FBC Sunday Evening Service


Evening Fellowship Service


Thank you for that mrs. Willow quit So, I hope you all mmm, we're gonna start just a few minutes early here but hope you all had a good afternoon so far and lunch dinner, whatever and back again for round two, okay and Looking forward to that time together
Do want to start off with Number 71 in your hymnals number 71
It's good to have back with us again Scott and Victoria will acquit and Looking forward to what you have for us this afternoon brother number 71.
Let's all stand together Please is begin the service with come thou almighty king and we sing all four verses together and stand
King Help us thy name to sing
Help us to pray father all glorious or all
Victorious come and reign over us ancient of days
Come thou incarnate Word good on thy mighty sword our prayer attend
Come and I people bless and give the word success spirit
Holiness honest decent Come Holy Comforter Thy sacred witness bear in this glad hour
Thou who? Almighty art now Every heart and there from us depart spirit
If you just came in it's number 70 page number 71 or two hymnals on the last verse together
To the great one in three my highest praises be and said
Thy sovereign majesty May we in glory see and to eternity
Eternity Brother Eric, would you mind leading us in a word of prayer, please?
Man, you may be seated Psalms 93 in your text, but I'll have pastor with a quick comment.
Do you want me to read that brother or oh? You will okay. Well, then never mind. We'll save that for a little bit later
But in your Psalter, that is your red books on page number 200 It's worship the
King Excuse me worship the Lord the King and number 200.
We'll sing all the verses together Yeah, it is yeah, it's
Yeah, these these psalms are are geared towards oftentimes geared towards songs that we already know.
Yeah in the hymns. Yeah Yeah, you should you should know this so let's sing it out here
Worship the Lord the King Over everything
Worship the King girded in majesty strength and nobility vested with Dignity worship the
King Wonders on earth unknown form your eternal throne
You are our King Torrent and rivers flow rising to overthrow
Rising from long ago you Lord our
King Thundering mighty sea
Pounding in majesty River and spring
You keep them all away Binding them every day higher in Every way nor you are
King You Lord our King for sure
Right So we will say
Lenas and listen Holiness ceaseless we confess you
Lord our King Okay time for testimonies if you have
Something you'd like to share a word of word from the word or what's been a blessing to you this week or any praise
Daniel and That's that's your aunt who is yeah
All right any testimonies word of praise To lift up before the
Lord. I have one I've been waiting to give this testimony, but I Just want to thank the
Lord publicly for his goodness to us And as of as a family speaking for my wife as well and how
God provides in in ways We never expect
From his very hand, but everything is from his his hand He gives us everything that that we have everything is from him, but sometimes he uses individuals as well
So I want to thank the Lord for his goodness to us and providing for our needs
Oftentimes when we least expect it So praise the Lord any others any other?
Let's give someone else a chance Daniel. I'll get you in All right, any anybody else?
Priscilla That's wonderful That's a wonderful tit, thank you
Priscilla Yeah It's great Daniel again
Okay Your mother Well remember to pray for her and your aunt also.
Okay, any other requests or excuse me any other? Yeah, any
Testimonies, okay going once Going twice. Okay. All right
Number 65 in your hymnals. Yeah your brown books 65
Mm -hmm Appreciate Victoria been the piano and that will you do that?
Number 65 and before the message, let's all stand once again, please and sing all four verses together.
Oh worship the King Let's worship him together Oh Glorious above and gratefully sing
His wonderful love our shield and defender the ancient of days
Pavilion and splendor and girded with praise
Hotel of his mind Oh sing of his grace
Whose robe is the light? Whose Canopy space his chariots of wrath deep thunderclouds warm and dark is his path on the wings of the storm
Thy bountiful care What tongue can recite it brings in the air?
It shines in the light it streams from the hills
Descends to the plane and sweetly distills in the doing frail children of dust and feeble as frail
In thee do we trust Nor find thee to fail
Thy mercy's how tender How firm to the end our maker
Defender They may be seated
Pastor would you come Scott will equip? Do you want to keep keep him in prayer him and his wife?
