The Raw Truth About Abortion Mill Ministry
The Raw Truth About Abortion Mill Ministry
Zack and Desi interview with their hero of the faith John Barros as he discusses the raw truth about his years of ministry at the abortion mill.
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- 00:04
- Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity.
- 00:11
- I mean this is what's wrong with the Christian Church today. We don't know who God is and we don't know who we are.
- 00:19
- This is where we hold them. This is where we fight.
- 00:29
- Officer, you need to repent of your lawless conduct. You don't know the law and yet you pretend to represent it.
- 00:36
- That's not law enforcement, sir. That's being a thug. We will not stop fighting and bothering you all until this monstrous barbaric practice of legalized abortion ends and we are teaching our children to do the same.
- 00:54
- God's Word says that the shed blood of innocent humans cries out for justice and mark my words they will have their day in court.
- 01:03
- Nobody gets saved by being treated nicely. They get saved by hearing the gospel.
- 01:08
- Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ. If we don't open our mouths and commend
- 01:13
- Christ, we're not loving them no matter what we're doing with our hands.
- 01:24
- Rescue those who are being taken away to death. Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
- 01:29
- If you say behold we did not know this, does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it?
- 01:37
- And will he not repay man according to his word? Hey what's up everybody? It is a beautiful Wednesday.
- 01:44
- It's getting hotter out here in Arizona. Yeah. We kind of dread this day.
- 01:49
- You know what's so weird about us is that in the wintertime when it's cool we kind of just were like we acclimated to it so well.
- 01:56
- Right, yeah. That we you know we don't worry about and then as soon as the heat comes we're just absolutely aware of it.
- 02:02
- I know, yeah. And it's just it's just funny how we get you know we acclimatized to comforts as human beings.
- 02:08
- It's like we're begging for the winter and when it's here like after two days we're like whatever. Yeah, well like oh this is wonderful.
- 02:15
- Well at first but then yeah we don't we forget about it and then the summer comes we're like why? Yeah, exactly.
- 02:21
- Summer starts in like really spring. You get like half the year here that summer. Yeah, absolutely.
- 02:27
- Yeah and then I was talking to Isaac earlier and he said we have three months of heat but for us
- 02:33
- San Diegans it's like the next five months. Yeah. But they're just so used to it. Yeah, this year I feel like it's been better.
- 02:39
- Last year it started in April and then didn't end till like end of October. Right. But this year you know we're just now hitting the highs in June so I'm like okay thank you
- 02:48
- Lord. If you guys didn't know with all of the COVID craziness we had our hottest year on record in 2020.
- 02:56
- Yeah and I was fully pregnant. Yeah, a hundred days over a hundred and ten or something like that.
- 03:01
- Or 50 days over a hundred and fifteen. It was crazy. And I had Knox September 2nd so I was like the biggest you could be in the heat the hottest of the summer.
- 03:10
- I call it the summer of sanctification. Yeah, absolutely. Well we are provoked if you've never tuned into our show we use the word provoked because it's all about stirring up our
- 03:20
- Christian brothers and sisters. Coming alongside of them and motivating them and hopefully inspiring them through the
- 03:26
- Word of God to preach the gospel just to be about the Gospel Commission and that's to go out in all the world and proclaim the gospel.
- 03:33
- And you know to help them to do that not of course ever taking the place of their local church that should be the primary place of teaching but just secondarily coming alongside of them and saying hey how can we help you get out there and the best that we can.
- 03:45
- So it's helping people get the gospel out and in conjunction with that or linked to that is the focus on saving babies you know.
- 03:53
- Abortion is the genocide of our day is a holocaust of our day and we have to do everything that we can to fight against it.
- 03:58
- That's why I read that opening verse because it's a command for us to go out and rescue those who are being taken away to death and that's absolutely happening at the abortion clinic.
- 04:06
- I mean these babies are being actually taken to death via their mom or via being in the womb of their mothers.
- 04:13
- And then thirdly we want to defend the faith. We really want to you know be bold in defending the
- 04:18
- Christian faith. It is of the faith once and once delivered to the Saints and we have a defense and the
- 04:24
- Bible says we're supposed to be prepared to do that. So that's what we're all about. What you can do and how to support us
- 04:29
- I have been feasting off of Apologia and Pastor Jeff and all the guys for like a decade now.
