How do We Respond to The Homeless? | Season 3 Episode 10

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What's up? What's up with it? Boom, bam, bop, boom, pow, boom.
Welcome to the point taking podcast. My name is Josiah. I'm not the host of this podcast, but I guess I am today. To my right is
Anna. Hey, guys. To the right of her is Ben. What up?
Welcome back. A couple of times before we do our podcast thing. This is the podcast where we make and take spiritual and biblical truths and chat it up.
We're doing that again. And I don't I don't want to edit it out. I do not want this edited out. Nick, as you're sitting on your computer doing this by yourself, do not edit this out.
We're going to try that again. You can't hear this is the this is the podcast point taking
Christian podcast where we make and take spiritual and biblical truths and chat it up. And I already said my name is
Josiah. I'm not sorry. We already know where we make and then you pause.
He says make and take spiritual. I thought you were going to say make fun of Hunter. I thought that's where that was going.
Now, I could see why you would think that based on what we were saying before. So today, everybody, we have some tech talks to react to.
And if we get through them, we have several listener questions with some, shall we say?
Strange questions and some pretty straightforward ones. Scream. We'll get to those in a minute. And it has those. But first, we have some tech talks to react to.
We have not heard these other than them playing in the background while we were setting up the audio. But besides that, we haven't really heard these.
So here we go. When you're ready, Mr. Lowell, we can do the first one. Let's talk about exclusionary architecture and design.
Exclusionary architecture is an urban design strategy that purposely restricts the use of public spaces for shelter or rest.
It can be hard to recognize because it's often camouflaged and built into structures like these. It can also look like the absence of structures such as benches or public restrooms.
This is yet another way to control the behavior of the unhoused to try to improve the appearance of public spaces.
But this doesn't stop homelessness. It merely makes the daily lives of the unhoused more challenging by forcing them to go without access to hygienic resources, to sleep on the sidewalk or go to a shelter, many of which are overcrowded or unsafe.
Our city should not exist only for the rich. Homelessness must be solved structurally, not with discriminatory and dangerous
Band -Aid solutions. Duet us with examples of exclusionary architecture in your neighborhood. All righty.
Brother Lowell, we have another one about the same topic. Yeah. All right. Go ahead. That's a song that you like.
I was getting down to that. That was it. Was I supposed to be able to hear something there?
Or was it on the did that was just the second part of it? OK, OK, so I'm with it now.
OK, so in the first one and the second one,
I didn't even understand anything they said. I didn't. But in the first one, let's let's go with that one first.
I think I understand what they're getting at. Initial reactions to that. The first one. Yeah. I agreed with what she said on homelessness and just not like putting a
Band -Aid on something you get need to get to the root of the problem. But that was about the only thing that I agreed with her on.
So in case you all didn't catch it, I'm heartless because I did it at first and then I did. She is speaking out against some of the
Brooklyn. Oh, she's speaking out against the idea of making public spaces uninhabitable for people that want to permanently live there.
Homeless population. My initial reaction to that is that that video is set in a way to where if you disagree with that, you do not care about the homeless, which is interesting.
Hey, listen to that sentence one more time. And I just want everyone to just just hear that sentence out loud.
It's wrong to restrict people to inhabit inhabit public spaces.
That's what was said. Right. What is the definition of public? Everyone public forever.
No trespassing. So if you set up. A tent on a sidewalk, are you allowing that sidewalk to be used for public space or just your own?
Just your own. I mean, look over here at Sycamore View. Yeah, I mean, my husband and I drive by, you know, going home every day.
And I was like, oh, look, there's a new tent over here, like on that corner, right by the exit on the interstate. And it's like there's more and more people popping up tents and living over in that area.
You know, and I mean, and it makes the neighborhood look crappy. It just does seem a little tense, popped up everywhere.
We should have a person. No, you're not. And that's what people want to think. Yeah. Well, according to her, tick tock.
Yeah, I'm a horrible person, but no, it makes it look trashy. It makes it look unkept. It's not appealing to the eye.
It's not aesthetically pleasing to the eye. And also, like, I mean, just it just what's the word?
I guess downgrades the neighborhood. Yeah. For lack of a better term. You know, here at Witten, we don't let people walk into this building and leave hungry unless they choose to.