They've? What what he does is he teaches? Those that teach others he teaches pastors and in some of these countries these third world countries
Miramar Chad and so forth They need teaching and he's willing to do that to instruct them to They can you can only teach them a solid foundation and to build them up many of these individuals
These pastors have taken that on Don't have that education don't have the real
Foundation and and he's willing to do that. And so we appreciate that him. He's willing us to go where God calls him brother
Thank you, Jim. We are thrilled to be able to do that It's interesting when you go to these places third world countries
They have nothing They have the Lord and they in many cases have more than we have
Because the relationship with the Lord is so strong because that's what they have We have everything right
Cars houses Closet full of clothing refrigerator pantry full of food. We have everything And so we tend to become blinded by everything
So it is a joy to be with you. It's a joy when I'm able to go to them and train them and I tell you we have academics to give to them and We have academics and they have passion for the
Lord and when I go we share academics and I'll tell you what
I get back from them is passion and It's a nice and I come back usually Energized It is a joy to be able to serve men like that who are faithful Who have nothing but have everything because they have the
Lord So I we thank you again for supporting us. We realize what we do is weird because we're a little weird
We just we fit in really well What we do is not the norm for missionaries people always ask us.
Where do you go? Well, you got a half hour I'll tell you where we go takes a little while such as one spot But it's a very needful ministry
And in fact as we move forward I'm convinced it's more necessary than ever because more and more Countries are closing and so the best thing we can do as Americans we can get in on a tourist visa for three weeks or so A month the best thing we can do is train train train train them
Because our resident missionaries in many cases are not going to be allowed to go back any longer
So this is the best thing to do is train them So I'm more convinced that what pep does is a an absolutely essential ministry.
We appreciate your faithful Support of us. We'll turn to Psalm 93. I'll read
Psalm 93 and then we'll read another Psalm And then go back to Psalm 93.
This is a great Psalm We're just basically saying it a few moments ago in the
Psalter, which was very nice I Thought tonight we would just talk about God You know
If our view of God is what it should be so many other things just fall into place and I find it's valuable sometimes just just to remind ourselves who
God is and So I will tell you nothing tonight that you don't already know I can pretty much guarantee that But I think
I'll be remind what this song will remind us of some things. We need to remember so Psalm 93
The Lord reigns He is robed in majesty The Lord is robed
He has put on strength as his belt Yes, the world is established. It shall never be moved.
Your throne is established from of old You are from everlasting The floods have lifted up the
Lord the floods have lifted up their voice the floods lift up their roaring Mightier than the thunders of many waters mightier than the waves of the sea the
Lord on high is mighty Your deeds are very trustworthy Holiness befits your house.
Oh Lord forevermore turn for a minute to Psalm 135
We'll come back to Psalm 93, but Psalm 135 Psalm 120 to 136
They form a collection of Psalms called the Hallel Psalms the Hebrew word Hallel means to praise
You use that word Hallel Yahweh Hallelujah Hallel is praise
Yahweh is the Lord You say hallelujah. It's praise the Lord All right
So Hallel Psalms are Psalms that worship and give thanks to and praise
God and there are a number of them They have two characteristics you find a
Hallel Psalm and you'll know it because within that Psalm you'll find a description of God his greatness the wonder of him his mercy his majesty just a description of God and then you have
Normally Commanded the correct response to that praise Thanksgiving.
So you're in Psalm 135 This is a Hallel song notice He gives the response first and then he gives the reason for the response afterward.
So Psalm 135 one through six Praise it. So here's the response. This is the proper response to who
God is praise the Lord Praise the name of the Lord Give praise
Oh servants of the Lord who stand in the house of the Lord in the courts of the house of our
God Praise the Lord now. Is there any hint here as to what this song was about four times his command?
He got God's people to praise God and now beginning in verse 3 He starts giving us the reasons why praise the
Lord for because Because the Lord is good Sing to his name because for it is pleasant for the
Lord has chosen Jacob For himself Israel has his own possession for I know so praise
God for because I know That the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods
Whatever the Lord pleases he does in heaven and on earth in the seas and all the depths so a
Hallel psalm calls God's people to praise and worship and Provides these kinds of reasons because God's great and wonderful and sovereign because he chose
Israel because he chose you to be his child These kinds of things because of those things lift up your voice in praise to God Psalm 93 is not a
Hallel psalm So you say cool. Why did you explain all this stuff about Hallel psalms then if Psalm 93 isn't one of those?
