Pastor Confronts Jehovah's Witnesses at Airport


Watch this new video of Jeff Durbin confronting some Jehovah's Witnesses at the airport. Is Jesus God? What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? How should we debate and discuss with Jehovah's Witnesses? Watch and share this important video! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #jehovahswitnesses #apologiastudios #jameswhite #evangelism #JeffDurbin You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get exclusive content like Collision, The Aftershow, Ask Me Anything w/ Jeff Durbin and The Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram: Check out our online store here:


Hi guys you guys Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes. All right on you guys stay at the airport all day
Shifts yeah, do you guys Actually get to talk to a lot of people. I mean really seems like everyone's so busy
You wouldn't get a chance to even have anybody stop Okay, okay, well why are you guys
Jehovah's Witnesses? I'm sorry. I can't hear with what we've learned through the
Bible. Okay, what what what convinced you? Okay, have you were you born and raised in the in the watchtower?
No you weren't when did you become a Jehovah's Witness? When you're 18, okay.
Well, what convinced you? Well, I learned in all the
Everything like we learn for the future like we can see our people
So this is the story of Being able to have eternal life paradise You meant you mentioned
Jehovah's name What was it I've had a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses as friends what was so convincing to you about the name
Jehovah why Okay, you were Catholic So you mentioned so you were you were born and raised and as Jehovah's Witness So it wasn't a shocker to you to learn that Jesus isn't the eternal
God, but for you you were born in a Trinitarian teaching System and so you you said that You learned that Jesus wasn't
God. Why were you convinced that Jesus wasn't God? Oh, thank you, thank you for that blessing
Okay, yeah, thank you so much I'm a pastor.
So yeah, so but but you were so you're raised and but what was it that you were taught that Convinced you that Jesus isn't
God Well, because I see the differences when he was here
It was like always praying to him talking to the father. Yeah, so I was like in John Right, which is which is what the
Trinity teaches that Jesus and the Father are not the same are not the same person
So I guess I'm confused about that because it Trinitarians believe that Jesus is talking to the father
Jesus is not the father like I guess that's my confusion because I've talked to a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses people who have converted and Oftentimes, am
I correct in asking or saying that sometimes the Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses will teach that Christians believe that Jesus is the father
Is God yeah, yeah, no, no that and that's true.
You came out of Catholicism. They teach what historically Christians have always believed There's only one being of God.
The father is God. The son is God. The Holy Spirit is God But the Bible teaches and historic
Christianity has always taught that the father the son a Holy Spirit are not the same person There's three persons who share the same
God and the father the son the Holy Spirit are not the same person They're the one being of God so So Jesus talking to the father isn't a problem
Because the father talks to the son as well and and Jesus talks to the father Sure, well, did you know that the father calls
Jesus God and tells all the angels to worship him? Well, how many gods are there
I thought you guys were monotheists If you look at the word the God God just as a general definition of that specific word
So the Bible also refers to the devil as The God of this world exact in terms of who people worship and give obedience to But he's if he's not a real
God though, right? He's not the he's not a real God, right? Right, but is Jesus a real
God? Is so how many gods are there? One almighty so there's only one mighty
God. Yeah, and Jesus isn't him What it what a surprise you of if I showed you that the
Bible teaches that Jesus is the mighty God As a man when he humbles himself to become a man to become obedient to death
Yes, Jesus as a man, of course speaks to the father who is God in that way
But this is really important and I care so much about Jehovah's Witnesses and you guys are very zealous and passionate
You don't see a lot of Christians out here standing here today Sacrificing their lives out of love for their neighbors.
So first of all, I commend you on your passion for others and your love for others but Just in terms of this is the
Old Testament the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament long before Jesus comes
You guys know this verse and Isaiah 9 6 it says For to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be
Called wonderful counselor mighty God El Gabor So this son and this child who's coming about 700 years before Jesus comes.
This is written Only Jehovah I Love by the way, can
I just say this? I absolutely love that when you talk to Jehovah's Witnesses about the text you guys immediate immediately open
Your text in your Bibles. It's not something you see often from say that gentleman came up with a was a latter -day
Saint He was a Mormon. That's not something you see as a common practice, but you guys came and opened the text And so I think
I let's commendable because that's the most important thing. What does God said, right? What is what is God spoken? But Isaiah 9 6 that's a prophecy of Jesus who's coming and it says
Wonderful counselor. Those are titles of Jehovah or Yahweh in the Old Testament El Gabor the mighty
God So the one who's coming as a son and a child is is the mighty God, right?