Right. We have a public food pantry. We have done work before downtown at the
Union Mission, as well as at the woman's shelter here. We've done a lot of work with that before.
Don't ever let Christians fall into the trap of if you don't agree with the methods for which some people say this is how we should help them.
That means you don't care about those people. That's just not true. Right. I mean, that's just not true at all. I think public spaces should be for get ready for the public.
But that doesn't mean there's other ways we can help and care for those people. You know, when I when
I worked at laying asphalt, two of my co -workers were homeless.
They made far more money than I did. I was about to say, why is that? They chose to be. They, to quote one of them, how do
I say this in a PG? He chose to spend his money on other things so he didn't have to pay for housing because he just slept on their bridge somewhere and he spent all his money on other things.
I gotcha. So they chose to be. And some people say it's just it's easier and a lot of the time there's a guy down on Sycamore View.
He holds a sign. He has his little wagon and he has a sign and he's very honest. He says his sign says need money for weed and I was like, well,
I can respect that. At least he's being honest of what he's trying to get money for. I'm not giving.
Yeah, he kind of hops around over by the Walmart over there. So we're all on the same page there. Basically, if you don't want to live in a house, that's your right.
But they get money. A public sidewalk. Yeah. A public sidewalk is not your house either. No. Right. It's private property.
And unfortunately, they give like just tons of people in general like a bad rap because then everybody just assumes that all of them are like that.
Of course. You know. So here's my question. Here's my question to you two. Giving money.
To homeless people to people with a cardboard sign sitting out on East Parkway or Union Avenue or wherever you're from.
What's your thought on that? Do you have any thoughts on that? I do. I don't. Go first. Oh, no, no. Say what say what you're going to say.
I was going to say I don't do. All right. Why? So for me, it's well, a couple of things.
It's a safety reason. I'm not getting my wallet out, especially if I'm by myself for them to then take it possibly, you know, just safety for that.
I don't want them to use my money for drugs, alcohol, like whatever.
If they are hungry, if they need somewhere to stay, I would rather pay for their needs.
I will buy you a meal. That's always one thing that we talked about. If you were hungry, I will buy you a meal. If you want to meet me up at this
McDonald's, I'll buy you whatever you want. If you need a new shirt, I'll go to Walmart. I'll buy you a shirt.
And I'll bring it back here. Like I'm it was always a protective safety measure for me, but also
I'm not going to pay for your drugs and alcohol like using my hard -earned money. What's your take? That's kind of how mine was as well because because I've even offered that to a few of them and then be like, oh, you know,
I'm good, you know, if you offer. Yeah, because they don't want that either. They just want money. You know, another thing is that also kind of sucks is like, you know, like I've had people like pull up at the gas station, like show me their their gauge and say, you know, they just need to get home.
They just need like five bucks and it's like, I'll fill up your tank. Yeah, but sometimes they have the $5, but they want you to fill up their tank so they can spend that $5 on something else.
I've seen it happen. Yeah, you know more than once. There's actually a story. I worked at a restaurant in high school and where this restaurant was there was this guy.
He would always ride his bike. He's a homeless guy, but like everybody in town knew who he was. And so he came up to me.
I was standing at my car with another male co -worker and we were talking and he asked for money for food.
And I'm like, I'm not giving him money, especially, you know, I'm a teenager. So I was like, well, I don't have any money. I never really carried cash, but I said,
I will, I can give you some food. I have some yogurt in my lunch box that I wasn't going to eat if you want that and he goes, he didn't have teeth.
He says, no, I need something soft for my teeth and I'm like, well, dude, I don't know. It gets more soft than yogurt. So like,
I'm, you know, I'm like whatever just okay. Yeah, I'm like if you don't want my yogurt just say, but it's like you just want money, but.
You know, I think we have a I think we have a biblical precedent for that mindset. I'm the same way.
I have bought meals before there was a time when
I was young where my parents even allowed somebody after getting known for a little bit to stay at home for a while.
Somebody who did not have a home. When Peter and John after Jesus ascends
Acts chapter 4 when they go into a temple, there's a man there who's been paralyzed since birth and there's a cool thing about that.