Psalm 93 is kind of half of a Hallel psalm What it does it simply talks about God it doesn't command the response
Afterward if God is this God is this God is this and you would expect a Hallel psalm Therefore praise praise lift up your voice sing.
There's no therefore. It's simply God is God is God is So it's like one half of a
Hallel psalm the bottom line is we don't know why it was written Hallel psalms We know why they're written
Here's who God is Here's how we are to respond Okay this psalm simply talks about God and It doesn't really give us a hint as to why it was written.
This almost just doesn't tell us There's maybe it was designed to educate
God's people Regarding his greatness and the glories of his reign. Maybe it was designed to aid
God's people in celebration and worship Maybe it was designed to encourage God's people during times of suffering when you're suffering remember the truth of Psalm 93
We're not told why it was written Which really is wonderful That means we can apply it however we want
It means that it applies to a thousand different situations in our lives remember God Whatever you're going through remember
God so regardless of the situation you're in remember God Remember the truth found in this psalm.
Remember the the amazing wonderful humbling edifying and comforting truths of this psalm
Spurgeon said of this psalm the whole psalm is Calculated to do a number of things to comfort the distressed to confirm the timid and to assist the devout
So everyone's in there Yes, this psalm applies to Comforts the distressed it applies to those who are struggling to confirm the timid to strengthen those who are shy who are weak in their faith and To assist those who are devout those who are strong in their faith to give them even more strength to encourage them and edify them
Even more he goes on to say O thou who art so great and gracious a king reign over us forever
We do not desire to question or restrain thy power Such is thy character that we rejoice to see thee exercise the rights of an absolute monarch
All power is in thine hands. We rejoice to have it. So you are king and we're glad you are
So we don't know how this psalm was initially intended to what it was what needs was designed to meet
So whatever your life situation this song will be helpful Because it reminds us who
God is and no matter what your situation that's a good thing to remember who God is
So the point of the psalm really is remember and relish the majestic sovereignty of God Remember and relish the majestic sovereignty of God.
Let's let's pray. We'll look at this song tonight this afternoon. Thank you father for the good fellowship
Over lunch the the worship service in which we were allowed by you to lift up our voices to you and praise to pray to you to talk to you
To bring our petitions before you to hear you speak through your word We pray now for this time.
Thank you again for the opportunity to sing praises to your name. We love you and Something about singing something about music
You love your people to sing your praises and it helps us to do so and educates us
It encourages us. It allows us to minister to one another Allows our hearts to speak of you and to express our wonder and our love for you
We pray for this time now as we look at this little song use it to minister to our hearts father it it is simply a focus on who you are and Is wonderfully so wonderfully focus on who you are remind us and encourage us through what we pray in Jesus name
Amen Psalm 93 Remember and relish the majestic sovereignty of God.
First of all, the majestic one reigns over everything God reigns over everything look at look at verse 1 the
Lord reigns He has robed in majesty the Lord is robed he has put on strength as his belt just notice the first phrase the
Lord reigns He just starts off by stating it really this is the theme of the psalm.
He rules he reigns He is the majestic sovereign over all things. There's not one molecule over which he does not reign
There's not one speck of dust floating in the air he does not sovereignly control every one of its movements and every time it stops on something and every time you you
Dust the furniture and you push the pieces of dust off every time there's any movement of any dust got control sovereignly all of it
He reigns in fact Derek Kidner a Hebrew scholar says this. Well, he speaks of this and says this is actually almost like it needs a exclamation point
There's a proclamation ring to these first few words the Lord reigns He is
King Now this may be by the way
Somewhat of a reference to other ain't so -called gods of the ancient Near East Baal for instance
Was said to have acquired kingship by Vanquishing yam the god of the sea and after Baal vanquished yam
He he was raised up to a throne and maybe this is simply the psalmist way of saying That's not the case with God.
He didn't have to defeat anyone to rule and reign. He's always reigned He rules he reigns and he always has one author says
Whatever opposition may arise his throne is unmoved. He has reigned He does reign and he will reign forever and ever whatever turmoil and rebellion there may be
Beneath the clouds the eternal King sits above all of it in supreme serenity and everywhere
He is really and actually Master let his foes rage as they may all things are ordered according to his eternal purposes and his will is done
The bottom line is God didn't not reign one day and then whoop another deity and start raining the next day
That's not the idea, which is the case in the stories of the other so -called gods of the ancient Near East God is no upstart monarchy.