- 04:36
- But one thing can be really helpful is to go to Apologia studios and become an all -access member and in doing so of course and we say it every single time you can receive second to none education, amazing teachers, debates, anything you can imagine pretty much on there.
- 04:53
- It covers every topic known to man. No, probably not every topic known to man.
- 04:59
- I don't think so. Every teacher who has ever taught is on Apologia. No, I'm just kidding. But insanely helpful for you and especially as you flip it on when you're eating dinner with the kids.
- 05:10
- I mean it brings so much joy and light and teaching. So go there and feast on that but also support us.
- 05:17
- You can support us financially and that's gonna keep the lights on. That's gonna keep us doing what we're doing and of course hopefully it's everything that the
- 05:25
- Christian wants to do. That's just to get the gospel out and love your neighbor. Yeah, we're blessed.
- 05:33
- I'm excited for today. Yeah, I'm so excited about today. We get to talk to our hero in the faith.
- 05:39
- Yeah, he's a hero and I like him for so many reasons. Of course he's not gonna want to hear that and that's what
- 05:45
- I like and I just heard him laugh. We're gonna introduce him in just a second but who we want you to get to know if you don't already know him is our friend
- 05:53
- John Barros. He is on the show with us today and yeah he is somebody that we look up to. He's a hero in a lot of ways but let's just go ahead and bring him on.
- 06:02
- Hey John, how are you doing? Good, how are you guys? We're well and we're better because we get to talk to you.
- 06:09
- We love spending time with you. Whenever we get to be with you and communicate with you it's a blessing to us.
- 06:14
- So thanks for taking... I know you're a busy guy. You're at the mill multiple hours a week so I appreciate you coming on.
- 06:19
- Thank you, John. Thank you. I miss you guys so bad. We miss you too.
- 06:25
- We're excited to talk to you today. How are you feeling? I'm tired but I'm getting old you know.
- 06:32
- I'm gonna be 67 this month. Wow, that's awesome. You're a youthful looking 67.
- 06:40
- I thought you were 61 or 62. Hey but we're gonna... we got a bunch of questions to ask you and this show is really about you know picking your brain about abortion, mill ministry.
- 06:50
- That's what you do and what we call you a hero. Of course I know you don't like to hear that and of course
- 06:57
- God... everything that is good in you is because of God and we boast to no man.
- 07:03
- We exalt no man right. But we can praise God for what he's done through you as his tool and his conduit.
- 07:09
- But you have been at the abortion mill for 15 years or 16 years?
- 07:16
- Well I've been there 18 years but... 18 years ago
- 07:22
- I started going there but as far as full -time every day all day long it's been 11 years now.
- 07:28
- Wow. 11 years. So back it up. John he's in Florida and he's a guy that goes the abortion mill ministry and you just heard it he's been full -time there which is 40 plus hours for the past 11 years which is just so hard to wrap your mind around.
- 07:44
- I mean that is have to... that's got to be a gift supernaturally given to you to be able to do that because the average guy could just...
- 07:51
- he couldn't do it. No way. Yeah. So I'm just gonna start shooting questions to you and we'll just see how it goes.
- 07:59
- But why do you do what you do? Why do you keep on... why do you subject yourself to the pain of this type of ministry?
- 08:08
- Why do you do it? Well you know what's funny? God called me there and I know a lot of people want to say that God's called everybody to do that and everything but God called me there and I know he did.
- 08:23
- I mean it's beyond a shadow of a doubt and he hasn't...
- 08:29
- he hasn't told me to leave yet. Yeah. So I go.
- 08:34
- I stand my post. I... you know he's called...
- 08:39
- he's called me there. He tells us in Proverbs 31 to be a voice for the voiceless and the cause of all who are appointed to die and so I go down there.
- 08:49
- I consider myself an ambassador of Christ. I consider myself an emissary and I just go there and I'll be there until he relieves me of my post.
- 09:00
- Right. He's got... what would you say to people in your age group that you know just want to retire and you know sit back and you know live the good life of vacations and just ease?
- 09:15
- What would you... what would your response to be to someone that was asking you, hey John why don't you just retire and relax?
- 09:22
- Well I would say why don't you check out of this life doing something purposeful.
