F4F | 2022 Prophecy Bingo


New Bingo Cards HERE: http://0352182.netsolhost.com/prophecy-bingo Special Guest: Bezelt3 Be sure to visit his channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/bzel333 Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God. Now, from time to time, we do this thing here at Fighting for the
Faith, which means only one thing. It's time for Promise of Exile. And what we're going to do today here, in fact, let me pull up my thing here.
Hello, Bezel T3 is our special guest today. Good to have you on, sir.
Greetings, Chris and Josh. Happy to be here. Yeah. Love your work. Love your channel.
Tell us a little bit about your channel and you do some discernment work as well.
How's it going on your end of the vineyard? You know what? I just I keep pumping them out and people keep tuning in.
Started about, you know, 13 years ago. I actually did it on MySpace to begin with, and it was kind of this coming of coming of age, 50, that I thought, you know,
I'll take stock, maybe share some thoughts of what what I'm thinking as I turn the big five.
And at that time, I happened to discover Joel Osteen. And so he was really the impetus for my discernment ministry.
Got it. And it kind of started very small in my bedroom. Very embarrassing videos as I go back and look at the archives.
But I just kept going. Got shut down once for copyright infringement and then started up again and have learned.
And now, of course, people want to make money off of anything you do. So I don't monetize. So I'm pretty safe most of the time.
I think. Who was it that shut me down last time? Oh, gosh,
I can't remember his name. It escapes me. You'll think about it and it'll come to you during our bingo time.
I will. I will. I will. So but anyways, I've been I've been doing this as kind of just a ministry, a way that I can share the gospel and and go after error and try to help people understand what it is that the
Bible actually says. And right. And I want to tell you, you've been you've been a great encouragement and a great motivator to me over the years, as I mentioned to you before.
I used to listen to you back in the day from your podcast as I was, you know, a younger man working out.
And that's what I would do as I was working out, instead of listening to, you know, thump thump music. I'd be listening to Chris Roseborough.
A long time ago, we did the podcast. We did some audio like warnings and and we and from time to time,
I would warn people, you need you need to be careful while listening to Fighting for the Faith. If you're working out, you know, especially if you're lifting weights and you don't have a spot or you could be dead, you know.
So yes, yes, that and watching strobes on TV. Right.
Yeah. Same effect. All right, let's let's let's talk about Prophecy Bingo, shall we?
This is my card for this particular installment. I make no prophetic predictions regarding whether or not
I will win. I can prophesy accurately 100 percent and say I will cheat.
This is most certainly true. But all of that being said, Bessel, you this is your first time doing this, although I remember sending you some links to kind of expose you to the concept.
Now, we've added we've added a new feature here, and that is that now you do know that if you get bingo, you have to prophesy using the words, the words.
But we've added a new feature, and that is that if you like, you can add a minstrel to to help you with the with the prophesying.
Josh, can you give us a taste of that new feature? Oh, nice.
Play ball. Yeah. Now, is crooning allowed? It's a little bit of, you know, musical accompaniment with that.
Is that allowed? Oh, yeah. Because I can bust a tune from time to time, you know, so we'll see.
We want to hear your hidden talents. So, you know. All right. All right. So if I feel the spirit move, that's that's how we're going to go.
Welcome to the Bessel T3 lounge. Right. The spirit is moving. He's had his metamucil for the day.
If Ken Copeland can do it, so can I. There we go. In fact, I'm glad you mentioned Ken Copeland because he's on deck today.
So, you know, you know, and his his twenty twenty two, his twenty twenty two prophecy is so weird.
Anyway. All right. So enough of this. Enough of this. It's time to kind of to ease into this.
And I have to warn you ahead of time, if you are allergic to screaming, that Cindy Jacobs will be making more than one appearance today.
Oh, that's so good. I'm I'm working on a Cindy Jacobs for this Saturday.
Yeah. The stars, the stars are aligning. Right. You see, I feel a download.
OK, so we're going to start easy. We're going to start easy. So we're going to head over to the Watchmen on the Wall YouTube channel and the word of the
Lord for twenty to twenty two powerful prophetic encouragement from Madeline James.
And this guy just reads these out so we won't see any lips moving. I thought we could ease into our prophecy time together.
Here we go. This prophetic word comes from Madeline James, Lexington, Kentucky. The word of the
Lord for twenty twenty two. As we step into twenty twenty two, step in and say, oh,
I got it. I got it. First blood. Yes. No. No.
OK, let's keep going. There is a greater acceleration and advancement. I got that acceleration and advancement, our prophecy, but man, we're not even like a boom.
I mean, it's like the beginning of the year. We have we don't have to fill the quota yet. I didn't realize how good this one would be.
This is a machine gun prophecy here. OK, let's let's keep going here. Being released over God's people release, release where there has been a spirit of delay and a great contending for the promises of God over the last two years.
The Lord is releasing a quickening grace where the enemy has tried to mess with the times and the seasons.
Seasons. We're off to the. Enemy. Wait a minute. He said enemy, right?
Yes, he did. OK. Wow. I'm definitely on the board now. All right. OK. All right.
So, OK, let's just keep going here. So far, I have released on my card.
I have to work this out here. God is redeeming the time that has felt lost or delayed.
What would take 10 years will take two. What would take 20 years will take five.
Oh, no. If you were hoping to, you know, that you'd be able to stay in your job for more than 10 years.
Sorry. It's only going to be five. You know, so I hate to break it to you. But your current diagnosis, while you would have usually 20 years to live, you now have five.
It seems like it's not working well for me. OK, go in here. There will be a double honor.
Double is a prophecy bingo word. And you got it. Yeah. Oh, wow.
I feel like you feel like you're in the race for blackout bingo this time. Josh. Yeah, I got a good card.
OK. It's a double portion of what the enemy had to forfeit. That's yours.
Isaiah 61. You are coming into a time where you are going to step into the promises of God, where many have been heartsick because of delay and hope deferred.
You're going to experience fulfillment. One of the things I've noticed about these bezel is that these are like I call them prophetic onesies.
These are one size fits all, you know, you know, and they kind of can mean anything. I mean, have you covered some of these wacker doodle type prophets on your channel?
They're time to time. I go after people that I have never heard of before and and just am amazed at what
I can find. I call them generic prophecies, prophecies for the common man, because they're very, very nonspecific.
Yes. This guy or this gal. And they really don't tell you much.
You have to kind of fill in the blanks. Yeah, that's kind of the point. And, you know, and it can mean pretty much anything.
This is kind of like Gumby and Pokey, you know, you can just, you know, bend them into anything here.
All right. I'm going to I'm going to move forward here now. This is Jeremiah Johnson, and we will be tuning in to the
Terminal 2022 conference a few times. And if you remember, what was that?
Terminal? Yeah, I know. That's never a good thing. You know, you got you got terminal diseases, you got terminal velocity.
You don't want either of those things. No, no. Yeah. And, you know, is the charismatic movement going to live?
Well, it's terminal. It's terminal. It's terminal. So now, if you remember, Jeremiah Johnson, he gave a
Trump prophecy that Trump was going to win the election. It didn't happen. And he ended up apologizing.
And and this is kind of an interesting thing. I was talking with Steve Kozar the other day. He's done some research and noticed that like Kenneth Copeland's Victory Channel and Hank Kuhneman's channel, they've started dumping all of their
Trump prophecies. They're no longer available online and they're all just whooshing away. Into the cornfield.
Right. Yeah, exactly. So they're no longer available in the archives.
So they've been memory hold. Right. Right. And so they just kind of count on, you know, these charismatics being like goldfish, not remembering anything past like two minutes ago.
All right. Let's check in with the Terminal 2022 conference will be our first look at their so -called prophecies.
Asked me, hey, would you come to my conference? And I said, well, I've actually got a conference going on those same dates.
What does that say? God is releasing the Queen of Sheba in 2022. Has she been in prison?
Oh, goodness sakes. Out of purgatory with you. Yeah, they're going to put her in a halfway house in Reseda, you know, and you're under witness protection.
Wow. So I bring you greetings from about just 20 minutes north of here where our headquarters are, the altar global.
So I preached at that conference last night. There's not a morning session. Thank God. So I'm here with you this morning and then we'll be back there tonight and then
I'll be preaching at the North Georgia Revival over in Dawsonville tomorrow night. By the way, he said the word revival.
Revival is a prophecy. Bingo. Buzzword. All right. The Revival.
All right. Called me and kind of gave me a vision for this. I'd had a dream in September of 2021 that I wasn't really sure what to do with.
And I know sometimes in the social media digital age, you just kind of have a word and you pop it off the next day online.
And part of my prophetic journey has been learning how to sit on and pray and fast through and to kind of sometimes the prophetic comes and you need an arm and a leg.
You need more clarity. We need... I don't recall any of the biblical prophets ever behaving in this manner.
You know, I need to kind of sit on it. You know, I always come back to the story of Balaam.
You know, this is a guy who is the prophet for profit and, you know, he was hired to curse
Israel and Jesus shows up, you know, the angel of Yahweh and basically threatens him with his head to be cut off his neck if he dares speak any word other than what
God gives him. And he speaks only the words that God gives him. He doesn't have to go to school.
He doesn't get prophetic activation. He doesn't have to sit on it for a little while, you know.
Yeah. All right. Now, I've heard of things costing an arm and a leg and I've heard people talking about the head and the tail, but never together.
So he hasn't talked about the head and the tail yet. That may be coming. So this is your prophetic prediction for this prophecy.
It may be coming. Okay. Now, I'm feeling I'm feeling a little depressed about how far behind I am with you guys.
So I'm going to do this while I can. There, I've taken my sneaky squids.
I'm feeling good there, guys. He just got a decree and declare a win. All right.
Let's keep going. I'm feeling terminal here. We need less spontaneous prophecy and more revelatory prophecy.
