Ergun Caner Still Ignorant of Islam


On the recent John Ankerberg series featuring Ergun and Emir Caner more evidence was provided of the fact that Ergun Caner is NOT the expert he claims he is on the subject of Islam. Here's an example.


So it's been quite a while since I've recorded any videos. I apologize for that. It's not for lack of being busy, but in fact that's why it's been.
I've been very, very busy and the future looks even busier, but came across something today and since it is in video format, the easiest way to respond to it is via video, so I'll try to keep this short.
I haven't had the chance to sit down and watch all of the
John Ankerberg series, the new John Ankerberg series with Ergon Kanner. Remember, I wrote an open letter to Dr.
Ankerberg. I tried to, you know, reason. We never got any responses or anything like that.
All the documentation was ignored. Dr. Ankerberg has chosen to be a part of the great evangelical cover -up along with Norman Geisler and Veritas Theological Seminarium.
All those folks just refuse to do the right thing in spite of having mountains and mountains of evidence demonstrating the fraudulent claims of Ergon Kanner in particular, but be that as it may, as I said,
I haven't had a chance to really look through what was posted, but those who have been finding some interesting things, and one example was pointed out to me that I wanted to share with you as just a further example of the fact that these men, despite their being exposed, seemingly haven't gotten the message and haven't upped their game.
Oh yeah, they're trying to avoid some of the really outrageous false claims that were made in the past, but they still don't know
Islam very well, and as a result, you know, continue to bring embarrassment upon those who do seek to bring the truth to the
Muslim people. This example comes in regards to Muhammad's wives, specifically
Aisha and Zaynab bin Josh. First, Emir is asked a question concerning Zaynab, and he gives a short answer, and I can't criticize it too much.
I mean, he may have been told only go for 15 seconds or 20 seconds or something like that. I don't know. There's just so much to be said about Zaynab, and in fact, of the two,
I spent more time on Zaynab bin Josh in the book, specifically in regards to the fact that I think that Zaynab's, Muhammad's marriage to Zaynab is probably one of the greatest evidences of the very man -made nature of the
Quran, that there would actually be ayahs in the Quran, ayat in the Quran, that allegedly was written in eternity past about Muhammad all of a sudden desiring to marry the divorced wife of his adopted son, and then, of course, all the results, the destruction of adoption,
Islamic lands, and the human misery that has come from from his desire for this woman. All of these things would have been very good to mention, but they weren't mentioned in the presentation, but here's what
Emir was asked, and here's his response. He could marry those that others could not marry, like Zaynab, who is his adopted son's wife, and the wife divorces his adopted son in order to marry
Muhammad. Muhammad, who looked at him, he said, oh dear, oh heavens. He looked at her, and he said, oh dear, oh heavens, you really catch my eye, or you really woo the men, and so you learn that the rules for Muslims are different than the rules for Muhammad, even though he's the example.
Okay, now there's a whole lot more that could have been said. Maybe Emir was told to keep this within 15 seconds or something like that.
When I did the Ankerberg show many, many years ago, long before this whole mess developed, we were told what time frames we had and things like that, so maybe that's why he doesn't really mention the real problems with Muhammad's marriage to Zaynab, and its destruction of adoption within Islamic lands.
I mean, there's all sorts of things that could have been brought out. I mean, the idea that this was written in tablets, in Arabic, in eternity past.
There's a lot of things that could be said about that. In my book, I really address that as, I think, far more of an issue that is relevant to the truth claims of Islam than the
Aisha incident, but anyways, so there you have Emir answering a question very briefly about Zaynab bin
Josh. Then Ankerberg asks about Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, and Ergin then picks up, and listen to what
Ergin says right at the beginning. What did we learn about Aisha? Aisha was a very powerful woman.
She's the last one that Muhammad marries. When he marries her, in the Hadith, it says the
Prophet marries her when she is six years old, Hadith 764, and it says they consummate the marriage when she is nine, which means he was 50 when they were married, 53 when they consummated this marriage.
Did you catch that? Ergin Kanner specifically said she's the last one that Muhammad marries.
I wonder what Emir was doing at this point, or does Emir even recognize that his brother has once again gone galloping off the reservation, factually speaking.
You know, dates are sometimes difficult to get down, but there isn't any question at all that Muhammad married a number of women after he married
Aisha, and the wonderful thing is he married Zaynab after marrying
Aisha, and Aisha comments about it in the Hadith, the very Hadith that these men have never read.
Remember, they're the ones that miscite the Hadith in their books, you know, where they talk about Hadith 9, 157, and stuff like that, which you can't look up, you know.
We keep asking about Hadith 24, 25, and, you know, they can't answer that, and they never will be able to answer that.
They know that. What's it like to go through life knowing that you have lied and you won't admit it? It's just an amazing thing. But anyways, it's well known.
The approximate dates for Aisha, for the consummation of the marriage is around 623, and for Zaynab, 627.
So, 627 comes after 623. So, yeah, no, Aisha is not the last one that Muhammad marries, and there are others that came even after that, and again, if you're familiar at all with the life of Muhammad, the funny thing is,
I sent a copy of my book to Ergin, and he sent it back unopened. It had all information in it, if he had just bothered to read it, but you see,
Ergin knows all when it comes to Islam, or at least that's what he wants people to think.
It's a sad thing. Why are these men on the Ankerberg show after their exposure in 2010?
Why? What has happened to, quote -unquote, discernment ministries in this land that there has not been an outcry?
Well, it's called politics, my friends. Politics. It's a sad thing when this kind of continual black -eye is given to our attempts to seek to promote the gospel and to defend the gospel, the integrity of the gospel, and yet there are so many that just close a blind eye to this kind of stuff.
It is truly amazing, but we press forward anyways. We continue to call for Ergin and Emir Kaner to repent, to be honest, to confess, to seek restoration.
We keep calling for it, and it would be great if others who have connection to them would call for that as well.