Ruslan Gets His Mind Blown

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Welcome back to another week of the A .D. Robles YouTube channel. Now before we begin let me just say this.
My son wanted to help me advertise. He came into my office and he gave me this sign. He wants me to hang it up and well
I will do that. And it says books for sale. Books for sale. And so I of course he's talking about the latest release
Social Justice Pharisees Woke Church Tactics and how to engage them. It is only available for me right now and so if you're interested in getting a copy or two or three or six
I even had somebody want to buy six copies email me ad at ad
Robles calm ad at ad Robles calm let me know how many you want and all of that kind of thing a lot of people have been making fun of me because that's one of my tics definitely true
I always say it but if you do want a copy ad at ad Robles calm let me know how many you want and I will send you an invoice these are shipping out immediately
I have a long list of people that I've that people that pre -order people that ordered and all they're gonna go out in the next couple days so you'll have instant access to it
I think you're gonna really enjoy the book like I've been saying it still has the same personality that I have although it's toned down just a little bit so that you can feel more comfortable giving it to people that you know maybe not wouldn't want to watch my channel
I know I know it could be a little hardcore sometimes that Eric Mason video from last week I believe every word in fact
I believe I wasn't harsh enough with that nonsense that Eric Mason was spewing he had the tears he pretending to cry and all that kind of stuff
I thought about that video a little bit more maybe we'll talk about that in a second but that was an evil video where he pretended to cry and all this kind of stuff anyway but yes books for sale email me ad at ad
Robles calm to get your copy also I told AJ that if you reference this this advertisement that you see here that I would give him a cut of the money because that's what you do with advertisers right so there's that thank you for considering purchasing now
I will also say this I sent an email out to get everyone's updated addresses so I could send the books out and Jimmy song he he actually sent me this book on Bitcoin a long time ago and he he's he he messaged me back and in my email if you saw it
I said I would take Bitcoin but it was gonna cost you $100 for a book essentially point zero zero zero one five
Bitcoin for a book and he took that to mean that I was pro Bitcoin I'm not pro Bitcoin still
I'm not I don't hate Bitcoin but I'm not oh I don't own any Bitcoin all kind of stuff anyway that so but here's the thing though this book is really good
Jimmy song sent thank you for sending me this book Jimmy I agree with almost all of like the first nine chapters or the first eight chapters
I think because it's a really good summary about why the Federal Reserve System and fiat currency is evil it's not just like a poor currency it's not just like a bad idea you know and it's just not like the greatest greatest thing it's not it's not like it's just not
God's best for you it's actually immoral the Federal Reserve Bank is an immoral system and so this book does a great job explaining why that is where I don't like the book is where it talks about Bitcoin and how
Bitcoin solves those problems I just don't think it does and he does engage with some of the criticisms
I wish that that more of the book was dedicated to that but I don't I'm not I'm still not buying
Bitcoin I I agree with all the problems that they've identified I just think that gold is a better solution
I know that people don't like that but I just think it's the case now that being said this is a good book it's worth reading it's worth reading especially if you don't know where Bitcoiners are coming from when it comes to the problems with our current financial system because I agree with all of that I just don't agree that Bitcoin is you know that much better what
I will also say is this is in strong contrast to like the cultists like guys like Michael Saylor I mean that dude is a pagan through and through and he talks about Bitcoin as if it's
God himself this is a stark contrast to that if you if you're if you're interested in Bitcoin but you're kind of you don't want to listen to people like Michael Saylor and some of those like permabulls that are just like they look like they speak of it like a cult leader you're not gonna get that here there's a little bit of hyperbole where it's like bitcoins gonna solve all our problems kind of thing it doesn't go that far but it's got that air to it this is a good book though especially if you're interested in why our financial system is immoral and against God's law this is a great book for that so thank you
Jimmy for the book I appreciate it and it's good it's a good book so I recommend you purchase that even if I don't agree with the
Bitcoin chapters now let's dive into Ruslan again because we I think we went a whole week without talking about this dude and so let's jump right back into it because I was having a good time with it
I think a lot of you guys were as well I've been getting a lot of comments not only on the channel but also private comments about Ruslan himself and why he's so popular and why he's so effective
