Thoughts After the Profaning of Marriage Day


Quick Thoughts on the June 26th Debacle


Well, greetings. Just a quick screen flow video here. I am speaking at the
Building Tomorrow's Church conference up in Flagstaff, Arizona. I was just leaving home when the profaning of marriage took place here in the
United States, and so I really haven't had a chance to comment other than just a few brief things on Facebook.
And so I wanted to just briefly address that far smarter people than I have already dissected, especially the dissenting opinions, mine, some incredible quotes from there.
I would highly recommend that you listen to the special edition of the briefing that Albert Moeller did. Bob Gagnon has posted an article.
So there's a lot out there. I think all of us who have wandered into the social media area have already seen in, what, less than 36 hours now?
Well, no, 24. Yeah, no, 48 hours. Brief period of time.
A outpouring of exactly what we have been saying to our society all along would be the result of this.
You know, there have been a lot of really bad Supreme Court decisions in the past. You think of Dred Scott.
You think of Roe v. Wade. Those decisions did not make what they were speaking of moral or good.
I mean, we plainly point out that Roe v. Wade is absurd in its reasoning, in its argumentation.
It's immoral. It's despicable. It's disgusting. But because the pro -life movement has been making progress, primarily,
I think Dr. Moeller is right, because most people today, if you have brothers or sisters, you saw them as little children, as an ultrasound image on the refrigerator.
Or you've seen it, your own ultrasound of when you were in the womb. And it's just so plain.
It's just so obvious in the mind that this is humanity. This is where I began.
There's no other point where you can go, well, yeah, I started here. It's just so obvious.
And yet, you'll notice that there's something different about this decision and the results in people's minds.
Roe v. Wade was years and years and years ago. And as tragic as it was, it still took place at a time before the thorough secularization of our society.
Now this decision comes, and those who are rejoicing in it cannot even control themselves in their expression of their newfound freedom to rebel against all that is good and honest and just.
And they do that by, of course, turning around what is good and honest and just. So instead of the good gift of God in maleness and femaleness, these have now become blurred and changed and variable.
And husband and wife are now meaningless terms. Marriage itself is becoming a meaningless term.
And they rejoice in this because this is an aspect of the rebellion that they have. This morning
I wake up and there are people on Facebook trying to get me thrown off of Facebook. These are the most intolerant, fascist, totalitarian people on the planet.
And they are absolutely in control. Well, we see this.
We've warned it was coming. We all knew that it was coming. And there are going to be a number of books coming out over the next couple of weeks, literally.
I hear Albert Mueller has one coming out. I haven't seen that one. I have read Michael Brown's book,
Surviving the Gay Revolution. And that will be well worth your time to read.
Good stuff in there. There's going to be a number of people, lots of folks, preaching sermons and everything else.
That's great. That's wonderful. And we definitely need that. But we certainly need to,
I think, I just want to show you some of the images that we've seen that just have absolutely shocked me.
Here's one that I posted. It just, this is, as I commented on Facebook, this is in your face.
In your face. Knowing that there are so many in our society who, for incredibly solid, sound reasons, see this and say, well,
I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do.
I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I don't know what to do. But I know that there are so many people who are in their face. And I'm not sure why that is.
And I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure why that is. Now, there are people absolutely detest us.
And here's, I mean this, you don't get more in your face than this. Especially the
White House, the people's house, the people who built that building are spinning in their graves at the revolution, the overthrow, and the rejection of everything they built.
And it has been a revolution my friends. This, this is a revolution. The nation that I grew up in,
I, I don't even know. Then, then we have the Department of Education. You want the 148 ,361st reason to homeschool?
While we still have the opportunity to do so, I predict within 10 years we will not. Here it is, this was from the
Department of Education website, a more in your face, this is what we are going to shove down the throats of your children.
We don't care. The state has all power. This is fascism, this is totalitarianism, and it is all around us.
And then one last thing here, this, I even changed my background on my page to this.
I saw it appear yesterday, and I stopped, I was looking at it, said okay obviously this is 1930s
Germany, and I look at the one guy, and I, I wish it was a little clearer, it would be interesting to see a little bit more of his face, but so many people have already been complaining, oh you're making us out to be like, like Hitler.
Well the fascism is pretty much the same. Yeah, there is a direct parallel in, as far as fascism is concerned, because you have just all the people getting together, everybody has to go the same way, everybody has to think the same thing, there can be absolutely no difference of opinion here, there will be no debate, there will be no discussion, we will just do it the way we do it, follow along, or you'll be punished.
That is exactly what we're experiencing in our society. And so there is a direct parallel there.
But here's the one guy, and he's got his arms folded. Now, is it possible that he was daydreaming, and was a fascist himself?
Anything's possible, but the point of the graphic is clear. You've got the one person saying, no,
I'm not going with the crowd. I am not going with the crowd. Just not gonna do it.
And that's what, that's the mentality we're gonna have to have. Doesn't matter if the guy over there, the gal over there, the people behind you, the people in front of you, are saluting.
I don't care if they all change their avatars to rainbows. Not gonna do it.
Not gonna do it. And I know they're going to try to punish me for that, I know they're going to try to silence me for that, because they are filled with hatred toward anything, because they can't defend their position.
They've not thought it through. It's visceral. It's emotional.
It's not intellectual. But that's what this says to me. That's what this image says to me, is
I'm not going along. I'm not going along. Now, of course, for a Christian, that's just the way it has to be.
That's just, we have, you know, the Lord is our ultimate authority.
We do not bow to the knee to Caesar. And we render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's. We pay our taxes.
Hey, it's the people in the government that are responsible for what they do with that money. They will answer for everything they do.
Every single person who has ever voted to support abortion, partial birth abortion, they will answer before God for that.
We render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, but we don't give him anything beyond that. And we can't bow to the knee to him.
We cannot bow to the knee to him. Doesn't matter what everybody around us is doing. And so a lot of our brothers and sisters all across the world have been facing this all along.
We need to learn from them. So there'll be more to be said, obviously, in the future.
But I want to just sort of catch up a little bit and say I'm encouraged by what
I've seen. Yeah, some of the Christian responses, I haven't been overly encouraging.
But for the most part, people realize, you know what, we can't respond in hate.
But we have to respond with truth. And that's been encouraging to me.
And certainly being up here with these young people, they know, I've been directly straightforward with them. They know that their their generation, the weight of this is going to fall most heavily upon them, and those that are young at this point in time.