He's no temporary short -term King. He has reigned He does reign he always will reign
Exclamation point at the end of that phrase. He reigns in majesty. I Want you to notice the repetition here
Lord reigns he is robed in majesty note that the Lord is robed. I want you to note throughout this psalm the psalmist loves repetition for the sake of emphasis
So verses 1 & 2 End of verse 1 the world is established verse 2 your throne is established look at verse 3
The floods have lifted up the floods have lifted up their voice the floods lift up their roaring
This is all for for for a crescendo for effect. He loves repetition Look at verse 4 the word mighty mightier than the thunders of many waters
Mightier than the waves of the sea the Lord on high he is the mighty one He is mighty so he loves repetition for emphasis now look at verse 1 and you'll see that occurring again the
Lord reigns Exclamation point he is robed in majesty. He is
Robed that's actually how it should be worded. We kind of miss it a little bit in our reading. The Lord is robed in Majesty, he's covered in it.
He's clothed in it. He is clothed in it Very strong Now what does he mean by majesty here that's a difficult term to define
Has to do with dignity authority sovereignty power stateliness grandeur the ancient
Kings the ancient New Eastern Kings war and wore Clothing and had perfumed themselves in such a way that they came across Majestic they came across Regal they would wear the clothing of regality the clothing of majesty the clothing of of Authority and sovereignty they wore perfume when when they walked in the room.
You knew a king was in the room That's not at all what's going on here notice
God is not clothed or robed in in majestic things in majestic clothing
He is robed in majesty itself He is robed in majesty not not the accoutrements of power and sovereignty and and majesty, but he is robed in majesty in in in in regality and in Magnificence and nobility he is august he is imperial he is sovereign
It's just a wonderful picture All the other kings we can think of have the look of a king the crown on the head and the beautiful robes
Is set on the throne God God is robed in dignity
Majesty and power Sovereignty he is imperial and all that he is and all that he does
Such a difference this is wonderful and beautiful looking This is glorious and magnificent In David's vision and sorry
Daniel's vision in Daniel chapter 7 he describes his vision of God in the throne and he says this as I looked thrones were placed and The ancient of days took his seat
God took his seat His clothing was white as snow and his hair the hair of his head was pure pure wool
His throne his throne was fiery flames its wheels were burning fire a stream of fire issued and came out from before him a thousand thousands served him and 10 ,000 times 10 ,000 stood before him the court sat in judgment and the books were open
He sat on a throne of fiery flames You See these kinds of descriptions.
It just communicates a wonder and majesty of God. He he he reigns in splendor as to his nature
He is majestic Secondly, he reigns in unfathomable strength.
The Lord is robed the Lord reigns. The Lord is robed in majesty. The Lord is robed
He has put on strength as his belt Now when he says this put on strength as his belt the
Hebrew phrase literally reads the Lord is girded with strength You know what girding of the loins is?
You're wearing long robes as they did in that day And when you need to to work hard you need to run you need to be involved in battle
You would reach down you pick up your robe You'd pull it up and tuck it into your your belt so that you had basically a pair of shorts on Which you wouldn't want to see it
Don't have the knees for it But if I had shorts on it could really move more quickly and do more things very easily.
Well, that's the idea here God has girded up his loins with strength
Meaning this God who is majestic is ready for action. He is powerful
He's girded his loins with might and muscle When author says as men gird up their loins for running or working
So the Lord appears in the eyes of his people to be preparing for action. He girds with omnipotence
Strength always dwells in this. This is helpful to me strength always dwells in the
Lord Jehovah, but he hides his full power often until in answer to his children's cries
He puts on strength and assumes the throne and defends his own God doesn't always show his strength his power his might when his children are in need then he does books we we see and hear politicians and Leaders and there's often a show of strength
There really isn't much Fact there really isn't any
The only strength that human earthly politician has is what God grants, right? But with God He doesn't simply show off strength
He actually has strength He girds his loins with muscle There's an immeasurable
Unfathomable muscle behind God's kingly rule. This is really a way of saying a speaking of God's omnipotence
He has put on this on strength as his belt is a way of saying God is all -powerful So if you want to categorize it, this is
God's omnipotence right here He has all strength and all muscle The majestic one reigns he reigns the majestic one reigns over the earth
Look at verse 1 the very end Yes, the Lord is established. It shall never be moved.
