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Welcome to Dumpster Fire for the second week of March 2018. If you've ever heard a prophet or somebody who claims to be a prophet or a prophetess say that there's a shaking coming or a transfer of wealth that's supposed to happen, yeah go ahead and hit the subscribe button below.
Now we're gonna be doing, are you it's time for a roundup of all the fresh
March prophecy madness if you would. And so just want to remind you that when we play
Prophecy Bingo you can participate. This is a viewer participation if you would game that we have.
Head over to fightingforthefaith .com in our search bar type in bingo it'll take you to this this post on our website fighting for the faith prophecy bingo.
Click on the click here to visit our prophecy bingo card generator and I'm gonna note that it'll randomly generate a prophecy bingo card for you.
I printed one out this time so I don't have to look foolish if I miss a word.
So just want to let you know that you can play along. Now if you're wondering why are we doing this?
Why are we doing prophecy bingo? Well here's the general idea. Scripture says in 1st
Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 20 do not despise prophecies but test everything hold fast to what is good abstain from every form of evil.
So everybody out there claiming to be a prophet or a prophetess we test them.
Now one of the things that we note here is that so many of the people claiming to hear prophetic words from God the
Holy Spirit they give these really really vague prophecies and it's what's really funny with the
YouTube prophets and prophetesses it's always this one -size -fits -all prophecy that they give it's kind of like we call it a prophetic onesie you think of Ralphie from the
Christmas story poor fellow had to wear a onesie. Immediately my feet began to sweat as those two fluffy little bunnies with the blue button
I stared sappily up at me. And so you're gonna note that all of these prophecies as vague as they are and that's kind of the point they are vague they all are prophetic onesies which really kind of look absurd and sound absurd.
It looks like a pink nightmare. But we're gonna note here through our prophecy bingo cards that what these people are really doing is they're not actually engaging in any kind of prophecy at all.
Instead what they're doing is just they've learned how to kind of string together prophetic buzzwords and and so the prophecy bingo cards help us point that out so that as we're testing these prophecies you can know with certainty that these are not actual words from God that we're to be listening to.
These people are false prophets, false prophetesses. Yeah that's the word
I was looking for. And as a result of it you can basically realize they are to be marked and avoided.
That's the general idea. So let's get to it. Prophecy bingo. Here I've got my prophecy bingo card worked out.
If you want to see it ahead of time that's it. And I've taken I made green markers and you know because it's
March you know you know you do that for March. March is green. So there's my card. I've printed it out so I don't embarrass myself too much.
And let's get to it. We're gonna start off again with Kay Nash. Now before we get that I need to make a note here.
If you're wondering about Mer Ministries or Jennifer LeClaire or Princess Ebola. Yeah I think that's how she said her name
Princess Ebola. None of these people have actually put out a March prophecy yet and we're well into the second week of March.
So you know not contenders this month. So kind of sad. We'll have to keep an eye out for their prophecies in the future.
But let's get to it. Here's Kay Nash in her prophetic word for March 2018.
Here we go. All right let's jump into the word. Now last month
I I talked about planning and strategic planning and how that was gonna be important because of a promotion in March.
The plan. Strategic planning because of a promotion in March. Good luck with your layoffs all right.
I hope your firings go really well. I'm looking at my card here.
Okay we keep going. That you did last month is going to lead to a promotion in March and some of you it's gonna be a very public promotion and it's gonna transition you into the next whole year.
Now consider the absurdity of what we're hearing here. Apparently Kay Nash thinks that everybody under the sound of her voice is gonna receive some kind of a promotion in March.
Okay yeah which is bizarre. I mean promotions are a rare thing. So already we can discount this as a false prophecy because ain't everybody watching this gonna get a promotion.
You know what I mean. Don't freak out. There's gonna be lots of everything's gonna look different.
Don't worry. Don't freak out. I know it's all gonna look different. It's gonna be like somebody came in and rearranged all the furniture in your house.
Oh hang on a second here. Hang on a second here. I just realized this as I've been looking. My prophecy bingo card has the word promotion.
All right I'm doing good. Oh free space. Gotta do the free space too. Oh man I'm doing good this month.
Okay back to Kay Nash. Okay so everything's gonna look different. Okay how different is it gonna look?
Yes I saw a watch and some of you are like yeah God where are you? Like you're waiting on him. He's coming this month so be prepared.