I can easily see why he's so effective he's like he's a likable guy at least it seems that way on video and he's engaging so I can understand that but yeah let's let's go further into this and have a great time are these systems of you're giving me the benefit of the doubt like what is the answer let me get my let me get my hat here cuz you know when you're dealing in the hip -hop world you gotta look hip -hop you know what
I'm saying hip -hop hip -hop all right let's do this let's do this cuz cuz
I my answer is you know for for example on the drug war
I can just go back to scripture and say well God only says the government is to punish those who do evil to mainly to others and there's no crime unless there's a victim right so that the scriptures would you would you be would you be for the decriminalization of drugs total side conversation that's not like a gotcha question decriminalization or criminalization decriminalization yeah
I'm for decriminalization okay yeah yeah you're like a libertarian through and through this is very refreshing but I'm not but I'm not though this is important because a lot of people ask me about this as well and I'm not a libertarian either although there's a lot of alignment with some of the things that we believe but there's a fatal flaw in libertarianism so let's hear
Marcus because because my because I think the the non -aggression principle for example that libertarian told to is is not enforceable or meaningful at all without the first table of the law right so love
God right so love God honor the Sabbath keep it holy honor your father and mother like sure first table of the law and then you get to the non -aggression principle or like all these so don't steal don't like right oh gotcha okay yeah so so the non -aggression principle just says you know don't do harm to others or love thy neighbor really well love thy neighbor makes no sense unless you love
God first right with all your heart soul mind strength and then you gotta have a law system that that has a standard for knowing what harming your neighbor is and once you harm your neighbor how do you adjudicate how that how that happens and so libertarianism it's it's just you know it secular libertarianism let me say this because Christian libertarians often do derive this from the law of God I have no beef with with Christian libertarianism but secular libertarianism has no standard for that so the non -aggression principle there's no meaning there's no there's no anchor to it if you're not following the first table of the law first that's got to be first loving
God and loving your neighbor has to be first keeping the Sabbath holy the whole thing it's you have to take it all you can't just nibble around the edges and make a libertarian paradise it doesn't work that way why
I'm not libertarian and I also would say like there are moral things like adultery should be a criminal offense homosexuality criminal offense all these sort of things no that was that's actually not what you do it's that it's that sound where it's like like the
DJ stops right what'd you say Marcus homosexuality adultery that should be a criminal offense well let's find out what the
Ruslan has to think about that because we see this in Scripture and so like these these are these are the things where I would disagree on theonomy not this is where I would disagree on libertarianism so before we before we get into the solutions
I got it I got a pull on that thread he can't even believe it like Ruslan's mind is blown because to Ruslan in his universe and frankly guys like there's a lot of people that that think this way as well and I really do let me just say this with as much tenderness as I can muster because I'm a really tender guy but if your reaction to hearing the law of God even in the
Old Testament even even thinking that it wasn't that's for the Old Testament not for today but if your reaction is like this revulsion like I can't even believe that you just said that how barbaric that is
I really do think you need to check yourself because God's law is not barbaric and it wasn't barbaric back then either so you see them so you see them saying if you get this kind of visceral reaction
I kind of understand that because I was I mean I grew up in public school as well but when you hear that adultery should be criminalized homosexuality should be criminalized like seriously that's not my position that's
God's position I'm just the creature he's the creator he tells me what's what and I just have to do what he says that like it's not my choice so don't look at me but I'm just saying like if your reaction is oh that's a barbaric land that's barbarian then you're calling
God's law from the Old Testament barbaric it's like it never was barbaric it's not barbaric now and it never was then and I know some people try to make this distinction well it's like no it's barbaric now but but it wasn't then that doesn't make any sense like it's either barbaric or it's not barbaric and my position is that it's a very dangerous place to be to be calling
God's law barbaric when God commanded the Israelites in the Old Testament to criminalize adultery to criminalize homosexuality to criminalize these things that was not barbaric and if you think it is