- 09:30
- Yeah. Something for the kingdom. Right. Because if you're a believer you're gonna have the greatest vacation ahead that you could ever imagine so why waste your time with these ones?
- 09:44
- Right. Amen. It's so antithetical to like what's taught in our culture you know it's like the big push for the
- 09:51
- American dream is to make as much money as you can so that you can retire and kind of live high on the hog for the rest of your years and that's it.
- 10:00
- Yeah absolutely but I mean you think about because so many people believe you know what the culture teaches about people in you know the twilight years of their life is that they're done you know they're all washed up they have nothing to offer when in the kingdom this people group it should be the most powerful you think of Caleb at the age of 80 yeah who said give me my land you know he was ready to go forward and accomplish you know what
- 10:24
- God had called him to do but I think when it comes to retirees I only see them as being so incredibly effective in this ministry
- 10:32
- I mean look at John's of course case example a yeah but people who have the time and have the resources generally to be able to be out there for long extended periods of time so retirees can live out the best years of their life right you know when they retire or they get to a place of financial independence or something like that they can be the most fruitful and productive it's really a beautiful thing too when you think about you know just kind of the ebb and flow of life like you know you get in about our age and you're in the the child rearing and and you're taking care of kids and so you're you're busy and then you know your children go off and that's you know sad in its own sense but also beautiful because that's what you raise them to do is to go out into the world and then
- 11:17
- God brings another kind of chapter into your life where you're no longer taking care of little ones necessarily but you have this time to be able to just pour into service right which is a beautiful calling yeah and I think you capture that John in your life but how many babies do you and I know this isn't a question that you don't know basically because we don't know how many babies are were saved out there because women see you and turn around you know and see
- 11:44
- Christians all the time all around the nation yeah so we don't know from what from what you do know since you started how many babies
- 11:52
- I'm gonna word this correctly but how many babies has the Lord saved through your ministry your ministry at the middle yeah that's the yeah that's the definitely the way to describe it because a lot of people want us people will say
- 12:06
- John you've saved these babies I haven't saved anybody I mean I I I don't have that power these people come and they're they're hardened and they're dead set on on killing their babies and the only thing that's gonna change that direction is
- 12:25
- God and he he's the only one that can give sight to the blind he's the only one that can give a new heart he's the only one he allows us to be a part of it in bringing his word into this whole program because according to Romans 116 the gospel is the power of God unto salvation that it's that's
- 12:49
- God's power is his and and that's what works and he allows us like I said he allows us to be a part of it to be a vessel to be used but he is the one we can never lose sight of that I I see people that are getting on some borderline stuff that scares me actually but you got to you got to remember who it is that's doing this now as far as what he's done here at this clinic for the last 11 years
- 13:20
- I've seen him bring 20 to 30 girls a month to choose life and those are girls that have prayed with us said they're choosing life gone to choices the pregnancy center that we send them to maybe come to our church these are people that were in contact with that actually do choose life and we've seen
- 13:51
- God do that and it's been a steady no matter what happens kovat no matter what it is 20 to 30 girls a month for the last 11 years so that's about 3200 yeah roughly could be up to the stay away from numbering yeah you're right
- 14:14
- David did that and he got in trouble it's a big number but what I love about John is that he wants no recognition for it that's that's why you're why you're one of our heroes because you know you don't people
- 14:28
- I see running around numbering yeah it is crazy I remember when David numbered the people he got judged seriously for that I mean we have to it is
- 14:42
- God that's doing this and I mean you gotta flee from all that stuff these are people not numbers no
- 14:49
- I agree the Bible says that God gives you know resist the proud but gives grace to the humble right how could we do this ministry with God resisting us it's hard enough just to be able to accomplish it in our own you know you know with our fleshly struggles but for him to be resisting our ministry because we're trying to rob him of his glory and so I totally agree we we cannot do that I think we have to go to him daily and repent of false motives and ask him for pure motives just to you know decrease while he would increase that he would be the one that we give all the praise and recognition to so I totally agree and I do cringe when you know it's just in our nature to rob him of his glory that's what our sinful flesh wants to do something that we have to fight against every day but for this type of ministry it just can't even be an option we can't you won't even make it past you know first base if you if you do that right but maybe you could bring us back a little bit 18 years ago and I don't even think
