A Quiz on Christianity? #3


Conclusion to our review/response to this Islamic video


We continue with our examination of a quiz for Christianity, a quiz on the Bible posted by a
Muslim on YouTube. This is the third in our series Respond to This. We pick up with question number 14.
We're asked the number of times mentioned in the Bible where Jesus spoke the words, I am God and worship me. This, of course, borrowed directly from Ahmad Didat, picked up by Naik and others.
And, of course, those words do not appear in the Bible. What does appear in the Bible, of course, is Jesus accepting the worship of men, identifying the worship of Thomas and identifying him as God, as a statement of faith, the
Christians being identified as the people who call upon the name of the Lord. That term epikaleo, to call upon, refers to prayer.
The description of Jesus as God numerous times, Romans 9, 5, and in Titus 2 .13,
2 Peter 1 .1. So, again, this is a very clear example of another one of those places where the
Muslim takes a portion of the Bible and does not, of course, provide us with any kind of real contextual discussion of what the real issue is in regards to the deity of Christ.
Then we're asked in question 15, the gospel of Christ can be found in most Bibles of today. It can only be found between, and then you're given these various responses.
And, of course, the answer that is offered to you is the gospel of Christ is not part of the Bible, nor is it listed in the
Bible canon, which, again, just shows a complete misunderstanding of what the gospel of Christ is. The gospel of Christ is the message about Jesus Christ.
Hence, it's found throughout the Bible, prophetically in the Old Testament, and throughout all of the
New Testament. This is just an example of ignorance on the part of the person posting this material as to the terminology it's used.
It would be like a Christian looking at al -al -kitab, the people of the book in the Quran, and not really understanding what it is saying.
Question number 16 says, a true Christian is able to perform which one of the following acts? And, of course, the answer that they're going for is taken from the longer ending of Mark, which is, of course, a later addition to the text of Mark, Mark 16, 16 through 18, in regards to drinking deadly poisons and taking up serpents, which clearly is not a part of the original gospel of Mark, and, therefore, is hardly really something that's, except the people up in the woods in America someplace along the
Appalachian Trail, need to get that information as well. Question number 17, according to the
Bible, rainbows are. Now, this one I did not even begin to understand, because I don't know what the point that is being made is.
The rainbow is given by God as a sign of His covenant, but that doesn't mean that because it's given by God, that it cannot be, for example, what happens when raindrops refract or bend sunlight and reflect the colors back in your direction.
It can be both of those, because it is both of those, so I'm really at a bit of a loss as to what the point of that particular question really was.
Question number 18, when a man ran up to Jesus asking good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life, what was his first reply?
And, of course, his first reply is, why do you call me good? The reason being that the man did not realize who he was dealing with, and he thought he was dealing merely with a teacher, and he needed to deal with the reality that he was dealing with someone much more than merely a teacher.
I would assume that the reason for the utilization of this question is the normal use of this by people who deny the deity of Christ, that Jesus was somehow denying
His own deity in this, rather than recognizing Jesus never spoke anything of His own sin.
He asked who convicts me of sin, He forgave sins, and who can forgive sins but God alone, etc.,
etc. I would assume that is the reason why this particular question is being asked.
Question number 19, blasphemy against Jesus, the
Son of Man, will be forgiven. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. This is the unforgivable sin.
I'm not sure what the point of this one is, though I would just take a wild guess that probably this has something to do with, well, if blasphemy against Jesus can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit can't be, then the Holy Spirit must be greater, ignoring the reality of why blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit is unforgivable. Why is it unforgivable? Because it's the Holy Spirit who brings conviction of sin. Once you do what the
Pharisees had done and begun to identify the work of the Holy Spirit with the work of Satan, then you are in essence identifying the very means that God brings you to repentance with evil itself.
And that is such a twisted activity. It shows such a twisted nature that this is what makes it unforgivable.
It's not that it is so heinous that it cannot be forgiven. It is what it represents God has allowed your spiritual state to degrade to at that particular point in time.
Question number 20, then, that is asked, there are approximately how many different Christian denominations, misspelled, all of which make the claim that they are following the only true path to salvation.
Not only does that not understand what Christian denominations are, but the number that is given is completely bogus and is based upon the same bogus material that we exposed in Catholic apologist
Steve Ray's materials, where they keep repeating the 30 ,000 and 33 ,000.
Now it's up to 38 ,000 here. I guess they threw the Catholics in for good measure at this particular point. This, of course, is basically counting every single little church as a denomination to itself.
And you can go to aomin .org for a whole discussion of the inflation of these numbers and what they actually represent.
Finally, we have given to us a quotation from Sura 78, concerning where they are disputing concerning the great news about which they cannot agree.
Truly, they shall soon come to know. Truly, truly, they shall soon come to know.
I would like to respond to our Islamic friend by pointing him to Sura 29, 46. Dispute not with the people of the book, save in the fairer manner, except for those of them that do wrong.
And say, we believe in what has been sent down to us and what has been sent down to you. Our God and your
God is one, and to him we have surrendered. Notice, the Bible was sent down to them.
They received the books of God. And likewise, Sura 2, 285 says, the messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his
Lord and the believers. Each one believes in God and his angels, and in his books, plural, and his messengers.
We make no division between any one of his messengers. They say, we hear and obey. Our Lord grant us thy forgiveness, unto thee is the homecoming.
I think our Islamic friend needs to learn more about the Bible, and he might want to even consider what the
Quran says about the Bible. And I hope this study that we've done in answering these questions has been useful to everyone who's observed it.