Matt Chandler's Complete Disgust for White People (and More Gospel Coalition)

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright, well welcome, welcome. I hope you had a great weekend. I had a good one, and I hope you had a good
Lord's Day yesterday. I also had a good Lord's Day. But I wanted to just start off this video with a special welcome to all of the new subscribers.
There was a good amount of new subscribers over the weekend, and it's pretty much exclusively due to the content about McLean Bible Church's ridiculous business meeting.
And I understand why. That video is ridiculous, and it's just, what
I find amazing about it is that McLean Bible Church, it's got two high -powered Big Eva gospel coalition types.
David Platt's the teaching pastor. We got Joe Carter as one of the executive pastors. I guess that's like a ruling elder.
I'm not really sure exactly what that's supposed to mean. But it's a Southern Baptist church. It used to be a big church, and it's basically what
Big Eva sort of imagines churches should be. And it's shrinking.
And it's not shrinking due to faithfulness. It's shrinking due to shady practices and faithlessness.
So I understand why people are interested. McLean Bible Church is an avatar for Big Eva in general in the
United States. But anyway, if you watched that video and you're interested in my content, I hope you enjoyed today as well.
I wanted to revisit a video that I had, a speech. Is it a speech or a sermon?
I never know what to call these conference talks. But it's kind of like a sermon, but it's at a conference.
So I'm going to call it a speech. And we've got Matt Chandler here. I pulled this clip. I reviewed this clip years ago when
I first started my channel, and I pulled out a few things from the sermon that I found objectionable.
But back then, I was way less hardcore than I am right now. And I pulled this clip back up this week because on Sunday, my pastor has asked me to teach
Sunday school for the next few weeks regarding the social justice controversy and the woke church movement.
And I pulled this clip up because I wanted to make it an example of it, you know, regarding how people use scripture and stuff like that.
But what I noticed in this clip is a very subtle but intense animosity, just like a disdain, just an absolute hatred that evangelical leaders show for white people.
And it's just, it's very subtle, but it's intense. And I wanted to just show you guys this because I want to,
I want you to see what I mean. Now, there's a lot of hatred that's a lot more obvious than this, but this was just so ridiculous.
And I know probably a lot of people like Matt Chandler, and I used to like Matt Chandler as well. He's been very helpful to me in the past.
But these days, it's just anything that, anything he needs to do to get a little pat on the back from the pagans, he'll do it.
And if it's, if it means, if he needs to hate white people, he'll do that. If he needs to downplay the sin of abortion, he'll do that.
You know, it doesn't really matter what he does. If he needs to praise Barack Obama, he'll do that. So let's just play this.
And I wanted to just respond to this. Brothers, this is where your Bible will help you.
I wonder if he wrote this sermon or if Docent Research Group wrote it. I bet you Docent wrote this sermon because it's special.
I think harmony is one of the great themes of the Bible. It is not isolated to Ephesians 2.
It is not isolated to the book of Acts. Genesis 12 says, all nations of the earth will be blessed.
And Revelation 7 shows people from every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth. This is the refrain of the
Bible over and over and over again. Let the nations be glad. Let the nations be glad.
Let the nations be glad. It's not about a group of white folk in English. You could see, you could see that this is, so that's one, that's the first one, just a real subtle thing.
And, you know, the reality is that the amount of people today that are saying that when, you know, when the
Bible says that let the nations be glad, well, it's only talking about white people from England, in English, English white people.
And the amount of people that, maybe people were saying that, you know, 100 years ago or, you know, whatever, people, the amount of people saying that now is so minuscule.
Why even say it? Why even enunciate that? Well, you can see that he says that because he wants to give you, the listener, a false impression that basically
Christianity is just full of white racists. It's just full of them. And so I need to,
I'm going to be a lion. I'm going to be a brave, a ferocious leader in the evangelical church. That's the image he wants to present, that he's this ferocious man of God.
If you question, just listen to a couple of his sermons, and I'm sure he'll use the word ferocious, and that's how he positions himself, as this ferocious prophet, right?
