Amy Grant ENDORSES An LGBT Wedding!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about famous Christian recording artist Amy Grant. Indeed, Amy is one of the most popular
Christian singers in recent memory, and many people are swayed by her opinion. That is why it is worth investigating and comparing her views to Scripture.
Recently, it has been confirmed that Amy Grant will be hosting a gay wedding on her property.
And not only has she directly and personally affirmed the marriage, more than this, the wedding actually involves one of Amy's own relatives, her niece.
So our aim in this video is really simple. We want to look at what Grant has said defending this practice and compare it to Scripture.
Now just to clarify, in brief, the Bible makes it very clear that homosexual activity is sinful and against God's design.
This has been clear to virtually every Christian who has ever lived until about five minutes ago in history.
And while I say that rather tongue -in -cheek, admittedly, the historical record does demonstrate that it's essentially true.
The fact is, affirming homosexual behavior and so -called marriages has not been a practice of any body of Orthodox Biblical Christians ever, period.
And that has only been recently disputed in Christian history. Moreover, Romans 1 26 -27 shows us that homosexual relationships between either gender are unnatural, sinful, and clearly prohibited by God.
And of course, there are several other Scriptures that also point this out. So with all that said, here's the question.
Why exactly does Amy Grant think that it is biblically acceptable to host a gay wedding on her property and endorse it personally?
Well, let's take a look at the first reason that she herself gives. Rewinding the tape just a bit, let's revisit her interview with Hunter Kelly on Proud Radio in 2021.
You see, in that interview, she said this, quote, "...nothing about who we are or what we've done.
That's why to me it's so important to set a welcome table. Because I was invited to a table where someone said, don't be afraid, you're loved, gay straight, it doesn't matter."
End quote. The implication here is that if you disapprove of the homosexual lifestyle, you are somehow not having a metaphorically welcome table, and you are not being loving to others.
And this idea of love, as you might expect, it comes up over and over again with Grant on this topic.
But let's consider this comment. First, you can be perfectly welcoming and still disagree ethically with homosexual behavior.
There is nothing unwelcoming about that. Amy has unfortunately left God's Word as her standard here, and that leads to all sorts of confusion.
What exactly is the standard of being truly welcoming in a moral sense? For Christians, it's the
Bible. Romans 15, 7 says, quote, "...therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
End quote. So you see, we are commanded to be welcoming for God's ultimate glory and by the standard of God's ultimate
Word. We're not to make up our own definition of being welcoming against God's Word.
And these last two qualifications are essential. It does not glorify God when we ignore
His Word and make up our own definitions in the pursuit of being friends with the secular culture and their woke sensibilities.
James 4, 4 puts it this way, quote, "...therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
End quote. So in summary, absolutely nowhere in Scripture does God command me or anyone else to affirm homosexuality in order to be welcoming.
That standard does not come from God's Word. Rather, it is a personal opinion of Amy Grant, unsupported by Scripture.
It is rooted in the secular humanist worldview, not in the biblical one. And that needs to be recognized if we're going to come to proper conclusions about this here.
But in the same interview, Amy goes on, she continues, saying, quote, "...we're like, I'm going to arrange the flowers on your table and my table.
When we're loved, we're brave enough to say yes to every good impulse that comes to us."
End quote. Now, I'm not going to lie, I'm having a very hard time understanding the whole metaphorical flowers -on -the -table thing and table -welcoming situation.
But regardless, there are several other ideas that are worth looking at. Specifically, Amy says that we should be, quote, "...brave
enough to say yes to every good impulse that comes to us, and that we're able to do this when we're, quote, loved."
Pause there, because we've got to ask an important question that is very relevant to this topic. How do you know what is a good impulse as opposed to a bad impulse?
What if your mental or physical impulses are unnatural or sinful? How do we know what impulse is good?
For example, when you're angry on the road and driving and you have the impulse to hit someone with your car, is that a good impulse or a bad one?
Should you follow it or should you not? The answer to all of these questions is that you of course need an objective moral standard to discern between your impulses.
Psalm 119 verse 11 says, quote, "...I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You."
End quote. So the ethical standard here at heart is God's Word, the Bible. It's what we professing
Christians are supposed to believe in. But again, Amy Grant has, for one reason or another, left the
Bible as her standard and has instead chosen the world standard of humanism, secularism, and progressive leftism.
