Kent Hovid speaks on Dinosaur's and earth's canopy



And I am recording. Okay, and I'm watching the bar go across and, and even what
I'm saying might end up being on Facebook. But we're just gonna make sure that we don't get cut off or anything.
So I think we're good to go. So should I have June pray? Or do you want to pray? If June would like to pray?
That's totally fine. June, would you do that? So Terry can keep an eye on Facebook Live? Right?
I'm unmuting. Can you hear me? Yep. Okay. All right. Heavenly Father, thank you for this evening together.
Thank you for bringing Kent Hovind to us. We ask that you're glorified through this presentation.
And we love you, Jesus. Let this be all about you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen.
Okay, so I'm Terry Camerizell. I'm here on behalf of Creation Fellowship Santee.
This is the fellowship that we have right now on the zoom platform. Our group is a group of like minded people who love the
Lord and believe his his word right from the beginning of Genesis, when he beautifully describes the way that he formed the worlds from nothing and created life.
And so that even though we have a wide range of speakers that have come and blessed us with different topics, that is the common bond that binds us.
And we're, we're just excited. And so you can find us on Facebook, our page is
Creation Fellowship Santee. That's Santee is S -A -N -T -E -E.
And then also we have our YouTube channel Creation Fellowship Santee as well. And we have a great number of videos of speakers from 2020 when we started our lockdown society and had to take things to the internet and God has just used our determination to make lemonade from lemons.
So tonight, we're blessed to have Kent Hovind as our speaker. Kent Hovind is one of the early pioneers of today's young earth creation community.
His, his nickname Dr. Dino and his enthusiasm for science and dinosaurs comes after his passion for evangelism and winning souls for Jesus.
His vibrant and engaging presentation style has taken him to schools, churches, universities, and even radio and television debates over the years.
But his passion for sometimes considered unpopular views has also made him somewhat of a controversial figure.
Praise the Lord that God's ways are higher than ours. And that what men mean for evil sometimes
God can use for good. Kent is the founder of Creation Science Evangelism Ministry and his
God ordained time in prison has poised his ministry to be able to reach an even broader audience of people hungry to hear the truth of God's Word right from the foundation of Genesis.
Kent is a father and grandfather. God has recompensed Kent's investment by carrying the creation passion on to his son,
Eric Hovind, who's our ministry friend, the founder of creation today. And so we're just real excited and thrilled to have
Kent here with us tonight. His technology isn't, isn't, isn't the best.
So we're going to pray that everything goes great. We're going to hear his voice and we're going to see his presentation and we're going to be blessed by it.
So Kent, go ahead. Well, thank you for having me. As you said, my name is
Kent Hovind. It has been for a long time. I was a high school science and math teacher for 15 years.
I've been ordained Baptist preacher for, let's see, 46 years now. And when
I was a brand new Christian, I began, you know, reading my Bible. And at the same time, I'm keeping all this stuff.
I was majoring in math and science, which I taught for 15 years. And I come across books like this one here, you know, the children's book
I can read about dinosaurs. I was brought up loving dinosaurs.
But you look at the first page in the book, and it will say something to the effect of millions of years ago.
And so I was a very firm believer that the Earth is millions or billions of years old. And dinosaurs live millions of years ago, because that's what the books all teach.
But then when I started reading my Bible, and I started as an as a young Christian as a 16 year old,
I gave my heart to the Lord got saved, started riding the bus to a little Baptist church in Pekin, Illinois.
It was an independent temperamental fundamental right wing radical chicken eating Baptist church. And it didn't take me long reading my
Bible. I said, Wow, somebody is lying. Either my textbook is lying, or the
Bible is lying because the Bible dates add up to, you know, 6000 years, not millions.
So what's this about the dinosaurs? This is certainly calling Jesus a liar when they say millions of years ago, millions of years ago, huge dinosaurs walked the
Earth. This is what the books teach. And kids are taught this before they can even read. Mama is reading this to them.
Millions of years ago, dinosaurs roamed the Earth. This is pure propaganda. Here's Dr.
Seuss, not hundreds of years, not thousands of years, but millions of years, long before you were born.
This propaganda is intense. And kids before they can read, you know, get out of college are taught this stuff is crammed down their throat.
All about dinosaurs living millions of years ago. Kids have been brainwashed into looking at life with a false preconceived idea, before they can even read that.
I went to a spoke at a public school one time about 300 first graders in the auditorium. I said,
Hey, boys and girls, when did dinosaurs live? And instantly all of them shouted out millions of years ago.
These are first graders, they can barely read, but they already have been indoctrinated with the propaganda about millions of years in the book of Colossians in the
Bible. It says by him talking about Jesus, were all things created.
If everything was created by Jesus, that he probably should know how old it is. And Jesus said in Matthew 19, for he answered and said unto them, have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female.
In this passage, Jesus is talking about marriage and divorce. He said, haven't you guys read that when he made them at the beginning, now hold on a minute, was the creation of Adam and Eve the beginning?
Well, Jesus said it was in Mark 10, six, we got a similar verse. From the beginning of the creation,
God made them male and female. So Jesus claimed that Adam and Eve were that was the beginning.
We see in the book of Romans, as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin.
And so death passed upon all men for that all have sin. Where did death come from?
According to the Bible, man, Adam specifically, and Eve brought death into the world.
According to evolution, millions of years of death brought man into the world. Exact polar opposite.
Somebody is lying here. First Corinthians 15, since by man came death, by man came the resurrection for in Adam all died.
The Bible could not be more clear that man introduced death into the world. The whole evolution theory says,
Oh, no, millions of years of death brought man into the world. Because you get one animal that evolves a little better than the rest.
Well, now the rest of them have to die to make this work to make the superior species take over the population and slowly change from an amoeba to a human.
So the Bible says the first man Adam was made a living soul.
Well, was he the first man? Aristotle said, the benefit of the doubt is to be given to the document, not to the critic.
If someone's arguing about a document, something that is written, the document, of course, cannot speak for itself.
So it gets the benefit of the doubt here, the Bible clearly teaches that the creation of Adam was the beginning.
And there are those who criticize that. They don't believe it. Okay. Well, the benefit of the doubt goes to the document.
Bible says Adam, who was the first man, and nothing died until he sinned.
Adam lived 130 years and begat a son called his name Seth. Seth lived 105 years and begat
Enos. Enos lived 90 years and begat Canaan. All you got to do is add up the dates and we have a chart like this that's laminated, you can use for placemats on your table.
They're on our website, dr .dino .com. You can go on there and get six of them for 30 bucks to make placemats.
When your skeptic friends come to lunch, that will stir up an interesting conversation. But here you see the dates added up.