But he's a ferocious prophet with all of yesterday's issues, right? This is what, this is the scam of Big Eva.
They will be, they will stand firm, and they will be, you know, we will defend the faith of yesterday's issues, because the battle over whether white people were the best people of all time, that was defeated years ago, right?
That was over years ago. So, of course, Johnny come lately over here, he'll stand strong against that, right?
But he wants to give you the impression that that's actually today's battle. So he said, look, I, because there's exactly zero people listening to this right now, that think that when it says the nations be glad, let the nations be glad, let the nations be glad, that it's talking about white people, right?
Nobody thinks that, and yet he wastes time in his sermon to talk to people who already agree with him, and pretend like he's this ferocious defender of the faith.
It's not talking about a bunch of white people. He knows that's what his liberal audience wants to hear.
He wants to hear, they want to hear shade thrown white people's way, and so he's going to give it to them.
He's going to give the people what he wants. That's the thing about Matt Chandler. At the end of the day, he's an empty suit, right?
He just is a performer. He's performing for liberal Christians and pagans.
That's who he's performing for. Singing songs that many of my good friends would call melancholy.
So he's throwing some zings in there as well. You see, white songs, they're too melancholy. It's not talking about that.
It's talking about those, you got to have a tambourine to be faithful. It's like, you know, listen,
I, you know, you don't know me. I'm Puerto Rican, right? And so I've, I grew up in churches that were predominantly white, and the songs that I heard at those churches were very different than the songs that I would hear when
I would visit my grandparents in the Bronx and go to their Latino churches, right? Very different styles.
But of course, you know, Matt's going to throw shade the white people's way. It's too melancholy. That's the, you could just see it.
I mean, he's, this guy, let's just face it. And I know that people don't like, if I use this word, I'm going to use it. He's cucked.
You can even see the shame in his, in his eye. He, he knows he's performing for the liberal
Christians and the pagans. He's, he's bound by what he says up here. And it's not like a, a preacher should be bound by what they say from the pulpit, right?
They should be bound by the word of God. But obviously none of this nonsense comes from the word of God, obviously.
So he's just, you know, a performer performing for the wrong God, essentially. Jesus lives for those amens.
Oh yeah. Yeah. It's all in the melancholy. Wow. You could hear the reaction of the crowd. Wow. You said you, you went there.
He went there. That's the hard truth he had to tell. And it's like, none of this nonsense comes from the
Bible, but, but that's actually not the only one. Let's listen to some more. ...consistently
confronted broken thinking around ethnicity. And I think we miss it because we blow through our
Bible too quickly and read it like we're reading a blog. No, you got to steep in it.
John 10, 16, Jesus looks at a crowd and says, I have other sheep that are not of this fold and I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice.
So there will be one flock and one shepherd. And I'm just telling you that his inbox on Monday was full.
When I, when I saw this, let me, let me, let me, let me just go to, let me just skip back a little bit.
One second. I want you to hear that whole thing again. All right, here we go. ...consistently confronted broken thinking around ethnicity.
And I think we miss it because we blow through our Bible too quickly and read it like we're reading a blog. No, you got to steep in it.
John 10, 16, Jesus looks at a crowd and says, I have other sheep that are not of this fold and I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice.
So there will be one flock and one shepherd. And I'm just telling you that his inbox on Monday was full.
Don't you know we're the chosen people? Don't you know the Bible, Jesus? Don't you know
Moses and the law? Don't you know about the tabernacle? What a wicked man.
That's my comment. What a wicked, evil man. And the reason
I'm saying that is because you get the impression that he's trying to give here, right? He's subtly making a point about himself and how he has to field all of these emails, because there was no email in Jesus' time.
We understand that, right? So he's talking about a biblical story of God confronting the
Pharisees and various Jewish leaders for their ethnic discrimination.
Let's just accept all of this for a second. I mean, obviously there was religious aspects and cultural aspects. We get that, but let's just accept it as he's saying.
It's an ethnic discrimination that the and the lawyers and the Jews had against the Gentiles, right?