If you think about he's been paralyzed since birth and he's at that door at the temple. That means somebody passed by him for a very long time.
Someone who went into a temple all the time. So his name rhymes with Jesus and chose not to heal him which means he had a purpose for it, but at any rate, so if he's 40 and he's been paralyzed since birth and Jesus only gone for three months the logical conclusion would be
Jesus has passed by this dude on multiple occasions, but he had a reason for not healing him. Anyway, that's not the point point is what did what did
Peter and John say if you grew up in a Baptist Church of EBS you remember us a song but silver and gold
I have none but what I have I will give to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Okay, what did it have taken long for Peter to go and find some silver and gold go catch some fish and turn them in for some money.
We could assume no, it would not have taken them that long, but he felt perfectly respectable and saying
I'm not giving you money, but I will give you what I have to give you the gospel of Jesus right?
I think we have an example from Peter and John an apostolic example of that. Okay, we have one more tick -tock.
Yeah, is everyone good on the homelessness one we covered that everyone think we any other aspects of that we need to cover no, okay.
Next one. Let's hit it. You've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy. Would that be women many women
CIS women have the capacity for pregnancy. Many CIS women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy as well as non -binary people who are capable of pregnancy.
So this isn't really a women's rights issue. It's we can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it impacts other groups.
Those things are not mutually exclusive Senator Hawley. So your view is is that the core of this this right then is about what so I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic and it opens up trans people to violence.
She's such an idiot. I have so much I want to say that I've actually seen this tick -tock before and every time like I can just you know,
I just feel so let's let's let's look at that then. What's wrong with what she said?
So the question everything. Okay. So the question posed to her. She said pregnant people or people that can be pregnant.
I believe is how she worded it and then he said do you mean women? Yeah, and her response and she went into not all
CIS cis women which are straight straight women. That's what CIS me. I thought it meant natural.
Yeah, I guess. Yeah. Yeah natural born women who are so I would be a
CIS woman. Okay. So a woman. So a CIS woman who can have who can get pregnant
CIS woman who can't get pregnant because there are some women who cannot get pregnant because of some health things whatever and then she said some transgender women so men transgender.
So a man trans just transition or no no trans trans men.
I'm confused a man pretending to be a woman. Yes. Got it. Okay. They're saying they can get pregnant or a yeah a woman pretending to be a man.
She can she can get pregnant all this stuff and I mean that's not it's like crap.
What is his name? Is it Matt Walsh? Yeah, Matt Walsh. Yeah, he does like what is a woman like nobody nobody can answer it and at the very end his wife is like his wife at the very end his wife was like it's a biological female with an
X X chromosome and like all and she's like that's it and nobody else from like all these universities could come up with an answer but the fact that she's fighting for like these women's rights but he was saying well you're not fighting for women's rights because you're fighting for like these men to have these you know it's she's like you're not making sense she's like well that's trans that's transphobic
Senator Holly and I'm just like opens trans people to quote violence was that the wording.
Yeah before I suicide. So yeah yeah I mean like I know that's this kind of stuff.
It really does like frustrate me because it's just it's just blanking ignorance or it's just people just choosing to live a lie knowing it is a lie, you know, and it's like, you know trans people make up like what like 0 .2.
Well, yeah, they're a minority 0 .2 % of the population, you know, and we're supposed to like everyone else is supposed to be like comedy accommodate to you know, how they feel and stuff like that.
And like, you know, it's been like there's a lot of studies that like there's a lot of suicide after they've transitioned after they've transitioned where there wasn't evidence of that before, you know, they try to turn that all in all because they were bullied because this but then you know just throughout history people that have dealt with way worse stuff the suicide rate was like astronomically lower.
So my thing is like her logic doesn't make any sense. Quote unquote logic.
There's two groups of people. I'd like to say something to the first would be to people who would call themselves trans people.
I nor anyone here nor anyone that I know of at the church have any hate in our hearts for you zero.
Yeah, what you are doing? Is living a lie.
And it is in violation of God's commandment, but it is in no worse violation of God's commandment than my own violations of God's commandments.
In other words, it does not put you in more or less of a need for God's grace than me.
