he saw
I hated Now people say well that just that's nations. Well, I'm not gonna get into that right now
Because of the read the rest of it. This doesn't work. But nevertheless, what shall we say?
Then there is no injustice with God is there may it never be for he says to Moses. That's an individual I will have mercy on whom in the
Greek the whom is singular individual not a group of people but one individual I will have mercy on whom
I have mercy. I will have compassion on whom I have compassion So then it get this does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs but upon God who has mercy
Did you get that? It does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs but upon God who has mercy
For the scripture says the Pharaoh for this very purpose I raised you up to demonstrate my power in you that my name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth
So then he has mercy on whom there's a singular again individual his mercy on whom he desires and he hardens whom he desires
And you'll say to me. Well, then why does he still find fault for who resists his will if you object to what
I just said? Then you understand what the text is saying because the objection you're raising is right there
You'll say to me then. Why does he still find fault who resists his will? This is the complaint that people say about but Calvinism about predestination about election if God chooses them
It's not up to them. Then. Why does he hold him responsible? That's not fair and the answer to that is found in Scripture and Verse 20 of Romans 9 on the contrary.
Who are you? Oh man who answers back to God the thing? Molded will not say to the molder.
Why did you make me like this? Will it this is not talking about nations and people groups The thing molded will not say to the molder
Why did you make me like this? Will it or does the Potter? Have a right or does not the Potter have a right over the clay to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use
And another for common use what if God although willing to demonstrate his wrath and make his power known Endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction
And he did so to make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory
I did a study on the word vessels when it ever is talking about people. It's always talking about individuals
And he did so to make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory
This is God's sovereign work not man's sovereign Well, but God's sovereign will not man's but God's proverbs 21 one
The King's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it wherever he wishes Psalm 105 24 and he caused the people to be very fruitful and made them stronger than her adversaries
He turned their heart to hate his people to deal craftily with his servants And once again,
John 113 Who were born not of the blood or nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God See God makes the person
Prevenient grace is not a solution Prevenient grace is grace that comes before that enables someone to believe
Then why does one person believe when they have prevenient grace? Again they're gonna respond with that that's because of their free will and then
I have to ask again Why does that person's free will enable them to believe in other ones does not? Especially when
Psalm 33 14 through 15 tells us that God is the one who fashions the heart of people and puts it in them see in my opinion
And take this with a grain of salt the Christian Church in America is Gathering to itself teachers a tickle its own ears
Because what it wants is the blonde -haired blue -eyed Caucasian surfer Jesus who stands at the door of your heart
He's dressed in a woman's nightgown. He's got a real nice complexion He wouldn't hurt a fly and he's asking permission for you and your sovereignty and your will
To let him in isn't that nice of him to be such a gentleman? Is that what the
Scriptures teach? No You're born now nor it's gonna be not of blood
This is John 1 13 again nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God This is how you're born again
God moves the heart of the king where he wishes it to go Proverbs 21 1 Psalm 33 15
God fashions the hearts of the people God is the one who does this
Prevenient grace doesn't answer any question It only pushes the question back one more step
Then why does those with prevenient grace believe and some with it don't doesn't God know how much?
Prevenient grace to give to someone to come to believe of course he does Doesn't he know sure he's the omniscient
God of the universe, but Matt He's not gonna violate their free will It's all about man, isn't it?
It's about man, and how you want God to not violate your free will well, you're a sinner and God violated something
Did he you think so? Did he change your heart? Did he change your heart did he move you did he guide you or did he leave you to where you wanted to be?
The so to speak violate your will your desire to serve your own flesh and yet he worked against you
Of course he did And people Christians just too often
They want God To be described and conditioned in the way they want him
People say to me. Well Matt God wants all people to be saved first Timothy 2 for he
God desires all men to be saved a second Peter 3 9 Doesn't wish for any to perish but for all to come to repentance
Now we've only got about 12 minutes so I have to go through this quickly, but let me ask you Are you sure that's what
God wants? Man, what a dumb question. It's what it says, you know, I agree with you. It's what it says But I got questions
If that's what God wants and we just leave it at that at that level and we don't look anywhere else
Then we're gonna remain where we want to be and everything's gonna be hunky -dory. We've got God figured out
But what do you do with Romans 11 8 just as it is written God gave them a spirit of stupor eyes to see not and ears to hear not down to this very day
Talking about the Jews Jesus said in Mark 4 11 and 12 and he was saying to them to you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God But those who are outside get everything in parables in Order that while seeing they may see and not perceive and while hearing they may hear and not understand
Lest they return and be forgiven 2nd Thessalonians 2 11 and for this reason
God will send upon them a diluting influence so they will believe what is false Wait a minute if he wants all to be saved and all to come to repentance
Why does he send a diluting influence on people? Why does he speak in parables? It's so they'll be deceived and so they will not repent so they will not be forgiven
That's what the scriptures say go check it out Romans 11 8 mark 4 11 and 12 2nd
Thessalonians 2 11 You have to put all the scriptures together Can God arranged in a sense can you arrange that which is contrary to what he says in one area?
Of course, he does. He doesn't want people to sin. He says don't sin, but he allows them to sin Now I can get into some pretty complicated stuff about various aspects of who the all are
I've already addressed this issue about whosoever and answer that objection Let me spend some time here and try and raise a possible answer to this.
Now. I'm going to tell you this is my a possible answer What it what it might mean that when he says he wants all to be saved.