God's coming this month. Okay well where's he been? Tahiti? Yeah and be sitting at his gates daily in order to receive the download of what you need to do and where you need to be.
It's very important. Whoa whoa whoa wait hang on a second here. I gotta back this up because you know
I just have a question here. So we backed it up ten seconds. Let's listen again.
You're waiting on him. He's coming this month so be prepared and be sitting at his gates daily in order to receive the download of what you need to do and where you need to be.
Sitting at his gates daily in order to receive a download.
So apparently the heavenly Wi -Fi connection is only there at the gate so you need to sit there at the gates in order to get the download right.
It's very important and strategic this month. There's a verse that I heard and who devises plans but not of my spirit.
This is not a time to try to get the promotion. You know God's. Yeah don't try to get it.
It's gonna come all by itself. Kings and God takes down Kings. You want
God to set you up because when God's. So because you've quoted
Daniel 221 out of context don't seek for the promotion. God will give it to you in March of course.
In fact since we're already in the second week of March it could have already happened. It's for life.
You know Joseph was set up for a life and you want that kind of promotion. You don't want a flaky promotion that's only to benefit the person that promoted you.
It's not no flaky promotion. So if you are offered a flaky one you need to turn it down.
Really to position you for greatness and to help you have a lot of impact in your community. Okay is that a form of Tourette's?
Just wondering. Okay. It'll be a month of impact for many of you. Man she is full of buzzwords here and I'm looking at my prophecy bingo card.
You're gonna get the strategic download on the next level. I know we got a lot of strategic stuff but God is tying it up.
What I saw when I was praying was I saw a tie and he's tying up all the final plans and he's setting the stage.
The Lord is setting the stage for some things. Hallelujah. Setting the stage for some things.
Yeah you know some things. Okay we continue.
Hallelujah. Another thing I felt was dancing a little bit. You felt dancing.
I need to check my prophecy bingo card. Shaking breaker. Importation.
Fresh power. No. I didn't get dancing on my card. Bummer. Okay.
At least in my 2018 words there will be dancing this year and I feel like that's gonna be really starting now.
A lot of dancing is gonna be breaking out in churches across. A lot of dancing is gonna be breaking out in churches and stuff.
Okay. Country. Just nationwide I see dancing. I see
Texas and California. I even I specifically heard
San Francisco and LA. Yeah if San Francisco is gonna be doing some dancing
I know I don't want to see that. Jesus dancing breaking out you know.
So the reason why dancing is breaking out in the month of March is because you know 2
Samuel 6 14 which by the way you're gonna know she's twisted scripture twice here which proves she's a false prophetess because if she was really hearing from God God be telling her hey
Kay knock that off you're twisting my word. Anyway so David danced before the
Lord with all his might so therefore March Madness in your church will include breakout dancing and dance like David danced elsewhere.
Lord don't hold back on your giving this month. Of course not. Yeah. Make sure to give money to Kay Nash.
Now this is what do they call it. It's a humble brag when somebody is bragging about themselves but it makes it sound like they're humble.
This is kind of like the send money to me version of a humble brag. It's really weird.
So we got saying you make sure to send in your seed offerings but you don't have to send it to me and you know but make sure you send it somewhere you know maybe like me.
You need to be sowing and giving into the places that he leads you because that's promotion you know.
When you give you actually get more and that's not Kay Nash that's the
Bible. We are going to need a chapter and verse for that claim.
And so ask God where he wants to be giving and doing this month as you promote and be a blessing to other use your position to bless others not in a manipulative way that you expect something back.
But in although she's being manipulative here you know claiming that God told her this that you're a blessing when you're a blessing you stay promoted.
Jesus. So when you're a blessing you stay promoted. It's not it but you've got to turn the flaky one down.
I feel that strongly. When you're a blessing you stay promoted. Jesus. Fishing for words at this point.
Maybe a broken connection between her and the Holy Spirit. She's got the modem fired back up and is trying to reconnect quickly.
We're sorry the number you have dialed is not in service at this time. There's a new beginning to a lot of you.
You know some of you have been promoted but it wasn't the promotion you wanted and I saw it was kind of like half half of what you wanted.
Yeah some of you received a half promotion. Okay. And it was frustrating and it's hard to believe if this promotion is real.
And some of you. Yeah much harder to believe that this is a real prophecy.