And as a result, as you can see here, Amy is affirming worldly impulses as if they're good, because the secular culture says that they're good.
Make no mistake, this is a worldview that you're seeing in action, it's just not the Christian one. And that makes all the difference.
But recently, Amy was questioned in an interview with People magazine with regard to this same -sex wedding occurring on her property.
And the article on that interview starts out saying this, quote, The Grammy Award winner Amy Grant, 62, is opening up about her decision to host her niece's same -sex wedding and how she's been navigating the varying feedback that's come as a result, end quote.
As you might expect, the varying feedback that the article is alluding to here refers primarily to the backlash she has received from Christians who find this whole thing to be unbiblical and unsettling.
And of course, in response to this backlash, here's what Amy said, quote, I never chase any of those rabbits down the rabbit hole.
I love my family. I love those brides. They're wonderful, and you should be able to be who you are with your family and be loved by them, end quote.
First off, something needs to be understood. Biblically speaking, and speaking simply in reality, the two women in question that Amy is talking about here are not brides.
Nor can we call them that. In order to be a bride, you have to actually be married to someone. And in order to be married, you have to be a man and a woman.
Calling two women marrying each other brides is like calling your spare tire a Lamborghini.
It simply doesn't make any sense. Genesis 2 .24 says this, quote, Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh, end quote.
You see, marriage is by definition not something that can be done by two women. Therefore, calling these women brides is not accurate either logically or biblically.
But moving forward, remember what Amy said after that, quote, You should be able to be who you are with your family.
The translation of this is as follows. If you suggest that you disagree with homosexuality, you're not allowing your gay family members to quote, be who they truly are.
This too is a serious categorical error, and a complete misstep, biblically speaking.
According to Amy, those two people who want to get married are both truly women. Both are biological females, complete with XX chromosomes.
But again, if that is true, then they cannot be truly married or brides, since a marriage requires both a husband, male, and a wife, female.
And now we are faced with a dilemma, then. According to Amy, they are both truly women, and they are both truly getting married.
But only one of these can be true. Let me explain a little more of what I mean. If these two women are who they truly are in gender, in that they're both female, then they cannot actually be who they truly are in marriage.
And vice versa. This, my friends, is the utter absurdity of the progressive so -called
Christian worldview. You see, Amy Grant tells us that she has gone to tremendous lengths to help these family members be who they truly are.
And yet, in the process, she has made it so that neither of these women can actually be who they truly are.
The irony here is palpable, and we are witnessing the utter absurdity of life without God's Word.
And then, predictably, Amy sticks with the tried -and -true argument of, I'm affirming homosexual behavior because I believe that Christians are called to be loving.
This is the bread and butter of the progressive Christian worldview, and it's fundamentally unbiblical to its very core.
Let's read what Amy actually said, quote, Honestly, from a faith perspective, I do always say,
Jesus, you just narrowed it down to two things, love God and love each other. I mean, hey, that's pretty simple.
End quote. But here's the thing, here's my response. There's a difference between something being simple and something being overly simplistic.
Unfortunately, Grant's perspective here is definitely the latter and not the former. It's very overly simplistic.
As we have mentioned many times on this channel, yes indeed, Jesus told us in Matthew 22 that the greatest commandments are to love
God and then to love others. That needs to be acknowledged. And yet, the problem is that Amy's affirmation of the
LGBT lifestyle is quite literally breaking both of those commandments. First, it is not loving to God to affirm sin that He prohibits in His Word.
And second, it is not loving to others to encourage them in their sin against God. So the irony here is that when progressive
Christians like Amy Grant bring up the first and second greatest commandments, they're actually bringing up the two commandments that refute their worldview entirely.
But of course, a misunderstanding of Scripture is fundamental to the progressive Christian worldview.
It's the source of everything they believe. So the solution then is to honor and uphold the Bible as our standard of truth, righteousness, and yes, even love.
Without God's Word, there is no standard for these things, and we need one desperately. This conversation proves that.
And finally, please do not believe the things that Amy Grant says on this topic. They're flat out wrong.
As we have demonstrated, her worldview is dangerously unbiblical, and the fact that she has such a large evangelical following makes this even more concerning.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
Please pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in this video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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