So Jesus really did confront that. Let's just accept it in the teaching.
And so there was no email back then, so what's he talking about? Well, he's talking about himself, right? He's talking about, well,
I'm just telling you his email inbox was full. We're the chosen people, Jesus. Don't you know the Bible?
Don't you know? He's talking about himself. He's claiming that he has fielded emails like that, right?
Now, what do you think the chances are that he's never received even one email that said, whites are the chosen people.
How are you ministering to black people and Latinos and Asians? Because why don't you know the
Bible, Matt Chandler? White people, Europeans are the chosen people. How much you want to bet he's never received even one email like that?
But that's the impression he wants to give because his project in this sermon, this is, this is, this is a,
I hesitate to even call it a sermon, but his project here is to cast white
Christians in the worst possible light. And it doesn't matter if he has to skew the facts, which he does.
It doesn't matter if he has to throw shade for their music, which he does. It doesn't matter if he wants to pretend that everybody's ignorant, except himself, which he does.
He can just make stuff up as well, because this is made up. Obviously this didn't happen. He hasn't received email after his inbox was full.
It was so many emails. His inbox was full of white Christians saying, well, white people are the chosen people.
Don't you know that, Matt? That, that, that didn't happen. That, you know how I know that didn't happen? Because not even the slave masters believed that back in the day, they would teach their slaves
Christianity. Now they were obviously doing wrong things to the slaves. I'm not trying to defend the slave masters in, in complete totalness, but they were teaching them the
Christian faith because they knew that they could be saved. They knew that God would save black people and Latinos and whoever, and all that kind of stuff.
And so the reality is that this is all a lie. He's just lying. He made this story up.
His inbox wasn't full. I bet you he didn't even receive one email. Now it is certainly possible that he's received one or two emails like that, but to characterize it as my inbox was full by poor me,
I'm just this ferocious defender of the faith and I've got, my church is just full of racists and my inbox was full on Monday.
And it's just like, that's all a lie. And we all can see through that. What a wicked, wicked thing to say.
To try to cast people in this kind of a negative light, knowing that they're deathly afraid of being called a racist.
They're deathly. Earlier in this sermon, and this is not the only time in the sermon where he does this to his own church. Earlier in the sermon, he says that people disagreed with his theology and left the church over it because he was engaging in a lot of socialist thought and stuff like that and all of that.
And he just said, well, they're just fools. We didn't listen to them. You don't listen to a fool. I'm talking about the fools.
He calls half his congregation fools. And he thinks that this is somehow appropriate from a pulpit.
This is a wicked, wicked project that this man has engaged in. It's just that simple.
He's not a ferocious defender of the faith. I'm sorry. And you know, there's a lot of new people here. So maybe you have affections towards Matt Chandler.
I did too. I had affections towards Matt Chandler before as well because his books I had found so helpful in the past.
But unfortunately, he's departed. He's departed from that kind of a teaching. His project now is not the gospel -centered project that he used to be engaged in.
What he's dedicated his life to is this Black Lives Matter socialist project that does every single thing it possibly can do to throw shade towards white people.
You can hear the palpable disdain in this man's voice when he discusses white people who he deems fools.
If you believe in all the Black Lives Matter stuff, well, then you're all right. Then you're obviously learning and stuff like that.
If you don't, then you're just like the Pharisees. You don't know anything. You're probably an idiot, and you're just a fool.
It's just ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. I just wanted to point that out because I used this clip.
Actually, I wasn't even criticizing this clip in the Sunday school lesson that I did yesterday.
I was actually using it as a good example because he actually is in the right place in the Bible to talk about the concept of love, and that's what my
Sunday school was about. When I heard that, even my pastor just kind of pulled me aside.
He said, there's just the disdain in his voice for anything white, white music.
He just hates it. He hates everything about it. Does he really hate it, or is he just pretending to hate it because he's an actor on the stage?
Well, I don't know. I tend to think he's just pretending to hate it because that's what his audience wants to hear.
He will tickle your ears as much as he has to in order to get your accolades. That's what this man's project is.