- 15:46
- I know I know we've talked a lot but you say that God called you but how did that happen and did you hear a gospel presentation did you drive by your abortion clinic or how did that happen and kind of let us know what you did and kind of take us through you don't have to be too exhaustive about the explanation but maybe just take us through the timeline of what transpired after that point
- 16:10
- I wish I could say that it was some that I was this wonderful spiritual creature but my pastor 18 years ago
- 16:20
- Jim Fitzgerald he he asked me one Friday night called me and said you want to go to abortion clinic
- 16:28
- I said what in the world do I want to go to an abortion clinic for and he said come on go with me because another member in our church was going down there on Saturday so names
- 16:39
- Patti Smith and he said come on let's go down and support her I said I don't want to go down there and and then he said come on I'll buy you a cigar and I said okay
- 16:51
- I went down there because he was gonna buy me a cigar now once I got there it was horrific
- 17:00
- I mean I could not stand it I hated it but something kept drawing me there and then
- 17:05
- I spent a few years there and any other time that I could and I got really sick
- 17:13
- I got cancer I had brain I had all these things go wrong and had major brain surgeries and I was screwed up I mean big time and and so I don't even know how long
- 17:31
- I mean it was months and months and months that I couldn't even go out the front door I was scared of everything
- 17:38
- I didn't even know who I was or where I was but then as my mind started to come back
- 17:43
- I remembered God working down at that abortion clinic so I went down there and trust me my mind was not working and I went down there anyway and I sat on this little pony wall that's there divides a couple of properties and a beautiful young black girl came walking by and I said young lady can
- 18:09
- I talk to you a minute and she said sure and she sat next to me and we talked for an hour hour and a half and then she started to cry and she she stood up and I mean she was beautiful I can still remember that I'll remember this my dying day that she bent over and she kissed me and her cheek touched my cheek and her tears came off of her cheek and onto mine and she said
- 18:38
- I want to thank you so much I'm not gonna do this and and then she walked away and and when she walked away
- 18:46
- I was just staring at her because I couldn't even remember a word I'd said to her and and I felt this warmth come over me
- 18:54
- I don't even believe it in this stuff but I felt this warmth come over me and I didn't hear any voice or anything but I just said
- 19:03
- Lord if this is what you want me to do take care of my family and I've been there for 11 years that's amazing and so many so many of our neighbors are alive because of that think about just simple obedience and what
- 19:19
- God will do with that and I mean we're talking about a lot of people yeah all to his glory well and you're not just talking about the children that are alive you know just from that you know resulting from that you're talking about their posterity too yeah how many people in the big picture talking about millions yeah but maybe we'll just segue real quick horse go ahead my dad
- 19:46
- I my dad passed away in April and so my family we all had to go out to Garden Grove California and well went out to his house and and after the funeral we all went over to his house and it was the weirdest thing it was so surreal to me but I was sitting there and I was looking you know everybody's eating and having a great time and I looked and I looked at and my brother and sisters and then
- 20:13
- I looked at all of our kids and then I looked at their kids and I thought and if my grandmother would have aborted my dad none of these people would be here mm -hmm
- 20:26
- Wow yeah I don't know if it's because you know when you're at a funeral you're in a different state of mind right yeah it's it's so true though I was doing that ancestry .com
- 20:44
- thing and you can kind of start going back and seeing you know from your mom's side your dad's side and then it goes there parents and their parents and anyways all sudden you've got this huge web but then you look and you're like man if one of those people chose to have an abortion like all of these people would have been affected so I think that we won't know until we get on to the other side of eternity all that this is affected and what how
- 21:11
- God has moved and done so much through his people just just goes to show you the wickedness of this thing that we battle
- 21:19
- I mean how just how death bringing it is I mean on so many levels we can't even really touch on just the effects of it but it just brings nothing but death and destruction and but what
- 21:32
- I wanted to do was kind of help those who are gonna watch this show who are thinking about getting into the ministry we've seen and I know you have seen just an incredible spike and I guess you could say interest or you know people having the burden now to go out to the mill