Your throne is established from of old You are from everlasting we see here that God created and sustains according to his plan
Yes, the Lord has us the world is established God's established the world by saying world
I think he's speaking of the globe and those who live upon it and really reference to all of creation
The creation is established. It shall never be moved. So God has created it and he
Continues it he sustains it. He maintains it. It doesn't move in any way
Contrary to how he would move it he controls it all we see
Terminology used in other places of Scripture other parts of Scripture 2nd 1st Chronicles 29 verses 11 and 12
Yours Oh Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heavens
And in the earth all that is in the heavens and in the earth are yours Yours is the kingdom.
Oh Lord, and you are exalted as head above all you rule over all
Job 42 142 verse 2 I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted
No one can stop your hand God Isaiah 14 27 for the Lord Almighty has purposed and who can thwart him?
His hand is stretched out and who can turn it back The point is the Lord controls his creation every part of his creation
And if you keep reading verse 2, it's clear that he began ruling and reigning the moment.
He created it Verse 2 your throne is established from of old you are from everlasting
God did not just recently begin to rule over the earth. He's not a novice ruler There was never a time when he did not absolutely rule with perfect wisdom
He's always ruled. So your throne was established of old you are from everlasting
Other words you rule and reign you've always ruled and reigned your kingdom is an eternal kingdom
God has always ruled and the earth came God has always ruled and the earth came into existence under his rule
So it was the eternal the eternal Godhead the train Godhead father -son spirit the eternity past That's all there was
It's perfect wonderful love and fellowship By the way, don't ever think in terms of God created us because he needed fellowship
I've heard that and it makes me wince. I mean to offend you if you think that way God doesn't need anything folks
If we think God created us because he needed fellowship what a poor bargain he got
Right now you had three Eternal beings father -son spirit in eternal perfect beautiful wonderful Inexplicable fellowship throughout all of eternity past it wasn't that he needed us.
He was lonely I've heard that God's God was lonely. He created us And then that's right, that's not the case he was not lonely their fellowshipping eternity past and then there came a time when in his sovereign plan he created all things and All of this and all of us were created under his reign
It wasn't like it was created and later on he began to reign it was created under his rule
When Arthur says thine is no upstart sovereignty In the most ancient times thy dominion was secure.
Yay before time was thy throne was set up yet Let the believer rejoice at the government under which he dwells
This is interesting for us right now with a government that maybe we're not always in agreement with Who's in control of the governments of the world
Romans 13 God and There's some purpose to all that.
He's doing in Myanmar where people are fleeing for their lives In other places around the world where believers are fleeing for their lives and in our country was just trained changing dramatically before our eyes
There is some plan some perfect plan and God will accomplish what best brings him glory
Even if we don't see how it's all gonna fit It will fit Let the believer the author says rejoice that the government
Under which he dwells has an immoral immortal ruler at its head
Has existed from all eternity and will flourish when all created things shall have forever passed away
Be thankful that God rules verses one and two highlights God's attributes really of immutability and Eternality now we just said that The end of verse 1 and verse 2 that they actually stress the omnipotence of God, right verse the end of verse 1 the omnipotence of God is stressed put on strength as a belt now verses 1 & 2 really stress the
Immutability and eternality of God as well when I say God is immutable. This is what I mean
God is unchanging He's unchangeable in his being in his purposes and he is incapable of growth or decay in any respect
God never changes He never grows smarter or dumber he never evolves or devolves in any way he never grows stronger or weaker
His purposes never change. He never changes his mind or his plans Now there are movements within evangelicals never deny that No, God learns
He learns from us God has plan a plan B plan C.
He's not omnipotent. He's omni competent Meaning he can cope with all that's going on.
So he's got plan a it doesn't quite work He shifts to plan B because he's a really resourceful and creative God.
That's what they teach That's not what the Bible teaches God doesn't change.
He has a perfect plan. He doesn't learn from us. Can you imagine God learning from us?
Again a really poor bargain. He doesn't listen to our prayers and go.