We need more prophets that actually pan out instead of the ones that are just conference.
We need less false prophets and those who are blaspheming God's name and, you know, and get back to the real prophets found in the
Word of God, you know. Yes. All right. Let's keep going here. Candy and lollipops, and we need more meat and vegetables.
And so I really was kind of trembling at the jury. So revelatory prophecy is meat and vegetables and spontaneous prophecies are lollipops.
Mm hmm. Okay. Gummy bears. I feel like go ahead. I can't blame you for that.
Cannot blame you. So all right. Dream that I had not really sure I knew I wasn't supposed to put it online.
But I was like, Lord, if you'll open up the right event or the right opportunity,
I'll be faithful to deliver what you revealed to me in the night season.
And so when Alan called and said, hey, oh,
Lord, please just give me an actual real prophecy. I'll be really good. I swear. Okay.
With this much lead in, I can't wait to actually hear the word, you know, it's buildup.
January 1st, 2022, 10 a .m., I thought, yes, Lord, on the first day of a new year,
I'm going to deliver this message. So this graphic is very prophetic.
Terminal is the word. How? How is a graphic prophetic? I don't understand.
I don't know. Is that a top down shot of the Dubai airport? What is that?
It is. You know, it is. It might be Boeing's.
I can't tell. Yeah. So on my Apple TV, when it goes to like screensaver mode, it does a flyover of the
Dubai airport. It looks just like it, you know. You're just saying all airports look alike.
But there it is. That's prophetic. Isn't that funny?
I'm in the aviation industry and I did not I did not think about terminal as an airport terminal.
You know, wasn't there a movie Terminal with Tom Hanks and he lived there for a while?
Yeah. Yeah. Based on a true story, too. You know, he took up residence at a terminal. OK, I think
I'm starting to get it. All right. I'm starting to get it. This is quickly stopping being terminal.
This is going to turn into Sully. Much better.
Yeah. I'm in agreement. For what I'm going to talk with you about, you know, at a terminal, at an airport, those of us who travel frequently, who likes airport watching?
You get in there and there's just so many different folks out there. There's so many different nations.
You know, there's so many different types of people at an. All right. He's just dragging his prophetic feet here.
I'm going to bump up the speed of just a smidge. We can help him a little bit. Airport.
And I truly believe that the body of Christ is entering into a new era where there is about to be a mass convergence of streams.
You're not supposed to converge the streams, man. That's bad. Never cross the streams. That's bad.
Oh, no. Twenty, twenty two. Zools making an appearance. Good night. OK. As a previous year and generations and ethnicities.
And just like at a terminal, you could show up at one gate. You've got a whole different crew of people. You go to the next gate and they're headed toward a different destination.
God is birthing new movement. Birthing birthing and movements are prophecy.
Bingo words. And I'm bummed it's not on my card. You know, I don't know. I have never been comfortable when one of these so -called prophets says that the
Lord is going to have you be birthing something. It's like, yeah, I'm a dude. You know, it ain't happening.
Kidney stone annoying. Yeah. I birthed a kidney stone that hurt like anyway.
Don't go there. It hurts just to think about.
Yeah. Yeah. It's a painful memory for sure. You know. You know.
OK. Yeah. God is raising up emerging leaders in the earth. God has in generations past done that.
But we have a real opportunity to try to work together on what
God is raising up birthing new movement thingies to go to different terminals.
Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I miss my prophetic flight. Come on. Come on. You did not keep your connection flight your layover time decision, and now you've lost your luggage and the
Starbucks just closed. Oh, man, I hate when that happens, hate when that happens.
And you're required to know that that's hard in America because we can't even be friends with people that didn't vote for our candidate.
There's so much vitriol. There's so much hatred. There's so much division. There's so much need to be right.
There's so much need to have the final say, a willingness to bring division between family members for years over politics.
And I believe that God is coming in this year to begin to put his finger on a critical spirit. Critical spirit.
Oh, Bezel, you have one of those, don't you? I mean, I get accused of it all the time.
I do. It's always in my pocket during every video I do. Right. Yes.
I take it out only when needed. Right. Right. Exactly. But that's a bad thing.
Now, we're going to. All right. So hang on to your hats.
This is Cindy Jacobs at Glory of Zion. Oh, no.
Talk about. Let there be some dancing. If there's some dancing, I got it on my card. Come on. This could be a crossing of the streams here.
I'm just saying. So here we go. The other word. And let me prophesy this over this house.
This is what the Lord showed me, Chuck. And over you personally. The Lord says, this is a year of multiplication for you.
The Lord said. What if you're trying to lose weight? That would be bad. You know, that would be really bad.
The cells are multiplying. Oh, wait. No, no, no. I only have five years to live. Now. Right now, if that multiplication gets out of control, you're going to end up in hospice, you know.
So this is a year I'm going to give you such favor favor is a prophecy.
Bingo word. The enemy has come in like a flood, but God says you will not be diminished.
You will not be diminished. OK, that that counts as yelling, right? Yes. Yes.
That is yelling for sure. Ding. Yay. She's the consummate yeller.
OK, yes. And note that Chuck Pierce is down here in the right in the right corner going, oh,
I'm receiving this, you know, she ain't saying anything, though, in any wise.
And the Lord says, because you are a pathfinder for others.
And so the Lord says to you, get ready. I'm going to give you favor, not only with this area, but the city of Dallas.
And the Lord says you're going to be in the news. I'm going to make you in the news.
That could be a bad thing. Could be a very bad thing. You don't want to be famous for the wrong reasons. That's right.
That's right. And you remember when he tuned the Mexican border with a tuning fork?
Yes. I can't forget that. OK. That'll bring the southern border into alignment.
Ting. Ting. Yeah. I missed that. Oh, it's in the archives of our
YouTube channel. It's it's crazy. Get out. Yeah. Check it out. Uh huh.
All right. Let's keep going. In a good way. And glory of Zion. And the Lord says you will be known as a city and a place of innovation, says the
Lord. And the Lord says, I'm releasing that innovative, creative anointing and it's going to anointing is a prop.
Bingo word. Yeah. That's when I checked innovation within the church was a bad thing. Yeah. You're not supposed to innovate.
Isn't it supposed to be the faith once delivered to the saints? Yes. Yeah. Yes, it is.
Yeah. Christianity. Christianity 2 .0 hasn't come out and it's never going to. Yeah.
Yeah. OK. And not only to the arts, but to finance.
And the Lord. OK. Hang on one second. OK. So what is that underneath this?
Oh, got cartons of milk. Oh, look at that. Yeah. Or the
Pepperidge Farm cookies. I'm not sure what. I don't know. Are those do they do like donations in those things where like they pass them around and put like coins in this.
So this is the pulpit now. So here's a little bit of it. No, you know, I preach and, you know, I've got a pulpit and, you know,
I keep a bottle of water and some tissue just in case, you know, I need to sneeze or need to drink.
But I could never imagine drinking milk. It can't be.
It can't be milk. That looks like milk. I know. I know what it looks like. I'm just thinking, like, you know, under the hot lights and stuff like that, that stuff would curdle so fast.
Yeah. Yeah. We are so off topic. It's your fault. I blame me.
Good. It was a good call. It was a very good call. You know, in aviation, you got to have the eye for detail.
So right. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just saying the pulpit checklist isn't working here.
You know, so something's off. All right. Yeah. Let's keep at this.
The Lord says, whoa, there's something. Oh, Chuck, there's something on this.
You are going to be part of the technology revolution, says the
Lord. Really? Okay. Okay. There is a coming technology revolution.
Okay. Yeah. Sure. Okay. It's coming. I don't know. Hasn't that been like going on our entire life?
Chuck Pierce is a total boomer. I would doubt that Chuck Pierce would know how to open a
PDF file. Hey, Brian, do you remember those first black
LCD calculators and how expensive they were? Oh, man. Texas Instruments. Yeah. That's right.
That's right. I do. I do. Yeah. I knew you would because you look about as old as I am.
Yeah. Yeah. We could go back. We could go back a ways. I remember the
Apple II and then the Apple IIc. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah? Yeah. 256.
Yeah. That's right. That's right. My first computer was a Macintosh 512KE.
The E meant that it was a double -sided floppy disk drive. That's wild. I have such great memories of golf on the
Mac, the golfing game. Yeah. And the simulator, one of the first flight simulators. Yeah.
On the Macintosh. Oh, it was fantastic. And then I – was it Dark Castle? It was just a really silly game.
Yeah. Oh, well. But Chuck Pierce, he is going to be part of the technology revolution that's coming and he's not even capable of speaking lucid sentences, let alone coding.
Okay. Could you imagine like prophetic coders? We're going to write a computer program all by the
Holy Spirit. It's a random word generator that you made.
All right. Continuing on here. And they're losing their minds.
Yay! Chuck Pierce is going to be part of the technology revolution. And I am going to bring those around you that are economic reformers and they're going to understand cryptocurrency and blockchain.
I have no idea what I'm talking about. These are just words that my handlers told me to say. So now the
Holy Spirit is telling you to get into crypto. Seriously? Yeah. Unbelievable.
Yeah, yeah, well. Okay. And the metaverse, says the Lord. And the metaverse, really?
And the Lord says, watch and see what I am going to do, for there is great wealth
I'm getting ready to unlock and you are going to understand it.
And the Lord says, call those around you, says the Lord, for even in this house.
You know, Kozar worked it out. This guy makes about $800 ,000 a year. Dang. Saying nothing.
Does he write books? How could he? He never speaks anything lucidly, you know.
Ghost writers are a thing. Yeah. In fact, hang on. Here's the enough is enough prophecy.
This will help us out. You kind of make the point here. What was that,
Josh? Dancing. I'm putting dancing. Dancing, yeah, that works, yeah. Was he dancing?