But you said there's only one mighty God Well What's what's it in Spanish So the mighty
God in Espanol is Okay, so this is a mighty God. Yeah, this is really
I'm so so Excited to share this with you and I mean this sincerely Here it says
Jesus who's coming is El Gabor Right the father of eternity the eternal one I know the
Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe Jesus is eternal. You believe he's the first and greatest creation of Jehovah God But you believe he was created yeah, right this says he's eternal
But It says the one who is coming is the mighty
God the father of eternity So the eternal one is coming, but the watchtower doesn't teach that Jesus is eternal
He is eternal so he wasn't created by Jehovah The angels weren't created.
Yeah, so they had a point in time where they came into existence Is there and they have no end well there it said they have eternal life, right?
They're never gonna die, but they are not eternal in the past. Like it says about Jehovah in the Old Testament.
It says From eternity into eternity Psalm 90 verse 2 you are God But it says the one who is coming as a child is the mighty
God and he is the father of eternity He's the eternal one That's why he is the father of eternity
Yeah, I think
I think that's different than the text says but look at this this this you guys have your texts open here in Isaiah 9
It says that he is El Gabor the mighty God But look who is the mighty God one chapter later in Isaiah 10
In that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more Lean on him who struck them, but they will lean on they will lean on Yahweh Jehovah the
Holy One of Israel in truth a remnant will return the remnant of Jacob to the mighty
God So who are they returning to Yahweh who is the mighty God Jehovah?
Who's the mighty God, but it says in Isaiah 9 6 that the son who is coming is El Gabor?
The mighty God Yeah, that's that's
Jesus yeah, but it says here that Jehovah is the mighty
God. So who's the mighty God Jehovah or Jesus? Well, no that is the title it's the same word
El Gabor if you have a Hebrew in a literary translation You can google it. You'll see that the
Hebrew word. There is El Gabor same word El Gabor for Jesus El Gabor for Jehovah Which is interesting because Jesus took the title of Jehovah and Yahweh for himself in John chapter 8
He says unless you believe I go a me I am you will die in your sins And they knew exactly what he was saying
Remember that scene when John 8 where he says before Abraham was a go a me I am they picked up stones to kill him
Why? Because he was God, but how many gods are there one?
Right he was saying he and he took his name for himself, right? Sure.
Sure There's only one God because and you guys would we would agree with this together the common ground
Isaiah 43 10 before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me.
I'm the first I'm the last besides me There is no God. There's only one God But it says the
Father is God we agree with that where there's no dispute between us on that But it says that Jesus is also
God and it says the Holy Spirit is God This is interesting, okay good, so Jehovah's Witnesses faithful Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the
Holy Spirit is a force God's active force So what would you do with Jesus in say
John 14 where Jesus says? The Holy Spirit whom the
Father will send in my name. He will teach you in all truth
Guide you in all truth. He will convict the world of sin and righteousness So Jesus refers to the
Holy Spirit as he yes, he will he will be he will be in you Timothy Pierce yeah bone and marrow.
Oh, yeah Well, that's that's the Word of God, right? It never returns void, but in John 14 when
Jesus talks about the Father and him two distinct persons Will send the
Holy Spirit and he says and the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name He will guide you into all truth.
He will convict the world of sin and righteousness He will be in you and in the book of Acts You guys might be familiar with the scene where the
Holy Spirit speaks to Paul talks to him Right. So if the Holy Spirit is an active force
Why does Jesus refer to him as he and how does the Holy Spirit speak if he's not a person?
I mean the Holy Spirit was used to write the Bible. Yeah way. We totally agree.
We totally great vision. Sometimes it was Sometimes it was a dream
Yeah, that was written. Yeah, Peter referring to a Peter talks about when he says Holy men of God spoke as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit But it says the Spirit speaks He will be in you. He will convict the world of sin and righteousness.
So my point is this is that The Jehovah's Witness organization begins with Charles Hayes Russell near the end of the 19th century
Same century that Mormonism began, right? Charles Hayes Russell comes along and he gives us a new version of Jesus and he has false prophecy
They prophesied that Christ was going to return in 1914 and again throughout the 20th century numerous false prophecies
Here's my my love for you as fellow human beings and this is not to hurt you or harm you
But just to say that I truly care about you One of the things that Christian Church has been trying to do since Charles Hayes Russell began this organization was to talk to our
Jehovah's Witness friends and say Did you know that God had given us a test in Scripture about how to test a prophet as to whether he's from God?