Promotion might be marriage. Some of that might be promotion over your finances. Promotion over my finances.
What does that even mean? Some of you that might be a new ministry position, a new teaching position, a new scholarly position.
I feel a scholarly position. She feels a scholarly thing coming. Did you feel that?
It's like like the Pillsbury Doughboy. You know yeah there she is. She's talking all of a sudden. Yeah. I feel lots of theologians arising in this hour.
If they were actual biblical theologians they'd all be rising up to tell you your false prophet is gay.
You need to hang it up. Jesus that are really gonna break a religious spirit.
They're gonna prove it through doctrine. They're gonna break a religious spirit. Man my card doesn't have religious spirit on it.
I know that's one of the buzzwords. Darn it. Prove it through the Word of God that the signs and wonders and miracles are for now.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Okay.
Um um um um um um um um um um um um.
Moving along. Next. Oh you're sitting down.
This one. That's all I'm saying. You you might want to assume the crash position. We're gonna check back in with the throne builders and man this one cracked me up.
Let's check in with them. Here we go. Hey everybody this is Thomas and Krista with Throne Builders with the weekly prophetic word.
How y 'all doing out there? I think
I heard some of you that time. If you waited until I was done, then you could say hello and you guys could have a conversation.
Why don't you all start bringing some coffee to this thing so we can do it right. I like mine with raw grass -fed milk.
She has lost her mind and he wants grass -fed milk. Wow. Okay and that's it. Just some raw grass -fed milk and some coconut sugar.
I'm kind of bummed that grass -fed milk isn't on my bingo card. Oh bummer.
This is the word for the week of March 4th and we have been getting the crud kicked out of us this week and Krista is going to share some things with you.
I'm going to share some things with you. Yep, we've been having the crud kicked out of us. How did
Christianity survive two millennia before YouTube? I have no idea.
That I think will be a blessing to you as I've been praying about all throughout the day asking God what do you want your people to know.
See, I know what God wants people to know. Are you ready? The Bible.
Yeah, the written Word of God because the written Word of God says that. I'm pretty sure
God is not interested in them feeding you doughnuts and grass -fed milk but okay. I'm in harvest.
Wherever you are in your life right now, listen, if you're in a position of negativity, you have relationships that are crumbling, you have health issues, financial issues, you have destiny issues.
You're like what happened? What is a destiny issue?
Hang on, I gotta check my card here. Impartation, activation, atmosphere, anointing.
Man. Oh there's destiny. It's down at the bottom. There we go. All right,
I'm doing good this month. Doing really good. Okay, so do you have destiny issues?
No, actually, destiny is one of my prophecy bingo card words so I don't have an issue with destiny this month.
Nope. My life, listen, it's not God punishing you. It's not God putting his hand on you and saying, hey, you did wrong.
That's not how he works. Everything in the kingdom is based on the fact that everything that happens, it's said, every look on your face, every thought of the heart, every action, everything you eat, everything you drink.
His wife is cracking me up. Man. Everything you breathe in, everything you watch, everything you listen to, it's a seed.
Yeah, it's true. That seed brings forth a harvest when it is cultivated.
Yeah, so you're planting all kinds of seeds up in here and there's gonna be a harvest and stuff.
Notice the vagaries of this particular word from God. And most of us have cultivated negativity in our lives, not because we willfully and deliberately done it, but because we were programmed to do it.
We were our circuit. You're just a victim. Yeah, you're a victim of programming, apparently. So we don't victim blame here.
It's not your fault that you're experiencing negativity and destiny issues. Senses dictated it for us.
Listen, whatever seeds you've sown that are reaping a negative harvest for you, you need to recognize that that's what it is.
It's a negative harvest. Right, negative harvest. Where are these negative harvests talked about in Scripture again?
You live an amazingly blessed life. I mean, granted, few of the people that we have interaction with, but you still live a remarkable, blessed life.
You have favor on you in an unusual way. Let me check again.
Hang on a second here. Man, this card doesn't have the word favor.
I know that's one of the words, too. Curse you, bingo card!
Okay. Beautiful thing that's happening for you. You did not get there because you're special or more special than somebody else.
You got there because of the seed that was sown. You believe truth. So true.
Yeah, the harvest of negativity is because of the seed that was sown and stuff. I have no idea what they're talking about.
Responded. You put good things into your body, good things into your mind, good things into your ears. You meditated on good things.