Amen. And I I feel for you that you have believed a lie.
And maybe the other people in your life go along with it because they're too afraid to tell you the truth and I want you to know that if you call on Jesus as Lord from your heart, you will find him to be nothing more than a perfect Savior.
But the other group would be Christians who placate this who support this kind of stuff for you.
I'd have a much harsher word to professing themselves to be wise. They became fools.
There is nothing more hateful in the world than having the truth that determines one's eternal destiny and then shielding that to placate someone's feelings.
That's the most hateful thing. I could ever think of anyone doing that is the most hateful thing is that you know, the bridge is out and you're telling them it's fine keep on going.
That's the most hateful thing I could ever think of. Okay. Yeah, you mentioned
Matt Walsh earlier. People it's like the Emperor has no clothes people know observably people won't look me in the eye and say yes that 300 pound dude with that Adams Apple is a woman that you know that's not true.
You know, that's not true. And then when Christian people say it's loving to let people live that lie in spite of what
God has said. Again, I find that hateful and then I would say this justice.
Yeah service because because Matt Walsh he goes to these universities. Wasn't one of them like a gender study.
Yeah, I guess he walks up to a bunch of wealthy students.
Most of them white. He says what is a woman? No one can answer it.
He says can a man get pregnant have every one of them say?
Yes, then he goes to a tribe in the center of Africa and he has a translator and he says can a man get pregnant and they all laugh at him.
Yeah and say of course not that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard because God's truth is so evident.
You don't need a four -year hundred and thirty thousand dollar degree from a major University.
We literally are spending a quarter of a million dollars per per student to learn lies that are evidently and outwardly true to everyone on planet
Earth. That's what we're doing that everyone on planet Earth knows this false nose is is false my four -year -old who have never taught what features to look for in a face or whatever of what the difference is between a boy and the girl can tell me every kid in their shoe.
That's a boy and every kid in their shoes a girl right and I have not taught her that it's and it's not because everyone's dressed in some social construct of blue and pink or anything.
It's because it's evident God's truth and creation is evident and making a mockery of that as a
Christian. I struggle to believe what your commitment to God is and if it is
I beg you loving someone is telling them the truth not telling them a lie. I'm rambling telling them what they need to hear.
That's right. You know, sometimes it sounds that's the greatest way to show love. It's like it sucks.
All right, right like to have to bite. Hey, look like I know you don't want to hear this but I have to tell you this.
I need people to tell me that yeah, yeah, sometimes it sucks but I mean I have to tell you your jokes aren't funny right and sometimes sometimes they're not true like that one.
But yeah, what were you saying? I lost my train of thought but at least you didn't lose your boat of thought just your train of thought.
You hear that cricket Nick. I'm going to need you to edit cricket. He's here. Seth's laughing at me laughing at you doing what laughing that I was right.
He's agreeing that you said I think he was laughing and she was saying about you about who was were you laughing at her notice our little friend here at her about what about the all his he's getting embarrassed we better stop.
He's like in lioness just embarrassed. Anyway, oh he just got it.
I was going to ask you a question. Pastor actually know somebody who was transgender that I didn't previously know now that I know it's it's very evident.
I guess I was just like I didn't know this person. I was trying to be nice. So like I have not talked had a conversation to this person.
How could I as a Christian show Christ love to her and speak well to him and speak truth.
Is this a man or a woman? It's a man in truth. It's a man who believes he's a woman. Yes. Wait, I miss is this something you know, like specifically or you just put know that this is actually somebody
I know first off someone in like passing. This is somewhat related. So sometimes people ask me like I would have no problem with this part if if he legally in other words,
I don't have a problem to say. Okay, you want me to call you that name? That's fine because I was introduced.
Well, I was introduced to this person. My name is Jillian. What a name.
Yeah. Okay. Okay. If you ask me, are you a woman the answer is no, but I'll call you
Jillian. Sure that part doesn't bother me. That's a name. I don't that doesn't bother me. How do you show
Christ love by treating their sin is no worse than yours.
Absolutely. But by still treating it as sin. So for example, I would have no problem inviting that person over to my house for dinner.
I'd have no problem like zero that would be what I want. There's no space where I want it.