Adam was 130 plus 105 plus 90. And plus, it's interesting to notice before the flood came, the people are living a long time.
Adam lived to be 930. Something was different back then. But after the flood, it dropped off to 400 years, people only live to be 400, and then 200.
And today, hardly anybody makes it to 100. So something was very different back then, in this what we call the pre flood era.
How can a man live to be 900? And where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? Well, it's very simple.
Reptiles never stopped growing. Never. If everything pre flood was living longer, well, then the reptiles would grow to be huge.
Adam, by the way, lived long enough to meet Noah's daddy. You don't catch those kind of things reading the
Bible, but when you graph it out to scale, it's like, oh, wow. Can you imagine a family reunion in those days?
And Adam, Noah lived a long time after the flood, but Noah's son Shem, he lived long enough to meet
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jacob was going to meet
Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said, How old are you? He said, I'm 130. But this is nothing, you should see my ancestors.
So anyway, people ask me the questions. I do a lot of debates, universities had 225 debates, I believe now, maybe 230, if you count them up.
But I defend the position that the Bible is literally true, and scientifically accurate. God made everything and I mean everything, stars, everything in six literal 24 hour days.
We cover that on my video series and on our website, dr .dino .com and my YouTube channel, Kent Hovind official.
We do a new YouTube every night, you can watch on there, people have question answer time, that'll be tomorrow night, Q &A time.
Okay, who did Adam's sons marry? The Bible says in Genesis five, the days of Adam after he begat
Seth were 800 years and begat sons and daughters. How many kids could you have in 800 years?
A lot. Adam's kids married sisters.
Jim Bob Duggar is a friend of mine from Arkansas, he had 19 kids in 23 years. Pretty good average.
So you could have a lot of kids, Adam's sons had to marry sisters, first place, there's no other choice. Secondly, who would you report them to?
They were the only people in the world. Thirdly, there were no laws against this until 2500 years later.
There's no need for the law against marrying close kin, because there weren't any deformed chromosomes. Genetic load has built up over the centuries, to where now it's unsafe to marry closer than a second cousin.
But secondly, fourthly, Adam married his own rib. So it's not a problem to marry sisters. Anyway, so here we have the people before the flood living to be 900.
In getting to know Noah's daddy, Lamech, could have known him. I did a family reunion back in those days, get all the kids on the camel and come home.
Anyway, until Eve ate them out of house and home. That's another long story there. So after the flood,
Noah's son Shem had a baby and named him Arphaxad. These guys lived long enough to tell the story of the flood to their great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren.
So I think the flood legends and stuff were preserved perfectly flawlessly exactly as happened.
Pharaoh said to Jacob, how old are thou? Jacob said to Pharaoh, the days of the years of my pilgrimage are 130.
Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been and have not attained until the days of the years of the life of my father.
Why would Jacob tell Pharaoh I'm 130. But this is nothing compared to my father's my ancestors.
Well, Jacob could have known Shem, a 600 year old. So if you're 130, but you know, a 600 year old down the street, you just you don't feel so old,
I guess. Anyway, Bible says Enos lived 90 years, Canaan lived 70 years and begat
Mahalio. You go through and add up the dates and it comes to approximately 4000 BC. So I don't think there's a question, at least not in my mind.
And certainly most people who study this will say, well, the Bible intends to teach that the earth was created about 4000 years before Christ.
And now it's been 2000 after Christ, so about 6000 years ago. What was it like before the flood came?
And why did they live to be 900? And where do dinosaurs fit in? My favorite topic, dr .dino
.com. So during this time, while they're living a long time average age is 912 from the account given in Genesis chapter five.
Short answer, how do they live so long? Well, the pre flood world or pre flood people had a perfect genetic code.
Adam was actually designed to live forever. Forget the 900 years he should have been could have lived forever.
That's what their genetic code would have done. God gave them a perfect diet.
He covers that in Genesis chapter one. And in chapter well, it puts several places in the
Bible, they had perfect soil over probably 90 % of the earth. Today, most of the earth is underwater.
70 % of the earth is still underwater, I think from Noah's flood. And a whole lot of the rest of it is ice caps or deserts or treeless tundra.
Only about 3 % of the world is habitable for mankind today. 3%.
Let's assume since God built the earth to be inhabited, like he said, that's why he created it, he created it to be inhabited.
And today 97 % of it is uninhabitable. So something must have changed.
I think the flood changed all that. But the pre flood world probably had perfect soil and was probably habitable over let's just pick a number and say 90 % of the earth.
The Bible mentions the earth had seas and rivers, but no oceans.
I think the water was under the crust of the earth, which is covered in a minute here. I think they probably had increased air pressure, and increased oxygen in the pre flood world.
I strongly believe in what's called the canopy theory. There are other creationist groups that do not. And I'm sorry, they are wrong.
And I am right. I'll be glad to debate them on that scripturally or scientifically. I think the pre flood world had filtered sunlight because of a couple inch layer of ice over the atmosphere, it would have less
UV and less x ray. So that's one of the reasons. But not just the Bible teaches it. Many ancient cultures have legends of what they call a golden age, when man used to live to be 1000.
Why would all these ancient cultures have the same legend? Well, because it's true, they did live to be nearly 1900.
And so the term golden age comes from Greek mythology, the works of days of Hesiod, part of the description of a temporal decline of the state of people through five ages, gold being the first and most one, during which the golden race of humanity lived.
Those living in the first age were ruled by Kronos, which we use the word Krono for time. God is outside of time.
He just said I am. But that's another story. So they go through the different ages, you can study about golden age and Google it yourself.
They live to a very old age with a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully with spirits living on as guardians.
This is what they teach about the golden age. Plato recounts the golden race of humans who came first.
He says Hesiod did not mean literally made of gold, but good and noble. The people were good and noble.
Hesiod maintains that during the golden age, before the invention of the arts, the earth produced food in such abundance that there was no need for agriculture.
Men lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote from and free from toil and grief.
Miserable age rested not on them. That's what Hesiod taught. But with legs and arms never failing, they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all devils.
When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep and they had all good things. You can just Google golden age.
There's plenty of that. Empedocles wrote, like Hesiod, emphasize the idea of primordial innocence and harmony in all of nature.
What was this golden age about? Well, the textbooks will teach the kids millions of years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Now hold it, somebody is lying, or mistaken, because the dates in the
Bible certainly add up to about, you know, 6 ,000, not millions. So did they live millions of years ago?
Well, let's see. Could it be people have always lived with dinosaurs? They just had a different name for them.
They put them on their artwork. They put them on the pottery. They have legends about people killing dragons.
What was that original creation like? Why could they live to be 900? What did they eat before the flood came?