You chose to speak good words, and that was a chair sliding across the floor, if you happen to hear that.
It was not flatulence, I promise. Yeah, we'll check the tape on that. I'm sure it was a chair.
Our camera crew's having issues. Destiny issues, for sure. Yeah, just, you know, if you're in a position of negativity in your life, it just seems like you're just constantly reaping this harvest.
Start sowing new seeds. Right, yeah. You know, if you're harvesting negativity, try planting positivity seeds.
You know, moving along.
Let's, oh man, this is Reina4321. Okay, hope you're sitting down for this.
Here we go. Okay, y 'all,
I have a whole lot to share, so I'm very excited, and are you ready? Mm -hmm.
On your mark, get set, go.
March, March, March, March, March, 2018. The Lord showed me a prison of jagged boulders.
Whoa, this is ominous. This is a dark, marked prophecy. A prison of jagged boulders, like Chateau D 'If.
Got it. I saw many of God's people just stuck in these jagged boulders.
People of God were actually stuck in the jagged boulders, so they were eaten by the jagged boulders.
I think that was an episode of Star Trek. Okay. And then I saw the Lord's hand.
What I'm seeing right now, like the same hand I saw yesterday with the snowball. The hand of the Lord is coming and removing these jagged boulders and plucking them up, plucking them up, plucking them up.
And I saw the you come out of the word boulder, and it went up. I'm not getting any
Prophecy Bingo words from her. What is this? The you, it went up.
Uh -huh. They're coming to take me away. Uh -huh. They're coming to take me away. Oh, yeah.
You went up into the secret place. The you went up into the secret place.
And I saw the word boulder become boulder. No. Oh, wow.
Boulder. Yeah, I like the little play on words. You become boulder.
I saw you going up into the secret place, receiving the heart of the Father, and becoming boulder and boulder, breaking free of the jagged prison of boulders.
Breaking free from the jagged prison of boulders. I'll look out for that place.
Okay. I, I, this is terrible. It's like a train wreck. I feel like a bug heading towards that blue light.
I can't help myself. I have to hit play again. And then, that's what
I saw, and I felt like, I don't feel like I know the Lord gave me a message through my
March coloring calendar. So here's March's coloring calendar. So God gave you a prophetic word through your coloring calendar.
Okay. Does your husband know you make these videos? And he told me to color it in seven colors, because that is the real rainbow.
This is a chameleon. And this is what the Holy Spirit says.
And look at the chameleon. The chameleon's up high in a tree, right? Up high in a tree.
I'm sure it's really high. And the chameleon has leaves on him, because that, isn't that what a chameleon does?
A chameleon becomes like its environment. Where do you spend most of your time?
Do you spend most of your time in the pirate cave? A lot of your time in the secret place? No. Nobody told me where the secret place was.
They told me it was a secret. Or do you spend a lot of your time down here on earth?
Letting the enemy just completely beat you up? But I live on earth.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore. I didn't know
I was supposed to go to a secret place that wasn't on earth. What is this?
Okay. I have to move ahead. I'm not going to get through this. Okay. Father's heart ministry.
Okay. Let's check in with Russ Walden. By the way, from this particular March prophecy,
I'm beginning to think that Russ Walden is aware of dumpster fire. Just saying.
I think you might see it for yourself too. Breakthrough. Prophetic word.
March 2018. This is the breakthrough word for March 2018. He looks agitated.
He really does. I mean, let me back that up. I mean, just watch his face. He actually looks like he's agitated.
This is the breakthrough word for March 2018. The father says the councils of heaven are convened over your life and the gavel has come down in your favor.
The markers and the skeptics may scorn you, but the father. So the gavel came down in the arms of heaven and I'm, I'm, I'm, oh man,
I've been freed and cleared and I'm, I'm good to go. Okay. But the skeptics and stuff. Yeah, that would be like people like me.
There's what I have called clean. No man can call unclean. No, no, no.
Are clean, says the father. You are clean through the word that I have spoken unto you this day.
I pronounce your deliverance, says God. This day. Notice again, prophetic onesie here.
Immediately my feet began to sweat. Oh, for the shift in your life. Oh, there's a shift coming.
Oh, is that one of my words? No, it doesn't look like it. Downturning disappointment into breakthrough and uplifting.
Breakthrough and uplifting. Hang on a second here. Deliverance breaker.