Extend the same gratitude. I would anybody else but at some point
I would have to bring that up. I wouldn't do it in front of anybody else. All right. How old do you know this person not very they've been at a couple of gatherings that we've had.
I give it a I'd get to know them first and then after that I'd find a way to bring up the conversation and there are myriad of ways you could do that.
Right. But it wouldn't be the first thing I say it would. That's the thing. I mean he's really nice and we've had several conversations and he's come with like his roommate and stuff and we've all you know chatted like came to Christmas like all of it and you only you know how
I normally do this. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what the sin is. It does not matter. Right.
Because we all said it doesn't matter. Hey man are you a Christian. OK. Once I get the answer if the answer to that is yes.
So by saying that that means you believe that God's word should dictate our lives.
Right. Well that tells me how we're about to go. OK. If the answer is no well then it's just a simple gospel presentation and then it just goes that right.
But I always I almost always start with that because once someone says yes I'm a Christian whether they actually believe this or not they just pledge allegiance to God's word right.
Right. So so. Like for example when I have someone tell me. Yeah I'm a
Christian. I just don't think I have to obey what Jesus said. Well that's how do you know you're a
Christian. No tell me because the Bible says so. We're actually that so so which parts of the
Bible are acceptable to you. And how did you come to that conclusion. This part's
OK. John 3 16 is OK. But John 3 3 is not. So how did you come to that conclusion.
They lied to themselves. That's right. You know when somebody wants to do you know when people want to live in sin especially when it's very specific like I want to be a woman or want to be a man kind of thing.
You know I think what happens a lot of times I'm not saying this is the case for everybody but you know they lie to themselves so much that they convince themselves it's true and sometimes they forget that it's a lie.
I mean you know it's probably everyone in this room has done that with something. Oh absolutely. Ourselves so much we actually believe it and we we believe that it's unintentional.
Yeah. And so someone else says no that's not true. Right. That's exactly I mean there's there's things that are obviously like OK.
Nobody would try to convince themselves that that's you know OK. But I just think it's the culture today and especially with the younger like Gen Z generation even millennials.
It's about like having control over something when you feel like you don't have control.
You know you just not being accountable to anybody except yourself just having like you.
We talked about this in that one episode that ended up not getting aired is your promised piece through transitioning and doing all of these things and it's like in a lot of people like you said in some studies actually or more suicidal after they've transitioned because they realize that it doesn't give them that piece and that's the only thing that Jesus can provide.
That's that's and that's because he's the only one that can provide. Yeah. And people and that is the lie that society is being sold.
But you know if they've been convinced though right. That's the thing they've been convinced because of the culture. And then yeah because of the culture.
And then unfortunately there's a lot of parents that are pushing this stuff that they have been horrible that oh yeah the grass the grass is greener on the other side.
This will make me happy. And then once they get there it's like no right. This is. But you know what. You know what.
Brother Jeremiah said this in a sermon a few weeks ago. In reality you don't fall in the sand you slide in.
Yeah you mentioned that. Yes. OK. Did I. Yeah. His point was his point was.
Very rarely is it all of a sudden. Oh I'm embroiled in this and it's a slow fade when your foundation is not the word of God.
Everything is on the table when your foundation is not the word of God. Everything is on the table.
So however that rebellion comes out it's different for different people. Well do you want to do some of the right questions.
Yeah. Are we good on that one. I think so. Let's do. I'm satisfied. You want to do some space ones or you pick.
I don't matter. Let's do a few questions and then we'll round this up. OK. We don't know who answer who asked this question.
So it's by anonymous. What will happen if there are any humans in space during the end times or tribulation.
Yes. So I just read these questions today. And I thought that was super creative. I have never. I've never.
Well because of like the space X program you know like Elon Musk is taking people to space and like where it's going to be like Xenon.
Do you guys ever. Anybody was Xenon. You just made the space print nose a Disney movie original
Disney movie. It was like this whole thing where this this it's a space community. It's a space community and these people live in space but there are still still people inhabiting
Earth. That's called Wally. No but there are still people inhabiting the Earth. That's based on true. So you have like certain people living in space for so Wally is actually the future.
You know like when. Yeah. They're all like big and huge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're alive because they're using something.