It's really pathetic when you think about it. Now, let's shift gears here for a moment. Now, if you like this channel, then you're going to love a channel called
Woke Preacher Clips. Go ahead and subscribe. WokePreacherClips .com. Now, this channel does not provide any commentary, really.
It's not like this. There's no one on screen, no one making comments on a video. What he does is he clips out sections of sermons or podcasts or whatever that he thinks are really woke and really ridiculous and really cringe a lot of the time, and he'll put them on his channel.
Anyway, he's been doing this for a couple years now, and for the first time, Gospel Coalition actually sent over a copyright strike towards him or a copyright notice, so he's got to take some of those videos down.
There's two in particular, one with Ligon Duncan and one with Rachel Gilson.
These videos are coming down from Woke Preacher Clips channel. I'm just doing my part to engage the old
Streisand effect, if you know what I mean, because my channel, of course, is a commentary channel.
I will take full advantage of fair use protections, and let's watch these videos because now that they wanted these videos to come down, they are about to be seen by way, way more people than ever would have seen them before, and so do your part.
I'm doing my part. I'm going to put these videos out. We're going to comment about them a little bit, but I would ask that you do your part and like this video, comment on this video, and share this video so that as many people as possible see this stuff that apparently
Gospel Coalition is quite ashamed of. Let's begin, shall we? Here's the first one.
Give me 90 seconds, and I'll reveal why you should be buying silver, and how to get started. My last question for you, you started out talking about the flag, and you had a lot.
I'm going to get some glasses on. We're going to have fun with it. I just felt like I had to shield my eyes because the fake holiness is just radiating off the screen, and I don't want to go blind just from how holy these two guys were for being ferocious.
They're just ferocious defenders of the faith in the face of all 10 white supremacists that exist in the
United States. You're involved and influential, I would say, in the process of changing the flag this year.
Can you speak to your thoughts and what drives you to be a part of that process?
The great state of Mississippi. Ligon Duncan was instrumental. We had to be saved by the white man.
We had to be saved by the white man from the menace that was the flag of Mississippi.
These guys are such LARPers. Do you know anything about LARPing? It's this live action role play.
It's people that dress up like medieval warriors and fight it out. At least LARPing, they know it's fake, right?
Well, depending on who you ask. They know it's just for fun, but Ligon Duncan here, he's
LARPing, but he actually thinks it's real. Again, a lot of it,
Jim, is just realizing the huge lost gospel opportunity that has been this long, sad story of Jim Crow and lynching and anti -civil rights and all the other stuff.
Can you imagine the gospel impact if Bible believing— Every single thing he says here about the
Confederate flag, he could say about the American flag as well. He'll be the ferocious guy in 20 years when the
American flag has been removed for 10 years. He'll be like, totally, we got to fight this scourge of racism.
Protestants, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians had said of their
Bible believing Christian brothers and sisters in Baptist churches and elsewhere, you're not going to kill our brothers and sisters in Christ.
You're not going to defraud our brothers and sisters in Christ. You're not going to wrongfully imprison our brothers and sisters in Christ.
You're not going to mistreat our brothers and sisters. Can you imagine the gospel impact of that?
It's going to take us 100 years to overcome the trust issues that have come out of that.
I tell people, my very best Black friends have trouble trusting me for really good reasons.
There's the money shot right there. I got to be honest with you. I think he's probably right.
I'm not Black, but I am Latino. I have Nigerian blood in my veins, 20 %
Nigerian blood. I don't trust this guy. That's for sure.
Just take a look at him. He's like, my very best friend. This is a weird one though. My very best
Black friends don't even trust me. Why is that? Well, he says it's for very good reasons.
I sure hope that it's not very good reasons like your white skin because that's not a very good reason.
We have a few different options here. He could be saying that not trusting someone because of their skin color,
Lincoln Duncan might be saying that is a very good reason to not trust someone because they have the wrong skin color.
That's option A. I'll use my thumb to represent option A. Option B is that there are other reasons that are very good reasons to not trust
Lincoln Duncan. Maybe he actually is a racist. Now, I think that there's a chance that Lincoln Duncan has done some extremely racist things in his life.