Birthing calling. Like I'm missing something.
All right. I am lifting you up, says God. I am endearing you to myself in this season.
The poison of the adder and the sting of the scorpion are being rendered inert against you.
Yeah, that that that's helpful. Because I don't think we have scorpions here in North Dakota.
No, no, no. Yeah, that we I've never seen those here. Yeah. I'm doing the devastations of the past.
I am repairing that in your life, which was beyond repair. I am renewing your hope.
I am reconstituting your destiny. I am giving you a reconstituted destiny.
Oh, yeah, that's right. Is your destiny been created via destiny? What does it concentrate?
Yeah, we've reconstituted your destiny. It's like lutefisk, you know, on your bones and sinew for your strength until full victory, full salvation, complete restoration is yours in every area of your life.
Reject the narrative of despair, says the father. Rejected. Just no narrative of despair stuff for you, man.
Away from pessimism, skepticism and sarcasm. Yeah, well, too late for that.
Yeah, there's all kinds of sarcasm right here in the month of March to say and things are the refuge of the faithless.
And I have called you not to be faithless, but believe me, I tell you, he seems agitated.
I think somebody showed him last month's dumpster fire. OK, fear not, says God, but believe only and you will be saved.
Your situation, your loved ones, your circumstance will experience and know my visitation and my glory that will rewrite your destiny and manifest my goodness in your life beyond any expectation you have dreamed so he's going to rewrite destiny in the month of March beyond any expectations.
These are empty words. This is utter nonsense. All right. Hang on. Let's check in. Oh, boy.
OK, so this is helping hands ministry. One of the things we've noticed here at Pirate Christian Media and fighting for the faith is that there is a weird thing that happens.
A lot of the YouTube prophets and prophetesses, they prophesy from their vehicles.
So not sure why, but this is one of them. I was praying about March and the
Lord told me to release this word. All right. So the Lord told you to release this.
OK. And it's a beautiful word.
It's an amazing word. It's beautiful. Rainbows and unicorns and bunnies and things.
And this is the vision that the Lord gave me. So I'm going to give you a vision. God bless you.
I'm going to give you the vision and then I'm going to give you the prophetic word and the word of God when he gave me.
What is that music? The vision for March that he showed me was soldiers.
Soldiers. OK, so the vision for soldiers. Soldiers and we were all together in a line, in a line prepared for battle.
And if we were in battle and the Lord said, tell my people to march.
OK. Were there any rock dungeons or, you know, things like that?
My people to march. Amen. No. You see,
I just got to point this out. This doesn't make any sense. All right. So if you know your Bible, there is a passage of scripture that talks about the armor of God and it doesn't tell us to march.
Fascinating text. It's found in Ephesians chapter six, Ephesians chapter six, starting verse 10.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might put on the whole armor of God. So here's a soldiering text for us
Christians that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
So therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.
And having done all to stand. Yeah, hisdemi. Yeah, not march.
We're not to march. We're to stand. Stand therefore. You see, we Christians have a standing order and the standing order as soldiers is to stand.
Not march. Stand. And the
Lord showed me soldiers arm in arm. And although they were walking through muddy terrain, although it was raining, although they were in a battle, although they were under severe attack, although they were weary, he said, tell my people to march.
March. Right. So the standing orders to stand from God, the Holy Spirit in Ephesians six, that those are out now.
We got to march now. Okay. Which way is forward, by the way? How do
I do that? Vision he gave me. He said, march in fear.
Although you may have fear, you feel fear. March in faith. Even if you feel doubt, march in your doubt.
March in my doubt. But Ephesians six says stand.
What am I supposed to do with this? See, this is an example of a prophecy contradicting the actual written word of God.
So you just take that right out. He said, knowing if you fall, I will carry you, saith the
Lord. If you are weak, I am strong. March and give praise.
No, I'm going to keep standing. I'm not, I'm not marching nowhere. Do not be deceived. You have already won the battle.
Then why am I marching? If I've already won. You have already won the battle.
The Lord said, do not be deceived. I'm from a woman who's clearly deceived. Oh, many of us are under attack.
We're in warfare. And the enemy is in our ear, telling us all kinds of lies.
Yeah, like the lie to march rather than stand. Yeah, weird. I have a testimony.
Yeah, I agree. Devil is a liar. Okay, let's check in with the prophetess.