My question is who are the all? I'm asking the question some people say well
Matt, that's dumb It means everybody really, how do you know? Are you just reading into the text because let me ask you something
Trick question. Have you died a True Christian who was reading his
Bible and studied this issue will know well, yes, we've died Romans 6 8 now if we have died with Christ Or Colossians 2 20 if you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world
Colossians 3 3 for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God 2nd
Timothy 2 11 is is is a trustworthy statement for if we have died with him We will also live with him 1st
Corinthians 15 22 For as an Adam all die so in Christ all should have made alive
Romans 5 18 through the one offense there resulted Condemnation to all men so also through one righteous deed there resulted justification of life to all men.
These verses are very interesting. I Don't have time. I wish I had more time Jesus says something very interesting you see
He through the Apostles is teaching us that the only ones who have died are those who have died with him
The only ones who have died are the ones who have died with him now
I'm going to be talking about this more when I do limited atonement But I want to introduce a concept to you
For the love of Christ controls us having included this that one died for all therefore all died
Does all mean everybody who ever lived? He died for all therefore all died. He died for everyone who ever lived therefore everyone who ever lived died
No, because the only ones who've died are those who've died with Christ. That's only the believers When he died for all that all can only be the believers it can't be everybody who ever lived
Jesus says in John 6 37 all that the father gives me will come to me and the one who comes to me
I will certainly not cast out For I've come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me
This is the will of him who sent me that of all that he has given me I lose nothing but raise it up on the last day
That's John 6 37 to 39 Notice that he says the all are the ones given to him by the father
That's what it says in John 17 to he says even as you gave him authority over all flesh that to all whom you have given him
He may give eternal life There's the all given by the father to the son in John 17 9.
I ask on their behalf I do not ask on behalf of the world But of those whom you have given me
For they are yours. Jesus is not asking for everybody In John 17 20,
I do not I ask on behalf of these alone that there's a disciples earlier But for those also who believe in me through their word
Jesus is only asking the father and on behalf of these people who are going to believe
He doesn't ask on behalf of those who will not believe who's the all The all who are given by the father to the son the all who love the son
Because God has granted them repentance 2nd Timothy 2 25 Because God has granted that they believe
Philippians 1 29 Because God has appointed that them to eternal life acts 13 48
Because he has chosen them for salvation 2nd Thessalonians 2 13 What I believe is that before the foundation of the world as Ephesians 1 4 says in the inter
Trinitarian communion. This is what I believe Just as he chose us in him
That means a father chose us in Christ Before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him in love
He predestined us to be to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself the inter
Trinitarian communion the father elected and chose people for salvation and gave them to the son and Jesus came here to redeem all that had been given to him by the father
John 6 37 through 40 talks about that all that You've given me of them. I will lose none
We have been chosen for salvation Chosen from before the foundation of the world
Ephesians 1 4 chosen for salvation in Christ 2nd Thessalonians 2 13
You see we can't be saved apart from Christ even before the foundation of the you of the
Universe in the inter Trinitarian communion the father elected and gave them to the son and the son came to do the will of the father
To redeem the ones given to the son For safekeeping all that you've given me father.
I will lose none He wants all to be saved Who's the all?
Does it automatically mean everybody who ever lived? maybe And then we have to ask the question
Why would you just speak in parables mark 4 11 and 12 as Jesus says so people will not be saved
Then you got to balance those or it could be that the all The ones given to him by the father
Now I offered that for your consideration for your examination that you might go and look
That you might check the scriptures and see what the Word of God says. I Want you to look at the
Word of God, I want you to check everything I've said against scripture. I Want you to look at the word?
And I've only had roughly an hour. I'm not able in that time to Exhaustively go through all the verses and go through everything
But I'm trying to get people to understand that we who affirm the doctrine of total depravity
Do so for biblical reasons See I don't want division in the body of Christ I don't want people to look down their noses at anybody who has confessed
Christ and then judge them as not being righteous as Not being true
Christians and that's in violation of Romans 14 Now accept the one who's weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions on his debatable issues
One person has faith that he may eat all things But one is weak eats vegetables only the one who eats is not to regard with contempt
The one who does not eat and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats for God has accepted
Him Who are you to judge the servant of another to his own master
He stands or falls and you will stand for the Lord is able to make him stand verse 5 One person regards one day above another another regards every day alike.
Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind I have heard the anti Calvinist the anti reformed the anti five -pointed tulip people
Condemn the Calvinists condemn the reformed people to hell by saying they serve a false
God and they don't want anything to do with that God those are the people who themselves are in sin for causing division in the body of Christ and passing judgment on their brothers and sisters in Christ over debatable issues
When they raise to the level of the essentials those doctrines that are not essential that is sinful and they need to repent
Just as the Calvinist need to repent and I've encountered them who look down their noses at non
Calvinists I've encountered them and I've rebuked them as well We're not to pass judgment on those with differing opinions and these are debatable issues.
This is a debatable topic and We need to show each other grace We need to disagree in a loving manner in a humble manner
Considering one another more important than even ourselves And not to be so judgmental that we break fellowship with someone who believes that the unbeliever is a slave of sin a hater of God who can do no good and That in order for him to be redeemed.
He must be granted that He must be shown it It must be given to him
Because without that he's not able to believe on his own That's not an issue of pride.
It's an issue of humility Because it means we trust him Realizing we aren't smart enough.
We aren't good enough We are not wise enough in our sinfulness to pick God He has to intercede for us.
He has to call us. It's up to him. Praise God. He receives all the glory
All right, folks. I ran out of time tomorrow be doing Unconditional election and we'll open up the phones to questions afterwards on both total depravity and conditional election tomorrow
So you've got questions save them for them for that day and may the Lord be with you greatly