And what will it be like in the 1 ,000 year reign of Christ when Jesus fixes things back, like it used to be?
It's going to be returned like it used to be for 1 ,000 years. Okay. Where did all the water for the flood come from?
And where did it go? I debate many atheists. One of them said, Hovind, if that was a worldwide flood, where did all that water go?
I said, it's still here. It's in the oceans. The oceans are huge. There's enough water out there right now to cover the earth a mile and a half deep everywhere, 8 ,000 feet if you smooth out the earth.
And were there giant people on the earth over 10 feet tall? The Bible says there were giants in the earth in those days.
Okay. Second Peter chapter three, knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, people who scoff at God's words, walking after their own lust and saying, where is the promise of his coming?
For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this, they willingly are ignorant of.
Willingly ignorant means dumb on purpose. They really do not want
God telling them what to do. They're willingly ignorant of three things. Number one, that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and notice the word heaven is plural heavens.
There are three heavens mentioned in the Bible, but the scoffers are willingly ignorant. That means dumb on purpose about all this.
And the earth was standing out of the water and in the water. How can the earth be out and in at the same time?
We'll cover that in a second, but this is critical to understanding dinosaurs. Heavens, plural, there's more than one heaven.
And second Peter three, six, it says whereby, what's the whereby referred to? It refers to the water.
There was, the earth was standing in the water and out of the water, whereby means by that water, the world that then was being overflowed with water, perished.
The world was destroyed by a flood. So the scoffers are ignorant of the creation and they're ignorant of the flood.
But the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word, that would be the word of God, are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
So the scoffers are ignorant of the creation, which was be about 6 ,000 years ago or 4 ,000
BC. They're ignorant of the flood about 4 ,400 years ago. And they're ignorant of the coming judgment, which
I take to be coming pretty soon. I wrote a book on what's going to happen next. You know, what, what on earth is about to happen.
And there's a bunch of charts and stuff and all that on my website, drdino .com. I like that bumper sticker. Jesus is coming soon.
And boy, is he mad. That's the truth. He's coming. Anyway, sadly, many Christians are also ignorant of the creation.
And they've come up with the dumb idea called the gap theory that between verse one and two, there's a gap or the day age theory.
We cover that on separate DVD. Now the dates are correct as written. So you need to study the creation, the flood and the coming judgment of God.
So Genesis one, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. You skip down to verse five.
And God called the light day and the darkness, he called night, the evening and the morning were the first day.
This is called the definite article in English. It was the first day. We explain all the problems with the gap theory and the day age theory on separate
DVDs, if you want to take those on. Verse six, God said, let there be a firmament.
Well, what is that? We'll see in a minute. If you keep reading the Bible, it usually interprets itself.
It's pretty cool. Self -interpreting. There's going to be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters.
People say, well, hold it. If the firmament divides the water from the water, then the firmament must be the continents or the dirt that divides the oceans.
Oh, no, no. Some say it's the dirt to keep the oceans away from each other. No, that is not the firmament.
I'll show you. God said, let the waters that bring forth abundantly, the moving creature that hath life and fowl, that's birds, that may fly above the earth in the open firmament.
Well, there it is. What is the firmament? It's the place where the birds fly. We would call that the atmosphere, the air.
God said, let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night.
And he made the sun, moon and stars and all that stuff. So that's the second heaven. In second
Corinthians, Paul said, I knew a man in Christ 14 years ago who was caught up to the third heaven.
The first heaven is where the birds fly. The second heaven is where the stars are. And the third heaven apparently is where God lives.
Bible says, the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork. There are three heavens.
God made the firmament, that would be the air where the birds fly, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament.
It could not be more clear. There used to be water above the air, not there anymore.
Psalm 148, David wrote this about a thousand years before Christ. Praise him ye heavens of heavens and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Wait a minute. Was there still water above the heaven in David's time? Well, yes.
Interestingly enough, I think there's still a canopy of ice or water beyond the stars.
I couldn't prove that to anybody. That's just my theory, that there was a, an earth, a layer of air, water above that.
And then a layer of stars, bazillions of them goes out a long way. And then I think there's still a canopy of ice beyond the stars.
That's the Hovind theory. Maybe everything that we see is just a big snow globe on God's dresser.
He picks it up and shakes it once in a while. But 2 Peter 3 said, the scoffers are ignorant of how the earth standing out of the water and in the water.
What does that mean? It says he sits upon the circle of the earth and he stretcheth out the heavens.
Stretcheth out the heavens. What does that mean? That stretching of the heavens is mentioned 17 times in the
Bible. You can Google it in a good Bible search program. If he stretched out the heavens and he mentioned it 17 times,
I think he must want us to, to understand how important that is. Everybody's asking the question, if the earth is only 6 ,000 years old, how did the light to get from the stars to the earth?
Because there are millions of light years away. This is the argument they use. I say, guys, you're asking the completely wrong question.
The question is not how did the light get from the star to here? But how did the star get from here to there?
It says he stretcheth out the North over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing. He sits upon the circle of the earth.
The Bible has always taught the earth is round. And he stretched out the heavens as a scourge and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.
He stretched forth the heavens, Isaiah 44, Zechariah chapter 12. He stretched forth the heavens 17 times.
So Genesis 1 says in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. There was one heaven singular.
Later in the next couple verses, he slices it up into three slices, first heaven, second heaven, and third heaven.
On day four, he made the stars. So instead of, see, the earth was made before the stars, the stars are made on day four, earth was made on day one.
So instead of asking how did the light get from the star to the earth, they should be asking how did the star get from here to there?
He made the earth and then he made the stars and stretched them out into place, which means they could be billions of light years away, and still be 6000 years old.
Because Adam and Eve would see the taillights of the stars as they're receding at who knows what velocity.
So knowing the scoffers are ignorant of the creation and the heavens, heavens how they were standing out of the water and in the water.
Your earth's atmosphere today has six layers to it. Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, exosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, etc.
I taught her science for 15 years. Okay, there's no question the earth has Earth's atmosphere has has strata and layers to it.
I agree. Okay. I believe there used to be a seventh layer of water or ice above the atmosphere.
If you go up about six miles, and again, at about 50 miles up, you get a heat sink, where it gets down to 100 below zero, it's right now straight over your head over the
Sahara Desert, quote, six miles, and it's about 100 below zero. So Hovind theory, at these one of these heat sinks, all the atmosphere was squeezed down into this sphere, and a glass crystal and canopy put above it, called a crisp called the canopy theory.
Now some of the creationist groups don't believe it, and I'll be bad to debate him on I think the scripture is clear, there was water above the firmament.