I missed it. I'm sorry. I'm taking dancing. Yeah, take it.
Pray up to the Lord and say, define my portion. Say it out loud.
Portion is a prophecy bingo word. God says, define my portion. Define my portion.
See, within those boundaries, that's yours. And when the enemy comes in with an upper hand in your boundaries, you have to learn to break down his scheme and take back everything that he has taken and is holding captive.
Say, define my boundaries. Have you defined your boundaries yet,
Brian? Oh, man, I'm telling you. I don't go much farther out of the, you know,
I've got kind of a five -mile radius of activity in my life right now. The airport was right down the street, you know.
So, yeah, I had kind of undefined boundaries, but I stayed within them, yeah.
That's good. What was your flight ceiling at? Yeah, well, mine, you know, it varies.
The aircraft, it could go 40, actually 51 ,000 was the highest, but you'd never save much fuel that way.
But 51 is pretty high, you know. That's no joke. Your useful time of consciousness if you lose cabin pressure is about .2
seconds at 51 ,000 feet. That's not a lot. That's not a lot of time to put the mask on.
It's no joke. I'm being very serious. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Even at 45, you don't really understand, you know, the rarefied air in which we travel in, even at 35 ,000, it's not much time if the pilots aren't all over it.
So that should give you some comfort next time you get on American or Southwest. I appreciate you giving me nightmares now.
Thank you. Thank you. All right, well, let's keep going. This is a 3 minute and 44 second long prophecy.
There's more to this. Now, Father, I loose a new anointing of restoration.
You got anointing? Yeah, anointing. We've already had those already. Upon us.
I decree we will. Oh, he's decreeing. Hang on a second here. I'm on the board with another one.
Boom, decree. Got to do my prophecy shimmy here.
Yes, there we go. Yeah, all right, let's come back. See our boundaries restored in a new way this year.
That's sappy music in the background, by the way. Yeah, that is sappy music. If you're calling it sappy, I was on the fence.
I'm going with it. I'll take sappy music. It's as sappy as it gets. Two weeks ago, maybe three, Maria had a tongue in this
Judas circle before worship one Sunday morning. And she was just groaning at intercession.
I heard everything in English. And the Lord was saying, enough is enough.
Enough is enough. He said, draw a line in the sand and set the boundary.
And I will dismantle the structure. Dismantle the structure?
Sounds like she wants to talk to the manager. Help me, Chris. I don't really understand that.
No, I don't even think she has the proper permits for this. So usually when you dismantle a structure, you use an implosion, which requires explosives.
They're not zoned for that at the moment. No, no, no. But, you know, the wealth thingy, you know, crypto.
Our part was to hear him say, I'm saying enough. This is enough. Enough. Enough.
And the second thing was that we had to draw a line and say,
OK, I'm in agreement. And on the earth, this is the boundary. This is it.
I still have no clue what she's saying. OK. Moving along. OK. Triple Grace 555.
All right. He's down here in the bottom left corner.
And I hope you know how to understand English through a thick German or Austrian accent.
Here we go. Welcome, powerful warriors. Welcome to the end time prophetic word.
And the end time prophetic word for Thirsty. The 6th of January 2022 is
I am doing a new thing. A new thing.
I'm doing a new thing. So if you have new thing on your card, that is a prophecy.
I have something on my card, but not new thing. Yeah, this is a new thing. I'm standing at your door and proclaim the new things that I am about to do through my messengers and voices.
But the majority of my children are not listening. You know what?
I sell somebody if they're at my door and they want to come in. No. Get a get a warrant.
They're not listening. Do you introduce them to your friends?
Do you introduce them to your friends, Smith and Wesson? I only have,
I don't have two friends, Smith or Wesson. I just have Glock. So, you know. Glock for this guy, right?
They do not believe my words and my revelations. That's because nobody can understand a word you're saying.
Don't you see that I am giving you heavenly manna?
The truth is laid in front of your feet, ready for you to pick it up and to run with it.
To be spread as light into all dark corners of the world. But it gets rejected in my churches.
And with most of my creation. For them, it seems so impossible, so outlandish that they cannot believe it.
Nevertheless, it is the truth of the new thing that I am about to do.
To stand with my kingdom in this paradigm shift. Yeah, there you go.
Shift this. There you go. The waterfall of pseudo profundities.
Why don't we head back to Terminal. Lou Engel.
This one has me scratching my head, but let's listen in. In the dream
I was the President of the United States. You've got to know now that this is symbolic.
You're not really the President of the United States, right? He's not really the President. It's in his dream.
And you're going to note his stick is he constantly rocks back and forth. That's a manifestation proof that the
Holy Spirit is on him. It's a deep unction thingy, you know. It's also good for the lumbar.
Right. Yeah, it's a lower back support exercise thing. It works the core, you know.
You don't know who I am. I rock. I've been doing it for 69 years.
Something's wrong here. I want to rock! You're showing your age there,
Brian. I know. Why do you think I do these goofy intros with all this music nobody knows except people over 45?
Yeah, well, that's why I'm so comfortable with your channel, sir. I was thinking that if I had kept up my guitar playing that I'd be a shoo -in for ZZ Top by now.
Oh, heck yeah. Alas, no, I have not kept it up, so let's keep going here.
He spoke to me at the Upper Room this past year at a divine moment praying for Israel.
And he spoke to me, he says, now you know why you've been rocking for 68 years, 69 years.
I put you in front of the wailing wall and you did not know it. That's just weird.
Yeah, wow. That's like Jacob. The Lord was in this place and I did not know it.
Didn't even know it. He's been in the wailing wall in front of it for all this time. Okay. We're in some kind of birth canal these days.
Sorry, I should not have been drinking. Wow. That's uncomfortable.
Okay. Let's play some Queen. Under pressure! Oh, man.
Yes. God is looking at Jerusalem.
But back to the dream. You know it's got to be symbolic because you see, if it's a true dream, there would be more confusion than Trump and Biden combined.
In the dream, I was the President of the United States and there was a massive gathering on the Mall in Washington, D .C.
In the dream, my administration was completely confused. Nobody knew anything, what was going on.
In other words, nothing's changed. So, got it. Okay. Kind of hot. On the top of a hill above the
Mall in D .C. I didn't even know who I was sitting with. I just knew I was supposed to speak.
And finally the guy comes up to me and says, Hey, it's time for you to speak at this gathering. At this gathering.
And I said, well, I don't know what to say. He says, well, I don't either. You're supposed to speak.
I got up to that podium with this massive gathering on the Mall. And in the dream,
I didn't know what to say. So, I just lifted my hands. And the crowd began chanting, Revival!
Revival! Revival! I believe what God is saying. In the confusion of politics, there is a sound of a coming ruler.
The sound of a coming ruler. Chris, is that like, you know, not knowing what to say when you're the President of the
United States. Is that like being in a dream and you all of a sudden realize you're in a classroom with no clothes on or only your underwear?
Yeah. And I got to tell you, though, you're not wrong. That's for sure.
He ain't saying nothing. Clearly his prophecy is stuck in the birth canal. But the first time
I heard this, it really weirded me out. Let me back this up just a smidge. I want you to listen again to what he said.
I believe what God is saying. In the confusion of politics, there is a sound of a coming ruler.
The man of lawlessness? Yeah, that's what my first thought was. We might just have something there.
So 2022, guess what? The horse is going to be riding the beast this year. And here comes the red dragon.
And there's a 30 % chance of rain showers later on in the afternoon. That just, yeah,
I played that just because I. That's wild. That's wild. Okay.
All right. I am going to refrain from saying what comes to my mind at this moment and let's go with Emma Stark's terminal prophecy.
Here we go. I don't know whether you've looked at prophets and thought, you know,
I'm never going to be like one of those. I'm never going to hear God. I mean, that revelation stuff, that's for the special.
That's for the elite. That's for those who've tapped into some kind of mystical secret.
And the Lord is. I was in the charismatic movement and those were my thoughts regarding the glow in the dark people and I was like, is there a school you have to go to to get those little short breaths in between each sentence?
That used to be a knack for people that I am finding it's the same for multiple types of people.
Is there a school you go to for that? Yeah. There may be for sure. I think it's the school of mimicry is, you know,
I think that's the actual, you know, the proper term for that school. So yeah, hang on a second here.
I'm going to try fixing that. Saying right now that we are entering a new day where we are going to become a prophetic church.
And that means. We're going to become a prophetic church. Yeah. That means it's not just the prophets who are going to prophesy and hear
God. But it is the entire church is going to become a church of revelation.
Belogna lady. First Corinthians 12 says that not all are prophets. So we can tell this thing is false right on its face.
And if everything is prophecy then nothing is prophecy. Yeah. Yeah. That's right.
And that means you're about to hear God like you have never heard him before.
I hear him every day That means that the veil between the natural and the spirit realm is about to so disintegrate.
Yeah. That's how psychics talk. Isn't it? Talking about the thinness of the veil, right? Look at this
Dutch angle. What is this? In filmmaking and like the terminology within filmmaking or the language of filmmaking when the camera is off kilter like that it means something is wrong.
I'm feeling out of balance here. Help me. I'm ready to lose it.
Goodbye. Didn't I see this on an episode of Star Trek once you know when the
Klingons attacked? Oh the trouble with tribbles.
Oh yeah. Great episode. Great episode. All right. Let's keep going here.
That you have a clarity that you have open visions that you have encounters that you have seer sight gift
Seer is a prophecy. Going to come on mass from the youngest to the oldest into the house of God.
It is going to change everything. And no longer are we going to live from the wisdom and the logic of man but we are going to be a people who base our
I got a question for you bezel. Have you ever read that book called Proverbs? I have.
Yeah. And where does that wisdom come from? It comes from God and it comes from people who ask him with humble hearts.