I think you need to do some soul -searching and some praying and some and some thinking because I just don't think that you have the right and I know
I don't have the right to call it to say to God what have you done you know I mean I just think I think that we've got too much evidence in the in the in the
Bible that the law of God was holy and that Christ followed the law of God to the
T and and that's just all there is to it and so let's just hear Ruslan's reaction because this is a reaction of many people and I think we need to really consider why is it that we react this way in context of first Corinthians chapter 5 yeah you you think that adultery should be illegal
I'm as anti -adultery as I can get but in context of 1st Corinthians chapter 5 what is not as anti -adultery as you could get and I know that that feels good to say but you're simply not because so if you know 1st
Corinthians chapter 5 this is the the thing where where there was a man in the assembly that was having sex with his stepmother right and Paul even says like this is something that even the pagans don't put up with like even pagans think this is gross and here is this guy in the church openly having sex with his stepmother this is unbelievable and he says hand him over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh now they didn't execute him because we know they didn't execute him because in 2nd
Corinthians he talks about this exact situation he says bring him back he's repented he's he's he's sorry you know he's he's he's changed his ways bring him back into the fold and so Ruslan saying here well you see
Paul didn't follow the law of God either and so we shouldn't either and by the way
I'm as against adultery as you can be no you're not because here's the thing God takes adultery so seriously that it's essentially treason it's treason against the family and there must be the death penalty for that so if you commit adultery that's a serious offense to God God takes it very seriously and he commands his people to take it very seriously it should be criminalized so therefore
Ruslan and anyone who's listening to this not trying to make any enemies here but it's just a fact if you don't want adultery to be criminalized then you don't take it as seriously as you possibly could and I'm not saying this from a from a position of purity because if you know anything about my story
I was having a relationship with a married woman before I was a Christian so I should not be alive right now
I I deserve the death penalty there's just no question about that so this is not hypothetical or theoretical for me
I've committed sins worthy of death in my life okay so but the thing is just because that would have meant like if we had a just system of government
I would not be around just because that's true doesn't mean that it's not a just system of I'm the one that has the problem not
God I'm the one that needs to change not God you see what
I'm saying so I think and of course adultery should be criminalized in our country and he's gonna talk about Paul so let's just hear what he has to say does it of yours to judge those in the world you expel the wicked from among you how do you make the logical conclusion that then we should outlaw the church this the church doesn't set laws okay if someone in my church murdered somebody the government saw his responsibility to send him well the death penalty right yeah so so so but that doesn't mean that the the murderer can't get repentance meet me with the pastor while he's in prison or whatever like that right so so the because the church doesn't set laws so what
I'm speaking of is strictly the role of the government not the function of the church the church has got you want to find out more about this in a very simple easy to understand way my book has a chapter on this it's about the government resting on Christ's shoulders it's a very short and simple chapter to tell you you know what the role of the government is versus what the role of the church is it seems like this is the first time
Russell has ever heard this he's kind of furrowing his brow and stuff like that and I can't blame him because I remember
I was probably he seems like he might be a little younger than me I'm not really sure I remember that I was
I was an adult when it was the first time I heard this as well so I don't blame anyone for not understanding this but you see
Paul believed in the the different spheres of government right he believed in governing yourself he believed that the church had a government he believed that there was a civil governing authority and each of those entities had different purviews has different air spheres of authority and the government's sphere of authority is the sword it's punishing evildoers that's what it says in Romans 13 the role of the government is to punish evildoers the role of the church is the keys of the kingdom right there the ones that are preaching the gospel they're the ones that are binding and loosing that means that you're either in or you're out you're a
Christian or you're a pagan like they're the ones that make those decisions and so when Paul said hand this guy over for the destruction of the flesh he had no authority to execute this guy no authority if he were to have done that that would have been a sin and likewise if somebody in my assembly commits murder and they come and they confide in me and they say