Oh it's like yeah. It's like predicting everything. Yeah. That's the future. Like let's be real. It's already. But yeah.
So there are actual people in space at the time. So there's an actual but OK inhabiting. The question is what happens to people in space during the events of the end times.
Depends on what events you're talking about. Oh yeah. Because it's like a whole.
Like how many years thousand. Well he does like the thousand year reign and then there's like all this up so it's a good chunk of time during the tribulation.
It says end time slash tribulation. OK. So I guess either or they will not be immune to the punishments that come but that's scripture specifically say those who are on Earth.
Yes. But they are inhabitants of Earth. Right. I mean I don't want to get too detailed but when you look at some of the punishments when you look at some of the seals some of the bowls some of the trumpets et cetera that are going to happen those people will be returning to Earth in a hurry because what will be coming in from the sky will be coming in from space what will be coming in through the atmosphere they will be grounded to Earth very quickly.
Yes. Right. So there that will not be after the first couple of seals they will be returning to Earth and hiding with everyone else.
So do you have anything to add. No. OK. Next question does the
Bible say whether or not we will ever live on another planet. Kind of going with that question you want to go first for me.
Well I don't know of any place where it's never read that I've never even thought to ask that question either.
Yeah. Like I said these are like you said these questions are very creative. Does the Bible say whether or not we will ever live on another planet.
OK. So isn't there somewhere in scripture where it says God will create a new earth. Well a new heaven and a new earth.
Right. That's after another planet a recreation of this. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. But we're just assuming that that's what they mean when we're assuming they mean
Mars Venus. OK. So then yes definitely. I don't know of anywhere in scripture where it says about what.
No. And you rightly brought up when she read that before we started airing about the
Mormon thought God of Europe. Yeah. God of young planet. That's just it's all about you.
There's nowhere in scripture about that. Yeah. It's always about you. Oh yeah. No I can't think of anywhere that it says that now it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to venture to the moon the
Mars all that stuff and no I can't think of anywhere in scripture where it says like prophesize that whatever happened. OK.
Next question. What does the Bible say about the shape of the earth. And what should we say to people that try to use the
Bible as evidence of a flat earth. I've heard this one many times. I have not.
Mike Burkett must ask this question. Or Parker or Parker Ryan.
Not because he believes the earth is flat but just please comment. So I don't want to love you.
I don't want to end the beginning God created the heavens and the earth like those are the Genesis 1 is like the only scripture that I can think of that would even answer that question.
I don't want a monologue. You know isn't. Is it in Job where he says something about the earth being spherical though.
So that's right. So in Job 26 7 in Job 26 7 he says he hangs the earth on nothing.
But it doesn't say anything and grab Isaiah and Isaiah he says
God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth.
So that's a scripture you would use to argue the flat earth. Yes. So so argument against it.
He sits enthroned. Yes. Yes. That's what I meant. Yes. Yes. Yes. So on that one though. So I said that to Mike Burkett one time when he said
OK. Yeah it does say circle but can it be a flat circle. And I was like I mean well because a sphere.
No but no. But that's I think that's an interesting question though like if it could still be flat and still be no it couldn't because then the rotation and the revolution of the earth around the sun and on its own axis it would be non -existent science.
Oh yeah. I mean I know. Well and just with like the technology that we have now it is all night. That's assuming all of that is true.
It's even Psalm 19 where it talks about the course of the sun and how the sun comes from the east and sets in the west that happens from even when we say sunrise and sunset everyone understands we're actually not talking about the sun rising and sunset.
Now we are we are the ones moving like rotating. So no that'd be silly.
The reason I say that's what I think I know the reason some people think that is because of some symbolism in Isaiah where it says for example
God set the foundations of the earth. He set it on pillars left.
Right. The point of that is that God is the creator and set in motion not that there's literally pillars.
Right. I mean Job said that declared he hangs the earth on nothing. Yeah. Which by the way only verse is an amazing comment for some gravity for someone who was a simple 10 thirty five hundred years before the invention of a telescope.
Yeah. I mean that's what we're talking about. OK. Next question it kind of goes off of Job. But I read that real quick just God has given us the ability to know his creation.