He's probably said the N word a few times. That's the worst possible thing you can do.
Maybe he's beat someone up for having the wrong skin color. That would be a good reason not to trust someone.
Just look at him. I just don't like his face, so I don't trust him. So maybe there are actually good reasons.
That's what he's saying. There are some good reasons. He doesn't really say what those reasons are, but maybe there actually are good reasons. Maybe he's just running around beating up Blacks like hotcakes.
Maybe that's what Lincoln Duncan's all about. But more than likely, I think he's just talking about the fact that he's a white dude, which he is now saying that that's a very good reason to not trust him.
Which, that's nonsense. That's not in the Bible, bro. I can see why
Gospel Coalition wanted this thing taken down, but it ain't coming down. That's for sure. Because people like me have been doing awful things to them and to their families for four centuries.
So again, he's laughing about that. I mean, look, he looks even creepier in this clip, but he's saying, well, the good reasons that they don't trust me are that people like me have been doing bad things with them for centuries.
Now again, we still have our options available to us. Either he's talking about people that have white skin like him, which for some reason,
Lincoln Duncan thinks that's a good reason for someone not to trust somebody else, which is pretty racist. So he's either advocating racism or he's saying people like me, the people like me that do bad things to black people and stuff.
I've been doing bad things to black people my entire life. That's what he's potentially saying here. Well, we don't really know. He doesn't explain.
But either way, it's live. It's going to take a while before the trust issues that exist between otherwise good friends in Christ are going to be addressed.
We've got generational issues here. What kind of friendship is that? It's like all my best black friends don't trust me.
Poor guy needs a friend, man. For me, being able to work on the flag was just one small symbolic thing, one little thing that we could do together.
And by the way, it was a wonderfully unifying thing. It brought together people from really, really different backgrounds and political persuasions in the state.
It was amazing to watch that process. It kind of took everybody to get it done. It was one way.
It's just Don Quixote, man. We got it done. We came together. We got it done. It makes it seem like this monumental feat.
It's like, well, what'd you do? Did you start a bank? Did you start a fund for this?
No, no, no. Confederate flag is no longer official.
That's it? As a Christian, I could help say we want everyone in this state to know that you're our neighbor and we want to love our neighbors and you're in the image of God and we want you to be treated with dignity and this state belongs to you as much as it belongs to me.
This is your state. I saw wonderful things happen in that process,
Jim, and I had a very, very small role. There have been people that have been working on this for 50 years. Black legislators like Hillman Frazier and others, they've been working on this for years and years and years.
I'm a Johnny -come -late. Can you imagine working on something for years and years and years so minuscule as,
I don't like that flag, and taking years and you don't ever get over it? You're just like, well,
I just got to dedicate my entire life to this. What a sad existence, honestly. To this, but I had been talking for five or six years with a group of -
By the way, there's nothing biblical about any of this. Notice, this is not biblical at all. This is nonsense.
About what we could do to get this changed, and we thought we might be able to get it changed after the killings in Charleston, South Carolina.
There was a little bit of political energy here in Mississippi when South Carolina took the
Confederate battle flag off the state capitol grounds that maybe we could get it done then. That failed.
Right when I came to Mississippi, there was a flag referendum, and it failed. Several things coalesced, and this was the time.
It was a privilege to be involved in that. I think we're going to end up with a good unifying symbol for the state that everybody's going to feel much, much better about as signifying our way forward in the state of Mississippi.
Yeah, I'm sure that's going to work. Yeah, we're going to come up with a symbol that everyone's going to feel a lot better about. I'm sure it's going to work exactly like that,
Ligon, but there's Ligon Duncan saying that black people don't trust him for very good reasons.
That's delightful. Now, here we've got - And about -
Refer to trannies as their preferred gender pronoun. We're going to speed this up because I really don't want to spend too much more time on this.
So this is Rachel Gilson applying the weak brother, strong brother passage of scripture to transsexual pronouns.