Yeah. I'm going to go with you. And so like the rest of Scripture. I mean Paul says it's they a new stuff
God breathe. So when we're reading the Scriptures we're hearing the voice of God. It's living active sharper than any double -edged sword.
Those are those who live and have their minds transformed by the word of God.
Are they walking in the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of the spirit? Absolutely the wisdom of the spirit.
That's the every every true born -again Christian is a spirit filled Christian. Right. That doesn't mean that we're popping off with thus saith the
Lord's every day because the Lord has said already it's done.
It's finished. Yeah. It's a closed cannon. Hello. Yeah. Yeah. So I so already like there's certain things she's saying that I can definitively say this contradicts
Scripture. So what commandment is being broken when someone says in the name of the
Lord and in fact it doesn't come to pass or so Exodus Exodus 20 verse 7 you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. Right. Yes. So you know and she's deceiving and she's speaking words for God that God hasn't given her and you know
I think of the rebukes of Jeremiah you know I didn't send them yet they ran I didn't speak to them yet they prophesied you know.
Yes. Yep. Okay. Let's just endure just a little bit more of this shall we.
Lives on the word of the Lord and live by revelation and where you are spiritually numb and where you have cursed yourself by saying
I don't think I hear him clearly. Have you ever cursed yourself that way?
I have generational curse. Does that count? No. No. No. No. That's not the same thing.
If it was a synonymous concept you know but you know so cursing yourself so she's a believer in word curses you know negative confessions and stuff.
I was stretching it there. Sorry. Yeah. Although that's that's flattering. Okay. Let's keep going here.
Or I'm not sure that's for me. You are going to have to repent for that cursing word that has put up blockages and you are going to have to There's some over at the counter medications that might be able to help blockages.
Oh my goodness. So prophetic blockages brought on by word curses that you accidentally spoke over yourself.
I got to keep going. This is a train wreck. Come out of a coffin of not hearing and you are going to have to remove your grave clothes.
Take off your grave clothes. You know, that means you got to rise first. Okay. And be the people who's in the pants or you know get no risen dance.
I don't know. It's ridiculous. Say I know what God sounds like.
I hear his voice and I am part of a church of Revelation Revelation 11 church.
Now that is a type of church and a kind of people who were raised up as latter days begin and it is a church that is modeled on Moses and Elijah.
It is a church that speaks with fire in its mouth. It's a church with a renewal of worship worship.
It's an emergence of prophets and people. I don't want to highlight that too much, but wow.
I can't believe that. Okay.
Moving along. Okay. Hey Rima. That's on my card.
Yeah. Rima is a prophecy bingo where this is a little more tame. Hang on. This prophetic word comes from Thomas Downes Rochester, New York.
The Lord is causing Rima to meet you. Who is she?
I think I went to high school with Rima. What's the hourly rate? There is a way.
God always has a way. Whatever the promises of God are for you, there is always a way.
Whatever your calling is that he has given you, his purpose for you has already... Hang on.
Purpose. I got a word here. You have a purpose? I have a purpose. Yes.
Things are happening here. Okay. Let's come back. Wait a second. I went too far.
There we go. Let's keep going with Thomas. He has been drawn as a blueprint where believing his promise of eternal life qualifies you to receive that purpose.
All things are possible for those who believe. Direction for your life is imminent. It has been prepared for you to receive it.
The power of God for your life is imminent as well. For every promise he has given you is the very indicator of his intent to use you as the righteous vessel he created you to be.
Therefore, cast not your confidence in the Lord, which is of great recompense of reward.
Hebrews 1035. This guy at least tries to weave in the words to make it sound more biblical.
It's kind of peppered in there. Just kind of like a little one half verse here, verse here. Yeah. Uh -huh.
All right. Let's see here. I call it a blendier. It's kind of a blendier like that. All right.
So this is allowed the Lord to win the battle in you. Have you allowed the
Lord to do that yet, Brian? No. Oh, man. I'm telling you. I'm telling you, the battle is the
Lord's. Right. The battle is the Lord's. Yeah. I'm one of his foot soldiers, okay?
Yeah. It's his battle. It's his battle, and I'm trudging along every day, every day.
There we go. There we go. All right. Let's check in here. He's a strong tower.
He's a great defender. He's a high tower. That lady's swinging a sword. What is she doing?
What on earth? He's my shelter. She's got Jedi skills, man.
You know. Sequel trilogy Jedi skills, to be specific. I run in, and I'm safe.
I can run to the throne of grace, and I can find mercy at my time of need.
Yeah. Is she auditioning for America's Got Talent? What's going on here? Massive, massive movement on that stage.
Yes. Oh, sometimes the battles, they're not natural, but they're spiritual.
Hey. Oh, when the doctors don't know what's wrong with you, they can't find it in your blood.
They can't find it on a chart. They don't understand because they have degrees.
They say, we don't know what's wrong with you. I'm talking about myself now. They say they don't know what's wrong with you.
I say, I tell you what, there's nothing wrong with me. What's wrong with you, lady?
This lady just got back from the doctors. Yeah, we don't know what's wrong with you, lady. We don't know what's wrong with you, so she's singing about it.
Okay, when your medical examination every year turns into a prophecy, let's fast forward just a little bit.
Under a table, you gotta let him do the work. Wow, silks.
The silks are flying. This is where high school tall flag girls go to die.
Just Darth Mauling it. Do do do do wielding. Oh, wow.
Which means that we have to get out of our own way. Twenty twenty two.
I made God a promise. I will not enter this year and bring that old mess.
So God, what I need you to do, I need you to take it on the thirty first of December.
I could see it now. Glory of Zion, you know, join us online for our new silk workout.
You know, it's cardio. It is.
It is. Oh, that is. Wow. OK, OK, I want to get to this one, but yeah, all right.
OK. Oh, no. What? What? I can't skip.
I know you can't. I'm just all right. Where's my where's my
Pepsi? Here we go. If you felt like 2021 was a little bit confusing, a little bit chaotic and you kind of felt like you weren't totally walking towards the plans that God gave you, you weren't totally seeing your goals manifest.
You kind of felt like manifest is a prophecy. Bingo word. It's almost like the devil was against you.
There was confusion being caused. It was one thing that it was the other thing. The Lord kind of spoke to me about this, and there was the
Lord kind of spoke to you. The devil might be against you.
He might be taking the day off. Yeah, the new revised version of Amos, the
Lord sort of spoke to me. It might have been my neighbor two doors down, but it might have been the
Lord. It's his dog that's making my lawn yellow. Just a little bit of a note here, if you open up your refrigerator and the mayonnaise is talking to you, you need to go see somebody.
A professional can help you with this. The mayonnaise does not know best. Right. The demon of chaos running amok last year and it breaks now in Jesus name.
It's time for the church to resurge. Jesus, there's the Jesus.
It's on my bingo card. Here we go. Yay. I am slowly, slowly, you know, making my way up the ladder here.
I'm going to share what I'm feeling from the Lord for 2022 in just a minute. I'm going to fast.
Hi, I'm Kay Nash. And if you're new here, welcome to my channel. I'm a messenger of the Lord. Wow. No, she's the missing blues brother.
I wouldn't even trust her to sell toothbrushes. Wow. Prophetic messenger for the
Lord. I deliver prophetic words, financial teachings from the word of God. Lady, seriously,
I would not trust you like a McDonald's gift certificate and you're going to get financial advice to people.
Come on. I have some preaching on here, some training for ministers and some teachings in the training for ministers.
Now that could handy for you, Chris. Okay, she might have a word for you.
Those of you ministers looking to specialize in non lucid communication, Kate Ash is your lady.
So, you know, wow. Kill me now.
Word of God that are pretty deep. So if that's something you're interested in, make sure you hit that subscribe button. We always have new videos coming out.
We have over 400 videos for you to look through. So consider subscribing. Jesus.
Jesus. What does that mean? Is she asking Jesus to subscribe? I describe it like, okay, so when in the charismatic movement, like, you know, apparently like the
Holy Spirit like touches you like, like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Remember those commercials? It just said when the
Holy Spirit touches there, she goes, Jesus, you know, so. All right, you guys, it is 2022.
Welcome to the new year. Welcome to the new anointing. Welcome to what God's doing for the new year.
I really sense a fire for this year and fire is a prophecy bingo word. We're going to jump into this word because it's just kind of been burning in my spirit for a little while now.
The Lord spoke to me, hang in there, Josh, several months ago, and he told me the word for 2022 for the prophetic community.
And I'm going to make a differentiation there. You don't have to be a prophet for this word to manifest, but you do have to be part of the prophetic community.
So if you don't care about the prophetic, this word might not have anything to do with you, but this word is for the prophetic community and the word of the
Lord is resurge. And to be honest, I didn't fully. I think we need a research protector, you know, put on our church.
I mean, last time I checked, isn't Charlie Delta having a, you know, yes, yes, whatever.
Yeah. Charlie Victor one Niner. Yeah. It's a, you know, who's that? It's the latest fat.
Everyone's getting it. Yeah, that's right. You know, I'm feeling a little Omicron today, you know? Oh man.
Oh man. Yeah. We know what that word meant. I heard it in prayer and I just kind of sat on it for those of you who got the prophetic calendar that's coming soon.
A lot of you good. That's going to do a prophetic calendar, you know? She can tell ahead of time what, you know, you know, what, what the whole year is going to look like.
I feel like there should be like dark ominous music playing underneath her like, no, wait, that's not the right instrument. Not dark and ominous.
Yeah. Lower key. All right. Let's try this. Let me try this. Hang on. So I'm going to hit the play button and you bring it in to you.
The word on it is resurgence. And I'm going to explain what that means now. And I hope every time you see it, that it will really touch your spirit and make you get up and do something for the
Lord. Sounds like she has gas. You're hitting the brown note or something with that.