Misha Wesley. All right, here we go. The Lord spoke to me concerning the month of March.
The Lord says that March is going. This is like the soundtrack to a horror movie. What is this?
To be a month of new levels, new levels in the spirit. New levels, new levels.
Oh man, do I have new levels on my card? Hang on, let me check. Miracle birth, new season.
You have to play multiple cards next month. I seem to be stuck at the moment.
New levels of activation, new activation. Oh, that's one of my words.
Hold on. Hang on. All right.
Yeah, I'm doing good now. Okay. All right. So come on, keep them coming. Misha. We, we need some more prophecy.
Bingo words here. Of boldness, new levels of obedience. I prophesy and call forth new levels, new levels of management.
New levels of management. Yay. I'm going to need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow.
So if you could be here around new levels of organization.
Yeah, they're going to happen. I'm totally disorganized. I don't want any of those new levels of organization.
I'm happy with my messy piling system. Or is taking us to new levels, new levels in our ministry, new levels.
Yeah, that's gibberish. That's not actually tongues. And what's with the fire? I think this is a precursor.
She's starting to get ready for what's coming in the afterlife here. A reconstruction.
Oh, he's an, he's doing a remodel. Got it. New levels.
No reconstruction will bring you to new levels. When you renew it, when you do reconstruct.
Oh, that was a neat trick with those words, man. On new roads, roads, new roads.
Oh man. We could use some of those up here. Yeah. Cause I like up North Dakota where I live, you know, that we got two seasons, we got a winter and road construction, so we could use some new roads up here.
Yeah. Becomes a new road. And, and, and you begin to add on and see that there's a new highways.
There's new highways from the new roads. Wow. Great. There's new areas that you can areas.
That's vague. Okay. Sit off and come to the highway. There's new areas.
You know, when you come onto the highway. Yeah. It's totally vague.
There's a reconstruction. You've already said that word several times. King place that will cause you to go to new levels.
Yeah. And now you're just repeating yourself. That was in the spirit. In the spirit. Whoa. In the glory.
New glory. Let me check to see if do I have glory on here? Cause I know that's one of the words, man.
Okay. Let's come back. And back to hell.
Okay. Thank you Lord God for the new level.
Notice no translation. That's probably just a demon saying, if you believe this stuff, you guess where you're going to spend eternity in the month of March for the month of March.
I prophesy over the month of March that you will be in the new levels.
Yeah. This is going nowhere. Okay. New levels, new roads, new areas and stuff for Greek construction.
Clearly she's living in somewhere where there's like doing road work in her area and she keeps being late to work under construction since 1868.
All right. Let's last but not least. Oh no.
Okay. So let's listen in as Ryan was strange.
The guy who claims to be an apostle will give us the word for the month of March and talk about prophetic
March madness. Here we go. Hey, Facebook world, Ryan, the stranger, apostle, author.
No, you're not an apostle, dude. You are not an eyewitness to the resurrection of Christ.
You were not there when Jesus was baptized. You were not there when he ascended into heaven. Read acts one.
You don't qualify as an apostle. Co -founder of awakening tv .com. Welcome to my
Facebook page. We are going to be releasing a March prophetic word this morning.
So I'm going to wait a moment. Let you join me here in the room. Do you have a,
I do not know what just fill this up.
Let me know where you're joining me from. Uh, as we get ready to North Dakota, that's where I'm joining you from.
Release this word of the Lord. Prepare for launch. I believe God has got a launch for you.
This is something to prepare for launch. Oh, God's got a launching for me. We're all going to be astronauts.
Yay. Is burning in my spirit right now.
And I want to release this word of the Lord to you. The devil did not want this out. He's a what do you mean?
The devil didn't want this out. The devil practically wrote this prophecy. This thing, we've had equipment issues, but here we are prepared for launch.
Hello, apostle Teresa Hawkins. Uh, another apostle has just showed up on the apostle
Ryan was strangers. Prophecy stream. Wow. To see you on right now.
I miss y 'all. Right? Hey, from Canada, Canada in the house. Let me know where you're joining me from. South Florida in the house.
I see you South Florida. Good to have you on there. We have been having such momentum here on Facebook live,
Kentucky in the house, Tennessee in the house. We've had testimonies coming into miracles. These midnight broadcasts have been powerful.
People have been getting healed. They've been getting miracles. We've had people getting financial breakthrough.