- 21:47
- I mean you when you started there was nowhere near the amount of people that are doing it now you're looking all throughout
- 21:54
- Facebook and your feeds you're seeing people go to the mill left and right babies being saved but there's such a spike and so many people hungry to know how to do it and I know that's not necessarily an easy question
- 22:06
- I think maybe the simple one is you get you show up and God shows off right like rusty Thomas says
- 22:11
- I mean he he gives us the power and inability but I just want to ask you kind of some probing questions go ahead yeah so yeah yeah
- 22:28
- I just want to pick your brain and I think the first question is is there is there a cost and I know there is but how should a person count the cost when seeking to get involved with this ministry you know
- 22:41
- Jesus when he had all the masses following him and a lot of them was just because of the bread and his popularity at the time but he would turn around and say you guys better count the cost you know we're not going to the
- 22:52
- Ritz -Carlton like you know Pastor MacArthur would say you know this you have really have to take in the toll of this type of ministry so how would you how would you answer how should a person count the cost who's seeking to get involved in this type of ministry well you know first of all
- 23:08
- I had a interview like this with a guy named Ben from the
- 23:15
- Daily Wire just a few hours ago and Ben Shapiro no another bid but anyway he was telling me it only been saved for two years and here is now out fighting the fight he's fighting the fight on the streets of Philadelphia and he's also working for the
- 23:35
- Daily Wire and he's he's battling this battle on two different fronts all at one time and I told him
- 23:40
- I was just so amazed that this guy is so young and I'm so old and I love just seeing how
- 23:47
- God is rising up these people and you know it's it is a battle and you do have to count the cost but that's nothing new that's part of being a
- 23:58
- Christian right we have to count the cost just in our life as a believer anyway but there is an added cost when you go to an abortion clinic because number one abortion has been around since the book of Genesis Satan attacks children
- 24:16
- Psalm 106 tells us that they're offering the blood of their children to demons this is a demonic sacrificial nightmare that we're involved in and the enemy loves that they they love abortion so when you get up and you go stand you can count on being attacked by the enemy a lot stronger than if you're sitting on your couch watching video games or something right and but yeah there's a cost
- 24:53
- I mean you can talk about the there's people that have lost their lives doing this not very many but there are
- 24:59
- I mean down where I'm at I post on Facebook every night because RC Sproul wanted me to he wanted me to tell the stories about what
- 25:08
- Jesus does I also am on a secular radio station every Monday night here where I tell people about what
- 25:15
- Jesus did down at that abortion clinic on through the week and it's an amazing thing what's what's that radio station just so anybody in the area could pop on and listen well it's it's called
- 25:29
- American adversaries radio it's part of the Salem media group and it's
- 25:36
- I think I believe it's I'm sorry
- 25:43
- I can't remember the numbers like oh 950 a .m. at ninety four point nine FM and then you said it's a secular station oh yeah
- 25:52
- Wow that's surprising it is surprising I've been on there six years now doing this
- 25:57
- Wow that's if you stand people take notice even the world takes notice and they say wait you know what is it why is this guy like this why is he doing this and then we're able to share you know do we have things happen bad yeah you know
- 26:15
- I've had I can't count the guns that have been pulled on me you know I've had urine thrown on me
- 26:21
- I've had I've been hit I've been I mean you name it spit on all of that stuff and but you know that's not what we're to revel in and today you know today's a good example there was a girl named
- 26:39
- Serena that came and I'm gonna post about her tonight but she came down there today and she's flipping me off and this other lady named
- 26:49
- Michelle that was there with me and screaming and hollering and cussing her and her friend and I just kept giving her the word telling her
- 26:58
- I loved her and she kept on and on and all of this stuff and and then
- 27:04
- I won't go into everything there's no time but all of a sudden I look she's back in her car up in the back parking lot she pulls up tears pouring down her face
- 27:15
- I have to apologize to you I said for what she says all that stuff
- 27:21
- I was doing all that stuff I was saying all of that I shouldn't have been doing that and she's she said
- 27:28
- I can't do this she said something is not letting me kill my baby and so she asked for prayer took the stuff for choices she's gonna go there tomorrow morning she chose life her and her sister
- 27:44
- Wow so you could throw five gallons of piss on me yeah you can be a hundred times you can spit on me till I'm swimming in it but if you get this when you get to witness
- 27:58
- God do that it's worth everything yeah no absolutely that's amazing yeah well