This is the other one that they wanted to pull down, which will now be seen by way more people than would have seen it before.
Let's go. The question of preferred pronouns is probably one of the most difficult to answer well in a space like this.
No, it's not. No, it's not. If a male asks you to call him a girl, you don't.
You don't capitulate to insanity. You just simply don't do it. There's nothing in the Bible that says you should do it.
There's no good reason to do it. You don't encourage someone in their delusion, and it's actually more than a delusion.
It's a rebellion against God. What you've got in front of you when a man insists that you call him a woman, you've got a man who is shaking his fist at God saying,
I can do better. I don't have to listen to you. And you need to, as a Christian, you acknowledge
God and you say, well, no, no, God made you a man. So I'm not going to participate in your rebellion.
You can rebel, but what you should do instead is repent of your sin, which your identity is a sin.
You can't just choose whatever identity you want. That comes from God. So that's a primary sin for you.
So that's what a Christian should do. It's not complicated at all. But how much you want to bet that this lady wants to complicate it?
Like in a digital question and answer type space. And part of the reason I think that's true is because it really can come down to a question of conscience.
So if you've done a quiet time recently in the weak brother, strong brother passages of scripture, Paul has a category for reality that some
Christians are going to come to issues and fall in different spots. And one of the most important questions there is how are we going to relate to each other when we fall in different spots?
Right, right, right, right. That's actually not the most important thing. The most important question that you can ask is, is this actually a conscience issue or am
I trying to justify sin? Because the reality is that people abuse this whole thing where there's an issue of Christian conscience, right?
So if there's an issue of Christian conscience, that's a legitimate issue that some Christians can say, well, I don't want to do this, but you can do this and stuff.
I think of drinking a lot, right? A lot of Christians don't feel like they should be drinking, but they don't say that drinking is not allowed, right?
So that's an issue of conscience. Your conscience says I shouldn't be drinking, and then my conscience says
I'll have a beer every now and then, whatever. That's fine. But often what happens is that conscience issues are abused to include incorporating sin into your life, and that's a problem.
It's not an issue of conscience whether or not you decide to have sex with people of your same gender or not.
That's not a conscience issue, or whether or not to identify as someone of a different issue, or whether or not to encourage someone in their sin to show solidarity with them in their sin.
That's not a conscience issue. On the one hand, some of us would feel incredibly compromised using a transgender person's preferred name or pronouns because it feels like we're complicit in a lie.
It feels like we're breaking the ninth commandment, right? Like we're bearing false witness about a neighbor. This is why women shouldn't be preaching. It's just that simple.
This is why women shouldn't be teaching the Bible from a position of authority, because it actually makes no difference what it feels like.
And women are very prone—and this is not every woman, so don't hear me saying every woman—but
I think we all understand is that women oftentimes communicate through emotions and feelings.
And again, there's nothing wrong with that, but when you're dealing with Scripture, we need to be dealing authoritatively from the
Word of God. God says this, God says that, God says—you know, these are authoritative definitions, right?
So it doesn't actually matter if you feel compromised by using someone's rebellious pronouns.
Whether or not you feel compromised actually has nothing to do with it. Are you compromising your
Christian witness by encouraging someone or acknowledging someone according to their rebellion against God, or affirming them in that, or saying it might be okay, or participating in their rebellion?
Like, is that acceptable for a Christian or is it not? It doesn't matter what you feel like, it matters what's true.
Now again, hear me saying that many women understand this, right? So many women understand that though they often communicate through feelings and emotions more so than men, at the end of the day, many women understand that the heart—it's desperately wicked, who can understand it?
And so I have to go with what God says, right? I have to go with what God says, and where did they learn that?
Well, they learned it from the Word of God. This is why women shouldn't be teaching in these kinds of ambiguous ways like this, or if her major concern is what it feels like.
And we need to take that really, really seriously. It is never safe to go to a place that your faith doesn't allow you, right?
To go against your conscience. And if that is your position, you have to recognize that when you are interacting with a transgender person, your inability to use their preferred name or pronoun could actually be received as very offensive by them, or deeply hurtful by them.