All right. Let's go into the definition of research. All right. So we're going to get a definition.
Resurgence. Research an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.
It's time to research. You better get on with it,
Brian. You better be resurging this year, man. You know,
I like to reboot things. I'm not so keen on resurging things.
Right. Right. Okay. All right. Because rebooting sometimes will fix it. Remember our computer? That's right.
If I got to fix my rebooting, I didn't resurge it. You rebooted it. So you're giving a counter word for 2022 of reboot?
I think reboot could be a potential prophetic bingo word. Yeah. Okay. All right.
I'm with you. I'm with you. Keep in mind. It's time to get unstuck from where you were and stop all this little bit of activity and walk into the new thing
God has for you. You are not supposed to sit here and be the same as you were last year. You're supposed to change.
You're supposed to transform. Getting a prophetic scolding again. Every time.
Stop yelling at me. Okay. So when I was a kid, you know, my mom would tell me to clean my room.
And guess what? There were times when I didn't. And she told me to do it. And she would come in and, oh, my goodness,
I would get it. I would get like, you know, here I work, I am working night and day in order to put food on the table.
And here, you know, all I ask of you is that you clean your room. And do you do that? No. You know,
I know that never happened to you, Brian. Well, I thought I had a good week last week. But now
I'm kind of second guessing that, you know, I need to work harder. You're getting you're getting chewed out by the
Holy Spirit through Cain Ashman. So, all right, let's continue with our scolding.
Let's take it like men, shall we? You're supposed to come that new image in Christ that he wants you to be.
Okay, let go of just sitting there doing nothing. Take up your bed and walk.
It's wow. I changed my sheets recently.
Does that count? I got a
California King mattress with a box spring underneath it. I'm going to need help.
You know, I'm going to need to leave two to three people to move this. Oh, don't even get me started on, you know, the bed mites.
I mean, the thing weighs, twice as much as it did when we got it 20 years ago, you know, so it's eight years.
Chris, come on. I'm sorry. You're giving it up. All right, let's get time to get going for the
Lord. Jesus, you are still anointed. You are still equipped. It doesn't matter what blows the devil through at you in 2021.
2022 is your year of resurgence in the name of Jesus. I break infirmity off your life in the name of Jesus.
Oh, thanks. I needed somebody to do that. Break off infirmity from my life. See, you didn't even know you were going to get those special perks for coming on Prophecy Bingo.
You just had infirmity broken off of you, didn't. I can't wait. I did have a small rash on my calf, so let's see what happens after this show is over.
Yeah, okay, right on. A little cortisone will clear that right up. Higher Christian Media is not responsible for any injuries sustained during the filming or premiering of Prophecy Bingo.
We'll have the attorneys double check their results. We'll We'll be back in a minute.
We'll before we do that, from the
So, let's it has a spirit of divination.
The Greek there is that it's a spirit of puthona, which means that the girl had something to do with the oracle at Delphi.
It's a phrase associated with the worship at the oracle of Delphi. And so what ends up happening is that somebody who has never been to seminary, doesn't read
Greek, doesn't understand the history of the New Testament, like her, she sits there, oh, it's the spirit of Python.
No, it's not quite right. Okay. All right, all right. Yeah, it's almost as if context matters.
That's amazing. Yeah, historical context has something to say regarding the meaning of a text too.
So, but what do I know? I actually had to pay to go to seminary. So, you know. In the name of Jesus, I bring confusion off your life.
I pray that. That clearly isn't gonna work lady. So you gotta practice what you preach there.
So I'm just saying. Come into order as we enter into 2022.
Now I know depending on where you are, it already is 2022 or it's about to become 2022.
But just for the sake of this video, welcome to 2022. This is not going to be the same.
We were really in 2021 setting a foundation for what God was going to do in our life.
And setting a foundation is messy. You have to lay cement. You have to dig holes.
You have to test and make sure the foundation is firm. You have to just go into the ground and make sure the ground is actually going to work for you.
And sometimes when you're going into the ground, you're gonna get dirty. It's going to be a mess. But I'm telling you, you were laying a foundation.
You were laying a foundation for what God was going to do. Okay, yeah.
I'm starting to get some gird here. You know, things are backing up.
There's a particular hymn that comes to mind. What are the lyrics? On Christ's solid rock
I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All right.
So Brian, you were able to bust out some musical tunes and notes and do some freestyle kind of stuff.
I hate to say it, you got some competition here. This is a New Year's prophecy from Hank Kunneman, who always, always does it to music.
So brace yourself for what you're about to experience. Here we go. Every time
I see his facial expressions, he literally looks like he's passing a kidney stone while he's prophesying. All right.
Moving in congruency with the order of heaven and God's feet, that is moving at this time along with the host.
So God says, can you move with me? I'm glad I had the closed captioning on because, if I put this through a grammar checker, what do you think would happen, you know?
Yeah, he's in sore need of Grammarly. Right, which, you know, the annual cost of Grammarly is definitely affordable, especially if you're a non -lucid prophet.
It'll give you an air of lucidity, you know? Your feet become part of my feet as the body of Christ because my feet shall firmly be planted upon the earth's soil.
Oh my goodness. I don't feel like we're playing bingo anymore. I don't know what we're doing. I know.
It's so bad, it's so bad. Wow. I mean, it's beyond belief. There are no words, there are no words.
This is, the one word that comes to mind, blasphemous. That's what all of this is.
Yeah, and by the way, I forgot to give my standard disclaimer because I know that there's charismatics out there.
Scripture says don't despise prophecy. No real prophecies were despised here. There wasn't a single one that was real.
Oh man. And therefore it shall shake. Shaking, if you have shaking.
Yeah, hang on a second here, that's on my card. Good, somebody's making.
This has been a slog today. Yeah. Yeah, we started off so good.
Yeah. Yeah, we did. By the way, I kept that one in the queue just in case. Because it was such a good one, you know.
We should just go back for a refresher just to see what more gobbledygook he can throw our way.
Yeah, I don't know. We've got to endure a little bit more of this though, so I mean. Watch the earth shake, says the
Lord. Oh man, Bezel, it's been nice knowing you. I guess this means that this is the year the
San Andreas goes off and you're in California, so. I know, I know. I'm right where,
I could see ocean front, you know, if things go well for me. I'm about 16 miles away from the coast, so you never know.
If there's a good shaking, if it's a good shaking, you're now living in the future equivalent of Santa Monica, right, you know?
That's exactly right. My property values will skyrocket. Indeed, indeed.
You know, I gotta tell the story. So you know, I grew up in Southern California, raised my kids in Southern California, and as you know, there's frequent shakings that take place in Southern California.
It got to the point where if, so you know, it's in the middle of the night. The house starts shaking, because we have an earthquake going off.
My wife always freaked out. Every time the earth moved, my wife was like in hysterics. And one time, one time she goes,
Chris, wake up, there's an earthquake! And I sat there for a second, and I go, oh, it's no big deal, it's only a 6 .0.
And she goes, how do you know? How do you know? And so I turned on the television and flipped it over to channel four, and we're watching
NBC, and they said, yes, and we just got word from Caltech that a 6 .1 earthquake has just hit the basin.
And my wife hit me. She, how did you know that it was a six? That's good, that's good, yeah.
See, that's not being prophetic, that's being clairvoyant. No, it's purely muscle memory.
It's like, you kind of get to a point where you can't, you don't even, it's not even scientific, you just know.
The last one was a four, I went through a 7 .3, and then something a little less than 7 .3,
you kind of just work it out, it's a six, you know? Yeah, it's called effective data interpolation.
Yep, so all right, let's keep going here. But it shall not just be the earth that shakes, men shall shake, governments shall shake.
God says those who know that they have done wrong shall shake.
That means you're gonna start shaking any time now, sir. That's right.
Didn't Todd White experience a shaking just this last week? Yeah, yeah, Todd White sure did, yeah.
For this purpose, hell is shaking. Because they hear something that many because of fear, the spirit.
Something. Oh wait, something, something. Yeah, hang on, that's on my card, hang on. That is also on my card.
All right, we're making some progress here. I need it to be a little bit more focused angularly, you know, so all right, hang on a second here.
You guys are not gonna like this. Hang on a second here, hang on a second here.
Let's see, critical word, that's Cindy Jacobs. Here we go, let's tune in to Ken Copeland.
Oh, my buddy Ken, oh no. See if you can make heads or tails of this beginning part here.
This one's creepy. You cheater! You cheater!
Cheater! Wait, I can translate gibberish, you know.
Thank you, I'm waiting. There was a part in there where he said that if you switch to Geico, you can save up to 15%, but after that part, yeah,
I definitely heard him talking about declaring and dimension. What do you think? I don't necessarily agree with that.
Okay, now I get it. Now I get how it happens. You're not gonna care if I disagree. No, no, no, because I have the gift of interpreting gibberish, you know, so it's a special pirate authority that I have.
Yeah, yeah. Speaking of, Chris, real quick, you know, in your honor, I chose to use my pirate glass today.
I truly appreciate that you rising to the occasion here.
That just means I won't make you walk the plank any time in the next five minutes, so. Persiate, persiate.
Yeah, all right, let's keep going, shall we? Excuse me, but I'm not gonna let you say. How many partners of the ministry do we have here tonight?
The only people he allows in the building are the ones who give him a lot of money. Man, there's like so much money to be made in heresy, zero to be made in orthodoxy.
Oh, I'm telling you. Yeah, all right, let's keep going. Glory to God.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Yeah, he's counting up the cash right now.
Cha -ching, cha -ching, cha -ching. Cha -ching, cha -ching, ding, ding, ding. Maintenance on my plane is expensive. I'm so blessed and in my spirit tonight all afternoon, well, not all afternoon, but the biggest part of it, and just the
Lord just ministering to me and by the
Kay Nash, they say. Did he say Kay Nash? Snay, snay, snay.