People releasing launch seeds. It's amazing. Releasing launch seeds.
What is a launch seed? How high does it go? Does it orbit the earth once it launches?
What are you talking about now? It's going to take him a little bit of time to get up to speed.
So let's just, you know, make him go a little bit faster. This is the time for launching that a
Chattanooga, Tennessee, Houston, Texas, California, Louisiana in the house. Welcome. Do me a favor. If you would, Catherine, good to see you. We were Oklahoma possible time. Good to see you,
Yolanda. Hey, Boston, Texas at the moment. I'm sorry. You're hung up in Texas. Good to see you. Please do me a favor and share this. If you would, let's invite friends into this.
Just go ahead and share this. Make sure that you told all your friends. This is the way to start the day with a prophetic word. This is the way to start the month of March with a prophetic word that you are preparing for launch that you are preparing to lift off into destiny.
Interesting. You let everybody know you're getting ready to lift off to destiny and stuff.
Oh man. Let me back. Let me slow him down. Now he's, he's winding up Tonya in the house.
Welcome Scotland. Good to see you. Heather from Scotland, Matt Huber, a red hashtag ready for launch.
Amen. If you're ready for launch, go ahead and hashtag that ready for launch. And as we released this word, hashtag ready for launch.
What the whole world know are ready for launch in March. Prophets. I am good to see you.
As we released this word, you know, go ahead and hashtag and send out on your
Twitter feed and those sort of things. Statements from this word, hashtag it ready for launch. Let's get the feeling.
What I'm going to need to do here is once we release dumpster fire, I need to, when I send it out on Twitter and stuff,
I should add the hashtag ready for launch off the side, this one to Facebook, to Twitter, to Instagram, that God is launching.
God is launching businesses. God is launching businesses in March.
This is like playing prophecy lotto. What is this? Oh, I hope I get to be one of the guys that gets my business launched by God in March.
In the house, North Carolina. God is launching relationships. God is launching new ideas.
God is like new ideas. Could you give me one of the new ideas that God is launching? That's really vague.
New ministries. God is launching ministries from one level to another level. This is one level to another level.
Wow. Mind blown. Okay. I believe for the month of March and I'm going to release it.
I'm preparing to go, uh, this afternoon to Kentucky, right outside of Lexington, Nicholasville to be with my spiritual son, apostle
John, instead of my, my another apostle again, all kinds of apostles. It's kind of strange.
I mean, apostle, apostle, he's named three of them so far, but yet Michael Brown says there's no such thing as a new epistolic reformation.
It's a so -called, uh, yeah. And just saying the new breed revival partner, Jennifer LeClaire, prophet
Jennifer LeClaire, Dr. Matthew Stevenson is coming. Frank Summerall is coming and we're going to be holding a spiritual warfare seminar next weekend.
I'm going to be, yeah, they're engaging in spiritual warfare. Unfortunately they're fighting with the demonic forces against the actual church of Christ.
Atlanta, Georgia with apostle Brian Meadows off the chain gathering. I just found out that Tasha Cobbs is going to be joining that gathering.
Many others join that gathering, the create gathering for prophetic and creative people. You can find out all about that in my events on Facebook or Ryan, the strange .com.
And then I'm going to be in Baltimore, Maryland for the is a car. Would you just get to the prophecy for the month, please?
Gathering hosted by apostle Yolanda stiff, lots of launch, lots of apostles.
I mean, at least four of them mentioned their events going on this March. Amen. But of course, there's no such thing as the new apostolic reformation.
No, it doesn't exist. It's just the so -called NAR. So you can find this prophet Oscar. Good to see you, but let's dive into this word.
I don't want to keep you waiting. Thanks for sharing this. Hey, Shay. Good to see you. Thanks for sharing this.
So I want to pray father. I thank you right now for your word, the word of the Lord for your people.
And right now I break. Yeah. The word of the Lord for God's people is found in the Bible. Yeah, not here.
I break lethargy and I just released the launch activation. He releases the launch activation.
Wow. Oh, we've been waiting for that for two whole millennia. I'm surprised
Jesus didn't launch it when he launched up on the day of Ascension. Watch code in the name of Jesus, that you are launching people, that you are launching ministries, that you are launching destinies, that you are launching assignments.
Lord, I even heard you in the spirit say you're launching the writers. I just called.