And so I would encourage people in that category to think, okay, well, my truth is clear. How can
I communicate clearly the grace of Christ here? How can I go above and beyond to show love, knowing that my posture and pronouns is going to be tricky for the person
I'm talking with? It's easy. It's actually very easy, because demonstrating the grace of Christ, this woman wants you to accept the idea that demonstrating grace is about primarily emotions and feelings, and the person that you're talking to needs to feel the grace of Christ.
And the truth is that sometimes the grace of Christ is said in an authoritative, you know, kind of severe kind of way.
Here's a grace. Repent from your gender confusion, your gender rebellion right now, or you will be destroyed.
It's just that simple. Repent or perish. That doesn't sound very gracey, does it?
But it's actually a grace from God to hear it that way. And I would argue that often men need to hear it that way.
They need to hear it, essentially, turn or burn. Men, this communicates to men.
This communicates to men even when they think they're girls, because the reality is that that's a grace from God.
Hearing a message from Paul Washer, where he just kind of slams you in the face kind of thing, is a grace from God.
Hearing a message that says, repent or perish, because Christ said that, by the way. Repent, or you will likewise perish.
That is a grace from God. But no, no, no, no, no. This woman on the screen wants you to think that it's only grace if it sounds gracey, if it sounds lovely, if they hear it, if they receive it as grace.
No, no. Transsexuals need to hear a very severe message that your rebellion against God will be put down one way or another.
You need to turn now. Today is the day to turn. Others of us have no problem at all using preferred names and pronouns.
We're like, yes, this is a way of showing love. I'm ready to do this. And in that case, your conversation partner is probably easily going to feel loved and accepted by you.
Yeah, they're going to feel loved and accepted by you, but you're actually demonstrating hatred towards them, because love is not a feeling, even though Rachel Gilson wants you to think that it is.
Love is how you treat someone. Love is an action. And so when you say to the man, hey lady, oh girl, you look so good today, girl.
Your makeup be looking fine. It's like, when you say that, you're actually demonstrating hatred, even if they feel loved.
And so this is the danger. You cannot put your feelings on the same level as the truth. The truth of the matter is, whether you have no problem saying a pronoun or not, it makes no difference.
What matters is what's good. What is true. What actually is loving. And so when you call
Bruce Jenner, a woman, a beautiful, fierce woman, you're actually sinning in that.
You're sinning against him. You're not demonstrating love towards him. You're showing no regard for his soul, his soul, which will be crushed and destroyed forever and ever and ever, because you're actually encouraging him in his continued rebellion.
This is especially true in the Christian community when someone professes to be a Christian, but they're a transsexual.
When you affirm them in their rebellion against God, you're putting them at so much danger, just like you would be if you were affirming any other kind of sin.
But it feels really nice. So Rachel Gilson says it might be good. So then
I would challenge you, since you have access to the heart of your friend, what would it mean for you to use that access to have truthful conversations, either about who
Christ is, maybe if you feel competent, about the nature of the body, even just beginning conversations of if your friend has thought about how
God relates to these questions in their lives. But no matter where we come down, I want us to be able to relate to each other with honor and respect, because the church has not had to answer these questions before.
Are you honoring someone by indulging their delusion? Are you honoring someone who thinks that their gender pronoun is dragonkin by affirming, oh yeah, yeah, you're dragonkin.
Yeah, of course. Absolutely. Is that honoring to someone? I'm not worried about honoring people if it means
I dishonor God. See, that's the point here. Is any of this regarding what
God would have you do? No, it's about what the sinner would have you do, how the sinner feels respected, how the sinner receives it.
How about what God thinks about what you're saying? I can see why they wanted this off the internet. We need to have grace with each other.
We know that God loves desperately the transgender people in our lives, and so we need to be thinking as a community, how can we expose them to the love that we have received ourselves?
Yeah, so there it is. Those are the two videos that they wanted off the internet, and congratulations.
If you wanted more people to see your nonsense, you're going to get it. I hope you found this video helpful.