So if we squeezed all the air that's currently stretched out, say 50 miles, squeeze it down to 10 miles, and put a cap over the top a couple inch layer of ice to protect it to give it a big canopy or protection around the whole earth, called the canopy theory.
Now, this guy calls it a vapor canopy. I don't believe that I probably think it's probably ice. The best picture
I could find, though, I believe it's an ice canopy. See ice will block out ultraviolet and harmful rays from the sun, but allows in visible light.
X -ray and UV radiation would be blocked by a canopy of ice overhead. Some people think this ice layer might have been suspended by air pressure like a big inflatable building.
You can get they make giant buildings, you blow them up, you know, they make it football stadiums that are inflatable roof over the top.
So it could be that is one option of what the original earth was like it was protected by this canopy overhead to be by an inflatable inflating process.
The other option is it was because the super cold ice is magnetic. There's a big inflatable building there, just pump it up.
It'll stay up. There's a giant one. Just you get enough air pressure, it'll hold the roof up. A cubic foot of water weighs about 62 pounds.
Ice is about 10 % less. So a one inch layer of ice would weigh about five pounds per square foot.
If this canopy overhead was indeed ice, and maybe an inch or two thick, it'd be only five or 10 pounds per square foot.
So to get that much air pressure is pretty simple. I mean, atmospheric pressure now at sea level is 14 .7
pounds per square inch, not per square foot. 144 square inches means it would only take 0 .07
pounds per square inch to inflate a couple inch layer of ice up there. Would not take much as a gymnasium where they do that.
Ice canopy could also be held up by what's called the Meissner effect with magnetics.
A magnet will float on top of another magnet called the Meissner effect where the two try to put two
North Poles together and they don't they don't push each other apart. Some of the trains in Japan are suspended off the rails by superconducting coils.
And they are magnetic levitation, it's called. Is super cold ice magnetic?
The fact that ice is dimagnetic can be demonstrated by hanging an icicle, an icicle, from a very thin string and bringing a strong magnet near one end of it.
The icicle will twist away from the magnet. Yes, ice is magnetic. The Lexus hoverboard, a magnetic repulsion, called the concentrator effect and you can study all this for years.
How that is no problem. Yes, the Earth might have been had a magnetically suspended crystalline canopy.
Magnetic charge ice slides into view from physics world about four years ago. New material magnetic charge ice.
Interesting. So a magnet floating on top of a super cold liquid nitrogen or something like that a superconductor or another magnet is called the
Meissner effect. Ice clouds are forming from the space shuttles exhaust. They drift toward the poles and float there.
50 or 51 miles above the Arctic Circle. Wow, interesting.
If you read the book of Josephus, who wrote at about the same time Jesus lived, he commented quite a bit on the
Bible. He was a Jew, but he was captured by the Romans and it was made to work for the Romans. He said, in the beginning,
God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was hidden in thick darkness and God commanded there be light and God divided the light from the darkness and he named night.
On the second day, he set the heaven above the universe surrounding it with ice. Wow, the
Jews have always taught that there was a canopy of ice above the earth.
If you read another translation of Josephus, he said he placed a crystalline firmament around it.
The earth had a crystalline firmament. The Jews have always argued about this firmament.
It's now gone, fell down at the flood, but they would say the thickness being three fingers, that'd be about two inches.
If this crystalline canopy was two inches thick, that's what they believe. This guy said the thickness of the firmament is the width of two fingers.
These Jews will argue about everything. They probably started the Church of the Three Fingers and the Church of the Two Fingers. Anyway, there was a thin layer of ice a couple inches thick.
The etymology of the word rakia reveals it clearly refers to a flattened solid surface.
If you read the legend of the Jews, it says on the second day, God brought forth four creations, the firmament, hell, fire, and the angels.
The firmament is not the same as the heavens of the first day. It is a crystal stretched forth over the heads of the hayat.
Was there a crystalline structure up there? It was made to crystallize into the solid by the heavenly fire.
Last line says the firmament is not more than three fingers thick. So I suspect the earth had a canopy of ice overhead.
This would have what we call the igloo effect. You know, Eskimo can build an ice house, go inside and build a fire, and it will not melt the roof because the heat is conducted away through the ice faster than it can reach up to melting temperature.
Snow is used because air pockets make it an insulator. Outside temperatures might be 45 below, but inside it'll be, you know, temperature inside can range up to 61 degrees just by your body heat.
So the Eskimos know about making igloos. So I think this canopy of head, this ties right into where dinosaurs fit in, if you give me just a second here.
If our current 60 miles of air were squeezed down to 10 miles inside a canopy of ice, the pressure at sea level would increase by about 50 to 100%.
So instead of 14 PSI, you'd get 20 or 25 or 30 PSI. The average temperature of empty space between celestial bodies is three degree
Kelvin. That's minus 270 Celsius or minus 457
Fahrenheit, real chilly. So a canopy of ice overhead and the
Bible says there was water under the crust of the earth, says the earth was in the water and out of the water.
The earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.
He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods. Now, wait a minute.
Was there water? Was the earth established on top of the water? That is what it is saying.
He gathereth the waters of the sea together as a heap, he layeth up the depth in storehouses.
The depth is almost always a reference to the ocean or the seas. And it says here, he laid up the depth in storehouses.
What's now in the oceans was stored up inside the earth. It says in Psalm 136, he stretched out the earth above the waters.
So it was very different. I believe there was a layer of ice overhead, maybe two or three inches thick, maybe 15 miles up 10 or 15 miles.
Then there was the crust of the earth to stand on. Again, just guessing 10 to 20 miles thick, the crust of the earth.
Under that was a layer of water under the crust of the earth. And that's where most of the floodwater came from.
The fountains of the deep broke open, the earth cracked up, and the water that was stored inside shot to the surface and caused the flood.
If there's still pockets of water trapped down there, as the water underneath would escape up to through the cracks, which are probably still visible today, the fault lines, probably where this happened, the water shooting up would allow the crust of the earth to settle down into the cavity left when the water's gone.
And it still has some pockets trapped. Walt Brown's book is excellent on the hydroploid theory on that topic, highly recommended.
It says in Genesis seven, the 600th year of Noah's life, all the fountains of the great deep were broken up.
And the windows of heaven were open. If the fountains of the deep broke open, the water shooting out would do enormous erosion along the sides of this crack, making it wider and wider.
And it might even be powerful enough with 10 miles of rock on top of this water. Once it finds a weak spot, it might even be going fast enough to launch things into orbit to get away from Earth's gravity.
Effective escape velocity, it's called. A cubic foot of rock weighs 160 pounds. 10 miles of rock would put eight and a half million pounds of pressure per square foot.
