Thoughts on the Inauguration



Welcome back to Coffee with a Calvinist.
My name is Keith Foskey and I am a Calvinist.
Today is January 20th, and you know what that means.
Yes, indeed, it is Inauguration Day.
It's an amazing thought to consider that we are going from a Trump administration to a Biden administration, and I believe today's events are going to be very telling about what we have to look forward to over the next four years.
I was looking today at Christian News Network,, and it talks about what today's event is going to look like.
It says in the headline, it says Lady Gaga to perform National Anthem at Inauguration and transgenders to participate in prayer service.
I want to read a little bit from this article.
It goes on to say, Pop star Lady Gaga, known for her homosexual-affirming tune Born This Way, will be performing the National Anthem during Wednesday's Inauguration Ceremony with other performances by artists such as Jennifer Lopez and Garth Brooks.
And during the interfaith prayer service scheduled for Thursday, two transgender faith leaders are expected to participate along with several homosexual clergy members.
I'm reading directly from the article.
And it goes on to talk about this interfaith prayer service that's apparently scheduled for tomorrow, today's Wednesday, so I'm assuming this is talking about Thursday tomorrow, that they're going to be having this particular prayer service.
And you know, we've seen these for years, we've seen people who gather together with different faiths coming together to have a service, what some might call an ecumenical service, typically ecumenical would refer to those who at least claim to be Christian within the Christian community, ecumenism is bringing together different Christian denominations.
And interfaith I think more specifically would refer to all different faiths coming together, you know, you think about Muslims and Hindus and all kinds of others coming together, Buddhists and coming together and doing some kind of unified prayer service.
And a lot of people say, oh how great, oh how beautiful, isn't it great to see the world coming together and setting aside their differences and learning to pray together, isn't that wonderful? And the answer is no, it's not wonderful.
It is not good to stand next to someone who is praying to a false god and pretend that praying to the God of the Bible, the God who exists, the only God who is, it is not good to stand next to that person and assume that one, it is positive to affirm their fallacious prayers, or two, that it is doing anyone a service by pretending that Jehovah, the God of the Bible, Yahweh, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Trinitarian God of Scripture, the only God who exists, to pretend that he is in the same place as these other gods is an absolute travesty.
Because the Bible tells us that we are to have no other gods before the Lord, that this is the, this is part of the foundation of the commandments given to Israel at Sinai, it's part of the very foundation of our faith, is that there is one God and all the other gods do not exist.
It's not as if there's one God who's better than other gods, there's only one God who exists.
This is the most foundational principle of Christianity.
Yes, this one God exists in three persons, yes, these three persons are co-equal, co-eternal and distinct, yes, these three persons interact with one another and therefore these three persons all have personalities, why we call them persons, but all three of these persons share the one being, which is God, therefore there is only one God.
As the Shema of Israel says, Hero Israel, the Lord thy God, the Lord is one.
There is not multiple gods, there are not many gods, there is only one God and therefore to have an ecumenical prayer service to bring people together to pray to false gods in the middle of supposedly praying to the one true God of Scripture is both an insult and an affront to the God of Scripture and is a breaking of his command.
He says there was no God before me and there will be no God formed after me.
I am God and there is no other, I am God and there is none like unto me.
So interfaith prayer service, nah, not a good thing.
But moving on in the article, it makes a few comments, it quotes a few folks and I'm just going to read it.
It says, speaking of Lady Gaga, who again is one of the performers, it says, in 2019 Gaga, who was born Stephanie Germanotta, stated during a Las Vegas, a show in Las Vegas that she identifies as a Christian and that Vice President Mike Pence is the worst example of a Christian as his wife works for a church run school that has a lifestyle statement promoting, or excuse me, prohibiting homosexual behavior.
So Lady Gaga gets to claim to be a Christian while saying Mike Pence is not a Christian because his wife works for a school that says that homosexuality is wrong.
We are in clown world, okay? We have leveled up in clown world.
That's where we are.
We are in a place where to say that homosexuality is a sin means you're not a good Christian.
That is the opposite of the truth.
Homosexuality is a sin and to say that you affirm homosexuality is to essentially say that you affirm sin in the life of a believer.
Now it goes on, quote, to Mike Pence who thinks that it's acceptable that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ, you're wrong, Germanotta declared.
That's Lady Gaga.
You're the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian.
Really? Mike Pence is the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian? I will say this, in the last four years in the administration, I think Mike Pence has been one of the only examples of what it means to be a Christian.
Certainly Donald Trump was not one who claimed, I mean he claims to be a believer, but honestly I think there's a lot of questions about his faith, especially his choice in pastors.
He had a terrible person who he said was an example of a pastor to him.
That was Paula White.
She's an absolute false teacher and a danger within the church.