Oh, that's a good idea. I wish I would have thought of that That doesn't happen
He's unchanging when we speak of God's eternality We simply mean that his existence cannot be measured by time he exists endlessly
He surpasses all time limitations and is without beginning or end.
So now look at verses 1 & 2 Because I'm gonna pull us together by stating that God established the world which he will not allow to be moved and By stating that his throne is established from of old and that God himself is from everlasting by saying those things
He is actually providing assurance as to the permanence of God's reign In other words
God does not and will not change Therefore he will never leave his throne
God's not going to change. He's not going to get tired of ruling and leave the throne The one who has always been king will always be king
He's always existed and therefore he will always exist as king he is timeless and so his
Dominion is eternal and perfect all this is saying communicating clue that God is ruling and reigning and he always will
The majestic one rules over the terrifying forces of nature look at verses 3 & 4 The floods have lifted up the
Lord the floods have lifted up their voice the floods lift up their roaring Mightier than the thunders of many waters mightier than the waters of the sea the
Lord on high is mighty now by the way in these References to the waters and the oceans and so forth the seas some scholars are would tell you that He's not talking about literal water literal sea he's talking about the oceans of unbelievers who hate
God and There are times by the way, then when the Bible speaks like that using the word like For instance
Isaiah 17 verse 12. Oh the raging of many nations. They rage like the raging sea
They roar like the roaring of great waters Jeremiah 6 23
Speaking of the unsaved they are cruel. They show no mercy. They aren't they're armed with bows and spears They sound like the roaring sea as they ride on their horses now.
What's the problem? with Looking at the psalmist's words here and saying this is not speaking of literal waters
It's speaking of unsaved people who hate God The problem is in those other passages the word like was there we don't have that here
He's not now by the way it Is true that the Lord is mightier than the oceans of people in the world who hate him
That's certainly true, but that's not his point here He is simply saying here
God is mightier than the mightiest Elements and they created order the seas are grand and powerful verse 3.
The seas are grand and powerful to the eye The floods have lifted up we see them
The seas are grand and powerful to the ear the floods have lifted up their voice
They're loud and terrifying the floods of the seas are grand and powerful in their destructive force
Look at the end of verse 3 the floods lift up their roaring. You see the word roaring the
Hebrew term Actually speaks of pounding and crushing and the roaring that comes from pounding and crushing
So he's actually saying the floods lift up their crushing power. They lift up their pounding
So here's God and the forces of nature and Are the forces of nature anything in comparison to God?
Oh, well, let's just keep reading verse 4 mightier than the thunders the sound of many waters mightier than the waves of the sea
The Lord on high is mighty again. No, it's this crescendo here. Just note it Mightier than the thunders of many waters a little louder mightier than the waves of the sea louder
The Lord on high is mighty That's the idea as strong and powerful and as terrifying as the waters are and by the way in the ancient
Near East The seas and oceans were terrifying the power of the oceans the power of the churning seas
That was terrifying. I I read and listen to history sometimes and just the founding of our nation and Benjamin Franklin crossing over to the other side to England and spending a three or four weeks on the ocean and the churning of the waters and how
He's lucky he survived and those kinds of stories that I that I read of and and and hear
How terrifying the waters were to these little bitty boats that are like corks on the waters
That's the idea. They're terrifying. But notice are they terrifying to God? No, he doesn't wince before them
Because he reigned supreme over them notice the Lord on high is mighty. The point is
God is above them He is on high they're churning. They're terrifying. They're scary
They're loud, but God is on high on his throne over them sovereignly ruling over them
Nothing in the created order scares him Or causes him to wince or be concerned books, remember that Our God's mightier than everything speaking of God's creation of The waters on the earth
God says this in Job 38 So does God control the waters? Here's what
God says in Job 38 verses 8 through 11 Or who shut in the sea with doors?
When it burst out from the womb. It's who Controlled where it would go where the seas would go when
I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band and prescribed limits for it and Set bars and doors and said thus talking to the seas now
Thus far shall you come and no farther and here shall your proud waves be stay
Who controls the most some of the most all the powerful aspects of our creation
God does He's raining on high over all of it Now lastly verse 5
Verse 5 is the oh great. Thank you. Wonderful verse
Because verses 1 through 4 Communicate the the greatness of God. He is the eternal creator forever enthroned
No one stands toe -to -toe with him. No one can stop him No one can depose him the strongest forces of nature are no match for him.