AD man like I killed this dude and you know and what do I do what do
I do I can I be saved I would be like dude you know you need to repent of your sins
Christ can cover your your your murder and stuff like that but I'm gonna call the authorities because you need to be handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh right and the authorities have a responsibility in order to do that so so luckily most murders are still illegal in this country not all murders because we're a pretty pagan nation even murders legal in this country but most murders are still illegal so thankfully likely the judge and the civil governing authorities would take care of that right not saying he can't repent but he still needs to be punished for the evil that he did now in our country and in Rome that kind of adultery was tolerated right adultery was tolerated so when
I say hand him over for the destruction of the flesh there's no one to hand him over to because adultery is totally tolerated in the
United States the same thing in Rome and so he's not going to be executed now I can't then say well I'm gonna take matters into my own hands and and and do you know do this execution no that would be evil and Paul likewise acknowledged that right it's the same thing if somebody had a plan to to execute justice on abortionists
I would say absolutely not you can't do that you're not the civil governing authority and I would turn them over to the authorities if they were planning something something like that so so the thing is like this is this is the point like like we have to understand that that the
Bible is way better than we thought it was and it gives the church and the government distinct and important responsibilities but they are distinct and so Romans are 1st
Corinthians 5 has nothing to do with the role of the civil governing authority when it comes to adultery it does have something to do with the role of the church when it comes to civil governing authority and so it's a non sequitur it doesn't make any difference what you can prove from 1st
Corinthians 5 about the role of the church it doesn't make any difference on what the role of the civil governing authority is so it's actually not related at all but anyway there you go it's of mercy and then
Romans 13 says the government is God's agent of wrath so they're two separate you want to you want a secular government to institute
God's laws no I want a Christian government Institute God's laws it's the post -millennial in you okay so you actually
I do want a secular government to institute God's laws it's it's not ideal I prefer a Christian government of course but no
I want a secular government to institute God's laws and I don't see why that's confusing because we have a secular government right now but of course
I want the government to punish murderers right somebody murders I want the government to punish murderers yes
I do you know I want the government to punish people that steal I want the government to punish people that extort like obviously yes
I do it's better if it's a Christian government but yes I do want a secular government to institute
God's laws and I want it to be as as close as possible to God's law as we can get that's yes that's exactly what
I want Rislin a Christian government I bleed it all out man government to institute
I want Christian men that makes it more sense I don't want the church running the government to make adultery illegal make fornication illegal make pornography illegal for sure okay wouldn't we be like Saudi Arabia at the end of that point no there's a real problem here as well because again and a lot of people talk this way and so let me just break out my tenderness again you need to take a good look in the mirror guys if you hear
God's law want to institute it these days and you think Muslim law oh my goodness what a bunch of barbarians like you think that God's law is similar to the to the the
Quran not the Quran really it's more the what what's the name of the other book that they have I forget but you know but but yes it's actually not that similar and you the stuff that they get right they get right because they also use the
Bible as one of their books and so it's like you know but the thing is like the guys like like like it's
God's law is not barbaric and it never was it wasn't barbaric then and it's not barbaric now and if your reaction is to compare it to barbaric law that's a big problem and I would suggest a lot of reflection a lot of prayer a lot of asking
God to tell you to show you why is it that you you show a revulsion to God's law when the psalmist shows such a reverence for it such a love for it and we can read
Psalm 119 oh how I love your law but we don't mean it we don't mean it that's that's a it's time to take a good look in the mirror if that's the position that you find yourself in I'm not saying you have to become a theonomist but these kinds of visceral reactions
I would suggest just really meditating and praying about that so no because there's a lot
I mean there's a lot my assumption wouldn't be my assumption wouldn't be well
Saudi Arabia does it then it's wrong my question I'm not making that assumption at all yeah yeah I would say no you are making that assumption this is what
I hate about Ruslan like he he doesn't he's he's he's just he's so he's like jello you can't pin him down I'm not making that assumption at all