The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies is handiwork. This is not something that's up for debate.
We have pictures from space and that's what I don't get is like the modern technology that we have and people but it's people can be presented with truth and still what is someone that is yes that's true.
People think because we have more access to information that we have more information now every individual may have access to more information than before but every person does not possess more information than people before us.
Right. Close. Right. Yeah. Absolutely. We're getting dumber. We are getting dumber because we're not as we have a calculator in our pocket like not because we're not they still don't know how they built the pyramid.
We're going to be like Wally. That's just one example. Right. Geniusness that we don't have apparently right.
I mean I still can't figure it out. They still don't know. They can't figure it out. I can't figure it out either. OK. So going back off of Job when did the dinosaurs dragons
Leviathan die. We'll do this one. You want to do this. We'll do this one last. OK.
Good. That was said again because I interrupted. When did the dinosaurs dragons and Leviathan die according to scripture.
OK. I feel like I'm just kidding. So would this be so we know that scripture like the first five books of the
Bible precede Job like Genesis precedes or is
Job. When was Job written because it happened before the flood wasn't it.
Was the job happened before the flood or after the flood. Because I feel like it's in correlation.
Is that right. I sound like a complete idiot. No you don't. Words are hard. You just ask for a question. I know words are hard.
I'm trying to think of how to phrase it. We don't know when Job was written. It was probably during the time of the patriarchs which is when
Abraham Isaac Jacob. It could it could have been written pre flood though.
I'm just going by like the dinosaurs because I was under the impression that the dinosaurs were kind of killed off with the flood even though they did like to her.
That's that's plausible. That's plausible. But remember we don't we can't know for sure when
Job was written and the reason Anna's bringing that up is because someone may be listening is thinking are there even dinosaurs in the
Bible. The answer that would be plausibly not dinosaur is a relatively modern word.
Right. But there are descriptions of animals in Job 40 through 42 that we may look at in a modern word dinosaur and say that sounds like a dinosaur.
For example like a tree trunk the tail is the behemoth sounds like I only know to call them long neck dinosaurs were actually called.
I don't know but they remind me of dinosaurs like a brack brachiosaurus brachiosaurus or whatever.
Just ask the. It just makes me think of land before time. Yeah I'm sorry. Makes me think of land before time.
What is my Jurassic Park. They're both good. Move on. And one is
Leviathan fire breathing in the water a lot stuff. They have the scale. We don't know when
Job was written and there's a long answer to your question. Bless you.
Thank you. Zoom type. But why did you ask that question.
When was your work written. Because I was. I couldn't remember if it was written before or after the flood.
So that's why. And I thought that flood was the answer to the question. Well it is a answer to the question.
The Bible doesn't say that the answer is the Bible didn't say it explicitly when what we call dinosaurs died off.
The Bible doesn't say that. So we can only assume we don't have any direct revelation for God when that happened.
However. Yeah. No go ahead. I was going to say I mean just think about all the other animals that have gone extinct over you know the past whatever and it could be because of the flood.
But again with the flood you had two of each kind of animal it wasn't as seven pairs of clean to one pair of unclean animals but the kind of animal it's just like two dogs you don't have like two of the same you know the different breeds and stuff so you have two kinds of the same kind that's right two of the same kind that's exactly right.
For example. All the genetic information that would have been needed for every species read breed of dog that we see today would have been contained in those original animals crazy art.
Yeah but it is crazy but we can see some evidence of that just very quickly.
If you have a child of two Olympic athletes the percentage chance of that child will be athletic is very high.
OK. So when you have animals in a certain part of the world that develop these kind of traits in order to survive.
We have no problem with that type of what we would call micro evolution meaning the dog still a dog.
Just because just because they end up over generations having bigger muscles because they had to run further distances for example is not a macro style evolution but we're getting off topic.
We need to have Dana on for that. Yes. That would be another fun one. The Bible doesn't say when they became extinct but it probably would be a number of factors including the flood.
Yeah. But at any rate there is a good little resource for that. Answers and Genesis has a little tiny booklet like I'm talking like this called
What Happened to the Dinosaurs. It's pretty helpful that plus they put out so much stuff for free.
