Setting Dates For The Rapture / Return of Christ

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Why do people do this when Jesus said in Matthew 24 "no man knows the day or the hour"? The Jehovah's Witnesses did it. The 7th Day Adventists spawned from the false date of 1844. In recent times Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel and Harold Camping set a date, all were wrong and yet for all of these groups / people they continued on as if nothing happened. What should our reaction be? Watch and find out!


Why do people set dates for the return of Jesus don't they know what the scripture says? Matthew 24 32 through 36 says now learn this parable from the fig tree
When its branch has already become tender and put forth leaves, you know that summer is near So you also when you see all these things know that it is near at the doors
Assuredly, I say to you this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place heaven and earth will pass away
But my words will by no means pass away But of that day at hour, no one knows not even the angels of heaven
But my father only in the context of Matthew 24 Jesus is talking about his return and then chapter 25.
He sets up the kingdom here on this earth I remember when I was young I heard the fig tree prophecy that the putting forth of the leaves that was a picture it
Represented the establishment of the Nation of Israel, so that's 1948 and this generation shall not pass away
Jesus said so if a generation is 40 years Jesus should come back around 1988 and I heard that how
Lindsay actually predicted that although I've not been able to Confirm that he actually said it.
I can't find that video anywhere, but that's the word and in 1988 obviously it didn't happen.
So then the generation went from 40 years to 70 years, you know a man's lifetime is three score and ten if by reason of strength 80 years
So that means Jesus. Well, he must come back Very very soon.
I think there's a guy on YouTube predicting right now that Christ will return in 2029 2030 so why do people do this?
Why do they set dates? Well the bottom line? I think obviously some people really believe it
They think they've cracked the code, but I think some of them do it to be sensational. It increases the size of their audience
But you say don't they know it's gonna backfire. I don't think so because most of them get away with it
So it creates a stir people listen to your YouTube videos people
Are drawn in to your sermons. I'm pretty sure if I wanted to break my all -time record
The most watched video I have has about 70 ,000 views I could probably get more than that if I put out a video setting a date for the
Rapture or the second coming of Christ depending on your theology how you see that But I would never do that, of course because number one
Bible says nobody knows the day or the hour Jesus said that and I've taught my flock not to listen to people who set dates
But when you're famous, it's different or if you're a cult leader,
I mean you can get away with it I mean, for example, the Jehovah's Witnesses did this they set a date and when it didn't happen they set another date the seventh -day
Adventists Spawned from the Millerite movement William Miller set a date it didn't happen.
So what did he do? He said another date? even Chuck Smith from Calvary Chapel set a date and When it obviously didn't happen, he tried to cover his tracks and it worked
It really didn't hurt his career at all. Of course, most of us know about Harold camping
He set a date when it didn't pan out. He just said Another date it's like oh, it's amazing.
These people get away with it. But when you have a massive following People just Okay, whatever you say
Whatever excuse you give or if you just don't you say let's pretend that didn't happen
I don't know people seem to get away with it for whatever reason so I'm not sure, you know, depending on who it is what their specific motivation is, but definitely
People pay attention when you set a day, even though most people know that that's That's not gonna happen
It kind of piques your interest doesn't it? Remember John Hagee's for blood -red moons.
How many copies did that book sell now? I realize John Hagee didn't actually set a date, but he was implying that something was gonna happen here 2014
I believe it was 2015 and His book got a lot of attention.
It was on the New York Times bestseller list Actually, that was a defining moment for me.
I remember back then. I thought John Hagee was a Baptist preacher I didn't realize he was a
Charismatic so I kind of got sucked into that a little bit I thought it was really interesting and when it didn't happen,
I thought you know fool me once shame on you Fool me twice Shame on me, you know, you can't get fooled again.
So that got me looking into Discernment and from that moment on I stopped listening to televangelists, you know, praise
God when my theology has greatly improved But the point is yeah, the question is why do people set dates?
You know, whatever their motivation is and I think a lot of it is to just get attention sell books
Get more clicks online One thing I can tell you for sure If anyone sets a date you can just bank on the fact that that is one preacher
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