It sounded like Kay Nash. I was like, no, please, no. Yeah, he did say Kay Nash. I don't think we can use that for a card, but he said
Kay Nash. Would you go back, are you sure? Yeah, hang on, well, here's the replay. And just the
Lord just ministering to me and by the
Kay Nash, they say, yeah. All right,
I'll give it to you. Unfortunately, he didn't give me the word I was looking for, which would be so.
I don't know, if he was gonna say Kay Nash, I mean, that's synonymous with Jezebel, isn't it? I'm just wondering.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna go with you on that one, yeah. Yeah, all right, so I'll take
Jezebel on my part. Jezebel will work on that one, okay, yeah. But this is a commotion that I like to be fair.
I'm a filly to you. Like how well it clings, like how. But I pay you to leave.
She's so sure, okay, go, go, go, go. Yeah, aside from the part where he said, please take me away right now to the room with the padded walls, he also talked about the importance of sewing.
Gosh darn it. You saw that one coming a mile away.
Oh yeah, it was pretty obvious. Did they warn you that I cheat?
So Josh, I'm feeling the need for a minstrel here, you know.
Don't be playing that brown note, you know. Okay, all right. Like a Hammond B3. Hammond B3 it is.
Yeah, I don't do an Irish accent, so I gotta figure out how to get the breath right here.
Ah, that's right, I'm feeling a dimension. Something to declare.
Sow your seed now. For the sneaky squid.
Nicely done. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. I don't even have to do it in post. Okay, let's come.
That was good. Yeah, that's it, you know, and by the way, I'm expecting good things from you when you finally get bingo. We gotta work that out, though.
All right, let's try it. All right, let's keep going here, shall we? Bon grumbo, stay sickle.
This is so stupid. It is. In 2022. He wrote the word of the
Lord on one of those little yellow pads. Crazy, no.
This is a good year, but it's a strange year. It will be strange, seem like to some.
Yeah, maybe as strange as 2020. COVID -19! And I blow the wind of God on you.
It's over! Yeah, he was very serious about that.
Oh yeah, oh yeah. Speaking in the office of the prophet, you know. Yes, that's seriously wrong.
Yeah, there are people who are sending large amounts of money to him to this day.
Speaks about just how strong the strong delusion is that God sends at the end of the world, you know?
Yep. Just saying. Yep. There are those in 2022 that will have lived out their lives on the earth.
And there are those that have learned and because of their knowledge of faith and the knowledge of the exceeding great and precious promises of the
Word, and because they know these and because they stood on these, they are gonna make sure they're safe and without.
All right, hang on a second here. I heard something about deep in there, something. Brian, were you feeling any words there?
Yes. Just reach out, reach out with your feelings, Luke. Yes, I feel, I feel that he was talking about increase, okay, and increase in your potential, okay?
Yes, absolutely. And also a reversal of those things which hold you back. Okay, so an increase of potential and a reversal.
Increase and reversal, oh, that looks good. Yeah, I affirm you.
I think we can clearly say that I can confirm this prophetic interpretation. Okay, okay.
So what does that mean for you? I'm one away. You're one away, okay, all right. Yes, I'm so glad.
I'm so glad that we can help you along these lines. Thank you. All right, no, hang on a second.
No, no. Yes. Sickness and without disease.
Now this is where it gets weird. Listen to this. Aleppo and without sickness and without disease, they will simply lay their body down and take off for glory, praise
God. So he's saying in 2022, there's gonna be people who said, you know what, that's it, I'm done.
And they're just gonna lay their body down without dying, without sickness and disease. They're just gonna go, boop, and they're done and they're gonna die.
Well, wasn't that that cult, what was it for the Hale -Bopp comet? Oh, yeah, with the purple sneakers.
Yeah. Purple sneakers. I think it's very close to what he's talking about there.
Right, so basically any of you folks attending Kenneth Copeland's church there in Eagle, whatever, don't drink the
Kool -Aid. That's right. Yeah, and also, you know, this might, I don't know, there sounds like there's some illegalities, at least in regards to taxation from the
IRS and such a scheme as this, so I don't know. Just make sure to sign your entire estate over to Kenneth Copeland Ministries and then lay your life down immediately.
Yeah, this sounds so weird. Yeah, especially in the context of how many partners are here tonight.
Yes. You know, and you get the ting, ting, ting, ting, ting. Yeah, okay. We know to be absent from the body is to be present with the
Lord and the grace of God and the graciousness of his way of life and his goodness and his kindness and his mercy will be shown in places in 2022 that you would never dream that his mercy would show up.
Doesn't God cause the sun to come up on the just and the unjust? Yes.
I'm quoting scripture again. I mean, that's not allowed. You know, I mean, God's grace is kind of like all over the place.
You know, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. I'm pretty sure, you know.
Yeah. What do I know, though? I'm just a meany, poopy head, so let's keep going.
My mercy shows up in the places where most people don't think it, even there in the first place, but I am a merciful
God. Notice how he's speaking in first person for God. Interesting.
That's not creepy at all. I am a merciful God. I'm beginning to think he just is channeling himself.
I think he's a deity, you know? Yeah. And I had to get it, my throat won't be the fish, the sheep won't fly, and there are those.
Josh, what were you feeling for that? I don't know, that felt like covering. I don't know, something about a covering.
That felt like a covering to you? All right, I'm gonna affirm your prophetic interpretation of that particular bit of gibberish, just how does that help you?
That gave me a bingo. Ah! Whoa! All right, that's the second bingo of the day.
All right. So, all right, Josh, you're gonna pass the baton.
All right. Let's see. The Lord spoke to me about a reversal, and there was a release of Jezebel.
Wait a minute, Jezebel? No, that's not what happened. We're stepping into something about Jezebel.
Oh. I think I smelled Jezebel's spirit. Oh, did Nirvana sing about her?
It smells like Jezebel's spirit? It does. Oh, man.
Okay, let's come back to this. Oh, my. Oh, my. In 2019, 2020, 2021, there are those that became so stressed and so pressured with this biological weapon that was created in the earth, this synthetic virus that was created to do what it's done and to upset the world.
Ah, but I already knew that, saith the Lord. I already knew that. And there are those that were under such pressure, and they just said, well,
I just, I can't go any further. And so, they just stepped out of their bodies, and they're in my presence right now.
What am I listening to? Right, as if we have that opportunity or option to step out of our bodies.
Oh, of course, Jesse Duplantis can do that. He can just step out of the body, go through the roof, and go right to heaven, but that's not for everybody.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this sound like some kind of form of suicide?
Yes, it's kind of a mashup between suicide and astral projection. Right.
That's not creepy at all. No. No. No, that, for sanity's sake,
I think I'd better go to Glory of Zion. I know, it also sounded like he was definitely talking about lab leak theory.
I just, ay -yi -yi, this is so bad. All right, so, this one's called The Hidden Mysteries Will Become Fresh Revelation.
Okay. But the Lord would say that this is a time when I. Man, I need a stick like that.
I am calling you to come into. Maybe, I'm kind of jealous.
Those are sticky. Maybe you could use a pen here. I have a private back scratcher. There. I do too, but it's over there.
A place you've never been before, or even as it was with the Apostle Paul, when he said,
I was in that place, and he said, I saw and I heard things that I'm not even allowed to speak.
I say, I'm catching you up into a place, and that that has been mysteries in days past will no longer be a mystery.
For I say, I am breaking through with fresh revelation. Breakthrough will count there.
I say, you will see what. What was that? Fresh is also a word. Yeah, fresh, that counts, yeah.
What you have never seen before. You will hear and understand what you have never understood before.
God's. Now, by the way, we had a guest on Prophecy Bingo several months ago, and he's been to Glory of Zion.
They don't even have preaching time anymore. This is the teaching time. Wow. Wow. This is wild stuff.
I've never heard of this place. Where are they located? They're in Texas.
They're in Texas. We are so sorry to. It's all happening in Texas. Yeah, just go to gloryofzion .org,
and on the watch section, how to watch, watch on website, watch on GZI TV, replays, and then they have a whole prophecy center.
Every time they have people get up and have these utterances, they collect them into the prophecy center section so that we don't lose these precious words of God.
Okay. Well, that comes in handy for fact -checking later. Fact -checking, that assumes that they're talking about anything that makes any sense.
I can't fact -check a macaroni and cheese. I don't know what to do.
Yeah, let's keep going here. This is the time that I'm breaking you into a place so that the mysteries that were hidden in ages past will become fresh revelation to you, and you shall know the will of the
Lord. You shall be able to step into. All I know is that those women with bare feet,
I'm just feeling like athlete's foot fungus is in their future. Let's go back to something a little more sane, shall we?
Okay, just, I need a prophetic release here.
I need more tongue speaking because I'm feeling it. Okay, all right, yeah.
Well, now that you're - I don't think this guy won't give it. Yeah, now that you're in the flow, you know? Yeah, yeah.
Well, now that it's fair game, you know? I mean, shoot. Yeah, you understand how the cheating works.
So - Right, okay. God is watching over his word to ensure that it will perform all that it was intended to do.
The number 20 prophetically means divine order, taking possession, waiting with expectancy.
Are you expectant for 2022? Numerology comes in so handy.
Oh yeah, you can make it mean anything, man. That's right. Yeah. Ugh. It's time to hope again.
Over the last couple of years, God has released a divine reset in the earth, causing - Reset is a prophecy, being a word.
Reordering and a bringing of things into divine alignment. Oh, alignment, that's a good one.
Yeah, that's a good one. For such a time as this. Alignment, I have alignment. This divine reordering is releasing a changing of the guards in every facet of society and in the church.
The changing of the guard is necessary. It is making way for the new era and new leadership.