- 28:07
- I think to a lot of people you know they see just the Facebook posts or video of like you know baby saved or this and they get excited to do this and excited to get involved but they don't see all that led up to it like the cursing out and the pee being thrown on you and you know everything that's why
- 28:27
- I was thinking about titling this episode the dark side of evangelism or abortion ministry even though a lot of its dark but you just the spiritual attack and the physical attacks that come along with it and so I wanted you to maybe touch on also just like on a what can happen to you personally when you decide to jump into this ministry
- 28:48
- I know I wasn't really prepared for it when I started I was like you know on fire for the
- 28:55
- Lord and fire to to you know rescue babies but I didn't realize like there was going to be a huge element of spiritual attack when it comes to you know just your confidence and like I feel like the enemy taunting you with you're not equipped you're not good enough in quotes to be doing this you know tax on your family tax on your marriage tax coming from every side
- 29:18
- I just I wasn't quite ready for that and so I just feel like I want to warn people who are new to the fight or thinking about getting into it like this is real spiritual warfare
- 29:29
- I know you've said several times when you're out there it's this is literally the gates of hell like and so is there anything like you could
- 29:37
- I know we're short on time but then you could probably talk about this for a long time but um could you just touch on on the kind of attacks people can expect going into this well everything you just said but the ones that are just so surprising actually when
- 29:55
- I first started this there was a lady a dear lady strong godly woman named Georgiana Larson and she got ahold of me one day and said
- 30:05
- John you have to be careful out there on the sidewalk and I said I said
- 30:11
- I'm not afraid of those people I'm not afraid of any of this stuff and she said she wrote me back and said
- 30:17
- John I'm not talking about them I'm talking about the ones that are on the sidewalk with you that's another thing you got to watch out for because Satan is gonna move every angle that he can to try to keep you away from that place he just but yeah you're right though I mean people are gonna want to spit at you people are gonna want to beat you supposed
- 30:41
- Christians are gonna drive by and yell at you from their cars telling you you're doing it the wrong way you're gonna have you're gonna have every kind of thing that you can imagine but thank
- 30:51
- God that it's not a consistent regular thing mm -hmm right you know
- 30:57
- I don't want these people to get a vision though that every day there's gonna be a constant eight hours of people doing this stuff to him that's not true either absolutely and God like I said number one is the one that's there to protect you he will protect you he protects his people right yeah so what do you think and I know this is surprisingly
- 31:24
- I don't think the toughest aspect of this ministry is the abused I don't think that is the toughest aspect of this ministry but from your perspective what is the toughest thing to deal with what is the toughest aspect of this type of ministry you know when you're gonna put your feet down and really go at it for a long period of time until God says okay
- 31:44
- I'm gonna move you to a different post what has been the toughest part of it from your perspective well mine has been
- 31:54
- I don't know about you guys but mine has been depression the mine has been feeling you know the enemy hits at that I got to keep my focus on Jesus just like you know
- 32:11
- Peter would you could do the impossible when he when he wanted to walk on water to walk out to Jesus and as long as he stayed focused on Jesus he he was able to do the impossible but when he looked at his surroundings and the waves and all that I know
- 32:28
- I'm preaching to the choir but I have to preach this to myself every day yeah it's that he began to sink and and because if you let up in your faithfulness if you let up in and not look into him man the enemy is there to kick you around inside spiritually emotionally all of those kind of things as well yeah yeah
- 32:55
- I agree and I have not done this for as long as you have or you know if there's even as long as you do per week but I've never really experienced depression until I got into this or this level of spiritual warfare mm -hmm
- 33:10
- I mean I feel like it's a daily thing for me just the enemy's assault on my mind and I don't know if you you go through that to that extent but yeah just the darkness and then in the depression over it and I think it has to do with you know seeing person after person after person choose death and you have your trolls and everything but that's the enemy's assault it's his almost relentless assault on you it's probably the toughest thing and you're exactly right if you let up on your you know your daily
- 33:40
- Christian disciplines is where you get refueled in the strength of the Lord man he'll let you have it they'll knock you around yeah
- 33:48
- I gotta tell you my favorite times of the week is one is gonna happen in about a half hour here is we have a prayer meeting in in my home and mostly yeah most all of them are now they're all from st.