He's launching writers, writers onto the launch pad and I prepared them for putting all these people on the launch pad.
Poor people. I'm so sorry. You know, it was fun playing a too bad you died. Launch this morning in the name of Jesus.
The rocket fuel is coming right now. Oh no, it was the rocket fuel for some poor writers strapped to that rocket.
Yeah. Shot. Can't get a secret. I gibberish. That ain't a language in my spirit.
The Lord said there is somebody that the Lord is preparing you for an intercessors gathering that you are raising up a company of intercessors.
And the Lord says the second half of 2017, he is giving you the launch code to raise up this launch code is our launch codes like part of like the nuclear missile arsenal.
Like doesn't like President Trump currently have the nuclear football with the launch codes.
So apparently, you know, God's going to launch a nuclear strike against somebody this month.
Oh, that's a movement. I just prophesied the launch in the authority of Jesus and launch of online businesses, launch of millionaires.
Oh, he's launching millionaires. Oh, man. I hope I get one of those because I can.
I still have a long way to go before I'm a millionaire, like more than a million dollars. But that's a different story.
I'm getting about Kingdom millionaires being launched in the name of Jesus, launch of healing ministries, launch of new churches and revival hubs.
I hear in my spirit the planters are going to arise and the launch in the authority of Jesus.
And so he's launching writers and planters and all kinds of people call the launch forth right now.
And I ask you to release the launch code and release the launch code. Will you Jesus?
Come on. We need to fire this thing up around. Release the launch code.
I hear in my spirit launch codes, the supernatural download super launch codes, launch codes, launch.
He yells it. Well, that means it's true. That's your revelation. Supernatural doors being open, shotgun, double sick and I.
This is total absurdity. Why is anybody listening to this stuff and believing it's from God?
Distraction right now. You will not be distracted. Well, if anybody is listening to you and think they're hearing from God, they are distracted.
They're not hearing from God. You are a total distraction. Spirit of heaviness, every spirit of weariness.
I do have the spirit of heaviness. Yeah. You need this spirit of skinniness.
Okay. Spirit of distraction. I take authority over you. Those yapping chihuahuas in the background that are trying.
Where's the yapping chihuahuas come from? Yeah. And biting your ankles. There's little biting your ankle.
We've got launch codes coming out here and there's chihuahuas. Where did that happen?
What? Oh, level demons trying to stop your advancement. I take authority over those right now.
The accusing spirit. Many have been under the weight of accusation. I take authority over that right now in the authority of Jesus name.
I hear the breaker coming on the scene right now. The Lord says my waves of refreshing are coming over you and washing that accusation and those lives off because it is your time to launch in the name of Jesus.
Yeah. None of that's prophecy. Yeah. No, it's all just total absurdity filling people's heads with nonsense.
Who let these people out of the loony bin and put them on YouTube in the name of Jesus.
We're being literally told, taught by people who've lost their minds, scrambled their brains.
Good gravy. All right. Let's take one last look here.
Cause I mean, there, that was like a, I don't know what to do with that.
That was like a machine gut of nonsense, but unfortunately launch code and stuff. He didn't even say the word birthing.
Bummer. Okay. So, I mean, I did a little better this month than I did last month, but okay.
Coming back to our governing text here from first Thessalonians chapter five for the first Thessalonians chapter five, do not despise prophecies.
Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. Yeah. There's no reason to believe any of those were actually from God.
Uh, no fact, every reason to believe that none of them were, none of them even made any sense.
And a few of them actually contradicted direct passages of scripture. Yeah. Um, prophecies.
No, none of these people are prophets or apostles. They're false prophets. They're false apostles and they're leading people astray.
I think you get the point. So we are at the end of another episode of dumpster fire, several ways that you can support us, by the way, uh, share this video with people, let them know of what it is that we're offering here and putting out at our, our
YouTube channel. Of course, if you would like more of this type of programming, have you considered listening to our podcast, uh, fighting for the faith?
If you go to finding for the faith .com five days a week, uh, we publish a podcast that deals with this type of discernment is true with the issues where we compare what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God.
And if you'd like to financially support us, we truly could use the help in order to pay the bills and make sure that we can continue to bring dumpster fire as well as fighting for the faith and the different things that we're offering here.
And there's several ways you can do that. You can join our crew information on how to join our crew is down below in the description here.
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So there you go. Until next time then may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.