If he leads you after other gods Deuteronomy 13 he changes what God has said about himself
That's how you know, he's a false prophet or Deuteronomy 18 if he has a single false prophecy.
He's not from God Charles Hayes Russell and other prophets from the
Watchtower Bible and tract Association have given false prophecies and have changed what the Bible says about who
God is and And my concern for you as fellow human beings is I want you to know the true Christ because we can have false
Christ That can't save us right? Like for example, I know that you believe this if I believe in the Trinity I have a false
Christ right or the gentleman that just walked up a moment ago said he was a Latter -day Saint You and I both disagree with their version of Jesus Satan's brother
One God among many gods you can become a god one day yourself He's the result of Heavenly Father having sex with Mary to produce
Jesus, right? That's their Jesus But we would both disagree with him the Muslims.
They don't believe Jesus died on the cross Right, but they say they believe in Jesus But Paul warns in 2nd
Corinthians 11 that you can have another Christ another gospel that can't save you
The Jesus of Scripture is the mighty God He took the divine name of Yahweh for himself.
He was worshipped as God He took away sins only God can forgive sins.
They actually worshiped Jesus Remember what happened? Do you remember what happened in the book of Revelation where John is so freaked out by this angel?
He falls before him and what does the angel say? Not to do that.
He says get up. He says I'm a servant like you you worship God, but they worshipped Jesus But you're only supposed to worship
God and so the Bible teaches There's only one God the Father is God Jesus called himself
God. They worshipped him as God He's called our great God and Savior Jesus Christ Yahweh or Jehovah says he alone is the
Savior Isaiah 43 11 yet Jesus is our Savior the Holy Spirit is called God in Scripture.
He speaks. He's called a he by Jesus My point here is this is I believe with all my heart and I don't mean this to wound you because I know you believe
That I know you believe that I'm an error, too. I believe you're following a false Christ that can't save you and You also have a gospel that can't save because salvation is a gift of God's grace through faith in Christ and what he's accomplished alone
Not by works done by us in righteousness But according to his mercy scripture says it's a gift and if you're trying to earn it in any way
It's no longer a gift. It's a wage and that's a different gospel Christ saves people and he saves them perfectly and it's more than a hundred forty four thousand
Can't even be numbered right but my point is that text I want to just impress upon you go back and read that later
Isaiah 9 Jesus is called the mighty God Right, and it says in Isaiah 10 that the mighty
God is Yahweh or Jehovah Jesus accepted worship John chapter 1.
He was always there in the beginning with the Father now the watchtower doesn't believe that Well, we know we believe that Jesus was always with his father at the beginning no, but you're making a good point
That's a very good point It's a valid point except the text says more than that It says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God In the beginning and the
Greek and you can check me on this if you want to go look it up later in the beginning John 1 in RK in halal gas means as far back as you want to go with no reference point to stopping forever ago
Jesus was already there and he was with the Father and he was
God Did you know that the watchtower added the word a god? to that text
Yeah, so this is a an
RK a Nihal August that word there research this in the beginning or that whole thing right there in RK in halal gas
You can check this later go research it forever ago Jesus was already there and he was with God and he was kite.
They asked ain't halal gas. He was God Right, and he says here.
He's the creator of all things. Nothing came into being it's coming to being except through Jesus But as an example, look at this later again.
I know you're We have limited time here But check this out John one says that Jesus has always existed for eternity as God with the
Father Then go look at Colossians 1 take take a normal translation Please do this take a normal translation of John 1
English translation And then a normal translation of Colossians chapter 1 you can even look at the inner lean inner linear when you do it
Watch this then get the new world translation in Colossians 1.
It says that Jesus created all things everything principalities powers rulers and authorities all things
Did you know that the New World Translation because it that contradicts What the watchtower teaches it added the words all other things to the text
Because it can't have Jesus being the eternal creator of all things with Jehovah's Witnesses theology
So the New World Translation you can check me out on this Adds words to the text in English to distort what it actually says and you can check it out for yourself with your own eyes
Go read Colossians 1 and you'll see creator of all things not all other things all things
So I just want to encourage you guys. My name is Jeff. I love it I love your people with all my heart and I want you to know the true
Christ Okay, and and and salvation through him and through him alone. I admire your passion and your commitments
But if we're following a false Christ, I know you agree with this We have a say as a person that can't save us because they have no existence
Right. Yes It's a pleasure to meet you Jeff yes, it's honor to meet you both.