That's 30 tons per square inch. 58 ,000 psi per square inch.
I believe it could actually launch rocks into space. Some of the junk flying around in space that we run into once in a while when we see meteors could be came from the
Earth during Noah's flood. It might have got launched up 4 ,400 years ago, and we're still now drifting around finally smacking into it occasionally.
Some things if they're not launched fast enough, they would simply fall back to the Earth. But there is what's called an escape velocity.
You can read about that. Some of the debris might have later hit the moon. It's interesting that the moon's craters on the near side that we see are very different pattern than the craters on the far side.
It's like the side toward us was shot with a shotgun, blasted, and the stuff that drifted that went past and was pulled back by moon's weak gravity would be mostly make the smaller craters on the far side.
I don't know. Earth has impact sites all over it. These are places where meteors have hit the Earth.
Giving the diameter at the top the little red buttons and scale of kilometer. There are some giant craters one in Quebec, Canada with 40 some miles across.
There's one in Winslow, Arizona. I suspect this probably got hit 100 years after the flood when the rocks came.
They're still coming in from the flood being launching them out, I believe. Anyway, the water underneath would be rushing out of this crack and the crack would get wider and allow the crust to sink in.
The middle part, the Mid -Atlantic Ridge would bulge up. It's like when you press two springs together and you have weights on top.
If you get the weights far enough apart, all of a sudden the spring jumps up in between. It bulges up.
I think that's what we're seeing in the Mid -Atlantic Ridge. If the crack was eroded wide enough, the middle would bulge up causing the two shelves to slide away.
That's a really good explanation for why we have wrinkled mountains. They're called folded mountains. If you look at the lines, the strata lines, they are certainly folded up, wrinkled up, but there's no cracks where they fold at.
If there was hard rock when it was folded, there would be fracture lines. There aren't.
It was all soft layers when it folded. If you shove a rug into the wall, it's going to wrinkle up like that.
If the continental plates are drifting away from each other, sliding off the rising ridges in the middle, it's going to wrinkle up.
They're called folded or lateral compression mountains. We cover much more on that in our video number six of our series.
I think the cracks that we see on the earth, the Mid -Atlantic Ridge, San Andreas Fault, etc.,
all these fault lines probably came, this is probably where the fountains of the deep shot out. Some of those cracks are still unstable and still moving.
That's where most of the earthquakes and volcanoes are, right along those fault lines. I think it's only been 4 ,400 years since that flood.
We have the San Andreas Fault, the Hayward Fault, the New Madrid Fault, but none of them are my fault. As the water escaped up to the top, the crust would settle in and it might have trapped big, huge pockets of water that are still trapped down there today.
When they got to the bottom of the ocean, Jacques Cousteau discovered thousands, and now we know there are tens of millions of thermal vents, hot water shooting up into the bottom of the ocean.
Well, now hold on. If there's water shooting into the bottom of the ocean, where does it have to be coming from?
Lower than that. So there's probably still pockets trapped underneath, shooting hot water into the bottom of the ocean.
This is still from Noah's Flood, I believe. The hunt for Earth's deep hidden oceans.
Water bearing minerals, the mantle could hold more water than all the oceans. Could there be more water in the crust than there is on the surface?
That's what a lot of people think. Large amounts of water detected in the mantle of the
Earth. Interesting. They're saying there are huge amounts of water in Earth's mantle.
In 2016, the deepest water was found 1000 kilometers down.
That's about 600 miles down. Jules Verne's idea of an ocean deep below the surface and journey to the center of the
Earth might not have been too far off. Earth's mantle may contain many oceans worth of water.
It implies a bigger reservoir of water on the planet than previously thought. And you can read all about that deep sea hydrothermal vents, etc.
We want to get to dinosaurs up. So this stuff is probably still left over from the flood when that world was destroyed.
The world that used to allow everybody to live to be 900 was destroyed. The canopy overhead fell down.
As the water escaped to the top, the crust would sink in a few hundred feet, making the Earth speed up.
Now this is a little rabbit trail I like to look at. Today we have 365 .2422 days in a year.
That means while we're going around the sun one time, we're spinning around 365 .2422 times.
Well, many cultures talk about 360 days in a year. And 360 would sure be a lot easier to work with.
Could it be that the days in the time of Adam and pre -flood were actually 360 days per year?
And we've now sped up where it's 365 .2422. So it would be nice to have the days just a little go by just a little slower.
I think that's another story. If you concentrate the mass in the center, it causes it to spin up or to speed up.
So if the crust of the Earth sank in a few hundred feet, the Earth would actually speed up in its spin, making the
Earth get more spins per year. Divers, when they tuck tight, they will spin faster.
It might explain why most ancient cultures have 360 days in a year. And today is 365 .2422.
Escaping water and sinking crust would speed the Earth up a little bit. Other ancient calendars.
In 8th century BC, civilizations all over the world discarded or modified their old 360 -day calendars.
The 360 -day calendars had been in use for the greater part of a millennium. Month lengths immediately after that change were not fixed, but were based instead on observation of the sky.
They realized, wow, our calendar is not working. Well, this was only, this was in the 8th century
BC. Interesting. Romans used a calendar with 360 days with varying length of months.
Sometimes they had an extra month in there to put things back on where they should be.
The Egyptians used a 360 -day calendar. They added five extra days once in a while.
Well, anyway, the canopy above would make the Earth like a big greenhouse. And I don't have time to cover all of this.
You can watch my video number two for everything. Bible talks about the morning stars singing together.
Do the stars sing? Oh yeah. Job 38, the morning stars sang together.
I think Dr. Ball's right that a crystalline canopy and a couple inch thick layer of ice would change the stars' radio waves into audible signals.
It'd be like living inside of a giant stereo. And you would hear the music of the stars. God covers himself with light as with a garment.
And he stretched out to heavens like a curtain, Psalm 104. Radio telescopes can actually listen to the stars.
They don't see them, they listen to them. You can make a crystal radio with a razor blade and a couple of different components and listen to radio stations with a paperclip.
It's just, it's not complicated to pick up radio waves. Radio signals, they're picking up stuff from the stars.
These radio antenna are some ginormous ones that pick up the radio signal. Some late type stars produce astrophysical masers from their atmospheres.
The sun, the nearest star, is known to emit radio waves. Interesting. There's a small slice of the spectrum that we can see with our eyes.
We call it visible light. But that is really indeed only a small fraction, a tiny piece of the giant electromagnetic spectrum.
If God gave us new eyes up in heaven that could see the whole spectrum, there would be brand new colors.
Billions of brand new colors. Anyway, but that's another long story. I think that what originally, what today is perverted into the, you know, horoscope was originally probably the gospel story.