They probably have 12 million things on that. But yeah there's reference to probably probably what we would call dinosaurs in the
Bible but it does not say when they disappeared. All right. You have any idea what we got there man.
I don't really know a whole lot about that subject when I do. That's OK. I learned from Dana. So real quick Jurassic Park let's think dinosaur movies from Jurassic Park Land Before Time.
Can we throw in Matthew Broderick Godzilla as a dinosaur movie is acceptable. Absolutely not.
Matthew Broderick's Godzilla. I never watched that terrible movie but it just yeah I didn't come on.
Is it a good movie. Oh yeah. That was a question. OK. What's the question. Sorry. So are there any other dinosaur movies or Jurassic Park.
Dinosaur by Disney. Yeah. Yeah. The Good Dinosaur by Pixar. Dinosaur don't have music in it.
It's like. No that. Gosh I did. Which one of my time that movie. I don't know what you're talking about.
I haven't seen that one. That's all weirdness. I used to love it when it first came out. The dinosaur movie. I hate.
I watched it like a few years later and I'm like are there any other dinosaur movies. The Good Dinosaur from Pixar.
I haven't seen anything we talk about like a little action movies are we talking about. OK. Dinosaur like Toy Store doesn't count just because there's a dinosaur because I mean dinosaur movies.
I just get. OK. Yeah. The Good Dinosaur. All right. Dinosaur.
Just Dinosaur. Jurassic World. That. Land Before Time. I can't think of any more.
Why do you ask. I'm just making sure that there's only one that matters though.
Land Before Time. Jurassic Park. Can I say something though. The first Jurassic World.
Is trash. Disagree completely. Is one of the best callback movies ever.
They did so good with references callbacks to the original. So they drowned you in fan service.
That's what that was. Listen. You can be with the other nerds behind the cameras next time if you want to.
What I'm saying is it was a good movie. And if you don't think so I think. I have no comment because I don't watch.
You can be wrong. I'm not wrong about this. Jurassic Park. Which one's the best. Go ahead and say the third one.
That's not even a good movie. The only one that matters is the first one. The rest are some of them are of all six movies.
You're saying the only one that's good is the first one. Number three about the velociraptors and the pterodactyls.
You don't think you think that's a good movie. Yes. I think the second one's not a good movie. I wouldn't consider the third one.
It's the second one where they go to San Diego and like the T -Rex is loose in San Diego. Yeah. That one's terrible.
That one's pretty. I say the third one is a little bit better than the second. It's a lot better. It's still not a good movie.
No. The third one is a good movie. So. OK. Fine. I don't
OK. We'll say I'll say this. I'm not going to say it's not a good movie. I'm just going to say that I don't think it's a good movie because I don't want to be like oh it's this or the other my personal preference.
But there are some things that are objective not subjective. For example if someone said my opinion is Lord of the Rings is a bad movie your opinion doesn't matter anymore.
Absolutely right. That's how that is wrong. Yeah. You either like Lord of the Rings or you're wrong. Yeah. You're either a
Christian too far. Well yeah. I don't know. I don't know. All right. Anyway. Dark Knight is one of the best movies ever made.
It's not the best. It's definitely not the best. But I will agree it is one of it's a great movie.
The trilogy as a whole. No it's great trilogy too. All right. We're good.
We're good. How does Hunter normally in this. Drop it in the comments. Drop it in the comments go to the
Google thing. I don't know what our email is. I don't know what our email is.
Listen at point taken Christian podcast. I don't listen.
You are just please link it in the description. Everyone is. What is it. Listen point taken podcast at Gmail dot com.
I know this point taken podcast at Gmail dot com. Please comment questions send it to the email.
Yeah. How many more questions do we have. I like a few like at least three. Forty seven. A few is three hours.
Yes. A few questions left just so we can answer those. Three more. OK. And then we need some more. Yeah. Yeah.
So. All right. You ready to do the thing. He does. Yeah. I'm going to say deuces.
You have to say it with me. I have to say what deuces. What. Do you see yes.
Sure. OK. Is that right. Yeah. Yeah. Doses. So. Until next time. Deuces.
Like we'll do this. It just takes out one sentence. He just records out of context on purpose. Don't have a child.