And so I think Mike Pence is the only example we've had really of a statesman who was likely to be truly a man of faith, and so Lady Gaga, he's the worst representation.
This is what we have to look forward to, folks.
The Bible tells us, woe unto them who call good evil and evil good.
And that's what we see.
That's what we're seeing.
And honestly, I can genuinely say that I believe today's inauguration is going to be an example of calling good evil and evil good.
We've already seen it.
We've already seen that there's going to be a massive shift in the principles of the White House when it comes to abortion.
We know that at least Trump has been, in many ways, getting judges who are pro-life, doing things that are pro-life, speaking at pro-life rallies.
All that's going away.
Now we have a president who is going to be unabashedly pro-abortion.
I don't use the phrase pro-choice because it's not about choice.
It's about one choice, and that's choosing to kill your baby.
That's what the pro-choice movement is about.
And he's going to be unabashedly pro-homosexual and pro-transgender.
According to many sources, he is looking to tap Richard Levine to be his first, or rather to be the assistant to the health secretary, or yeah, assistant secretary of health.
And you say, well why does that matter? Well Richard Levine now identifies himself as Rachel Levine, and he is, of course, a person who identifies as transgender, meaning that he is a man who walks around in women's clothing and pretends to be a woman, and refuses to accept that he's not a woman, and demands that other people accept his obvious mental issue, and accepts it, and promotes it.
And this is, again, this is what we have to look forward to.
This is what it says.
I want to read here, this is from, quote, Dr.
Rachel Levine, again this is Richard, not Rachel, but reading the text, says, Dr.
Rachel Levine will bring the steady leadership and essential expertise we need to get people through this epidemic, no matter their zip code, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
You know, it used to be just your, what we used to say, no matter your creed or your color, but now we've got to add all these other things, you know, it's gender identity, it's sexual orientation, we've got to add all these things, because we have normalized perversion.
And if I feel, if I sound like I'm being a little harsh today, maybe I am, because this is serious business.
We have normalized perversion, we have called evil good, and good evil.
And again, this is Biden speaking, he says, Dr.
Rachel Levine will bring steady leadership and essential experience or expertise we need to get people through this pandemic, no matter their zip code, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, and meet the public health needs of our country in this critical moment and beyond.
She is a historic and deeply qualified choice to help lead our administration's health efforts.
Ladies and gentlemen, I wouldn't let this man put a band-aid on me.
I would not let this man take my temperature, because he's out of his mind.
And we are living in clown world.
That's where we are.
We're in a situation where this is absolutely astounding.
And this is what we see.
And this is what we're going to continue to see.
Have we seen a lot of bad things in the last few years? Yes.
But unfortunately, it looks like things are going to continue to get worse.
So what do we do? What do we do? Christian, what do we do looking at this? Well, I think we can look at this and think maybe in the same way that in the ancient world the true believers looked at the worshipers of Moloch and the worshipers of Baal, you know, we can look at them and say that that is, that's an affront toward our God, that is false worship, and we're not going to support it.
We're not going to encourage it.
We're not going to say, oh, every faith is equal, because that's hogwash.
That's garbage.
That's baloney.
You know, my friend Tony Miano, on his page, he said this today.
He said, the inauguration will be a Moloch and Belial worship service.
America deserves whatever wrath the Lord determines to inflict upon it.
The thing is, I agree with Tony, but I'll add one extra statement.
This is the judgment.
The judgment of God is not brought on by these terrible acts of wickedness.
These terrible acts of wickedness are the judgment of God, and I know Tony knows that, because I've heard him preach on this and talk about this before, but it's what the Bible says in Romans 1, and God gave them up to a debased mind, and that's what we see.
God has given our people over to a debased mind, and only by his grace, only, only by his grace will we see repentance, and that's what we need to pray for.
The Bible says we need to pray for kings and for those in high positions and those who are in authority over us.
We need to pray for them, and so today I call you.
I do call you to pray for the new president and the new vice president, but here's my request.
Pray for their repentance, and pray for the repentance of those who are going to be proclaiming false gods at the inauguration of the president.
Pray for those who are going to go to this interfaith prayer service thinking they are doing God's work when they are actually not doing God's work, but they are actually in league with the devil, and they do not realize it.
They are satisfied, they are happy, they are taking great pride in their sin, and they are in a dangerous situation.
So that's my thoughts on today's inauguration.
Pray for them, pray for their repentance, and may God bless America with repentance.
Thank you for listening today to Coffee with a Calvinist.
My name is Keith Foskey, and I have been your Calvinist.
May God bless you.
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As you go about your day, remember this, Jesus Christ came to save sinners.
All who come to Him in repentance and faith will find Him to be a perfect Savior.
He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him.
May God be with you.