See, Adam and Eve did not have a Bible. So God gave them the whole story in the stars.
You're supposed to start with Virgo the Virgin and end with Leo the Lion, Jesus coming back as the
Lion. It's now been perverted into our twisted up, you know, pagan horoscope. But I think there really was an original creation story in the stars.
That's another long, interesting story. You can watch on video number two of my series on drdino .com.
Just go to the creation seminar series. Okay. Libra, the judgment coming. Dinosaurs.
Let's get to the fire. South Pole. I mean, Antarctica, they find dinosaur bones in Antarctica.
They've got a new theory that says a lack of oxygen, not an asteroid killed the dinosaurs. Why would they say that?
Well, an 80 foot apatosaurus, an oxygen deprivation caused dinosaur extinction.
Really? Lack of oxygen? Yeah. This article says an 80 foot apatosaurus, known as a brontosaurus, had a set of nostrils the same size as a horse.
How can an 80 foot animal get enough air through nostrils the same size as a horse's nostrils?
Well, the fact is he couldn't. They could not live today, because our air today is too thin and doesn't have as much oxygen in it.
But obviously dinosaur did live, we find the bones of them all over the world. No question, dinosaurs lived and they were huge.
So how did Christians explain that? 33 foot dinosaur fossil found in the Sahara Desert.
What's he going to eat? And what's he going to drink? Even in the Sahara, tropical habitats are proven by fossil fuels like oil and natural gas.
Yet the earth was covered with life forms. Ancient Sahara graveyard with hundreds of human skeletons shows life in Africa's desert was once lush and green.
Alaska Pipeline moved more than 18 billion barrels of oil, which is fossil fuel, and smushed up dead things.
There's no question the earth used to have a plush, tropical environment all over.
Even in the polar regions, past tropical habitats are proven by fossils.
How do you get mass graveyards in the polar regions? That's up above Montana.
These giant fossils, super lungs gave dinosaurs the energy to run and fight, this article says.
Oxygen poor air of the Mesozoic era, nothing could have been able to move very fast, but velociraptors could run 64 kilometers per hour.
I wonder how they know that. Anyway, so the secret was efficient lungs and greater oxygen.
When they find air bubbles trapped in amber, you might have saw the movie Jurassic Park, you know, they get the amber, get the mosquito blood out.
But occasionally in amber, which is petrified tree sap, they find air bubbles.
When they suck them out and analyze them, they're 32 % oxygen. The air we're breathing right now is 21 % oxygen.
I think the earth had 50 % more oxygen than it does now. That would be one thing that would make reptiles live longer and grow bigger.
They found it was 32 % oxygen compared to 21 in the modern atmosphere.
Well, if you were living in a world with greater air pressure and greater oxygen concentration, just breathing would be exciting.
The only trend in the recent literature is suggestion of far more oxygen in the early atmosphere.
Profound evolutionary implications. Air at the time of dinosaurs was vastly richer in oxygen.
Really, I agree. Only they say it was 80 million years ago. Now that I would have to strongly disagree on.
These gas bubbles show that 67 million years ago, it was 35 % oxygen.
Really? Under double atmospheric pressure, not only does your hemoglobin take on oxygen, your plasma will become oxygen saturated, which means it carries more oxygen all over your body, you could run for hundreds of miles without getting tired.
Hyperbaric therapy is being used quite often all around the world to make everything heal faster.
It's phenomenal what things do under hyperbaric high pressure. They squeeze more oxygen into the bloodstream.
Baby Jessica down in Texas fell into a well, and she was down there 58 and a half hours.
Her right leg was completely black, and a lot of her body was black from lack of circulation. They were going to cut off her leg, 18 month old baby.
One doctor said, hey, before we cut anything off, let's put her in a hyperbaric chamber.
They dug up the neighborhood, tore up the neighborhood to get that kid out of that well. The loss of circulation made it where they had to say, wow, we got to cut her leg off.
Instead, they put her in a hyperbaric chamber, high pressure oxygen. Within a few hours, her leg turned pink.
They only had to cut off half of her little toe. There she is a year later at the White House. I believe
I'm skipping a few things here, but the pre -flood world was very different. It allowed reptiles to live a long, long, long time.
Coal miner in hyperbaric chambers. We have a small hyperbaric sleeping bag here at Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox, Alabama.
Come on down, you can see our. I believe the secret to understanding dinosaurs is understanding what the
Earth's atmosphere was like. Let me get up here, look at fossil wilderness. Giant trees are found fossilized.
The longest petrified log, 237 feet long. That's a pretty big log.
Something was different back then. Fern fossils are ginormous, 13 foot fern fossil.
This canopy explains, I think, the greater air pressure. And up until the flood came, the world was just very different.
Everything lived longer. As I said, there may be scoffers walk after their own lust. Let me get to the dinosaurs here.
We'll take a quick look. I can't see my slides ahead of time like I normally can.
Very interesting. Coal is enormous amount of coal in the world. I mean, like way more, hundreds of times more coal in the ground than we could possibly make today if we took all the trees in the world and squeezed them.
And by the way, they can make coal in 20 minutes in the laboratory by squeezing wood under heat and pressure. All these layers would have been formed during each one being a different tide during Noah's time.
Not different age, just different tide. Every eight hours or so you'd get a new one of these. We cover all this in our video number.
Come out and see our dinosaur adventure land. We got demos of all this. Coal is always found in seams. Coal seams, very interesting.
100 meter thick coal seam. Wait, 330 feet thick. That's a lot of trees.
Montana has a giant powder river basin, huge coal seams up there. They haul it out by truck load after truck load after truck load.
The seams 200 feet thick. There's a 650 foot thick layer of coal.
What is this? Well, the water rushing out of the crust of the earth from under the crust, where the fountains of the deep broke open would destroy the forest, the pre -flood forest.
Hang on one second, let me get up to my part about dinosaurs and we'll take questions here. I know we're running late on you guys.
Let's see. The moon pulls the water up on the earth, gravitational tug of the moon, causing the tides, high tide.
There's a whole long study of the science of the tides and how they work. If the tides were not interrupted by continents being in the way, they would become harmonic and it'd be a 200 foot tidal change every six hours, 12 and a half minutes.
Well, where's the water coming to fill that bump? It's coming from sideways, being pulled in by moon's gravity at the same speed the earth is turning.
I'm 31 degrees above the equator here in Lenox, Alabama. That means in order to keep that, the tide would have to be rushing into the bump at 886 miles an hour for a couple hours, and then sit still for a couple hours during high tide and then rush out at 886 miles an hour.
The water, as the earth turns, the tide being pulled up, the water be rushing into the bump at the same speed the earth is turning, which changes with your latitude.