- 34:05
- Andrews and I this is strength to my bones it is it's absolute the middle of the week you know it gets you through to Sunday and you you know you draw close to God you draw as close as you can because away from him is just danger and so you know
- 34:30
- Sunday morning I go to the morning service an hour early and I sit there and I look out over the pond there and I just wait for the girls to come and these precious little girls come walking up in their sundresses and then their moms show up in their sundresses and it just helps cleanse me and show me that everything is not like where I'm at I look at people like well
- 35:00
- Becky's here my friend and I look I'll go online when it gets real dark and I'll look at her
- 35:05
- Facebook page look at her pictures of her family that stuff is so important all the most basic things that you can imagine because these people that come to at least the clinic
- 35:16
- I'm at these girls will take their clothes off to throw you off when they're when you're when you're trying to preach they'll act like not women not ladies in any stretch of the imagination you need to have things that bring you back to the way things are supposed to be and so church number one you know
- 35:42
- I spend I don't know I spend probably six hours there on on Sundays between that and an evening service and then
- 35:50
- Wednesday night at the prayer meeting here at my house but you're right it's the basic things prayer studying the words but you have to get into it intense yeah depending on the amount of time that you're going to be there yeah that's important it's got to be it has to be intense because look how intense this ministry is look how taxing it is you know spiritually and physically so that should drive us even farther it's like you run a big long marathon you're gonna be thirstier right you're gonna be spent and you're gonna have to go to that source of nourishment much more than you normally would so yeah for those of us in the fight and getting into the fight yeah you can't be lax on spending your time and it's all about communion with the
- 36:38
- Lord through those mediums of prayer and Bible study that's just absolutely essential you can't let up or I feel like the darkness overtakes you you know it can overtake you and really get you in almost like a disabled state spiritually and it it's not it sucks yeah it's not what you want to go through but hey
- 36:57
- I do have two more questions and I'm gonna let you go and I gotta get ready but I thought they're pretty important to this segment and then we want to invite you back on and we'll do another episode just you know having you teach us about this but the question one of the first of the two is how can we get it wrong at the abortion ministry and what
- 37:17
- I mean is what are some practices and methods and you actually touched on it a few moments ago about counting you know the number of babies but what are some practices and methods you see out there that you think are counterproductive how can a person really do damage in the abortion clinic well you know that could be a whole program sure yeah but there's some those things people won't agree with me on the main thing is
- 37:53
- I really believe that especially if you're gonna do this full -time you have to look at this through the lens of 2nd
- 38:02
- Timothy chapter 2 when it says to correct those that are in opposition if perhaps
- 38:09
- God would grant them repentance and open their eyes that they might see the snare of the devil haven't been taken by him to do his will you must look at these people as people that are blind and they're stuck in a trap they can't they they can't get out of there unless God moves
- 38:29
- I mean there's no way but we come because it says perhaps
- 38:34
- God will grant them repentance and he does every day at the abortion clinic I'm at I mean just about every single day and but it's you have to look at them through that lens or you're you are gonna look at them as the enemy as evil wicked people as all these things rather than look at them as someone that needs your pity it needs desperately so I think that's what you need to you have to do that if you go outside of that I mean
- 39:09
- I've seen some people pull some Westboro Baptist kind of stuff that makes me want to throw up you know what
- 39:16
- I mean I've seen this is this is gonna get everybody mad but I don't like pictures of cut -up dead babies that my abortion clinic because the thing
- 39:28
- I try to do is get conversations and I have found that when you have those things there you're gonna cut back on a lot of conversations and again
- 39:39
- I know those people that have to do it because they're further away that they're not in the kind of position
- 39:45
- I'm in none of all that stuff so I know people need to use it but where I'm at it's not helpful another thing that's gonna make people mad is one thing that can really ruin a day at the clinic is if a lady comes down that's had an abortion and she comes down to help and if she tells if she tells the a girl there that's going in for an abortion that she's had one that that is crazy because I'll tell you every single time
- 40:19
- I'll try and warn them I always ask them if I don't know them and I'll say have you had an abortion and they'll say yes and I'll say please don't tell anyone
- 40:28
- I said if you were in a pregnancy center or something I would say oh yeah of course go ahead and do it but this is a different thing and they won't listen because they all think that their story is gonna is gonna stop and because they've shared they've had so much pain and then they'll inevitably they will not listen to me and I'll be around over somewhere else and then