The number 22 prophetically represents light, revelation, knowledge to unlock mysteries.
Get ready to unlock some - Have you noticed that none of these prophecies actually sync with each other?
That's true, that's true. Well, it reminds me of that song from Disneyland's what was it,
Journey to Inner Space. Oh wow, that's an old one. Yeah, and it went like, ♪
Miracles with molecules. ♪ And this is kind of like, ♪ Prophecy with numerals.
♪ You know, do you see the connection there? Oh yeah,
I definitely see it. Although I gotta admit that anybody even remembering the
Journey to Inner Space, that's impressive. That was the pavilion that was eventually turned into Star Tours, I believe.
Exactly, yes. Yeah, and it was always just so ridiculous.
They had this microscope thing and they had the little buggies that just turned, they became smaller and smaller and smaller.
It does. Yeah, when I was in high school, that was the make out ride. And ever, and ever.
That's right, right next to the Carousel of Progress. That and the People Mover actually moved through that pavilion as well.
Yeah, yeah. All right, now I promised a little bit more of Cindy Jacobs, okay?
So I've been having a hard time stomaching this. So when she released her prophetic word for 2022 at Trinity Church, Cedar Hill, where she's in attendance and you know, she did some freestyle prophesying too.
So we're just gonna throw this into the mix. Please. Now this is the word. The Lord said, didn't
I call you to Puerto Rico? And the Lord says, I will open a door that no man can shut.
And the Lord would say to you, you're gonna see how I get you back into Puerto Rico and what
I do for that, says the Lord. But the Lord says, ask me for the nations for your inheritance.
Nations, I've got nations. Now, doesn't that count as a misappropriation of like scripture?
Because aren't the nations given to Jesus? Yes, yes. Oh, but Cindy Jacobs is all about that.
You know, full disclosure, this actual service, if you can call it that, is what
I'm doing the video for Saturday on. There you go, okay. I need to put that out there so that if I know an inside information already, it's because I've already seen this.
Right, okay. So it just seems like she misappropriated an actual prophecy that relates to Jesus and points it to this guy who's going to Puerto Rico.
Yes. So, okay. And also what she's doing is using Isaiah 22 with the opening and shutting with the key of David.
And she leaves that in and out of the entire talk that she does with her buddy.
Well, it's her husband, Mike, who starts it off. And it's just an incredible, incredible misuse of scripture.
Never even comes close to talking about Jesus being the key of David and the keys of the kingdom.
Right. Okay, so my discernment radar going off and saying, wait a second, that applies to Jesus.
You know, she apparently didn't see that connection. So God didn't give her any kind of check and go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're misusing the scripture here.
Okay. I am going to use you and there's some connection even the Trinity has, and I'm gonna use you.
And I see there will be prayer teams sent into strategic areas, says the
Lord. If you have the word strategy, that'll count. And the Lord says to you, Anthony, prophesy, prophesy.
Apparently do it right now. Drop and give me 20. On command, come on flannel man, let's do it.
Start, start it, dude, go, go. Come on. Come here. I have set you as a prophet.
This, this isn't cringy, awkward, weird. In the house of the Lord. And so father,
I thank you in the name of Jesus for the word of the Lord. Is that a guy getting ready to catch him just in case?
Yeah, probably. And I thank you for the word of the Lord for the nations.
And the Lord says, not only will Melissa finish her book, but I've got a book in you.
And the Lord says, Is it stuck in the birth canal? Just releasing that father, the anointing given to me through many authors, especially my mentor,
Peter Wagner. I lay my hand upon you and come here, Melissa. And the
Lord says, daughter, didn't I call you to miracles and signs and wonders?
And the Lord says, this day, you are receiving an anointing, a signs and wonders in Jesus.
Signs and wonders, prophecy, bingo. Thank you, Lord. That ain't the
Holy Spirit, that's crazy. All right, so when she went on to the Sid Roth It's Supernatural program to talk about God is shouting these two words in 2022.
Finding those two words was really tough, but I did find this little info more shot. I thought this was interesting. Call now to get
Cindy Jacobs brand new and exclusive four part audio CD set, 2022 and you.
What's coming next? Oh, and it even rhymes, that's good.
Yeah, this just screams focus group. Yeah. It includes a three part audio
CD teaching on what's ahead for you, your family and your world. Plus a fourth audio
CD on the word of the Lord for 2022 from Cindy's Global Prophetic Summit. This is an exclusive offer for our
It's Supernatural audience. For only $29, you can hear what God's saying.
That's a bargain. Yours for a donation of $29. Yeah, I feel really bad for the people who buy this stuff.
And like 10 years from now, they're going to be dead and their family's going to be picking through their like library and going, what is this?
Oh no, look Martha, mom got into the heresy again. And I hate to say this, but I don't even have a
CD player at the moment. You have one in your grandson's bedroom.
Oh, that's right, I do. I'd have to go into my grandson's room, but I don't, I personally don't even, when was the last time
I listened to a CD? They don't put them in cars anymore. No, I, yeah,
I just connect to my iPhone, you know. Think about the audience. The audience is boomers.
Ah, yeah, got it, okay. Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 3773.
The 2022 Word of the Lord was discerned at the Global Prophetic Summit with over 100 prophets attending.
Oh man, that's capacity. Hey. Wait till you hear who was part of it.
Including Chuck Pierce. What word did they discern?
Gobbledygook? Lance Wallnau, John and Jolene Hamill, Troy Brewer, Todd White, Bobby Conner, and so many more.
So many more, so many more. This powerful word lays out what 2022 holds prophetically for you and your family.
Now, when you were doing your research on this event here that you're gonna be doing a video on, was it just me or was it hard to actually find what exactly was the
Word of the Lord for 2022? No, it was just basically the opening and shutting of stuff, of things.
Right. Depending on what you were thinking of at the moment. Yeah. With some healing, you know, some things spattered here and there.
Her husband even talks about Jesus asking him to come and play with him.
Yeah, I had a hard time actually discerning what the actual word that they discerned was.
But they did this critical word for 2022, prophetic dateline by Cindy and Mike Jacobs.
And well, let's see if you can make any sense of this. Chuck Pierce. I really think we're headed into one of our more interesting years.
I don't think it's a year that we have to be fearful as we go forth.
I think it's a year of sorting through. Is Bill Hamming taking notes on what
Chuck Pierce is saying? Let me get this down. Oh, this is good. Let me write this down, man.
He ain't saying nothing, dude. Incredible harvest. But -
Harvest is a bigger word. Harvest is a bigger word. In the midst of it, the war that goes with harvest.
Now, if you have warfare, I will give that to you. All right.
Okay. Oh, this is just, okay. And I really think that's the way we're gonna have to look at the whole year ahead as we advance.
I know while I was there with you guys, the Lord gave me several questions that I know he's asking all of us.
Because, see, the year, when we look at it from a Hebraic standpoint, it's about building. And remember, he came down to see.
The first time we see the word visitation, really, is where the
Lord says, us came down to visit to see what they were building in Babylon.
You mean Babel? That's right. What is he talking about?
And so I really believe the Lord is looking at our building plans for the year ahead.
And you have to get them approved from the Jerusalem City Council, you know? And make sure you pull the right permits.
What on earth? So what are you building this year, Basil? I'll tell you.
This is beyond belief. It's beyond belief. Yeah. I wanna build a better burger is what
I wanna build, okay? That's, I'll do that tonight, probably. Yeah, that's admirable.
That's admirable, okay? But you can't do any better than a double -double animal style.
So I'm just saying. Yeah. Southern California through and through.
Let's keep going with this. How are we building? How are we adding sons and daughters to what we're doing?
But also remember, when you think about Babylon, you are -
It's Babel. Babylon is where they went into exile. Babel is where God visited and then confused their languages because they were disobeying.
They were clumping rather than dispersing, so. Yeah. Thrown to think about the whole issue was over communication.
So I actually think the war is going to be over communication.
What war? It's over communication, though.
It's the culture war. Okay. It is going to be a year of, the war is changing out there in the atmosphere.
Never before - Atmosphere, that's a prophecy bingo word. Hang on a second here. Goodness, what is this man even saying?
Or have we had communication instantaneous like we have now and the systems we're dealing with?
So great war over communication as we move forward in the year ahead.
And Bill Hammond's writing all this down. Oh, wow, this is some good stuff. This'll preach.
And you have to know that the Lord is going to be looking at how we're communicating as we move forward.
But he's also looking at how our identity's changing. Identity is a prophecy bingo word.
I have that on my card. Yeah. I think identity is very key and we are coming into a place where he's summing things together for each one of us so that we really portray who we truly are in the coming year.
Now, another thing is - So Brian, how well are you at portraying who you really are?
Yeah. You know, who am I? Who am
I? That's the question. The internet would like to know. Yes. If we're really gonna be serious about it for a second, who we are is baptized individuals.
Yeah. We've died and risen with Christ. Yep. We're united to him by grace alone through faith alone.
Yep. That's who we are as Christians. Yeah, and over and again, Paul throughout his epistles talks about us who are in Christ, en
Cristo. So our identity is in Christ. I don't know what he's talking about.
So good answer, by the way. I think we have to be very careful of compromise because -
Too late, too late. Just letting you speak is compromise. The first thing
I see the Lord doing is sorting out the remnant. Now, that's us.
That's all of us. There's gonna be this incredible sorting out of the -
What I do not understand is why there's nobody sitting there going, he ain't saying nothing. The emperor's not wearing any clothes.
This is stupid. Why aren't they saying that? They're getting paid by the hour. They all got their heads down. No wonder
Bill Hammond's taking notes. He's trying not to make eye contact with the camera. The remnants.
And Mike Jacobs just looks absolutely confused. And this fellow down here, he looks annoyed and I'm with him.