That would take all the rocks and roll them against each other like a rock tumbler does and round them off.
I live in a gravel pit. We have trillions of rounded rocks. The water going back and forth would round them all off and it would make the layers of coal that we see all over the mountain ranges.
Giant Wyoming, some of the largest coal seams in the world. I mean, that is solid coal. This pre -flood world was very different and they say it was 300 million years ago.
That's baloney. Sometimes in coal, they find human artifacts. I've got pictures of that here someplace, but that's another story.
Hovind theory would be dinosaurs lived with Adam and Eve during the pre -flood world.
They were big friendly lizards. They did not live millions of years ago. Noah took them on the ark, probably babies.
Let me get my slides up to the right one here. There could be some dinosaurs still alive today.
Cover about the ice age here in the Bible. I have about 40 ,000 slides now in PowerPoint. I keep picking at this all the time.
One more second here. I know I'm late. There we go. During this time, the people, everything would be living much longer and be growing much bigger.
It says there were giant, 802. The Bible says there were giants in the earth in those days.
A 52 inch wingspan dragonfly has been found. Imagine hitting that thing at 60 miles an hour in the front windshield of your car.
52 inch dragonfly. That animal couldn't possibly fly today because the air we're breathing is too thin.
He simply couldn't flap fast enough to fly. But apparently they did. I mean, they find the fossil of them.
Something was different. Fossil bumblebees as big as a hummingbird have been found.
That's a big bumblebee. Fossil ants, two inches long. That's a big ant.
They would require, since ants and bumblebees breathe through their skin, through spiracles, they would require a greater air pressure to supply that massive body.
Because you have what's called a surface area to volume ratio problem. That's another long story. Fossil spiders, two inches long with 12 inch leg span.
That's a big spider. Fossil cockroaches, three and a half inches long have been found.
Fossil snakes that are enormous, like 50 feet. Prehistoric skull of an extinct buffalo, dated back 150 ,000 years,
I don't believe that, but stood six and a half feet tall and weighed 2 ,000 pounds.
That's a big buffalo. Giant bird fossils have been found.
The Bible says there were giants in the earth. So I think it's common sense that the giant insects would make, if everything lived longer before the flood came, the reptiles, which never stopped growing, would also live longer and grow bigger.
Reptiles never stopped growing. So like all reptiles, it grows throughout its life.
This is Common Science 101. This is for an eighth grade book here.
Yeah, reptiles never stopped growing. Okay, what would happen if reptiles could live to be 900? That'd be the dinosaurs.
They were big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve. They did not live millions of years ago. We covered that on my video number three of my series.
Okay, I'm sorry I've taken so long. Go ahead. I'm ready for question and answer time. Looks like you're muted there.
Everybody's muted. There we go. Okay, gotcha. Everybody's muted except now I'm not. Okay, so thank you so much,
Kent Hovind. That was a great presentation. And again, we're excited to have you.
You're kind of a legend. I think a lot of people in the Young Earth Creation community attribute their interest in the topic to you.
So that's pretty, it's pretty great that we get to have you speaking for us tonight. So thank you for that presentation.
And then, yeah, so if anybody has any questions, go ahead and post them into the chat.
Or if you'd like to unmute yourself and ask yourself, you can do that too. I think Robin's gonna ask something to start us off.
Hi, Kent, it's Robin again. I have to attribute my belief in creation to you.
I never believed in evolution. But I never knew about creation either.
And some punk kid was telling me what an atheist is. And then on one, after a weekend,
I came into work, and he dumped all your DVDs on my desk. And he said, I believe now. He said, this is why.
And so I watched the videos. And I'm like, how that makes a lot of sense. And my son watched with me.
But anyways, um, my question is to the canopy, that canopy is very controversial.
Okay, so you do know that? Yes, I, I am a believer in that canopy, simply because I know that oxygen is very healing.
I've, I've been in medical device business for 25 years. And I know that, you know, they, they made oxygen prescription, because so they can make money on it.
And, but we have a good friend, Jason Lyle, Dr. Jason Lyle, who doesn't feel that it's a viable theory.
So I was just wondering, what do you say to your critics on the canopy theory? I'll have to know.
I love Jason Lyle's work and what he does. I wouldn't want to fight him. I'd be glad to debate him on this, though. What specifically does he say?
Why is it not possible? I say, first of all, to start with the scriptures. Does the Bible seem to clearly indicate there was water above the firmament?
Well, yeah. The problem often in these debates is many, sadly, of the creationists do not believe they know what, which
Bible is right. It took me quite a while to settle in on the fact that I think God preserved his words, like he promised he would, in the
King James Bible. So the King James Bible certainly says there was water above the firmament.
I think you'll find most of those people who do not believe in the canopy also do not believe God preserved his words flawlessly, perfectly anyplace on earth, like he said he would in Psalm.
Which Psalm is that? The words of the Lord are pure. I can look it up later. I think the problem is probably they don't have a
Bible that they can count on and trust. They don't submit themselves to a book. They want the book to be submitted to them.
So yes, I think it certainly says clearly in the Bible, there was water above the firmament. So what does that mean?
That's a really good answer. And Ken Ham, too, is one of those that but I've always just been a believer in it because it makes more sense to me.
And I didn't even realize that the Bible talked about it. Okay, I'm done.
Anybody else? Yeah, so a couple of people are asking about the videos that you have available.
So they say that they have quite a few of your videos that are like about 15 to 20 years old.
And do you have newer videos available with new, like updated information or presentations?
My YouTube channel is where we pour all of our energy, Kent Hovind Official. And yes, everything's updated on there every day.
As far as the video series, I redid that series probably 30 times over the years.
I don't know which one they have. But I have not redone it since I got out of prison. I'd like to and I need to and I will one day but just I've been busy.
Understandable. Oh, I just can't I just remember something else. I'm watching a series on Amazon Prime.
I'm sorry for hogging the conversation. I just really like Ken's material.
So I'm watching this series called the secret ancient secrets of the Bible and you were in one of them.
And I can't reach him. It was the second season. I don't know something about the dinosaurs.
And it was really good. So I recommend if anybody's looking for something to watch ancient secrets of the
Bible on Amazon Prime. It's from 2007. And Kent was in number like 13 or something like that.
Okay, done. Okay, so this is Rob and the comment
I'd have about Jason Lyle is he doesn't disagree that there's a whole lot of water pushed out there.
He just says it's out at the edge of the universe. And it's what counts for the background radiation that we picked up.
Oh, thank you for clarifying that, Rob, because I couldn't remember. And, and Jason Lyle is a good friend of our ministry.