- 40:54
- I'll see him talking to someone and the worst thing is is that that girl this has happened every single time that girl going in for an abortion will look her in the face and say you are a hypocrite if you can have an abortion
- 41:08
- I can have an abortion and you tell me how much it's hurt you I'm stronger than you then they in the lobby and start telling them how everybody out there is a hypocrite and they've all had abortions and it just throws a mess into everything yeah so there's a few things
- 41:26
- I mean like I said we could go on all day long but people just need to focus on the people that are there they need to love them and they need to give them the gospel let them know what
- 41:37
- God thinks of this let them know that their baby is a person right well let them know that Exodus chapter 21 shows us and their baby is as valuable as anybody that's ever walked and talked to him on this earth and just take your scripture right yeah you're right
- 41:56
- I mean these two questions are pretty huge and we could talk about it for multiple hours about counterproductive counterproductive things that people do that we see and then also productive things but I think you you're touching on it you know we we can't they are the enemies of God but we can't wage war against them you know what
- 42:16
- I went on a trip with Preston last year and we went to my presence my son and we went to a couple different abortion clinics
- 42:23
- Augusta we saw Stephen Smith and Justin Phillips you know all these guys and I think through our travel in the common denominator of how
- 42:33
- God is blessing these particular men in their ministries is the grace and the mercy and the patience and the kindness and the goodness that they show to these mothers you know if we if we can't do that I don't even think we have any we have any right or we should we should it be out there in front of that mill if we're just spewing hatred we can't get control over our emotions and we're not kind and good and gracious and blessing them then we're doing nothing yeah you're not qualified you're just not suited to be out there and you know
- 43:09
- I I feel broken and saying this because our kind of maybe disposition as brother and sister maybe as families were fighters
- 43:18
- I mean we we like to get you know somebody gets up in our face we're quick to get back up in your face and so I think through the years maybe
- 43:26
- I've been graceless or not as gracious as I could be impatient as I can be and you kind of let your your anger get the best of you in the way that you respond to them but I think yeah if we're gonna be effective and do this in a
- 43:40
- God -glorifying way we have to be kind yeah yeah absolutely but hey thank you so much for your time we love you so much
- 43:54
- I wish we were seeing you face -to -face so we go get something to eat after this but maybe that'll maybe that'll be so hopefully sooner rather than later but I'd love to have you back on and we can pick your brain about more stuff yeah
- 44:07
- I'd love to do like a series you know yeah it would be good to where we could really get into the maybe the gritty yeah nitty gritty yeah is there anything else you want to say before we let you go bro just said
- 44:22
- I love you guys I love you too thanks so much for your time I hope you get refreshed and have a good
- 44:27
- Bible study and every time I talk to you it just seems like the Lord's taking you through another round of the refiners fire so I'm praying for you as you go through that I got a
- 44:37
- Bible verse for you before you get off escalation six nine and let us not grow weary of doing good for in due season we will reap if we do not give up so I just want to encourage you brother to keep on going and you know you encourage and inspire us tremendously and people throughout the world really and I know you don't want to hear that and that's why we love you so much but just keep on fighting the good fight and look into Christ and we can't wait to see you yeah all right man we'll talk to you soon okay love you thank you for your time
- 45:08
- I take back everything I ever said about thanks good night bye all right guys well hopefully you enjoyed that hopefully was
- 45:23
- I opening we really wanted to provide a show and maybe it'll be multiple shows yeah to where you can not that we're like the source of truth when it comes to abortion quite a ministry right we're not that source but we just wanted to give you kind of a raw show of what you can really expect you know the depression the spiritual warfare the attacks that's everything that you have to you know keep at the forefront of your mind but as John said so clearly it's the
- 45:50
- Christian walk this is Christianity confronting the culture of death this is just what it means to be a
- 45:56
- Christian yeah and he's been out there doing it for 11 years he's our friend so we would be foolish not to glean from his wisdom and experience you know like he is such a treasure so yeah
- 46:08
- I hope that you were blessed and took away some some tidbits from this this episode and yeah
- 46:14
- I look forward to having him on even more and being able to just learn from him right you know God you know he is the source of any of any good right yeah there's no one good yeah but God does bless faithfulness so you do want to examine these ministries that's why
- 46:29
- I went on that trip last year to really examine these guys and analyze them and how can we pick up these good qualities and good habits right that are leading to God blessing them in such a profound way and he does give us people to look up to you know to follow them as they follow