Now that God if He is an evil God What are we going to do now?
verses 1 through 4 this great sovereign majestic regal absolutely reigning over all things and no
No powers can go toe -to -toe with him if this God is evil
We're in really big trouble So now verse 5
Your decrees are very trustworthy Holiness befits your house.
Oh Lord forever Thankfully the one who rules in splendor and majesty
The one who executes his plan with irresistible and unrelenting muscle is
Holy and righteous in all of his dealings. He is first of all faithful and truthful
That's what he means when he says Your decrees are very trustworthy God will never lie ever
Now by the way, the Bible contains lies the Bible contains lies Now the
Garden of Eden Satan the Bible contains lies it records lies as lies
To truthfully record what happened, but God never lies and the
Bible and what it communicates to us never lies You have absolute truth in your lap right now
God's always reliable. Secondly. God is holy holiness befits his house forever
He always does right He will never do you wrong You know, he will always always do right and always
Desire his children to do right so folks this psalm
Describes God now one of the responses should be if it was a halal psalm if this was a halal psalm
What would be the response? Described what would be the command for God's people if this was a halal psalm?
praise Let's look at this psalm. Let's think about who
God is when a majestically reigns over everything when it rules over the earth He rules over the terrifying forces of nature.
He rules in integrity now. Let's respond with praise and thanksgiving and worship
But we're not told why this psalm was written so that might be one reason he was written to cause us to praise But it may be maybe it was written because God's people
Who are discouraged need to remember who God is and the fact that he sovereignly controls everything and That he is holy and just Maybe this is psalm was simply written to educate young believers
Maybe we haven't all thought about God in these terms Maybe we don't think about God at all
I'm going through a Bible study with two young Well, one guy is a young Christian very young two guys are very young Christians There's three in the group one guy is probably not even a
Christian And we're going through a book on the attributes of God There's the first study we've done with I've done with them.
And the reason is let's learn who God is Let's talk about who God is because you don't realize who you are
Really until you think in terms biblically of who God is the creator theologians call it the creator creature distinction
There's a huge distinction folks between us and God. You know that and Christianity today is trying to Make that gap not so God's not so much and we are so much
That's not really how it is. And so we need to understand who God is and Psalm 93 is a good place to start
Thank you father for this psalm use it to meet our needs tonight this afternoon use it to strengthen
The timid those are weak in their faith use it to comfort those who are suffering
Use it to challenge and bless those who are mature in you continue to move them forward in their walk
Meet our needs father by simply our understanding our better understanding of who you are and how wonderful you are
We trust you. We love you. We rest in you We are so grateful that you the mighty
God the sovereign one that you never lied to us and That you and all your dealings are infinitely holy
Separate from sin We pray that you'd help us to Leave here with a little bit of a better glimpse of who you are and it caused that glimpse to affect us and how we
Live our lives. We pray in Jesus name. Amen Thank You pastor will quit after that message we know
God is worthy to be praised Well take yours hymnals. It's number 55 number 55 and your hymnals
Sing praise to God So let's stand And we'll just sing
One and four just one and four of number 55, let's stand together
Sing praise to God who reigns above The God of all creation
The God of power The God of salvation
With every soul he fills
And every faith that ever stills To God all praise and glory
Thus all my toils some way along I sing aloud his praises
Let all may hear the grateful song My voice unwary raises
Be joyful in the Lord my heart
Move his soul and body Bear your part to God all praise and glory
Our father we are truly grateful and thankful for who you are
Lord and made again evident and reminder of That you are one that we can trust the only one we can trust are in control
Sovereign and worthy of our praise help us so Lord this week I pray and we thank you for the williquets and pray
Lord that you your will be done but we know you're in control of these
Things and the doors we just pray that you might Open whether it be
Miramar or India Possibly or and Chad coming up that they
As ready to go sometimes father you're Want us to wait on you and you know whatever would be
We pray that you would bless their their service and you And desire to serve wherever you'd have them we thank you for them
You coming here and being a blessing to us And father we just ask now that you would dismiss us with your blessing in Jesus name we pray