Yeah, great guy. Yeah. Okay. And so also Jeff, our friend Jeff here, he'd like to ask, is it possible that you have your
PowerPoint slides on available to share or, or purchase? I know that there's some websites that that people do post their slides so that that people can use them.
Is that something that you make available? Yes. Yeah, dr .dino
.com. And it's there's, there's a several different thumb drives there with many, many 1000s of slides.
I spent all my spare time even today, working on adding and updating and improving the
PowerPoint slides. I think the thumb drive that contains all all the slides for all 18 hours of my seminar is 100 bucks.
But I don't I don't have anything to do with that. But check our website, Dr. Dino. Our tech people can check out that.
Okay, great. Okay, the Harris's have a question. Could the water above the firmament be clouds?
No. Could it be what? Clouds? The water above the firmament?
Could it just be clouds? I don't think so. Because that would block the visible part of the sunlight, it'd be cloudy all day.
I think ice would be clear, you can see through it, you would get the effects, the same effect of blocking
UV light without blocking the actual light. Plus, you know, clouds, a cloud canopy.
If all the clouds just condensed into rain, it certainly wouldn't make enough to flood the oceans.
I don't think the floodwater came from rain anyway, some of it did. So the fountains of the deep broke open, and the windows of heaven are open.
So yeah, I don't think clouds under high pressure, you can't even have clouds. Watch the weatherman's high pressure zone will be clear skies.
If it's a low pressure zone, that's when you get the clouds. So yeah, to answer the short answer to the question is no,
I don't believe that I'd like I'd have to have that proven to me. Okay, thank you. Did anybody else have any questions?
I just a comment that the moon wouldn't be drawing water so much in from both sides, but it would be picking up water and carrying it with it.
And that's why most of the sediment that we see in the flood sediment is laid down in a direction that's going from east to west.
I would agree with that. The moon's gravity would pull that bump and just hold it like a magnet.
But the spin of the earth would cause almost all the sediments, you're right, to be deposited.
There's a great video, the guy's a boring speaker, but it's fabulous material. It's called experiments in stratification.
Or they did in Colorado, at the Navy testing facilities for stratification.
And they did sedimentation rates. They showed how that if water is moving sideways, it deposits six or eight or 10 or 20 layers simultaneously.
The layers are laid down horizontally. They tell the kids in school, the top layer is younger than the bottom layer.
I say really, where did it come from? Outer space? No, the top layer is not younger. All the layers are the same age.
They were all shuffled up by this flood. And the layers form horizontally.
They form site from starting from what, like you said, east, west to east,
I believe. I don't remember which direction the layers that stratification from the east to west, because they're moving in the same direction that the sun and the moon are moving in relationship to the earth.
Mm hmm. Right. I would have to agree with that. Go ahead. Looks like Alvarad has a question,
Terry. Yeah, I see that. So he says that the rotation of the earth changed from 360 days to 365 .2422
days in a year. How would this have affected the orbit of the moon? Or would it? Well, that might actually affect the orbit of the moon.
We know the moon is moving away from us. It's receding about an inch and a half to two inches every year.
So a slowing spin of the earth would it ties right into the lunar recession problem.
They've done quite a few studies on this how far away is the moon and they've measured it pretty closely. And they know the moon is leaving us.
And it appears to be affected by the spin of the earth. And that will get into some pretty deep physical science.
But you can study that out. Yeah, that's the spin of the earth is related to the moon's recession problem.
So I think God designed it all to last forever. And then when man sinned, and the world was busted up in the crust, you know, everything went wrong, because of man's sin, technically, because of woman's sin.
But the spin of the earth increasing would that energy transferred that would be mostly from the water and the rock trading places, water that was underneath, coming to the top and letting the rock sink in, it's like the ice skater pulling their arms in.
But the energy transfer is going to the moon and the moon's getting further away. I think there's no question about that the moon's leaving us about an inch and a half to two inches a year, which only adds up to about a football field length during the time since the creation.
But if you try and project it back millions of years, you run into major problems. Right. Yeah, on short, short scale, a few 1000 years, nobody's going to notice the moon was slightly bigger.
But you cannot go back. But they say the lunar recession problem puts a maximum time, maximum age of the earth moon relationship at 1 .2
billion. 1 .2 billion years ago, the moon would be so close that they would snap together like two magnets.
Because the gravitational pull follows what's called the inverse square law.
If you half the distance, you quadruple the attraction, you take your half fraction, one half and flip it over and square.
If you brought the moon into one third the distance, you take one third, flip it over and square it, it's nine times the gravitational pull at one third the distance.
This Google inverse square laws, it works with a lot of things. So the lunar recession problem is a real problem for those who want the earth to be 4 .6
billion years old. It cannot possibly be. 1 .2 billion is the absolute max just based on the moon's recession.
Okay, I covered that on video number one of my series, which you can get on dr .dino .com. Okay, and the
Harris's have always been wondering about the T -Rex. So why do you think God designed dinosaurs like the
T -Rex to have short hands and claws if they were originally plant eaters?
Well, short hands, you don't need long hands if the plant's not going to fight back. You can hold on to the giant stalk of celery and chew on them.
Many animals today have short arms and they seem to get along just fine. Alligators, their front arms are really short.
They seem to do pretty good. So I guess I don't see a problem to worry about there. Okay, sounds good.
Okay, well, it seems like maybe we're out of questions. Did everybody get their questions answered?
Why don't we make another comment? Yeah, go ahead, Robin. Okay. I probably seem a little giddy.
I know. I'm trying to rein that in. You had mentioned prison before.
And you've always been my hero in that respect. So anyways, that's it.
Okay. Okay. So, um, if you could go ahead and share your information one more time, and then we'll share our
Creation Fellowship information once more. And then if you could pray to close us, that would be fantastic. Well, I certainly can.
Did she want to know about the prison? Why I went and what happened and all that stuff or what? Oh, oh, no, I know. Um, yeah.
When they came and raided, they raided our ministry with a SWAT team. Right. They said, they said, get every
DVD number five you can find. It's what I taught on DVD number five of my series, which is partial part of the series that they were really after.
Because it goes back to the short answer here. The founders of this country said, we hold these truths to be self evident.
All men are created equal. They're endowed by their Creator with certain rights, you know, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
Where do rights come from? Do rights come from the Creator or do rights come from government?
And so I was teaching that what we have, we have to very simply preserve our rights, like the founding fathers did.
So they came with a SWAT team arrested me tried to get every DVD number five they could find to destroy it and put and charged me with structuring.
I didn't know what structuring was. They said, you took your money out of the bank and amounts less than $10 ,000.
Okay. Yeah, my attorney said can't don't even give a defense. There's no crime here.