10 Great Pastors You Should Listen To!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So one of the biggest complaints
I get on this channel is this, Colin, you don't think anybody else is a good pastor. In your mind, everybody out there is a false teacher besides yourself.
You think you're the only Christian who knows the real truth about the Bible. This is of course not true, and it's not based on any of my actual ideas, rather, the complaint is based on a caricature of me.
People say that I think I'm infallible and that my views are always correct and perfect. This is simply not true.
I have admitted my faults on this channel several times on many occasions whenever my behavior was improper, and I plan on doing that in the future.
I'm not perfect, and I've never claimed to be. It is Christ alone who is perfect, and His sacrifice covers me by His grace.
People also say that I believe there's no pastors in the modern church who we can trust. That is simply not true at all.
I have often recommended great pastors on my channel several times, but just in case you need me to do it again,
I've decided to make this video, a list of 10 different pastors who I think are solid men of God with good teaching.
When I offer this list, I'm not suggesting that I agree with every position taken by these men on everything, or that I've given my stamp of approval to all of their actions ever.
I'm simply saying that compared to the false teachers I call out on my channel, these are faithful men of God who
I do not believe will lead you astray in your faith. By the way, this is not a ranking system. It's just a list.
These men are not being listed in an order that reflects their skill or their doctrinal purity. They're just being listed in the order that I wrote them down.
So let's get into it. Number one. We have John MacArthur. John is a great man of God and a dedicated pastor.
He's been teaching at Grace Community Church for over 50 years. Now many of you may remember that I disagreed with John MacArthur rather publicly in a recent video, but this was simply based on my own misunderstanding of the situation, further demonstrating that I am not infallible, nor have
I ever said otherwise. In any case, John is a very gifted man and a doctrinally sound teacher of the
Word. Number two. Paul Washer. Paul is a Reformed Baptist who is widely known for his shocking youth message.
That's a sermon he gave, and it's one of the most popular of all time, or at least in recent times, and for good reason.
It was a groundbreaking sermon that struck to the very heart of the casual Christianity that we see all too often in our day and age, especially in youth ministries.
Paul is also a passionate evangelist and a missionary, as well as the founder of the missionary organization called
HeartCry. Number three. R .C. Sproul. Sproul recently died, unfortunately, after being a dedicated
Presbyterian minister for many years. He also founded the Ligonier organization, which offers many helpful articles and blog posts when it comes to understanding the intricacies of many doctrines of the faith.
Sproul fought hard for the truth of God's Word, and he clearly demonstrated the importance of believing the
Word of God wholeheartedly. The Lord, in his wisdom, decided to take Sproul to heaven, and he was gracious in doing so.
We must remember that. But I also must say that Sproul's presence is dearly missed in these trying times.
Number four. Doug Wilson. Now, Doug is a very interesting man. He's not only a dedicated pastor, but a highly accomplished writer and debater.
You'd be hard -pressed to find a man who's blessed with more ability to turn a phrase than Doug Wilson. He's an excellent writer and speaker.
Of course, he has also defended the traditional rules of men and women held by the Church for thousands of years, and in response, of course, he has become a whipping boy for many modern evangelicals in some ways.
He's treated with a lot of hostility when it comes to progressive and liberal Christians who find his no -nonsense approach concerning.
He has some unique views, I'll give him that, and I myself have disagreed with Doug Wilson on a few occasions, but that's inevitable.
Whatever the case may be, I know that Doug Wilson is a good man of God who has many good sermons for you to listen to.
Number 5, Stephen Lawson. Stephen Lawson is the president and founder of One Passion Ministries, and he's a pastor as well.
If I could describe Stephen's sermons in a word, it would be deep. He really gets below the surface level in his sermons and digs into the true exegetical meaning of the text.
His sermons are fantastic, and they're all available online for free. Number 6, Jeff Durbin.
Jeff is the pastor of Apologia Church in Phoenix, Arizona. He's a good man of God who stands up against things like abortion or sinful modern feminists, and his preaching is passionate and doctrinally sound.
In addition to this, I highly recommend his ministry Apologia Studios on YouTube, wherein Jeff and many of his friends deal with cults like Mormonism, New Age spirituality, and even unbiblical church movements like Bethel.
Number 7, James White. James White is a church elder and the founder of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
In addition to being a servant of his local church, James is an accomplished debater. He has done hundreds of debates, several of them on different continents, like Europe and Africa.
Over the course of his ministry, he has fought for sound doctrine and the truth of God's Word. More than this, he has even partnered with Jeff Durbin now over at Apologia Church and often preaches sermons there.
Number 8, Charles Spurgeon. Charles Spurgeon was a great man of God who lived in the late 1800s.
And the reason I talk about Spurgeon now is because it's important to understand that Christianity has a history.
There are many pastors from the past whose works we can read today, and we can be edified greatly by the things we learn.
Charles was a valiant man who stood for the truth of God's Word, especially against many of the common false teachings of his day.
As far as I know, some of his work is even in the public domain and may be available for absolutely no cost. Go ahead and look that up.
Number 9, Matthew Henry. Henry was a Presbyterian minister in the late 1600s and early 1700s.
He wrote one of the most popular Bible commentaries that we have today. His notes on the Old and New Testaments are still relevant in our modern age and are an inspiration to many
Christians. This commentary is available at no cost to you and can be accessed online very easily.
I will also provide a link to this in the description. Which brings me to point number 10. Last but not least, we have your local pastor.
It is very easy to get wrapped up into only listening to popular celebrity pastors, but that is not the only way we receive sound
Biblical teaching. In fact, Biblically speaking, you're only actually commanded to receive teaching from your local pastor.
Of course, it's not a sin to listen to a pastor of a different church. I'm simply saying it's only commanded that you meet with your local church to receive teaching there, as described in Hebrews 10 .25.
There are many faithful men of God whose names will never be known to us because they only pastored small to medium -sized churches.
But they were great men of God nonetheless, and they were good shepherds and teachers regardless of the accolades that they received or didn't receive.
My recommendation is to find a good, solid Reformed church near you, a church that has a multiplicity of male elders.
Rather than a single set of two pastors, a man and a woman, who are married to each other and who have no accountability, and who run your local seeker -sensitive megachurch.
Stay away from that kind of thing. Find a church that preaches the Word of God in an exegetically responsible way.
My recommendation for this is to look for a church that has expository preaching. That is, they preach directly from the
Scriptures verse by verse. And finally, this channel is about discernment. So no matter who your pastor is, remember they are not infallible.
Read your Bible and compare it to the teaching of your pastor. That's what the Bereans did in Acts 17, and Paul called them noble for that.
Humbly and kindly approach your pastor if you think he is an heir, no matter which church you go to. And under no circumstances should you stand up and yell during his sermon or do anything brash such as that.
Do everything in a biblical way. So in conclusion, the people I have listed are great pastors.
As far as I know, all of them have sound doctrine. Again, I'm not affirming the entirety of any one ministry
I've mentioned. I'm simply saying that from these teachers you will see faithful teaching as opposed to the inaccurate stuff that often comes out of churches like Hillsong or Bethel or Elevation or churches like them.
Remember, this is not an exhaustive list of doctrinally sound pastors. There are many, many more, and we should thank
God for that. And finally, find a solid Reformed church near you with biblical practices and sound doctrine.
Dedicate yourself to serving the people of this church and loving them as the body of Christ ought to be loved.
I'll try to put links to the ministries of all these men in the description so that you can listen to them or read their work.
Please pray for these men of God who I've listed, that they would continue their good work as unto the Lord, and that God would protect them from any kind of false teaching.
Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.