I just think it's crazy it's like like you are making that assumption that it's if Saudi Arabia does it then that's something we don't want to do that is what you're saying and so you know
I think I think you get my point I would say that God's law is way more gracious than than Saudi Arabia first off because one you have to be it's a government no but look look even in God's law right you have to be caught in the act of adultery with two or three witnesses there has to be two or three eyewitnesses and they can't be making it up and if they are lying like you talk about the me too moment if the witnesses are lying then they get the penalty they would they were trying to throw on the the guy they accused sure right and then also to the actual victims have the option to not throw the first stone like that's a from the
Old Testament that Jesus was saying like so the the the victim can actually give mercy to the accused now like you know if I if the police come if I call 9 -1 -1 the police come and like there's a robber at my house or whatever and the police take them away even if I refuse to testify where I want to grant forgiveness to that individual
I'm not the government's still going to enforce wrath on them without any sort like my if I want to enact grace to them like I have no say in it in our government right but in in the
Old Testament law you do though you can you say in that and you're in this this once it goes to trial the the government assumes control even okay you can't drop charges after a certain point in the process yeah so you're saying yeah you can't drop charges at certain points in the process whereas whereas all the way up to the point where I pick up that stone
I have the option to drop that that process so I maybe one of my first times talking to a post millennial who believes all like this in this way so I think it is his first time because he's his mind is blown guys like take away nothing else from this video but just hear me now if you've stayed with me this long hear this
God's law is not barbaric it is it is mercy personified not personified it is merciful it is merciful because God is merciful and so of course his law will be merciful you see like we think you know cuz cuz like right now if you get caught stealing you go to prison right and we think that that's like so humane but but you know in the
Old Testament law you get caught stealing you got to pay it back that's way better I think we can all agree then people go well what happens if you can't pay it back well then you become a slave and people like well that's barbaric let's just send him into prison it's like no no that's actually much more humane and not only is it more humane but it brings harmony into the situation you work for me to pay off your debt and we become close because you know we're working together and stuff like that and you pay me back and then it's squash because I'm made whole and then some and there's a good chance that you you've learned the the value of a good day's work and that kind of stuff and like it's just there's so many examples of God's law being merciful by the way guys so many of us have bought the lie of the atheists that it's barbaric like and they misinterpret it to make it seem barbaric there's just one passage
I think I did a video about this back when I was leaving my church about one of the laws of God that puts a price on people it says the price of a man is this a price of a woman is less the price of an old person's less and and the atheists will go you see you see the
Bible thinks that women are valued less and I can't believe they put a price on people that's just barbarian and what it is is they get it exactly opposite because what it is is if you don't you know do your oath then you have to pay in order to get out of the oath and actually the lower price for women means they have to pay less it's actually advantaging women why would it advantage women well because in those cultures and in many cultures women don't work and so they don't have a lot of money and so why would
God charge a high exorbitant fee to get you out of your oath then if you don't make any money typically it's like so they get it exactly opposite I would suggest that if your reaction to the law of God is oh my goodness that's barbaric that's barbaric we don't want to go back there that was a hellhole
Israel was a hellhole that kind of thing my suggestion is that you've probably bought a lot of atheist propaganda about the law because the law of God is good like it's desirable it's holy and righteous and all of those good things but it's also desirable in contrast to our current law that's something that you should go away with the law of God is actually good so we don't have to just lie when we're singing the
Psalms and we're reading Psalm 119 Oh God how I love your law so many of us are lying we actually don't love
God's law there's a good reason why he wrote that because the law of God is actually is good it's a good thing guys look into it
I ask you know with as much humility as I can that if you look into God's law and you actually read books about God's law you will find that is not only is it holy and righteous and just and all of that kind of stuff but it's actually more desirable than our current law system