FBC Morning Light – March 7, 2023


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Numbers 13-14 / Luke3 / Psalm 47 Music credit: "Awaken the Dawn" by Stanton Lanier, https://www.stantonlanier.com/


Well, a good Tuesday morning to you. I hope you had a good day yesterday and the first day of your week getting off to a good start.
Today, we're reading in the book of Numbers again as well as Luke, chapter 3, and then the 47th
Psalm. In this 47th Psalm, it's picking up from yesterday, if you will.
We looked yesterday at Psalm 46, and at the end of the chapter, Psalm 46, the
Lord said, Be still and know I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.
Then Psalm 47 brings out some further truths and realities that should help us in our perspective on the world.
What is your worldview when it comes to who's in charge of the nations?
That's a good question for us to ponder, because Psalm 47 makes very clear that God is a great king over all the earth.
Notice, by the way, a progression here. Psalm 47, verse 2 says that he, the
Lord Most High, is a great king over all the earth. But then when you get to verse 7, it says
God is the king of all the earth. Then verse 8,
God reigns over the nations. I find that to be very helpful and very encouraging, because maybe you saw too, it was a week or so ago, where some official from Russia made the threat that their next target is the borders of Poland.
That would just usher in World War III, if you will. Then Russia has also been threatening recently with the use of nuclear weaponry.
Well, here we go again, right? Some of us who've been around for a number of years remember those times back in the 1960s when we had nuclear bomb drills.
You remember those times? I was a child in elementary school, and we had these drills like fire drills, and we would go down to the basement of our school, and we would sit on the floor and put our head between our knees as if that's going to protect us from some kind of nuclear fallout.
But that was the fear. People were buying up these underground bomb shelters that would protect them from nuclear holocaust, and so on and so forth.
Well, here we go again. There's a lot of talk about another nuclear attack, or the potential of nuclear attacks, and that's sending everybody into a fearful frenzy.
It can us too. But even if that does happen, what we must keep in mind is that the
Lord, Most High, is the king of all the Earth.
He reigns over the nations. I am not in the least bit capable of predicting what's going to happen with conflicts between nations, and just how destructive one nation will be toward another.
But what I can say with confidence is that my God is sovereign over all.
He is the ruler of all the Earth. He is the one who reigns over the nations.
And this Psalm ends, Psalm 47, ends in verse 9 with this.
It says the shields of the Earth belong to God. The shields of the
Earth belong to God. So with all our concern about attacks and assaults and all the rest of that kind of thing, what we can be confident is that our
God is the God of defenses. Let's trust in Him. Let's trust in Him.
And so our Father and our God, we do want to trust in you today. We thank you that you are the one who reigns over all the
Earth. We praise you and thank you for your authority, for your power, for your majesty.
May we trust in you, no matter what might come. You, the one who reigns over the nations.
We pray it in Jesus' name, amen. All right, have a good day.