I'm totally with him. He can sort out the nations. And that brings me to one of the very key questions that I heard -
It's key question coming up here, Josh. Key prophetic question for 2022. Isn't nation one of our words?
If you have it, put it down. It probably is. Are you ready to go to war in spring?
Well, that took me - Oh no, man. That means I have to do PT. Better muster.
We're going to war in spring. Luckily, spring for us doesn't happen until about May.
So we have time. Well, that's right. Yeah, you guys in Southern California, spring is next week.
But for us, it'll be here. I hope you've been training.
Well, I'm trying to decide what type of a life I'm gonna have once they release the electromagnetic pulse.
And nothing works. There is no more communication. Right, the war over communication has been lost at that point.
Doesn't matter anymore. Right. Talk to your neighbors, or it'll be as loud as you can shout.
That's how far you're gonna communicate. Right on. Yeah, I better get used to a horse and buggy again.
So, okay. That's right. Over to David and David, it's one of the big mistakes he made.
He wasn't ready to go to war in the spring. He was old and beginning the first twinges of retirement that comes along with the crepitude.
I was only two weeks away from retirement, gosh darn it. No biblical text says, you know, he wasn't ready to go to war.
That wasn't it, you know. When kings go to war. And so,
I really see when it comes to spring, the nations are being sorted through by the
Lord. And there's gonna be a lot of conflicts in the nation. But the Lord gave me this scripture this morning.
He did. Don't we all already have that text, whatever it is? Let's see if your
Bible has this in it, Basil. Surprise us. Let's just see here. The law will go out from Zion.
What precedes that is in Isaiah two is he says. So he's in Isaiah two.
Does your Bible have Isaiah two in it? It does, it does. Yeah, so does mine. Only enough, only enough.
Oddly, it comes right after one and right before three. And the
Lord gave this to the church all the way back when Isaiah was alive.
Who was an actual prophet, by the way. Yes, and never sounded anything like this.
Many are gonna start drawing towards Zion. Now, that means that there's gonna be a lot of drawing toward his people this year.
And we wanna be faith -filled influencers. That's the way to say it while we're out there.
Anywhere you go. So we need to get on Instagram, got it, okay. Any place you find yourself.
Restaurants, anywhere that you find yourself. So, do you practice being an influencer while you're at a restaurant?
Well, someone's gotta take a photograph of his meal. You don't? I don't. But Brian.
I actually go to a restaurant to sit down and enjoy a meal. And I really care about influencing anyone at the point.
That's so selfish of you. That's so selfish. Maybe I need to repent of that. Yeah, you know, because Chuck Pierce, you know.
Big businesses, Pete. Okay, yeah. Faith -filled influencers.
I may have to rethink this whole enterprise now. Yeah. Of going out to eat. Yeah, I may never go in public again.
You know, it's too much responsibility, you know. Maybe I can start with larger tips. Well, there, yeah.
Right? Right, yeah. I mean, wouldn't that speak volumes for the gospel? Or maybe just one of those fake $20 bills that has the four spiritual laws on the back.
Don't do that. No, Sid, no, no. No? No, that, talk about cruel and unusual, yeah.
That's out then, all right. All right, let's keep going. It's because we're gonna be drawn to this year. He's gonna put a supernatural favor on us.
Supernatural. Supernatural is a Prophecy Bingo word. What'd you say? To draw people toward us.
And then he says, I'll judge between the nations. Now, I see, when I see war for the nations,
I see this year becomes a sorting out of sheep and goat nations.
Oh, what happened to every tribe, tongue, kindred, and nation being gathered?
I have no idea. And here's the issue, is that in, like, so for instance,
I'm in the United States. You're in the United States. I could say that overall, there's probably more goats than there are sheep here in the
United States. But what about the sheep that be here, you know? What is this sheep and goat nations thing?
I'm pretty sure all the nations are goats right now. Yes, yes. But see, this is what the
New Apostolic Reformation influenced people do. They personify nations as if they are individuals.
Yeah, and well, listen, Michael Brown says that the NAR doesn't exist, man. Don't you understand?
You're a conspiracy theorist now. Yeah, yeah. And private jets are approved.
It was bound to happen. Yeah, all right, let's check in with Nisi, shall we? Why not?
It's Nisi, and welcome to this special New Year's edition of - Why did I pick so many ladies that yell at us?
Why did I do this? What am I thinking? Prophetic fire. The Lord laid a very important word on my heart for 2022, and this word has just been bubbling up with such an urgency in my spirit that I don't want to hesitate.
So let's jump. What'd you say? Tell me it's wind. Right in.
I heard the Lord say that 2022 is going to be a year of glory, power, and change.
Glory is a prophecy bingo word. You don't have to be a prophet to recognize that the earth is in a state of transition.
Transition is a prophecy bingo word. Birthing pains. Birthing is a prophecy bingo word. And Jesus spoke about that would happen up until his return have already begun.
And let me tell you, 2022 is going to be a pivotal year for many people who are watching me right now.
You don't say. Really? No. I mean, 2021, that was a pivotal year in my life.
2020, pivotal. Who doesn't have, ah, this is annoying. There are many of you who are watching me right now who will receive unprecedented news that will lead to major changes in your life.
It's called, it's called the future. It's what it's called. We don't know what's going to happen.
I'm sorry, you have, you have cancer. I'm sorry, but your insurance claim was denied.
I'm sorry, but the down payment on the house was rejected. Who doesn't receive news every, ah, this year.
But before I go into that, I want to go into three major patterns from 2021 that the
Lord highlighted to me that will actually emerge as major trends in the year ahead.
Across the globe in 2021, we saw a power shift that came with great turmoil and upset.
Americans witnessed an election that led to one of the first times in our history where we didn't have a peaceful transfer of power.
Also in the United States, we witnessed as the longest war in our history ended in disaster.
When America pulled out of Afghanistan, we watched as the Taliban took over.
Also in America, we saw - And none of the prophets called it. Yeah, yeah. Which of the prophets saw that one coming?
Yeah, yeah. I mean, and they missed a great opportunity. They could even sung it. You know, hey,
Mr. Taliban. Nevermind. Sorry.
Prophecy is always 20 -20 in hindsight, okay? Yeah, yeah. The upset - What are you going to do about it?
Yeah. Of the stock market as the bears and bulls of Wall Street went into an epic battle with the apes of Reddit.
And in - What did she just say? She's talking about Wall Street vets versus the meme groups, versus the -
The apes of Reddit. I, I, wow. Man, that is a great name for a band, the Apes of Reddit.
Oh, yeah. Dude. I gotta keep that one. So I'll pull out my guitar and dust that thing off and you and I can do a
ZZ Top tribute band called the Apes of Reddit. That would be just - Could you imagine? I don't want to.
But I like it. I mean, we, we, you know, we, oh man, we'd be all over Netflix and stuff, dude.
You know, we talk about influencers, yeah. In Israel, we saw the transfer of power after 12 years of Netanyahu being prime minister.
And of course, in the UK, we saw the death of Prince Philip, which I believe really marked a shifting and an ending of the era of the current monarchy.
The point - Is the current monarchy still alive? I don't know. Just jumping the gun a little there, huh?
Elizabeth's still breathing. You know, wow. This is weird. The point that I'm getting at is the
Lord has highlighted the pattern of this shift of power dynamics that has happened across the globe in a major way in 2021.
And I believe that this is the beginning of a trend that we're going to see emerge in a major way in 2022.
She's not saying anything. No. Her lips are moving, but she's not saying anything.
Anything. She's not saying anything. Yeah, but then again, have you heard any of these prophets say anything today?
Hey guys, I had this terrible idea that more people are going to die in the future. No. Isn't it groundbreaking?
Oh, I feel a shaking. All right, so Brian, so I just need to know what kind of assistance do you need here?
I can assist you. I have the power of two more words. I have one to go and it's a power word.
Yeah. It has to do with something that gets a jet engine going.
You have to use these things to actually spark the flame.
They're called igniters. So you ignite. You ignite.
Yeah, in fact, so here's what we're going to do. Anybody here who's watching
Prophecy Bingo, if you are subscribed to the channel, you can have the word ignite. And if you hit, if you ring the bell, let's get our second bonus word in here, then we will give you a flow.
Oh, yes. Yeah, flow. Well, there you go. So you're telling me
I get ignite. Yeah. Oh yeah, you got it, man. You got it. I got bingo.
I'm expecting some prophetic words from you here. Do you need a minstrel?
Let me get, let me dig deep here. Okay, all right. Breathe deep, the gathering gloom.
Watch lights fade in every room. I declare, but it is not from the
Lord, that Dogecoin will grow in its value to $3 .33.
Thus sayeth the triple three. Well, I am, that is, wow.
That is one of the most impressive rookie prophecy bingo prophecies I've ever seen, sir.
Thanks to Cindy Jacobs and the cryptocurrency movement on behalf of Trinity or whoever it was.
So tell us again, sir, how people can find your channel. What's the easiest way to do so?
We'll put a link, by the way, down in the description, but if they want to type it in there, you know. You can go to just Bezel T3, Bezel like the watch bezel.
Easy to spell, B -E -Z -E -L, T as in tango, the numeral three.
Bezel tango three, all right. That's it, that's it. I kind of like that, the tango three. I like that, the numeric alphabet.
You're no slouch. It kind of has that aviation thing to it, you know. You're no slouch, Chris, I'm telling you. Well, I appreciate you taking the time to come play
Prophecy Bingo with us today, and it was an absolute pleasure. Look forward to maybe working with you again in the future.
I'd love it if you'd have me, so thank you guys so much. I've had nothing but a great time with you both.
Excellent. All right, let me sign off, and then we'll chat for just a couple minutes. So if you found this episode to be entertaining, helpful,
I'm not sure what to say when it comes to Prophecy Bingo. All the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross. Amen.
Amen. Amen.